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Death and Dying

February 5, 2008

The Nature of Death 15- 23.

The Death of Ivan village

February 7, 2008
Death is when all physical body functions cease to function regardless of the possibility
of resuscitation.

1. And older definition of death is the Heart and Lung distinction. When the heart
and lungs stop functioning. The challenge was posed by transplants.
2. The whole brain criteria.
If someone is not conscious, the higher brain where someone is alive, but not
aware of things. Then you have the stem and cortex which has consciousness.
However, both of these need to cease to function for death to be even considered.
3. The debate of death is a value judgment.
4. What does it mean

February 14, 2008

32-48. Write a 500 word essay on the whole brain and heart lung function.

- Outside of body (deteriorating).

- Bring back the brain.
- Man-made orangs
- DNA/Coning
- Self-realization
- Every Cellsdead!
Page 25.
Ligeirng questions about brain death.Definition and permission. They have these
different views of death.
State of New Jersey has said that a person can have their own definition of death.
- Process of dying versus dying.
Page 28
Strong religious, even with the same religion, people debated about the value of Terry’s
life. She was a person, even though she was a vegetative one. Her life had sanctity.

Pittsburg claims that a person can be dead in one definition, but alive in another.

Legal definitions of death.Legal directions to declare death by the physician.

In Japan, the brain criteria for death is not recognizes. So, when two Japanese students
died in California which does recognize it there was a conflict.
Some culturals see death a spiritual journey.

February 28, 2008

Existence Precedes essence

Authenticity A way of understanding the essential nature of the human being by seeing
it as a totality.
Bad faith In the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, essential self-deception or lying to
oneself, especially when this takes the form of blaming circumstances for
one's fate and not seizing the freedom to realize oneself in action.
Existentialism A tradition of twentieth-century philosophy having its roots in the
nineteenth century but coming to flower in Europe after World War II; of
central concern is the question of how the individual is to find an authentic
existence in this world, in which there is no ultimate reason why things
happen one way and not another.
Soren Kierkegaard A nineteenth-century philosopher, rejected the Hegelian idea of a
rational universe and anticipated some of the themes of existentialism.
Jean-Paul Sartre A French existentialist writer, emphasized the significance of
abandonment and its implications.
Martin Heidegger Emphasized the importance of returning to Being itself
independent of the mental categories we assign to it.
Abandonment There is no God and we must create our own values.

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