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Trello. Trello, 55 Broadway, Suite free project management solutions board and assign subgroups (cards)
25, New York, NY, 10006-3008; to assist project leaders in manag- to each list. Users can create cards; basic op- ing their workflow. One of those by either adding them manually or
tion, free; Business Class option, solutions is Trello, a cloud-based copying and pasting existing text
$9.99 per user per month; Enter- tool that uses the Kanban method lists from Microsoft Word or Excel.
prise option, $20.83 per user per of project management. Under the With the latter method, users have
month. Kanban method, all project-related the option to create a card for every
activities are displayed in a single line of text or create a single card
landscape that is viewable to all with multiple lines of text. Cards
members of the project team. With can be further granulized with to-
Trello, users can visually organize do lists, which appear only when
projects into boards, divide projects cards are expanded. Users can also
INTRODUCTION into groups, and subdivide groups upload attachments and add com-
As libraries continue to evolve in into tasks. Trello’s user-friendly ments to expanded cards.
the services that they provide, li- interface makes it ideal for a wide
Once users have created lists,
brarians may be increasingly re- variety of users, from individuals
they can easily recreate that list and
sponsible for managing large managing personal projects such as
reorder multiple lists. For example,
projects, planning programs and home renovations to organizations
my library recently organized a
outreach, and coordinating teams. managing multiple large projects
seven-part seminar series compris-
While some projects can be easily and teams. To meet users’ needs,
ing seven topics and identical task
executed by a single person, others Trello offers various levels of ser-
lists for each topic. To facilitate the
may involve a team and several vice at different price points. This
organization of this board, we cre-
moving parts. In the latter case, a review focuses on the free version.
ated one list and designated four
project leader may be responsible cards, and then copied the list and
for developing a project plan, es- MAJOR FEATURES its cards six times, changing only
tablishing a timeline, recruiting the list name each time. Once we
Trello requires only an Internet
team members, assigning tasks, assigned dates to each seminar, we
connection, eliminating the need
managing progress, and apprising reordered the lists sequentially us-
for users to install software or enter
sponsors and upper management ing the platform’s drag-and-drop
product keys. Registered users can
of the project’s progress. feature (Figure 1).
create an unlimited number of
Managing projects and teams boards and designate one board
can sometimes seem overwhelm- per project. Users can then assign
ing. Fortunately, there are several multiple task groups (lists) to each

Figure 1: Sample Trello lists and cards 105 (2) April 2017 Journal of the Medical Library Association
210 Review


Users can easily coordinate words to designate statuses such as • The basic version of Trello is
teams and assign cards to team “complete” or “on hold.” For users simply referred to as “Free.”
members (board members) by with color blindness, Trello offers The basic version allows users
sending invitation emails directly patterned rather than solid-colored to create unlimited boards and
from the project board. Once a labels, which can be customized integrate with Dropbox,
board member has been assigned a with status words as well. These Google Drive, and Box. It con-
card, the card will reflect the desig- color-coded labels offer the most tains 3 basic Power-Ups (cal-
nation, and the board member’s efficient way of marking tasks as endar integration, Voting, and
initials will appear on the card. complete. Card Aging), and allows users
Board members do not need a to attach files up to 10 mega-
Finally, Trello offers two addi-
Trello account to view boards, but bytes (MB) in size.
tional standard Power-Ups: Voting
those who create an account will • Trello Gold is: $5 per month
and Card Aging. The Voting fea-
benefit from greater functionality per person or free when users
ture allows users to “like” a partic-
and will receive alerts pertaining to invite new members to join.
ular card, and the Card Aging
their cards. Users who work con- With Gold, users can add cus-
feature alerts users when cards
sistently with the same group of tom backgrounds and stickers
have been inactive for a period of
people can create teams and elimi- and upload files up to 250 MB
time. As weeks pass (one, two, and
nate the need to add board mem- in size. Users access Trello
four weeks), cards become increas-
bers individually. Gold from a circuitous inter-
ingly transparent.
face; this level is not available
To facilitate the timely comple-
via the traditional pricing in-
tion of tasks, users assign due dates SHORTCOMINGS formation page.
to cards. Once users have assigned
due dates, they and their board The most substantial shortcoming • Business Class: Business class
members can integrate the board is that there is no straightforward provides team overviews and
into Gmail or Outlook using the way to designate tasks as complete. offers integration with a num-
Power-Ups feature. To integrate Currently, users may mark tasks as ber of apps, including, but not
Trello boards into Outlook, users complete by applying a color- limited to, Google Hangouts,
should follow these steps: Open coded label; therefore, users would Github, Slack, and Mailchimp.
Outlook (client or web version)  have to know that green, for exam- Users may attach files up to 250
Click the calendar tab  Select ple, indicates “complete.” Further- MB in size.
“Open calendar”  Select “From more, to prevent a card from • Enterprise: Enterprise is in-
Internet”  Enter the personal showing as overdue, users must tended for large organizations
iCalendar feed uniform resource delete the due date and, if desired, managing multiple projects
locator (URL) that is generated by assign an appropriate label. While and teams. Enterprise users en-
Trello. Instructions for integrating this process works fine for small joy the same features as those
with Gmail can be found in Trello’s projects, it would become cumber- with Business Class with extra
FAQs. In both Gmail and Outlook, some with larger projects. layers of security.
Trello calendars will appear as new
calendars, which can be turned on PRICING OVERALL VALUE
or off as desired. Trello tasks will
Trello has three main pricing op- For a free product, Trello is an ex-
not appear in default user calen-
tions: Free, Business Class, and En- cellent project management tool
terprise. Trello also has a semi- that can assist users with complet-
Because Trello is a visual tool, hidden Gold level that users unlock ing projects on time. Trello allows
it allows users to classify cards by once they invite new team mem- users to communicate with board
assigning color-coded labels that bers to join the free version.
can be further customized with

Journal of the Medical Library Association 105 (2) April 2017
Review 211


members through using the com- more, through the use of labels and teams at the personal and profes-
menting feature and by assigning due date notifications, Trello al- sional level.
members to cards. The ability to lows users to get a visual snapshot
assign due dates and integrate of project progress. I recommend Heather A. Johnson, MLIS,
those due dates into a personal cal- Trello to individuals managing,
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
endar is especially useful. Further- small to medium-sized projects and

Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative

Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This journal is published by the University Library System

of the University of Pittsburgh as part of its D-Scribe
Digital Publishing Program and is cosponsored by the
University of Pittsburgh Press.

ISSN 1558-9439 (Online) 105 (2) April 2017 Journal of the Medical Library Association

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