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FLUID MECH, ANK E Ne oe of Fluid Flow SHYDRAUL CS eee REM NERGY THEO 5 CET tts theorem results from the application of the The Bernoulli's energy : PAN IDLe, tion of energy This equation may be summarized as follows: of Cee Me Bernoulli's Principle, in physics, the > that as the speed of a moving ui Gage gas) increases, the pressure within then or decreases. Originally formulated in Da Swiss mathematician and physicist pron Ea Bemoul it states that the total erersy steady flowing fluid system is a cong’ 0? along the flow path. An increase in he ty. speed must therefore be matched bys Ms 1 ___ decrease in its pressure. ic Datum Eu ston 1 + Ended ~ Erostorenracted = Eat section? Eq 5-78] Energy Equation without Head Lost: Figure 5-2 If the fluid experiences no head lost in movin, the total energy at section 1 must be equal Neglecting head lost in fluid flow, theoretical values. With reference to F g from section 1 to section 2 then to the total energy at section 2 the values that we get are called ideal o; igure 5-3 E\= Eq. 5-19 A Pg ls CP IPE mescor|| 2g yo i vil29 Energy grade Line, EGL | r os a Beran, i Figure 5-3 CHAPTER FIVE Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 24 7 idering head lost, the values that we can attain are called actual values nce to Figure 5 --4: Ei - Hlia= Fa Eq.5-21 2 Se ye Ly Fq.5-22 23% 2g ot Energy Equation with Pump: ; Pump is used basically to increase the head. (Usually to raise water trom 4 Pi trical lower to a higher elevation). The input power (Piyput) of the pump is electrica energy and its output power (Poutput) is the flow energy. Figure 5-5 CHAPTER FIVE FLUID Mecy, low S&HYDR Ai Nicy 248 Aundamentals of Fluid Flo ‘ + HA - HL Das vy? | Pe my? PL tatHA= 2+ PR aasai, Bq. 5.24 lg oY 2g Output Power of Pump = Q y HA Eq.5. x | ion with Turbine or Motor Energy Equation wit! ; Turbines or motors extract flow energy to do mechanical work which im tun civeriet into electrical energy for turbines ° TURBINE Figure 5-6 « . &\-HE-HLyj2=Fy Eq.5-2 | ra a rn a *224+HLi2+HE Bq.5-27 ag ¥ 2g Input Power of Turbine = Q 7 HE Eq. 5-28 ENERGY AND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINES Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) Also known as Pressure gradient, hydraulic grade line is 'ePresentation of the total potential € water levels in successive Pipe. Its distance the graphic! cts “nergy of flow. It is the line that conned Piezometer tubes pla e ced at intervals along th from the datum plane is 2 + 2 y VE MECHANICS CHAPTER Fl Ul RAULICS Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 249 4H acteristics of HGL. t HL slopes downward in the direction of flow but it may rise OF fall due * tochanges in velocity or pressure for uniform pipe cross-section, HGL is parallel to the EGL * For horizontal pipes with uniform diameter, the drop in pressure heads petween any two points is also equal to the head lost between these points. energy Grade Line (EGL) energy grade line is a graphical representation of the total energy of flow (the um of kinetic and potential energies). Its distance from the datum plane is Poles 2g «OY characteristics of EGL « EGL always slope downward in the direction of flow, and it will only rise with the presence of a pump « The drop of the EGL between any two points is the head lost between those points. * For uniform pipe cross-section, EGL is parallel to the HGL * EGL is always above the HGL by an amount equal to the velocity head, v2/2g. * Neglecting head loss, EGL is horizontal. y TURBINE ° Figure 5 - 7: Illustration showing the behavior of energy and hydraulic grade lines. FLUID Mic, CHa & HYD RAUL S pPTER FIVE 250 amentals of ae Solved Problems solved tt*= a velocity of 3 m/sec. Fing the mass flow rate in kg/s! . e' it 75 mm diameter pipe a oe mi/sec and lit/secr (b) Problem 5-1 Water flows throu the volume flow rate #¥ / and ‘a the weight flow rate in N/se¢ Solution @ Q=4e = § (0.0753) = 0.013 mi/s x 1000 lit/m? Q=13 lil/sec (be) =M=pQ = 1000(0.013) M=13 kg/sec (mass flow rate) () WeyrQ = 9810(0.013) W = 127 N/sec (weight flow rate) Problem 5 - 2 (CE November 1995) What is the rate of flow of water passing through a pipe with a diameter of 1 mmm and speed of 0.5 m/sec? Solution Flow rate, Q= Av Q= $(0.02)2(0.5) Q = 1.57 x 104 m/sec Problem 5 - 3 Air at 30° ane ae ee ues at 20 N/s through a rectangular duct ti! Use gas constant R =293 See the average velocity and volume flux. ECHANICS yio Ics CHAPTER FIVE jon : tio sot y= Av = TORT 110 x 10° Y* 393(30+ 273) ~ 1259 N/m 30 = 12.39{0.16(0.32)Jo 9 = 31.53 mys (average velocity) =Av = (0.16)(0.32)(31.53) Q=1.614 m/sec (volume flux or discharge) problem 5-4 4 100-mm diameter plunger is being pushed at 60 mm/sec into a tank filled with oil having sp. gr. of 0.82. If the fluid is incompressible, how many N/s of cilis being forced out at a 30-mm diameter hole? Solution Since the fluid is incompressible: Q=Q Q=AV; = (0.1)(0.06) —| Qi = 0.00047 m3/s v= 0,06 m/s Qe = 0,00047 m3/s Ww=yQ = (9810 x 0,82)(0.00047) W=3.78 N/s Problem 5 - 5 If the velocity of flow in a 75-mm diameter fire hose is 0.5 m/s, what is the Velocity in a 25 mm diameter jet issuing from a nozzle attached at the end of the pipe. Compute also the power available in the jet. FLUID mec CHAPTER FIVE SHYDRaY 252 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow Solution By continuity equation: Qhove = Qt Ai On = Aj 0 _ (0.075)? (0.5) = ¥ (0.025) », v, =4.5 m/s (velocity of the jet) Power, P= QyE Q=Av Q= 4 (0.025)? (4.5) = 0.002209 m3/s pe. 45? 2g 2(9.81) Power, P = 0.002209(9,810)(1.0321) Power, P = 22.37 watts (power available in the jet) = 1.0321 m & Problem 5 - 6 A turbine is rated at 600 hp when the flow of water through it is 0.61 m/s | Assuming an efficiency of 87%, what is the head acting on the turbine? Solution Given: Power output = 600 hp Efficiency, n =87% 600 Power input = —— = 689.655 hy ower input ee E Power input = 514,483 watts Power input = Q y HE 514,483 = 0.61 (9,810) HE HE = 85.97 m Problem 5 - 7 4 standpipe 5 m in diameter and 10m Potential energy of the water if the el base of the standpipe, high is filled with water, Calculate fe levation datum is taken 2 m below te |ECHANICS CHAPTI ER FIVE 253 0 FA rpRAULIES Fundamentals of Fluid Flow tio" . m¢ soln po Wz aa w=yx Volume + =981x 4 (5)°(10) | W= 1,926.2 kN a0" p= 1,926.2 x7 7m pe = 13,483.32 kN-m | 2m etn OR hme propiem 5 - 8 ine the kinetic energy flux of 0. °, i = petermine gy flux of 0.02 m’/s of oil (sp. gr. = 0.85) discharging through a 50-mm diameter nozzle. ae solution Kinetic energy flux = Kinetic Energy per second = Power Power, P=QyE Q= 0.02 m3/s (0.05)? v= 10.186 m/s 018 2 BS (10.186) = 5.288 m 2(9.81) P = 0.02(9810 x 0.85)(5.288) P= 882 watts Problem 5 - 9 Neglecting air resistance, rise if projected with a velocity of 20 m/s? determine to what height a vertical jet of water could FLUID me | CHAPTER FIVE CHayy 254 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow S& HYDR Aus Ni Solu e ansformed into potent 21 As the jet mises, its kinetic energy is tr P tial energy Neglecting air resistance KE =PE % Mor =Wh Ww Problem 5 - 10 Water is flowing in an open channel at a depth of 2m anda velocity of 3 flows down a chute into another channel where the depth is 1m andy, he velocity is 101m/s. Neglecting friction, determine the difference in elevation 5 the channel floors of Solution v= 10 ys Neglecting friction (head lost): in E=E, y? 2 Ger tate] Bao +1 & 2g 3? 102 = _10 2@a *2+z= 0, & ECHANICS pul? AULICS i ou HAPTER FIVE , = undamentals of Fluid Flow 255 proble _arrying oil of specifi pe Carty Ic gravit a pibe A Ic § ‘ity 0.877 change: 4 section ' ee * Wes oad GER % Section lis ata Bale ae he a 00 50 kPa respectively’ it oe section 2 and the pone te sd iostand Wetiacierer eee ischarge is 150 lit/sec, 450 mm 2 olution ; gue r= 015 m/s 9 7 08 1 ye er ~ 849 m/s T # (0.15) | 3.6m 0.15 i Sot = 0.943 m/s Ow) es Hee Datum Taking © as datum: 2 2 gat + Beye Toe emeaeel sy 29.81) (9.81« 0.877) £, = 14.135 m oP. Ret foe Og _ 0.9437, 60 = Ete ee TB 2(9.81) (9.81 x 0.877) E,= 10.62 m Since E; > Ex, the flow is from 1 to2 Head Lost, HL = E:- Ey = 14.135 - 10.62 Head Lost, HL = 3.515 m FLUID MECHany & HYDRaty! ns CHAPTER FI 256 CAT eruate F of Fluid Flow 30 m problem 5 ~ 12 Oil flows from k through 150m of 150,mm diameter pipe and then discharges into air as shown in the Figure. If the head loss from point 1 to point 2 is 600 mm, determine the a orm pressure needed at point 1 to cause ° 17 lit/sec of oil to flow a tani 150 m— 150 mm & Solution Q = 0.017 m3/s Energy equation between © and @ Ey - Hly2 = Er 2 vy Pr D9? a ty Has ee +2 PL _ _8(0.017)? Oc 20/06 y 40+30 x? g(0.15)* a = 10.65 m of oil pr = 10.65(9.81 = 0.84) = 87.76 kPa Problem 5 - 13 Gas is flowi ing through a square conduit whose section gradually changes from 150 mm (sec ie a hector 1 to ap mm (section 2). At section 1, the velocity of flow is = pens cab ohare & 1 kg/m? while at section 2 the velocity of flow is? ass flow rate and the density of the gas at section 2 Solution _tsoam 1 eee wee 300 mm E B as Side = 1[(0.15)(0.15)|(7; M=0. / ; 1575 kg/sec (mass flow rate) p MECHANICS pul pRAULICS CHAPTER FIVE a Fundamentals Of Fluid Flow 25 7 M= P2A202 prl(0-3)(0.3))(2) = 0.1575 pr = 0.875 kg/m? (mass density at section 2) wourem 5-14 xr flows at the rate of 7.5 m/s thro - TE eaters j oe sirough/Sdomm tlameies art nagh 75-mm diameter pipe (pipe 1) and : : i mat mm diameter pipes at the rate of 3 m/sand a cee as hewn in the Figure ae at the top of the tank escal “mm-diameter vent Caleulate dh/dt and the velocity of air flow through the vent. Assume the flow to be incompressible. Solution Assuming the flow to be incompressible: Qin = Qout J (0.075)?(7.5) = 4 (0.05)*3) + F (0.065)°(3.5) + 4 (0.6)? dh/ dt dh/dt = 0.0553 m/s Considering the air above the tank: (Qs = Quid] £ (0.05)204 = § (0.6)? dh/dt 4 (0.05)2vs = $ (0.6)°(0.0553) 04= 7,963 m/s (velocity of air flow) FLUID me, CHAPTER FIVE . Cc A 258 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow & HyDR Au Problem 5 - 15 eo % ¥ g in a 50 mm diameter a A liquid having sp. gr. of 2.0 is flowing ir PIPE. The s 17.5 Joule per Newton. The o ty a ven point was found to be ; ' 1 elevatio, # heed ats eve the datum is 3 m and the pressure in the pipe js Se ne Garant the velocity of flow and the horsepower in the stream at that Poin’ Solution 2 wg B 23 =O E = 17.5 Joule/N x (1 N-m/Joule) E=175m v? , 65.6 2g 9.81(2) Total energy, E = 42 17.5= 2 2 =11.156m 28 v=14.79 m/s __ (velocity of flow) Power, P=QyE (0.05)2(14.79)] = (9810 x 2) x 17.5 = 9970.92 watts x (1 hp/746 watts) Power, P = 13.37 hp Problem 5-16 (CE May 1994, May 2004) The pump shown draws water from reservoir A at elevation 10 m and lifts itto reservoir B at elevation 60 m. The loss of head from A to 1 is two times the velocity head in the 200 mm diameter Pipe and the loss of head from 2 to Bis ten times the velocity head in the 150 mm diameter pipe. Determine the rated horsepower of the pump and the pressure heads at 1 and 2 in meters when the discharge is 0.03 m/sec. EL. 60m E110 m 500 m- 200 mm @e Kos _ com | io MECHANICS fl ULICS CHAPTER FIVE i HYDRA Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 299 ution son n= Qe = 0.08 m/s v? _ _8Q? 2g x2 gp4 2, __ 800.03)? 2g FOsTOa* = 0.0465 m 22. 8(0.03)? 7. a = 2g 810159 O47 m Energy Equation between Aand B: E,-HLaa+ HA-Hlyy= Ey 2 vA Pa ses Ba “Pera HA Hag = + PO aay 040+ 10- 2(0.0465) + Ha -10¢.147) = eee ( )=0+0+60 Power output = Qy Ha = 0.03(9,810)(51.563) = 15,175 watts (1 hp/746 watts) Power output = 20,34 horsepower (rated power of the pump) Pressure heads at 1 and 2: Energy Equation between A and 1: Ea-HLaa= E, ee, Pa 2g Y 2 v +2q-Hlag= SL + hg, 2 ? 8 0 +0+ 10 - 2(0.0465) = 0.0465 + 2 4.9 7 P. 9.86 m of water Y Energy Equation between of 2 and B: Er-Hlag=Es 2 ew? p we 4 P2 tay Hing = “B+ PB +2 23 oy 2 Y 0.147 + 22 +0-100.147)=0+0+ 60 Y P2 ~ 61.323 m of water Y FLUID MECy ry CHAPTER FIVE i reg 260 Fundamentals of Fluid Flow jovembe! 4 jem 5-17 coe teads to a nozzle as shown. Find the flow rate with a pump leads head lost in the 6-ing 4m) head. Assume ine Jops an 80 ft CO velocity head while the head lost in the 4 (ag, 1986) Probl A pipeline pump deve be es i “ mm) pipe to 2 sa Baie time its velocity head. (a) Compute the flow ae pete he energy grade line and hydraulic grade line, and (c) fing . (b) sketch } d at the suction side. pressure hea : t 4" (102 mm) 6170 (21.3 m) , Line 2 6" (152 mm) — 30'(15.2 mj net or Solution (a) Discharge Q=2=Qs=Q Energy Equation between A and B E,-HL,+ HA - HL) = Eg : 2 Va PA 2, HL +HA-Hly= 28 4 2¢” y £ HA = 244m 2 2 HL=5 2 =5_8Q" _ 23” x ep,4 2 = 2 Sa et ®*(9.81)(0.152)4 i HL = 773.96 Q2 ie Hla= 1222. y2_ 8Q? | 3 2g 7 gDai =12 8Q? RINE *?(9.81)(0.202)8 CHANICS ais CHAPTER FIVE H Fundamentats Of Fluid Flow 261 HL = 9160.13 Q? vs 808 2g x? (0.0762) ~ 2450.8 @ +0 + 21.3-773.% Q?+ 24.4.9 12,384.89 Q? = 21.3 OH aE thi ie 0.0415 ms > Discharge iy) Bessy and Hydraulic grade Lines: v2 _ __ 8(0.0415)? wae og OES) 2g w2(9.81)(0.152)* ~ 2266m v2 _ __ 8(0.0415)? a ae 2g x2(9.81(0.102" 131m vs? _ __8(0.0415)? Be — SO0M5)F 2g -x°(9.81)(0.0762)! =4.22m Ei, 28.59 m vig = 1.31 HL; = 15.78m vile = 131 velag = 4.22 870° (21.3 m) A £1 30'(15.2m) 8, 19.97 m EI. 19.704 m FLUID MEcy AN, FIVE CE Ce tals of Fluid Flow Ss Icy 262 «+ : head at * Zi tt nee between 4 and Energy bqual HI B HI 0 oe nn 2 BSH 1B Bis egy © AS Odean 15, +.504 m On from the figure shown above. the pressure head ats isthe vertical atintgge trom the pipe to the Gi BS. 19704 15 = 4.504 m Problem 5 -18 (CE November 1980) Water eners a motor through a 600-mm-diameter Pipe under a pressure of 14 kPa It eaves through a 900-mm-diameter exhaust pipe with a pressure of 4 KPa A vertical distance of 2 5 m separates the centers of the two pipes at the sections where the pressures are Measured. If 500 liters of water pass the motor each second, compute the power supplied to the motor QQ 205 mis, ECHANICS 10 CHAPTER FIVE fayORAULICS Fundamentals of Fluid Flow 203 net) neglects head lost and taking point 2 as datum) fy HE= Ea p42 +Ban-He= 2 Pe, y 2g = iz (0. 4 2 at * pay $28-HE= 805), 4 3°(9.81)(0.6)" 9.81 P8109)" | 981 HE = 3.647 m power, P= Qy HE = 0.5(9810)(3.647) = 17,888,5 tts 888. ! x (Ihp/7 Power, P = 23.98 horsepower an, ee sroblem 5 19 (CE May 1975) 4. 20-hp suction pump operating at 70% efficiency draws water from a suction ine whose diameter is 200 mm and discharges into air through a line whose diameter is 150 mm. The velocity in the 150 mm line is 3.6 m/s. If the pressure at point A in the suction pipe is 34 kPa below the atmosphere, where A is 1.8m below B on the 150 mm line, determine the maximum elevation above B to which water can be raised assuming a head loss of 3 m due to friction. Solution 11 = 3.6 m/s = 1 X. 0.66 m 28 Q= $(0.15"8.6) Q:= 0.0636 m/s 0.0636 m*/s ” vy = py = 0.0636 £ (0.2) 025 m/s 2 a. = 0.21m 28 Poweroupur = Qy HA FLUID CHAPTER FIVE e MECH any 264 Fundamentals of FI Dray ‘ 98 10)HA uid Flow ny = 7ab = 0.06364 HA 22391 Energy equation between A and ( (datum at A) £,+HA-HI-~& og, PA sa. + HA- HL = +e ne 2¢ ? 28 y -34 uN 021% = +0* 23.91 -3=0.66+0+ (18+!) 9 h = 15.19m Problem 5 - 20 (CE November 1978) 7

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