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Kethu Dasa ls already on. In thls Rahu Rhr,e<tl wlil start

on 7-l-19?1. In Kethu Dasa Rahu Bhukti you t*rl go eithcr ln -...''-'
Jupiter antra or Saturn Antra. Jupiter Antra runs between
4-3-197,1 and 24-4-1971 and Saturn Antra ftsm 24-4-t971 to
24-6.1971. Which of thcsc two Antras wilt glve ? .

Jupiter is already reprecented by Kethu and Rahu (dasa

and bhuktl lorde). Saturn, as owncr of llth houce, is to fulfil
tbe declro. Thercfore take the period of Saturn Antra To
know the exact date consider the transit of Sun during thlr
pcriod. Sun transits Kethu star Saturn sub ln Aries on 2g-4-lg7l.
Therefore you will go on this date.

Whother ooe gocs by eea or by alr is to be judgcd from tho

rlb-lord of 9th cusp. 9th house shows long journiy. Whether
thc journepperiod will be long or short ls indicated by the sub *.--
lord of 9th cusp. If thc sub lord of 9th cusp is a fast moving '--'' .
planet, thc journey perlod wlll be short indicating th*reby thai'
It wlll be au air travel. A slow moving planet ar " .. iord lndl.
cates jolrney by sca especlally when lt lc deporiteO in e watery
slgn. In your case tbe 9th cusp sub lord is Moon wno ir dc-
p6slted ln Dhanus, a fiety sign. Moon is a fast movlng planct.
Therefore the journey period wlll be short. Therefore you wlll
go by alr.

Whetbct one wlll eeflle permanently in a foreign country or

come back after some stay ls to be decided from thc l2th cusp.
If tbesublordof l2th cusp ls deposlted ln a common slgo, ho
will go and come back. tf it tc in a movablo rlgn, he wii once
forall leavcthepresent place and never returo. In fired rlgn
it indicates that he will not Eove out. In your case Mercury lc
the sub lord of l2th cusp. tt is deposited in a movable sigo.
Therefore you wlll once for alt leave the present place and oerlc
permanently ln foreign land.

Busincss-Cbenge of Ploee :

"Hull{ Come on.,,

Good luct, slr,

Take your seat. Why so tate ln the night !

It ls after a.ll 9-30 P.M.

True. That ls alright. IIow do you do ? How is your

busloess ?

L What about your buslness ?

- So-, so. Very dutl I am much depressed, my wifc ! There

ie no change in her.
Daily some quarrel or other.-
Oh God. What brought you at this hour.
Gcnerally f return home very tate. Only to avold tho
troubles Today I thougbt I could be wlth you and then go

I see. Alrlght, tell me what I can do for you.

I want to know whether I can changc my placb of buslrsss.
i- In Madras ltcelf.
[- No Sir. I want to make e selection. Calcutta or Delhl or.
i'- ' Bombay or Hyderabad.
Give me a number withln 249.
L-, SIXTY.NINE, please.
The horoscope ls as follows :

Rahu l-461 Number 69le ln Mooa

28-36 Marr 3-,tllXII 6-42
Merc.6-33 | Jupiter slgn Saturn ster and
xr 9-42 I IG33 Saturnsub. The3rdcusp
falls at 6-42 inVirgo, l.e.
Mercury slgn Sun's stnr
and Meroury sub.

(a) Will I moveatall ?

(b) Will I bc lucky


(c) Whero wlll I go ?

Wlll I move ? Noto the sub-lord of the 4th housc as the
fourth houre indicates the present place of residence. Here tho

4th cusp falls ln Libra at 8 degress 42 mlnutes. The lord of tbe

con$Iciletlon is ln l0 and the sub-lord Jupiter ls in 12. Ifctrco,
you will surely movc. As thc lord of ihe constcllatlon lg thc
signlficator of the l0th house the cause of movins from onc
placo to the other is only your profe.sion. t -

WJll I be lucky ? Movement wlll bo glven by thc slgnlfica-

tors of the thlrd house. If the significdtor of the third houso ls
also the signlficator of the sccond, tenth and the etevchth thcn
you will have gains in the place to whlcb you move. But lf thc
slgnifoator of 3 ls also thc significator of g and t2 then you will
move to losc whatcver you have. This ls applicablo both to
the natal and llorary chart.

, Io Horary chart you hevc to note thc rub of the third

houso which lndicates the changc of place. If thc cub-lord is
the slgaificator of 2 or l0 or I I one will make mooey and
lmprove his lot. If tho sub-lord of thc third cusp is the signifi-
cator of 8 aud 12 then the move addc morc dlfrculties.

In your cbart tho lord of tho sub where thc third cusp falk,
ts_Mercury. Mercury as lord of 3 wifl arsist ln movinl from
onc place to thc other, as lord of 12 lt shows rifc ln enothcr
place, ae the doposltor of thc lOth house, lt brings money by
buslness, mostly agency, and bcing ln the constelration of sun
lord df 2 tn tl piomiscs pro6t, ioctat
Hence you will move and you will be lucky."J-fi;;;;i;";;:
Whero will I go ? A s the sub-lord ic Mercury, you wlll go
to first; not fnding that it ls oo good, you will furthor
move. Plurality is lndicated by Mercury.

To fiod out this one hrs to refer to the poriod-dase, bhuktr.

Now you are running, according to the horary chart, Saturn
Dasa saturn bhukti. It ls rord of 6 and 7 ocpoiited tn tue gth
house in its own star and sub. 'Irence during 3"toro Bhukti you
must continue to stay hore. Only ryhen Mercury Bhukti *t.rir,
you wlll go. It wil bc after 7th June, 196g,

Oh, God. Everyday is a hell. How can I pass two ycarc.

Nowadays I do 6ot have tetephone to avold tht unpleasant
conversation wlth those who demand their money back. Also
1 go late home to avoid the fellows who come to myrhouse to
demand money. I allow my wife to go tO bed and theri I reach
home. How long can I manago.
Generally people are deprcssed and they becomo despoad-
ent. Somehow they managc. The Sua counts the year. Whcq
good time comes one begins to enjoy.

Will I commlt sulcidc by drowning?

No, you will not die. ?ou will borrow more moncy from
othcrs and be drowned in debts only.

Alrlght. If at all I go where wlll I go

The thlrd cusp shows only the momeot. But lt is the l2th
cusp whlch indlcates the place of your stay outslde. As thc
l2th cusp falls in Gemlnl in Rahu ster Jupiter sub, lt will bc a
twln city and it wlll be HYDERABAD, SECUNDERABAD.

Thanks, sir.
(Thls person did not meet me larer. I was happy that he
would not borrow from me also. In 1969 wlron I went to
Hyderabad I met hlm. tle told that, he was pulllng on there
slnce a few months. When.I asked hlm to give his addres, he
told that if he were to give his addrefs, 1 might in any casual
talk mention about thls predlction dnd the creditors would
chase hlm. So he sald that he was tdmporarily put up wlth a
lrlcnd of his and avoided givlqg a stralght answer.)

Can I have s press of my own to pnblhh .books ?

Press ts indicated by Mars, Mercury and Jupitcr. There-

fore, if thc sub-lord of the mcridlan is depositcd ln the conrtell-
ation of a planet which is the signiffcator of at least one of the
tbree houses 2, 6 and l0 aad also lf it is ln any msnner
connected with Marc and Mercury, one wlll have opg'c owB

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