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Curr Psychiatry Rep (2014) 16:523

DOI 10.1007/s11920-014-0523-3


New Measures of Mental State and Behavior Based on Data

Collected From Sensors, Smartphones, and the Internet
Tasha Glenn & Scott Monteith

Published online: 12 October 2014

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014

Abstract With the rapid and ubiquitous acceptance of new to assist with these challenges [1, 2]. A biomarker is an
technologies, algorithms will be used to estimate new mea- objective measure of a normal biological process, pathogenic
sures of mental state and behavior based on digital data. The processes, or response to a therapeutic intervention [3, 4].
algorithms will analyze data collected from sensors in Categories of potential psychiatric biomarkers include genet-
smartphones and wearable technology, and data collected ic, proteins or other molecules, or neuroimaging findings [1, 5,
from Internet and smartphone usage and activities. In the 6]. With the rapid emergence and acceptance of digital tech-
future, new medical measures that assist with the screening, nologies, alternative measures of mental state and behavior are
diagnosis, and monitoring of psychiatric disorders will be being developed for screening, diagnosis, and monitoring. In
available despite unresolved reliability, usability, and privacy contrast to symptoms reported by patients directly to psychi-
issues. At the same time, similar non-medical commercial atrists, these measures will be based on data collected from
measures of mental state are being developed primarily for diverse sensors within smartphones, devices, and wearable
targeted advertising. There are societal and ethical implica- technology, as well as data collected from smartphone and
tions related to the use of these measures of mental state and Internet usage and activities. Algorithms will be used to
behavior for both medical and non-medical purposes. analyze the collected data to estimate mental health and be-
havior. In the future, the new measures of mental state and
Keywords Remote monitoring . E-mental health . behavior will be available not only from regulated products
Smartphone . Behavioral targeting . Emotion recognition with scientifically demonstrated clinical utility, but also from
unregulated applications aimed at consumers and businesses.
Regardless of whether these alternative measures are consid-
ered biomarkers, the new measures are coming and will
Introduction impact psychiatry.

Today, psychiatrists rely on patient history and observation,

objective data such as laboratory tests, and clinical judgment
The Coming Age of Pervasive Healthcare
to diagnose mental illness and assess treatment. There is
renewed emphasis on finding additional objective measures
Ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous communications are
behind the upcoming measures of mental state and behavior.
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Psychiatry in the Digital In 1991, Mark Weiser of Xerox PARC noted that “the most
Age profound technologies are those that disappear” and predicted
that computing elements would become so ubiquitous that no
T. Glenn
ChronoRecord Association, Inc., Fullerton, CA 92834, USA one would notice their presence [7]. We are quickly moving
toward that vision [8] as about 5 % of man-made objects now
S. Monteith (*) contain embedded microprocessors [9]. Cell phones are
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Traverse
City Campus, 1400 Medical Campus Drive, Traverse City,
viewed as such an essential part of life that many feel uncom-
MI 49684, USA fortable or inadequate without them [10, 11]. Ubiquitous
e-mail: communications, or the ability to communicate anytime and
523, Page 2 of 10 Curr Psychiatry Rep (2014) 16:523

anywhere, was enabled by the recent expansion of wireless Data Collected From Sensors
communications and ad hoc networking [12]. By 2020, Cisco
Systems estimates that there will be 50 billion devices and The embedded computing element most critical to the expan-
objects connected to the Internet [13] for a world population sion of pervasive healthcare computing is sensors. A wide
estimated to be 7.5 billion [14]. One predicted result of this range of intelligent, lightweight, ultra-low-power, and low-
extraordinary growth in computing is pervasive healthcare or cost sensors are now available for medical monitoring [28,
the access to healthcare applications for anyone, anytime [12, 29]. These sensors are embedded in smartphones; are wear-
15, 16]. A major component of pervasive healthcare will be able (embedded in clothing), implantable, and ingestible; and
remote disease monitoring, including mental state and behav- are placed in the home including in walls and floors [30–32].
ior [15, 16], with the US market for remote disease monitoring A typical smartphone contains multiple sensors such as inter-
projected to reach $22.5 billion by 2015 [17]. nal motion (accelerometer), ambient light, gyroscopic, ges-
ture, magnetometer, temperature and humidity, and barometer.
The communication interfaces commonly found on a
smartphone are Wi-Fi, GPS, near field communications
Potential Benefits for Psychiatry (NFC), Bluetooth, and infrared (IR) LED. Many additional
sensors are available for physiological measurements [33].
Although the majority of remote disease monitoring efforts Research into the use of physiologic sensors to measure
are focused upon somatic illnesses, research into new mea- emotion is increasing, including skin conductivity, heart rate,
sures and monitoring for psychiatry is increasing. New mea- respiration, blood pressure, ECG, EEG, and EMG [34].
sures may help to prevent the frequent long time lag between
symptom onset and diagnosis, which is of particular impor-
Data Collected From Internet and Smartphone Activities
tance as earlier intervention may lead to a better outcome in
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder [18–20]. There is a need
Measures of smartphone activities that are input into medical
for unobtrusive, easy-to-use, and inexpensive technologies to
algorithms include details on incoming and outgoing call
provide objective information about the symptoms that pa-
frequency, duration, and contacts [35]. Measures of Internet
tients frequently do not report accurately. For example, about
activities include details on search queries, pages visited,
40–70 % of patients do not adhere with treatment regimens for
website type, advertising selected, and e-commerce history
psychiatric medications [21, 22]. Psychiatric medications con-
[36]. The content of user-created data such as emails, SMS
taining ingestible sensors will provide data on exactly when
(text messages), social media, or blogs can be analyzed [37•].
the medications were taken [23•]. There is only moderate
Additionally, metadata (information about information) are
correlation between self-reported and objective measures of
created for transactions from a smartphone or the Internet,
sleep [24], and technologies will provide an understanding of
which includes account numbers, login IDs, passwords,
sleep behaviors and patterns. Some objective measures will
browser types, IP addresses, web pages visited, date, time,
assist with diagnostic challenges due to overlapping symp-
email sender and recipient, cookies, and device fingerprints
toms and similar clinical presentations of many psychiatric
disorders [25]. Other objective measures will help track the
progression of gradually changing symptoms like cognition,
and technology may help some patients with cognitive im-
pairment to live independently [26, 27].
Potential New Measures for Psychiatry

Table 1 provides examples of medical research for psychiatry.

Basis for New Measures for Psychiatry These measures have the potential to provide similar benefits
to psychiatry that are associated with traditional biomarkers in
Many measures are currently being investigated by medical relation to screening, diagnosis, and monitoring. Many of
researchers for use in psychiatry, including analysis of speech, these systems are prototypes, and measures of emotion and
facial expression, gesture, posture, movement, eye tracking, as behavior discovered in controlled medical or research condi-
well as Internet and smartphone behavior and activity. Two tions may not be suitable for natural settings. Future measures
general classes of data are fundamental to these measures of that are able to successfully integrate multiple modalities, such
mental state and behavior: (1) data collected from sensors and as speech and facial expression, are expected to be more
(2) data collected from Internet and smartphone activities. precise at identifying emotion and behavior [39].
Algorithms are used to estimate the measures based on the Additionally, combining the results of multiple measurements
collected data. may increase diagnostic accuracy [40].
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Table 1 Examples of medical projects in development to measure mental health for psychiatry

Study Year Technology Item measured Aim

Chang [110] 2011 Cell phone or smartphone Speech analysis Mental health monitor of emotion and stress
Dickerson [111] 2011 Multiple sensors and devices Multiple, including speech, activity, Continuous monitoring for depression, PTSD
in home sleep, weight, movement
Roh [112] 2012 Headband system with embedded EEG and heart rate variability Monitor mental stress level
Vidal [113] 2012 Wearable eye trackersa Eye tracking and eye movement Mental health monitoring; discriminate among
Minassian [114] 2010 Wearable vest with integrated Motor activity levels, using Define activity patterns in mania and
sensorsb accelerometers and ECG schizophrenia
Gruenerbl [115] 2014 Smartphone acceleration and Activity and mobility Mood state recognition (mania and depression
GPS sensors in bipolar disorder)
Kane [23•] 2013 Ingestible sensor in tabletsb Medication ingestion Monitor medication adherence in
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Kappeler-Setz [116]2013 Wearable sock with sensor Electrodermal activity Monitor patients with bipolar disorder
of skin conductance (sweat secretion)
Jashinsky [117] 2014 Twitter Keywords and phrases in tweets Surveillance for suicide risk
De Choudhury [37•] 2013 Twitter Usage patterns, language Predict onset of depression
Kotikalapudi [36] 2012 Internet usage Traffic volume, type of activities Passive monitoring for depression
and sites
Alvarez-Lozano [35] 2014 Smartphone Usage patterns, app selection Monitor mood in bipolar disorder
McIntyre [118] 2009 Video images Facial activity and expression Identify depression and anxiety
Matic [119] 2012 RFID in clothing, video Dressing ability Monitor cognitive skills
Miskelly [120] 2005 Smartphone with GPSa Location Track wandering in dementia
Using commercially available products
Using commercially available, FDA-approved products

Establish Clinical Utility Patient Issues

As with any candidate biomarker, all new measures of mental Patient Technical Skill
state and behavior need to be thoroughly evaluated for use in
routine clinical practice. To have clinical utility, the measure Many people with mental illness may not have regular access
should add new information or clinical value to the informa- to smartphones or the Internet or may lack the technical skills
tion that is already available, and should be cost-effective [41]. to use these effectively [46]. Usability of the monitoring
Depending on the planned role of the measure such as screen- device is critical, and the patient should receive detailed
ing, diagnosis, or monitoring, evaluation may include tests of training. The product should be simple to operate and main-
reliability (repeatability in the same and different settings), tain, and designed for the technical skill level of an average
validity (sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values), dis- patient who suffers from the targeted mental illness [12]. All
crimination (receiver operator curves), association (relative home monitoring systems require some effort and discipline,
risk), and cost-effectiveness analysis [41]. and patient errors are a problem in general medical monitoring
The process to establish clinical utility for biomarkers can systems, such as inadequately recharging smartphone sys-
be long and difficult [41, 42]. Initial studies of new measures tems, wearing sensors incorrectly, and turning connections
often use small, highly selected samples, and results may not off [47•, 48, 49].
be generalizable to other clinical samples [42]. These small
studies may also overrepresent the prevalence of the disease as Patient Interest Level
compared with the general population, and results of validity
analyses vary with the prevalence [43]. Confounders that may The successful use of remote monitoring devices is complete-
alter the results of the measurement need to be identified for ly dependent on the cooperation of the patient. While some
each planned role of the measure [44]. Additionally, new patients find that remote monitoring allows them to feel more
diagnostic or predictive measures that are correlated with control over their illness, others may resist even if they can
currently available measures may not provide additional clin- easily use the technology. Some patients with chronic illness
ical benefit [40, 45]. feel overwhelmed by their treatment burdens, do not want the
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added responsibility of self-monitoring [50], or prefer not to algorithms are used to separate the high-quality content [60].
have a constant reminder that they are ill [51]. Some patients Since different methodologies are used to filter, remove noise,
will become annoyed by the effort involved or lose interest parse and identify emotions, and create user profiles from
and stop monitoring. Other patients may be unable to cope social media [37•, 59, 61, 62•], inconsistent results would be
with the routine technological issues when experiencing expected among vendors. Additionally, algorithms combine
symptoms [52]. various additional data elements with the social media to
improve results. Many accounts on social media are fake,
including an estimated 67 million accounts on Facebook
[63] and 20 million accounts on Twitter in 2013 [64].
Technology Issues Finally, not all demographic groups use social media with
the same frequency. In a national US survey in 2013, 67 %
Sensor Issues of all adult Internet users accessed any social networking site,
with those aged 18–29 the most likely to do so (83 %) [65].
There are reliability problems with remote disease monitoring
related to data quality and transmission delays [53]. The Context Awareness and Data Interpretation
limiting characteristics of sensors include battery life, memory
capacity, and difficulties with the patient-sensor interface [54, A critical issue in the interpretation of data for monitoring of
55]. With wearable sensor systems, there are problems related mental health is the user’s context. The implicit situational
to user comfort, sensor location in garments, quality of skin information found in human-human interactions is not auto-
contact, and power consumption [53, 55]. Many wearable matically present in human-computer interactions. This con-
sensor systems were designed for use by the elderly, and the textual awareness can lead to a change in interpretation of
preferences of those with mental illnesses need to be consid- data, such that the relevancy and importance of the informa-
ered. Unlike in a healthcare setting, remote measurements will tion depends on the situation, and should be included in all
not be repeated by a technician if a reading is invalid. In algorithms [66–68]. As an example, one software framework
addition to sensor malfunctions and communication prob- to identify context establishes three entities (people, places,
lems, real-world user activities can interfere with interpreta- and things) that are described by four categories (identity,
tion of collected sensor data. For example, motion artifacts can location, status or activity, and time) [68]. Both indoor and
impact the quality of heart rate and respiration measurements outdoor location sensings are now possible using
[47•], sweat from exercise can require recalibration of body smartphones, wristwatches, and sensors [69]. With context-
worn sensors [31], and ambient noise can impact smartphone aware software, the presentation of information, execution of
voice analysis [56]. Walls and other obstructions in homes can services, and tagging of data elements will vary with the
interfere with wireless communications. context [68]. While context awareness should improve the
Data collected from remote monitoring systems can be quality and clinical usefulness of mental health monitoring,
obtained at irregular time intervals, often in asynchronous the required convergence of simultaneous measurements such
bursts and in different contexts. The software must be able as of activity and vital signs will also increase both the volume
to differentiate hardware and software malfunctions from of data collected and the processing requirements [66].
medical abnormalities. Current algorithms to analyze data
from remote physiological sensors focus on anomaly detec-
tion, prediction, and decision making, especially when used
for continuous monitoring, and many issues remain [57]. Security and Privacy

Internet and Smartphone Issues The security and privacy aspects of systems for monitoring
mental state and behavior are critical for public acceptance
There are also concerns about the algorithms used to estimate and an area of considerable concern [70, 71]. The medical data
mental state based on Internet and smartphone data and activ- must be accurate and reliable, accessible only by those autho-
ities. People vary greatly in their mobile habits, and assess- rized to do so, and comply with all state and federal privacy
ment algorithms based primarily on smartphone usage may regulations including HIPAA. In addition to the complex
not work well for light smartphone users [58]. Analysis of data security challenges associated with medical data, there are
from social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and blogs must many inherent security risks with mobile users, wireless net-
find a few relevant messages among the hundreds of millions works, shared resources, and shared control of monitoring
of messages sent daily [59]. The content of these messages systems [47•, 53, 70, 72]. Most breaches of medical data
and other social media is noisy unstructured text that varies involve mobile devices [73], and there is a very high risk for
tremendously in quality, and automatic text analysis medical data on smartphones or laptops to reach unauthorized
Curr Psychiatry Rep (2014) 16:523 Page 5 of 10, 523

users. In 2013, 3.1 million smartphones were stolen, and only Expression Recognition Toolkit (CERT) for classifying
54 % of smartphone users either set a PIN code to lock the emotions from facial expressions [91]. Some products to
screen or used encryption [74]. In a 2008 study of 106 US analyze human emotion are currently on the marketplace.
airports, 12,255 laptops were lost per week, and 55 % of Emotient and Affdex based on facial expression analysis,
travelers used no security protections [75]. Monitoring sys- and Moodies based on voice analysis, are currently being
tems must also be designed and operated to address the threat sold to businesses to analyze customer emotional response
of intentional attacks [47•]. [92–94]. NeuroSky and Emotiv, based on EEG, are cur-
rently being sold to consumers to optimize brain fitness
[95, 96].
Large Influx of New Data

The information flowing from the sensors has the po- Ethical and Societal Issues
tential to create a massive volume of data [71]. The
scalability of the monitoring systems in terms of both Concerns With Medical Measures for Psychiatry
processing power and volume of data to be stored and
analyzed will become a critical issue as large numbers There are many ethical and societal questions associated with
of patients start to use these systems [31, 53]. Systems the medical measurements of mental state and behavior.
that function in clinical environments will require an IT Psychiatric profiling will identify some individuals as being
organization to receive and process the patient data and at high risk and requiring special intervention. This is espe-
transfer the results to the psychiatrists. cially troubling when children are involved, as a high-risk
label may shape individual self-perception and societal atti-
tudes about a child [1]. A label of being at high risk for mental
Measures for Non-medical Commercial Uses illness could also lead to discrimination by employers,
lenders, insurance companies, and even volunteer organiza-
There is widespread non-medical commercial research into tions [97].
computer recognition of human emotion and behavior. The Patients using remote monitoring should have a clear un-
future of human-computer interaction envisions flexible derstanding of how to obtain help in emergency situations, and
computers that are capable of identifying and tracking of the standard turnaround time for a response to incoming
people and then adapting and responding to user moods, messages or data [98]. Some patients with a remote monitor
preferences, and intentions [76–79]. Commercial research may incorrectly expect an immediate response to their digital
to recognize emotion and behavior is focused on develop- transmissions whenever they are in trouble [98]. If a patient’s
ing subtle, continuous, real-time, and context-specific in- daily activities are being monitored, the patients should agree to
terpretations of human affective displays and on combin- which specific activities are included [99]. There are additional
ing multiple modalities to improve results [79, 80, 81•, ethical considerations regarding the use of surveillance tech-
82]. A range of commercial applications for computer nologies for individuals with cognitive impairment [100].
recognition of human emotion and behavior are
envisioned. These include improving the effectiveness of Concerns With Measures for Non-medical Commercial Use
targeted advertising [83–85], improving the human-
computer interface for standard devices such as home There are many areas of concern related to the non-medical
appliances [77, 86], developing robotic devices that commercial estimates of mental state and behavior. Physicians
can have human-like interactions [79, 87], expanding are obligated to act in the best interests of their patients, but
the use of computers in tedious but attention-requiring commercial application vendors and data brokers are not
tasks such as surveillance work [76, 82, 87], recogni- involved in patient care and have no such obligation.
zing human emotions to improve safety such as when The vendors of most applications and devices sold to
driving [88], for intelligent tutors in education [89] and consumers do not need to demonstrate efficacy or safety
for entertainment. [101], as these products are not regulated by the FDA
Table 2 provides examples of non-medical commercial [102]. Many consumers may not be aware that data
emotion- and behavior-related research, although much of from applications not directly accessed by medical pro-
this is proprietary. Other technologies being developed viders are also outside of the scope of HIPAA protec-
include EmotionML, a proposed standard for an emotion tions and may be sold to third parties [103]. Users may
markup language to allow software to respond to the also not understand the sensitivity of some data, such as
detected emotional state of the user from the World from the commercial EEG products, which can be used
Wide Web consortium (W3C) [90], and the Computer as a unique personal identifier [104].
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Table 2 Examples of non-medical commercial projects in development to measure mood, emotion, and behavior

Study (patent application) Year Technology Item measured Aim

LiKamWa [121] (Microsoft, etc.) 2011 Smartphone SMS (text messaging), calls, email, Measure mood
application usage, web browsing,
Chittaranjan [122] (Nokia, etc.) 2011 Smartphone Call logs, SMS, Bluetooth scans, Classify personality traits
application usage
Lu [123•] (Intel, etc.) 2012 Smartphone Stress in voice Classify stress in real-time conversation
Konopnicki [62] (IBM) 2013 Social media Social media data Define user profiles for targeted advertising
Pandey [124] (Yahoo!, 2011 Internet Online queries, browsing, ad clicks, Improve user profiles for behavioral
Google, etc.) history targeting
Aly [125] (Yahoo!) 2012 Internet Internet activities Update profiles daily for behavioral
Gallager [126] (Raytheon) 2013 Internet Social networking and smartphones Track movement and predict future
Taigman [127•] (Facebook, etc.) 2014 Internet Facial recognition Human accuracy in facial recognition
Sahami Shirazi [128] 2013 Smartphone Interaction with mobile phone app Track sleep behavior
(Google, etc.)
Samsung [129] 2012 Smartphone Classify social network user Control interactions between users
emotional states related to emotional states
Apple [130] 2014 Hardware/software Voice, facial expression, physiologic, Infer mood and deliver mood-based content
devices Internet activity, compared to a user
baseline profile
Microsoft [131] 2014 Microcontroller Biometric data on emotional state such Mood-actuated device reacts to user mood
as heart rate, skin conductance
Microsoft [85] 2012 Xbox Scan email, messages, Kinect movement Target ads based on emotional state
sensors, facial expressions
Yahoo [132] 2013 Internet Generates user profile with mood gradient, Target items (song playlist, movies) to mood
friends preferences
Yahoo [133] 2014 Mobile devices, Voice analysis, speech, tone Stream content using voice-based mood
computers analysis
Dell [134] 2014 Computer with EEG, heart rate, other physiologic Determine mood and emotion for use in
sensors sensors education, gaming

Commercial organizations that monitor people’s everyday others is fundamental to scientific inquiry [109]. Public
health-related habits, along with their daily activities, can discussions of commercial use of mood, emotion, and
combine this with other data obtained from data brokers to behavioral data are required.
estimate mental state and behavior. Initially, the most frequent
use of the estimates of emotional state and behaviors may be
to profile individuals for sales purposes [105]. However, there
are many possible implications if commercial organizations Conclusions
define and detect profiles associated with mental illnesses.
Without their knowledge or active participation, people New measures of mental state and behavior that are generated
could be branded and blacklisted by an algorithm. using technology and analytics are coming to psychiatry. In
Targeted advertising for health-related products may in- the future, clinically useful measures will help with the screen-
fluence medical choices [106] and contain incorrect ing, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders, and
content that may mislead, offer false hope of cure there will be continued advances in this emerging field.
[107], or result in delays in seeking established treat- There are many technical issues to resolve, primarily relating
ment. Furthermore, the algorithms used by the commer- to reliability, usability, privacy, and clinical utility of the new
cial companies for health analyses are not published, measures. At the same time, the use of non-medical commer-
may be incorrect, and cannot be duplicated [108]. If cial products based on similar measures will become perva-
these algorithms are considered trade secrets, legal pro- sive. Society must address the ethical issues associated with
tections will suppress this information from the public, measures of mental state and behavior for medical and non-
even though building on the published findings of medical use.
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