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****3.1 The teacher will show different scenario from the story and the students will arrange
the pictures based on the flow of the story.****

Now, class, I have here sentences that tells particular part of the story. As you can see it is not
organized properly. First, lets us read them all together one by one. (read each statements with the
Okay, now, I will give this statements to some of you. (give the cards to the students)
[ After each card is distributed, start on sequencing the events with the students ]
What do you think happened first? What statement goes first in our sequence?
Anyone who has the statement that comes first in the story, kindly go in front and place the card
on the board.
(after each student place their card , make sure to ask the student if it is correct)
:Is this statement correct? Do you think this happens first in the story?
(if the statement is incorrect, ask why do they think so?)
:is is wrong? How can you say its incorrect? What do you think is the correct sequence of the

[Do the same thing with the rest until everything is properly sequenced.]

****3.2 The teacher will show common situations to the students (which are presented in a ppt
presentation). The students will think of an idea on how they can make a difference in the midst of
common situations given.*****

******Given situations:
Students talking, playing in the library
People throwing their garbages on the streets’ sidewalk

Job well done students! Let’s proceed to another activity.

I have here some situations; common situations that most people, or maybe some of you might
have encountered. What you will do is, you will put yourselves in each situation. And anyone can share
their ideas on how they can make a difference in the midst of the common situations given.

Are you guys ready? (ask for response)

First is
“Students talking, playing in the library”
Imagine you we’re in a library. How do you behave accordingly in a library?(ask the students for
Usually, in a library you should observe silence. But in this situation , some kids, or people are
talking , and playing. Maybe talking and playing loudly. What will you do in this kind of situation?
(ask the students)
(discuss briefly their answer, maybe just agree with the idea. Then proceed to next situation)

(Do the same thing with the rest until everything is done)

And now I will call on ms. Mylene, to lead us in another activity.

4. Application

********Lights! Camera! Action!

The teacher will divide the class into three groups. Students will perform a short role
play of ‘The Brave Tin Soldier.’ Showcasing **********

Is the story clear to everyone?

Lets have a recap. How did the story of “The Brave Tin Soldier” ended?
(Ask for the students response)
Okay, very good.
You all remembered how the story ended. But. What if, there is a different outcome of
the story?
In our activity, called “Lights camera action”, you will be grouped into three.
In your group you will imagine a ‘what if’ scenario about the story.
Discussed if the story would end up in a different situation. And with your group you will
execute the given idea on a creative way.
You can show a different outcome doing ‘role playing’ , or you can use a song to
interpret your desired outcome, or any other creative way to showcase your own idea.
You will be, given 10mins to prepare and 3 minutes to perform your planned outcome.

Lets assume the activity is done by everyone. I will now call on , Amadeo.

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