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Cell Structure and Function

1. Charachteristic of each cell
•Self-contained and self-maintaining •Carries out specialized function

•Takes in nutrients •Reproduces as necessary

•Converts these nutrients into energy •Stores its own set of instruction for carrying out
Each of these activities
2. Prokaryotic Cell Structure

→A long, slender projection from the cell body

→Composed of microtubules and surrounded by plasma membrane
→Propel the cell in small single cell organism
•Cell Wall
→A fairly rigid layer surrounding a cell
→Located external to the cell membrane
→Provides the cell with structural support, protection, and a filtering mechanism
- Monotrichous. Ex: Vibrio Cholerae
- Lophotrichous. Ex: Bartonella bacilliformis
- Amphitrichous. Ex: Spirillum serpens
- Peritrichous. Ex: Escherichia coli
•Gram stain for bacterial classification
→Gram-negative bacteria:
- Thin cell wall
- A few layers of peptidoglycan
- Surrounded by a second lipid membrane, lipopolysaccharides, and lipoproteins
→Gram-positive bacteria:
- Thick cell wall
- Many layers of peptidoglycan and teichoic acids

•Cell Capsule (glycocalyx)


→Layer outside bacterial cell wall well organized and not easily washed off
→Composed of polysaccharides helps to protect bacteria against phagocytosis
→Considered of a virulence factor
•Plasma Membrane
→Phospholipid bilayer
→Multifunction structure that combines the mitochondrial transport and biosynthetic function
that are usually compartmentalized in discrete membranous organelles in eukaryotic cells
→Anchoring site for DNA and provides the cell with a mechanism for separation of sister
•Nucleoid→ DNA condensed within it
•Mesosome→ invagination of plasma membrane
•Ribosome→ protein translation
3. Eukaryotic Cell Structure
•Plasma membrane
→Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
→Fluid: freely moving in bilayer; mosaic: random distribution of protein
→Components of plasma membrane: integral proteins, peripheral proteins, glycoproteins,
phospholipids, glycolipids, in some cases cholesterol and lipoproteins

•Mitochondria (Powerhouse of the cell)

→Tempat respirasi sel, penghasil energy, banyak dalam sel
→Cristae: inner membrane that folds over many times
→ Matrix: fluid inside mitochondria
•Nucleus and Nucleolus

→Nucleus: mengatur kerja sel

→Nukleoplasma: cairan berisi protein dan garam mineral
→Nukleolus: pengaturan ribosom
→Kromatin: filament halus
→Nuclear pore: jalur masuknya histone keluarnya RNA

→Nuclear envelope: supaya nukleoplasma dan sitoplasma tidak difusi


→make proteins needed in the cell by translation process

→Stores enzyme for digestion

→pH asam
→Types of digest:
- Phagocytosis: digest other dying cell/ large extracellular material
- Endocytosis: recycle protein receptor through cell surface
- Autophagy: apoptosis (self programmed death) ingestion of old or unneeded
→Enzyme contained: Lipase, phosphatase, nuclease, glycosidase, sulfatase, phospholipase,
→Function: digesting bacteria, repair damage, killing cells that no longer wanted
→Lysosomal storage disorder: fungsi tidak sempurna karena enzim tidak ada, harusnya
didegradasi malah numpuk jadi cell death
→Protein degradation:
- Ubiquitin: protein yang sangat kecil untuk memberi tag supaya proteasome tau
mana yang harus dihancurkan protein selnya
- Ubiquitin proteasome degradation: large multienzyme complexes in cytosol

→enzim katalase untuk metabolism fatty acid and get rid of H2O2
→Function: Establishing cell shape, providing mechanical strength, locomotion, transport
(exocytosis and endocytosis), chromosome separation in mitosis and meiosis
→Classes based on its size:
- Actin Filament/ microfilament: provide strength and support for the cell
- Intermediate filament: stabilize nucleus position and organelle, reduce mechanical
stress. Ex: keratin for skin, hair, and nails; neurofilaments for neural cells
- Microtubule: maintain asymmetric cell shape, highway for transport vesicle, forming
mitotic spindle for cell division
•Endoplasmic Reticulum

→provides a communication channel for material passing between nucleus and cell
→Rough ER untuk saluran hasil sintesis protein
Smooth ER untuk detoxification, sintesis lemak
•Golgi Apparatus

→for protein modification and packaging

→cis: dekat ER; medial: bagian tengah; trans: jauh dari ER
→involves in cell division and creating spindle that forming microtubule
4. Comparison of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Prokariotik Eukariotik
Nucleus No real nucleus Real nucleus with double membrane

Organelle None There are mitochondria, lysosom,

endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast
(algae and plants), and others
Typical organisms Bacteria and Protists, Fungi, Plants, dan Animals
RNA -/ protein Di sitoplasma RNA synthesis di nucleus; protein
synthesis synthesis di sitoplasma
Cell movement Flagella made Flagella and cilia made of tubulin
of flagellin
Organization Usually single Single cell, colonies, higher
cell multicellular with specialized cell
Cell division Simple division Mitosis and Meiosis

5. Exocytisis&Endocytosis
→movement of materials out of a cell via membrane vesicle

→dibagi 2:
- Regualted exocytosis: harus ada signal yang mentrigger. Ex: insulin
- Constitutive exocytosis: terjadi secara terus menerus tanpa harus ada signal. Ex:
White Blood Cell (WBC)
→movement of materials into a cell via membrane vesicle

→dibagi 2:
- Receptor mediated endocytosis: harus ada reseptor untuk invaginasi. Ex: kolestrol
yang masuk ke dalam sel
- Fluid phase endocytosis: masuk secara random tanpa ada reseptor. Ex: pinocytosis
6. Cell cycle

→Check Point:
- G1 check point (Enter S): make sure the environment is favorable
- G2 check pont (Enter M): make sure the environment is favorable and all of the DNA
are replicated
- M phase check point (Exit M): make sure all of the chromosomes are attached to the
7. Cell division

→Cytokinesis: the process of separating the new nuclei and half of the parental cytoplasm
into the new daughter cells
8. Cellullar Adaptation to Stress

•Atrophy: individual cell size decreases due to

lower rates of metabolism decreased protein
•Hypertrophy: cell size increases due to
accelerated synthesis of proteins and other
structural components
•Hyperplasia: reversible change in cell structure
from one fully differentiated form to another in
response to a stimulus
•Dysplasia: disordered cellular morphology,
organization, and function

9. Necrosis and Apoptosis

Good luck, guys and God bless ya ^^

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