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Primary / Viscerogenic Needs

Desired Outcome Need Directional Force

Air Primary (Viscerogenic) needs are
Water defined by Murray as needs involving
Intake Positive some biological process and arise in
Drive towards an response to certain stimuli or events that
Sentience object drive the body towards a certain
Sex outcome ('positive' or 'negative').For
Lactation example, dehydration would trigger a
Output Expiration (CO2) "need for water," which in turn drives a
person to seek out and intake water. The
Urination first six primary needs; Air, Water, Food,
Defecation Negative Sentience, Sex, and Lactation, are
Noxavoidance Drive away from considered 'positive' needs, as they drive
Heatavoidance an object a person towards a certain object or
Retraction action. The remaining seven; Expiration,
Urination, Defecation, and the four
avoidance needs are considered to be
'negative' needs as they drive a person
away from an object (or in some cases
towards the expulsion of an object).
This describes the readiness to be
repelled by unpleasant sense
impressions, disagreeable sights,
sounds, smells, and tastes. It includes
avoidance of discomfort.

To enjoy sensuous impressions

Domain Ambition Materialism Defense of Status Human Power Sado-Masochistism

Superiority Acquisition Inviolacy Dominance Abasement
Achievement Conservance Infavoidance Deference Aggression
Needs Recognition Order Defendance Autonomy
Exhibition Retention Counteraction Contrariance
Construction Seclusion Infavoidance

Obstructive Social Conformance Affection between People Exchange of Information

Blame Avoidance Affiliation Cognizance
Rejection Exposition
Needs Nurturance
Ambition Superiority To seek validation for power (Often split into Achievement and Recognition)
Ambition Achievement To accomplish difficult tasks, overcoming obstacles and becoming expert
Ambition Recognition To seek praise and commendation for accomplishments
Ambition Exhibition To impress others through one's actions and words, even if these are shocking. (Often combined with Recognition)
Materialism Acquisition To gain possession over an object
Materialism Conservance To maintain the condition of an object
Materialism Order To make things clean, neat and tidy
Materialism Retention To keep possession over an object
Materialism Construction To organize or build an object or objects
Defense of status Inviolacy To prevent harm to self-respect or "good-name"
Defense of status Infavoidance To avoid failure and humiliation
Defense of status Defendance To defend oneself against attack or blame, hiding any failure of the self.
Defense of status Counteraction To make up for failure by trying again, seeking pridefully to overcome obstacles.
Defense of status Seclusion To be isolated from others (opposite from Exhibition)
Human power Dominance To control one's environment or the people in it through command or persuasion
Human power Deference To admire a superior person; praising them, yielding to them, following their rules.
Human power Autonomy To resist the influence of others and strive for independence
Human power Contrariance To act unique, different from the norm
Human power Infavoidance To avoid being humiliated or embarrassed.
Sado-Masochistism Abasement To surrender and submit to others, accept blame and punishment. To enjoy pain and misfortune
Sado-Masochistism Aggression To forcefully overcome, control, punish, or harm someone
Social-Conformance Blame avoidance To inhibit asocial behavior to avoid blame or ostracism
Affection between people Affiliation To be close and loyal to another person, pleasing them and winning their friendship and attention
Affection between people Rejection To separate oneself from a negatively viewed object or person, excluding or abandoning it.
Affection between people Nurturance To help the helpless, feeding them and keeping them from danger
Affection between people Succorance To have one's needs satisfied by someone or something. Includes being loved, nursed, helped, forgiven and consoled
Affection between people Play To have fun, laugh and relax, enjoy oneself
Exchange of information Cognizance To understand, be curious, ask questions, and acquire new knowledge
Exchange of information Exposition To find and demonstrate relations between facts.

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