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- Consist of a body that is fastened to the lower end of an elastic wire or rod whose
upper end is clamped. The body is assumed to be fastened so that the axis of the
rod passes through the center of the gravity of the body.

Let an external moment be applied to the body that rotates it ( and the rod ) through an angular
displacement θ from the equilibrium position. When this moment is removed, the body undergoes an
oscillatory rotation known as torsional vibration. During it, the only external moment acting on the body
is supplied by the resisting moment M exerted by the rod. From strength of materials, it is known that
the relation between the twisting moment and the angle of twist for a circular cylindrical rod is.

M= θ

Where:Type equation here .

J = polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area of the rod.
G = shear modulus of elasticity of the material
L = length

JG/L - sometimes called the torsional spring constant

 For the rod with diameter, d

J = πd4 / 32

Applying the equation of rotation

[ Σ M = Iα ]
-M = I α
- L θ = Iα
α =- θ , in which ω2 =

Period, T

T= ω or T = 2 π √ IL/JG

Frequency, f
f = 1/T
Sample problem

1.) A solid circular disk weighing 32.2 lb and having a diameter of 3 ft is suspended at its
midpoint horizontally from the end of a vertical steel wire 3 ft long and 1/8 in. in
diameter. The shear modulus of elasticity for the wire is 12 x 10 6 psi. Determine the
period of torsional vibration

I = mr2/2 = wr2/2g
I = ½ ( 32.2/32.2 ) ( 1.5 )2 = 1.125 ft-lb-s2

J = π d4 / 32 = π ( 1/8 in )4 / 32 = 24 x 10-6 in4

T = 2π

T = 8.17 sec.
= 2π √ ( 13.5 ) (3 X 12 ) / 24 x 10 -6 (12 x 106)


1.) A horizontal bar 1 ft long that weighs 16.1 lb is suspended at its midpoint by a vertical
steel rod 4 ft long and ¼ in. in diameter. If the shear modulus of elasticity 12 x 10 6 psi,
compute the frequency of torsional vibration.

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