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Ladies and gentlemen, as the first speaker of the affirmative side, let me set the

parameter of this debate. The controlling provision of law in this case is Article 97 and
NOT Article 29 of the Revised Penal Code as amended by Republic Act No. 10592.

Article 97 of the RPC, as amended provi

nwhich provides for commutation of service for any qualified prisoner on the basis of
good conduct

re can be redemption in prison.

Ladies and gentlemen, speakers, your honours. We on the affirmative side would like to
set the parameters of this debate. We hinge on our argument on the the Revised Penal
Code and RA 105972.

But we submit ourselves in the restorative system of the nation, we submit ourselves in
the reformative system of the state. We submit ourselves to the rule of law and rule of
justice, dura lex sed lex, the law may be harsh but it is the law. If there is a drop of soul
that can be saved by the Good Conduct Time Allowance then we will take it. RA 10592
Sec 1 amended Art 29 of RPC on preventive imprisonment and Sec 3 amended Art 97
on good conduct time allowance. We on the affirmative side took it upon ourselves to
draw a clear cut line, to distinguish corrective preventive imprisonment and good
conduct time allowance. That will be our purpose for today, ladies and gentlemen .
Credit preventive imprisonment is imposed upon a person before he/she is convicted, if
he/ she cannot afford bail, or if his/her criminal case is non-bailable. Offenders or
accused who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the service
of their sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty

naturally, Aly

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