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eRe) Wo A TEXTBOOK OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (in S.1, Units) [For Degree, U.P.S.C. (Engg. Services), Gate and other Competitive Examinations] By Dr. RK. Bansal BS. Engg, (Moch), M. Tech., Hons. (LLT, Delhi) PhD, MIB. (india) Formerly Professor and Head Department of Mechanical Engineering, (University of Delhi) Delhi Collego of Bngineering, Dethi LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD BANGALORE @ CHENNAL © COCHIN @ GUWAHATI @ HYDERABAD JALANDHAR @ KOLKATA @ LUCKNOW @ MUNBAI @ RANCHI NEW DELHI ¢ BOSTON, USA Published by + LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LYD 113, Golden House, Daryagany, ‘New Delhi-110002 Phone : 011-48 53 25 00 Faz : 011-48 53 25 28 wwvelasmipublications om Compiled by : Smt. Nirmal Bansal © Alt rights reervsd with the Author and Publishers. No part of this ‘publication may be reproduced, trad tn a retrieval rystam, ov traneitied {any erm or by any means, eletrone, mechanical photoopying, recording lor otherwise without the prior written permission ef the publisher Price : Rs. 450.00 Only, Third Baltion : 1980 | Reprint : 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Fourth Edition : 2007, 2008, 2008 OFFICES | India usa © Bangalore 080.25 61 1561 Boston © Chennat 068.24 34.47 25 1, Lecvitt Street, Hingham, i © Cochin (0484-239 70 04 MA.02043, USA, | © Cawahati 0361-254 36.69, 251 98 81 OMyderabad 040-2465 28.33 ©dalandhar 0181-22212 72 © Roteata 085-22.27 4388 @Lucmow ——_ 0522-220 95 75 5 © Mumbai (022-24 9154 15,2492 78.69 ‘Ranchi (0651-221 47 64 ‘BSn.098-460 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘17as00a901 ‘ype Gan woen Priters, Dell Printed a: Givi Ose Print, Dh Contents Chapter Chapter 1. Simple Stresses and Strains LA, troduction 12, Streae 13, Stain 14. Types of Stress 18, Plasticity and lastic Limit 16, Hooke’s Law and Plastic Moduli 1.7. Modulus of Blastisty (or Youny’s Modulos) 18. Rector of Safety 19. Consittive Relationship bebween Stress and Stra 410, Analysis of Bare of Varying Sections Lit. Analysis of Uniformly Tapering Circular Red 112 Analysis of Uniformly Tapering Rectangular Bor 4129, Analysis of Bars of Composite Sections Ld, Thermal Stresses 1115. ‘Thermat Stresses in Composite Bars 116. Elongation of a Bar Duo to ite Own Weight ALT, Analyse of Bsr of Uniform Strength Highlignts Burvise Chapter 2. Elastic Constants 2.4, Introduction 22. Longitudinal Strain 28. Lateral Strain 24, Poissons Ratio 25, Volumetle Strain 28. Volumetric Strain of a Cylindtical Rod 2.2. Blk Modulus 2a Expression fr Youngs Modulus in Terms of Balle Modulus 29, Principle of Complotmentary Shoar Stress 210. Stresses on Jnclined Sections when the Element is Subjected to Simple ‘Shear Sireasot 2:14, Diagonal Stresses Protuced by Simple Shear on « Square Block 212, Dines Tensile and Compressive) Sirains ofthe Diagonals 21S. Relationship bebweon Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity Hightghts Buarcise2 BL 59-84 - 9 so 0 eo 0 : ” 8 “ 16 a Chapter Pager Chapter 3. Principal Stresses and Strains 85-142 SA. teeduetion 5 8.2) Principal Planes and Principal Stresiea s 3.3, Mothods of Determining Stresses on Oblique Section 8 A, Analytical Method for DtarminingStreiea on Osigue Section 35 55 Graphieat Method foe Determining Strssas on Oblique Section 133 36. Mohs Cirle 135 Highlights 138, Brereve3 189 Chapter 4. Strain Energy and Impact Loading 143-169 4.1, Introduction 43 42, Some Defsitions 143 43, Bxprosion fr Steain Bnergy Stored in a Body when the Load is Appliod Gradually 143 44, . Expression for Stain Energy Stored in a Body when the Lead is Aplid Suddenly 45 4.5. Expression for Steain Bnergy Stored in a Body when tho Load is Applied seit Impact 152 46, Expression fr Strain Boorgy Stood in a Body du to Shear Stress 165 Highlights 168 Bsocse 161 Chapter 5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia 170-234 5.1. Contre of Gravity 10 52. Centred x0 5. Centeoid or Contre of Gravity o Simpl Plane Figures m0 5.4. Centro or centre of gravity of Areas of Plane Figures bythe Method of Moments 170 55. Important Ponts mm 56. Ares Moment of Iextia 198 51. Racks of Gratin 195 58. Theorom ofthe Perpendicular Axis 195 58, ‘Theorem of Parallel Axis a) 5.10, Determination of area Moment of Teta 187 5111. Mass Moment of neria an 512, Determination of Mase Moment of Iortia 22 518. Producto inertia 218 ‘14, Principal Axes a9 ‘3.15. Principal Moment of Inert 220 Highlights 228 Boorse 5 229 Chepter Chapter 6. Shear Force and Bending Moment 64, Intreduction 62. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 63, Types of Beams 64. Types of Lead 165. Sign Conventions for Shesr Force and Bending Moment 166. lnnpertant Pints for Drawing Shene Fores and Bending Moment Diagreme 467. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for a Cantilover with & 1 Paint Load atthe Free Bad 8. Shear Poros and Bending Moment Diagrams for a Cantilever with = Unifirmly Distributed Load 68, Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams fr « Cantilever Carrying a Gradually Varying Loca 610. Shear Foree and Bending Moment Diagrams fora Simply Supported Beam with a Polxt Lead at Midpoint (611, Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagraes fora Simply Sapported Beam with an Eecentria Point Loed 46.12. Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams for « Simply Supported Boar Carying a Uniformly Distributed Load 6.18. Shear Foreo and Bering Moment Diagrams for 3 Simply Supported Beare Carrying & Uniermiy Yarying Load trom Zero at Boch End tow Per Unit Length at the Cente 6.14, Shear Foros and Bending Moment Diagrams fora Singly Supported Beam ‘Carrying a Unitoraly Varying Loxd from Zev at one End to Per Unit “Longt at the Othor End 6.15. Shoar Fores and Bending Momont Diagrams for Overhanging Beara G16. Shear Farce and Bending Momeat Diagrams for Beams Carrying Inclined Loat 16.17, Shoar Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams for Bears Subjected to Couples 6.18, Relations between Load, Shear Farce and Bending Bfoment Highignes Exercise 6 Chapter 7. Bending Stresses in Beams Ta. Introduction 7.3, Pure Bending or Simple Bending 78. ‘Theory of Simple Bonding with Assumptions Made 74, Expression for Bending Stross 75, Neutral Axis and Moment of Rosigtanco 7.8, Tonding Stresses in Symmeteical Sections 12... Seetion Modus ‘78. Section Modulus for Various Shapes of Bean Sections 19, Bending Stress in Unsymmetricl Sections a2 250 2 256 266 29 24 2st 255 289 292-341 202 202 208 296 295 291 300 200 2 je Chapter 110, Strength of Section CComapasite Beams (Fished Beas) - Highlights Beerise 7 Chapter 8. Shear Stresses in Beams 84 82. 53. Introduction Shear Stress at Section ‘Shear Stress Disteibution for Diffnent Sections Hightghts Buarcise 8 Chapter 9. Direct and Bending Stresses oa, 92, 93. 94, 98. 95. 94. 98. 99, Introduction (Combined Bonding and Direct Stresses eat Suey when Clann af aang Sein Sleds an Eccentric Load i a Rosultant Stress when a Column of Rectangular Section i Subjected to & Load which ie Boson ta oth Axes Resultant Stree for Uasyzumetrical Columns with Beosntric Loa Middle Third Rule for Rectangular Sections (., Keruel of section) Middte Quarter Ral for Cicalar Seevons (le, Kernel of section) ‘Kernal of Hallow Circular Section (or value of eccentricity for hollow crear section) ‘Kernel af Hollow Rectangular Seoton (or value of eccentricity for hollow rectangular seton) Highlights Brarcise 9 Chapter 10. Dams and Retaining Walls 101. 202, 10a 104 208 108, 107. 108, 109. Intreduetion ‘Types of Dans Rectangular Dams ‘Sirsees Across the Gaction of Rectangular Dam ‘Troposoidal Dam having Water Face Inlined Stability ofa Dom Retaining Walls ankine’s Theory of Barth Pressure Sarchargod Rataining Wall, 10.10.Chimineye Highlights Bearviee 10 Pages sao ar 2a7 238 342-376 me Be 8 a8 214 377-408 av am aT 998 400 so 402 405, 406 409-464 409 409 409 ot 20 443 45 455 458 460 462 Chapter Chapter 11. Analysis of Perfect Frames 465-510 11a, Tatrduetion 485, 11.2. Types of Frames Das 1153, Assumptions Made in Finding Out the Fores in a Frame 486 14. Rosctione of Supports of a Frame 468 1155, Analysa of a Frame 4st 116, Methed of Sections 2 as 11.7, Graphical Method 4st Hightghts sot Beneise LL 56 Chapter 12. Deflection of Beams 511-553 BA, Inteeduetion ou 422, Deflection and Slopo ofa Beam Subjected to Uniform Bending Moment an 412. Relation between Slope, Dflestion and Radius of Curvature ey 124, Deflocton of Simply Supported Beam Carrying & eint Load at the Contes 515 125, Deflection of a Simply Supported Beam with an Recentri Point Lood 519 126. Daflectin ofa Simply Supported Beam with a Uniformly Distributed Lasd 526 127. Macaalay’s Method at 328. Moment Area Method 546 129, Mohr Theorems 548 12210, Spe and Deflection of Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Point Load at the Centre by Maes Thacrer 59 12.41 Shope and Deflection ofa Simply Supported Beam Carrying ‘Uniformly Distributed load by Mohs Theorem 550 Hightights 551 Beercise 12 552 Chapter 13. Deflection of Cantilevers 564-577 30.1, Introduetion 554 1nd, Denson of a Contlover with Point Load at he Pea end by Double Integration Method 554 18.3, Dellecion of ¢ Cantilever with a Point Losd ata Distance from the Fed Bnd 56 1a Deflection of a Cantilever with a Uniformly Distributed Lood 57 13.5. Deflestion of a Cantlaver vith a UniGnmly Distsbuted Load for a Distance‘ fom the Pied End 501 18:6, Deflection of « Cantilever with » Uniformly Distributed Load fora Distance from tho Froe End st 18,2, Dellecti of « Cantilever with a Gradually Varying Load 567 188. Deflection and Slope of « Cantilever by Moment Area Method sth Haghlghts 815 576 Borrcice 13, Chepter 7 Chapter 14. Conjugate Beam Method, Propped Cantilevers and Beams LMA. Introduetion 142. Conjugate Beara Method MS. Delaction and Slope ofa Simply Supported Beam with a Point Load atthe Centre 144. Simply Supported Beam Carrying an Becentric Point Load 145. Relation between Actual Boam and Conjugate Beam 446. Deletion ad Slope of a Cantilever with a Point Load at the Free Bnd 341. Proppod Cantlewers and Beams 348. SF, and BM. Diagrams fora Propped Cantilover Carrying a Point Loed atthe Contre and Proppod atthe Free End 149, Sand BM, Diagram fer a Propped Cantilever Carrying 2 Uniformly Distribted Load anu Propped at the Proe End 14.10, S¥. and BAM. Diagrams fora Simply Supported Beam with ‘Uniformly Distributed Load and Propped at the Centre A411 Yielding of a Prop Highligh Brorioe 14 Chapter 15. Fixed and Continuous Beams 15.1. Introduction 152. Bending Moment Diagram for Fixed Deans 153, Slope and Deflation fora Fed Beam Carrying a Point Load at the Centre 15:4. Slope and Defloction fora Pised Beam Carrying, an Bacentric Point Load 185. Slope and Deflection for a Peed Beam Carying a Uniformly Distributed Load over the Entire Leagts 155. Fixed End Moments of Fixed Heam Dus to Sinking of « Support 18.7. Advantages of Fixed Beers 15.8. Continuous Beams 159, Bending Moment Disgram for Continuous Beams Hightghis Brera 16 Chapter 16. Torsion of Shafts and Sp: 16.1, Introduction 16.2, Derivation of Shear Stress Produesd ina Cireular Shaft Subjected ta Torsion 16.3, Maximum Torque Transmitted by a Chreulr Solid Shaft 164. Torque Trasnlted by «Hollow Chealar Shat's 365. Power Transmitted by Shafts 1646 Wepression for Torque in Terms of Poler Moment of inertia 16.1. Polar Modulos 168, Strongth of « Shaft and Turlonal Rigidity gs 688. Pages 578—612 ar) 518 ors ‘580 02 B92 eT 508 509 605 609 10 eu 613-671 eis ous 518 622 68 es 61 652 652 569 670 672—739 oe en 614 66 rd 887 688 | i Chapter Pager 159, Flangod Covpling 695 16.10, Strength of a Shaft of Varying Sections 698 18.11. Compote Sha 06 16.12 Combined Bending and Torsion - To 16.13, Expression er Strain Energy Stored in # Body Dus to Torsion us 18.14 Springs ma Highlights cs ‘Buercise 16 BECePe creas Chapter 17. Thin Cylinders and Spheres 740-780 37.. Introduction 40 172 Thin Cylindrical Vostel Subjected to Internal Prescure 40 137.3. Stresses ina This Cylindrical Vesa! Subjected to Internal Presse ma ATA. Bsxpresion for Circarferantal Ste (or hop stress) ma. 175. Expression for Longitudinal Stress 02 116. Réeency of 8 Joint a8 11.7. Effect of acernsl Pressure on the Dimensions of¢ Thin Cyliniel Soe! <, 780 YTB. A Thin Cylindrical Vessel Subjected to Internal Fhid Presoure and a Tore 781 179. Wire Winding of Thin Cylinders 47:0. Thin Spherieal Shells 171, Change is Dimeasios of « Thin Sper Shell ue to an Internal Preture m 17.12 Rotational Stresses in Thin Cylinders 73 Highligh . 6 ‘Bsercie 17 mm Chapter 18. Thick Cylinders and Spheres 781-807 184. Introduction, a1 162. Strestes in a Thick Cylindrical Sel a1 153. Strestes in Compound Thick Oybinders a) 184. Toit Ditfronc in Radi at Ue Junction of Compound Cylinder fr Shrinkage 194 185. Thick Spokes! Shel 800 Hlghtghes 805 Brocie 18 806 Chapter 19. Columns and Struts 808-870 191, Tateoduetion 208 192, Failargofa Column 208 193, Assumptions Made inthe Bule’> Column Theocy 200 1944, End Conditions for Long Columns = 808 1955, Expression fr Crippling Loed When Bot th Ends of th Colum rw Hinged si0 198, Repression for Crippling Load When One End of the ‘Calm ie Fixed andthe Other End ie Free aut Chopter 19.7. Bxpression fir Crippling Load. Whon Both the Buds ofthe Column are Fixed 198. Expression for Crippling Loed When Ono Ead of the Column is Fixed and ‘the Other End ie Hinged (or Pinned) 19.9. Bifetive Length (or equivalent length) of Column, 19.10. Limitation of Euler’ Forma 19.11. Rankine's Formals 19.12 Straight Line Formula 19:13. Johnson's Parabolic Formula 19.14 Factor of Safety 19.15. Formula by Indian Standard Code (L8, Code) for MIL Steel, 19.18, Columns with Booentrc Load 19.17 Calumas with Initial Corvatare 19.18. Strut with Lateral Losd (or bear columns) Highlighes Baarcioe 19 Chapter 20, Riveted Joints 20.2, Introduction 5 202. Types of Riveted Joints 20.8. Chain Riveted Joint 204. Zig-zag Riveted Joint 205. Diamond Rivetad Joint 208, Failare ofa Rivetad Joint 20.7. Strong of « Riveted Joint 30.8. Bffcioncy of Riveted Joint 20.9. Design of» Riveted Joint 7 Highlighss Beersise 20 “Chapter 21. Welded Joints 21.1, Introduction 21.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Welded Connections 21.3. Types of Welded Joints 214. Analysis of @ Compound Weld 21.5. Analysis of Uneymmetrieal Welded Sections which ave Loaded Axdally ; Highligne Beocise 2 Chapter 22. Rotating Dises and Cylinders 22, Introdction 22.2. Expression for Stresses ina Rotating Thin ise 22:3. Dis of Uniform Strengths ais a6 als 20 835, 900-918 00 son 905, 907 ou a6 919-956 sw a9 | Chapter Pages 22.4 Long Cylinders ~ M0 Hightshte 953 Brerese 22 5 Chapter 23. Bending of Curved Bars 957-1004 23.1. Introduction 987 23.2. Assumotions Made in the Desvaton of Streses in Carved Bar 307 23.8. Rspreaion for Stross in a Curved Bar 27 23.4. Determination of Factor A for Various Seetions or) 28.5. Resultant Stross a Carved Bar Subjeted t Diet Stasess and Bending Stresses on 29.8, Resultant Stress ina Hook 78 23,7, Stresses in Cireular Ring 987 238, Stresses in a Chain Link 298 Hightches 1000) Buerese 25 1002 Chapter 24. Theories of Failure 1005—1037 241. Introdtion 1005 242, Maximum Principal Stress Theory 1008 243. Maximum Principal Stain Theory 1006 26.4 Maximum Shosr Strvss Theory 1010 245. Maximum Strain Energy Theory 1014 24.6. Maxiaum Shear Stain Bnonay Theory 1018 24.7. Graphical Representation of Therion for Two Dimensional Stress System 1020 248. Important Points from Theorie of Failures sed in Design 10m 249, Boorgy of Distortion (or shear atin energy) 1098 Highighis 1086 Beesine 24 106 Chapter 25. Objective Type Questions 1038-1088 Bak, Onyecuve type questions Ueneraly Asked in Competiive Bxarainations 1038 25.2, Answer of Objective Type Questions 1069 25.3. Objective Type Questions from Caraptitive Examinations 1086 25.4. Anawere with Explanations 076 Subject Index 1089-1092 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION {Lam glad to prsent the book entiled, ‘A Textbook of Strongts of Materials tothe engineering wdents of mechani el lacie), aeronatial end hemical snd lo tothe Students of AMIE. Bearinaion ofInttution of Engineers india). The course contents have heen planned in such a vay that the general requirements ofall engineering studont are fue During may long experione of vaching othe englaverng students forthe pas 20 year, have observed thet the students feo dict in understanding clearly the base principles fundamental concepts nd theory without adoquate valved problems along with th text To ‘oot this vory baie roqurement tothe stagent, «large numberof th questions take rom the examination ofthe various Universite oflada nd fom other profestonal and compettive examinations (auch 2s Inatitution and Engineers and U.P.S.0. Engineoring Service Examinations) have boen slveé along with the tex: in Sunita, ‘Te book is writion in simple and eaty-tofllow language, co that even an average stunts can grasp the rao by salfstudy. atthe end of each chapter highlight, Unreal austin and many olen pokeme wth anor are vn forthe oles solve cher Tam thankful to my colleagues, finds and studente who nonaraged me to write this brik. Lam grateful to Institution of Bngineere Indi), various Universities af India and those authorities whase wor have heen consulted and gave mew great hep in preparing tho hook vnvnd REY pecan ad patent Plier San RE up e Mend nines) for kis most cooperative, painstaking ateudo and untirng efforts for bringing et ‘the book in a short period. * ire Mrs Nima Bansal daserves special ered as ehe mit only provided an ideal atmosphere at home fr book ting bat also gave inspiration ad valuable suggestions “Though every cae has ean taken in checking the manuscripts und prea reading, yet elaiming perfection is vcr diet shall be very grateful othe readers and sors ofthis back for pointing aay mista that might have exept in. Suggestions for improvement are met ‘ols and would be incorporate in he next don with ae make the bak ore AUTHOR PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION ‘Tho popularity of the thind edition and reprints of the textbock of Strength of Matarials ‘amonget the students and the toachers of the various Universities ofthe county, has prompted the bringing out ofthe fourth edition ofthe hook so somn, The fourth edition has boon thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date. A large number of problems from different B.E, degree ‘examinations upto 2008 of Indian Universities and other examining bodies, such as Institution of Engineers U.P.S.C, (Engineering Serviees) and Gate have bean selected and have been solved at proper places in this edition in 8.1. Units ‘Three advanced topics of Strength of Materials such as stresses due to rotation in thin land thick eylinders, bending of curved bars and theories of failure of the material have been added, These chapters have been written in such a simple and easy-torllow language that even an average student ean understand easly by self-study. In the chapter of Columns and Struts’, the advanced articles such as coluruns with eccentric load, with initial curvature and beam columns have been included, ‘The notations in this edition have been used uptodate by the use of sigma and tau for stresses ‘The objective type multiple-choice questions are often asked in the vatious competitive examinations. Hence a large number of objective type questions with answers have been added in the end ofthe book. Also a large number of objective type questions which have been asked in most of competitive examinations such as Engineering Serviees Examination and Gato with answers and explanation have been incorporated in this edition, ‘With these editions, itis hoped that the book will be quite useful for the students of different branches of Engineering at various Engineering Institutions. express may sincere thanks to my collegues, friends, studentsand the teachers of different Indian Universities for their valuable auggestions and recommending the book to their students. ‘Sugzestions for the improvement of this book are most weleame and would be incorpo- rated in the next edilion with a view to make the book more useful, AUTHOR 1 - Simple Stresses and Strains 1.1. INTRODUCTION ‘When an extornal force acts on a body, the body tonds to undergo some deformation. Due{o cahasion between the molecules, the body resists deformation. This resistance by which material of the body opposes the deformation is known as strength of material. Within a certain limit (.e, in the elastic stage) the resistance offered by the matarial is proportional to the deformation brought out on the material by the external force. Also within this limit the rotistance Is oqual to the external fores (or applied load). But beyond the elastic stage, the ‘sistance offered by the material is less than the applied load. In such a ease, the deformation continues, anti failure takes place. Within clastic stage, the resisting fore equals applied load. This resisting foree per unit ‘reais called stross or intensity of stress. 1.2, STRESS ‘The force of resistance por unit area, offered by a body against deformation is known as stress, The external force acting on the body is called the load or foree. The load is applied on tthe body while the stress is induced in the material ofthe body. A loaded memaber remains in equilibrium when the resistance offered by the member against the deformation and the ap- plied Toad are equal. Pp Mathematically stress is written as, 6 = = ly st aot where o = Stress (also called intonsity of stress), P = External foree or load, and ‘A= Cross-sectional area. 21. Units of Stress. The unit of stress dopends upon the unit of load (or foree) and unit of ares, In M.KS. units, the force is expressed in kgf and area in motre square (em?) Hence unit of stress becomes as kgflm®. If area is expressed in centimetre square (.e., dew) : STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘The large quantities are represented by kilo, mega, giga and torra. They stand for Kilo = 10° and represented by vw ‘Moga = 10° and represented by ou M Giga = 10° and represented by... G ‘Terra = 104 and represented by vou. T. ‘Thus mega newton means 10° newtons and is represented by MN. The symbol 1 MPa stands for 1 mega pasest which is equal to 10® paacal (or 10° Nima). ‘The small quantities are represented by milli, micro, nana and pica, They are equal to Milli = 10° and represented by ou. 1 ‘Micro = 10°* and represented by... Nana = 10° and represented by... 1 ica = 10° and reprosonted by... p "Notas. 1. Nivton ea fore acting on a mase ofene kg and produces an aseleration of m/sPie, N= 1 Gig) x 1 mt 2. The stress in SI. unite ie expressed in Nin oF Nin? 23. The stress 1 Ninn» 10° Nin? = Mim Tas one Niman! is equal to one MN/nt 44 One paseal i written aa 1 Pa end ie equal to 1 Nim 13. STRAIN ‘When a body is subjacted to some external fore, there is come change of dimension of the body. The ratio of change of dimonsion ofthe body to the original dimension is known as strain. Strain is dimensionless, Strsin may be 1 Tensile strain, 2, Comprossive strain, 8, Volumetric strain, and 4. Shoar etzain. If there is some increase in length of a body due to external force, then the ratio of increase of length to the original length of the body is known as tensile strain. But i there is ‘some decrease in length of the body, then the ratio af decrease ofthe length ofthe body to the original length Is known as compressive strain. The ratio of change of volume of the body to the original volume is known as volumetric strain. The strain produced by shear stress is known ‘ss shear strain 14. TYPES OF STRESSES ‘Tho stress may be normal stress or a shear stress. Normal stress is the stress which acts in a divection perpendicular to the aree. Tt is represented by (sigma), The normal stress is further divided into tensile stress and compressive stress 1.4.1, Tensile Stress. Tho stress inducod in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pulls as shown in Fig. 1.1 (a) as a roeult of which there is an increase in length, is ‘known as tonsile stress, ‘The ratio of increase in length to the original length Is known ss tensile strain. The tensile stress acta normal tothe area and it pulls on the are. SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS Pull (or force) acting on the body, Am Cross-vectional area of the body, Original length of the body, increase in length due to pull P acting on the body, = Stress induced in the body, and train (ie. tensile strain). Fig. 1.1 (a) shows a bar subjected to a tensile force P at its ends. Consider a section x-x, which divides the bar into two parts. The part left to the section x-x, will bein equilibrium if P= Resisting force (R). Thisis shown in Fig, 1.1 (). Similarly the part right to the section x, will be in equilibrium ifP = Resisting force as ehown in Fig. 1-1 (c). This resisting fores por anit {ea is known as atress or intensity of stress, Let a) 4 FF rising ores) a) ato Fig 1a ‘Tensile stress =o = Resisting free R)__ Tensiteload P) ie a oF Ad) a ‘And tonsil strain is given by, Increase inTongth _ dl iy ° “Originallengih ~ L 1.4.2. Compressive Stress. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal ‘and opposite pushes ae shown in Fig. 1.2 (a) as a resalt of which there is a decrease in length, ‘af the body, is known as compressive stress. And the ratio of decresso in longth tothe original length is known as compressive strain. ‘The comproseive stress acts normal to the area and it pushes on tho area. Let an axial push P is acting on a body is cross-sectional area A. Due to external push P, let the original length L of the body decreases by dL. Fig 12 ‘Then compressive stress ie given by, Resisting Force (R) , Push (P) _ P. we area(a) Area)” A ‘And compressive strain is given by, po Decrease inength Original length 4.43, Shear Stress. The stress induced in a body, when eubjected to two equal and opposits rose nich are acting tangentially across the resisting eostion aa shown in Fig, 13 Sere cof wih ee body tends to shea of arcs the azetion, is known as shear strst: The wEAoponding strain is known as shear strain. The shear siose isthe stress which a ental to the area. I is represented by © ee @ Fig. 18 SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 5 Consider a rectangular block of height h, length Land width unity. Lat the bottom face ‘AB of the block be fixed to the surface as shown in Fig. 14 (a). Let a force P be applied tangentially along the top face CD of the block. Such a force acting tangentially along a surface Is known as shear force. For the equilibrium of the block, the surface AB will offer a tangential reaction P equal and opposite ‘o the applied tangential foree P. a Rg es #—— § @ » @ y Fig. 14 Consider a section x3 (parallel to the applied force), which divides the block into two parts, The upper part will be in equilibrium if P = Resistance (R). This is shown in Fig. 1.4.) Similarly the lower part will be in equilibrium if P = Resistance (R) as shown in Fig. 1.4 ‘This resistance is known as shoor resistance. And the shear resistance per unit area is known, ‘ax shear stress which is represented by «. Shear resistance | R 2 Shoar strss, x= See esata G (Round as) [Note thet shear sess tongentat fo the ere oer which ic acts As the bottom face of the block is fixed, the face Cea ae ABCD will be distorted to ABC,D, through an angle ¢asa -¢ f—rt reaul of force Pas shown in Fig. 14 (2. | ‘And shear strain (i given by, a] jo Transversal isplacoment ly Distance AD | i s DD, _ dl +#— t—41 hd De seu Fig. 4 @) 15. ELASTICITY AND ELASTIC LIMIT ‘When an external force aets on a hedy, the body tends to undergo some deformation. If ‘the extemal force is removed and the body comes back to ita origin shape and size (which ‘sans the deformation disappears complotoly), tho boy is known as laste body. This property, 6 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS by virtue of which certain materials return back lo thelr original position after the removal of the external force, is called elasticity. ‘The body will regain ite previous shape and size only when the daformation caused by the external force, is within a certain limit. Thus thore is a limiting value of force up to and within whies, the deformation completely disappears on the removal of the force. The value of| stress corresponding to this limiting force is known asthe elastic limit ofthe material. [Ef the extornal force is so large that the stross exceeds the elastic limit, the material loves to same extent its property of elasticity. IPnow the forca is removed, the material will nat return to its origin shape and size and there will be a residual deformation in the material 16, HOOKE'S LAW AND ELASTIC MODULIL Hooke's Law states that when a material is loaded within elastic limit, the stress is ‘proportional to the strain produced by the stress. This means the ratio of the stress to the corresponding strain is a constant within the elastic limit, This constant is known as Modulus of Blasticity or Modulus of Rigidity or Blastie Moduli 1.7, MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (OR YOUNG'S MODULUS) "The ratio of tensile stress or compressive stress to tho corresponding strain is a con- stant. This ratio is known as Young's Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity and is denoted by pe Tensilestress Compressive stress Tonsilestrain °" Compressivestrain or B=% AL8) LT. Modulus of Rigidity or Shear Modulus. The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shear strain within the elastic limit, fs known as Modulus of Rigidity or Shear Modulus. This is denoted by C or G or N, Shear stress _ © Cor Gon = Serres =F Let us define factor of safety also. «1.8 18. FACTOR OF SAFETY 118 defined as the ratio of ultimate tensile stress to the working (or permissible) stress. ‘Mathematically itis written as, Uitimate stress Factor of $0007 = Permissible ates sade 1.9. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS AND STRAIN 1.9.1. For One-Dimensional Stress System. The relationship between stress and ‘strain fora unidirectional stress e, for normal stress in one direction only) is given by Hooke’s law, which states that when a material is loaded within its elastic limit, the normal stress developed is proportional to the strain produced. This means that the ratio of the normal SIMPLE STRESSES AND S]RANS Sor wtie acelin dai scott SONA TSR SL tate ‘Normal stress o Normal tte88 constant or Corresponding strain e where o = Normal stress, ¢ = Strain and E = Young's modulis £ ALT (AN ‘The above equition give the stress and strain relation forthe normal stress in one direction 1192, Ror Tw-Dimensional Stress System. Bafore knowing the relationship be- evo tinea nd eral fr twordmensional stress syiam, we hall have to define longta3i- tal tain lateral sri, and Peison' ratio Tr Longitadingt strain. When a body is subjected to an axial tensile Lod, there isan sneroaes ts he length tte body- Bute the Same tne theresa dacrease in other dimensions Sho oy ae rghit ales to the line of action of th applied loa, Thus the body i having sear dehetostion aed aloe deformation at right angle to tho line of ation of te apaliedToad dies lateral deformation. “The ratio a axildafrmation to the original length ofthe bodys known as longitudinal Cortina) cache ht longitadinal strain sels defined os the defrmation ofthe body per Shut lengh in tho difetion of he apple load. Let = Lenglh of the body, P= Tensile force acting on the body, = Incrate nthe length of ie boy inthe diction of? ‘Then, longitudinal etrain = 2. Lateral strajin. The strain at ight angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain. Let a rectangular bar of length Z, breadth b and depth d is subjected to an axial tensile load P as shown in Fig. 1.5. The length of the bar will inerease while the breadth and depth will decrease. Let SL Increase in ength, {85 = Decrease in breadth, and | Sd-= Decrease in depth rhe ta tin = 170) and lati strain= % or 7) £ Le 8 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS [Note. (if longitudinal strain is tenaile, the lateral strains willbe compressive. Gi) tf longitudinal strsin is compressive thon lateral strains willbe len. Li) Hence every longitudinal ctain ia the direction of load ie accompanied by lteral strains of ‘the opposite kind in all diestions perpendicular tothe lend 8, Poisson's ratio. The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain ie a constant for « given material, when the material is stressed within the elastic limit. This ratio is called Poisson's ratio and it is generally denoted by u. Hence mathematically, Lateral strain Longitudinal strain or Lateral strain = u x Longitudinal strain As Interel strain is opposite in sign to longitudinal strain, hence algebraically, lateral strain i written as Lateral strain = ~ y x Longitudinal strain 4, Relationship between stress and strain, Consider # two-dimensional figure ABCD, subjected to two mutually perpen. dicular stresses o, and a, Refer to Fig. 1.5 (. Tet (9, = Normal stress in z-direction ‘0, = Normal stress la y-direction Consider the strain produced by 0 ‘The stress o, will produce strain in the direction of x and also in the direction of y. The strain in the direction of 2 will be Se Poisson's ratio, w= {1.7 D1 7001 Jongitudinal strain and will be equal to St whereas the strain in Fig. 15 (@) ‘the direction of y will be lateral strain and will be equal to - n x 3 =- ux longitudinal strain) Now consider the strain produced by 0. ‘The trees 0, will produce strain Inthe direction of y and also in the direction of x. The Lateral strain sin inn etn fy wil a ogi sein and wl be equal to SE whee the strain in the direction of x will be lateral strain and will be equal to - x 4. Tat 4, ~ Total otrain in w-dinection ‘e,= Total strain in y-direction Now tote strain in the dertion fx due to stresses o, and 0,» 9 i701 [lt SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS s The above tv equations gies the otras and strain relationship fr the twodimen- sional stress sytem. Inthe above equations, tensile stress is tkon to be poriive whereas the omprecsiveelveas negative ; . For Three Dimensional Stress System, Fig. 5) shows a three dimensional toay sii totes ortogonlnornal teases, Op 94 ating in the directions of, and respectively. (Consider the strains produced by each stress sepe- rately. ‘To sirens o, wil produce strain inthe direction of = ad lao nthe deena fy ands The stra i the direc jon of x will be St whereas the strains in the dizection of y ‘tion ofx wll be St and will be Similany the stress 0, will produce atrain Sin the 2, Fig. 15.0) direction oy and strain of u SE in the direction of x andy each. i ‘Also the tres, wil produce stan in the dvetion of and strain of— 1x 9 in tho dection fx andy 1% O. ‘Total strain inthe direction of x due to stresses 0, 0p and ay = 32 —y SE SB Similarly total straine in the direction of y due to stresses cy, 0, and 0, 9299p St eo“ Ee and total etrains inthe direction of = due to stresses o,, a and c, Sy My EYEE Late; and e, are (otal strains in the direction of x,y and z respectively. Then 7 Go) 70) A) and ‘The above three equations give the stress and strain relationship forthe three orthogonal normal stress syste oan axial pull of ‘Problem L.1.A rod 150. long and of diamicter 2.0 om is subjected to an axial p 20 AN. Ifthe moc of elasticity of the material ofthe rod is 2 10° Nimm# ; determine the stress, Gi the strain, and- (Gi) the elongation ofthe rod: i [STRENGTHOFMATERIALS Sol. Given : Length of the rod, I = 150m 1D =20¢m=20 mm Diameter ofthe rod, Area, ‘Axial pull, Modulus of elasticity, {The stress (o) Is given by equation (1.1) as i 20 : F 2000 ssgeantnn?, Ans ong equate (3h ln taeda sien on $88 gan08, Ane (uy Began sited ang utn 1.2) 08 | ae Zosotss 1s seadrt om. Ans Problom 12. Fnd the minimum diameter fated which i wad of 4000 N if these thio oto eed SS ating, UNDA rd orien rad i Sol. Given: Load, P=4000.N ‘Stross, 0295 Nin? = 9 (Me Mega = 10 i 95 Nina ( 10°Nin? = 1 Niu?) Let Dw Diamotarof wire i mm Area, Ast! + Now stress = Mead re 4000, ap a D=732 mm. Ans. Problem 1. Find the Yours Modulus of @ brass rod of diameter ter 250 mim which is subjecte « stn the exonson ofthe od leah 20 vi wc ce toa oof 50 when th tension of the od Sol. Given: Dia. of ol, D= 25 mm | 2 Area of rod, Az F (25) = 40087 mnt ‘Tensile load, P = 50 KN =50 x 1000 = 50,000N Extension of rod, d= 0,9 mm Length of rod, L= 250 mm i I i i SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRANS 1" ‘Stross (o) is given by equation (1.1), 88 50,000, 50,000 Ura? cae = OLSEN) Strain (eis given by equation (1.2), as sing oun Lt Yous otis ane 4 ute 10L80Nnn! 4959 Wren? ‘str 0.0012 = $4882.38 « 10° Nim®, Ans. 1. Nimm# = 10° Nén*) 4.883 x 10° Nim? = 84.888 GNim®, Ans. ("108 Problem 14. A tensile fest was conducted on a mild steel bar. The following data was obtained from the test: (Diameter of the stee! ber Sem i) Gauge length of the bar =20em Git) Load at elastic limit = 250 kN (Gv) Estension at a load of 150 kN (o) Maximum load (i) Total extension (id Diameter of the rod atthe foiture Determine :(a) the Young's modulus, 26 em. (6) the stress at “ostc limit, (@) the percentage decrease in aren. ent-( mal” To a) To nd Youn’ maul, Brat calculate the valu fesse an strln within laste se Natt gen bu the extension corresponding to the oad a ste limit is net givens But a load of 150 KN (which ie within elastic mit) and corresponding exten Hon of 6.22 num are given. Hence these values aro used for stress and strain within elastic (©) the percentage elongation, and (oF emt Sol Area of the rod, A. -f oe = 7.0686 em? = 7.0885 > 10-4 m2. Time Stress = 100d, 18021000, pyre (Lia = 10008) “area "720685 10" = 212209 10 Nim® Incroase in angth (or Extension) ‘aa Strain = Criginal longih (or Gauge length) 021mm Foxt0mm “°° Young's Modulus, Stress _ 212209 «104 - 21220910" _ 99909628 x 30 Nin? Strain ~~ 0.00105 a we STRENGTHOFMATERIALS @ » 202,096 x 10" Nn? c = 202.005 GNim?, Ans. () The stress at the elastic limit is given by, Strees=Load at elastic limit, 250. 1000 ire 7.0885 « 10" = 85863 x 104 Nin? 353.68 x 10° Nim? © 358.68 MNim?. Ans. (©) Te percentage elongation is obtained as, Percentage elongation = Total increase in length (Original length (or Gauge lent) * 60mm = Seo * 100 = 909%, Ans, (@) Tho percentage decrease in area is obtained as, Perventage decrease in area (Original area — Area atthe failure) Originalarea 10? = Gig 10° = Mega 100 100 (Fxs*-4e228') 7 2 100 Fa ‘3? - 2.257 25) (23220 = (2=80025) 109. 42.75% Ans Problem 1.5. The safe stress, for « hollow steel column which carries an axial load of 2 x 10° RN is 125 MNim¥. Ifthe external diameter of the column is 30 cre, determine the Internal diameter. Sol. Given ‘Safe stress (0 125 MN/ns# = 125 x 10° Nim? ‘Axial load, P21 x109KN=21x10°N External diameter, D = 30 em = 0.30 m Let d= Internal diaraeter . Area of crdis-section of the coluran, As TD) = ¥ (908?) mt Using equation (1), a= le "Safe stros is troes which ie within canis lil t | i i i | | | | | | SMPLE STRESSES AND STRABIS 8 or 125 198 = 24108 (ot a F (a0? -a") or 009-8 = 2139 or 0,09- 0.02134 d= 009 -002T3S = 0.2619 m= 26.19 em. Ans. Problem 1.6. The ultimate stress, for a hollow steel column which curries an axial lead of 1.9 MN is 480 Nimm?. If the external diameter of the column is 200 min, determine the internal diameter. Tale the factor of eafety ax 4. Canoes, = 480 Nn? ing) paganess ue fe Meo» Exoal i, 200mm Rameety ne Aa ose Sen ete hin, AoE edhe 8 09 mm Ug esa 7, nee ; Uist srs peor ot eer ‘Working stress or Permissible stress ig ae oe Wangs = 0 Nit Pe agoe 20000 80H 4 Aa Kam = 2)” 40000~ <5 soto 4 : = 000 = 01508-9604 {035 mm te Problem Asta tarshoon ng Leiosbete vanes axyppied ong adap SSM Bcd mecmacnd mien swe prada. az] ol ren = Mathes, Passives 2 Din afopper pes, Dyn 20 am “ STRENGTHOFWATERIALS $20) = 100 x mat Area oflower part, A= ‘The streee is equal to load divided by area. Hence stress will be maximum where ares ‘minimum. Hence stress will be maximum in uppor part and minimum in lower part. D2 =* (got) =225 x mm Load _ 35x10? jaximum stress = “O84 = 111.408 Nimmt. Ans. Mi Ay” 100% Minimum stress = 00d S810" 49.5146 Ninm®. Ans. Ap” BB xH 1.10, ANALYSIS OF BARS OF VARYING SECTIONS, ‘A bar of different lengths and of differont diameters (and hence of different cross-soe- tional areas) is shown in Fig. 1.6 (a) Let this bar is subjected to an axial load P. Seaton ne od bee Hig 1s@ "Though cach section is subjected to the same axial load P, yet the stresses, strains and change in lengths wil be different, The total chango in longth will be obtained by adiing the ‘chonges in length of individual section, Let P= Axial load acting on the bar, Length of section 3, Cross-sectional area of section 1, Length and cross-sectional area of section 2, Length and eross-ectional area of section 3, and = Young’s modulus for the bar. ‘Then stress for the section 1, if Toad * = Reed of section” A, Similarly stresses forthe section 2 and section 3 ae given as, aa one SIMPLE STRESSES AND'STRANS 7 Similarly the strains of section 2 and of ection 2 are, a er aE Age Mt AE Change in length of eoction 1 Tengo section 1 ay 7 thor dL, « change in length of section 1. ‘Chong inlength of eoction J, dl, = eh, ™, 7 ae (: «-2) Sintary change in ng of ion and ection 8a clan a Change in ange ecion 3, dso But strain in soction 1 a + tye ae AE RE and change in length ef seton 3, =e Pi fo eye? aE Ske ‘otal change inthe loath ofthe be, sdb, + dy wl PEL Pla, Pla dis dly 4 dly+dby= 5 * ae * Be [a ta fe [2-2-8 a» Equation (1.2) i used when the Youngs modulus of dierent scons is same. 1 the Young’s modulus of difrentneoGens is diferent, then total change In lenge ofthe bar is oven, 7 ete ae te was Baa ini Problem 1.8. An axial pul of 25000 Vis acting ona bar essing of thre lengths as shown in Pg. 18 (0) If the Youngs madelua 2.1% 109 Nines determine CO atreres in each section and (total extension of he bar. aL. Seaton i Section 2000 sen eonom fe 20 ene 250m He Ze oA Fig. 16.8) 16 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Sol. Given Axial pall, P= 36000 Length of section 1, L,=20em=200mm Dia. of section 1, D,=2em =20mm. Arescfecion 1, = 0 «100 xan? Length of section 2, Ly=25 cm = 250 mtn Diaofseeion 2, Area owen 2, = % 80 = 295 xm? Length of section 8, Ly = 22 om © 290 mm 7 Dia. ofsection 3, Dy» Sem= 50mm + Aro feed, Ay 3 0 = 626 ram? Young modal, B21 x10 Nit (O Seria ech vection Asia ond Stross in seetion 1,0, = AEE P__ 35000 . = Eo fope 108 Nim? Ans. fe P 35000 : Stress in section 2, y= gay = ABSUG Nim? Ans. P _ 35000 aed Stress in seston 3, oy= Z-* Gopey = T7826 Newt. An (Gi) Total extension of the bar Using equation (18), we got 1 a Ja te rant ein 0 BAe ol Bix 10 (1002 © 225 xx suo +9.596 + 0.183 mm. Ans. Socat (6986 + 3.596 + 1.1209 Problem 19. A member formed by connecting a stel bar to an aluminium bar is shown in Fig. 1.7. Assuming that the bars are prevented from buckling sideways, calculate the ‘magnitude of force P that will cause the total length of the member to decrease 0.25 mm. The ‘values of elastée modulus for steel and aluminium are 2.1 x 108 Nim and 7 x 10! Nim? respectively Sol. Given Length of steel bar, ZL, = 80 om = 300 mm SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINE 7 Aroa ofstecl bar, A, = 5x5 = 25 em! = 250 mm? iP Elastic modulus for steel bar, By =2.1 x 105 Nina? Tt Senta” Length of aluminium bar, Te 1,= 98 em = 380 mm ‘Area of aluminium bar, soem toe [| phenntaneer Ag= 10% 10 = 100 m= 10000 mm? on) | Si Elastic modulus for ahumialum bar, pat 10 Nom? or ‘Total decret nent, dl: = 038 mm ut P= Rue fre ‘Aa teth th bre aro mad of ileen aerial, enc total change fn the lng of the bar is given by equation (1.9). oe Fig 7 ie ey ByAy ” ByAy or 025-0 (a i ae Ziv 0 «2500 "7 H0" x 0000, (G.T1A 10°F + 5.498 « 10") = Px 11142 x 10-7 2487 x 105 = 29437 KN. Ans. Problem 1.10. The bar shown in Fig. 1.8 is subjected to a tensile load of 160 AN. If the stress in the middle portion is limited to’ 150 Nimm?, determine the diamater of the ‘middle portion. Find algo the length of the middle portion ifthe total elongation of the bar is t0 be 0.2 mm. Young’s modulus ie given.os equal to 2.1 x 10° Nimm?. Sol. Given ‘Tensile losd, 160 KN = 160 x 109 N ‘Stross in middle portion, oy = 150 Nim? Total clongation, df 202 nim Total longth of the bar, ‘Young’e modulus, Diametor of both end portions, D, = 6 em = 60 mm ‘Area of crosa-cection of bath end portions, Ay= x 608 = 900 mm! ea a : rela $m ——_—__» Fig 18 18 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS i Diameter of the middle portion 1, = Length of midele portion in mm. Length of both end portions ofthe bar, Ly = (400-1) mm Using equation (1.1), we have Stress or the mide portion, we have where y= 3 D2 o Dy = VIRB = 36.85 mam es Atea of eroceeection of middle portion, Aye E968 [Now using equation (1.8), we get Ly : rasierenin, dead fa *Zae10® or 02. 1 = (400-19) and A, 02x21%10% | (400~ Ly), Ly 1.60000 ‘900% * 1066 1066(400 ~ 1.) +900: = 0.2628 = “900 x x 1008, or 0.2625 x 900%» 1086 = 1066 x 400 - 1066 L, + 900%% Ly or “T9118 = 426400 ~ 1066 Ly + 2821 Ly or “Tans — 46400 = L (2821 ~ 1060) or 364786 = 1761 Ly 364788 y= S89 907.14 mm = 20.714 om. Ams. 1.10.1, Principle of Superposition. When a number ofoads are acting on a body, the resulting steain, according to principle of superposition, will be the algebraic sum of strains caused by individual loads. ‘While using this principle for an elastic body which is subjected to = number of direct forces (tensile or compressive) at different sections along the length of the body, first the free body diagram of individual section is draw, Then the deformation ofthe each section is oblained. ‘The total deformation of the body will be then oqual to the algebraie sum of deformations of the sndividaal eections. SINPLE STAESSES AND STRANS. 18 ficiteshlhicaaia i Problem Lil. A brass bar, having cross-sectional area of 1000 mm, is subjected to axial forces as shown in Fig. 19. Ae © ga ae oly ao eS ate—— 1m —ae—— 120m — Fig 19 Find the total elongation ofthe bar. Take E = 1.05 x 108 Nimo. Sol. Given : ‘Area, A= 1000 mn? Value of Bw 1.05 x 108 Nim? Let dL = Total elongation of the bar. The foree of 80 KN acting at B is split up into three forces of SO KN, 20 KN and 10 kN. ‘Then the part AB of the bar will be subjected toa tensile load of 50 KN, part BC is subjected to a compressive load of 20 KN and part BD is subjected to a comprescive load of 10 KN as shown, in Fig. 120. pin] soit Fig. 110 Part AB. This partis subjected to a tensile Inad of 60 KN. Hence thero will be increase sm length ofthis part. { Inerease in the length of AB 1000 N, L, = 600 ram) =0.2857, Part BC. This partis subjected to a compressive load of 20 KN or 20,000 N. Hence there will be decrease in length of this part. Decrease inthe lengths of BC A, .1,-__ 2, i AE ta 1000 x 1.06 x 10° Pee =0:1904. 20 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Part BD. This partis subjected to a compressive load of 10 KN or 10,000 N. Hence there will be decrease in length of this part Decrease in the length of BD 2 10000 4 = 10000. 9200 “AB * "9 ~ y000 1.05% 10 Ce Dy24.24 122.2 mor 2200 mm) = 0.2096. ‘Total elongation of bar = 0.2857 ~ 0.1904 - 0,2005, (Taking +e sign for increase in length and ve sign for decrease in length) 0.1142 mm. Ans. Nogative sign shows, that there will be decrease in length of the bar. rg 1foblom 1412 Arenber ABCD in ebjcted to pint as Py Py Pyand shown in fe 202m safe oon ofa 00 =H) Fig. ut Galeulate the force Py necessary for equilibrium, i P, = 45 RN, P= 460 kN and P, = 130 kN. Determine the total elongation of the member, assuming the medulus of elas lieity 10 be 2.1 « 10 Ninn. Sol. Given. ParvAB: Ares, A, =625 mam and Length, [y= 1206m = 1200 mn Pore BO:. Aree, A, =2500 mm? and Length, 1, = 60em = 600mm Par CD: Area, Ay = 120mm? and Length, Ly =90.em =900 mm B= 21x10 Ninn, Value of P, necessary for equilibrium Resolving the forces on the rod slong its axis (ce, equating the forces acting towards right to those acting towards left), we got P.+Py=Py+P, Value of LSIPLE STRESSES AND STRANS 2 But P= 45 KN, Py = 450 KN ond P, = 139 RN 45 +450=P, +180 or P,=495— 180 = 365 KN ‘The force of 965 KN acting at Bis spit into two foros of 45 KN and 920 kN (i, 365-45 = 320 KN) "The foreo of 450 kN acting at is eplit into two forees of 320 kN and 190 KN (ie, 450~320 ‘= 190 KN) as shown in Fig. 1.12, From Fig. 1.12, itis cloar that part AB is subjected to a tensile load of 45 KN, part BC is subjected to a compressive load of $20 KN and part CD ia subjectod to a tonsile load 130 KN. A e gen rd 3000 12048 Big. 122 Honce for part AB, thore will be ineroase in length; for part BC there will be decrease in longth and for part CD there will be increase in length. Tnerease in length of AB Py y= sito set ge 1200 Ce P= 45 KN = 45000 NY 25x21. 10) ae 0.4114 mm Decrease in length of BC 320,000 — 820.000 600 Cs B 2500 x 2.1% 10 > fax = 03687 mm Increase in length of CD P 139,000 : AE! aso waix ioe "209 (04457 sara ‘Total change inthe length of member 414 ~ 0.3657 + 04467 (faking 4vo sgn for increase in length and ve sign for decrease in length) = 0.4914 mm (extension). Ans. Problem 1.18, A tensile load of 40 KN ie acting on a rod of diameter 40 man and of length 4m, A bore of diametsr 20 rami i made centrally on the rod. To what length the rod 30 KN = 130000) 22 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘should be bored a0 that the total extension will increase 30% under the same tensile load. Take B= 2 10° Nimm, Sol, Given som ow ——— in FeLu@ ‘Tensile toad, Dia. of rod, Area of rod, — in Fig. 1520) Length ofred, © L=4m=4% 1000 = 4000 mn Dia. of bore, d=20mm Area ofbore, ‘Total extension after bore Value of 10° Nima? Lot the rod be bored toa length of = meteor x 1000 mtn Then lngth of unkored poction= (4~s)in= (As) x 1000 mim, Firat caloulate the extension Btee the Boris made ‘The extension (8L) is given by, we Pg trx 40000 4000 00nd 10" Now extension after te bore is made 18x Katenson before bore 1a 2-22 mam ; ‘The extension after the bore is made, is alan oblained by finding the extensions ofthe tunhored length and bored length. or this, find th stresses in the bored and unbured portions. Stress in unbored portion oad P _ 40000 100 * hres "A" Ge ™™ tension of unbored portion = S00 Length of unbeedpoton SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 23 100 = 0 4-2) 1000 aaax ig *4"? Stes in bored potion Loud, P4000 __ 40000 “area "(A=a) (400m: Extension of bored portion ~ SEE «Length oft prton = 1000000062 min © 300m x 2 x 10" 10008 ‘Total extension after the bre is made a2, de 7 Ton | Ox Aid) Rquating the equations () and (i), Rod should be bored upto a length of 8.6 m. Ans. Problem 1.14.4 rigid bar ACDB is hinged at A and supported in a horizontal position by two identical steel wires as shown in Fig. 1-12 (c). A vertical load of 30 RN is applied at B. ind the tensile forces T, and T, induoed in these wires by the vertical load. Fg L2@) Fig 122.60) Sol. Given Rigid bar mesns a bar which will remain straight. ‘Two identical steel wiros mean the area of cross-sections, lengths and value of # for Doth wires is same, =p B,=Epand L, Loadat B= SO kN =30,000N ig. 1.12 (©) shows the position of the rigid bar before load is applied at B. Fig. 1.12 (d) shows the position ofthe rigid bar after load is applied, | Be STRENGTH OF MATERIALS! Let 7, = Tension in the first wire TT, = Tension in the second wire 4, = Extension of firt wire 4, + Extension of sooond wire Since the rigid bar remains straight, hence the extensions &, and 5, are given by ones ay 7 D2 28, = 0 But 8, isthe extansion in wire EC (Ben Ey Ey Ay «Ey oan pe Substituting the values of 8, and &, is equation (i), a. Tth Bek Ax E, ” ApxEy But 4, © A,,H, = E, and L, =1,. Hence above equation becomes : on, =7, Ai) ‘Now taking the moments of all the forces on the rigid bar about A, we get T,x14T,x2=30%3 or 1, +27, =90 iit) Substituting the value of 7, from equation (i), inte equation (i 7,+20T,)=90 or 82, From equation (i), Ty=2x18=86KN. Ans, Note. After calculating the values of; and, the stresses Inthe ewo wires can also he obtained Stereos in wire B= Led Th a At t vad Stress in wire w- 3, a 11. ANALYSIS OF UNIFORMLY TAPERING CIRCULAR ROD ‘Abbar uniformly taporing from a diameter D, at one end to a diameter D, at the other ad is shown in Fig. 1, Lot ‘arial tensile load on the bar L.= Total length of the bar B= Young's modulus ‘SWIPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 25 Fig. Lag Consider a small clement of length dx ofthe bar ata distance. from theleftend, Let the diameter of the bar be D, ata distance x from the left end. (A) - (25%). 549% 1000-60) 000004 P x 0.6981 021 ‘D000004 x 585 = TSG KN. Ans. = 15T46N 30 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 1.18. ANALYSIS OF BARS OF COMPOSITE SECTIONS Abbar, made up af two or mote bare of equal lengths butof za different materials rigidly fixed with each other and bohaving S ‘as one unit for extension or compression when suibjected to an axial tensile or compressive loads, is ealled a composite bar. For bs the composite bar the following two plats are important 1. Theestension or compression ineach bars equal. Hence Z | deformation per unit leugts te, ain in each bari al 2.The total external load onthe compet bari equal to the sum ofthe loads carried by each dillren materia 1 Fig. 1.15 shows a composite bar made up of two different materials, Let Total load on the composite bar, D-= Length of composite bar and algo length of bars of diferent matoriale, A= Area of erose section of bar 1, A, = Area of cress-toction of bar 2, B, = Youngs Modulus of bar 1, Ey = Young's Modulus of bar 2, P, = Load shared by bar 1, P= Load shared by bar 2, 1, = Stress induced in bar 1, and ‘0, « Stress induced in bar 2 ‘Now the total load on the composite bar is equal to the sum ofthe load carried by the two Mg. 115 bare PaPLAPy “ Load carried by bar 1 ‘The stress in bar 1, = _Weadenried by bart dah Area of cross-section of bar 1 or Pea Ay «iy Similarly atress in bar 2, or Pax ayy ii Substituting the values of P, and P, in equation i, we get PHA, + 0,4, iv) Since the ends of the two bars are rigidly connected, each bar will change in length by ‘the same amount, Also the Iength of each bar is came and honce the ratio of change in iength to the original length ((., strain) will be same for each bar. Stress inbard —_ gy eee ee ~ Young's modulus of bar 1” 2," Similarly strain inbor 2, = 3 | | | SWPLE STRESSES AND STRANS a a But strain in bar 1 = Strain in bar 2 “E-2 «) From equations (iv) and (), the stresses, and g, ean be determined, By substituting the values of, and o, in equations (i) and (ii), the leed carried by difforent materials may be ‘computed. q ‘Modular Ratio. The ratio of Fis called the modular rato of tho first material tothe second, Problem 1.19. A steel rad of $em diameter is enclosed centrally in @ hollow copper tube of external diameter 51m and internal diameter of 4eni. The composite bar is then subjectad to 4an axial pull of 45000 N. If the length of each bar is equal to 15 em, determine : (@ The stresees in the rod and tube, and (ii) Load carried by each bar. 1x 10° Nimm# and for eopper 1% 108 Nima’ Dia. of steel rod 10mm v J 4 ‘ictal ar Aj 00F= 70080 mnt SQ sana eopar abe ssn Riess n= f0 ‘n= 40mm asSSSd +A of cope tae, 4, 40 SSTRENGTA OF MATERIALS JX ATOKA, #0, XA, = 1.8259, 500 + 1.259, x 750 + 0, x 1000 6 1.6250, and 0, = 1.250,) Ans. oe= 3750 Substituting the value of 0, in equations i) and (i), we got 9, = 1.625 90.9 = 147.7 Nimam®. Ans. and 6, = 1.95 x 90.9 = 118.625 Nimm?, Ans. Now load shaved by copper = 0, A, = 147.7 500 = 73850.N. Ans, 9, A, = 118.625 x 750 85218 N. Ans. Load shared by zine rod Load shared by aluminium rod 0, % A, = 00.9 « 1000 = 90900'N. Ans. Problem 1.27. A steel rod 20 mm in diameter passes centrally through «steel tube of 25 mm internal diameter and 30 mm external diameter. The tube is 600 mm long and is closed by rigid washers of negligible thicknees which are fastened by nuts threaded on the rod. The nuts are tightened until the compressive load on the tube is 20 RN. Calculate the stresces in the tube and the red. Find the increase in these stresses when one nut is tightened by one-quarter of @ turn relative tothe other. There are 4 threads per 10 mm. Take B = 2 x 10° Nim, Sol. Given, Dia. of rod 0 mn ‘Area oo A= % (20% mn? » 100 mm? rea oftabe, 4, = Length of tube, Z = 800 mm ‘Compressive load on tube, P, Value of B = 2 x 10° Nizam? ee es \- Fig. 122 When the nuts are tightoned, the tube will be compressed and the rod will be elongated. ‘This means that the tube will be under compression and rod will be under tension, Since no SINELE STRESSES AND STRAINS at external foreee have been applied, the compressive load on the tube must be equal to the tensile load on the rod, Let 0, = Stress in the tube, and 19, = Stress in the rod Now, Tensile load on the rod = Compressive load on the tube 6, %4, 20,4, ow Ae x o,= SE a, 100% i) When the compressive load on the tube is 20 kN or 20,000 N. ‘Then stress in the tube, or x 9= 0.6818, @ Losd___ 20000 ©: ‘hres of tube " 6875 = 92.599 Nimm* (compressive). Ans. Gi) Substituting this value kx equation (i), we'get ‘Stress in the rod, 9, = 0.6815 x 0, = 0.6875 x 92.599 = 63.66 Nim (tensile). Ans. (itt) Stresses in the rod and cube, whien one nut is tightened by one quarter of «turn. Lot 6,° = Stress in tho rod and 19; = Stress in the tube du to tightening of the nut by one-quarter of « tur, ‘As the stress in the tube ia compressive and stress in the rod is tensile hence there will be decrease in the length of tubo but there will be increase in the length of the rod. Decrease in the lengih of tube = Strain x Stress in tube fs sain S82) peat { 2K, x 800 0.0080," sae “ Inerease in tho longth of tho rod Stress in rod_ ot Siressinvod 75 % x 200 = 0687509) 800 G5 wageta) 2x 108 0.00275 x of ‘One-quarter of @ turn fof a turn Butin one turn, the advancement of the nut is }th of 10 mm. x} x 10~ 0.625 mm + Axial advancement ofthe nul = Blt axial advancement of the mut = Decrease in length of tubo + Increase in the length of rod 2 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (0.625 = 0.004 x o,* + 0.002759," = 0.00675 x 3 0.625 of = G0g78 = 9259 Nimm®, Ans. and 0, = 0.6876 x 92,59 = 68.65 Nim’. Ans, 1.14. THERMAL STRESSES: ‘Thormel stresses aro the stresses induced ina body duo t change in temperature, Ther- ‘mal stresses are set up in a body, when the tamperature of the body is raised or lowered snd the body is not allowed to expand or contract freely. But if the body is allowed to expand or contact freely, no stresses will be set up in Uhe body. Consider « body which is heated to a certain temperature. Let L = Original length of the body, T'= Rise in temperature, = Young's Modulus Co-fficient of linear expansion. LL = Extension of red due to rise of temperature the rod is free to expand, then extension ofthe red is given by db=a PL. ‘This is shown in Fig. 1.23 (a) in which AB represents the original length and BB’ represents the increaso in length. due to temperature rise. Now suppose that an external ‘compressive load, is applied a: B' so thatthe rods dsereased in ‘ts length from (L + 071) toLas shown in Figs 1.23 () and sro ivan « Destease in length s ‘Then compressive strain = 7 si Original length wPt fh 3 Tear TOT L- But Sem — eee Ht Fig. 1.28 Stross ~ Stein x B= aT And load or thrust on the rod = Strese x Area = a.T'E xA Ifthe ends of the body are fixed to rigid supports, 20 that ite expansion is prevented, then compressive stress and strain will be sot up in the rod. These stresses and strains are known as thermal stresses and thermal strain, s-Thermal strain, _¢ = Extension prevented Original le att 2 1.14) ‘And thermal stress, 0 = Thermal strain x E $a. 1.15) ‘Thormal stress is also known aa temperature stress. ‘And thermal strain is also known as temperature strain SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 43 “LGA, Stress and Strain when the Supports Yield. Ifthe supports yield by an amount eal to 6, then the netual expansion ~= Expansion du to rise in tomporature 8 PaTL-5 ‘Actual expansion _ (a.7.L ~8) > “Original length ~ Actual strain > B TED ag soblem 1.28. rod is 2m long at a temperature of 10°C. Find the expansion ofthe rod, aon ee tonpurar Yd 6 SOI th apoio io prevent ind the tree inden ihe materia of he rod. Teke B= 1.0 105 MN? and c= 0.000072 per degree centigrade. Sol Given : Length of red, Tnital temperature, Final temperature, ‘Rise in temperature, ‘Young’s Modulus, Actual strain ‘And actual stress 0.16) (0 108 MN 0x 108 x 10° Nin? 00 Nin Coveffcient of linear expansion, « = 0.000012 "The expansion ofthe rod due to temporature rise is given by equation (1.12). Expansion ofthe red = @.T.L = 0.000012 « 70 «200 = 0.168 0m. Ans. Gi) The stressin the material ofthe red ifexpansion is prevented is given by equation (2.19) c Thermal sress, = at. TE 000012 x 70 > 1.0 x 108 Nim? = 84 109Nim? = 84 Nimmé, Ams, (+ 10! Nén! Problem 1.29. A steel rod of 3 em diameter and 5 m long is connected to two grips and. the rod is maintained ai a temperature of 95°C. Determine the strese and pull exerted when the temperature falls to 30°C, if (i the ends do not yield, anc. Gi) the ends yield by 0.12 em. ‘Take B = 210° MNIn® and a= 12 x 104°C. eM =10) Nom) Sol Gen Dinttheres, — daden=30mm Jeoeaf toed, An Zant =225 ema? gd otter, =8 an 8000 mon tal pers, 7, = °6 Final temporature, T',=30°C “4 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS «Fall in temperature, 7 ‘Modulus of elasticity, = 2x10! Nin? Coefficient of linoar expansion, « = 12x 10-9C. (2 When the ends da not yield ‘The stress is given by equation (1.18). Stress = a. TE = 12 x 10° x 65 x2 100 Nin? 156 x 10 Nim? or 156 Nimm? (tensile), Ans. Pullin the rod = Stress x Area = 156 x 225 = 110268.9N, Ans. Gi) When the ends yield by 0.12 em “ b=0120m=12mm ‘The stress when tho ends yield is given by equation (1.16) @TL-8) 5 Stress = (12 10"* 65.5000 - 1.2) @9-1y BEL 9. 10% = 108 Nimm?, Ans. San 10° = 108 Nim? Pullin the red = Stress x Area = 108% 295 x= 7640.7 N. Ans. 2% 108 Nim? 1.15. THERMAL STRESSES IN COMPOSITE BARS Fig, 1.24 (a) shows a composite bar consisting of two members, a bar of brass and another of steel. Let the composite bar be heated through some tamperature, Ifthe mombers are free to expand then no stresses will be indueed in the members, But the twa members are rigidly fed and hence the composite bar as a whole will expand by the same amount. As the co-efficient of Iinear expansion of brass is more than that of the steel, che brass will expand ‘more than the stoel. Hence the free expansion of brass will be more than that of the steel, But both the members are not free to expand, and hence the expansion of the cowposite bar, 2s a whole, wil be less than that of the brass, but more than that of the steel. Hence tha stress tet aes spa Uk oe Pe Brags set * © o Fig 12 “SIMPLE STFESSES AND STRAINS 45 induced in the brass will be compressive whereas the stress in stecl will be tensilo as shown in Fig. 1.24 (€). Hence the load or force on the brass will bo compressive whereas on the steel the Toad will be tens Let A, = Area of eross-soetion of brass bar ‘9, = Stress in brass train in brass 6, = Co-efficient of linear expansion for brass £, = Young's modulus for copper Ajo,.¢,and e,= Corresponding values of arva, stress, strain and eo-fficiont of near expansion for steel, and B, = Young's modulus for steel {= Actaal expansion of tho composite bar Now load on the brass And load on the steel = 0, For the equilibrium of the eystem, compression in enpper should be equal to tension in the steel ‘or Load on the brass = Load on the steel OX A,=6, x4, ‘Also wo know thet actuel expansion of steel ‘Actual expansion of brass But actual expansion of steel Free expansion of steel + Expansion due to tensile stress in steol O Tbe get z ‘And actual expansion of copper ; «= Froe expansion of copper ~ Contraction due to compressive stress induced in brass ‘Substituting these values in equation (), we get vba 8 x Laan Tx Sex aye Ta be Gx La gx TaL~ Zt oP + Sb wa, xT Sh o se Gh oy PB here T= Rise of temperaturs. copper tube of Problem 1.30. steel rd of 20 mm diameter passes centrally through a cope? 450 mm external diameter and 40 mm internal diameter, Te tube is closed at each end by rigid plates of negligible thickness. The nuts are lightened lighély home onthe projecting parts ofthe 48 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS rod. If the temperature of the assembly is raised by 60°C, calculate the stresses developed in copper and steel. Take B for steel and copper as 200 GNim! and 100 GN/n? and a for steel and ‘copper as 12 x 10 per *C and 18 x 10- per °C. Sol. Given Dia. of steel rod =20mm Ares oftel ina, 4,=£ x 20¢= 100e mm! Area atcopper ake, A, = (60409 mn? = 2250 mnt Rise of temjuratur, 7 = 60°C E for steel, b G=10% "= 200 > 10" x 10° Nin? = 200 x 108 Nima? 10° Nima? = 1 Nim?) EE for copper, B= 100 GNimn = 100 x 10° Nim? = 100 x 108 x 108 Nin? = 100 x 10° Nima? for steel, 4,212 10 per °C «a for copper, 0, = 18 «10-* per °C. ‘As «for copper is more than that of steel, hence the ffee expansion of copper will be tore than that of steel when there isa rive fn temperature. But the ends ofthe red and the tube is fixed to tho rigid pltae and the nuts are tightened on the project part ofthe tod Hane the two members are not fre to expand, Hence the tube andthe rod wll expand by tho same amount. The free expansion ofthe eapper tube willbe more than the common expanion, ‘whereas the fre expansion of the steal rod il be loss thaa the eommon expansion Hens te ‘copper tube will be subjected to compressive strass and the stoel rd will be subjected to tensile Let 0, = Tonsile stress in atecl (0, = Compressive stress in coppe For the equilibrium of the system, : ‘Tensile losd on stool = Compressive load on eupper or 6,-4.2, A or 4 xo, ge 25% = Fe xo, 2.260, “o ‘We know that the copper tube and steel rod will actually expand by the same amount, ‘Actual expansion of steel ‘But actual expansion of stool = Free expansion of stee] + Expansion due to tensile ety, in stoel a ee % ‘Actual expansion of copper li) ‘and actual expansion of copper SIPLE STRESSES AND STRANS a Free expansion of copper ~ Contraction due to compressive stress in copper fen ‘Substituting these values in equation (ii), we get a Tbe aa 1 Tobe bag Plt « gts ar 12x104 50+ 2280, i yea 30030 2050, , 2 : oe BM 8s aa x 1050-194 17550 0-210" * 10010 or Map 100, +1045, =6 10x50 or 2125 x 10-50, = 80 x 104 & 21289, = 80 = M47 Ninn’, Ane a1 Substtating this valu in equation (9, we got ANT x 2.28 1.76 Nimm?. Ans. Problem 1.81. A steel tube of 90 mm external diameter and-20 mm internal diameter ‘encloses a copper rod of 16 mm diameter to which it is rigidly joined at each end. If, at a temperature of 10°C there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the stresses in the rod and tube when the temperature is raised to 200°C. Take E for stel and copper as 2.1 x 10% Ninn? and 1 10° Nima? respectively. The value of coefficient of lincar expansion for steel and copper * ‘given as 11 x 10 per °C and 18 x 10° per °C respectively. Sol. Given Dia. of copper rod ron oppor red, Ape Ee 882 58 Me ‘Area of steel tube, A, = = @0®~ 20%) = 125 mn? Rise of temperature, T'=(200— 10) = 190°C B for stool, B= 2.1% 10° Nomen? E for copper, = 1 105 Nam? Value of for ste, 1x 10 per °C Value of for copper, 9, © 18 x 10° per °C AAs the value of « for copper is more'than that of steel, henee the capper rod would expand more than the steel tube if were free. Since the Lwo are joined together, the copper 48 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS SS et ores Will be prevented from expanding its full amount and will he put-in compression, the steel boing put in tensi Let = Strese in steel 9, = Stree in copper. For equilibrium of the system, Compressive load on coppor = Tensile load on stec! 125% B62" ‘We know that the copper rod and the steel tube will actually expand by the same amount. ‘Now actual expansion of steot » Free expansion of steel + Expansion due fo tensile stress =2.22%0, @ Tb+ Eb and actual expansion of coppe Froe expansion of copper = Contraction due to compressive stress PbS Bub actual expansion of stecl = Actual expansion of copper oy Tilt Fe baa. Pb L or oT oF 1x10 x 1904 5S = 18 194 190 229 ‘ sot 2.220,) or 18 « 104 190-11 x 10-9 x 190 oe +21 2220, o ee 5x 10x 190 or 5, + 46620, = 5 x 10-% x 190 x 2.1 « 108 o 5.6620, = 199.5 1098, = 35.235 Nimm?. Ans, 5002 ‘Substituting this value in equation (, we get 6, = 2.22 % 35.295 = 78.22 Nimm®, Ans, Problem 1.82. A steal tube of 30 mm external diameter and 25 mm interne! diameter encloses a gun metal rod of 20 mm diameter to which itis rigidly joined at each end. The temperature of the whole assembly is raised to 140°C and the nuts on the rod are then ssreed lightly home on the ends of the tube. Find the intensity of stress in the rod when the common temperature has fallen to 30°C. The value of E for steel and gun metal is 2.1 x 10% Nimm? and SIMPLE STRESSES AND STAANS 49 1x 108 Nimm? respectively. The linear co-efficient of expansion for steel and gun metal is 12 x 10° per "Cand 20 x 10° per *C. Sol. Given : Dia. of gun metal rod =20 mm Area gunna rod, Ay 208 100 ant pres ofsee te, A= 3 0-269) 68.158 mat Fallin tnportue, P= 140-9010 Valueof foros, H,=2:1 x 108m? Valu of fr gun tal, = 1 10° Nin? Value of a for stecl, = 12x 10 par °C Value ofa for gun metal, 6, = 20x 10" per °C. As dia greater than a, hence the free contraction of the gun metal rod will be moro ‘than tha of steel when thers ie «fll in temperature. Bt, since the ends of the rods have been provided with nuts, he two mombors are not Free to contract fully, each ofthe member will contract by the same atsount. The free contraction of tho gum metal rod will be greater thon the common contraction, whereae the free contraction of the stel tubs will bo loss than the common contraction. Hence the stesl tube will be subjected to compressive stress while the ‘un metal rod willbe subjected to tensile stress, Leto, = Stress in steel tube and 19, = Stross in gun metal red For the equilbxium of the system, ‘otal compressive fore in stel ‘Total tensile foree in gun metal AL OA, Ay, 100% or 8 Oe AE Oe BRIE a 45450, i) We also know that the stoel tube and gun metal rod will actually contract by the same ‘Actual contraction of steel = Actual contraction of gun metal rod But actual contraction of steel = Free enniraction of steel “+ eontraction due to compressive stress in steel +S Tabs Ge Actual contraction of gun metal = Free contraction of gun metal = expansion due to tensile stress in gun metal 50 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS -Equating the two values, we got a,.-T.b+ tLe oa Tle Be Long PLA FEL 1.4545 , or x 10110 SE 3 20x 10 x 110. : 0, = 14545 0,) 21x10 eo 7 14545 °, or AAS og, + 28 20 x 10 110-12 10% x 110 Bax io® 8 Teo LabAb ag +219, or =8x 10% 110 Baxi or 8.8585 0, = 8x 10% x 110 x 2.1 x 10 = 184.8, 1848 : y= GEES = 51.90 Nmmt, Ans. Subotituting this value in equation (), we got 6, = 14545 x 51.99 = 75.62 Nimm?, Ans. 116. ELONGATION OF A BAR DUE TO TTS OWN WEIGHT Fig, 1.25 shows a bar AB fixed at end A ond hanging freely under its own weight. 4 Let = Young’s modulus for the bar material, 10 = Woight per unit volumie of the bar material Consider a small strip of thickness de at a distance x from the lower ond Weight ofthe bar for a length of « ia given by, specific weight x Volume of bar upto length x xAXE ‘This mesns that on the strip, a weight of w x A x: s acting in the downward direction. Due to this weight, there will be some increase in the lengzh of element. But longth of the clement is de. ‘Now stress on the,element, __ Weight acting on element ~ Area of cross-section ‘The above equation shows that stress due to self weight in a bar is not uniform. It depends on x. The stress increases with the increase of x wx Ase Stross _ wie Strain inthe element = SS - “> STRESSES AND STRAINS et ——e—eoe Elongation of the element = Strain x Length of element ‘Total elongation ofthe bar is obtained by integrating the above equation between limits zeroand L. Le FP Eh te w[x? w DB -3[¢] PT oe WL We é ass 1.47, ANALYSIS OF BAR OF UNIFORM STRENGTH In the previous article we have seen thet the stress due to self weight of the bar ise: constant but the stress increases with the increase of distance from the lower end. If the 9 (weight is neglected and a ber of uniform seston is subjected to an axial load, then the stress the bar would be uniform. Let us find the shape of the bar of which self woight of the bar is considered ant ‘having uniform stress on all sections when subjected to an axial P. Such bar isshown in Pig. 12 in which the area of the bar increases from the lower end to the upper end. Let ‘A, = Area of upper end, A, = Ares of lower ond, w= Weight par unit volume of the bar, Uniform stress on the bar. Consider a strip of length dx at a distance x from the lower end, Let A be the area of the strip at section AB and (A + dA)be the area at section DC. Consider the equi- Librium ofthe strip ABCD. ‘The forces acting on the strip are @) Woight of strip acting downward and equal to wx volumeof strip Le, wx Ax ds, (Gi) Epes on eeation AB duo to uniform stress (0) sand is equi to 0 «A. This is acting downward ‘Gi Force on section CD due to uniform stress (o) and is equal to o(A + dA) This is acting upwards. Now, Total foreo acting upwards = Total fores acting downwards or ofA +dA) = 0x A+ wAde or ax A+ oda = oxAtwAds or oda = wd dw or rca - 1 i ! 52 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS es Integrating the above equation, we get wan = JB f%ae or toa=Beve “0 where Cis the ontant tiegrtin, ae Peo na, Shinn thn vale nen, ast peers é eA, Substeting the value of Cn equation wo get tog, A= + ogy Ay w {A w o log Amtog y= Hx or tg (ee a.” Ps or Bat hea a 4 “ ‘he above equation gives the area ata distance x from liver end at n Aca, Substituting these values in equation (we get Ayn Ave am Problem 1.83. vertical bar fived at the upper end and of uniform strength carries an ‘sia tensile load of 600 RN. The bar is 20 m long and having weight per unit volume as 0.00008 ‘Nino’. Ifthe area ofthe barat the lwer end is 400 mm, find the area ofthe bare the upper Sol. Given Axial load, P= 600 KN = 600 x 10°N Length, L=20m=29% 109mm Weight por unit volume, 1 = 0.00008 N/min* ‘Area ofbar at lower end, Ay = 400 mm? Aj = Area of bar at upper end, 17m stress* on the bar, P00 108 7 Ie 1500 Nim! ‘Using oquation (1.19), we get A=Age* = 400x615 240g x gnoosmoor ‘The stress on lower ond = -F-. We want that the siress in the bar should be uniforen i, P oma to 2 a SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 53 10 2. tng iy 0106 2stoe ff =000ieer A; _ 00010887 losin fap» age = 0.00040878 Ay «antigo 008678 = Leer A, = 400 x 100107 = 400.428 mm? Ans. HIGHLIGHTS ‘The resistance per unit area, offered by x hody against deformation is known as stress: The stress in given by ona ‘whore P = External force oF load ; A = Cross-sctional aro, Stross is oxprossod as kon kglem, Nin# and Nim. 1 Ni = 10+ Nias? of 10 Nim ‘The rato of change of dimension of the body tothe original dimension is known as strain, ‘The stras inducod in a body, which is subjected to two equal and opposive pulls, is known as tensile stress ‘The stress induced in a body, whichis subject to two equal and opposite pushes, is known as compressive atest. hastily isthe property by vittue of which cectain materials return back their orginal posl- fiom afer the removal af the external foco. Hook's law states that within elastic limit, the stress is proportional ta the st ‘The ratio of tensile stress (or compressive streas) to the corresponding sean is known at Young's smodiulus or modulus of elastiity and is denoted by B. ‘Tensile cr compressive stress ‘Corresponding strain ‘The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shoar strain within tho olatc limit, is known 25 smodilus of rig of shear modulus. fis denoted by C (or G ar W. ‘otal change in the length ofa bar of diferent lengtha and of diferent diameters when subjected town arial load P, ia given by when Bis same ] “when diferent, ‘The total extension of « uniformly tapering cirul subjected to an axial lad P is given by ted of diameters D, and D, when the rad is 5 4 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 16. 16. 18 19. peer PL, ° REDD * ‘A composite bari made up of tro or more hare of equal lengths but af diferent mater ‘xed with each other and behaving as one unit for extension or compression Tn case ofa composite bar having equal length: (D strain in each bar is equal and (i) total load ‘on the composite bar i equal tothe sum of lod carried by ech different materials ‘The strssos induced in a bedy duo to shango in tampevatare are known as thermal stresses. ‘Thermal strain and thermal trees is given by thermal strain, e=a.7- and. thermal stress, p= TE whose @'= Coveficient of Linear expansion, Rise or fall of temperature, Young’ modulus a where L= otal length of the red, i rgidly 5. ‘Total elongation of @ uniformly tapering rectangular bar whien subjeted to an ala load P is gon by where Z = Total length of bar a = Width et biggar ond ; Young's modulus Incase of composite bar having tvo or more bars of different lengths, the extension or compres sion ath bribe gt Ao th tal wil be es tthe sumo he ines by In cave of nut and bolt used on tube with washer, the tensile Tad on the bolt compressive load on the tube, Elongation of a bar dus ta ita own weight is given by ee, ML eer w= Weight per unit volume of the bar material, atength otha. Thicknss of bar dh at amvaller ond ‘equal tothe where EXERCISE 1 (A) Thooretical Questions Dele stress and strain. Write down the S.L and MKS. unit of stress and strain, “Explain clearly the diffrent types of stresses and strains, Die th tema Flr, eli int, Yoon mela and medals igi ‘State Hooke's law. Ee ‘Three sections ofa bar are having diferent lengths and diffrent diameters, Tho bar is subjected to an axial load P. Determine the total change ta Teng bar. Take Young’ med gan asa ead. Des change in length of the bar. Take Young's modulus of Distinguish betwoen tho following, giving due explanation @ Stress and stixin, i) Poree sd sizes, and (iy Tensile stess and compressive stress, SIMPLE STRESSES ANO STRANS 65 oe SS $$ 1 un. 2 B u ‘Prove that the total extension of a uniformly tapering rod of diameters D, and Dy, when the rod ip eubjected to an axel lod P le given by =e ° SEDDe where Z = Total longth of the rd. Define « composts bar. How will you find the etreses and load earvied hy each member of = composts bar? ‘Define modular ratio, thormal stresses, thormal strains and Poisson's rato ‘A ro whose ends ate fixed to vig eapperts, is hastod so that vise in terperatue is °C, Prove ‘hat the thermal strain and thermal stresses st up in the rod are given by, ‘Thorn etrain = oP and ‘Tharmal areas = «TE hero ¢ = Co-fficent af near expansion, ‘What is th proceduts of finding thermal strasse ins composite bar? ‘What do you mean by‘ bar of uniform strength’? Find an expreetion forthe iota elongation ofa bar due to its own welght, when the bar fs fed at is upper end and hanging fooly atthe lower end Find an expression forthe tal elongation ofa uniformly tapering rectangular bar whon it is subjected to an axl load (B) Numerical Problems ‘A rod 200 em long and of diameter 3.0 em Se subjected to an axel pull of 80 KN. IF the Young's ‘movil ofthe material ofthe od i 2 10° Vinma, determine: (i stress, i) etrain and it the tlongation of the rod [ds (0) 42.44 Nima? (i) €.000812 i) 0.0424 em} Find tho Young’s modulus ofa ro of diamelar 80 mm and af length $00 rm wich ie subjected toa tensile led of 60 KN ond the extension ofthe rod i equal to 04mm, (Ans, 65.6 GN/m*] ‘The safe stron, for a hollow ses coluron which caries an axial load of 22 10° RN i 320 MN. [the external diameter of the cdlumn i225 em, determi the internal ameter. Ans. 1.79 em) ‘An exit pll a 0000 N is acting on bar consisting of thre sections oflengu 80 em, 25 crn and 20 em and of diameters’ em, dm ana Sera reapetivaly. Ifthe Youngs moduhus 2x 108 Ninn? determine : () stress in each section and BRR toa extension oto bor tana) 17723, 31-8, 20.37 Not i) 0025 ea ‘he imate sees fra hl sas gunm which crres an ail fond af MN is 60 Ni IP pra au nog 250 om, lori rel eter, he far ef ak ae 9 8 ‘A msmber formed by connecting a steabbto an aluminium bar 5 is Shown in Fl 127, suming thst tbs are prevented foe ee See i Reel ite R ied [ Pott ‘iit the toe lth of te member to decease 0.30 mm. Thee" walues of elaste modulus for stock and aluminium are 2.x 20 tatahidest ‘Nine? and 6.5% 10° Wit respectively. (Ans. 406224N) | ‘uot ar : Fig, 127 38 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS bar shown in Fig. 1.28 is subjortd to tensile load of 150 KN, Ifthe stress inthe mid portion is limited to 160 Nimm®, determine the diameter of the middle partion. Find also the Jength of the middle portion ifthe total elongation ofthe bar is tobe 0:25 em. Young’s modulus is ‘sven se equal to 2.0% 10° Ninn! TAs. 846 em, 23.38 em] AY somo toon PE en —______4 ig. 128 8. A brass bar, having cross-setion area of 890 mm, is subject to axial frees a. showmn in Fig. 1.29 in! which AB= 0 m, BC = 08 m and CD = LO, A 2 c © ou | [aaa] wy Fig. 129 Find the totsl elongation ofthe har Take = 1 x 108 Nim Ans. ~ 0.111 mm) 9. A member ABCD is subjected to point loads P,, Pp, Py and P, os chown in Fig, 1.30. Calculate ‘the force P, necessary fr equllrium if P, = 120 RN, P, » 220 IN and P, = 260 kN, Determine also the not change tn the length ofthe mataber, Tales #200 GN (Ans, 0.55 mn) ‘om fe 075 emt m—— He — 1.2 mH Fig. 130 10, A rod. which tapers uniformly from 5 em diameter to 3 em dismatar in sloneth of 60 sm is bubjected to an axial load of 6000 N. If £=2x 10° Ninm find the extension of the rod Ans. 0.00127 em} 11. Find the modulus of elasticity fer a rod, which tapers uniformly fem 40 min fo 25 mm ameter in a Fength of 400 mm. The ro is subjocted toa load of 8 KN ad extension of the rd in 0.04 ram, Ans. 7639 KNimm*) 12, A rectangular bar made of ste! ts 8 m long and 10 ram thick. The rod is subject to an axial tenile lod of 80 KN. Tho width of te rod varies from 70 mn at one end to 28 mra atthe other. Find the oxtonsion ofthe tod IF = 25 10" Nin? Ans. 1.686 mm} 43, ‘The extension na rectangular steel bar of length 800 mm and of thisknese 20m, fs ound to be 0.21 mm, The bar tapers uniformly im width from 80 mu to 40 im, I B for the bar ie 2 = 10° 'Nimmn?, dotrmine the axial tensile load on the ar. Ans. 60.5 EN] SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS - 1 1s. 16. ra 18. a ‘A stel rod of 2 em diamoter is onclosed centrally ina hollow copper tube of external diameter 4em and internal dicmetor of 8.5 em. Tao composite bar fs then subjected to an axial pull of 56000 N. If the length of each bar is equal t2 20 em, dotormine (@ the stro in the rod and tubs, and (Gd load carried by each bar. ‘Tako B for stl = 2% 105 Nimm and for eopper= 1x 108 Nira (ns, (@) 54.18; 108.26 Nn? (i) 84048.4 N and 15956.6 NI A ml steal rod of 20 mm dismeter and 300 mm long i enclosed centrally inside a hllow copper ‘ube of external diameter 30 mm and internal diameter of 25 ram, The ends ofthe tube and rods are brazed together, ar the composite bar is subjected ta an axial pall of 40 KN. I for stack ‘and copper is 200 CHa? and 100 GN respectively, find the stresses developed inthe rod and tubo, Alto find tho exionsion of the rod. (Ams. 4.76 Nimm®, 47.38 Nimm? and 0.142 mm) ‘A load of 19 MN is applied on a short concrete column $00 mam » 200 mm. The column i rein farood with four stel baro of 10 ram diameter, one in each corner. ind the stresses in the temnerate and stool hors, Take B for tool as 2.1 10° Ninn and for consrete a8 1.4 x 104 Ninn (Ans, 20.18, 301.9 Nim!) A reinforod short concrete eoluzan 250 mama x 250 mn in setion i reinforced with 8 eae bars. ‘The total area of steel bars is 1608.50 mec The column caries a load of 270 XN. Ifthe modulus of elasticity for atcl is 18 times that of concrete, Gnd the tzences in conerete and steel, I the stress in concrete shall not exceed 4 Nim? find the area of stool required so that the column may support a load of 400 KN. [Ans o, = Nin, 0, = 54 Ninn and A, = 2206 mn) ‘Two vetlel rods one of steel and ather of copper are each rigidly fleed atthe top and 60 cm apart. Diameters und length of each rod are dem and 2.5 em reepoctvaly. Actes bar fixed tthe rode atthe lower ends carries 2 load of 6000 N such thatthe eros bar remains horlzntal even after loading. Find the stress in each — 200m rod and the position ofthe load on the bar. Take for sel 108 Nim? and for copper = 1 x 108 Nimm? [Ans 2.828 and 5.658 Ninn; 39.59 em] ae] ‘A stool rod of eres sectional aren 1600 mm and tro brass rods {a¢nm teach ef erass-sectinsl (area of 1000 mm? together support a load (0 50 KN ne shown in Fig... Find the stresses in the rods, Take B for stel = 2 «10% Nimmé and E for brass = 1% 108 Nima? Fig. 1.31 (Ans. oy = 12.1 Nimm# and o, = 16:12 Nest ‘Arod is 5m long ata temparatore of 15°C. Find the expansion ofthe tod, when the temperebare is raisod ta 85°C. I this expansion is prevented, find the stress induced in the materal of the red. Take B = 1x 10! Nimm? and «= 0.000012 per dearee centhrade (Uns, 0.288 em, 96 Nim") ‘A stac rod § cm diameter and 6 m long is connected to two grips and the rod is maintained at’ temperature of 100°C. Determine the stress and pul exerted when the temperature fll to 20°C f() the ends do not yield, and i) the ends seld by 0.15 em. Take £= 2.10" Ninm! and «= 12 x 1-4. [Ans. () 192 Wann and 376990 N Gi) 142 Nimm®, 278516.3 Asta rod of 29 mm diameter pastes centrally throuh a copper tube 40/mm external diameter ‘and 30 ta internal diameter. The tube is elased at each end by rigid plats of negligible thickness STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. jd "Th nua are tightened lightly home on the project parts of the rod. If the tamperature of tho ttvcmly i raised by 60°C, caleulate the stresses doveloped in copper and steel. Take & for steel find copper as 200 GN/i® and 100 GN/a? and a for staal and eepper as 12x 10° per °C and 15 10° per °C. (Uns. 16.28, 28.4 Nima) 28, A vertical bar fixed atthe upper end and of uniform strength caries an axial tensile Load of 500 EN. The barf 18m long and having weight por uait volume as 0.00008 Ninm*. Ith area ofthe bar atthe lower end Is 600 mn? find the area of the barat the upper end. fAns. 500.72 mar®] 24, Astraght circular rd tapering from lameter'D” at one and to a diameter‘ at the other ends ‘ubjocted to an anil oad 'P- Obtsin an expression for the elongation ofthe ro, 4PL Ane Dd 2 Elastic Constants 21. INTRODUCTION ‘When a body is subjected to an axial tensile liad, there is an inerease inthe length of the body. But at the same time there is 2 decrease in other dimensions of the body at right angles to the line of action of the applied load. Thus the body is having axial deformation and also deformation at right angles to the line of action of the applied losd (ie., lateral deformation). +] This chaptor deals with these deformations, Poisson's ratio, volumetrie strains, bulk modulus, relation between Young’s modulus and modulus of rigidity and relation betwteen Young's modu las and bulk modulus, 2.2, LONGITUDINAL STRAIN When a body is subjected to an axial tensile or compressive load, there is an axial defor- tation in the length of the body. ‘The ratio of axial deformation to the original Iongth of the body is known as longitudinal (or linear) strain. The longitudinal strain is also definod as the | cofarmation of tho body por unit length in the direction of the applied load. Let _L= Length of the body, P= Tensile force acting on the body, ‘SL = Increase in the length ofthe body in the direction of P. aL ‘Then, longitudinal strain = 2.8. LATERAL STRAIN ‘Tho strain at right angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain. Let ‘rectangular bar of length L, breadth b and depth d is subjected to an axial tonsilo load P as shown in Fig. 2.1, The length of the bar will inerease while the breadth and depth will ectease Lat 81, = Increase in length, ‘8 = Decrease in breadth, end Decrease in depth ‘Then longitudinal strain = i (21) and lateral strain (2.2) eo STRENGTH OF MATERIALS: Koy Fig 2 Note. (If longitudinal strain is tensil, the latoral strains willbe coraprossive {Ge Wongitadinal steain is compressive then lateral strain willbe tonal \ié) Hence every longitudinal strain in the dizection cf load is accompanied by ltatal strains of the opposite kind in al directions perpendiculer tothe load 24. POISSON'S RATIO. ‘The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is a enstant for a given material, hen the material i stressed within the elastic limit, This ratio is called Poisson's ratio and iis generally denoted by pt. Hence mathematically, Lateral strain, Tongitudinal strain or Lateral strain = yx longitudinal strain As lateral strain is opposite in sign to longitudinal strain, hence algebraically, the lat- eral strain is written as Lateral strain = ~ 4 x longitudinal strain 423A ‘The value of Poisson's ratio varies from 0.25 to 0,88, For rubber, it value ranges froin 0.45 to 0.50. Problem 2.1. Determine the changes in length, breadth and thickness of a vtec! bar which is 47 long, 30 mm wide and 20 mm thick and is subjected to en axial pull of 30 BN in the direction of its length. Take B = 2 x 10° Ninn and Poisson's ratio ~ 0.3. Sol. Given Length of the bar, Breadth of the ber, ‘Thiekness of the bar, ‘Area of crose-section, Axial pall Young's modulus Poisson's ratio, Poisson's ratio, 2 23) L=4m= 4000 mm 30 x 20 P=30 KN = 30000N B=2x 10° Ninn? ELASTIC CONSTANTS ‘bar of length 20 em, compressive load of 400 RN. The decrease in ler Bot nina sein «SE % oon 8 or cang ning = 0.0005 ‘Using equation (2.3), Latoraletrain * Tongitudinal strain Lateral strain 03 o00%5 Lateral sain = 0.8» 6.00026 ~ 0.000076. We know that Poisson's ratio & M(t taertsean = 2 oe Sfmt) “te tain Tiers = ez am. Ane steal sin 2 O00 D015 mm. Ane Similarly, 6 er 00025 x 4000 = 1.0mm, Ans. Problem 2.2. Determine the value of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of a metallic is 0.003 em, Length, L = 30 em ; Breadth, 5 = 4 em ; and Depth, Area ofeross-section, | A=dxd =4x4 breadth 4 om and depth 4 em when the bar is subjected to an axial ingth is given as 0.075 cm and increase in breadth ‘Axial compressive load, P= 400 KN = 400 « 1000 N Decreaso i. length, 8L = 0.075 em Increase in breadth, 98 = 0.008 om Longitudinal strain 0018 _ 9.0095 8) _ 0.003 Lateral strain BPS ~ ooo. Using equation (2.3), Pa __Lateral stain 0.00075, Pee Longitudinal strain ” 0.0025 Stress P Longitudinal strain FUE 400000 ‘0.0025 ~ 490000. 5 600« B 400000 = 6 110 Nimm’, 600 = 0.0095 03, Ans. Load _P (Seow jaa 3) Ans. 62 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 25, VOLUMETRIC STRAIN ‘The ratio of change in volume to the original volume af body (when the body is sub- jected to singe force ora system of forces) is called volumetric strain. Tt is denoted by ¢, ‘Mathematically, vlumetrie strain is given by vi aed where 6Y = Change in volume, and V = Original volume. 2.6.1. Volumetric Strain of a Rectan- gular Bar which is Subjected to an Axial Load P in the Dixection of its Length. Con- sider a rectangular bar of length L, width b and depth ol which is subjected to an axial load P in the direction of its length as shown in Fig. 2.2 Let {L = Change in length, bb = Change in width, and 4d = Change in depth. Final length of the bar =L-+5L inal width of the bar =b+b Final depth of the bar 48d [Now originel volume of the bar, V= Lib ‘Final volume (L + ALMb+ be + bd) [.bd. + bdbL + LbBd + La. 8b Ugnoring products of small quantitios) Change in volume, SV = Pinal volume - Original volume = (Lod + bdSL + Lbdd + Ld) — Lod = bdBL + LbBd + Lib Volumetric strain, ov, v babL + Lbdd + Lab Tod 8d, % a8 Ay & i tu «tng stain nd or a ara stein Sutsing ise asin he aire ain ge «Stange 9 ser ein ® From etn 2.0) wee Tatra sts Lng tn Sunitig ho eral sin gation, wo «yeti ein 2 gal Sin e1asmic ConsTaNTS 63 BLASTS CONTA = Longitudinal strain (1 ~ 20) ML = Fa-20 (2.8) Problem 2.3. For the problem 2.1, determine the volumetric strain and final volume of the given steel bar. Sol. Given ‘The following data is given in problem 2.2. L = 4000 mam, 6 = 30 mm, ford = 20 mmm, 1 = 0.3. Original volume, ¥'= Lb = 4000 x 80 x 20 = 2400000 rm? rhea gail sin (:e,) npn 21 ce a os © cosous ow aig euatin we ave Vaunetiestin, «y= 20-19 on -2«05)= 0001, Ans » 7 soe . 0000 ( = 0.0001 x 2400000 = 240 mam? Final volume = Original volume + 8 = 2400000 + 240 mm 2400240 mum’. Ans. Problem 24. A steel bar 300 mm long, 50 mm wide ond 40 mm thick is suhjected to a pull of 300 AN in the direction of ite length. Determine the change in volume. Take B= 2x 10 Ninn? and y= 0.25. Sol, Given Length, Wieth, ‘Thickness, Paull, Value of B 2x10 Nimm* Value of =025 Original volume, V=Lxbxt ‘300 x 50 « 40 mam? = 600000 man? ‘The longitudinal strain (ce, the etrain in the direction of load) is given by L,_ Stroas in the direction of load See ee ‘But stress in the direction of load PP = Koa bxt 6 “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS e1asro consTaNTS 85 200107 65 steam? ‘Substituting these valucs in equation (2.6), we get 50%40 in di __150 Fn 3, 0.00075 Now volumetric strain is given by equation (2.5) as a2) = 0.00075 (1 - 2% 0.25) oust Let 7 = changin vue. Then represent lee sein aw & 0.000875 or dV = 0.000875 xV = 0.000375 x 600000 = 225 mm’. Ans. 2.62, Volumetric Strain of a Ree- tangular Bar Subjected to Three Forces z which are Mutually Perpendicular. Con- sider a rectangular block of dimensions x, y andz subjected tothree direct tensile stresses ¢_f along three mutually perpendicular axis as shown in Fig. 2.3, ‘Then volume of block, V=xy2. ¥ ‘Taking logarithm to both sides, we have og V =log-x + log.y + log 2 Differentiating the shove equation, we get at eaeaits Ve ae We te aye (2.8) 2Y _ Chango of volume at Yl sin V Original volume ccmmeiadars 1 ala este + Sigal dieanee tirninin tn nun Boag eo dl ctcdmt a a Set taste Now, Let = Toosile stress in y-y direction, and fens stress in 2-2 direction, foang’s modulus w= Poiseon’s ratio. Now o, wl paduce ten strin equal o Sin the destin af and eempresive strain equal fo 1% inthe direction of y ads. Sn, o, wil reduce a tenis strain aus to En he dvcton oy anda compres strain egal to 2 nthe drcton os and Similary o, wll produce a tensile tin equal to Sin the direction oz and sompe ressive stain equal to H*S" in the deetion of = and 3. Henge oan, ill provace ‘compressive strains equal to and nets in the direction of x. [Not tensile strain along x-direction is given by Similarly, and ‘ ‘Adding all the strains, wo 1 (a, 40, +0)- 2 (a, +0, +0, a 46,0e,= EG, +0,+0)- Z l0,49,+0) 4 (a,+5,+0,X1~ 20). wv But e,e, +0, =Volumetri strain = S7-. aia W 2 a 40, 40,K1-29) Qn FB et OF OMA 20) Equation (2-1) gives the volumetric strain. In this equation the stresses o, .¢, and_ are all tensila. If any ofthe stresses is compressive, it may be regarded as negative, and the above ccuaton will goth valet tn epee in he wecs w. negative value of “Y ropresents a decrease in volume, the negative value of SF rep 66 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 2.5. A metallic bar 200 mm x 100 min x 40 mam is eubjected toa foree of § EN (onsite, GEN (tensile) and 4 AN (tensile) along x,y and 2 directions respectively. Determine the ‘change in the volume of the block. Take E = 2 10! Nimm? and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Sol. Given : Dimensions of bar "= 800 ram » 100 mm < 40 mam = 200 mm, y= 100 mm and 2 = 40 mm Volume, Varxy x2= 800 x 100% 40 1200000 mm? Load in the direction of = 5 KN = 5000N Load in the direction ofy = 6 KN = 6000.N Load in the direction of2 = 4 KN = 4000.N Value of E 22 10° Nim? Poisson's ratio, 420.95 ‘Stress in the s-direction, Load in x-direction : yee Et a p 300 mm — 0 = 0000 21.25 Nine? oN D040 ‘Similarly the stress in y-direction is given by, = Load in y-direction 6000 300 40 __ Load in adiroction xy 4000 ** 300 «100 ©0183 Ninm? Using equation (2.9), we get av Deke, +0,+0K1- 20 = 0.5 Nim? And strass in z-direction 1 geqgr (1254 05+ 0.119) ~2 «0.259 1.869 ELASTIC CONSTANTS Problem 28 A tale bar 250 mn yan 4.100 ram x 60 moni leaded os shun reas { Find the change in solume, Toke M1eNInmt nd Porat O35. or Alo find the change that should be madd in the 4 MN load, in order that there = y should be no change in the volume of the" Jfaigq 2 ber Rig. 25 Sol. Given Length, = 250:mm, y = 100 mm end 2 = 50 mm Volume, ¥ = ye = 250 x 100 x 50.» 1250000 mm? Load in a-direetion = 400 KN = 400000 N (tensile) ‘Load in y-direction 2MN = 2. 108 N (tensile) Lead in 2-diretion 4 MN = 4 x 108 N (compressive) Modulus of elasticity, =2 10° Nimt Poisson's ratio, = 0.25, Now 9, = Stress in direction Load indirection ‘Area of eress-sestion 400000 _ 400000 . cee anes «29 Nimm? Uension ila oe Lmdinasction 2x10 “ = BA = 100 Nin 160 Niine? (compression). Using equation (2:7) and taking tensile stresses positive and compressive stresses neg tive, we get aS E 1 Fe qor (00+ 160 160K1 - 2x0.25) (+0, 4X1 = 2) a v on or y 0.5 = 0.0002, Change in volume, dV = 0.0002 ¥ 10.0002 x 1250000 250 mm?. Ans. ea STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Change in the 4 MN load when there is no change in volume of Bar avid aing equation (2.7), ©. (0, +0, o,K1~ Using equation (2.7, SF 2 (a, +0, +0344 20) tien age inane hen 0 Leraroxt-a0<0 Sui foros of mata the va of es between 025 and 0.39 an ene he em aaa 'Sncrer tae The ssts and a a oe change, Only She sen cosspending oh a Ann dese net to cena. 20a) =~ 240 Neamt compre) ed Area zxy 7 issast 250 x 100 fatashs tanked tna ose But seadyscompenve ado 4 MN arn Addin ned tht mare oad SON AHN 2 MIN (oomprossve. Ans But 2.6, VOLUMETRIC STRAIN OF A CYLINDRICAL ROD. Consider a cylindrical rod which is subjected to an axial tensile load P. Let = diameter of the rod L = Iongth of tho roa ‘Due to tensile load P, there will be an incroase in the length oftho vod, but the diametor ofthe rod will decrease as shown in Fig. 2.6. ‘ 7 Final length Final diameter ‘Now original volume of the rod, Fatet Final volume ce tdt-tdebouh +80) eLASTiC CONSTANTS: 68 SEL eA xh Bax baad xb bd L204 81) ote b tbat bbe dst) Neglecting the products and higher powers of two small quantitis. Change in volume, V = Final volume ~ Original volume = FC ah dd bx bd 4d x 81) F dtc = J @ x 6b- Bax x bd) thangs in volume _ 3. Original volume ~ V id? xab-2deLx8d) ee 2.8) Px whore Mets thant test acter Volum ain = Sin gh th nn of arto Problem 2.7.A steel rod 5 m long and 30 mm in diameter is subjected to an axial tensile load of 50 RN. Determine the change in length, diameter and volume ofthe rad. Take K = 2 x 10° ‘Nim? and Poiseon’s ratio = 0.25, So. Given Length, LeSm=5%10?mm Dimes, ddan Volume, Ya Bata te E0810" 88940 210" Tensile a, Boen = 8010 Vain ot rte Nine Peinontrato, wr 025 ie 827 Changi meter {8L = Change in length 8V = Change in volume Now strain of longth Load) Ege EB gg? “Dn 7 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS = 0.0003536 But strain of length. aL TT = 9.0008586 8, = 0.000538 x 5 x 10° =1.768 mm. Ans. Lateral strain Tongitudinal strain Lateral strain » Poisson's ratio x Longitudinal strain Now Poisson's ratio = 0.25 x 0.000856 & Lanta aan) = 0,0000884 Bit Later ain» ca SF = 0.000884 4d = 0.000884 x d = 0.0000884 x 3 Now using equation (2.8), we get BY ab 2d Volumetric stain, SF ~ 38 0008586 2 x 0.000884 = 0.001768 ¥ x 0.001768 35.848 x 10° x 0.001768, = 624.86 mm, Ans. 2.7. BULK MODULUS ‘When a body is subjected to the mutually perpendicular like and equal direct stressee, the ratio of direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain is found to be constant for a ‘sven material when the deformation is within a eertain limit, This ratio is known a5 bulle ‘modulus and is usually denoted by K. Mathematically bulk modulus is given by Divect stress ‘Volumetic strain ~ [a7 ames v 2.8. EXPRESSION FOR YOUNG’S MODULUS IN TERMS OF BULK MODULUS Fig. 2. howa acube ABCD F GH whichis subjected to three matutly perpondica- lar tensile stresses of equal intensity. ae Tat = Lough of ube b= Change in length of the cube eLASTiC constanrs n = Young's modulus of the material ofthe eube = Tensile stroas acting on the faces = Poisson's ratio ‘Then volume of cube, Vm= L* Now let us consider the strain of one of the sides of | $f the cube (say AB) under the action of the three mutually perpendicular stressos. This side will sufler the following, three strains Z 1. Strain of AB due to stresses on the faces AEHD and BGC: This tran tensile andi equal to P27 2, Stron of AB dueto stresses onthe fates ABP and DHGC. This is compressive lateral strain snd i equal tow 28 Senin of ABP du ostresce on the faces ABCD and BFGH. Thine aleo compressive iu sninanis quo -n 2 Hionce the total strain of AB is given by [Now original volume of cube, V- IfdL. is the change In length, then dV is the change in volume. Difforontiating equation (7), with respect to L, dV = 82x dL iit) Dividing equation (i) by equation (i), we get aV_aibedl sdb Fee Eee sxtating th in nm gt nese in, wa aw 30 BB aap From qution (2), bull modus i given by o o a _ 30 i} Regn ae » © .8a-a] v) E z pee 20 1-50 maa 7 B-3KG-20 gap i From equation 2:10), the expression for Poiseo's rato (wis obtained as w = 2 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL'S Problem 2.8. Fora material, Young’s modulus is givens 1.2 x 10 N/mm! and Poisson's ratio 4. Caloulate the Bulk modulus Sol. Given : Young's modulus, E Poisson's ratio, Let Using equation (2.10), BARBI gg aot Nmt Ans Drblem 28 bar of 0mm detected nlf BN The mee conor onto lg te mn isO nm and sings dame’ 00M¢nm. Cll @)Yeangs modula Gi Poot ato Gi Bat mtn Sa. Gnon Disa, d= 0m ‘Area of bar, A= F (20) = 295 mm? Pull, P= 60 KN © 60 « 1000 N Gauge length, 00 mm. Extension, ab= 0.1mm ‘Change in dia, &d = 0.004 min (Youngs modulus (2) he P 60000 ‘Tensile stress, an F . $0000 fam? 5 SO «ener wh ab 04 Longitudinal strain Peas it = Se = 0.0005 ‘Tensile stroas Longitudinal stain 84.87 ‘2.0005 {6975 * 105 Nimm®. Ans Young's modulus, 2 = 16,075 » 10 Nima? Gi) Poisson's ratio Cw) Poisson's ratio is given by equation (2.8) as Lateral strain Poisson's ratio = taerol seein (© Tngitudinal strain e.asric CONSTANTS 73 (Gi Bute modulus (K) ‘Using equation 2.10), we get E1697, 10° BG 2a) ” HI- 0.2682) = 1.209 x 10° Nimm#, Ans. x 2.9, PRINCIPLE OF COMPLEMENTARY SHEAR STRESSES It states that set of shear stresses across a plane is al ways accompanied hy a set of balancing shear stresses (ce, of the same intensity) arose the plane and normal to it Proof, Fig. 28 shows a rectangular block ABCD, sub- jected to a set of shear streases of intaneity « on the faces AB fend OD. Let the thickneas of the block normal to the plane of the paper is unity ‘The force acting on face AB = Stress x Area =1xABx1=tAB ‘Similarly foree acting on face CD =x CD «1="0D AB (: CD= AB) "The forces acting on the faces AB and CD are equal and opposite and henes these forces, will form a couple ‘The moment of this couple = Foree x Perpendicular distance = AB x AD i) If the block isin equilibrium, there must be a restoring couple whose moment must be ‘equal to the moment given by equation (), Lat the shear stress of intensity x is sot up on the faces AD and CB. ‘The fora aeting on face AD =v" x AD x 1 "Tho force acting on face BC = v x BO x1 (= BG= AD) ‘Aa the force acting on faces AD and BC are equal and opposite these fores also forms a couple ‘Moment of this couple = Force x Distance =v AD x AB «iy For the equilibrium of the block, the moments of couples given by equations (@) and (i) should be equal GAB x AD =¥ADx AB or t=7 ‘The above equation proves thata set of shear strosses is always accompanied by a trans verse set of shear stresses of the same intensity. "The stress’ is known as complementary shear and the iwo stresses («and «) at right angles together constitute a state af simple shear. The direction of the shear stresses on the block are either both towards or both away ftom s comer. | ” STRENGTH OF MATERIALS In Fig. 28, asa result of two ecuples, formed by the shesr forces, the diagonal BD will be subjected to tension and the diagonal AB will be subjected to compression. 2.10, STRESSES ON INCLINED SECTIONS WHEN THE ELEMENT IS SUBJECTED ‘TO SIMPLE SHEAR STRESSES Fig. 2.9 shows a rectangular block ABCD which is in « state of simple shear and hence subjected to a sot of shear 0 stresses of intensity + on the faces AB, CD and the faces AD and CB. Let the thickneis of the block normal to the plane of the paper is unity q | Tt is raquired to find the normal and tangential stresses ‘cross an nelined plane CB, which is having inclination @ with the face CB. Consider the equilibrium of the triangular pleeo CEB of thiclnoae unity. The forces acting on triangular piecs CRB are shown in Fig. 2.10 and they are ce (Shear force on face CB, Pr ey Q, = Shear stress « area of face CB =exBCx1 = vx BC acting along OB (di) Shear fores on face EB, @,= Shear stress x area offaco HB 3 ex EB x Lax EB acting along BB 1xEB=Oy (idl) force P,, normal to the plane EC Fe. 210 (Gu) A fore P, tangential wo the plane BC ‘The force Qi acting along the face CB as shown in Pig. 2.11. Tia frees resolved into ‘ono components, fe, Q, on @ and Q, sin @ along the plane CH and normal tothe plane C2 respectively, The force Qs acting along the face ZB This force is alo resolved into bve components, 4, Qn 0 and Q, 0080 along the plane BC and normal to Uh plane EC respectively or equilibrium, the not force normal to the plane CE should be zero P,—@, sin 0- Qyens 020 Qysin + Qos 0 3% BC x ain 6+ +3 ED x coe 0 (2 Qa txBC ond @,=%x2B) 59 se cect Stl, the net foree along the plane CE should FOR e P,Q, 0050+ Q,sin Q,c08 8 Q, sin 8 ve sign is takon due to opposite direction) BO x cos 01% EB x sin 8 eUASTIC CONSTANTS 78 Let 6, = Normal stross on plane CE’ 6, = Tangential stress on plane CH ‘Normal foree on plane CE ‘Area of aection CE B,__ x BC xsin 0+4x EBX c088 Gest CExt 2008 0 sin 0+ ein 0 x cos 0 Be En + Tn triangle 2BC, BS ~ cos # and 2 « sin (+ tesco nn 35 «evant FF =n) 2.12) ‘Tangent ‘Area of plane CE ExBCx0o8 01x EB xsind eae and 4, EB xeos0~ ex EB xin =v Shear stress = =) 5 Bquating the two tensile strain along diagonal BD, wo got o Easwe (Canclng «to both sides E2006) 236) = 2. - Baw ead Problem 2.10, Determine the Poisson's ratio and bulh modulus of a material, for which Young's modulus is 12 x 10° Nimm? and modulus of rigidity ie 4.8 x 10° NI min? Sol. Given Young's modulus, = 1.2% 108 Nimm* Modulus of rigidity, C= 4.8 x 10¢ Nim? Let the Poisson's ratio= Using equation (2.16), we get B22 ew) or 48x 10°C +0) 12x 10% or (awe ee 125 or 100.25, Ans. Ay = ERIC = 125 25-10 = 0.25. Ar [Bulk modulus is given by equation (2.10) as zB 10° : 1.210 io 80-20 ~ 310982 = 8% 106 Nim. Ans. Problem 2.11. A bar of eress-section 8 mm x & mm is eubjected to an axial pull of 7000 N. The lateral dimension ofthe bar is found to be changed t0 7.9985 myn x 7.9985 min. If the modulus of rigidity ofthe material is 0.8 x 108 N/mm?, determine the Poisson's ratio and ‘modulus of elasticity. Sol. Given ‘Area of section = 8 » ‘Axial pull, P = 7000 N Lateral dimensions = 7.9985 mm x 7.9985 mm. Volume of © =0.8 x 10° N/mm? 4 mam? a 80 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Poigcon's ratio and E = Modulus of elasticity. ‘Chango in lateral dlmension ‘Original lateral dimension STOO 00018 goons ‘To find the value of Poisson's ratio, wo must know the value of longitudinal strain, But in this problem, the length of bar and the axial extension is not given. Hence longitudinal strain cannot be ealeilated, But sxil stress ean be celculated. Then longitudinal, strain will bo ogual to axial stress divided by B. P__ 7000 Brea ~ 64 But letra strain = jx longitadinal strain = eS Now lateral stra * Axial stress, 100.875 N/mm? and longitudinal stral bala « oases = #2109378 « E_ 109375, AOE, « s0ss05.98 or B= 583988.350 0 Using equation (2.17), we get B ma =2x 08% L049) & C=08% 109) 0.8% 105(1 +9) B= 588383.33,) 569393.5. ~ BEE = 2.6408 1 = 8.6458, — 0001875) cK + w) or ite 6458 Poisson's ati +0878, Ans. 4 eas Modulus of elasticity (B) is obtained by cubstituting the value of yin equation (i). = 583898.23, 158339333, Be = 2.2067 108 Nimmt, Ans. 2648 Problem 2.12. Calculate the modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus of « cylindrical bar of diameter 30 mm and of length 1.5 m ifthe longitudinal stain in a bar during a tensile stress is four times the lateral strain. Find the change in volume, when the bar is subjected to a Jdrostatic pressure of 100 Ninn, Take B= 1x 10° Nim’. Sol. Given Dia. of bar, Length of bar, ‘Volume of bar, eLASTIC CONSTANTS: et parish Longitudinel strain =4 x Lateral strain “Hydrostatic pressure, p = 100 Nimam* Lateral strain 0.25 Longitudinal sain or Poisson's ratio, = w= 0.25 Let (C= Modulus of rigidity Using equation (2.16), we get B= 200+) or 1x 105= 2011 +025) Ax 10° erst For bulle modulus, using equation (2.11), we get x 104 Nimm®, Ans. « beawean 20028) 25) 1x 108 2 PIO ger 105 Ninmt, Ans. 13 691 308m Now asing quan 28) wee 2 . =‘ jumetriostrain ” (dV" sre p= 100 Nn? 67x10!» A 7) a1 : 7 a gilt g 1se0 dV = Vx 15 10 = 1060287.52 % 15 « = 1590.49 mm®, Ans. HIGHTIGHTS Poisson's ratio isthe rato of lateral strain to langitudinal strain. Ibis generally denoted by 1. 2. The tensile longitadinal stress produces compressive lateral stra. # a loa acts inthe direction of length of a rectangular bar, then longitudinal stealn = F and 85, Be Lateral strain = or where 8! = Change in length, ‘8h = Change in width, ‘bd = Change in dopth i a2 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 44 The rato of change in volume to original volume is known as volumetric strain 5. Volumetric stain, foe a rectangular bar subjocted to an axial ed P, is given by saan 6. Vln: in fr ang er ited tre mal perpen Pee Hh alias there a, 0, and 6, are strestes in x,y and z direction respectively Principle of complementary shear siraasos states that a set of shear tresses across plan iz always accompanied by a et of balancing shear strestes (Le, of the same intensity] across the plane and normal to 8. Volumetri strain of elindrical rod subjocted to an axial tensile load is given by, ¢, Longitudinal train ~2 x strain of diameter rare 5 td 8, Bulk modulus Kis given by, Keo. r GF) 10, Tho celn beeen Ton’ dl nd balk mds gen by, Sana ap 11, When an elomet naj ple ber ssn {O'Th dane af sin taal te ar pepo en oe. (i) The flares of sion somal sane ee led sonal of 45 othe plane o pe me (un Ono th maxima normal set i nl whl th othr mais normal ees i comes (oy Tenia normal sts ar fhe same magi and are ou the sat sess meen ope hese 1a, The ran tween hl of lay and modus gy sen by : E arcasw o cope EXERCISE 2 (A) Theoretieal Questions 3, Define and explain the terms: Longitudinal strain, lateral strain and Poiston's ratio. Prove that the volumetric tran ofa cylindrical rod which is eubjeted to an axial vensie load is equal o strain inthe length minus tee the strain of diameter 3. What isa bulk modulus 7 Derive an expression for Young’e modulus in terms of ball modulus ud Polssou's rato 4. Define volumetric stain. Prove that the volumetre strain for a rectangular bar subjected to an sviallood P ia the direction of ite length is given by SL «= ta-a a Poissons ratio and % = Longitudinal stain ‘easnic CONSTANTS 83 5. (a) Derive an expression for volumetric strain fora rectangular ar whichis subjected to three mutually perpendicular tonsile stresses. (@) A tost clement is eubjected to three mutually perpendicular unequal stresses. Find the change in volume ofthe clement, ithe aljabraic cum of those street a aqua ta 2er0, Bzplainbrifly the term ‘choarstrece’ and "complimentary staat with proper iustrations, State tho princpla of shear stress. ‘What do you understand by ‘in element ina state of simp shear? ‘When an element is ina state of simple shear then prove thatthe planes of maximum normal stresses are perpendicular to each other and those planes are inclined at an ungle of 45" to the planes of pure shear 10. Derive an expression between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity. (B) Numerical Problems 4, Determine the changes in longth, breadth and thcknes of soe! bar which i 6 m log, 40 mm wide and 30 mm thick and is subjeated to an andal pull of 95 KN in the diesen aft long, ‘Take B= 2 x 10° Niaya® and Polston's ratio = 0.32 {Ans 0.0129 cm, 0.000186 em, 0.000139 ern} 2 For tho above problem, dotarmine the volumetrie strain and the final volume ofthe given steal Der {ams 0.000025, 6000817 ma) ‘8. Detormine the value of Young’s medulus and Poicsons ratio of a mole bar of length 25 em, bronéti 3 cm and depth 2 em when tha bar ie subjected to an axial compeestve loa of 240 RN. "The decreate in length is given as 0.05 em and ineresco in breadth ia 0.002, [Ang 2510 Nina? and 0.98) 4. A.stoel bar 890 mm long, 40 mm wide and 30 mai thick Is subjected tom pul f 260 IN in she Aireston of its longth, Detarmin the change In volume. Take E = 2 x 10" Nike® ane m4 (Ans. 200 man? ‘A metallic bar 250 mim x 89 om x 20 mum is subjected to @ ore of 20 XN (teil, 30 IN tensile) ‘and 16 EN (toncilo) long x,y and = diretions respectively, Detrmsine the change in the volume ofthe block. Take E = 2c 10° Nin! and Poisson’ rato = 025. (Ans. 13.62 mam 8. A metallic bor 300 mim x 120 mm x 50 mm is loaded ar shown in Fig. 218. Find the change in volume, Take B= 2 « 10 Nin? and Poisson's ratio = 00. epae 7 45K Fig. 235 “Also find the change tht shouldbe made in 4.5 MN las, in ender that there abould be nochange in the volume of the bar. [Ans 450 mmé, 45241 7. A stoel rod 4 m long and 20 mam dismotor is subjected to an axial tensile load of 40 IN. Deter imine the chango in length, diameter and volume ofthe tod. Take =2% 10° Ninn! and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. IAns. 2.5464, 005092, 5598 mm] 84 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS A ‘Fora material, Young’s modulus is given a 1.4 x 10* Ninan? and Poisson's ratio 0.28. Calculate ‘the bulk moduins {dns 1.06 x 10° Nan 8, A bat 20 mm dlametereubjocted toa pl of 50 KN. Ths measured extensian on gauge length of 250 mm ie 012 mm and change in dlameter is 0.00875 ma. Calculate @ Young's modulus (i) Poitoris ratio and (dt) Balk modulus, (Ans. (1.989 10° Nim, (4) 0.234, (i) 1.2485 x 108 Nisa?) 40. Determine the Poisson's ratio and bulls modulus of a material, for which Young's modus 12s 10° Nn@ and module of rigidity ie 48 x 108 Nmm?, —" [Ans 0.33, 1.2 x 108 Nim*] 11. Aur of erose-section 10 sun x 10 mm is aubjeted to an axial pull of 8000 N. The Interal dimen= tion of tho bar is found to bo changed to 88085 rom 9.8985 mm, Ifthe modulus of rgity ofthe fnatevial is O8 x 10° Nim, determine the Poisson's ratio and modalas of elasticity, ns. 0.45, 24 « 108 Nn!) 3 Caleulate the modulus of rigidity and bolle madulua of @ eplindresl bar of diameter of 25 mm fand of eageh 1m, if the longtudinel strain in a bar during a tensile testis four times the Tateral strain, Find tho change in volume, when tho bar is subjected toa hydrastaic pressure of 100 Nimm?. Take E = 1 10° Nina c Tans. 4 x 10! Nimm!, 0667 « 108 Ninn?, 2178 mm") 18. Abar 30 mm in diameter waa subject to tonsile load of 64 KN and the messured extension on £30 mm gus length was 0112 mm and change in diameter was 0:00565 mm. Calculate Poisson's atic nd wales af thrae modal (ns. p= 0325, = 204.6 kN’, C= 772 kNinmn', = 196 kN?) 14, Dorive the relation Between B and G, Using the derived relationship, estimate tne Young’s modulus (when the modulus of rigidity (C) is 0.80 x 10? Nin? and the Poisson's ratio i 05, (Hint, £ = 20 + w)= 2 «080 x 10° + 08) = 208» 108 Nin] 3 Principal Stresses and Strains oes 3.1. INTRODUCTION In chapter 2, the concept and definition of stress, strain, types of stresses (ie. tensile compressive and simple shear) and types of strain (ce., tensile, compressive, shoar and volu- netric strains etc.) are discussed. These stressos were acting in a plane, which was at right ‘angles tothe line of action of the force. In many engineering problems both direct. (tensile or Sompressive stress) and shear strosses are acting at tho same time. In such situation the te- Sullant stress across any section wil bo neither normal nor tangential to the plane, In this chapter the strosses, acting on an inclined plane (or oblique section) will be analysed. 8.2. PRINCIPAL PLANES AND PRINCIPAL STRESSES: ‘The planes, which have no shear stress, are known as prineipal planes. Hence principal planes are the planes of zero shear stress. These planes carry only normal stresses. ‘The normal stresses, acting on a principal plane, exe kuown as principal stroseos. 8.3. METHODS FOR DETERMINING STRESSES ON OBLIQUE SECIION ‘The stresses on oblique section are determined by the following methods = 1, Analytical method, and 2, Graphical method. 3.4, ANALYTICAL METHOD FOR DETERMINING STRESSES ON OBLIQUE SECTION ‘The following two eases will be considered 1. A member subjected to a direct stress in one plane. 2. The membor ia aubjocted to like dicest stress in Gwo mutually pervendicular direc: tions. ‘dl. A Member Subjected to a Direot Stress in one Plane. Fig. 8.1 (a) shows a rectangular member of uniform eross-sectional srea A and of unit thickness. Let P= Axial force acting on the member. ‘A= Area of cross-section, which is perpendicular to the line of action of the force P. ‘The atress along vais, o == Hence, the member is eubjected to a stress along x-axis Consider a cross-section EF which is perpendicular to the line of action ofthe force P. as 86 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 2 : Po leon fay Xe e i wean 6.980) Ten reotenton, BPR 3 =ocost9 2.4) am (4-4) a» ‘ongential eres (shear stress, ‘Tengen ore acon ection FO ah (: Py=Pein (& P Bz in cas 0 = $ x2 sin 0 cos 6 (Multiplying and dividing by 2) = $sin20 2ssin 8 cos 6 = sin 26) 433) From equation (8.2), it is seen that the normal stress (0,) on the section FB will be maximum, when eos* 0 or cos 6 is maximum. And cos 0 will be maximum when 0 = 0° a 08 0" = 1. But when 8 = 0°, the section FG will coincide with section EF, But the section BP is normal to the line of action of the loading; This means the plane normal to the axis ‘of loading will carry the maximum normsl stress. ‘Maximum normal stress, =o eos? @ = ens! 0! =a 8.4) From equation (3.8), i is observed that the tangential stress (Ze, shear stress) across the section FG will be maximum when sin 20 is maximum. And sin 20 will bo maximura when sin 20 = 1 or 20 = 90° or 270" or 0 = 18° oF 135°, ‘This means the shear stress will be maximum on two planes inclined at 45° and 135° to ‘the normal sostion BP as shown in Figs. 8.1 (e) and 8.1 (d, Max, value of shear stress = © sin 20 sin 90° = & a5) %6 TREN OF mavens pNDPAL STRESSES AND STRANS °° Fiat pane cam Gy= Shoat stress (or tangential eres) across the setio FC. ree . ‘Then normal ares, o, = Foesonotal toseetion £2 = Sa ‘rea of section FC ‘ tice $ (earn otk tides) F F Gs P20, xBC xem 0) sc oa Sheorstess = 182" 1X 608 8 x 008 8 ( In triangle FBC, 2S ~ cos) m0 rere : roy rom equations (2.4) and (2.6) i ie seen that axiom normal stress equal =o, x st 8 a vhocees Ue masini shear cies sl to 0 o egal tal the vale of greatest normal Similarly, tangential (or shear) stress tires once along section PC FL Second Method “Areaof tection FC” POT ‘Amomber subjected to a dirvet stress in one plane. Fig. 8.2 shows a recangular ox BO x1xsind ; a member of uniform cross-sectional area A and of unit thickness. The bar is subjected to a principal tensile eteas a, on the faces AD and BC. ©. ee Pyeoye8oxt ® ro 8 Fig 82 ‘Area of ross-section = BC x Thickness of bar BCx1 Let the stressos on the ablique plane FC are tobe calculated. The plane FC is inclined at an angle 8 with the normal cross-section 27 (or BC). This can be done by converting the stress 1; acting on fave BC into equivalent force. Then this force will be resolved along the inclined planes AC nd perpndiulrto FO. Pease note tat fre and ot he tase which fo 36 resolved). ‘Tenaile stress on face BC = 0, Now, the tensile force on BC, ‘Py ~ Stross (0,) x Area of cross-section 0, xBCx1 (Area = BO x1) ‘The above tense fores P, is also acting on the inelined section FC, in the axial direction ‘as shown in Fig. 3.2. This fore P; is resolved into two component, £e., ne normal tothe plane FC and other along the plane FC. Let ‘Component of the force P,, normal to the section FC P0080 10, x BC x1 x cos 0 fo Pye, xBOx 1) Component of the foree P,, along the section FC Py sind 6, x BC x L sin 8 1, = Normal stress on the eoction FC - FE 0, Xc08 8 xin 8 2c (« twinge, 2 -es) =, xc08 0x sin ® P,=0,xBC,P,=0,x BF) P= Total force along the section FC = Component of foree P, along the section FC + Component of force P, along the section FO P, sin © +P, cos 0). (-ve sign is taken due to opposite direction) P, sin 8~P, cos 8 0, x BC x sin 0 a, x BF x c08 (Substituting tho values P, and P,) Normal stress across the section PC ‘Total force normal tothe section FC s ‘Asea of eeetion FC Pa OX BC x008 0+09 x BF xsin Fexi FE BO 008 0+, x BE x sin 0, BE cos 40) x BF sing 1 X08 8x cos 6+ 0, xsin Ox sin 8 a Be Intriangle FEC, BS con ( ‘ Fe" Fe 6; cas 8+ 6, sin? 0 wo, (SY 5, (seat ag aie alaeare: Paar ery ‘Tangential stress (or shear stress) along section FC ‘Total free along the action FC ‘Area of section FC (: Stree oe 20 « cost O— cin? 6 7 0a 28 = cost 8 sin = cas 0 (1 cos?) = Beas? 8-1 = (l= sint 6) sin? de t-2eint@ (hr e28 20) nt ox = 820) 2 =o oo 4 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS i cn) P__ ox BCxsin0- 0, x BF x cos con 0 sin @~ 6, % sin 8 x cos 0 tia re, (+ tntinsorac, 22 ext, ans) (a, ~ 04) 2088 sin 6 x2con0sind (otutipying an dividing by 2) sin 20 0 ‘The resultant sires on the soetion °C wil be gvon a8 on= fo,F +07 08) Obliguity (Refer to Fig. 34 (2, The angle made © ¢ bythe resultant tess with the normal ofthe oblique pane a ie known as obliquity tis denoted by ¢. Mathematically, {\ tangs 13.8 (4)] * 0 8. WY ‘Maximum shear stress, The shear stress is given $—* by equation (2. Tho shear stress (9) wil he maximum re. 840) when sin20=1 or 20290 or 270" (sin $O*=1 and alo sin 70°» 1) An maximum shear sess (pg SHZSE a9 ‘The planes of maximum shear stress are obtained by making an angle of 45° and 135° \with the plane BC (at ang point on the plane BC) in guch a way that the planes of maximum hear stress lie within the matorial as shown in Fig, 3.4 (e). eee ae | 4 x Fig. 8406) eres the planes, which are at an angle of 45° or 195° with the normal eross-section BC [see Fig. 24 (¢)], carry the maximum shear stresses. PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 96 ee Principal planes. Principal planes are the planes on which shear stress is zero. To tocate the position f principal planes, the shear stress given by equation (3.7) should be equated: to zero For principal planes, S15 sin 20 =0 7 sin 20=0 [+ ©,— 94) cannot he equal to zero] or 20=0 or 180° 0-0 or 90° n6=0, SER | 1-82. ong whe $ got co 20 os 0° S88 ey ts cos 0° ‘when 6 = 90°, ° = 88 e952 x 90° 2508 cos 180" «ED (coe 180° » =oy Note. The relations, given by equations (3.8) to (3.9), sso hold goed when ons or both the stresses are compressive. Problem 3.5. The tensile stresses at a point across two mutually perpendieular planes are 120 Nimm? and 60 Nimm?. Determine the normal, tangential and resultent stresses on a plane inclined at 30° to the axis of the minor stress Sol. Given : Major principal stress, 0, = 120 Nim? Minor principal, 1, = 60 Niram? Angle of oblique plane with the axis of minor principal stress, im Normal stress ‘The normal stress (o,) is given by equation (3.6), = Sesh 120+ 60 | 120-60 2 2 = 80 + 80 cos 60° = 90-430 x 105 Nimm?. Ans. coo 20 08 2x 30° 96 STHENGIH OF MATERIALS Tangontial stress ‘The tangential or shear stress) gis given by equation (8:7). x60 nine! sin 26 120Ninnt 120-60 mal sin (230°) Resultant stress o=60Nnm! ‘The resultant stress (o,) is given by equa tion (8.8) perce og= Yo, re? = 105% + 25987 = (TORE 67456 = 108.16 Nim, Ans. Problem 3.6. The stresses at a point in a bar are 200 Nimm® (tensile) and 100 Nima (compressive). Determine the resultant stress in magnitude and direction on a plane inclined at 60" to the axis of the major stress. Also determine the maximum intensity of shear stress in the material atthe point. (AMIE, Winter 1984) Sol. Given ‘Major principal stress, 0, = 200 Niinm? ‘Minor principal stress, ¢, = 100 N/mm? (Minus sign is due to compressive stress) Angle ofthe plane, which it makes with the major principal stress = 60° Angle 8 = 90° ~ 60° = 30". Resultant stress in magnitude and direction First ealeulato the normal and tangential stresses, Using equation (2.6) for normal stress, Se 4 1-9 eos 20 = 200 (= 100) | 200 -(- 190) z 2 cos (2 x 30") 92 30 200-100 , 2004100. aye 100 , 200-100 aa, 504180$ (> con 6o"= fp 50 +75 = 125 Nin, ‘Using equation (3.7) for tangential stress, Pee 02 25% sin 29 = MOE 100) in e230 200-4100 an 6 = 150 x 0.866 = 128.9 Nim? 2 PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAMS 97 Using equation (3.8) for resultant stress, fost +a? = f125* + 1209" = (18625 FT687E = 180.27 Nimm*. Ans. ‘The inclination ofthe resultant stress with the normal ofthe inclined plane is given by equation (3.8 (A)] 28 Maximum shear stress ‘Maxiniam shear stress is given by equation (3.9) 4-03, 200-(-100) _ 200+100 _ 159 nmmt, Ans. 2 2 a Problem 3.7. At @ point in a strained material the principal tensile stresses across two perpendicular planes, are 80 Nini? and 40 Ninm?. Determine nornial stress, hear strese and the resultant stress on @ plane inclined at 20° with the major principal plane. Determine also the obliquity. What will be the intensity of stress, which acting alone witl produce the same ‘maximum strain if Poisson's ratio = 4. Sol. Given aaee Major principal stress, 0, (ax 80. N/mm? roa Mrinal tere, 20 Nim? ttt eae Ob unlit ef sgl 0" wth lemme Cty anor pl on i lino BE mem 0 [te jl cy Ala oa Posse rto, ued rf Shear rn and a einer ate tiagecton 8) ott Sion 2481 up MedD 2 Faas beat 2 = 00 + 20% 008 40° = 75.92 Nimmn?. ‘The sheat stress is given by equation (9.7) = 82 gin 29 = SOA 2.865 Nimm?. Ans. ‘The resultant stress is given by equation (3.8) o> Yo, +07 = (T6307 512856" = 76.4 Nimm®. Ans. 98 ‘STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Obliquity (9) 2 given by equation (8.8 (A)] _ 12886, 9a che. fan G75 ota 25S yar, Ans. 7 7532 Let o = stress which acting alone will produce the same maximum strain. The maxi- ‘murn strain willbe in the direction of major principal stress. Maximum strain = ‘The strain due to stress 0. EE . o-70Nimm?. Ans. Problem 88. At « point tn a strained material the principal stresee are 100 Niran* (iensile) and 60 Ninn? (compressive). Determine the normal stress, shear stress ond resultant stress on a plane inclined at 50° tthe axis of major principal stress, Also determine the max ‘nui shear eres at the po ‘MIE, Summer 1982) Sol. Given ‘Major principal stress, 0, = 100 Nim ‘Minor principal stress, 0, =~ 60.Nimm? —(Nogative sign due to compressive stress) “Angle ofthe inclined plane with tho axis of major principal stross = 50" » Angle ofthe inclined plane with the axs of minor principal stress, 8= 90-50-40", Normal stress (0,) Using equation 8.6), Bquating the two strains, we got 2 00+ ASE | SS cos29 10+ 80.008 80" = 20 + 80 x 1736 = 20+ 18.89 = 38.89 Nemm?. Ans. Shear stress (0,) Using equation (8.7, 0, = sin 20 _100-(-60) po sin 2 x40) PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS Resultant stress (og) Using equation on (3.8), on ol + of ~ ana0" + 70705" 1485+ CBOTOT = 85.765 Nimm?. Ans. Maximum shear stress sing oguation (9, 21-94 , 100-(-60 (aus G28 -1ORL = 100280 50 Nim’, Ans. Problem 29. At @ point in a strained material, the principal stresses are 100 Nimm tensile and 40 Nima compressive. Determine the resultant stress in magnitude and direction fon a plane inclined at 60° tothe axis of the major principal stress. What is the maximum Inansity of shear stress inthe material atthe point ? (AMIE, Winter 1982) Sol. Given ‘The major principal stress, 0, = 100 Nina? ‘The minor principal stress, o, =~ 40 N/mm? (Minus sign due to compressive stress) Tacination ofthe plane with the axis of major principal stress = 60° Tnaination ofthe plane with the axis of minor principal stress, = 90-60 = 90" Resultant stress in magnitude ‘Tho resultant stross (6) is given by equation (3.8) as, one (ol voP whore o, = Normal stress and is given by equation (8.6) as 210050 102 ge #3047005 = 65 Nim? and hear stross and is given by aquation (8.7) as 100 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 100+ 49 sin 60° = 70 x .866 = 60.62 Nima? on = 65" + 6062" = 88.9 Nimm*. Ans. Direction of resultant stress Lot the resultant stress is inclined at an angle to the normal ofthe oblique plane. ‘Then ‘using equation [3.8 (AD. 2% _ 6062 ng = t= 8082 na detent Ans. i Maximum shear stress / Using equation (8.9), (nag = 2 i 00-40) 1000 ay emt Ane Problem 3.10. sinalt block is 4 em long, 3 em high and 0.5 em thick, [tis subjected to uniformly distributed tensile forces of resultants 1200 N and 500 N as shown in Fig. 3.7 (a) below. Compute the normal and shear stresses developed along the diagonal AB. (AMIE, Summer 1987) ee Big. 3710) Sol. Given: Length = 4 em, height = 3 em and width = 0.5 em Force along x-axis = 1200 N | Force along y-axis = 500.N ‘Area of cross-section normal la x-axis =3 x 0.5 = 1.5 em? ‘Area of cross-section normal to y-axis = 4 x0.5 = 2 em? PRINGIPAL STRESSES AND STAANS 101 Force along x-axis ‘Area normal tox-axls 1200 15 » 800 Niers? Stress along x-axis 10 Niera? Stress along y-axis, = ‘rea normal to y-axis 500 : 6° 250 Nie’ Also Let Normal stress on diagonal AB Shear stress on diagonsl AB Using equation 95,0,» SE 6 A= "Egg 8 800 + 250 | 800-250 2 z 25 + 275 x ons 106,12" = 625 + 275 x (- 0.2776) 25 ~ 78.85 = 448.65 Niem®. Ans. 2 ons (258.08) Now using equation (3.7), o, in 20 800 = 280 ssn (2 «59.06°) 215 sin 105.12" = 215 x 0.96 = 264.18 Nim’. Ans. 3.4.8, AMember Subjected to aSimple Shear Stress. Fig. 3.8chows a rectangular barABCD of uniform cross-sectional area A and of unit thickness. The bar is subjected to a simple shear stress (q) across the faoes BC and AD. Let FC be the oblique section on which normal and tangential stresses are to be caleulated. Let 0 = Angle made by oblique section FC with normal cross-section BC, Shear stress across faces BC and AD. Tt has already been proved (Refor Art, 2.9) that.a shear stress is always accompanied by fan equal shear stress at right angles to it, Hence the faces AB and CD will alo be subjected to f shear etrees ¢ at shown in Fig, 3.8. Now thoso strossos will be converted into equivalent forces, Phen these forces will be resolved along the inclined surface and normal to inclined ‘surface. Consider the forces acting on the wedge FBC of Fig. 2.9, 102 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Shear foreson face BC Shear stress x Area of face BC =rxBCx1 (or Area of face BC = BC x 1) BC ‘Shear fore on face FB Area of FB FB x10. FB = Total normal force on section FC P,~ Total tengontal farce on section FC. ‘The force Q, is acting along face CB as shown in Fig. 3.8. "Tho force is esabved into two componentsie,@, 2980 and Q, sind slong the plane CF and normal othe plane CF respectively. "The foree Qi acting along Use face FB. This force is aleo resolved inta two component ‘ce, Q, sin @ and @,o2s 8 along the plane FC and normal to the plane FC respectively. ‘Total normal free on section FC, P,=Q,8in 8 + Q, 08 8 % BC x cin 0 « 2% FB e088 ‘And total tangential free on section FC. P,=@ysin OQ, o15 0, _(-ve sgn is taken due to opposite direction) XFBxsin0-exBCx e028 Q)=t.FBandQ,=*-BO) Normal stra on section FC 7 = Tangential stress on section FC ‘Total normal force on setion FC ‘Area ofsection FC a “Poa =.BC.sin8 +£.FB.cas : FC xt BC B as BE singe. 7B coo =. 008 6. sin 8 +x-sin 8. 206 8 20 aes F? (+ tnsinnge 6, 22-028 an) xB) ‘Area = FC x1) 2e coe 8. sin sin 20 (= 2sin 6 cos ira «g,~ Total tangential force on section FC " ‘Ares of section FC in 28) ..(8.10) R i Fox aex 2B ying 1x BC wx BB sin o- 1x 2B x om 0 a vx sinO x sin 0 ~ xx c0@ 0 « e008 [PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 108 =rsin? 0 vos? 0 = —t[os? @~ sin? 6] =v008 28 (eens? ~ sin? “ve sign shows that g, will be acting downwards on the plane CF. 2.4.4. A Member Subjected to Direct Stresses in two Mutually Perpendicular Directions Accompanied by a Simple Shear Stress. Fig. 3.10 (a) shows a rectangular bar RROD of uniform cross-sectional area A and of unit thickness. This bar is subjected to = 008 28) (8.11) itt 0} | tes © ce “ay Tl aaa ® ° we a10 @ tensile stress 0, on the face BC and AD Gi tonsile stress o, on the face AB and CD Gi) a simple shear stress von face BC and AD. iut with reference to Art, 29, a simple shear stress is always accompanied by an equal shear stress at right angles to it, Hence the faces AB and CD will also be subjected to a shear stroes tas show in Fig. 3.10 (a), We want to caleulate normal and tangential stresses on oblique section FO, which is inclined at an angle 0 with the normal cross-section BC. The given stresses are converted into oquivalent forces ‘The forces acting on the wodge FBC are P, =‘Tensile force on face BC due to tensile stress 0, 4 x Area of BC (> Ares BC x1) @ = Shear foree on face BC due to shear stress + 2x Ares of BC xBC x1 =exBC @y= Shear force on fece PB duc to shear stross + =r Area of FB ate FB 1 =e xB. Resolving the above four forces (ie.,,, Py, @, and Q) normal to the oblique section FC, we get 108 STRENGTH OF MATERIA'S ‘Total normal force, P,=P,cos6 +P, sin 0+ Q, sin @ + Q, 006 0 Substituting the values of ,, Py, Q, and Qy, we got P,=4,.BC cos 0 + 6,..FB.sin ++. BC. sin 0+ ¢. FB. os 8 Similarly, the total tangential foree (PIs obtained by resolving P,, P,Q, and @, along the oblique section FC, ‘Total tangential foreo, P,=P, sin 9 P, cos 8~ Q, cos 8 + Q,sin 9 =0, BC. sin @~ o,, FB cos 8~¢.BC..co8 042. FB. sin (Gubstitute the values of Py. P,, Q, and Q3) formal stress across the section FC, and 6, = Tangential stress across the section FC. ‘Then normal stress across the section FC, Nowlet 9, ‘Total normal force across section FC, ‘Area of section FC “Fest 030+; FB sin 0.4 +. BC.ain + ¢.FB 6080 FOxt Bo a Fe 1 FE cos 804. FB sina +z. 2S sin oer. 2B cos FC Fc rc “SOFT. Fe -O8E 1 -€080.0080+ 0y8iN8. sn 04x, cos 8, in + rin. cos 8 Re (+ tn triangle Bo, 2 (+ tntviangto ro, BS 08 0 +05 sa 0+ 2 28 O sin 9 a8 ee) FB 8 Gand “) z spa 12os2 gry, 1-28 (> ct o= EES gh Aesa8 SHEED 28 cos an cin ain tnd tangent ses, shear drs) ase ston FC, Tl angen fae ssa CB and 2066 sin0 sin 28) ‘Area ofsecion FC FCT 04. BC .sin 8 ~ Gs. FB. cos ~+ BC. cos +. FB sin 7 Fst oH Be FB 29, Saino ay FC FO =o, 008 0. sin 0-0, sin 0 cos 6 T. c08 6. cos @ +2. sin 8. sin 9 BC a In triangle FBC, 2S cos 0 and 2B —sind ‘ FC oom FC ) = (0,04) -c08 8 in 9x eos! 0+ rsin?® 0 PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 105 1-8 sin 20 — vos 29 Ce ene? 8 sin? ow on6 20) (8.13) Position of principal planes. The planes on which shear stross (., tangential stress) fe zero, are known as prineipal planes, And the stresses ueting on principal planes are known 5 stresses. princi : ‘The position of principal planes are obtained by equating the tangential stress (given by equation (8.18) bo zero, +. For principal planes, 9, =0 ae S15 sin 20- +008 20 =0 i sin 20 = 608 20 2 Gig) “Gs -a) 2 aim.28 or con 28 (aia) or 120 28° od) ‘But the tangent of any angle in a right angled triangle 7 ‘Height of tight anglod triangle “Base of right angled triangle Height of right angled triangle “Base of right angled triangle Hight of right angled triangle = 2c Base of right angled triangle = (0, ~ 9). 28 Now diagonal of the right angled triangle ea = flo ea Ge? #2 eyo, et Fig, S42 efenoF ea? and - feo ra? Yet Case, Disgonal « fa; sos" Height te les we en sin 20= Fiegonal °c rae Th ?9= Diegonal * oo, -09)" + 4 09 1-03) and 0s 20 = -+ agonal” fig, —0,)* 4 “The value of major principal stress is obtained by substituting the values of cin 28 and cos 20 equation 6.12) Major principal stress 2 ote. 2 208 20-4 ein 20 108 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 4082 ,1 (yop), a 28 foro aae Yoon 2 Mt Se, Co = ay det 2 aff, -oa ae ates 1 Tae = Bt Loree sin, [Bae ig Bnd Case, Diagonal = (Gye) o 4 aor =n)? +40 and cos 28 = sn) woo 4" ‘Substituting these values in equation (8.12), we got minor prinefpal stress. ‘Minor principal stress 2 AEE, =O con 064 sin 28 BOA =, moe 2 BE eaten” Yeicogh rat Ot, May et eared iat 2 alte opt eae® lo, og)? +4" Mtoe (oon ede? 2 Qlop-agede * 22S 1 eo ae Pengo oF +8 ate (lap) 3.18) a Sg [eg @s ‘xquation (3.16) gives the maximum principal stress whereas equation (3.16) gives mini- ‘mum principal stress. Theso two principal planes are at right angles, ‘The position of principal planes isobtained by finding two values of @ from equation (8.14) Fig.3.11(c)shows the principal planesin which 9, and arethevalves from equation (3.34) PRINGIPAL STRESSES AND STRARS 107 : 7 é ‘6,| fe — 7 me y i " Ming 90" +6, : Sg E : ee ‘Maximum shear stress. The shear stress is given by equation (9.18). The shear streas will be maximum or minimum when a Hino 4 @ or ° [2.ptsioa vous © (cos 29) x 2- x(- sin 26) x 2= (0, ~ 0) .€08 20 + 2esin 2020 or Be sin 20 =~ (6, -0,) 08 20 = (0, 04) 08 28 in20_ 0; ~6, cos 28” De or tan 20 = 22-9 equation (3.17) gives condition for maximum or minimum shear stress Ittan 26 = 259% oa-6 fcr oyF +4? _ fic, oP 4? ‘Then (8.1 108 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Substituting the values ofsin 26 and eos 20 in equation (9.18), the maxiaum and mini- ‘musm shear stresses are obtained ‘Maximum shear stress i given by (nar ® “A522 sin 20~ x c08 20 2 we tg Lng BO Yea-optest ogo 4 (not Bley, oa loys ae cgteat Coat Alox ay) ear Daae= 5 (ono) #4 oh fo.nayFaat 0.19) The planes n which mam her ssi tng a and afr ding he saeco eatin Ths ew ves of wi ET 90. palpanesand prea sve Eat eang opel pane wtspine BCP (@). Then the planes of maximum shear will be at 6, + 45° and 6, + 136° with the plane BC as shown in Fig. 3.12 (@), , -LL ETT I © at xy ty Ze Yor Wee a4 Wage Ell Fig. 812(0) Note, The above relations hold good when one or bth the stresses are compressive. PRNGPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 109 Problem 8.1, At a point within a body subjected to aro mat ieilr dines tion, the otreates are 80 Ninum? tonsils and 20 Nien tee, Baa Peet die aceornpanied by a sheor strats of 80 Nir. Determine the nave ss ane reste ie resultant stress on an oblique plane iclned at an angle of #5" wih de ie eee at foes Sol Gren Major tense stress, 0, 80 Nima? Minor tense stese, 9, = 40mm? Shear stress, 1260 Ninn? ‘Anele of oblique plane, with the axe of miner tent strea, ona (© Normal sires (,) Using equation (8.13), e820 + rain 20 +40 BO 89-0 ans 45°) 460 sin (2x 45) = 60 + 20 cas 90° + 60 sin 90° $60 420% 04.60 x1 fe = 6040+ 60= 120mm’. Ans. | open “et (Gi) Shear (or tangential) stress (0,) Using equation (8.13), sin 20 — 008 26 = sin 2 x 45°) ~ 60 x 008 (2x 45°) 20 x sin 90°~ 60 cos 90° 20x 1~60x0 =20Nimm?. Ans. (Gti) Resultant stress (oy) Using equation, a 110 [STRENGTH OF NATERIALS 20? +207 = JT400% 40 = (17800 = 121.655 Nim? Ans. Problem 3.12.A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile stress of 110 Nimm* on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 Nimam® on the plane at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is accompanied by a shear stress of 63 Nimm? and thot associated with the former tensile stress tends to rotate the block anticlockwise. Find ©) the direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress and (Gi) magnitude of the greatest shear stress. (AMIE, Surumer 1983) Sol. Given : [Major tensile stress, 3, ‘Minor tensile stress, 0, = 47 N/mm? Shear stress, 63 N/mm (® Major principal stress is given by equation (8.15). 110 Nima ‘+ Major principal stress = Fy. 8:14 ee (BAY a 2 17 (sy cea)? 2 yl = 70.54 91.5" +63" = 785 4 (09225 +5969 18.5 + 10.436 = 148,036 Nimm?. Ans. ‘Minor principal stress is given by equation (8.16). e) + ‘Minor principal stress, > "PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS am —— 10447 (52 +63? 278.5 = 8.064 Nimm?. Ans. ‘The directions of principal stressoe are given by equation (9.14). s. Using equation (3.14), Be 2x63 tan 20 = 68 = 9,-0, 110-47 2x69 = 2288.99 20 = tan"! 2.0 68° 26° or 243° 26 = 31°48" or 121°48'. Ans, (id) Magnitude of the greatest shear stress Greatest shear stress is given by equation (8.18). Using equation (2.18), Loma Memo 1 Ta 1 oon va 3 est vax ea? = bx 0a i awe: a 70496 Nimm?, Ans. Problem 8.15, Direct stresses of 120 Nim? tensile and 90 Nimm? compression exist on two perpendicular planes at a certain potnt in a body. They are also accompanied by shear stress on the planes. The greatest principal stress at the point due to these ie 150 Ninn’ (a) What must be the magnitude ofthe shearing stresses on the two planes # (6) What will be the mazimum shearing stress at the point ? Sol. Given Major tonsile stress, 9, © 120 Nira? ‘Minot compressive stress, 9, =-90N/mm? (Mine Greatest principal stress “= 150 Nimm? (@) Let ‘t= Shear stross on the two planes, Using equation (9.15) for greatost principal stress, we get oe 150 = 20+ 90) , (7120-1900) 2 2 ign duo to compression) Greatest principal stress Ren OF WATERS 15 + 105 +2? ae 350-15 fio? or 195 = fogs? Squaring both sides, we get 1357 = 105+ or + yee 1958 106? = 18295 ~ 11025 = 7200 * ‘c= (7800 = 84.858 Nimm?, Ans. (&) Maximum shear stress at the point Using equation (8.18) for maximum shear stress, qo ae (han? ¥en 9 1 ffiz0- Ca0iF + 47200 G 2 pase =} eaTdoT TER ~} 27 75 Baa00 = 2 JAATOTT BEBOO ~ F x 270 4 (aio? = 2as00 = 3 V4 } sagen are aa ae rs 7 i aa rn ve eect te orca shear stress of a magnitude of 10 Nimm?. Find graphically or otherwise, th tt oS) | 37 10Nine fect Se | - Z A f 7 oS ssc << it Cy « ~~ eT’ 4 7) feb sa EP [PRINCIPAL STRESSES AKO STRAINS 118 Major tersile stress, ‘Minor tensile stress, Shear stress, ‘t= 10 Nine? Location of principal planes ‘The location of principal planes Using equation (@.14), slven by equation (3.14, tan 292% 2*10 | 2010 % 6," 20-10" 10 20 = tant 2.0 = 68° 26" or 243° 25 ot @= 81° 49 or 121° 43. Ans. 1) Magnitude of principal stresses ‘The major principal stress is given by equation (3,15) ‘Major principal strese ato, fa-ey ar teat areola 5+ {BF o 100 = 18+ JOETIOD 26.18 Nimm?. Ans. ‘The minor principal stress is given by equation (3.16). ‘Minor principal stress 5+ VIDE = 18 + 11.18 20410 20-10)" 2 = 15-1118 =882Nimm?, Ans. Problem 8.15. A point in a strained material is subjected to the stresses as shown, in Fig. 9.25. Locate the principel planes, and evaluate the principal stresses, sone? Siete a TI a “owt? Fig. 8:5 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. a4 bday i te of 60" with face rete ee BC oF AD not normal ined a a con reo he ne BAD te cnet, nora ohn fe BE (or AD) Peon the ice Be or AD. Shan norm Yote fies BC or AD i oi = 0 0.886 = 51.96 Nia along te fase BC ox AD ; a : = 60 x cos 60" «0.5 = 30 N/mm? ‘Tho stress along the face BC or AD is known as shear stress. Hence « to complementary shear stress ‘of 80 Nimm?, Now the stresses act Jang on the material are shown in Fig. 5.16. so nin save? - rie z +2 7 5 30 Nema t ‘ow? ig 836 aij tnises, 0, 5196 Metco seen, oy40 Nt Shore ee aeNnt re ono he rl lane se withthe sro Nn see stn pine! sno given by te qt 8. Guage 8 ne a : a tan 900 018 4 e250 82 * clap ay oro at. Ane ini ree or sepals igen agton 8). Mj inal es tan 20 = 4.999 ag fee 7 51.96 + 40, [essay 308 eae 2 Nom. Due the face AB and CD will also be subjected to obear stress PRINGIPRL STRESSES AND STRANS 15 = 45.984 30.8, = 76.58 Nimm*. Ans. "The minor principal stress is given by equation (3.16). ten ee corte : ye stew [EREBT og 2 \ = 45.98- 30.6 = 16.38 Nim’. Ans. Problem 8.16. The normal stress in two mutually perpendicular directions are 600 Ninwm® and 300 Nimm both tensile. The complimentary shear stresses in these directions are of intensity +450 Nimun. Find the normal and tangential stresseson the two planes which areequatly inclined to the planes carrying the normal stresses mentioned above. Sol. Giver, Major tensile stress, 0, = 600 Nim? Minor tensile stress, 0, = 900 Nimm* Shear stress, += 450 Nimm? ‘The normal and tangentil stresses are to be calealated on the two planes which are equally inclined to the planes of major tensile stress and of minor tensile stress, This means D245" and 135°, a Angle @ = 45° and 135° (Normal stress (9,) is given by equation (3.12). aS e8 4 1-8 95 8-4 xin 26 5 (0) Wen 6 40 he normal reso, bonnes = 2007208, 60 9 e457) 450 sin 467) Seal terete Tie Namt es $5 tho noma (ce 1050 60-30 ago sn 185) adit oan tn esa Te 205 6DeD e460? ‘ot aoe, han (itunes ings oguen 820 (b) When and sin 27 S152 sin a8 —vom 90 116 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (a) When 0 = 45°, the tangential atrese(o,) becomes as $500 — 900 in 90" — 450 cos 90° = 150 x 1-450 x0= 150 Nimm®, Ans. 35", the tangential stress (o,) becomes as (®) When sin 270° — 450 008 270° = 150x(- 1-450 x0=-150Nimm®, Ans. Problem 3.17. The intensity of resultant stress on a plane AB (Fig. $.16 at a point in @ material under stress is, 00 Me {800 Nier? and itis inclined et 30° to the normal to that plane. 8 ‘The normal component of stress on another plane BC at right eno wnt tangles o plane AB is 600 Nr Determine the following (i) he resultant streeson the plane BC, (Gi) the principal stresses and their directions, A (Gi) ehe maacreum shear stresses and their planes. @ (AMIE, Summer 1989) eee Sol. Given: Resultant stress on plane AB Angle of inclinstion of the above stress Normal stress on plane BC 100 Nem? ‘The resultant stress 800 Niem? on plane AB ie resolved into normal stress and tangential stress. = 800 Nim? oem eco nen $5 4ooNe © : 2 y += 400 nent 5 =86282 Nt t +00 Non? = a00 NH . Fig. 2.160) ‘The normal stress on plane AB = 800 x e08 30 ‘The tangential stress on plane AB = 800 x sin 30° [PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STAANS 7 ‘The shear street on plane AB is, ie, t4j = 400 Nlem’, then to maintain the equilibriam ‘on the wedge ABC, another shear stress of the same magnitude, Le. ty¢= 400 Niem* must act ‘on the plane BC. The free body diagram of the element ABCD i shown tn Fig. 8.16 (@), showing normal and shear stresses acting on different faces. @) Resultant stress on plane BC On plane BC, from Fig. 3.16 (a, 0, = 600 Niem* Shear stress, += 400 Niem? Resultant stress on plane BC (o00" + 400% = 721 Nem*. Ans. ‘The resultant will be inclined at an angle 6 with the horizontal given by, 600 op 715 Os tant 15-563". Ans. (Principal sreses and tei directions ‘The major principal stress is given by equation (9.18) ‘Major principal stress tang = 52 aera sien 600, [BREE BHO) age 2 2 = 646.41 402.68 = 1049.09 Nicr? (Tensile). Ans. ‘The minor principal stress is given by equation (9.16) Minor principal stress 243.73 Niem? (Tensile). Ans. ‘The directions of principal stresses are given by equation (3.14), as 22400 800 fan 20% Toa)” (@ba82- o00) ” Saas “8°18 20 = tan-! 618 = 83.98° or 269.98" = 41.69" or 131.99". Ans. (iii) The maximum shear stress and their planes. ‘The maximum shear stres is given by equation (9.18). 18 e7neueT OF warenLs | = 402.68 Niem®, Ans, Problem 9.18. A‘ certain point in a material under stress the intensity ofthe resultant ‘stress on a vertical plane is 1000 Nlem? inlined at 30° to the normal to that plane and the ‘stress on a horizontal plane has a normal tensile earponent of intensity 600 Niom? as shown in Fig. 3.16 (Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant stress on the horizontal plane ‘and the principal stresses. (AMIE, Winter 1990) coon? « 1000 Wen? In Fig. 8.16 ©) ‘on vertical plane AB = 1000 Nim? Inclination of the above streas = 80° [Normal stress on horizontal plane BC = 600 Nim? ‘The resultant stress on plane AB is resalved into normal and tangential component. "The normal component = 1000 x eos 90° = 866 Non? ‘Tangential component += 1000 x sin 30° = 600 Nem®, Honce a shear stress of magnitude 600 Nim? is acting on plane AB. To maintain the wedge in equilibrium, another shear stress of the same magnitude but opposite in direction rust act on the plane BC. The free-body diagram ofthe element ABCD is shown in Fig. 3.16 (d), showing normal and shear stresses acting on different faces in which : 9, = 866 Nim?, 5 = 600 Neem? and <= 500 Neem? (@) Magnitude and direction of resultont stress on horizontal plane BC. ‘Normal stress on plane BC, o, = 600 Niem? | | PRINCIPAL STAESSES AND STRAINS 19 ‘Tangential stress on plane BC, x = 600 Niem* eto! © = 8 Fig 8:18 @ = fot = (Goo BG" = 781.02 Nem? Ans. ‘The direction ofthe resultant strese with the horizontal plane BC is given by, om _ 600 an 9-= 22. $00 tan Soo 72 O=tan!12= 50.19%. Ans. Gi) Principal stresses ‘The major and minor prineipal stresses are given by equations (9.15) and (3.16). Resultant stress Principal stresses (788 + 617.88) and (788 ~ 817.38) 250.38 and 215.62 Niew*. Major principal stress = 1250.38 Nlem*. Ans. Minor principal stress = 215.62 Nlem®. Ans. Problem 8.19. At a point in a strained material, on plane BC there are normal and shear sireeses of 560 Nim? and 140 Nim reapectively. On plane AC, perpendicular to plane BC, there are normal and ehear etrestes of 280 Ninn? and 140 Nimon* respectively as shown in Fig. 3.16 (e). Determine the following : @ principal stresses and location ofthe planes on which they act, i) maximum shear stress and the plane on which it acts. (AMIE, Summer 1990) 120 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 580 Rent Fig. 3:16 (2 Sol. Given On plane AC, 280 Nimm? 140 Nim? 560 Nizam? 40 Nima? © Principat stresses and location ofthe planes on which they act. ‘Principal stress are givon by equations (9.15) and (8.16) (© ve sign due to compressive stress) On plane BC, 9, Principal stresses = 40 = 442.7 582.7 and (140 ~ 442.7) Nim? 582.7 and ~ 302.7 Nimm? ‘Major principal stress = 582.7 Nimm? (Tensile), Ans. Minor principal stress = 902.7 Nimm?. Ane. ‘The planes on which principal stresses aet, are given by equation (8.14) 28 226140280 1-0, — 280-560 ~ = 840 29 = tan"! 0.28 =-18.26° ~ vo sign shows that 28s lying in 2nd and 4th quadraat 28 = (180 18.26") or (360 - 18.260) 5 161:84° or 341.34" 80.67" and 170.67". Ans. (@ Maximum shear stress and the plane on which it acts Maxtinum shear stress is givon by equation (3.18) ten 20= ne omnes al PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRANS (aa (2524) - (2-2) +1408 ¥ = 420" +140" = 442.7 Nimm#. Ans. ‘ho anc on which sina sear sess rn equation 1) a tan 28 60-280) 800 4 Taito 380 stan 30= 73.55" 0 251.50" 2 S008 or 1257 A rm i dan bf he bl 3.20, Ona mild ete plate, ce of aaa 50 te pe en tg SF Pind the longue of the mor and mor caso ape me a oul of te Ssjormation of the ie marked 20 nur? > ° dont? i nina Fig. 8.17 4 Take B = 2 x 108 Ninn? and = Sol. Given = z Major tensile stress, 0, = 80 Nimm* 122 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Minor tonsile stress, «i, = 20 Ninm® Shoar stroae, 0 Nizam? Value of B 92x10? Nim? Major principal stress is given by equation (3.15), ‘Major principal stress 100 Nim? (tonsilo) 80-20" oy 2 oa -32-f aes CT, erase LE sl 25 8S leo 2 i enn op 8 seca oes ee hte oh mer a ie principal stress along AC. Strain slong BD __ Malor principal stress _ Minor principal stress = mE __ 100 o “Beto Se 10a oot 205 Increase in diameter along BD = Strain along BD x Dia. of hole Strain along AC mE PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 123 a {- ve sign shows that there is a decrease in length) Decrease in langth of diamater along AC = Strain along AC x Dia. of hole 1 ‘5000 | ‘The circle will become en clipe whose major axis will be 50 + 0,025 = 60.025 mm sand minor axis will be {50 - 0.00625 = 49.9975 mun. 50 = 0.00625 mim 8.5. GRAPHICAL METHOD FOR DETERMINING STRESSES ON OBLIQUE SECTION ‘Two eases are considered (i) A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions when the stresses aro unoqual and alike. Gi) A ody is subjected to direct stresses in two rautually perpendicular directions when the stresses are equal and alike. 8.6.1, A body is Subjected to Dizect Stresses in two Mutually Perpendicular Directions when the Stresses are Unequal and alike. Fig. 9.18 shows a rectangular bar ‘bf uniform crace-cectional area A. The bar is subjected to two tensile stresses. Iti required to ‘fad the normal and tangential stresses graphically on the oblique plane FC. Fig. 938 Let 0, = Major principal tensile stress, 6, © Minor principal tensile stress, and {= Angle made by the ablique section with the axis of minor principal stress Procedure. 1. Draw two mutually perpendicular lines meeting at O. 2. Take OA = Stress 0, and OB = 0, to some scale 124 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 4. Draw two concentric circles with centre O and radii equal to OA and OB as shown i ae (0 and radii equal to O4 and OB as shown in te Pig. 5.19 4, Through 0, draws Ge, axis of stress 0.) MY, making an angle 0 with the axis of minor prinelpal stress 5. Through 0, awa ine ODC at right angles to MN, mectng the te clos aD and. 6. From C, drew line CE perpendicalar to OA 1. From D, draw aline DF perpendicular to CE 6 doin OF. Then OF represents the resultant stress onthe oblique plane 8, From F, draw a line PG perpendicular t OC. Then OG represents the normal stress ‘on the oblique plane. And GF represents the tangential stross. Ae Normal siress = 0G and Tangential stress = GF Proof. (See Fig, 239) eD=0c- op 0,-0,(¢ OC#0A=a, and OD = 08 =a,) In right angled triangle OFC, £BOC = 6, LOCE = 90° — 6. In right angled triangle DCF, ZDCP = 90" : 2cbF DF = CD e0s = (o,- 04) 080 ( @D=0,~0)) CF = CD sin 8 =(0, ~ 6,) sin 0, PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 105 silica en In right angled trianglo CGF, LGCF = 90-0 CG = CF cos (90-0) = CF sin 8 (oy ~ 9) in 6. sin 8 CF = (0,~ 0,)sin 6} (6, 63) aint @ 06-=00- CG 0, ~(0,~ 0) sino 06 =04, 60 = (0, ~ 0) int 6] ,(1~ sin €) + 0, int 8 0, ~ 6, sin? 8 + 0, sin® =a, cot? 0+0,sin#8 ("> 1 sin 0= cost 0) “ But from equation {2.5 (A), normal atrese across the oblique section is given by 1, = 6, 0828 + 0, sin? 0 « ‘Equating equation (f) and (i), we get 0G =o, = Normal stress ‘Tangential streee, 0, = GF = CF sin (90 ~ 8) = CF cos 8 = (6, ~ 03) sin 0 cos 0 E82 a sin 0.008 8 5 asing, 8 in ge sine. GE represents the tangential stress. 3.5.2, Important Points. The normal stress tangontial stress and resultant stress on the oblique plane by the above method (if any one or both of a, and o,, are compressive) are obtained in the same manner, Only the pesition of point F will change. The position of point F will be as follows {i The point F will be in first quadrant if o, and o, ave tensile stresses (i., and o, are +e), G2) The point F will be in seoond quadrant ifo, is compressive and g, is tensile (i, 0,18 =ve and 0, ia +0), (Gi) The point F will be in third quadrant if ©, and o, are compressive (Le, 0, and o, are oy Th point wl bo in fourth quadrant io, ites and compressive i reand ots) Problem 821. Sole the problem 3. by graphical method. Sol The data given proba 35, pe 20 Nino © 60 Ninn, = 80 Scale ‘ake Lom = 20 Nina? 120 60 en 6, = 64m dnd cy = 8 =3.em. The = eGemand oy = 55 #8 @) Draw two mutually perpendicular lines meeting at O as shown in Fig. 3.20 (Gi) Take OA = 6 em and OB = 8 em. (iii) Draw two concentric circles with centre O and radii equal to OA = 6 em and OB 126 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Fig. 20 Gv) Draw a line MN through O, making an angle 30° with OB, (©) rough O, draw aline OC a sgh ngs to MN, cling the wo crs aD an From €, rw aline GE perpendicular OA nf ne wotmesak Pande. (oP D, draw ane DF paral 0 OA, meeting the lne GE a F. i om Phen OF repent rant se ti hn (ok Pra aan ane RC pore tne OC. Then FC ropresonts to ‘uaa OG represents he normal sieays nen evens he angenih (i Monsoe the length OF, PG and OG. ‘By measurements, we get Length OF = 5.411 en Length FG = 1.30 em Length OG = 5.28 em. Rocultant atreaa, og = Length OF = Seale BAL x 20 108.2 Ninm®, Ans, Normal siress, 9, = Length OG x 20 Nim? = 5.25 x 20 = 105 Nimm4, Ans. ‘Tangential stress, 0, = Length FG 20 Nimam? = 1.30°x 20-26 Nimm®, Ans, Problem 3.22. Solve the problem 3.6 by graphical method. Sol. Given ‘Tho data given in problem 3.6, is 1Lem’= 20 Num) PRINCIPAL, STRESSES AND STRAINS 1287 ‘As o; is +ve and o, is ~ ve, the point F will be in fourth quadrant (ese Art. 3.5.2) on page 125). ‘Seale, Take Lem =20 Nim? 200 ‘Then o,= B= Wemando, Draw two mutually perpendicular lines meeting at O as shown in Fig. 8.21 Pig. 3.21 (Gi) Take OA = 10 om and OB = 5 ex. ii) Draw two concentric cireles with centre O and radii equal to OA « 10 em and OB = 8 em, Go) Draw a line MN through O at an angle of 30° with the line OB. (@) Through 0, draw a line OC at right angles to MN, entting the two circles at C and D. Gi) From 0, draw a line CE perpondicalar to OA. Produce the line GE upto C’. doin the Tine OC, cutting the circle of radius OB at D’ (oii) As the point F will lie in the fourth quadrant, the point F will be obtained by drawing, ‘line D'F parallel to OA. (iti) Join OF. Then OF represents the resultant stress. (Gz) From F, drew FG perpendicular to line OC. Then OG represents the normal stress, and GF represents the tangential stress on the oblique plane. G) Measure the lengths OF, OG and GF. From Fig, 821, by measurements, Length OF 128 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Resultant stress = Length OF x Scale 9.020 (2 Lem = 20mm!) 180 Nimm?. Ans. Normal stress = Length OG x Seale = 0.25 x 20 = 125 Nimm?. Ans. ‘Tangential stress = Length GF x Scale = 6.50 x 20 = 130 Ninm?. Ans. 86. MOHR'S CIRCLE Mohr’s eixcle isa graphical method of finding normal, tangential and resultant stresces ‘on an oblique plane. Mohr’s circle willbe draven for the following eases = A body subjected to two mutually perpendicular principal tensile stresses of unequal intensities GA body subjected to two mutually perpendicular principal etreeses which are un- ‘equal and unlike (Ze, one is tensile and other is compressive). (iid) A body subjected to two mutually perpendicular principal tensile stresses accompa- nied by a simple shear stress. 3.6.1, Mobr’s Circle when a Body is Subjected to two Mutually Perpendicular Prineipal Tensile Stresses of Unequal Intensities. Consider a rectangular body subjected to two mutually perpendicular principal tensile stresses of unequal intensities. Iti required to find the resultant stress on an ablique plane. Let 6, = Major tensile ctross 62 = Minor tensile stress, and ‘Angle mado by the oblique plane with the axis of minor tensile stress ‘Mou’ cicle is drawn as : (See Fig. 8.22) ‘Take any point A and draw a horizontal line through A. Take AB =o, and AC =0, towards right from A to some suitable seals. With BC as diameter describe a circle. Let 0 ia the centre of the circle. Now through 0, draw a line OF marking an angle 20 with OB. From Z, draw ED perpendicular on AB. ‘Join AB. Then the normal and tangontial stresses on the oblique plane are given by AD and ED respoctively, The resultant stress on the oblique plane is given by AB, From Fig. 9.22, we have Length AD = Normal stress on oblique plane Length ED = Tangential stress on oblique plane Length AZ = Resultant stress on oblique plane Radius of Mohr's circle = “1>%2 2 Angle = obliquity Proof. (See Fig. 322) ig. 922 60 = OB = OF = Radius of Mohs eile = SS =o, of Normal stress and ED = OF sin 28 = 25% sin 20 =, 08 Tangential stress. Important points. (See Fig. 3.22) (i) Normal stress is along the line ACB, Hence maximum normal stress will be when point F is at B, And minimum normal stress will be when point is at C. Henee maximum normal stress = AB = 0, and minimum normal stress = AB = 0, (Gi) Tangential stress (or shear stress) is along a line which is perpendicular to line CB. Hence maximum shear stress will be when perpendicular to line CB is drawn from point 0. ‘Thon maximum shear stress will be equal to the radius of the Mche's cic, (Daas = (iii) When the point E is at B or at C, the shear stress willbe zero. (iv) The angle # (which is known as anglo of obliquity) will be maximum, when the line AB is tangent to the Mob’ circle. Problem 3.22. Solve problem 8.5 by using Mou’ circle method. Sol. The data is given in problem 3.5, is (0, = 120 Nimm® (tensile) 0, = 60 Nimm# (tensile) Seale. Let ‘Then and Mobr's cizele is drawn as : (Soe Fig. 9.23). ‘Take any point A and draw a horizontal Line through 4. Dako AB © o, = 12 em and AC= ‘em, With BC as diameter (Le., BC = 12-6 em) describe a circle. Let O is the centre of the circle, Throwgh O, draw a line OB making an 130 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Se angle 20 (.e.,2 x 30 = 60°) with OB, From E, draw ED perpendicular to CB. Join AB Measure lengths AD, ED and AE. [By measurements : Length AD = 10.50 em Length ED = 2.60 em Length AE = 10.82 em ‘Thon normal stress ‘Tangential or shear strees = Length ED » Seale = 2.60% 10=26Nimm® Ans. = Length AE «Seale = 10.82 x 10= 108.2Nimm’, Ans. 3.6.2. Moh’s Circle when a Body is Subjected to two Mutually Perpendicular Principal Stresses which are Unequal and Unlike (i., one is Tensile and other is Compressive). Consider a rectangular body cubjected to two mutually perpendicular princi pal stresses which are unequal and one of them is tensile and the other is eompressive. fis required to find the resultant strass on an ablique plane. Resultant strese Let Major principal tensile stress, @; = Minor principal compressive stress, and ‘Angle made by the oblique plane with the axis of minor principal stress. ‘Mohr’ cirole is drawn as : (See Fig. 2.24) —— ‘Take any point A and draw a horizontal line through A ‘on both sides of as shown in Fig. 824. Take AB « oy(+) towards right of and AC =0,(-) towards left ofA to some suitable seale. Bisect BC at O, With O as contre and radius equal to CO or OB, draw a circle, Through O draw a line OF making an angle 26 with OB. From £, draw ED perpendicular to AB. Join AB and CE. ‘Then normal and shear strose (ie, tangential stress) on the oblique plane are given by AD and HD. Length AE represents the resultant stress on the oblique plane, . Prom Fig, 8.24, we have Length AD = Normal stress on oblique plane, Length ED = Shear stross on oblique plano, Length AB = Resultant stress on oblique plane, and Angle ¢ = Obliquity, Radius of Mobs ile = C0 or 08 = 21522 Proof (ee Fig. 9.2 00 = 08 = 08 = Radon of Mobs dre PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 191 and 0 Tongential (or shea) stots Problem 9:24. Solve prolom 2.5 by using Mohr cir method. ‘Sol. Given : The data given in problem 3.6, is 9, = 200 Nim? =~ 100 Nim? (compressive) 630", Wisreqited so determine the resltan stress and the maximum shes stress by Mata’s circle mod. Fil chowes a suitable sale ene Let Lem represents 20 Nina? 200 Then «= 100 and y= 20-5 om Mobs cir ia draen as given in Fig 5.25. Take any point A and deawa horizontal Tine through ‘Aon both sides ofA Take AB = o,~ 10 em toward right of A and AC =o, +6 em towards eft of A Bisoot BC at 0. ‘With O ae endtre and radius equal CO er OB, draw a tlle, Though O draw a line OF making an angle 29 e, 2 90° = eo" with OM. Prom B, raw ED perpendicular to AB. sin AB and CE, Thon A represents the resultant ‘stress and angie 9 represents the ebligit. By meastvement frm Fig. 9.25, we have Tength AE = 0.0 em Length AD ~ 6.25 em and length ED = 6.5 em ‘Angle 9 = 46° Resultant sires» = Length AE x Seale $9.0. 20 = 180 Nimm?. Ans Angle madeby the roallant stra withthe normal ofthe inclined planes =46%. Ans. Oem Normal stress = Length AD x 20 = 6.25 « 20 = 125 Nim? Shoar stress Length ED x20 5 x 20= 1B0 Nima, 182 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS “Maximum shear stress, Soar sts slong a ie whichis perpendiclar to he ine AA, Hence maximum shear sess willbe when prpenlela a ine AB idea om pun O. ‘aon masimom shear steed wil be equal to the radu of Mabe ele Maximo shear stone = Radius of Moti dla = 2588 20410 0 50 Nim. Ans 3.63, Moh» Circle when «Body is Sub: Jectod to two Mutually Perpendicular Peineipal "TensilaStronses Accompanied by «Simple Shear Stross, Condor rectangular By mote oe italy perpezdeuar rina tense stresss of Miquel tonite accompanied by a simple sheat Stree regi to find the eultant cess ah oblique plane as shown in Fig. 3.26. “Lat 0, = Major tensile lesa 0, = Minor tonsil stress = Shoar arose acon 300 BC and AD = Angle made by the oblique plane with Fig. 3.26 ‘ho plane of maar teal sees ‘According to the principal of shear srs, the faces AB and CD wl ls e subj to a shoarates a Moha’s era is drawn es given in Fig. $2 ‘ake any point and drawn horzta line trough A "ake AB» o, and AC =o, towards lah of tosome stab ete. raw por Dendiuaes a'B and C and et of BF ana Geta to shear stresoetothesame ele Bisse BC at 0. Now mil O a ete and radius equl to OG or OF dees cl ‘Tarot, draw aie OF aking an an. slo of 20 wih OF as shown in Pg 3.21 Fron J daw ED perpendicular to CB. sin AE. length AB ropeesonts tho ‘enlantstemon the gen qu pla, [hod long AD and ED represent the eral sues and tangential sts respec tively. Pe a2 ence fom Fig 3.27, we have ‘Length AE = Resultant stress on the oblique plane Length AD » Normal stress on te oblique plane Length BD = Shear teas onthe obigu plane Proof (Se Fg 827. Lop t 00-5 CB ~ 5 (o,~ a) CB = 0,04) 1 AO “AC + CO may 4 5 (0,- 04) ‘PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 133 |, 202.49,-99 O14 2 2 AD =A0+0D +93 OD = OF cos (29 a] + OF vos (20-0) S222 5 OF (eos 28 e08 a+ sin 26 sin a + OF cos 20 cas e+ OF sin 20 sin 24408 Op cos «cos 20+ OE sin a. sin 28 4 OF cos «008 26 + OF sin a. sin 20 (: OB = OF = Radius) = EEE «0 cn 20 BF ain 20 (OP oe 08, OF 3n = 21221 «comm ersin 2 (0B =C0,Be Faia 9, of Normal stres 8 sin (24 ~ a) = OE (sin 20 eos a ~ ens 28 sin ce) = OF sin 20 00s. « ~ OF cos 20 sin a = OF cos a. sin 26 ~ OB sin «cos 20 = OE cos a. sin 28~ OE sin a. cos 28 = OB. sin 20 - BF eos 28 ¢ = C0. sin 20-00 20 (: 08=CO,BF=0 = AE sin 291 os 20 (= co- 5%) 005 28 + in 20 ( co - 2222 Now =D 6, oF Tangential stress. imum value of normal stress. In Fig. 9.27, the normal stress is ‘Maximum and min siven by AD. Hence the maximum value of AD will be when D colncldes with Mf and mini ‘value of AD will be when D enincides with L. ‘Maximum value of normal stress, (o)yac = 4M = AO +O S159 4 OF 40-222, 0M OF -Radivs) von, oars (Go IntriangleOBF, OF = {OB + BF*) ae (e529) (+ on 1522, pp -=) 7 Seat ronceaernesaes nap rane ie at °2 _or LO = OF = Radius) <—t—_ 7 ses) ote ie Se rare ae gia nn one a Ane eect Ge Une OF coincides with tine 01) | Wunnt one 4 - | (2) For maximum and minimum normal stresses, the shear stress is zero and hence the planes, on which maximum and minimum normal stresses act, are known as principal planes land the stresses are known as principal stresses. ii) For minimum normal stress, the point D eoineldes with point I. But when the point ‘D coincidos with L, the point H also eoincides with L. Thon Angle W=xbe © Line OE enincides with line OL) onde Ati) From equations () and (i), it is clear that the plane of minimum normal stress is in- clined at an angle 90° to the plane of maximum normal stress, ‘Maximum value of shear stress. Shear stress is given by BD. Henes niaximum value of ED wall bo when E coincides with G, and D coincides with 0. Maximum shear etzeas, (Dau = OH = OF (2 OH = OF = radius) (OR BF*) (: on-2522,n9 -«) {2 =o } 2 Problem 3.25.A point ina strained material is subjected to stresses shown in Fig. 3.28. Using Mohs circle method, determine the normal and tangentil stresses acrvs the oblique plane. Chock the anseerondipically Sol. Given ‘Major principal stress, Minor principal stress, Shear stress, Angle of oblique plane, ‘Mobr’s cirele method Let Then 4, = 8 650m, Fig. 329 ‘Take any point A and draw a horizontal line through A. Take AB = 0, = 6.5m and AC = 6, = 3.5 cm towards right of A. Draw perpendicular at B and C and cut off BF and CG 136 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘equal to shear stress v= 2.5 cm. Bisset BC at O.Now with O as centre and radius equal to OF (or0G) draw a cielo. Through 0, draw a line OF making an angle of 20 (ie, 2% 45° = 90°) with OF ac shown in Fig. 3.29, From E, draw ED perpendicular to AB produced, doin AB. Then length AD represents the normal stress and length ED represents the shear stress. By measurements, longth AD = 7.5 em and length ED = 1.5 ex, Normal stress (g,) = Length AD x Seale = 7.6 « 1 “10 Nim) And tangentil stress (0) = Length ED x Scale = 1.5% 1 ‘Ans. ‘Analytical Answers Normal stress (,) is given by equation (3.12). _ Using oquation (3.12), : got c0s20 + sin 20 Sass , S5- 88 08 (2 45") + 25 ain (2 « 45°) 50+ 16 cos 90° +26 sin 90° 50+ 15 «04251 (> €95 90" =6, sin 90°= 0) = 50+0+25=75 Nim, Ans. ‘Tangential stress is given by equation (3.13) Using equation (8.18), 5 x1-25x0=15-0 Problem 8.26. Ata certain point ina strained material, the intensities of stresses on tw0 planes at right angles to each other are 20 Nini? and 10 Nin? both tensile, They are accom panied by a shear stress of magnitude 10 Nimm?, Find graphically or otherwise the location of rincipal planes and evaluate the principal etresece Sol. Given : Major tonsile stress, Minor tenelle etreas, Shear stress, 10Nima? ‘This problem may be solved analytically or graphi- cally. Here we shall solve it graphically (ée., by Moby’s cirelo mothod). Scale, Take 1 em = 2 Nimm? 20 10 ‘Then o,= = 100m, o,= "p= 6em 10 and 2 ‘Molu’s circle is drawn as given in Fig 8.0. [PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 197 ‘Take any point A and draw a horitontal line through A. Take AB = 0, = 10m and AC. ‘a, = Sem towards right side of A. Draw perpendicalars at B and C and cut off BF = CG =< =5 cm. Bisect BC at 0. Now with O as contro and radius equal to OG (or OF), draw a circle cutting the horizontal line through A, at L and Mf as shown in Fig. 3.0. Thon AM and AL represent the sajor principal and minor prineipal stresses. By measurements, we have Length AM =18.1 em and Length AL = 1.91 em FOB (or 28) = 68.7" ‘Major prineipal stress = Length AM x Seale = 18.1% 2.Niemm* =262.Nimm?. Ans. ‘Minor principal atress = Length AL x Seale 91x 2= 8.82 Nim. Ans, Nien!) 1.85". Ans. i 2 ‘The second principal plane Is given by (8 +90" or SL.B5° + 90° or 121.85", Ans. Problem 3.27. An elemental cube is subjected to tensile stresses of 30 Nimm? and 10 Nimm! acting on two mutually perpendicular planes and a shear stress of 10 Nimm® an ‘these planes. Draw the Molu's circle of stresces and hence or otherwise determine the magnitudes ‘and directions of principal stresses and also the greatest shear sires. Sol. Given = Major tensile stress, 0, = 30 Nimm? 10Nimec? Shear stress, 12 10.Nium? Seale. Take Lem =2.Ninm? 30 Thea oy= B= 15em a: and Moke's cirele of stresses is dravn as given in Fig. 331 Take any point A and draw a horizontal line through A. ‘Take AB = 0, = 15 em and AC = o, = 5 om to- wards right side of A. Draw perpendiculars at B and C and out off BF = CG = r= 8 em. Bisect BC at O. Now With O as contre and radius equal to OG (or OF), draw ‘accirele cutting the horizontal line through A at L and ‘Mas shown in Pig. 3.31. Thon AM and AL represents the major and minor prineipal stresses respectively. ‘And OH represents the maximum chear ctres, 498 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS By measurements, we have Length AM = 17-1 em Longth AL = 2.93 em Longth OH = Radius of Mohy’s cite 06 em ZFOB (or 20) = 45°. ‘Major principal stress = Length AM x Seale =1T1 x2 Lem =2Nimm?) =42 Nimm?. Ans. ‘Minor principal stress = Length AL x Scale 2.93% Gs Lom =2 Nima) = 5.86 Nimm?. Ans. ZROB or 20.= 45° Tess pial pln pe 90 Sond pce ane eS C00 BS", Ane Thegunea shrster”| “Lang OF «Seale Sab tat Mian? Ans HIGHLIGHTS ‘Tho planes, wiih have wo sear sre, ee known as pli plans ‘hosters cling on principal planes ar nown a ietpal een ‘Anaiical end graphs elie are ured fr fang the stesses on an oblique ecto, ‘When mumbor ered tee srs stn (0) inane plane, ton te sennen ona ogo ane (vh i ane tan sale © ih eal anv onion tegen Nowa dress soc!) Tangential steves, Max, normal stress Max, shear strane Whon 2 mesbar is subjected to two like direct strossos In two mutuelly perpendicular direc. tions, then the stresses en an oblique plane incined st an angle 6 with the ais of the minor stress (r with the plane of major stress) are given by “gw SESE, S182 ae Pecreereemiit Normal stres, ‘Tangential ctress, gy LER sin 29 Rovultant etess, 9g = Yoyo ae ‘The angle me by the estat stress with Ge normal othe biqu planes kzown as olay. Tete donoted by 0 thematic, tan ¢ = £ PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS 138 1. When a member is subjected to a simple shear stress (7), then the siresses om aa oblique plane are given as Normal stross, o,2 tain 26 Tangential stress, 9, =~ ren 26 '& When member is subjected to two diroct srosss (6,0) in two mutually perpendicular dlrections sccompaniod by a simplo shear etres (2), then the stveesee, on an oblique plane ineined at ait ‘angle 8 withthe axa of xinor stress, at givon by Normal stress, ayn AE, NEM og 29+ vst 2 angentiel sess, 0,2 2% sin 28- eon 29 (4) Position of principal planes is given hy tan 20 = wir vinczalsnen = 282, (isa) (©) Major principal $a. (ass) (©) Minor principal stress ame (@) Maximum shear seas = A fig, soph? 2 (©) Condition fr maximum shoor stress tan 28 = SE=28 9, Mohs circle ofstresses ia graphical method of finding normal, tanguntial and resultant stresses ‘on an oblique plane, 10, Maximum shear siress by Mfohrs circle mothod, is equal to the radius ofthe Mobs cic 41, The planes of maximum and minimum normal stresses are at an angle of 90° ta each other. EXERCISE 3 (A) Theoretical Questions 1. Define the terme: Principal planct and principal atrezse, 2. Arrectangulor bar is oubjoctd to a direct otros (a) in one plane only. Prove that te normal and ‘sour stresses'on an aligue plane are given by cost 8 and 9, ‘whore 8 Anglo made by oblique plane with the normal erose-secton ofthe bar, 19, = Normal stro, and 1, = Tangontial or shear stress, 8. A rectangular bar is subjected t two direct stresses (9, and) in two mutually perpendicular ‘irections. Prove thatthe normal stress (G,) sn shear atress (oan an oblique plane which ie indined at an angle 0 with the axe of minor stese are given by S singe and 88 sin 28, 4. Define he term ‘bliquity’ and how iis determined 14 80 an obi plane “rectangular bods, when th body Fee it thn shady sagen tones aly pependetardossaams We stressor are aes me (ens) and 18 ee nls Back ofthe sone ect ‘sccompanied bys ee GSM 90 may prpendae Atrios phe tes af 7 Name peee ne ei itd tnt Seen Pind Provelthat the normal soe ‘nd shear crass an oblique Pievetnclined at an angle of oe cin ‘the as of minor tensile sr * elo diet cee ree {Avs 180, 25,152.07 Nin © Giaitlen temic: the drtn ‘os marie ofeach tthe print 74 cas 204 + sin 20 (© magnitude of the greatoce shear stress, as 7 reat = $057 amt, wa, ang 125° 463 Ninmay oes 24 & anes ttt a 160 Niond wt aead mame et on te pre Sl teen ti sae, en Fae eran oot ae Thay ar alo sonperies by shear stresses on et eb are sir recta eae wh ie To tetet penchant THY {6 to these is 200 Ninna i We RU te megan ae resees onthe two planes? (O Wat wi bth macnn senng the pine? Sderaney endl dhectins semper tye (Ai 1881 Ne 180 Nan iol cetr ‘lou obtain the 7 ass ta Pt In ne atria he Tha ai nea gt angags ate 4 Minn and 3 shana atin Thy ae ahh shear stress of SEU redte atin tow vt, aetna RY Bd eraphy ane oon erintal tance ay em Seeman Seoeae ins. How will yo ! he principal streses, (Ane. 0= 1°48, 121945 nade 764 Ninm ta, Sok Problem 4 2 gaphical mathe 1a GhNS eben 5 by graphical mec il 1a sag RM Ag Maks ce wes, ® Numerical Probteme ta, ebm 8 aig Mobeni cena Pry ected isn xed 0360 Nn 1 Came Mend mara jeg shown in ig 3.90 ‘scton mich sind tan angst ee pont OMY ee tio dates a ae Cantata cens across oitgue (Ans 885 Nan, 19 Mi Plan. Check the acer aa (Ans. 105 Nin, 1p Neate te tan aa per 8 ithe mannan Nom? (ans. 38 em) 2 asd 03 tne tat Po co (arate om th ote plane Be 8 Pine i eae rao af "tng gaesiren a A 16. An elemental cube issu £8420 Win? acting on tw Ena SanBa ale ran at pin aa 24 nga Petondicler panes are 100 Nim? Prreris miss Nan ee pana as 80 tothe aaa beens he ora cgene ‘Plan: stressecn plane nena a setermine the matnitudes sod dn pinot {othe as ofthe minor princpeh (Ane 875 Nim 31.65 Niet as So Stress ad stay © eine sas tx pit rae cn ttle and 80 Ninn oompreoca Horna E72 Nin 0 «255 nd 1135 ang Nimmty en heute in are eS reno 8 aoe icine at Bt ote 1% A steaned mato, iy el Some: Poe tat hs ore ctthe ir hoPe a A tin pe NED Retses sen hema component oe a ly betpeacictir lanes ye ay the point seo Az Nina 9459 7, awe (Hint. Normal sireeses on « plane inclined 8 @ with major principal plone 's givon by. Al poin in a ctrined mater, he ten ine te 140 Ninn nal deo | Sor EIGEN Determine the raul eae ie the ant direction ona plane ting, the mate a8 fb aor rege en inanimate of shear send ‘the material et the point? hee 1007 Ning 6-11 9 eae 1522 cos 9 a _grmeNGTH OF MATERIALS ae Fane lined at (9+ 907 ven DY 1. w ‘Normal sess 2 2 Behe 5S ens 20+ 907) (_ SLESE 4 TES con 160 +29) 2 8 ESR AE con 26 oy oe ating) an 142, 32,7 0 REN naling aro dcenaonal S70 tat geen on wo moat paren BO Aah le) and beat ress eS mal at ae pred meses of + aoe atm, (acabee mine Pipl esses = AB (ag) he {ay Patt ee ott Tosh gute. BES sous a [eugee] SEAT aoe onandh seaman mas aaa ah mn on ne le Asotngi gaa pan ne ee ss ON st fae Pid oe i ne uve maga of pst eae (oo ere en sn sot re gr ao "4D 40 Nast ant 10 Num? verses i) 65 Nao] “Whanover 0 body ie strained, the onengy avcorbed in the body. The enerey which absorbed in the body due to training he ne a eran era The sain ro aang gradually applied oad or cuddeny Soa or ond with impact, Henot (be base ell bo more in the Bey when PS apriied Mvlied gradually or suddenly © with £0 ene To ein energy stored in the body 1 ae SPda the work done by the appliod Fond 4g. 5OME DEFINITIONS ‘fore deriving the expressions fo the strait O05 stored in a body due to gradually ‘applied load or suddenly. css ga an impact, he flowing arms wl Ue ‘defined : 1, Resilience 7 2, Proof resilience, an ‘3, Modulus of resilience: “2.1 Resilience. Tho total strain ener stored ina body is commonly known a8 es enon tihanever the straining force 9 Toman ane enon hoy, the body ie capable of ienoe; work, Hence the resilience Js 00 moved FO ye eapacy ofa strained boy for doing ng tho removal af te straining Ore "tp. Proof Resilience, Te maximum a NT stored in a body, is known 8 root seailonen, The era, eneray STe? nny ll be maximum when the bods root eo late mit, Hence the proof eslionee iy llquantityof strain energy stored I= Say when strained upto elastle Init wag Modalus of Reailionce 1s defined 99 proof resilience of « material pet nie volo. Tes an important property of snaterial, Mathematically, ; Proof resilionee_ Modulos of resilience * sium of the body (4, EXPRESSION FOR STRAIN ENERGY ‘SfOREDIN A BODY WHEN THE TASAD 15 "APPLIED GRADUALLY. a Ac. 4},we have mntione hat the 3 Oe tored in a body is equl 9 the spor dng by tn applic loadin stetebing tho ody. ‘ig. 4.1 shows Toad extension dram tne ay under tonite teat upto lati Oe senate inerontengradualy from zeto to the iy under Np and the extension of the body Heese from zero to the value of 13 144 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS STRAIN ENERGY AND IMPACT LOADING 145 ‘The load P performs work in stretching the body. ‘This work willbe stored inthe body asstrain energy which ie recoverable after the load P is removed. Let P= Gradually applied load, = Extension of the body, A = Cross-sectional area, = Longth of the body, V = Volume of the body, E = Young’s modulus, U= Strain energy stored in the body, and ‘Stress induced in the body Now work done by the load = Area of load ex: tension curve (Shaded area in Fig. 4.1) = Area of triangle ONAL But fand extension, x =Strain x Length Bo x pein n+) 7 se 2, =) =grl 4d) Substituting the values of P and x is equation (), we get (+ stain Work done by the load (2 Volume V=AxD) But the work done by the load in stretching the body is equal to the strain energy stored in the body. ‘Energy storad in the body, Us 3E xv. 42) Proof resitionce. The maximum energy stored in the body without permanent defar- ‘mation (Ze., upto elastic limit) is known as proof resilience. Hence if in equation (4.2), the stross o is tokon at tho olastic limit, we will get proof resilience Proof resilience = T= x Volume 43) Where of = Stress at the elastic limit. Modulus of resilience = Strain energy per unit volume gave ‘Totalstrainenergy _ 3p *" _ o’ Volume Vv" 3e uae 4.4. EXPRESSION FOR STRAIN ENERGY STORED IN A BODY WHEN THE LOAD 1S APPLIED SUDDENLY ‘When the load is applied suddenly to a hedy, the load is constant throughout the proc ‘ess of the deformation of the body. Consider a bar subjected to a sudden load. Let P= Load applied suddenly, L= Length of the bar, ‘A= Area of the cross-section, '¥-= Volume of the bar = A x L, = Young’s modulus, == Extension of the bar, = Stress induced by the suddenly applied load, and = Strain energy stored. [As the load is applied suddenly, the load P is constant when the extension of the bar takos place. ‘Work done by the load = Load x Extension = P xx. ‘The maximum strain energy stored (Le., energy stored upto elastic limit) in a body is given by = «Volume of the S the body peace © sting tha train onary sare n the dy othe work dene, we gt a + Prom equation (4.0.x = x [ ation 40,262 x2] ‘Volume = A x £) Se kAxLePxaePxg xb Cancelling 2% to both sides, wo Bot 24 AP oe ont 45) From the above equation itis cour thatthe maximum stress induced due to suddenly applied load i tice the sts induced when tho same loa is applied gradually. “After obtaining the valuo of stress (0), the values of extansion andthe strain enercy stored inthe body may bo ealealatod eal. Problem 41. A tensile loud of 60°N ie gradually opplid to a circular bar of 4 em diameier and 5 m tig. Ifthe value of E= 20 x 108 Nim determine : (@ streteh inthe rod, i stress inte rod, iti strain energy abcorbed by the rod. Sol Given Gradvally applied load ‘P= G0 KN = 60x 1000 d=4on=d0nm Din or, _— oF A000? Lange, E28 = tom = $00 mm 146 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Volume afrod, Ve AxL= 400 2% 5000-2 10° xm? Youngs modulus, B= 2 10° Nim? Let 2 stretch or extension in the rod, tress in the rod, and U= strain energy absorbed by the rod Load P _ 60000 a Now S088, Om ES pd = 47746 Nim? Ans, ‘The stretch or extension is given by aquation (4.1), © oy, ATG ang be FA <8000= 119mm. Ans, ‘The strain enorgy absorbed by the rod is given by equation (4.2), ot arazet i DOE Foch X2*10'x= 85810 N-mm =95.81Nem, Ans, Problem 4.2. fin problem 41, the tensile load of 6 AN is applied suddenly determine @) maximum instantaneous stress induced; (Gi) instantaneous elongation in the rod, and (Ui) strain energy absorbed in the rod. Sol. Given : q(he data given in problem 4.13 d= 40 mm, Area = 400 x min?,Z.= 6000 ram, Volume = 2x 10! xmmé, E = 2x 105 Nimm* and suddenly appliod load, P- 60000 N @ Maximum instantaneous stress induced Using equation (4.5), 2B _,,, 80000 : on 8x = 2x Om _ 95.499 Nim’, Ans. (Gi) Instantaneous elongation in the rod Let x [see equation (4.1)) =238 mm. Ans, id Strain energy ia given by, 95.493" 7 = Bebe gt © 2% 10! x= 148988 Nera, = 143.238. Nam. Ans, Problem 43. Calculate instantaneous stress produced ina ber 10 om? in area and 9 m jens by the sudan application of tensile load of unknown magnitude f he ernie of tie Br Fide guddent apoio’ load i 1.5 mm, Also determine the suddsipoppieg ot Roe Be 2% 10 Nin? Sol. Given Area of bar, A= 10cm? = 1000 mm Length ofbar, =m = 3000 mmm ‘Extension due to suddenly applied load, xeL5mm STRAIN ENERGY ANO MPACT LOADING 147 Young's modulus, B= 2 10° Ninm’ Let ‘= Instantaneous stress due to sudden Toad, and Suddenly applied lasd, ‘The extension x is given by equation (4.1), e108 3000 ° 20 = 100 Ninm?, Ans, ‘Suddenly applied load ‘The instantaneous stress produced by a sudden load is given by equation (4.5) as 2 P en2x Go 22% Fe p= 00x10 509000 = BORN. Ans. eI 2 Problem 4-4. ste! re i 2 m long and 60 mm in diameter. An avi pull of 100 kN is suddenly applied tothe rod. Calculate the instantaneous stress induced and also the inatentc neous elongation produced in the rod. Take B= 200 GN? Sol. Given: Langth, L=2m=2%1000= 2000 mm Diameter, @= 50mm Aes, nS x80 Sauldenty applied load, P= 100 4X = 100 x 1000 Value of B= 200 GN/m® = 200 x 10° Nim? ga = 10°) (6 Lm=1000mm m#= 10° mn?) 200° 108 Ninmé ‘Using equation (5) for suddonlyapzlied lad, Py, 10041000 seat o 22x p= 2x 1M ret 101.86 Nine An et @t « Blovgation Po 10186 en an ex S % 2000= 1.0186 mm. Ans. mm I= B Xm sees *2000= 10186 mim. A Problem 4. 4 uniform metal bar has a cross-sectional arca of 700 mm? and a length of LE. Ifthe stress atthe elastic limit is 160 Nimm?, what will be its proof resilience ? Detain Gaal maximum value ofan applied load, which may be suddenly applied without exescdsng the elaste limit Caleulate the value of the gradually applied load which will produce the cece ‘extension as that produced by the suddenly applied loud wboe Take B = 2% 10° Nim, Sol Given Arca, A= 100mm? Length, L=15m=1500mm Volume ofbar, Vm A x L~ 700% 1500 = 1050000 mama? 18 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Stress at clastic limit, o* = 160 Nim? Young’s modulus, = 2x 10° Nim? @ Proof resilience is given by equation (4.3), as ; ot 160° Proof resilience = SE Volume = 10" 2 Tuan ioe * 1060000 = 67200 Nemm = 672 Nem. Ans. totes P= Maximum value of suddenly applied load, and P,= Gradually applied load. Using equation (4.5) for euddenly appliod load, For gradually applied ond, B on k o P,= 6" €A-=160% 700 = 112000 N= LI2KN. Ans. Problem 4.6. A tension bar 5 m long is made up of two ports, 3 mere oft length has cross-sectional area of 10 em? while the remaining 2 metre has aerees-seetional area of 20 er. An axial load of 80 RN is gradually applied. Pind the total atrain energy produced in the bar and compare this ualue with that obtained ina uniform bar of the same length and having the se volume when under the same load. Take B = 2 10° Nim. Sol. Given : Total Iength ofbar, — Z= 8 m= 5000 mm Length ofistpar, 1, =3m=3000mm ‘Area of st part, | Ay #10 en®= 10 x 100 mm = 1000 mm# Volume of lst part, Vy =A, x2 = 1000 x 8000 = 8x 108m? Length of 2nd part, Ly =2'm=.2000 mm ‘Area of 2nd part, Ay = 20em?= 20 100 mms? = 2000 mast ‘Volume of 2nd part, V, = 2000 x 2000 = 4 x 10° ama? ‘Axial greduel load,” P= BO KN = 80 100 Fig. 62. TRAN ENERGY AND MPACT LOADING 149 Youngs modulus E=2 10° Nimm* Load _ 80000 i Stress in let part 9, = “AE = SOO = 60 Nin P__ 80000 Street in Bnd part oy = f= yyy = 40 Nina? Strain energy in 1st part, U2 SE y= EE x 8x 10" 48000 Nem = 48 Nm 2B Strain eneray in 2nd part, ot 40% = avy os . (mm 16 Nm Uy = Fhe Va = Fp » 4000000 = 16000 N-mnma = 16 N ‘Total strain energy produced in the bar, U=2U,+U,=48+16=64Nm. Ans Strain encrgy stored in a uniform bar Volume of uniform bar, V= V, + ¥, = 9000000 + 4000000 = 7000000 ram? Length of uniform bar, Z= 5 m = 8000 mm Let ‘A= Area of uniform bar ‘Then VeAxL or 7000000~ Ax 5000 Stress in uniform bar, = ©» SOO™®. 5 57.143 Nim? Strain energy stored in the uniform bar, ot sada Fy = Ste 2B Beds 10° = 87148 Nanm = 57.143 Nom Strain energy in the given bar 64 149 ang, Sirain energy in the uniform bar, 67-148 Problem 47. A bar of uniform cross-section ‘A’ and length ‘L’ hangs vertically, sub- 7000000 u. ected to its own weight. Prove that the strain energy stored within the bar is giver. by Axpta Dt Ca where B = Modulus of Elasticity, = Weight per unit volume of the bar. Sol. Given : v. (AMIE, Summer 1989) A= Cross-sectional area, L= Length of bar, E= Modulus of Klasticity, = Weight per unit volume. Consider an clement at a distance ‘x’ from the lower end of the bar as shown in ig. 4.2 (@), Let ‘d" be the thickness of the element. 450 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Tho section xr willbe acted upon by the weight ofthe ber Z of length =. Let —_W, = Woight of the bar of Tength x (Volume of the bar of length x) x Weight of unit Velume Axa) x= par ‘Az arresult ofthis weight, the portion dx will experience a ‘small elongation d3. Then Blongation in de « Bimeatoninde i Tanai de | a i Strain in portion de & Weight acting on section 2: ‘Area of section Ax. ‘Stress In portion a 7 Fig 42(@) Also Be ae pesses Cs so Boze ‘Now the strain energy stored in portion d is given by, dU = Average Weight x Elongation of dx (912 nas pxzxde (Grom) (Wes pls) oe E ‘Total strain energy stored within the bar due to its own weight W is obtained by inte- ‘grating the above equation from 0 to L. 1 otAat x = dxptar ux fiw = ff Basta ft 1 pie fee {IRAN ENERGY AND IMPACT LOADING 7 151 “ee exA DB ES Axpt alt Ans. Problem 4.8, The masimum stress produced by a pull in a bar of length 1 m is 150 NImm®. The area of erose-sections and length are shown in Fig. 43. Caleulate the strain ‘encray stored in the bar if B= 2 x 10% Nimm#. 50m som a75n0 Sol. Given Length of bar, ‘Max. stress, Part AB: Length, ‘Area, Part BC : Length, Area, Part CD : Length, ‘Area, Value of | In this problem, mnaximum stress is given. Axial pull P is not known. But stress in equal to load/ares, As load (or axial pul) for the bar is eame, hence stress will be maximum, whan area will be minimum. Part BC is having less area and hence stress in part BC will be maxi- ‘mum, As parts AB and CD are having same areas, hens stresses in them will be equal. Tet (0, = Stross in part BC = 160 Nhmam? (0, = Stress in part AB or in part CD Now load or Toad Now strain energy stored in part AB, U,- gexy, 0 152 where V, = Volume of part. AB Ay Ly = 200 475 ‘95000 mm® ‘Substituting this value in equation (D), we got ae 0,2 5 <9s000 et Beaxto = 1985.08 Nem Strain energy stored im part BC, 95000 u,- Shy, ie 1507 = yep Aeele Trane = — 150? Tea Energy stored in part CD, Uys Sex Vy = 1836998 Nm (C Vy=Vy,0y=0, Uy Uy) ‘ Total strain enorgy stored, Us, = 2959126 Nemm. Ans. 4.5, EXPRESSION FOR STRAIN ENERGY STORED IN A BODY WHEN THE LOAD IS APPLIED ‘WITH IMPACT ‘The losd dropped from a certain height before the load commences to stretch the bar is a ease of a load ap- plied with impact. Consider a vertical rod fixed at the up- er end and having a collar at the lower end as shown in Fig. 44, Let the load be dropped from a helght on the col- “lar. Due to this impact load, there will be some extension 4m the red, LetP = Load droppei (i, Joad applied with impact) ‘L= Length of the rod, ‘A= Cross-sectional ares of the rod, = Volume ofrod = Ax, ‘= Height through which load is dropped, {8L = Extension of the rod due to load P, E= Modulus of elasticity of the material of vod, trea induced in the rod duo to irapact lead, STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 100 x 50 = 281.25 N-min Vy=A,xL,) U, + Uy = 1996.988 + 281.25 4 1235,986 Nemm cater ‘yh Fig. 44 STRAIN ENERGY AND IMPACT LOADING 183 or ‘The strain in the bar is given by, Worle done by the load = Load x Distance moved = Pik + OL) sn energy stored by the rod, ‘The st Un gxV = Swat ‘Equating the work dene by the load to the strain energy stored, we get POs bb)= SAL p(aeg.1)-Z av Phe. Ln Sp AL © ny 28 oP. E bx ‘The above equation is a quadratic equation in ‘ct, 2p ey ae A*Wa i vase aby oly phe E(u fe] 4D 4 PL [After knowing the value of'c, the train energy can be obtained. 154 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Important Conclusions (® If AL is very small in comparison with h. ‘The work done by load = P. ‘Equating the work done by the load to the strain energy stored in the rod, we get a aD “9 Uta ountion ith, on Lae fe Fae icin th ae funy pt ind Once the stress p is known, the corresponding instantaneous extension (SL) and the strain energy (U) can be obtained. Problem 4.9. weight of 10 BN falls by 30 mm on e collar rigidly attached toa vertical bar 4 m tong and 1000 mm? in section. Find the instantaneous expansion of the bur. Take E210 GPa, Devoe the formula Jou tae. (Bhinagar Unieriy, Feb. 1992) Sol. Given: Faling weight, P= 20487 ~ 10,00 Falling height, = 30mm Lingth ober, E24 4000 mum Areaotten,” —— An1000mmt Vatue ef 2210 GPa = 210108 Nat (= Gign=10" and Pa Pascal = Nin? = BOA 118 = 1600 mim and m= 10" mm) 210 10 Wim = 21 10° Nn? lat a Instantaneous elongation due to falling weight = Instantancous stress produced due to Falling weight Using equation (4.7), we get Pf, [SEAR on Slr 1 0000, [2xdax 10" 300080 1900 70000% 4000 = 10 (1+ JT+3I5) =10 (1+ VTE} 10 « 18.77 = 187.7 Nima? Now STRAIN ENERGY ANO IMPACT LOADING 185 Problem 4.10, A load of 100 N falls through « height of 2 em on toa collar rigidly attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 1.5 m long and of 1.5 em cross-sectional area. The lupper end of the vertical bar is fixed. (@ maximum instantaneous stress induced in the vertical bar, (ii) mazimum instantancous elongation, and (Gi) strain encray stored in the vertical rod. Take B= 2x 10° Ninn’, Sol. Given Impact load, P=10N Freight through which load falls, ha2en=20mm Length ofbar, L=1.5 m=1500mm ‘Area of bar, 5 om? = 1.5% 100 mm? = 150 man? Volume, x T= 150 1500 = 225000 mm? ‘Modulus of elasticity, E =2 » 108 Nam? Let ‘¢ = Maximum instantencous stress induced in the vertical bar, Af, = Maximum elongation, and U =Strain energy stored, (0 Using equation (4.7), ‘150 10018 (jE ipp 0+ VIF 000) = 00.25 Nimmn®. Ans, (iti Strain ensegy is given by, xv. et BEY aya 107 = 2045 Nem. Ans. Problem 4.11. The mazinum instantaneous extension, produced by an unknown fall: ing weight through a height of 4m in a vertical bar of length 3 m and of cross-sectional area Send, is 2.1 mm. Determine (@ the instentaneous strese induced én the vertical bar, and (ithe value of unknown weight. Toke B= 2x 10° N/nm?. u 085 Nm, Sol. Given Instantanoous extension, 6L = 2.1 mm Length of bar, L=3m = 9000 mm Area of bar, A= Sem? = 500 mmt Volume ofbar, —_ V=500 x 3000 = 1500000 mm? STRENGTH OF MATERIALS | S 156 STA ERGY AND WAC CORON ‘97 oight trough which weight fal, A = dem 40am |—aueoraas ao Modulus ofan, B=2 = 10° Wan o fo J =] let © = Instantanoous stress produced, and P= Unknown weight Hu ne fp Si ° P ¥ P We know or ‘Stress = Bx Strain 7 [00 7 aL v P Fretatano set = Bx nstantanacu tain = Squating both sds, 210% EE Nim? = 140 Nimm?, Ans, ] Goes 248000, 480000 quoting the work don bythe falling welght to the strain energy slaved, we got seers eee or ‘2010000 _ 0000 (canceling 1 to both sides) foxy 2E a 2304000000 _ 480000 | 96000 576000 : ee ee o 0 21) = Mono «ran if 1 Beano Foe (costing tte) or. “fr *1M468N. Ans. | \ at 2304000000 ‘Note. The valto of P ean also be obtained by using equation (4.7) i =—s7e000 ~ 2000N=4KN. Ans, Problem 4.12. An unknown weight falls through a height of 10 mm on a collar rigidly Problem 4.13. A tar 12 mrs diameter gets stretched by 3 mm under a steady load of ‘attached to the lower end of «vertical ba 600 em long and 600 mm in section, Ifthe meena, 8000 WV. What stress would be produced in the same bar by a weight of 800 N, which alle extension of the roll is to be 2 mm, what ie the corresponding strese and magnitude of the vertically through a distance of 8 om on to a rigid eollar attached at its end ? The bar is initially Cabnown weigh fake 220% 108 Wart ‘atte Winner 008) ttatresed. Tate B= 20% 100 Nino (ANIE, Winter 1986) Sel Given Sol Given: Height chro which the weigh alls, b= 10 mm Dia bar, d= 12mm Length oi bar, = 500 em =5000 aun . ‘ Arenofthethe, A z600 mm? Ares of bar, ca 1131 mm Maximum extension, Sf = 2 mm_ Increase in length, 8 = 3mm Younes medhlis, = 20° 105 Nine? Steady led, Ws 8000N Let a= Instantaneous stress produced in the bar, and Falling weight, P=B00N P< Weight filling onthe cole, | Vertical distance, = 8 em =80 mm 7 Sess ' Youngs modus, = 200" Ninn? We know oe let Length ot te bar, and | | | sua xin «BS Substituting the known values, we get | 5 x 2 2, ate = 20.10% 525 60Nimm'. Ans alue of weight falling on the collar Ung aot, ( 2hEE + ft, 2A BE ten Be v (at Stress produced by the falling weight, With steady load We know bad STRENGTH OF MATERIAL'S 2010? e183 a ‘8000 8482.5 mm [Now using equation (4.7), we get AEE 2x 1181 x20 «10° x 80 : a = 1OT3ACL + {1758858 = 7.0794 x 24.1155 = 170.578 Nimm?. Ans, Problem 4.14, A rod 12.5 diameter is stretched 9.2 mm under a steady load of 10 AN. What stress would be produced in the bar by a weight of 700 N, falling through 76 min before commencing to stretch, the red being initially unstressed ? The value of B may be taken as 2.1 x 10° Nimmt. (AMIE, Winter 1988) Sol, Given: Dia. of rod, d= 125mm "Area of rod, Aw J x 128% 122.72 mut? Ineresse in length, =3.2 mm. Steady load, W-= 10 kN = 10,000 Falling load, 700 N Falling height, = 76 mm Young’s modulus, B= 2.1 x 10° Nimam* Let = Length of the rod, ‘= Stress produced by the falling weight. p . Stress Wo know a Sees (Beeady load’ rere (2a) or 2.1 x 108 = 1122.72) (sea) (% (istna)*[c5) STRAIN ENERGY ANO INPACT LOADING ss 21x 10° «19272489 10,000 Now using equation (4.7), we get P(,, [,2ABR 5 (ef 22. (aa = 8246.7 mm. “pom "700 x 8246.7 = 183.74 Nimm?, Ans. Problem 4.15. A vertical round stee! rod 1.82 metre iong is securely held at its upper end. A weight can slide freely on the rod and its fail is arrested by a siop provided at the lower tnd of the rad. When the weight falls from a height of 30 ram above the stop the maximum stress reached in the rod is estimated to be 157 Nimm?, Determine the etross in the rod if the load had been applied gradually and also the minimum stress if the load had fallen from a height of 475 mn. Take E = 2.1 x 10! Ninn’, Sol. Given : “Length of rod, L= 182 m= 1.82% 1000 Hight through which load falls, h=30mm Maximum stress induced in the rod, 0 = 157 Nhnn?® Modulus of elasticity, E=21 «10° Nimm? Let ‘0, = Stress induced in the rod ifthe load is applied gradually and , = Maximum stress ifthe load had fallen from a height of 47.5 mm, ‘Strain energy etored in the rod when load falls through a height of 30 mm, = 0.05868 x ¥ Nm ‘The extension of the red is given by equation (4.6), ha gab 17 Bix +. Total distance through which losd falls 48D 20 4 1.36 © 31.96 mn ‘Work done by the falling load = Load x Total distance =P x 81.36 Equating the work done hy the falling load to the strain energy stored, we get Px 31.36 = 0.05868 x V x 1820= 133 am 160 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS _aoeses 7 008 «soci P 0.001871 Ce Veal) « fyoow = eS £=2500 mm) ‘Substituting this value of 62 in equation (i), we get ERY Work done by filling weight = 10000 (3.0 + 0.025 0,) --Aiv) or Now equating the work done by the falling weight to tho total strain energy stored fie, equating equations Go) and Gi), we got Soa ctaovnel 100008 + 0025 oy] = 12.36 ob o o 30000 + 2500, = 12.36 of (2 -A.=2000 mm?,Z = 4000 mm) or 12.90.0f - 250 of - 30000 = 0 = 173.2. Nimm#, Ans. 2 _ 280. 30000 ‘and Case, Falling weight, Py or af = BH, $0000 2g Hsieh iz a = Maximum stress induced, or ‘of ~ 20.226 0, ~ 2427.18 = 0 2 1 this cae falling weight is having a lange value. Hence the extension produced by a ‘The above equation is a quadratic equation He large weight willbe large. Moreover the height through which this weight falls fs 2 cm ony 20206 « Jonas 4 DAB eence the extension in the bay in comparison to the height through which weight falls, isnot eee negligible 10206 (OTTO Using equation (4.7), we get z 20296 «100587 2 20296 « 100587 3 (Neglecting ~ ve root) i 60.4. Nimm?. Ans. n 2x = 2% 604 = 1208 Nimm?. Ans. Problem 4.17. A vertical bar 4 meire ong and of 2000 mm® cross-sectional area is fixed at the upper end ond has a collar at the lower end. Determine the maimum stress induced Te hi aalesay a iene Wie when @ weight of : @) 3000 N falls through « height of 20 em on the collar, From equation (), we got Problem 4.18, A crane-chain whose sectional crea is 6.25 em? carries a load of 10 RN, As itis being lowered at a uniform rate of 40 m per mintite, the chain gets jammed suddenly, at (i) 30 RN falls through « height of 8 em on the collar. hich time the length of the chain unwound is 10 m. Estimate the stress induced in the chain ‘Take E~ 2.0 x 10 Nim? due tothe eudden stoppage. Neglect the wight of the chain. Tabe E ~ 2.1» 10° Ninn? Sol. Given (AMIE, Summer 1989) Length of bar, Le4m= 4000 mm Sol. Given ‘Area of bar, A= 2000 maa Area, Volume of bae, V=A>Z = 2000 x £000 = 8000,000 mm Load, W=10 KN = 10,0008 st Case. Falling weight, P, = 000 N 40 Height, j= 20em=200mm Velocity, 40 minin = 5 ml Let ‘0; = Maximum stress induced. Length of chain unwound = 10 m = 10 x 1000 mim Tnthis case the falling woight is small as compared to second ease. The small weight wil = 10,000 mm produce a small extension of the bar. Hence the extension in the bar will be negligible as atthe PEPeeaerT compared to the height of 20 em through which the weight falls Tale meneame Let ‘0 = Stress induced in the chain due sudden stoppage. EPA KE. of the crane =amv? 32)" @ 188 emnenord oF ATER 1/10000) (2\* 7 al Sar) -(3) %a-m880 = 226.5» 1000 8 mam = 226500 N man ® ‘When the chain gets jammed suddenly, the whole of the KE. ofthe crane is absorbed in the chain, But the energy stored or absorbed in the chain xAKL # Srperype © 025% 10,000 N mm i) mE 10,000 si) Now KB. of crane = Energy stored in the chain or 226500 = = * 628 x 10,000 Dx R110 28.37 Num? Ans. Problem 4.19. 4 cage weighing 60 AN is attached to the end of a steol wire rope, It is lowered down a mine shaft with a constant velocity of 1 mis, What is the maximum stress brodueed in the rope when its supporting drum is suddenly jammed ? The free length of the ‘ope at the moment of jamming is 15 m, its net eross-sectional area ig 25 em? and E =2x 10! Nimum#, The seifzeight ofthe wire rope mey be neglected. (AMIE, Winter 1990) Sol. Given Weight, 60 KN = 60,000'N Velocity, V=1ms Free length, [= 15 m-= 15,000 mm Area, Value of KB. of the cage ‘30000 x 1000 = 98 ‘This energy is vo be absorbed (or stored) by the rope. Let = Maximamn stress produced in the rope when ite supporting drum is suddenly Jammed Nmm 0 STRAIN ENERGY AND IMPACT LOADING 465 But the maximum energy stored x Ax Le 2 x 2500 « 11 mam, i) 2 Bai meal nl But K.B, of the cago = Enorgy stored in the rope Seaeao® * 2500 x 16000 30000 x 1000 22x 10° ‘981 x 2500 x 16000 or oe 180.61 Nimm2. Ans, I VY 8aix 2500 « 15000 4.6. EXPRESSION FOR STRAIN ENERGY STORED IN A BODY DUE TO SHEAR STRESS Fig 46 shows a rectangular block of length f, 0 oy go e height A and breadth , fied at the bottom face AB. 7 7 Leta shear force P is applied on the top face CD and i hence the top faco movas a distance equal to CC, } Let ‘um Shear stress produced, mh (= Shear strain, and {? ly C= Modulus of rigidity. Now shear stress, ‘Shear foroe nie 1 8 Pig. 46 “Area ("Broa of top face =x 6) P arr Peexlxd ee, and shear strain, 9= Cot 00, =CB.§ If the shear force P is applied gradually, then average load will be equal ta Work done by gradually applied shear force = Average load x Distance P 1 =F x00, Beet b.cB.9) (> pawxtxband OC, =CB. ¢) ele be ht (CB =n) regelxbxh x J x Volume of block ¢ ae) Valxbxh) 1 2 > Shearstrain = 166 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Tuk the work does ula ha incom Sel Stein enorgy sored» SV ry Prom 420 The ser sien na mater as pit sgn o 0 Nin. Dtr ‘mine the loeel strain energy per unit volume etored in the material due to thear stress, Take C28 10 Nim, Sol. Given : ‘Shoar etross, 50 Nima? Modulus of rigidity, C= 8 x 10 Nim’. Using equation (4.9), Strain en = Sx Volume « 20" re 2c nee 2x8 10" ,018625 x Volume Strain eneniy per unt volume 0.015625 » Volume ‘Volume x Volume = 0.015625 Nimm?, Ans, HIGHLIGHTS 1. The energy stored in a boy due to straining effct is known as strain energy 2 Resilience is the total strain onorey stored in aod’. Reliece is also defined asthe capacity of 8 strnined body for doing ork on the removal ofthe stealing force. The mu sin nergy red ina by is naw as prot esiene The ret enc 2 Proof resilience = $x Volume where = Stross atthe elastic limit. 4 The proof resilience ofa body por unt volume le known as modulus of resilience. 5, Tho maximum ctrecs induced in a body is given by F wif the load Pie spplied gradually =2 aly Ifthe load Pis applied suddenly Elta fre PABA) th laa P Slt [t+ AG] -~ ithe lad Pia applied with impact whers A « Oreas-sectiona area of the body, ‘a= Height through which load falls, E = Modulus of eigiity, 1 = Langth ofthe body, ‘ho maxim sre ined ns boy duet sueny ape lds tc the ross when the same load is applied gradually. oe Sa eee Ih xeon ried ina do ings sey snl ncomparin wih a be through wich ead als tes he ann Seas aed whos pen ene fa STAAN ENERGY AND IMPACT LOADING 1687 he ‘To ind the expenion for testes ned ins ody either by suddenly applied loud or by an © Teviet ined the stra anergy stored ins body i quate to tho work done hy the lend The energy stored in body duo to sear sress (igen by oBay Mae where = Volume of the body, and (C= Modulus of rigidity. EXERCISE 4 (4) Theoretical Questions 1, Define the following terms @ Resiliones (i) Strain energy (44) Impact loading, ad Gv) Spring, 2 Define resilience, proof resilience and modulas ofrsilones 3. Find an expression for the strain energy stored in a body when (the load is applied gradually (Gi) the lod is applied sudonly and iti) the lond is plied with an impact ‘4. Prove that the maximum stress induced jn # body doe to suddenly applied load is tree the stress induood when the came load is applied grodually. '5. Derive an expression for the stress induced in a body due to suddenly apptied load and hence find the value of extension produced inthe body. 16, Prove that the maximum stzain energy stared in a body is given by, giecersiiete oe REDESESLE SET ast pl dete to 1 ese natn tt na hp P [,, 24ER oP fe) sins Pin np A rt a ea, iam Inn tere re a atoll mgt th eh Le eae fae oT VAL xv where hear stress, C= Modulus of vidi, and = Velume of the body. = STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Fa treet creas Explain the flowing term :() Proof stress, i) Proof resillenc, and (i) Modulus of resin, (Braxnagar University, Fob. 1992) (B) Numerical Problems 1. A tensile load of 8 RN is gradually appliod to acneular bat of6 em diameter and 4m ong, Ithe valu of = 2.0% 10" Nini’, determine: ()atreteh in the rod, il stress in the "ed, and (i strain energy aksorbod by the rod. (Ams (0.0509 em, i) 26-465 Nn (i) 12.73 Nin) 2. fin question 1, the tensile load of 0 KN is applied suddenly, determine : () maximum instantac ‘neous stress induced, i) instantaneous elangation ia the rod and i) sale encngy aborted the rod. (Ans. (9 0.98 Nin, Gi) 0.1018 em (i) 60.93 Nea} 3% Calculate instantsncous stress produesd in a har 10 cu? in ares and dm long by the madden, application of a tensile load of ankznown magnitude, Ifthe extension of the bar dus to suddenly applied load is 1.85 mm, Also dotermine the ouddeniy applied load. Toke B= 2% 10° 1mm? Ans. 67.5 Nin? 89.75 KN] 4. Auniform metal bar has a eroissoctonal aon of em and a length of Ls. Ihe stcese atthe clastic limit is 6 tonnesem, find the proof resilience of the bat. Dotermninealzo the texans ‘alue of an applied load, which may be suddenly applied without exceeding the elastic imi. Caleulate the value of the gradually applied load whieh wil produced the same extension a8 that produced by the suddenly applied load above. Tako E2000 tonsenem 5. A tonsion bor 6 m long is made up of two parts, 4 motes of ita length has « exsce sectional area 126 om while the remainiug 2. length has a erose-sectional arse uf 25 em? An axial Toad of 5 tonnos is gradually applied. Find the total strain energy prodiced inthe bar and compare this value with that obtained in @ uniform bar af Uae same length and having the sare volume when under the sau load. Take B = 2 10® ketlem™ Ans. 242 kgvem, 1.054) 8. load of 200 N falls through a height of 2.5 em on toa collar rigidly attached tothe lower end af 4 vertical bar 2 m long and of 3 cm! cross-sectional ares. The tipper end of the vertical bar se fixed. Detarmine: (9) maximum instantaneous strees Induced in the vertieal ber, if) masini fnstantaneous elongation, and ll) strain energy atored in the vertical rod, Take 22 x 10" kgf! (Ans. (i 584 Nimam® (i) 0.0584 om (i) 8115 Nl 4% The maximum instantaneous, produced by an unknown felling weight Uhrough a helght of 4 om in vortical bar of length $m and of erss-soctional ares 5 otis 1:80 mm. Totarmena (0) the instantaneous sirersinducod in the vertical bar and i) the values af known woh "Take F = 2x 108 ke! (Ans. (0 72 Nina and () 778.1 M1 An unkmown weight falls through a height of 20 mm ona colle rigidly attached tothe lower end ofa vertical bar m Jong and 800 mma ip section. Ifthe ineximotn extension ofthe rode tobe 2.5 mim, what is the corresponding stress and magnitade of the unknown weight ? Take Ba 20% 10° kgdent (Ams. 1000 Keio’, 44.44 kel] 9% Abr 1.6 cm diametor pets wiretchod by 2.6 mm ander a steady load of 100 ket What eves would be produced ia the same bar by'a woight of 120 ket, which falls vertically through & distance 6 ca on to a rigid collar attached at its end ? The bar i initially unatreved, ele Be 20% 10° xgtea Ans, 1209.44 tem") 10. A vortcal round steel rod 2 m long is securely held at its upper end. A weight can slide featy on the rod and its falls arrested by w stop provided atthe lower end ofthe rod. When the weight falls fkom a height of 2.5 cm above the stop, the maximus atrees reached i the radi estiated tobe 1450 ken’. Determine the stress In the rod if the load had hoon applied gradually and ‘also the maximum stress ifthe load bad fall fm a height of 46, Take # = 20% 10° kage (Ans. 39.748 Ketiem?, 103.42 Kem} 11. A vertical compound tio member fied rigidly at its upper end. consists ef a stel rod 3 m long and 20 mm diameter, placed within an equelly ug brass tube 20 mia internal diameter and 20 mum external diameter. The red and tho tube ate fixed tapether at the ends, The compound ‘embor is then ouddenly loaded in tension by a Weight of 1200 ket falling tough m heigl one 18, 160 Baad t slower end, Calalate tho marimum areca ip ell and brass ‘es 3 eat ol y= hgh. L175 aS en ‘A circular rod 8 cm in diameter end 8 metre long hangs vertically and has s caller secur zum stress in duced: () when a weight of 250 kg alls ‘itached tothe Tower end. Find the anit nnd when weight 2) Et al 5 (i) when @ Weigh of 2 ’ through 15 em op the lla, when a weet of 2500 uals 1.5 cm on he clan Take ie ‘ona sas inser ite on 45 Win etre ern say i material deta ahear stots. Take C = 8 308 Nina? per unit volume storod inthe a tote 6.1. CENTRE OF GRAVITY Centre of gravity ofa body ie the point throu A body is having only one centre of gravity for al C.G. or simply G. ith which the whole weight ofthe body acts positions ofthe body. It is represented by 52. CENTROID tal area of a plane figuro (like rectangle, square, triangle, umed to be concentrated, is known as the centroid of that ares 5.8. CENTROID OR CENTRE OF GRAVITY OF SIMPLE PLANE FIGURES (2 The contre of gravity (C.G.) of a Gi) The contre of gravity triangle meet. (GD The contre f gravity ofa rectangle or of parallelogram io atthe point, where tes Glagenal mect each other. It is also the point of intersection ofthe lines jlniby the ‘middle points of the opposite sides, lo) The centre of gravity of a circle is at its centre. 54. CENTIOTD (OR CENTRE OF GRAVITY) OF AREAS OF PLANE PIGURES BY ‘THE METHOD OF MOMENTS mniform vod lies ab its middle point. ' of triangle lies at the point where the throo modians of the Fig. 5.1 shows a plane figure oftatal area A whose centre of Eravity is tobe determined. Let this area. is composed ofa number ofemall aress ay, a3, 05,04). ete. A=a,+0,40,40,+ Tete, =The distance of the C.G. ofthe areaa, from axis OY 2 The distance of the C.G. ofthe area a, fram axis OY +*3~ The distance ofthe C.G. ofthe area a, from axis OY = The distance ofthe C.G.of the area a, from axis OF and soon ‘Tho morants ofall small areas about the axis OF Bayt, $48, tay +t © Fig 8 eles ennai th vero and ho mile ilk oft opens oa WegleW Inova a8 modian of the triangle. cet iat 170 im CENTRE OF AT AO MOMENT OF RERTA z Ta it cn iy ft ta ae Awe its Rome ae YZ ‘Then moment of nal area shout OF = AZ : ‘The moments ofall ral eens abut Uh ais OY mas be equal tothe moment of atl aces abt the en ae Hence equating equations (and (i), we et Oe tony Oi? et oe AE y= Otte teyt teeta te 6D a mee tie Sats of tho mall areas about th axis OX and ale the memento otal ee ae OF we wl aot Fn UNE MaMa agYs * OM Fo 62) ¥- i she J ietane f6 ass OF OS j.Stedaenee ef ofthe atene meas OF spypaie dna atonaagy ames OR, EE Contes of Gravity of Ava of Pla Figure hy Intepetion Method cus ant ean be ren oF and — Saw os i 12,34, Sere tee cred wi St he rn ~cpaditeetiensi re hs Merete tions ean be replaced by integration. Let tho small areas aro roprosented ty 4A in : okwemceres: where i Je*aa (5.2) Tada fytaa 2B) Jaa Distenes of C6 of rea dom at OF / cont conte of gv af Hn od (or Contre of Gravity) ofa Line. The cont nich Sy bs aight oe carves ousind by aiding he given in, In alge ater ot nell len 18 a5 shown in Fig. 6.1 (a). se cnc of gray clan hy oplsng dA by dn ogatins (624) and (2B) xe 7 ° ‘Thon these equations become ge 620 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Fig. 5.1(@) fy* dt and ae Tan (52D) where x* = Distance of CG. of length dL from y-axis, and 2* = Distance of CG. of length di. from axis, {the lines are straight, then the above equations are written as: Bo Eat Late t Lay + AB2B) Tit tig snd pe EN Dae + Day + 62m Tytlys Ty. 55. IMPORTANT POINTS @ The axis, about which moments of areas are taken, is known as axis of rference, In the above article, axis OX and OY are called exis of reference. ~ (i The axis of reference, of plane figures, is generally taken as the lowest line of the ‘igure for determining ¥, and left line of the figure for caleulating =. (did It the givon section is symmetrical about X-X axis or ¥-¥ axis, then the C.0. of the section will lie on the axis is symmetry. 5.5.1. Centro of Gravity of Composite Roding. The cuntre of gravity of composite bodies or sections like T:section, section, L-sections etc. are obtained by splitting them into rectangular components. Then equations (5,1) and (6.2) are used. Problem 5.1. Find the contre of gravity of the T-section shown in Fig. 5.2 (a. Sol The given T-section is split up into two rectangles ARCD and EFGH as shown in Fig. 6.2 (). The given T-section is symmetrical about Y-Y axis, Hence the C.G. ofthe section will Ke om this axis, The lowest line of the igure is line GF Hence the moments of the areas are ‘taken about this line GF, which isthe axie of reference inthis case. Let ‘F= The distance of the C.G. of the T:section from the bottom line OF (which is axis of reference) 4, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 12 x 3 = 96 em? 94 Distance of C.G. of area a, from bottom line GF = 10+ | 173 ‘CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MONENT OF INEATIA 0x 3 = 30 em? a, = Atea of rectangle EFGH 7 u ‘y_ Distance of CG. of area a, from bottom tine GF = > = 6 om. se, te—12en— | | en ame Somme Fi 520 ie 520 Using equation (6.2, we have pate alah ety 7 A Gy +0, | 9 x11.5.280%5 $145 150 a ses om, 7 36 +30 6 peepee tener ro far pein peeeeractiet metas ison te The ewer fino he Age ne eM ence he moment — e-t00m 4 B + ae et a ae Sic tics] 4, aes sat 4 mom F Fig. 63 Let 7 « Distance of tho C.G, ofthe F-section from the bottom line ML, «a, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 10 x 2 = 20 em* ‘y;= Distance of C.G. of rectangle ABCD from bottom line ML =2-+ 15+ 5 ts SSrnENOnH Ce MATERIALS CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA ca of rectangle EFGH = 15 x 2 = 30 em? | irae Lat # = Distance of the C.G, of the L-soction from left line AG Distance of the rostangle ABCD from left line AG Yee Disane of Ofte oF fom tom eM 2823415205 th Acton ELM 2052 soem 25 Distanes of. of retangte IATA on botiom tine ML = 2 = 1.0 re ttgael gta eee aaa ida Now using equation 6.2, we ve J » L204 00%, = 240m eeoenetee Petree ‘aig eqation 1, we get a1 Fas Fay : gat ttet, where Ana, +a, 2018080952 4043 : a 20+30 + 40 = ees ate teed (ea, 220 anda, = 16) 260 2854085 % = 7.611 em. Ans. Hence the C.G. of the L-section is at a distance of 4.89 em from the bottom line GF and Brobleim 5.8, Find the centre of arauity ofthe E-ection shown in Fig. 5 Sol. The given L-section is not symmetrical about any Hie cme beuihiataiondeeduitwiedest!S eet section. Hence in this ease, there will be two axis of references. e Problem 5.4. Using the analytical method, determine the centre of gravity of the plane ‘Tho lowast line ofthe figure i, line GF) will be talon a sxe uniform tamina sven in Fg. 83. (UP. Tech, University, 2001-2002 ANE, Sarsmer 1913) af reference for ealeulsting J. Aid the left line ofthe I-asctien Sol. Let J be the distance between cg. ofthe lamina and the bottom line AB. es tne AC) wil be taka 96 eso reerene relating oem et aeeiit Ate BShe ‘The given L-section is split up into two rectangles ABCD ft 5 ee ol \ | and DEFG)as shown in igs A na ga2sem sem To Find 7 @ bm ‘Arco 2 ; Let F = Distance ofthe C.G, ofthe L-ertion fom bottom line GF iam 4, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 10 x 2 = 20 em? Fin 54 = Distance of C.G. of rectangle ABCD from bottom line GF if Area 8 22+ Weeess tan 14,= Arco of rectangle DERG = 8 x2 18 emt y9= Distance of 6. of rectangle DEG trom bottom line GP stem 2 = 2-106 Using tho rolation, Using equation (5.2, we havo y MW enys taaye, 2010299 where | Gy +s +05 STE where A= a, +a, 50x25 +9.82x2.66125 4667 2829 4 oy 49 +40 | 20%7416%1_ 140416 50 +982 +125 72.92 aa” 2416 a6 ‘Similarly, let = be the distance between eg. of the lamina and the left line CD. 186 19 449 } pee 2 36g 433 em. | a, = 50 cm! 176 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Arca 3 #)=254+5425= 10m. Now using the relation, GE hanes tayty | 60% T5+ 9.82144 + 12.5010 504+ 9.82 + 12 ence the €.G. ofthe uniform lamina is at a distance of 322 em from the bottom Line AB and 7.11 em from the eftliae CD. Aus. Problem 5.5. From: a rectangulor lamina ABCD 10m x 12 cm a rectangular hale of 3 om x 4 em is cut os shown in Fig. 5.6. ] -— 10m, Find the eg. of the remainder lamina. Sol. The section shown in Fig. 5.6, is having a cut yp hole. The eontre of gravity of a section with a cut hole is & fi determined by considering the main section fret as acom- | enh plete one, and then subtracting the area of the cat-out hole, jj 4. by taking the area of the cut-out hole as nogative Let ¥ is the distance between the C.G. of the section ‘with a cut hole from the bottom line DC. zon 16, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 10 x 12= 120 em* . 7 +y, = Distance of C.G. ofthe rectangle ABCD from bot~ tom ling DC Fis 56 2 ps6em a, = Area of cut-out hole, Le, rectangle ERGH, 4x32 emt Distance of C.G. of cut-out hole from bottora line DC 4 +$ere2s4em. [Now using equation (6.2) and taking the area (a,) ofthe cut-out hole as nogative, we get y-(25am) where A=e,-a; a) aaa aa eui-enre Fe but for eut hole area ay is taken vo, Hones CENTRE OF GRAVITY AKO MOMENT OF WERTA m7 ve sign is taken due to eut-out bole) _120e6- 124 | 720 ~~ 012 108 622 em, To Find = Let # = Distance between the C.G. of the section with a cut hole from the left line AD 1x, = Distance of the C.G. of the reetangle ABCD from the left line AD = Distance ofthe C.G. ofthe eutout hole from the left ine AD 3 SSe1+ 5 = 75m. Using equation (6.1) and taking area (a,) of tho cut hole as negative, we got Hence the C.G. ofthe section with a cut hole will be ata distance of 6 22 em from bottom. line DC and 4.72 em from the line AD. Ans. Problem 6.5 (A). Determine the co-ordinates Xo and Vo of the contre of « 100 mm diameter circular hole eut in a thin plate 20 that this point will be the centroid of the remaining shacled area shown. in Fig. 56 (a. (UP. Tech. University, 2001-2002) Sol, The given shaded ares is equal to area of a thin rectangular plate of size 200 mm x 150 ma minus the area ofa triangle of lengch 100 rama and height 75 mam ‘minus the area of circular hole of dia 100 ma as shown in Fig. 5.6 0. Lat Area of rectangular plate ‘= 200 % 150 = 30000 mm? A, = Area of triangle 100 «75 Z =9750-mn* Ags Area of holo = J (1008) = 25003 mm? ‘The entre of hie is the centroid ofthe shaded area, Hence Xe and Ve isthe co-ordinator of tho con tre ofthe hole and also the coordinates ofthe centroid ofthe shaded area Forarea Ay, a) —200mm——H Fig. 566) —150mm—H aa = 75mm 179 kui ‘STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘GENRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF WERTIA or area. 250 tiene 2 25,= Distance of C.0, of area A, from y-axis = 75° = 125 mm 5 x 100 =16557, | ia : yy Distance of CG. of area A, from:xaxis = > = 50 mm eB te 125mm Herat Ay mag antyy= Yo Now ing at an ing erin Aad ys gti, we ‘eden 200041000 1600 0008 ‘An =A (80000 ~ 3750 250%) or (80000 ~ 8750 ~ 2500) = $0000 x 100 ~ 2760 x 168.67 — 2500 x Xp Xe (80000 ~ 8760) - 2500x x X= 30000 x 100-~ 3750 x 166.67 — 200% x Xp % 100 — 3750 x 166.67 (Cancelling 2500 x x x Xon bot sides) 26250 X= 300000 - 625012.5 = 2374987.5 2374987.5, Xo = BOB on ‘X,-(80000 - 9750) = 30000 Ans. (80000 - 3750~ 2800n) 80000 x 75 ~ 9760 x 125 ~ 2500 x ¥, 30000 x 75-3750 x 125 (Cancelling 2500 x ¥,om both sides) = 80000 x 75 — 3750 « 125, 225000 ~ 468750 = 1781250 1781250 Yo= “aosge = 67-85 mm. Ans. Problem 5. (B). A semit-cireular area is removed from the trapezoid as shou in Fig. 56 (0). Determine the centroid of the remaining crea, (ODP. Tech. University, 2000-2001) Sol. The given shaded area is equal to the ‘area of a thin rectangular plate of size 100 mn (150 + 100) mm plus the area of the triangle of length 260 mm and of height (150 - 100) = 50 ram. rinus the area of semi-circular area of diameter 100 mam as shown in Pig. 6.6 (c) Let A, = Area of rectangular plate Fig 56 (0) = 100 x 250 = 25000 mam? A, = Area of semi-circle = 22» 2%50" «19505 mma? 2 25050 ‘y= Area ofthe triangle = 72% 6250 mm? 100 stance of C.G. of area Ay from praxis = 160 + “5° = 200 mm | Ar 460 _ 200 : sjpnDistance of ©. of aren Ay from z-axis = 4 = 4250 - 20 ~a 500 stance of .G. of area Ay fom praxis = 250 = 22 50 _ 350 tux Ditaneof 6 afarea A om si 100+ $2 88 oy 2,9 eines of © of th sade sn oy anda Mew wing eatin 1 atten Get, we Asti = Ang + Apts A= Aa + Ag, stn 126125200 250500 i + BD 3125000 ~ 785808 + 1041666 21328 Ans. 128.75 mm. similarly, a 200, gas ayy Aaya Ayyy_25000380— 3280 5° + 6250 P0 Rn eAy 21838 11250000 - 83388'+ 729168 - Bee = 69.88 mm. Ans. Contsoid ofthe given section = (3, 7) = (123.75 mam, 69.38 mm) 5.5.2. Problems of Finding Centroid or Centre of Gravity of Areas by Integration Method. Problem 5.6. Determine the co-ordinates of the C.G. ofthe area OAB shown in Pig. 5:7, ifthe curve OB represents the equation of « parabola, given by in which and ‘Sol. The equation of parabola is y = hx? a 1 First dotormine the value of conatant k. The point B is lying on the curve aid having eo- | ordinates e=Gandy=4 Substituting these valuee of equation (i), we got 160 tng the value of kin equation), wa got, 1 rege ti) o Body or 255 it Soper sip of hy and ta de shorn Fig. 5.7. The area dA of the strip is given by nee wheyeae ‘The co-ordinates of the C.G. of this area dA are x and 2 * Distance of C.G. of area dA from y-axis = x. : and distance of C.G. of area dA from x-axis = 2 3 tex and ad Tet «= Distance fetal aea OAB ee as OF 7 = Diane of fa ees O43 fam sO Ung ogntin 624) wee STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 1 dA = yd, ‘CENTRIE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 184 Problem 5.7. Determine the co-ordinates of the C.G. oft shader tn psy» © straight line y =x as shown in Fig. 6.8. Sol. The equations of parabola snd straight line aro ee ) yer sii) ‘The point A is lying on the straight line as well as on ‘the given parabola, Hence both the ebove equations holds ‘good for point A. Let the co-ordinates of point A ate, y. ‘Substituting the value of y from equation (ji) in equation @), we get So anh Substituting the value of x= 4, in equation i), yea Hence the co-ordinates of point A are 4, 4 Now divide the shaded area into large small areas each of height y and width dx as shown in Fig. 5.8. Then area dA of the strip is given by dA = yi =, -9,)ede wo ‘o-ordinato of point D which lies on the straight line OA Coordinate of tho point which ios on the parabola OA. where m= ‘The horizontal co-ordinates ofthe points D and E aro same, wwe STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘he values of; andy, canbe obtained interns of x om equations Gand end ye Subetiuting these value in equation (i), af ‘The distance of the C.G, for the area dA frum y-axis is given by, ‘And the distance of the C.G, of the area dA froma > axis is given by, argt Fay Moe ; Peta site arate es Now let = = Distance of C.G, of shaded area of Fig. 5.8 from y-axis ‘5 = Distance of C.G. of shaded area of Fig. 6.8 from z-axis, Now using equation 6.2 A), 594 hero ate “aa” Hee {See equation (u)1 (2 x varies from 0 to 4) and tui) Liv) ‘CENTRE OF GRAUTY AND MOMENT OF INERT 183 rarer #-BSs a8 ereree 6 where (rom equation (0)] and [Prom equation (vi) B65 5.5.8. Problems of Finding Centrold or Centre of Gravity of Line-Segment by Integration Method Problem 5.8. Determine the centre of gravity of a ‘quadrant AB of the are of a circle of radius Ras shown in Fig. 59a) Sol. The contro of gravity ofthe line AB, which is an are of a circle rading R, is obtained by dividing the curved line AB into a large number of elements of length aL as shown in Fig. 5.9 (@. ‘The equation of curve AB is the equation of circle af radius B. ‘Tho equation of curve AB is given by Saye San Differentiating the above equation, Fig. 6.9 (0) 2rde+2ydy=0 Ty Ris constant) 184 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS or Dy dy = = Be de ae =2edr_-rde 4 i) Cosentino eh ~aactienradingiigprannessovneco taeineadion Torun 2000 ra Fo a 7 ib) Lot us express a in terms of dx and dy. But diem it oa? Ge eye Ry 4 Similarly, the value of ¥ can be calculated. Due to symmetry this value will also be + eae 2 CENTRE OF CRAM AND MOMENT OF ERTA 1s ‘nd Method Here auaRan y= Ran anes yrdL cRsin 0)x(R de) peepee nae Ja fea [mance afftanose LoL! Gd aE 4 sine, sat [Ccmomoncrany ne *cosnae ‘ afta fa ae [Ree Problem 5.9. Determine the centre of gravity ofthe area of the cireular sector OAB of radius R cad central angle shown in Fig. 5.10. Sol. The given area is symmetrical about 2-axis, Hence the C.G. of the area will le on z-axis, This means 5 = 0. To find Z, the moment of small areas are tobe taken along y-xis Divide the area OAB into a large number of triangular ele- rants each of altitude Rand base /2d0 as shown in Fig. 5.10. Such triangular element is shown by OCD in which altitude OC= Rand base CD = RdB. The area dA of this triangular clement ia given by, OCxeD _RxRao Aras: do sas emen or ares eG otis ngne denen whee 0002 x06=2 x2 Techn Cf cd om nse es 28 0G x eos 6= Now using equation (5.2 A), 2 pRxons8 ‘The arva OAB is symmetrical about the x-axis, hence ¥ £0. Ans. For a somi-cirele, a ( 0) a8 Bax a) 3x" Problem 5.10. Determine the cant of eat ofa womécine of due R a shown in Pig. 5.10 (a). eee erro Sol This probe ea leo bo solved by the method sven fn problem 58. The allowing oer methods can also be used. Due to symmetry, = = 0. Xe ‘he area AO teil abel the Yass, hens F'=0. The vl of i tan by taking the mo. Int famal reas tl otal aren abt aa 1. Considering the strip parallel to ais ‘Arete dl =e de Tho tanec ofthe ofthe area dom is equal to 5 Moment of area dA about x-axis ae Big, 6.10.0) Fe cen OF GRAM AO MOMENT OF NERTA 187 cone ae fae = doa =..sae (: dbeya) 2 2a z Moment of total area A about x-sxis is obtained by integrating the above equation. s, Moment of total area A about x-axis =f ae fine (or x varies from — R to R) 22 But equation of semi-circle is si4yteR? or ta RPaat Substituting this value of in the above equation, we get Moment of total ares A about x-axis eR =3%) 4 el, fon) from [o-B) bre] ely) “ Let F = Distance of €.G, ofthe total area of semi-circle from x-axis, ok? ‘The total area of semi-circle is alco equal to ™— ‘Moment ofthis total area about x-axis a i) Hee _Bquating the two values givon by equations (i) and (i), we get oy ARE _ 2K? yx 2m 3 8 a STRENGTH OF MATERIALS aR? 2 4k 28, 3 aR?” 8x Heaton tani) 2 Conde th sr paral to aie senate ‘The distanee of the C.G. of this ares from x-axis isy tr "Not inne stent sae vr 7 Day dy ( fernnatenn ay FY Bat, we know 22498 aoe VRP = Substtatng the above vale of xn equation, we gut Momont fare dd bout sanie = BREF oy dy Moment of total srea A about x-axis will be obtained by integrating the above equation Hees by intograting the above equati Moment of area A about x-axis = o ay Fig. 5106) = LARP vay (oy vies trom 0 to) = [MRF cana [ag 2 2) 2 Fron he amen fae A abst = AF where A Total arma of semicircle ~ 2 3 = Diane o 0 far A aa Moment of tal aren Aaa sac Eg wu Bquating the two values given by equations (i) and it), aR 5 aR Bee + 52M 2am 3 aR?” 3x [CENTRE OF GAAVITY AND MONENT OF INERT 189 Problem 6.11. To determine the cenre of gravity ofthe are shown in Fig, 510(0) give by Behan Sol. Consider a small trp of thiceoan de parallel to yan to distance of om they ai. ‘res ofthe rp, dA = ye ‘The C.G, ofareadA is ata distance 5 from ‘Moment ofthe area dA about x-axis x 3 da vd dA = ydx) Zz 2 +. Moment of the total area about x-axis fe h ‘a Let us substitute the value of y# in terms of x. ie The given equations 2+ or pe F@- Substituting the value of y? in equation (@), we get ‘Moment of total area about x-axis 2 (ga From equation Gi, v[Eero)] Now equation (i) is, [beta ae Fig. 6.100) x varies ftom O to @) .@) si) i Mo oo) (CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 191 190 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, fF te) a | Let = the distance of ©.G, of the total area A from x-axis | ‘hen momenta total area A abt | mang 6.54, Controid of Volume, Contd volue ise pint at which fhe total volume wi) 4 of a body is assumed to be concentrated. The ‘The equations (iii) and (vid) give the moment of total area about x-axis. Henbe equating — 7 volume is having three dimensions i.c., length, ‘these equations, we got ‘width and thickness, Hence volume is meas- || Greta fens. The ented ee, ocntreot Cs | dave ofavolanetsobaied by ceding te fivon volume into a lange amber of smal vot || nee as shown tn Fig 810. Simslar method ‘Tofind F, take the moment of small area dA about y-axis FS ee ee oa he C6, afarou dA ata tae oo a eee eee anette ‘Moment of area dA about y-axis = x.dA 4 Esminpebnlehianpteivins talent yin Fig. 6.10 (d) |} tmetahenc etait by replacing A by abn ode Ge dAmyde) ad ‘equations (6:24) and (5-28), Moraent of total area A about y-axis is obtained by integration ‘Then these equations becomes as ‘Now moment of total area A about yraxis [ssa + evatiesfiom Ot06) | 68M) ofa Bet anv ae [ey Btat 28)! tom esaaton 2 gaye > : and (6.3 BY [08 2h ace BP OM wat 22)" de fae ie i As volume is having three dimensions, henes third equation is written a - ofa 2x2 foo 22% [ ae de] one (vit _ fray 30) Also the moment of total area A about y-axis a a a fi) | where | x* = Distance of C.G. of emall volume dv from y-2 plane (ie, from axis ay) whore # » Distance of Caf otal area A fom y-axis {y= Distance of CG, of anal volume do from a plane (from axis) Equating the two values given by equations (i) an (x), = Distance of CG. of small hum d fam x7 plane and ¥, 5, # = Lacation of canto of otal volome Noto. Ifa body has a plane of symmetry, the centr of gravity lies in that plane. It has to planes of symmetry, the line af itartection ofthe tw planas gives the position of centre of gravity it ‘has threo planes of symmetry, the point of intersection ofthe three plans gives the postion of centre of ravity 492 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 5.12. right circular cone of radius R at the base and of height h is placed as shown in Fig. 6.10 (@. Find the location of the centroid of the volume of the cone. Sol. Given Radius or cone = Height of cone = Fig 5.10) In the Fig. 5.10 (e), the axis ofthe coné is along.2-axis. The centroid willbe at the x-axis. Hens, F =0 and z =0. ‘To find F, consider a small volume do, For thia, take a thin circular plate at a distance «from O. Lat the thickness ofthe plate isd as shown in figure and radius ofthe plate is. The~ centroid ofthe plate is at a distance’ from 0. Hence x* = Now volume of the thin plate, dy =x de 0 Lot us find the value of rin terms of x From similar triangles, we got Rex it Substituting the value of rin equation i), we net doa x(a) ae 4 sven by equation (0A) as 2 fes eae fe Bawsten ‘Jo Je fee) p(Se)« Rex fs ses) atone (CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 193 eat Uae Era ‘Limits of integration are wart. x. And x varies from 0 to Al Problem 5.18. A hemisphere of radius Ris placed as shown in Fig. 5.10 (9. The axis of symmetry is along 2axis. Find the centroid of the hemisphere. Sol. The hemisphere is placed as shown in au Fig. 5.10 (). The axis of symmetry is takon as Z-sxic. ‘The centroid will beat the Z-axis. Hence = =O and Radius of hemisphere ‘To find Z, consider a small volume do of the hotnisphere. For this, ake a thin eizcular plate at 9 height 2 and thickness de. Let 9 isthe radius of this plate. ‘Then cdo = Area of section thickness ery xde a (2 Area of any section for sphere ‘or hemisphere = x7?, Here r= 9) ‘The centre of gravity ofthe small volume is at ‘distance from 0. Let us now, find the value of yin terms of 2 From Fig. 6.16 (), we have Hoa stay? ” pte Rtat Substituting the value of y# in equation (), we get dy = (R24) x de i) ‘As in this case, the axis of symmetry is Z-axis, Hence ¥ and are zero, The distance of the eontroid from x-y plane ia given by equation (5:90) as, fae Te where 2° = Distance of controfd of the small volume d from x-y plane. In the present ease] Fig. 8.10 (7) i [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Ce Brom equation i) du = nit? — 24) x de) RexRt 5.6, AREA MOMENT OF INERTIA Consider think lamina of area A as shown in Fig. 6.11, Lot x= Distanee of the C.G. of area A from the axis OY. ‘y= Distance of the C.G. of area A from the sxis OX. ‘Then moment of area about the axis OY = Area x perpendicular distance of C.G. of area from axis OF ae (63D) Equation (5:8) is Imown as first moment of area about the axis OY. This first moment of area is usod to dotermine the centre of gravity of the area, poet Ir tho momont of aroa given by oquation (6.8) is again multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the C.G. of the area and axis OY (ie, distances), then the quantity (Ax). = Ax? is known as moment of the moment of area or second moment of area or area moment of inertia, bout the axis OY. This second moment of avea ie used in the study of mechanies of fluids and ‘mechanics of solids Similarly, the momont of area (or first moment of aree) about the axis OX = Ay. ‘And second moment of area (or area moment of inertia) about the axis OX = Uy) .y = Ay?, If, instead of area, the mass (m) of the body is taken into consideration then the second ‘moment is known as second moment of mass. This second moment of mass is also knowa as ‘mass moment of inertia, “Hence moment of inertia when mass is taken into consideration about the axis OY = ma? and about the axis OX = my% Hence the product of the area (or mass) and the square of the distance of the centre of gravity ofthe area (or mass) from an axis is known as moment of inertia ofthe area (or mass) ‘about that axio. Moment of inertia ia represented by Z. Hence moment of inertia about the axis (OX is ropresenied by I,, whereas about the axie OY by Ly. (CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 195 a{‘“ee7“OOOi ‘The product ofthe area (or mass) and the square of the distance of the centre of gravity. of the area ‘or mass) from an axis perpendicular to the plane of the area is known as polar ‘moment of inertia and is represented by J. Consider a plane area which is split up into small areas a,, 2, dy.» ete, Let the C.G. of the small areas from a given axis be at a distence of r,r,,ry x el: a8 shown in Big. 6.12, ‘Then the moment of inertia of the plane area about the given axis is given by Sante age tore 5.4) or Bar (65) 5.7. RADIUS OF GYRATION Radius of gyration of a body (or a given lamina) about an axis, ieea is a distance euch that its equare multiplied by the area gives mo- a rent of inertia of the area about the given axis. For the Fig. 5.12, the moment of inertia about the given axisis| given by equation (5.4) 8 ont bant tage + “ Let the while mass (or axea) of the body is concentrated at & distance k from the axis of reference, then the moment of inertia of the whole area about the given axis will be equal to AK If AK? = J, then h is known 5 radius of gyration about the riven axis, (r ANA 5.8. THEOREM OF THE PERPENDICULAR AXIS ‘Theorem of the perpendicular axis stales that If Iyy an Jy be the moment of inertia of a plane section about two mutually perpendicular axis X-X and ¥-Y in the plane of the section, then the moment of inertia of the section Iz, about the axis Z-Z, perpendicular to the plane ‘and passing through the intersection of X-X and Y-Y is given by Tag = lax + bey ‘The moment of inertia Zz, is algo known as polar moment of inertia. Proof. A plane section of area A and lying in plane-y is 2 shown in Pig. 5:13, Lat OX and OY be the two mutually per- endicular axes, and OZ. be the perpendicalar sxis. Consider a ‘small area dA. Let = Diatanes of dA from axis OZ ane oe erareea © Now moment of inertia of dA about z-axis dA x (Distance of dA from x-axis)® dA x92. 196 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Moment of mertia of total area A about axis, Ipye= WAy®, Similarly, moment of inertia of total area A about y-axis, Iyy = BdAs? ‘and moment of inertia of total area A about z-axis, Ip, = BdAr* Bad P+ 9) Gr Baste) 2dA 2 BAA? = lyr + Ie or dag = Tag + Tor 46.2) ‘The above equation shows that tho moment of inertia of an area about an axis at origin normal to +,» plane is the sum of moments of inertia about the corresponding and y-axis, Tin equation (6.7), Jzy is known as Polar Moment of Inertia, 6.9. THEOREM OF PARALLEL AXIS I states that iftho moment of inertia ofa plane area about an. axis in the plano of area through the C.G. of the plane area be repre- sented by Ip, then the moment of the inertia ofthe given plane area bout parallel axis AB in the plane of ares ata distance h from the CG. of the area is given by Tyg Tg + AR. “where Jag = Moment of inertia of the given area about AB fomont of inertia of the given ares about C.G. Fig. 514 ‘= Distance between the C.G. of the section and the axis AB. Proof. A lamina of plane area A is shown in Fig. 5.14 Let XX = The axis in the plane of area A and passing through the C.G. of the area. ‘AB w The axis in the plane of aren A and parallel to axis XX. ‘a Distance betwoon AB and XX. Consider a strip parallel to X-X axis ata distance y from the X-X axis Lot the area ofthe strip = dA ‘Moment of inertia of area dA about X-X axis = dAy* Moment of inertia ofthe total area about X-X axis, yg vt Tg= Bly? “i Moment of inertia ofthe area dA about AB = dati + yP =dAfh? 4)%4 2h Inertia ofthe total area A about AB, Tyg = AAI? +32 + Dhy = ANE sey + BAA Bhy ‘As h or his constant and hence they ean be taken outside the summation sign. Hence the above equation becomes Tyg = WRIA + Bay" + 2d, But 2dA = A. Also from equation (), 34Ay* = Zo, Substituting these values inthe abore ‘equation, we get Moment of Ing “8A Tq + Dh Bday, ai) (CENTRE OF GRAVITY ANO MOMENT OF INERTIA 197 TTC << ————— ‘But dA .y represents the moment of area of strip about X-X axis. And 22iAy represents the moments of the total area about X-X axis, But the moments ofthe total area about X-X axis is equal to the product of total area (A) and the distance of the C.G. of the total area from X-X axis. As the distance of the C.G, of the total area from XX axis is zero, hence BéAy will be ‘equal to zero. Substituting this value in equation (i, we get Ipg= A+ 1g +0 or Tyga lq Ak? (5.8) ‘Thus if the moment of inertia of an area with respect to an axis in the plane of area (and pasting through the C.G. of the arva) is known, the moment of inertia with respect to any parallel exis inthe plane may be determined by using the above equation. 5.10, DETERMINATION OF AREA MOMENT OF INERTIA ‘Tho area moment of inertia ofthe fullowing sections will be determined by the method ‘of integration 1 Moment of inartia ofa rectangular section, 2, Moment of inertia ofa circular section, ‘3, Moment of inertia of a triangular section, 4. Moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod. 5.10.1. Moment of Inertia of a Rectangular Section Jot Case. Moment of inertia of the rectangular section about the X-X axis pass- ing through the C.G. of the section. Fig. 5.15 shows a rectangular soction ABCD having width = 6 and depth = d. Let X-X is the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of the rectangular section, We want to deter tained the moment of inertia of the rectangular section about X-K axis. The moment of inertia ofthe given section about X-X axis is represent by Ly. Consider a rectangular elementary strip of thickness dy at jee et a distance y from the XX axis as shown in Pig. 5.1. } ‘Area ofthe strip =B. dy. ‘Moment of inertia ofthe arca ofthe strip about X-X axis = Area of strip xy = (0. dy) xy? = by*dy. Moment of inertia ofthe whole section will be obtained by a@ integrating the above equation between the limits ~ 5 to 5. 2 [ese le “ELA 198 stmenoTH OF MATERIALS 8 2a bat care Similasy the momentof inertia ofthe restangular ection about YY axis passing through the CG. ofthe boction i given by ae? 69) ya (610) TefortoFig 83510 Area of strip, dA=d x dx —b 8 Mout afetp above Vir ecla= dA wa? (dds) x22 ( dAnd.dy 4 hone Ie [Ranwraraa| | als)’ jay ne -{8) 3] sare Febibo ela. eo oda oa CO fod Caso. Moment ‘if inertia ofthe sactangular poten abort « in pens through the base, _ foo Tig, £18 shows a rectangular section ABCD having with = 6 and dopa. Waant tad nema of arte ne cee {Eh ecton aout te loo CD, hich the bea af teen | Ko Cons ean distant line ED as oan Aencteipabed Monet of ota bo ref spat tine CD | lomontary strip of thickness dy at a 5.16, Area of strip. body 98 = byt dy Moment of inertia ofthe whole saction about the line CD is ob- tained by integrating the above equation betwoen the limits o tod ‘Moment of inertia of the whole section about the line CD. [oreo rw ELS ‘rd Case, Moment of inertia of a hollow rectangular section. Fig. 5.11 shows allow secangular ston in hich ABCD isthe main seton an EFGH is the cut-out section. ms : ere ee “ “ oa Fig. 516 G10 [CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MONENT OF INERTIA 199 ‘The moment of inertia of the main section ABCD about X-X axis is given by equation (5.7), bd B where b = Width of main section d= Depth. ‘The moment of inertia of the cutout section EFGH about XXaxis Se EPGH about XX axis . Fig. 517 bd? bud zz 5.102. Moment of Inertia of Cireular Section, Fig. 6.18 shows a crear section of radius with O as centre. Conaidar an tlomentary circular ring of radius’ and hiceness “a. Aron of et colar ring Ban dh, In this case frst find the moment of inertia ofthe reular section about an exis passing through O and perpendiculer to the plane of the paper. This moment of inertia is also known as polar moment of inertia, Let this axis he 2-2. (Axis 2-Zis nat shown in ig, .18) Thon from the theorem of perpendicular axis, the moment of inertia about XX exis or FY axis is obtained. Moment of inertia of the circular ring about an axs passing though O and perpendicu- tar tothe plane ofthe paper (tea of ring) x rads fein fom OF Pend 2nd i) [Moment of inertia ofthe whoo circular scion is obtained by integrating equation () bats the limit Oto. "Moment of inertia ofthe whole section about an axis passing through O and perpon- dicuia: to th plane of paper is given as lag [Panrtar=2e er (CENTRE OF GRAMTY ARO MONENT OF INERTIA 200 SSRENGTH OF MATERIALS But 2 ‘whore D = Diameter ofthe etrelar seetton fog= Ex(2Y 2D 5. Oa) se Suites ot Polar moment of inertia = 22" 2 ‘But from the theorem of perpendicular axis given by equation (5.7), we have Igy =lyx + Typ But due to symmotry, Lig = Zyy (6.13) ‘Moment of Inertia of a hollow circular section Fig. 5.19 shows a hollow cireular section. Let D = Diameter of outer cirele, and ‘Then from equation (65.19), the moment of inertia ofthe outer Yl = Diamster of extn creo circle about XK axis = © Di, ly y (arse j if x ‘And moment of inertia of the cutout cine about XX axis | Hat ¥ be Pig 519 “Moment of inertia of the hollow efreular section, about X-X axis, Jygc* Moment of inertia of outer circle—moment of inertia of eui-out circle Be gee gw Similarly, Ewa. ly, a tet. 5.10.8. Moment of Inertia of a ‘Triangular Section Ist Case. Moment of inertia of a triangular section about its base. Fig. 5.20 shows a triangular section ABC of base width = d and height = h. Consider a small strip of thickness T t ney dy ata distance y from the vertex A. “Area of the strip, = DE. dy fi) ‘The distance DE in terms of , b and h i obtained from, ‘two similar triangles ADE and ABC as DE Ly 1» BC Fig. 5.20 DE=BC. x * bey ¢ Substtting this valu of DE in ation (D, we get Ca Distance of the strip fom the base = 0-3) ‘Moment of neti othe stip about the base Ave of trp x Distance of rip fom hase? AB dy thagte B 9 ty ‘Tho momentot inertia ofthe whole triangular section about the has Up) is obesined by titograting te dove emuation betroen te limits 0 th oe Ion [Beast ay 2 yaa dy 'y and Aare constants and can be taken outside the integral sign) ee 2 ona ey Day 22 fats stay dy = # Poi a9" 2h09 & es aug) 2 4@ 2 b [nen wt aesne] [ne At ake Aim 3 {alate 8 bya [8#3-8] ane 2 ob ne[Betetd aon oat ow 2 and Case. Moment of inertia of the triangular section about an axis passing through the C.G, and parallel to the bas ‘Consider a triangular section of base = b and height = ts shown in Fig. 6.21. Let X-X is the axis passing through the C.G. ofthe triangular eoetion and parallel to the base. ‘The distance between tho C.G, of the triangular section sot =, ‘Now from the theorem of parallel axis, given by equa- vn het be 202 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. ‘Moment of inertia about ‘BO =Moment of inertia about C.G. + Area x (Distance between X-K and BC? Se) _ bh? bh bh “R136 bat a 6.15) (+ tae at se) Problem 5.13 (A). Determine the moment of iner. tia of the section about an axis passing through the base BC of a triangular section shown in Fig. 5.21 (a). (UP. Tech, University, 2002-2003) ‘0mm Sol. Given : Base, 5 = 100 mam ; height, k = 90 mum, Moment of inertia ofa triengular section about an 8, ce axis passing through the bases given by equation (5.14) a8 ee on? Pig. 521 (0) Je" = ROO = 6075 % 10% mm’, Ans. 5.10.4. Moment of Inertia of a Uniform Thin Rod. | Consider a uniform thin rod AB of length Z as shown in Fig 5:22. Let m = Mass por unit length of rod, and 4 ‘Total mans ofthe rod mx @ ‘Suppose itis required to find the moment of inertia of the rod about the axis ¥-¥. Consider a strip of length de at @ distance x from the axis ¥-¥. ‘Mass of tho strip = Longth of strip x Mase per unit length dz.m or made. ‘Moment of inertia ofthe strip about Y-¥ axis = Mass of atrip x x? mds) 2 mats, TE ‘CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 203 oe Moment of inertia of the whole rod (ly) will be obtained by integrating the above oqiua- tion between the limite O to L. ine [inet dcom ff | mis cnstn m. L-= M from equation ()] 5.10.5. Moment of inertia of Area Under a Curve of given Equation. Fig. 6.22 (a) shows an area under a curve whose equation is parabolic and is given by in which, ‘Suppose it is required to find the moment of {inertia of this area about y-axis. Consider a strip of thickness dz at a distance x from y-axis. ‘The area of strip, dA = dx fi) Let us substitute the value ofy in terms of in the above equation. The equation of curve is ky? lil) inst find the value of & When y= b, © a. Honco above equation becomes kot 522) or $ Substituting the value of # in equation (ii), we get it) Substituting this value of y in equation (D, we get & oe ae dhe T ve ‘The moment of inertia of elemental area (4A) about y-axis DM de ax daa? STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Moment of inertia of tho tata aren about y-axis [a obtalne ating the above ‘equation between the limits 0 tow eet Hees ietaresmel Om o) tye [tae yy fix? a bfx 0 2 6 om Be FL F oe, am To find the moment of inert tthe given area abot axl, the eleneat shown Fig. 622 (a) can bo cidoed tobe a rectandie of hcknete de. The aerate ra element abut sss rin the momen cea a ns rene ae ‘Mtn inertn ofthe clement sot an ary? [> wf whem ods andy] ‘he ment of neta of given ae about sax 6 obtained by intagrting above equation between the limits O to a, eae widest tan PELE a 6 fev Jp Ft oneation | Bd en 2a poar ea 2 i oS aps, nas 6 Been Problem 5.14. Fig. 523 shows a T-sestion of dimensions 10x 10 x 2 em, Determine the moment of inertia of the section gf! —, she etree eal ary pag tug tec [EE (re of gravity of the section. Also find the polar moment of inertia of the given T-setion, ape eee cee eee Fer Sol. Fiat of all find the location of centre of gravity ofthe given T-rcction. The yiven section ls symmetrical about the axis oom ¥-¥ and hence the C.G. of the section will lis on ¥-Y axis, The ® ttiven section is split up into two rectangles ABCD and EFGH for calculating the C.G, ofthe section. ole Let _¥ = Distance ofthe C.G. ofthe section from the bot- pean tom lino GF Fig. 523 0, = Area of rectangle ABCD = 10 x 2 = 20 em? %2% Distance of C.G. ofthe area a, from the bottom line GF =8 + 1 9.em ‘9, = Ares of rectangle HPGH = 8 x 2 = 16 ema? Jom Distance of C.G. of réctangle RFGH from the bottom line GP | OF AANTY AMD MOMENT OF WERT ms ors crn Mon F cise, 2Owosi0e4 180264 244 Ung th laon, j= LEM AOeDe Hak, GABE | Det Hencsthe CG oft gen seca at x dance of 677 em rom OF Now find tha nomen fina of he een Now Lat Ig = Memento inertia ot retanle 1) about the orvntl axis and asin though ia 66 oy Moment a inertia of tang (2) about the hrzotal axl and passing ‘through the C.Q. of the reetangle (2) ge The dees bntmen the Cathe given ssn and the CO. ef the rene fp s80 6777 <2509m tga dane betwen the CG, ofthe pen section andthe Cf hers ine J ppnerm 40-207, 10x27 Now Tah = 6.667 emt To, = 22S = 85,388 mt From the theorem of parallel azes, the moment of inertia ofthe rectangle (1) about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G: of the given section To, +a! = 6.667 + 20 x 2.2297 667 + 98.884 = 108.501 emt. Similarly, the moment of inertia of the rectangle (2) about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of the given soction = Ig, +a = 85.883-+ 16 x 2.777 5.985 + 128.87 = 208.72 em. ‘The moment of inertia ofthe given setion about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. ofthe given section is, “y= 105,501 + 208.72 = 314.221 em‘, Ans. ‘The moment of inertia ofthe given sexton about the vertical axis passing throwgh the €.G. ofthe given section i, Now the polar moment of inertia (J) is obtained from equation (5.7) as Lug Ioy 214.231 +172 = 486.221 em‘. Ans. Problem 5:15. Find the moment of inertia of the section ‘shown in Fig, 5.24 about the centroidal axi XX perpendicular to the web. (MIE, Summer 1977) ‘Sol. First ofall find the location ofcantre of gravity of the ssiven figure. The given section is symmotrical about the axis 206 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Serene er ete nee aes een = where 5 = Distance of the C.G. of the section from the bottom line ML lineseiteansitinca at enti theteanae Sc am bn i vi 22e10¢ 2141218 = Area cretangle EFGH «1022820 en? $Sbisanes ofthe CG of etengle BFC fom the btm ine ME ots aaebetem dy = Area of rectangle JKLM = 20 x 2.= 40 em? ys Distance of the C.G. of rectangle JKLM from the bottom line ML 2 102m, \ 2 | ‘Substituting the above values in equation (0), we get 20% 18-4 207 + 401 ~ 30 + 20+ 40 250+ 140+40 _ 440 = BOO O_O 25500. [The CG. of the given section les 2 a stance of 50cm fom the bottom line ME. We ‘want to find the moment of inertia of the given section about a horizontal axis passing through, the O.G. of the given section, Let To, = Moment of inertia of rectangle (1) about the horizontal axie paasing through its O.G, To, = Moment of inertia of rectangle (2) about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of rectangle (2) Ig, = Moment of inertia of rectangle (8) about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of rectangle (3) ‘i= "The distance between the C.G. of tho rectangle (1) and the C.G. of the given, section ¥_~ F = 18.0-5.50=7.50em ‘The distance between the C.G. of rectangle (2) and the C.G. of the given section Ya~ F=7.0-5.50= 1.50em "The distanco between the C.G- ofthe rectangle (8) and the C.G. ofthe given section 9,2 5.60 - 1.0 4.5 em CENTRE OF GRAMIY AND MOMENT OF NERTA 207 Se 02° ‘ Now 1g, = S22 = 6.067 ew 2x10? : 1g, = 222 166.587 em a= rom the theorem of parallel axes, the moment of inertia of the rectangle (1) about the ‘horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of the given section = Ig, + yh? = 6.987 + 20 « (7.5) [867 + 1125 = 1131.867 emt, ‘Similarly, the momont of inertia of the rectangle (2) about the horizontal axis passing through the C.G, of the given section log + hg! = 166.687 + 20% 1.5 = 168,667 + 45 = 211.667 om, And moment of inertia of the rectangle (3) about the horizontal axis, passing through the C.G. of the given section fo, + gig? = 19.888 6 40 x 4.52 = 15.933 + 810 = 829.993 emt Now moment of inertia of the given section about the horizontal axis, passing through, the C.G. of the givan section jam of the moment of inertia ofthe rectanglk the horizontal axis, passing through the C.C. of the given section 191.667 + 211.667 + 823.383 = 216.667 em‘, Ans. Problem 5.15(A). Determine the polar moment of inertia of I-seetion shown in Fig, 8:24 (a). (All dimensions ore in mim) (UB. Tech, University, 2001-2002) Sol, Let us first find the location of C0. of the given (1), 2) and (8) about section. It is symmetrical about the vertical sxis, hence C.G. panic kmnae Ties on thie seation o__]2 Ay = Area of fret rectangle aot 10x 12. 960 mam? Area of second rectangle 160 by ZI (80 — 12-10) « 12) L |? 7 28 « 12 = 1596 mm? . 7 ‘Ay = Area of third rectangle a : 120 x 10 = 1200 mn? eres lance of C.G. of area A, Pore from bottom line es 144 mm stance of C.G, of area A, from bottom line 128 210643 214mm 206 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS we ‘jy Distance of CG. of area A, from 10 bottom line =P = 5 em, {= Distance of CG. ofthe given section from bottom in. ‘The C6. ofthe section i obtained by using, A+ Aaya + Aste Aye As 960 1 144 1986 Tk + 1200 »5 960 «1596 + 1200 198240 +113864 +600 _ 257904 3606, 3506 69.779 = 69:78 em Location of eontoidal exis shown in Fig. 524 (i) Moment of inertia of the given section about XX MOL. of che rectangle © about centroid axis XX is given by, Tp (ley)et Ay xh? where hy =~ 9) x19" ¥ 120222 garice—09.10= 5810 amt wool M.OL. ofretangle @ about centroid axis XX elven by, TI Teas (act Aye whore y=, 3) as! x x BERIOE 59674-00707 i eozham 2.12 x 10° mm | eH tnd Iga (lag Ayxh where Ay 4-9) ] 120 x 10° 5 si 220° 1200 (6-787 04% 10! re 5240) Type be * Fes * bere Bra x 10" 2.12% 10° + 6,04 x 10° mm* 12.48 « 10° mam (i) MOL. of the given section about ¥-Y 1280" : 7 een 88 5 £108 met «058110 (gy BE 19452 «10 mo 001840 18 ant ie Ia OE abit fn * Iya Tera = 0.521 x 108 + 0.018482 x 108 + 1.44 x 10 mm = 1.979 x 10% mt (CENTRE OF GRAUTY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 208 Tolar moment of inertia lz) i ven by, Tana Tax tee 21246 x 10% +1979. 10 mnt 480108 mm, Ans. Problem 5.16. Find the moment of inertia ofthe area shonn shaded in Fig 525, bout ege AB. Gon Sol. Given = Radios of smile, R= 10 em in Wieth of reiange, = 206m Derthetrtangl, d= 25cm \ ‘Moment of inertia of the shaded portion about Ai ANN ls “LOL ofzecangle ABCD about AB "te zon—w “MOLL ofsemicindo on DC about AB Fg 825 MoU cf rectangle ABCD about AB a {see equation (5.11)) 0 « 25° ae = REE = 104.167 em MOLL. of semicircle about DC x [MOLL of a cizele of radius 10 em about a diameter) [ee Distance of CG. of semicircle fom DC ar 430 ie” ie ar? x10" ‘rea fom ia, = AI MOL. of sembeitle about line through its ©. poralel to CD M.01Lofsemisitele abou! CD ~ Atea x Distance of CG, ofcomicrlo fom DOF 1225— 157.1 «420 = 9005 260428 «100.72 et Distance of CG, of semiciele from AB 225-424 © 20:76 em MOL ofsemisitcle about AB = 11002 + 167.1 «20.76 10072 + 6706.58 = 68607.90 cm! » MOI. of caded portion about AB (4 167 ~ 6880730 = 950507 em‘, Ans =42tem =1572 em? 210 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 6.16 (A). Find the moments of inertia about the centroidal XX and VY axes of the section shown in Fig. 6.25 (al (UP. Tech, University, 2002-2003) ‘Sol. First find the location of the C.G. ofthe given figure: Let ‘Area of complete rectangle ” xD Ppasanertaaeery —sm DoD von Beh (2) 2 i 82560) rere i.) td.) ae tho co-rtnte oth C.G of Un compete rectangle and cutout Teanall peal re ow native mun - aay BPX Qa a exp Now Similarly, Now draw the centroidal exes XX and Y¥ aa shown in Fig. 5.25 (6). Let Egg, ~ MLO. of complete rectangle © about eontroidal axis XX “ M.O1L of complete rectangle © about horizontal axis passing through its C.@. + Area of complete rectangle © Distance between X-X axis and horizontal axis passing through the C.0. of Tyga Toye + Ahi) rectangle 2 se priy,-5 Ty 8 xD, 3 BO pp [2 soy ry 2 a BE (By theorem of parallel axis) 12 (CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA att * Bp? = BB! , BD? _ 38 pps 12 ae 168 Bimilatly, —Iyrg= Ugnd +A eh B y 2 me) fe f. t am ho Pg. 5250) BD" BD , 1680" 2} “192 2} “19 * anit BD' , BD® | SBD" +16BD° _ 19BD* yer * 36 516 616 Now Tyg = MOL. of given section about controidal axis XX = lee bee 13D? 198)? _ 52RD? —19RD* _ 3380? - <"oT6 B76 57 “ORSTSEDY. Ane. Similarly, the MOL ofthe given section about controidal axis YY is given by Tele lna where Jy = MOL. oftestangle © about controldal axis YY chy ty be, [B DB® BDxP 13 yao Aes Twa a and Tylon, Ady =P 3(R) 2272], apse se) DBs De sept a 414 12] "192° 36 516 Ty ¢ - 8DB" 3S pp? = 0.0573 DB. Ans. 316 B16 5.11. MASS MOMENT OF INERTIA Consider a body of mass If as shown in Fig. 6.26. Let Distance of the contre of gravity of mass M from axis OY stances of the C.G. of mass M from axis OX ‘Then moment ofthe mass about the axis OY r= MT. x 21a STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. Body ot ‘The above equation ie known as first moment of Joutety) ‘he shove rel swe tha y rotating the anes though 0% he praia Finer ht tecne negative Tis meow dae the protect ier whith vos paste previa hes Poe Toon nogatto by rating the sxe through 0" Hone reduc of nr has canged [ui in san purse tha by rotating the anes through conan angle the prodet of HERE th Rect te now ane abuse which reduc our er, tre ron St peincipal ance, ote) produto neta eo about penta az Ath produ ef tern street ti ene symetcal hw pa petals finer rte ly Te produc af nia pode up the entation thar 5.415. PRINCIPAL MOMENTS OF INERTIA Fig. 5.37 (a) shows a body of ares A with respect to old axes (x, ) and now axes (2, ¥,) "The now axes x, and y, have bean rotated through an angle @ in anticlockwise direction. ‘Con- sider a small ates da The coordinates ofthe small aren with respect too axes 7) ‘whereas with respect to new aies, the co-ordinates are 2' and y. The new co-ordinates cee eer afd cosehnstn 3) end sage Oss [eter fo Ry 237 0) sad 537] ‘CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF NERTIA nat Oo wa yayem0-rsind ti ‘The mores of nia and product feria of res A wth rapt ld ats aro tpn fata, Iya | 24a and tye far ah, 620) Also the moment of inertia and product of inertia of area A with respect to new axes veil be Fes Jordi ty = [ere and ty =| evan Let us substitute the values of x’, y’ from equation (i) and (ii) in the above equations, east -fore J coro ssin oan & os = sin wf teed 0+ ant ty eos sin dA J teotadas J 2sin¢eda— J ay c05 0sin 04 202 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 20 f anesinte | #aa-2eeedsino f x44 (After rotation, the angle @ is constant and hence ‘eo 8, sin? @ and 2 ons @ sin @ are constant) = (C08? By + (sin® Oy ~ (2 c08 6 sin OL, (5.274) (+ J vadetae] xt ahnty and f = 44-1) Similarly, yy, = f PAA (sin @ +x cos OF dA te _y sin 0 + x 0086) J tant 043880 ty sn co ak piaatoansf stextoad + [ my sin essa wsinte f y*dA+eanto f stad + asin dono f aya (is emstant and hence sin @ andes 9 ae constants) wsin?0. 1, +008? 0 fy 426in 9 co 81, (6.278) (© [abet] x ad2y and f 2744-2) ‘Adding equations (6.278) an (5.278), we get Fay, + Tay, “Teg lsin® 0 + cos? 0] +1, (sin? 6+ ens? 0} 4+ 2sin 8.0m 0, ~2 sin Oos8, lat ly in? 0 + cos @= 1) ..G.270) ‘The equation (6.270) shows that um of moments of inertia about ld axe (ey ond new xcs (x, 9,)ao same. Hence the sum of momenis of inttia of area Ais independent of rin tston ef aca, Now let ue ind the value of 7. Zyy Substracting equation (627B) fom equation (627A), we get Toe, Iyyy 860640 + in? 0Z, 208 cin 61, ~{sint 8+ cast 01, + 208 0 in 915) whos? 0~ sn? + (in? 0 an?) cae Bin “eee? i? 0) 1 ooe"0 sn? 0) oe Orin 8 WGL“T, eect 0~ sino) 2» Benn Osin Ox, cos 26 eos? 9 = AES0E2E int 9 ( 2828 int 0 cos? 8 sint Now let us find the values of Fc, and Jj, in terms of J. [, and 0. ‘Adding equations (5.27) and (6.27D), we got Bg, 2Ug + Lyl-+1C, ~1,,) €08 20 21, sin 28] Li os oat a seror era 7 1, = ltt) , Fa = I) 09s 20-1, sin 20 (6.218) ‘To find tho values of f,,,, substract equation (6.27D) from (6.27C). Now substracting Ta (at heads easeh Berets 1) cn 20-21, en20) sfliet pesacet ania aseereee el ae waadam ai fn terms of, ond ange 0 Woknow thet 1, =f Gky1da Sahelitutog tho values of andy, we get Tay, = J (sin 0 +3 €08 049 cos 02 sin 6) 2A (fy sin 0 42080 andy’ ny cos 0~ x sin 0) or Tay = J (sin 8 609 8—ay sin? 0 + 2y cus? 0~ 2" cos © sin a wf samoweodd-[ aysistodds J sycutoad J stone sine dd indeor 0 f dA—eiat fay dA. soto f yah -cor sine tae (C+ Oia constant and hence sin 8, 8 @ are constants) Bante | yeaa intor, stor, 228082 faa (© Joaters) 2 ty cost 0st) 2, (© [otadetenf 22ahet,) = sine sin 20+ 1, (cos? 6 sin® 0) <2 sin 20 + 1 (os? 6 sin? 6) ee ~Iy) sin 29 +L, €08 20 6270) 008? @ sin? 0 = cos 26) Direction of Principal Axes We have already defined the principal axes. Principal axes are the axes about which the product of inertia is zero. Now the new axes (r,,y,) will become principal axes ifthe product of| inertia given by oquation (5.270) ia 200 (ie, Lay, = O 204 STRENGTH OF MATERLALS For principal axes, fe, Ay) Une or Cha Hy) sin 20 +1, 08: 2 or Gast) sin 28 20 By By a 00820” Ta Lyy pT or tan 20 = 2 A627E) iy las ‘he above equation wl give eh wo vines of 2 or 0. These two vas of wil ier vy 90" Hy cabretogng the value Din equtins (6278) and (6.1, the values of prinelpal moments of inertia (Z,., and 1,,,) can be obtained, If fromm equation (5.27H), the values of Tao and cs 28 in tr of, and, resid in equation (5278), we get Tog = ett, [elo sone 7 ‘Tose are he values of pracy moment ef inert Problom 58, Fo the ston sn tn Fg, 5.98 (deere () Momeneof inertia bout its cen along (9) as, o.Mrnet oftnerta aout neste which tera through en angle of 307 antilock wie tthe ld axe, (i) Principl moments of inertia obout it contri “lt dlmension enc Sor Given ‘he Pig, :98(e hows to given scion Tis emmetrcal abouts The C0 ofthe section tn of on to ate) To nd moment ofnrti of the given selon, ee ivided tate thre vestrges no shown ig 88 0). Ps the mocent of nti ofeach rectangle ‘hoot ts condi eteulated Thon by using parlel sts dear, the momento inertia of {he given scion abot enrold i obtained. 1 y ce Laon Fig. 538 [CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF WHERTIA 25 (@) Consider rectangle (1) ‘The C.G, of rectangle (1) is ata distance of 20cm from x-axis and al a distance of 25 em Cd = ole +A? O.L of reetangle (1) about x-axis passing through the controid of the given figure of the given section, haz = MO.L of rectangle (1) about an axis passing through C.G. of rectangle (1) and parallel to Ay = Area of rectangle (1) = 10 x 30 = 300 (deg) = Distance of C.G. of rectangle (1) from x-axis 0 ‘Substituting the above values in equation (1), we get g),= 225 x 108 + 200 x 20 5 «108+ 12 108 = 14.25 104 emé A) Similarly, the MLOLL of rectangle (1) about yraxis passing through the centroid of the civen figure is given by, Uh = Oohy + Akg bd? _ 30x10° re where yy = PE = ZIT" 60:25 x 10% om (hy) = Distance of C.G. of rectangle (1) from y-axis = 25 GE), = 026 x 104 + 200 x 25 Ay» 300) = 0.25 x 10 + 18.75 x 104 9% 108 emt AB) (@) Consider rectangle (2) ‘Tho CG, of this rectangle wincides with dhe €.0. of the given sootion. Hence bd? 60x10" dye BP 80°10" 96 0 eat . (y= BO 10 “© and dy)y= B28 wag stent (©) Consider reotangle () ‘The C.G. of rectangle (8) at a from y-axis. Hence kyr = 20 em and yy Now dg= Cola Aste?” 10 30° 12 ++ (10 30320)? = 2.25 x 104 + 12 x 10 226 STRENGTH OF WATERIALS aly * Aull? 80% 10° @ and “+ 300 x 258 = 0.25 10 + 18.75 x 10" (Moment of inertia of complete section about its centroid Tyg * gy + yal + as 4.95 x 104 + 0.5 x 204 + 14.25 « 10 emt x10tem’ Ans. 1), + Ty + Ups 219 x 10¢F 18 x 1044 19 x 108 = 56x 10t emt, Ans. end (i) Moment of inertia of complete section about new axes which is turned through an angle (oa of 30° anticlockwise. foe | = Here @= 30°, foi [zo int Let us first calculate the product of inertia of whole area about old axes , (@) Consider rectangle (1) A= 1080 = 800. ‘The CG. ofrectanglo (1) is ata distance of 20 em hove x-axis and at a distance of 25 em from y-axis. Hence co-ordinates ofthis C.G. are 28 em and y, = 20 em, (6) For rectangle (2) 4, = 10° 60 = 600 em. The C.G, of rectangle (2) lies on the origin (0). Henee x, % (©) For rectangle (@) Ag = 10% 30 = 800 em? ‘The CG. of rectangle (3) sata distance of 20 em below s-auis and ats distance of25 em from y-axis Hence co-ontinate of this CG, are :25= 25 em ‘The product of inertia (ofthe whole figu Ty heey Mana * Aare = 800 x (@ 25) x20 + 800 x00 + 800 x 25 x 20) = 1510 +04 18 x 104) = 30x 104 emt [Now the moment of inertia of the complets section about the new axos (x, ,) ean be obtained from equations GTB) and 6210) ws Y= 20 em), given by equation (5.264) 26 where J,,= 29x10 ems, f, = 96 x 104 em, 1, =~ 80% 10* em and a= 0° Fig. 538d) CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 2e7 ceoT—TCTC—TCTCE—_— I, wBDXIO! #662104 | 29 104 56% 10" goo ba, 2 80 104) wea 41018801023 «s0xs06« 0866 58616 108-26 «1080 6.7810 Ane Inet yy Tue thay _ Foe 22.08 8 + Ly sin 2 and ly 2 z 84, sin 28 | 20108 +56 2104 29 «10! 0610" 0 go» 5 g0% 108 sin O° 2 2 = 42,6 x 108 + 6.78 x 104 26 104 = 28.25 x 10%em‘, Ans. (iii) Principal moments of inertia about the centroid ‘The principsl moments of inertia are the moments of inertia about the principal axes. ‘The direction of principal axes is given by equa tion (6.278 as By ten28= a 22x62 80%10") 6x10" 2910" Fig. 5386) ‘As 20 is negative, henee it lies in 2nd and 4th quadrant. 26 = tant (2.282) == 68.77 and 114.23° or =~ 82,88" and 57.12" ‘The 4ve angle is taken anti-lock and ~ ve angle is taken clockwise to the existing axes andy. The principal axes are shown as x, andy, in Fig. 7.98 (¢). The moment of inertia along. ‘these axes is the principal moment of inertia. Hence by substituting 0 = ~ 32.88" and 57.12", in ‘equations (5.272) and (6.27F), we get principal moment of inertia {, Leet ly " 20 [on] Paglia 29106 +56 104 | 29 104 -56 x30" cl 2 2 x e03 (2x 82,88) ~ (~ 80 x 104 sin 2 x 92.88) fy @ 2-82.88 42.5 « 104 12.6 » 108 x 0.41 + 80 x 101 (0.912) 742.5 x 10'~ 5.585 x 10 27.26 x 10 (605 x 10F em" wa Peer and [p,,] ott Eolas 2944, in 28 iy) fle ta ly 2.55 108 5685 x 1084 2738 104 = 75.995 18 et Hence principal unt of etn ae tee raaes x ot ome Ans Fiosparnelerrsnina nt Alternate aetbod ‘The pina moments ono an also be ebtaned by tpg etatt [BE ri 2 2 Pa x 10* +56 x 108 x 104 - 56 x 108)? BNO so0t [rT aap z 7 = 42.5 «104 + f= 13.5 x 104)? +(- 30x 104)? da x108s 10x 9280 (a8 + 82.89) 1k and (426-8280) 108 Tisd0 tot and 8. 1h ont tug, 1630. Oho and = 9.01 108m Now fac and, re here pring momento neta. Ana MIGHTAGHTS 1. The pn thnugh wich th ol weigh oh ly ata, known a ontro ge 2 The pnt at mich th tal ern oa ne gare sme obo oneal inn a eee eee ee ee eee 4. Thecmtu frei ofe si od er a ae pine 4. The Ce. afa ting ten te pine war te ee aan ef eige met © TheO0.etapurlkigren ore retange ota it where lapel etch te. O. Theo ofa ce ine ttc 1 Ths lof ty ening ot iene gen by Peateder eas tea eeay Peta Paes ris are £ and 5 Coste ft 6, eat fon oem enn eee amet tte ee ere ce ere eee eee emeeeter tec eee 8. a ghet canon etme leer Sabu sen wll ontha some 9. The mont nr ofan ret mas) et a0 ao he pou ae rma) a square ofthe distance of the C.G. of the area or maze) front that ais Tei presented by 1 wee CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA 228 from an axis of rferonce wher 10. Radiue of gyration of « body or given lamina) isthe distance fh {Sw ishole mens (or ase) ofthe given body io assumed to be concentrated 80 not to fer the r vc tra se th ora by Mea =f nd yy = Most of neta 1, According tearm perpen Fea + ay wn i 0 aoe esate muta perpen acs 4 and PY to laf these Heater inert ef the aetonperpondicl fo the plane and passing chreugh the ta ‘ion ot ant FY aes 12, ooning othe theorem fpr 9 Fay = +A, hor Suet of mtn sa given sonst a pain through C..o aen Toe tia af the given area about an axis AB, which i parallel to the axle passing Igy = Moment of through & ‘n= Distance between the axis passing through G and exis AB A= Area af tho cetion. 13, Moment of inertia of rectangular sction oa (0 about an horizontal ais passing theough CG. = > i) about a horizontal exis passing throug bas wt 14. Moment of inertia of a crea section = “S7- 15, Moment of inorta of a triangular section wn? (0 about the base = fo a) about an axis passing through C.G, and peralll to the ba ‘where 6 = Base width, and h = Height ofthe tangle. 1 Teh ofan area by gran els en by sdk ant 572A ao ant oT whore #1 Dian 2 ef acn dm as Jez inane of ef oes A fom an 1h thee fe see cured oe on by ler ae yeas fa Ta EXERCISE 5 (A) Theoretical Questions 1. Define centse of gravity and centroid. He 2. Derive an expression fbr the centre of gravity of «plane area using method of mows STRENGTH OF MATERIALS sepeee 10. 0. 2 18. Me ‘What do you understand by axos of roference ? Define the torms : moment of inertia and radins of gyration, State the theorem of perpendicular axio, How will you prove this theorsma ? State end prove tho theorem of parallel axis Find an expression for the moment of inertia ofa estangular seesion + @ about au horizontal axis passing through the C.G. of the rectangular eatin, and (Gi) about an horizontal as posting through the base of tho rectangular section. (AMIE Summer, 1985) Prove that the moment of inertia ofa cieular section about an horizontal axis (in the plane of| ‘bec nd ping gh he C6, ofthe sens ny 22, Prove that moment of inertia of @ triangular section about the base of the section oe @ where b = Bas oftrangular seston, and fh = Height of tianguler sation, ‘Derive an oxprossion for the moment of inertia of « trough the CG. of the tection and parallel tothe base Show that fg = [+ Abt, where Ig is the moment of inertia of lamina about an axis through ite cestoid and yy in its plane aid i the distance ffom the centro toa parallel suis i the same plane about which ita momert of inertia ia Ja, A being the area ofthe laine. State and prove the parallel axes theorem on moment of inertia fora plane area, rove that the moment of area of any plane figure about a line passing throvgh ite centroid Se ‘Show thas the product of inertia of an area chout two mutually perpondicular axis is zero, ifthe ‘roa is ayeumtrical about one of these sais, (UP. Tech. University, 2002-2003) Detarmine an expression for mass morunt of inertia of hollow stel eyinder of mass Bf, outer radius R,, inner radius R, and length L about it ais, The hole in the cylinder i concentric. (UP. Tech, Untversiey, 2002-2008) Derive an expression for mast moment of inert of right circular cone of base radius R,helgat Hand mis M abot ite ane (WLP. Tech. University, 2001-2002) (B) Numerical Problems Find the centre of gravity of the T:seeton shown in Fg, 8:99 angular ection about an axis passing (Ans, 8.272 em} a ) pi l (CENTRE OF GRAVITY ANO MOMENT OF INERTIA Sr pind te conte of pay othe Fenton dwn a Fi 5, Ans. 6.44 em] (Hint. 0, = 852 = 18 om, = 122 = 24 ent, (9) = 16x2~ 92 }y,-2412+1=15, ygr2¥8=8y,01 jotta + 0%, FO eat ag as x16 26849201 1b 269 22 240+ 192-432 aa 8. (@) Find the contre of gravity of the Z-seeton shown in Fig. 8.4 $84 644 em 7 wena oem soem ohh # om Fig. Sat (8) Find the moment of inet of ISA 100 x 75x 6 shout the controldal XX and YY axis, shown in Fig. 6.41 (0 (GE. Tech, University, 2001-2002) 100 | (Hint. Locate est = and frat 5 600 max, = 8mm, 7, = 60 9 Se Pig. 5.41 (0) a2 68x 6241dmm’ 226+ F = 405, ype 9mm, p= SEL NORE OOO KS +414 AOE ay 6s ater 600 + a 2 | $00 1508 4148 9 ae, ee 00+ 414 ese ‘STRENGTH OF WATERIALS a SSS Now find the moment of inertia about controidal XX axis Tyg ® lo), +h 6x 100% 1 5 160 — v0.80" S081) = 921.428 « 10° yy * lg, + ga * T2085 x 10 4 323.428 x 10° = 104.878 « 108 mm, Ans. ‘Fo find MOLE. shout centroldal axis ¥-Y 2025. co0(9- 188 Fons = (la), ayiey~ 149.497 » 10° mt 5x6 Iya (lo), ay B= SS yg = Fy * fy, 142.427 + 368.0 10 mnt = 10.537 x 10% mm’, Ans 4. From « rectangular lamina ARCD 10 em x 14 em s roetangular hele of 8 em x 5 em is cut as shown in Fig. 42. Find the centre of gravity ofthe remainder lamina, (Ane ¢=47 em, 441440 5 18.508 = 358.1 «10 mt 6.448 em] ig 2 15. Por the T-section shown in Fg, 6.88, determine the moment of inertia ofthe section bout the horizons and vertical sxes, passing through the centre of gravity of the section. TAs, 567.38 em, 204.67 em] 6. For the section shotwn in Fig, 8.40, find the moment of inertin about the centroidal axis XX perpendicular tothe web, (ans, 2481.76 emt) “1 Locate the 6.6. of tho arew shown in Fig. 5.42 with reepect to co-ordinato axes. Ail dimensions [fine 0, = 10 x 30 = $00 euat, x, =6 mm, 7,» 18. (, =40 10-400 min?, =, = 10 + 20 = 30am, v2 5mm y= 1020 y2-Wom 00 men = 5 mn (CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF WWERTIA 20a pendants 0 = 10» 100 min, Yrs 515 mm gE 2p + 3g Feat Gyre +0 +a) 1500 + 12000 + 1000 + 4500 1000 Be1241445=19 a tease Fos S04 fo, +4 +a) +00) £4500 + 2900 — 2000 +1500 ‘i 1000 245 +2-2415=0mm, Ans) 8. A thin homogeneous wire is bent mo a triangular shape ABC such that AB = 240 mm, BC = 260 an and AC = 100 aim, Laceta the CG. of the wize with respect to co-ordinate axes, Angle at Ais eight angle (Bint, First determine angles a and 9, Use sine rule y 5 mm, eS [o|fo 2 —_ «0 Pig. 543 = x enmer asian p= £2 nino = 22 pane Eat Eat os bo AB Gra th) ‘x, distance of CG. of AB from yal 2 2 eae a= 1008 2.68" 1077 = Distance of €.6, of BC from y-axis = Distance of 6, of AC from y-axis ito ane, o 9042 ap = 0 exo 508 = 240 co8 2262" +60 con 67.88" = 240.77 240 x LOT + 260 190 + 100 240.77 0 + 260 = 100 140.77 mam. Ans. 5 = Eat Lays Lan where 9, = 4 sin a= 120% sin 22,62" = 46.154 hyebtls 160 none p 5 _ 240 «ABE + 280 x 0+ 100 46.154 P “00 26.154 mm. Ans.) 204 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. 18 Determine the C.G ofthe uniform plane lamina shove in Fig. 6.45, All dimensions ere in cm, (Hint, The Figs symmeteeal about y-y ans ys apy + a + 4 a1 +05 +05 +0 where a; «40201200 em? = : 30 600 «m4, y, = 30+ > ra yey Bax tnd4 0006 4042x6164 ge S128 ase Now ol varie lade By 7269086 4.48) 75085» COMSAN SP. Diagrom SE i ue toe ‘SHEAR FORGE ANO BENOING MOMENT 283 Hes ys ome f é pene SF. lagran | é 7 Ass sah 4 eee, ‘olgtte at “ a © Bt diagram? - - x + me | aes 1 \ ok 7 f toe Hl i x é * 2 3 oo dager Pi 042 SE. romains 60045 KN betweon A and C SB.atC 2+ Q0R45 -2= 4.0245 KN SE. remains 40245 kN between € and D Skat = 40245 - 6.928 = 2.9085 kN SE. remains - 29095 KN between D and B sRate == 2.9085 = 4242 == 7.1455 1 SIP, remains constant between Band B and equal to~ 7.1455 ‘SF. diagram is shown in Fig. 6.42 () 204 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS BM, Diagram BLM. is only due to vertical loads BMA =0 BM.atc Ri, X 2 = 60245 ve 2 = 12.049 KN BM. atD 6.0245 x 4 ~ 2x2 = 20.098 kN BM. atk = 6.0245 x 0-2 x 46.928 x 2 = 14.201 km BMatB -0 BM, diagram is showa in Fig, 6.42, Axial Force Diagram ‘Axial force is due to horizontal components inelu Axial foree at. A 34 Hy=+4.778N Axial foreo remains 4.778 KN between A and C ‘Axial foreo at C = 44.778 43.464 = + 8.212 ‘Axial force remains 8.249 KN betwoon C and D ‘Axial foree at D =8.242- 4024 4.242 ‘Axial force remains 4.262 KN between D and E ‘Axial foreo at = 44.242 -4.242 =0 ‘Axial force remains zero between E and B Axial force diagram is shown in Fig. 6.42 ( horicontal reaction, 6.17. SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT DIAGRAMS FOR BEAMS SUB- JECTED TO COUPLES ‘When a beam is subjected to a couple at a section, only the bending moment at the section of the couple changes suddenly in magnitude equal to that af the couple. But the S.F. ‘does not change at the section ofthe couple as there is no change in load due to couple at the section. But while calculating the reactions, the magnitude of the couple is taken into account. ‘The sudden change in B.M. at the soetion ofthe couple can also be obtained by esleulat- ing BM, separately with the help af both the reactions Problem 6.21. A simply supported beam AB of length 6 m is hinged at A and B. It is subjected to a clockwive couple of 24 LN at a distance of 2 m from the lft end A. Draw the SP. ‘and BAM. diagrams. Sol. Py. 6.43 (u) strove Une sisaply supported boain AB, hinged at and The clockwise couple at C will ty to lift the beam up at the support A, and to depress the beam down at the support B. Hence the reaction at will be downwards and at B tho reaction will be upwards as shown in Fig. 6.43 (6). "To find reactions of R, and Ry, take the moments about A Ry x6-24=0 (= Moment due to R, is anti-clockwise and moment ‘at C is clockwise) y= maint Sic tae ran rea don hes, herb he econ ale tonsa st hater 1, tat on bam Ry Sie tin (© Load on beam = 0) ‘SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MORENT 205 SF. Dingram. SFatA Ry=- 4k ‘The SP. remains constant (e., oqual to ~ 4 KN) betwoon A and B. "The S.P, diagram is shown in Fig. 043 (). © o BM. Diagram BM.ata BM. just on the LIES. of © 8kNm BM. just on the RAS. of C x4=416kNm (BM, just on the RLS. of C can also be calculated as the sum of moments due to fy and moment due to couple, But moment due & Ris anti-clockwise whereas due to couple is Sekivise Hence net B Mon RIS. of C= —8 6 S4~ 1 16 Nm) ‘There isa suddon change in BM. at C due to couple BM. atB BM, diagram is shown in Fig. 6.49 (d Problem 6.22. A bear 10 m long and simply supported at each end, has a uniformly distributed load of 1000 Nim extending from the lft end upto the centre of the beams. There i ‘iso an anti-clockwise couple of 15 kNow at a distance of 2.5 m from the right end. Draw the S.P. and BM. diagrams. ‘Sol. The reaction at A will be upwards. To find whether the reaction at is upwards or downwards, take the moments about A, ‘The following are the moments at A @ Moment due to UDL. = 1000 «5 x § = 12500 Nim (clockwise) 206 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (G2) Moment of couple = 15000 Nm (Anti-lock wise) Net moment 15000 - 12500 ‘= 2500 Nm (Anti-lockwise) ‘This moment must be balanced by tho momonts duo to reaction at B. Hence the moment bout A duc to reaction at B should be oqual to 2500 Nm (clockwiso), The is only possible when By 8 acting dowawarda, Thia ia shown in Fig. 6.44 (6). 15000 Nin +000 4m ppocedihanss 5m —$h—-2.5m th 25m a} x 6 fo seedaoam 7 i i ne ‘23 7 ent agar ig. 6.44 x10 = 2500 2500 io Total load on beam + Ry (ore Ry is +ve as acting downwards) = 1000 x 5 + 250 = 5250 N, 250. and {HEAR FORDE AND BENOING MOMENT 207 SN SF. Diagram Sata +R, 25250 N Sat ‘5250-5 x 1000 = + 250 N SF, between A and C varies according to straight line law. SP betwoen C and B remains constant and oqual to + 250 N ‘SP. diagram is shown in Fig. 6.44 (0. BM. Diagram BMatA <6 BM. atC = Ry 5 ~ 1000.5 « 8 5250 «5 12500 = 18750 Nea BM, just on the left hand side of D 5250 « 7 = 00010 (§ +28) BM jon he eh Rnd oD sat % 250 x 2. 625m 6.18 RELATIONS BETWEEN LOAD, SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT Fig, 6.45 shows a beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length. Consider the equilibrium ofthe portion ofthe beam between sections 1-1 and 2-2. This portion is at-a distance of x from left support and is of length dx. jer i wigan Fig. 645, Lat = Shear force at the section 1-1, Shear force at the section 22, Bending moment at the section 1-1, ‘M+ dM = Bonding moment at the section 2-2 ‘The forces and moments acting on the length ‘ds’ of the boam are (@ The force F acting vertially up at the section 1-1. Gi) The force P+ dF acting vertically downwards at the section 2-2. (iii The load w x de acting downwards (Gv) The momonte M and (M+ dif) acting at soction 1-1 and section 2-2 respectively. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘The portion of the beam of length dais in equilibrium, Hence resolving the forces acting fon this part vervically, we get - a ne sbon ego shows hth rt hang of as ac ng ih te sading Toding he mom e osasnpes sbk he ction 22, wg Nouide Pate t oa or EGE rdesawe Neng Se igor er tal uate, we ravae or ra @ Fwde~(P +P) ‘The above equation shows that the rate of change of bending moment is equal to the ‘cheat force at the section ee es 10, nL 12, HIGH NTS ‘Shoat foro ata aeston ie the resultant wertien fore t the sh er lft of the setion. “The diagram which showe the varlation ofthe shear force alang the langth ofa beam, as shear free diagram “Bending moment at a section is algebraic sue ofthe momants of all the fores ating tothe left fr ight of the section, ‘The digaram which shows Une variation ofthe bonding moment along the length of « boas, is Jenown as bending moment dingrem. ‘Avbeam which ie xed atone end and feo at th othor i known as cantilover beam, But & beam Ssupparted o resting freely on the supports at te bath ends, is known a5 simpy supported beam, [Ifthe end portion of a bean ie extended beyond the support, such beam is known as overhanging beam A lond acting at point, is known as concentrated Ina or a point load. ‘fa oft portion of a seation is considered, then S.F will bo postive atthe section if the resultant ofthe vertical forces (ineluding reactions) tothe left ofthe section is upwards, But ifthe result- {Sabi ueing downwards then 82. atthe section willbe negative. fright persion of» section is considered, the Pw be postiva at the soetion if the resultant ‘of the vertical frees to the right ofthe section is downwards. But if tho resultant Is cling ‘apvards thon S.F_ a the section will be negative [a laf portion of section is considered the BM. wil be postive atthe section i the moment ‘ofall verial forces and of reaction, at the seston ie clelse. But i ho resultant moment at the accion ie antelockwise, then BLM, will bo nogetive, {aright portion af action ie oonsidered, the BM will be positive atthe soctan Ifthe resultant moment atthe seston is anti-siockwise, But ifthe eaultant moment atthe section is dockwiee, then #2 wil be postive ‘The shear fore changes suddenly sta section where thero isa vertical pint Ind. known “SHEAR FORCE AKD BEHONG MOMENT 289, 18. The shear fore between any two vertical leads remains constant, 14. Sheer force fora uniformly distributed load varios according to w straight line law whereas BM, varies according & a parabolic exrve 15, BM, is maximum at «section where SP. is oro after changing is sign, 46. The point whsve BAL ie zore after changing its sgn i known as point of contraffexure or point of inflexion. 17. When an inclined toads acting on a beat, then inelined load is resoved into (vo componente Yertieal component will cause SP. and BM. whereas horizontal component will cause axial thrust in the beam. 18. When beam is subjected to «couple at ection, thon BLM. changes suddenly atthe seeton bat SF. romaing halted atthe setion. EXERCISE 6 (A) Theoretical Questions 1. Define ani explain the following terms Shear farce, bending moment, shear force dingram and bending moment diagram. 2. What are the diferent types of buams ? Differentiate between a eantilover and a simply fu ported beam. 4, What aro the diferent types of laads acting on @ ham ? Dorentiate between point load and uniformly dstibuted lsd. 4. What are the sign conventions for shear farce and bending moment in general ? 55. Draw the SF. and BM, diagrams for x cautevor of length Z carrying point load W atthe free ead 6, Draw the SF. and BAM. diograms for a cantilever oflaugth L careying » uniformly distributed Ioed of w par m length over its entire length. 42. Draw the SF. and BM diagrams for a cantilever of length L carrying 8 gradually varying nad from evo at the free end tow por unit length atthe fixed end. 8. Draw the SF. and BM, diagrams fora simply supported beam of length Z earrying « point load Wat Ks end pit 9. Drow the SP. ond BM. diagreme fora simply supported beam earring = uniformly Astibuted Toad oft pee ont length over the entire span. Also caleulate the maximum [5M 10, Draw the SF. and B.M. diagrams for a simply supported beam eacrying # unifrmly vying load from zero at each end to w per unit length atthe cents, 4. What do you inesn by pint of contes Sere ? Lethe polnt oF eontraflesare and post of infasion diferent? 12, How many points ofeontraflexure you wil have for simply supported beam overhanging at one end only ? 18, How will you draw the SF and BLM. diagrams fora beam which ia subjected to inclined londs ? 44. What do you mean by thrust diagram? 15. Draw the $F, and BAM, dlagrams fora simply supported beam of length L which is aubjerted to ‘s ockiise couple at the conte ofthe beam (@) Namerical Problems ‘Acantilever beam of length 2 m carries a point load of L KN atts free end, and another load of DAN ata distance of lt ftom the (ree end. Denve tse SY. ond BAG. diagrams forthe cantiovet. [ANE Fg, = +SEN | My == KN ii eter Meee SHEAR FORCE AND BENONG MOMENT 201 2. Acantilover beam of_length 4 m carries point loads of RN, 2 KN wnd 8 KN at 1, 2and 4 m fom ‘the fixed end, Deaw the sheas free and BM. diagrems for the cantilever, {Ans Fg = + 6 KN; Mage =~ 17 KN} 8. Acantloveroflength 2m caries a uniformly distributed load of 3 kNim run over a length of m fom tho fizod ond. Draw the SP. and BM diagrams. (AN. Fy,.= +3 KN; Bigg, ~ 1.8 kN] 4. Acantilever of length 6 ta cartes a uniforaly distributed load of 2 lau length over the shale length anda point load ef LN atthe fre end. Draw tha SP. nd BM diagrams forthe cantilever, (mo. Fg, = + HEN; M,,, =~ 46 kN) 5. A cantilever of length 4 m carries a uniformly distributed load of 1 kNin ren over the whale length and a point load of 2KN at a distance of tm from the free end. Draw the SF. and BM. diagrams forthe cantilever Tns. Figg 14 EN: M,, == 14 Nin} 16 Acantilover 2 m long i loaded with a uniformly distributed lod of 23am run over a length of {Lm from the free and. Ib also caries «point load of 4 KN ata distance af 0.5 mm from the free en. Draw the shear fore end BM. disgrams. Ans. F., = +51N;3,,, =-9 EN} 7. cantilever oflongth 6 m carries two point loads of2 LN and 3 EN at distance of | mand 6 m fiom the fixed end respectively. In addition to this the beam also carries a uoiformly distributed lead of KW over a length of 2 m ata distance af 3m from the fixed end, Drove the & F, and BM. disgrams. Ang: Fg, 2b TN ; Mog, = = 28 ENE] 8. Acantileveroflongth 6 m carves «gradually varying load, srw at tho feo end to 2 Nim at the fend end, Draw the SF and BLM. diagrams forthe eatilaver. ADS. Pg, = BEN Mig =~ 12 KN) 9. A.cimply supported beam of longth 8 m carrie point loads of | KN and 6 EN at a distance of ‘2m and 4 m from tho lft ond. Draw the SF. and B.M. diagrams for the bear. Anne Bigg + 20 Na] 10, A simply supported beam of length 10 m cates point loads of $0 kN and 50 KN’ at a distance of ‘Sm and 7 m from the lft end. Draw the SF. and BLM diagrams forthe beam, (ns. Mya, = + 182 kN} 11. A simply supported boom of length 8 m carries point loads of 4 KN, 10 kN and TIN at a distance of 1.5 m, 25 m and 2 m respectively from Inft end A. Draw the SIF, and B.M. dingrams forthe simply supported beam, Tans. if,,,= +90 kNmi 12, Asimply supporiod boam is ea-zying a uniformly distributed loa of 2 kNim over length of 3m end, The langth ofthe beam is 6m. Draw the SF. and B.M. diagrams for the beat slate the mavimsm BML. on the sostion (A. Aggy = + 5.08 Nn] 18, A beam of length 6 m is simply supportad atthe ends and caries «uniformly distributed load of 41.5 kN/o run and three concentrated loads of 1 KN, 2 KN and 9 KN acting at a distance of LS m, 3 m and 4.5 m respectively from let end. Draw the SF. and BM, diagram and deter rine the maximvin bending moment (ne 12.75 EN] 14, Abeam of length 10 m is simply supported and'earries point loads ofS KN aach at a distance of ‘2m and 7m fom let support and also a uniformly distributed load of 1 kN between the point loads, Deaw SF. and BLM. dingrams for the bea, (Ans... + 23 KN) 15, A.beam of length € m is simply supported at its ends 1s loaded with a gradually varying loed ‘oF 750 Nim from ft hand eupport to 1500 Ni te the right hand support. Construct the SF and BM. diagrams and find the emount and postion of the maximam B.M. over the beat Ans. Mf, = 5017.5 Nm at 8.185 m fiom lft hand support) 16. A simply cupported boam af lengths § m rests on supports 6 an apart the right hand end is overhanging hy 2 m. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 1500 Nim over the entire length. Drow S.F. end BAM. diagrams and find the pot of cotraftexare fang. Ams. My 538 KN 8.38 from lft hand support] 17. A simply supported bean of lagth 8 m rests on supports 5 m apse, Uhe right hand end ‘overhanging by 2m and the lt hand end Is overhanging by 1 m. The beam caries a unifrmly ‘lstibuted load of N/m over the entire legUs. I also carries two point loeda of 4 and 6 RN teach end ofthe beats, Ths lad of 4 kN oat tho oxtrome loft ofthe beam, wireroestheloed of GAN is a the extreme right of the beam. Drate SEF-and B.AL diagrams for tho beam end find the points of enntraflezare (Ams. 1405 m and 4.955 from the extreme left of the beam) 18, A beota i loaded as shown in Fig, 646, Draw the SF. and B.M. diagrams and find (i) maximum SE. @) maximum BM. (a) point of inleion. 20%N som 40K 404 Fig. 6.46 Ans. 50 EN ; 100 RN ; nonel 19, A beara is loaded as shove in Fig, 6.47, Find the reastions at A and 8, Also draw the SF, BM ‘and thrust diegrems ann 6 a puetHa C Fy. 647 (ns, Ry= 2.08 KN; Ry = 1.58 kN; Hy = — 1.808 KN] 20, A.smaply supported beam oflength 6 carve @ uniformly disteibuted load of 100 Nin axtonding fom the lat end toa pont 2m acy. Phere i alan a elockwiea couple of 1500 Nm applied atthe contro ofthe beam, Draw the S.F. and BML dagrems for the beam and find the maximum bending mement {Ans 845 Nm ats digtenco of 1.8 m from let end) 7 Bending Stresses in Beams 4. INTRODUCTION ‘When some externa! load acts on a beam, the shesr force and banding moments are set ‘up ab all sections of the beam, Due ta the shear foxes and bending moment, the beam under- foes eaxtain deformation, The material of the beam will offer resistance or stresses against these deformations. These stresses with cerisin assumptions can be calculated. The stresses introduced by bending moment are known as bending stresses, In this chapter, the theory of pure bending, expression for bonding stresses, bonding stressin symmetzical and unsymmetrical sections, strength of a beam and composite beams will be discussed, 13 . PURE BENDING OR SIMPLE BENDING If. longth of a beam is subjected to a constant Vending moment and no shear force Ge, zaro shear foree), then the stresses will be set up in that length of the beam due to B.M. tony and that length of the beam is said tobe in pure bending or simple bending, The stresses set up in that length of bear are known as bending stresses. ® ry Shaayon ° i | & 4 8 2 _ Beal oer A ‘Bhaasam Ng Fig. 1 ‘Abeam simply supported at A and B and overhanging by same length at each support is shown in Fig, 7-1. A point load W is applied at each end of the overhanging portion. The 292 DeNOING STRESSES Wy BENS oo —_—_—_—_— ‘SF. and BM, for the beam are drawn as shown in Fig. 7.1 (6) and Fig. 7.1 (e) respectively. From these diagrams, itis clear that there is no shear force between A and B but the B.M. between A and B is constant. ‘This means that between A and B, the beam is eubjected to a constant bonding moment only. This condition of the beam betwoen A aud B ia lnown as pure bending or simple bending. 73, THEORY OF SIMPLE BENDING WITH ASSUMPTIONS MADE Before diseussing the theory of simple bending, let us see the assumptions made in the theory of simple bending. The fllowing are the important assumptions : 1. The material of the beam is homogeneous* and isotropic™. 2, The value of Young's madulus of elasticity is the same in tension and compression, 8. The transverse sections which were plane before bending, remain plane aftor bending also. 4, The beatn ie initially eteaight and all longitudinal filaments bend into cireular ares with a common contre of eurvature 5, The radius of curvature is large compared with the dimensions of the cross-section, 6. Bach layer of the beam is ree to expand or contract, independently af the layer, above or below it. Theory of Simple Bending Fig. 7.2(a) shows a part of beara subjected to simple bending. Consider a small length tv ofthis part of beam. Consider (wo sections AB and CD which are normal to the axis of the beam V—N Due to the action of the bending moment, the part of length bx will be deformed as shown in Fig. 72 (0). From this figure, I i elear chat all the layers of the beam, which were originally of the same length, do uot remain of the same length any more. ‘The top layer such #8 AC has deformed to the shape AC. Tals layer has been shortened in its length. Tho bottom layer BD has deformed to the shape B/D. This layer has been elon- gated, From the Fig, 7.2 (6) itis elear that some of the layers have been shortened while some of them are elongated. At a level between the top and bottom of the beam, there will be a layer ‘which is neither shortened nor elongated. This layor is known as neutral layer or neutrat LL oe ) Aer bending, (a) Before bending Fig. 12 THfomagencous tana the material fe ofthe same kind throughout © Taptropic means that the elaetie propertos in all directions are equ 294 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS surface. This layer in Fig. 7.2 (b) is shown by N’~ N' and in Fig. 7.2 (a) by N-N. The line of ntersection of the neutval layer on a erossisection of a beam is known as neural exis (written asNA). ‘Tho layers above NN (or N'~ N)) have been shortened and those below, have been clongated. Due to the decrease in lengths of the layers above N'~ N, these layers will be sub- jected to compressive stresses. Due to the increase inthe lengths of layers below N~N, these layers will be subjected to tensile stresses. We also see that the top layer has been shortened maximum. As we proceed towards the layer 1V—N, the decrease in length of the layers decreases. At the layer IV ~ N, there is no change in length. This means the compressive etreee will be maximum at tho top layer. Simic lary the increase in length will be maximum at the bottom layar. As we proceed from bottom layer towards the layer V—1, the increase in length of layers decreases. Hence the amount by which a layer increases or decreases in length, depends upon the postion of the layer with respect to N— IV. This theory of bending is known as theory of simple bending. ‘74. EXPRESSION FOR BENDING STRESS Fig. 7.3 (a) shows a small length &x of a beam subjected to a simple bending. Due to the action of bending, the part of length Br will be deformed as shown in Fig. 73 (6). Let A'B’ and CD’ mest at 0. Lot R= Radius of neutral layer NP = Angle subtended at O by A’B’ and CD’ produced, ‘tess Diagram Fig. 78 7.4.1, Strain Variation Along the Depth of Beam. Consider a layer EF ata distance _y below the neutral layer NIV. After bending this layer will be elongated to £7 Original length of layer BP = 68, ‘leo length of neutral layer NIV = bx. ‘After bending, the length of neutral layer NN" will remain unchanged. But length of layer H'F will inerosse, Hence NN = NN = 6 ‘BENDING STRESSES IN BEANS fon eS ee Now from Fig. 73 (6), WN eRx6 and BF =Rey)x6 (> Radius of BF = R+y) Bat NN SN oe Hence aw=Rxo Increase in the length ofthe layor EF = BF -EF =(R+y)0-Rx® c x6 Strain in the layer BF Tneroase in lengths “Original length yxO_yxd, pews or Res (: BF = te=Rx0) x R ‘As Ris constant, hence the strain in a layer is proportional to its distance from the neutral axis. ‘The above equation shows the variation of strain along the depth of the bea, ‘The variation of strain is inear, 742, Stress Variation Let tress in the layer EF foung’s modulus of the beam Stress in the layer BF Strain in the layer BF Then 5 (> Swann er) ouExe 2 xy a) Since E and R axe constant, therefore stress in any layer ie directly proportional to the distance of the layer frons the neutral layer. The equation (7-1) shows the variation of stress ‘eng tho depth of the bear. Tho variation of stress is linear. In the above case, all Iayors below the noutral layer are cubjected to Lense stresses wheres Uae layers abuve neutral layer ate rubjacted to comproaoive streasce. The Fig. 7.3 (6) home the atrees distribution. ‘Tue equation (7.1) ean also be written as aoe. «ray yR 1.5, NEUTRAL AXIS AND MOMENT OF RESISTANCE ‘The neutral axis of any transverse section of beam is defined as the line of intersection, ‘of the neutral layer with the transverse section. It is written as NA. In Art. 74, we have seen that. if section of a beam is subjected to pure sagwing moment, then the stresses will be compressive at any point above the neutral axis and tensile below the 296 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS enon STRESSES W BEANS 2a7 neutral ads. There is no stress at the neutral axis. The stress at ‘Total moment ofthe forces onthe setion ofthe beam (or moment of resistance) A distance y from the neutral axis is given by equation (7.1) as meme oy ; foal Fe = fExsteaa aR Ie Let Mf = External moment applied on the beam section. For equilibrium the moment of Fig. 74 shows the cross-section of abeam. Let the | ij" resistance offered by the section should be equal to the external bending moment neutral aude of the section, Consider & small layer ata distance y fom the neutral axis. Let dA = Area of the layer. Now the fores on the layer Stress on layer x Area of layer oxda E fxyxaa ‘Total fore on the beam section is obtained by integrating the above equation. ‘Total force on the beam section = [Bxpnaa E Efyean (and isnt Ba for pure Bending hr i oie cn th asin ofthe bam x 0 Eiyauano » foxaa-o (008 canbe m) Nowy xd represents the moment of area dA about neutral axis. Hence fy x dA repre sents the moment of ontire area of the section about neutral axis. But wo know that moment of ‘any area about an axia passing through ita eentroid, ie also equal to zoro, Hones neutral axis coincides with the eentroidat axis, Thus the controidal axis of a section gives the position of neutral axis. 75.1. Moment of Resistance. Due to pure bending, the layers above the N.A, are subjected ta compressive streskes whereas the layers below the N.A, are subjected to tensile tixcseos, Duc to these stresser, the forces will be acting oh the layers. These forces will have ‘moment about the N.A. The total moment of these forces about the N.A, for a section is known ‘as moment of resistance af that eoction, ‘The force on the layer ata distancey from neutral axisin Pig 74s given by equation (), a zB Force on layer = Freda ‘Moment ofthis force about NLA. = Force on laver xy z Grredany Ey Bx yaaa Efye Efptnta ane mara sere E ME Eyre Me ¢ Baro Poe 73) But from equation (7.2), we have £ 1.4) xR aa ‘The equation (7.4) is known as bentng equation. In equation (7.4), the differont quantities are expressed in consistent units as given. below Mis expreseed in N mm ;Tin men* cis expressed in Nim? ;y Ia mim and Bis oxprossed in Nim? ; R in mm. 75.2. Condition of Simple Bending. The equation (7.4) is applicable to a member which is eubjected to a constant hending mamont and the member is absolutely free from hear force. But in actual practice, a member is subjected to such loading that the B.M. varies from section to section and also the sbear force is not zero. But shear force is zero ata section ‘where bending: moment is maxitnum. Hence the condition of simple bending may be assumed to be satisfied at such a ecction, Hence the strossas produced due to maximums bending mo- rent, are obtained from equation (7-4) aa tho shear forees at those sections are generally ze Hence the theory and equations diseuesed in the above articles are quita sufficient and give ‘results which erbles the enginsers to design beame and ctructures and calculate their stresses ‘and strains with a reasonable degree of approximation whore B.M. is maximum. 7.6. BENDING STRESSES IN SYMMETRICAL SECTIONS, ‘The neutral axis (N.A.) ofa symmetrical section (such as cireula, rectangular or square) lies ata distance of a2 from the outermost layer ofthe section where dis the diamoter (for a circular section} or depth (for a rectangular or a squaro section). ‘There is no stress at the neutral axis. But the stress af a point is direetly proportional to its distance from the neutral fais, The maximum stress tales place at the outermost layor. Ror s simply supported beam, there is a compressive stress abeve the neutral exis and a tensile stress below it, If we plot these stresses, we will gota figure as shown in Fig. 7.5. 298 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Sees aetuson Big. 15 Problem 7.1. A steel plate of width 120 mm and of thickness 20 mr is Bent into @ circular are of radius 10 m. Determine the maximum siress induced and the bending moment which will produce the maximum stress, Take B = 2 x 10° Nim. Sol. Given Width of plato, b= 120 men ‘Thickness of plate, = 20mm be _ 12020" 7 Moment ofinorti, f= 95 ~ 220*20" . g x 104 mm Radius of curvature, = 10m= 10x10? mm Youngs modulus, B= 2x 10° Nimm? Let pgs = Maximum stress induced, and “ht = Bending moment. Using equation (7.2) of) quation (i) gives the stress st a distance y from N.A. ‘Stress will be maximum, when y is maximum. Buty will be maximum at the lop layer oF ‘bottom layer 120 nas * £22 2 10 m0. [Now equation (i) can be waittan as z nee = Xue 2x 108 xa 200 N/mm. Ans. 1010" From equation (7.4), we have M_E TR 2x10" Ma BaD BENE, xB x 10 =16 «106 Nem = 1.6 Nm. Ans. DBENOING STRESSES IN BEANS 298 Problem 72. Celculate the maxizauin stress* induced in a cast iron pipe of external diameter 40 min, of internal diameter 20 mm and of length 4 metre when the pipe is supported tt its ends and carries a point load of 80 N at its centre. Sol. Given External dia, D=40 mm Internal dia, d=20 mm Length, L=4m=4 x 1000 = 4000 mm Point load, W=80N In case of simply supported beam carrying a point losd at the centre, the maximum bending moment is at the centre of the beam, son: on LLL, Y tM) ta © 0) Are oferoneention Fig. 16 ‘And maximum BM. = we L Maximum BM. = 52%4000 00 men M=8x10'Nmm Fig. 76 (b) shows the eross-seation ofthe pipe Moment of inertia of hollow pipe, eZee 140-2041 = (2560000 1600001 = 117807 mn! Now using equation (7.4), are Ts fi) when is maximum, stress willbe maximum, But is maximum atthe top layer fra the NA. D_ 40 Ina B® = 20 m0 “The bending stress will be maximum at the section whare BM. ls maximum, This i because 300 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS "The above oquation (#) ean bo written as M Soa Sas 8x10! «20 = S228 8 15.58 Ninn’. Ans. 1.7. SECTION MODULUS ‘Seotion modulus is defined as the ratio of moment of inertia ofa section about the neutral axis tothe distance of the outermost layer from the neutral axis, ILis denoted by the symbol Z, Hence mathematically section modulus is given by, Zeck as) Fras where '= M.O.. about neutral and Yqaz = Distance of the outermost leyer from the neutral axis, From equation (7.4), we have Moo Ty ‘The stress c will be maximum, when written ae maximum, Hence above equation can be M Gre Bat : M = Opae- 2 08) In the above equation, M is the maximum bending moment (or moment of resistance ‘offered by the section). Hence moment of resistance affored the section is maximum when section modulus Z is maximum. Hence section modulus represent the strength of the section. 78. SECTION MODULUS FOR VARIOUS SHAPES OR BEAM SECTIONS 1, Rectangular Section ho mento nein of rectangular section abut an rr ssiethough ts. or though NA ge by ee oe i Bp wp Distance foarte frome WA. en by, - vou Section modulus is given by, Re 17 [BENOING STRESSES IN BEAMS aor a a ee e You ia. (8) $ an 2 2, Hollow Rectangular Section BD? bd Here 1B 7 3 bd] = emo aer Fe Bante) (2) . P) = gp BD ae) <8) 8, Circular Section For a circular section, (79) 4, Hollow Circular Section Here In gg Wt- a9) D and Yun * 3 Appt a4] = gp Pa 71m Problem 7.3. 4 cantilever of length 2 metre fats when a load of 2 AN is opplied at the {free end. Ifthe section of the Boar is 40 mms » 60 mem, find the stress at the failure ‘Sol. Given Length, L=2m=2x 10? mm Load, = W=2kN=2000N 02 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Section of boam is 40 mm 60 rm, Width of beam, Depth of beam, ant feo» i Fig, 7.10 @) Fig. 710 Fig. 7.10 (a) shows the geetion of the beam. ‘Section modulus of a reetangular section is given by equation (7.7. bd? 4060" 24000 min* ‘Maximum bending moment for a eantilever shown in Fig. 7-10 ts atthe fixed end. WL = 2000 % 2% 108 = 4 108 Nena Let ‘Stross atthe failure Using equation (7.8), we get Me Oyag-Z M_Ax10° Ona B= Fay = 16007 Nims? Ans, Problem 7.4. A rectangular beam 200 mm deep and 200 mm wide ie simply supported over a span of 8 m. What uniformly distributed load per metre the beam may carry, if the ending atreea i not to exoved 120 Nim. Sol. Given wmseoat Depthotbeam, — ¢= 200mm Width ofbeam, 6 = 300 mm Length of beam, &m L Max, bending stress, - cs Spay = 120 Nee Let w = Uniformly distributed load per Fig, 41 sm length over the beam (Pig. 7.11 (@) shows the section of the beam). neat wont uJ bd? _ 300x200? . Ba, 00220 ance | Fig. TAL (a) ‘BENOIG STRESSES IN BEAMS 303 ‘Max. BLM. for a simply supported beam carrying uniformly distributed foad as shown in Fig. 7.11 is at the contro ofthe beam. It is given by ae EEE we! 8 = 8 Nea = Bw x 1000 Nm = 8000. Nenmn Now using equation (7.6), we get -_ 1202000000 (Lam) (Lm = 1009 mm) w= AAD 2O0000 — 50 x 1000 Nim = 30 Kim. Ans. ‘3000 Problem 7.5. A rectangular beam 300 mm deep is simply supported over & span of 4 metres, Determine the uniformly distributed load per metre which the beam may carry, if the bending stress should not exceed 120 Nimm!. Take Sol. Given Depth, Span, Max. bending stress, ‘Moment of inertia, Let, w= UDLL. por metro longth over the beam tn Nim, "The bending stress willbe maximum, where bending moment is maximum. For a simply supported beam carrying U.D.L., the bending ‘moment is maximum at tho caatre of the beam (ie. at point C of Fig, 7.11 (6)] Max. BM, 2y x 2-2 x1 fw dw = 20 Nm ur 1000 Neu or M= 2000 Nensa Now using equation (7.6), wo get B= Og ®Z 1 _8x108 whore ea Hlonce above equation i) bevomes as 2000w = 120 x 8* 10 150 1208 «108 or w= WOxBxih vn. 2900x150" ~ 200 8x 10° mm. (Annamalai University, 1991) 204 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 7.6. square beam 20 mm %20 mm in section and 2 m long is supported at the ‘ends. The beam fails when a point load of 400 N is applied at the centre of the beam. What tuniforrly distributed load per metre length will break a cantilever ofthe same material 40 rum wide, 60 mm deep and 3 m long? Sol. Given «oon Depth of beam, Width of beam, an Length of beam, Point load, er In this problem, the maximum stress for the simply supported beam is to be calculated first. As the material of the cantilever is same as that of simply supported beam, hence maxinurn stress forthe cantilever will also be same as that of simply eupported beam. ig. 7.42 (a) shows the section of beam, be 0m ‘The cection medulus forthe rectangular section ofsimply sup ported beam is given by equation (7.7, 20 gra bl 20x20" _ 4000 T 6” 6 3 Max. BLM. fora simply supported beam carrying # point load at the centre (as shown in Fig. 7.12) is given by, Me EE SO 000 on Fig. 71260) 4 ‘= 200 x 1000 = 200000 Nmmn Let Gg: = Max, stress induced Now using equation (7.6), we get M2 Og. Z 4000 or 200000 = ogg x SO 200000 %3 1-0 same? Opes OG = 160 Ni ‘Now let us consider the cantilever as shown in Fig. 7.13. Retry Let w= Uniformly dlstrtbuted load por m run. ‘Maximum stress will be same as in case of sim- 3m ply supported beam. Sigg, = 150 Nin pee Width of cantilever, "b= 40 mm fe-comm-o Depth of cantilever, d= 60 mm Length of cantilever, b=3m Fig. 7.13 (a) shows the section of cantilever beam. ba? ee ie Section modulus of rectangular section of cantilever 40607 Zz 24000 mm? Pig. 72.19 (@) [BENONG STRESSES IN BEANS 305 Maximum BLM. for a cantilever wl! wad? 2 M=45 1000 Nam Now using equation (7.6), wo got Ms Oa Z o 445% 10000 = 150 x 24000 150 x 24000 45% 1000 Problem 7.7. A beam is simply supported and carries uniformly distribute load of 40 bNim ran over the whole span. The section ofthe bean is rectangular having depth as 4500 mm. If the masimurn stress tn the material of the beam is 120 Ninn? and moment of inertia of the section is 7 x 108 mm*, find the span of the beam. = 4.5w Nm = 4.5 x 10000 eam 800 Nim. Ans. Sol. Given UDL. 10 klNimn = 40 « 1000 Nim Depth, Max. stress, Ogg, MOL of section, "T= 7 x 10° mmé Let ‘Span of simply supported beam. Section moduls of the soction is given by equation (7.5), as SIS = 25x 108 am? "The maximum B.M, fora simply supported beam, earrying a U.D.L. over the whole epan wit é wT? 40000 L* “3” 6 = 50008 Nea = 5000L? x 1000 Ninm Now using equation (7.6), we got isnt the centre ofthe boam and is equal 10 Mt M2 pee % o £5000 x 1000 x £? = 120 x 28x 10° = 120 28 «108 > = “S000% 1000" = 2478 L= (2ax38 = 8.197 m say 820m. Ans. Problem 7.8. A timber beam of rectangular section ist supporta laud of 20 kN uniformly distributed over a span of 3.6 m when beam is simply supported. Ifthe depth of section & to be fnoice the breadth, and the stress in the timber isnot to exceed 7 Nim’, find the dimensions of the cross-section. 205 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS “How would you modify the erose-seetion of the beam, ifit earries a concentrated load of 20 AN placed at the centre with the same ratio of breadth to depth ? Sol. Given : ‘Total load, Span, Max. stress, Lot ‘Then depth, “nth tem nm aoahom Sexton mule arestnglr nn = #2 oo BELO? 28 ant é 6 Maximum B.M., when the sitply supported beam corries a U-D.L. over the entire span, wit | WE in athe contre ofthe eam and is equal to "2 or WL 30058 oes xm 3S 8 9000 x 1000 Nena [Now using equation (7.6), we get aM M = pags Z or £9000 1000 =x 22 : p= 390001000 soe « 1oF and =2b=2%1245=249 mm. Ans. Dimension of the eotion when the beam carries @ point load at the centre Bh smaximam th sented alo Enh ba cri it load at the contre Web _ 20000 «36 4 4 = 18000 x 1000 Nini Nin 2 3s Using equation (76), we got Ms OgagZ = 1N0v0 Nm and (In this caso also d = 28) BENDING GTRESSES WW BEAMS 307 8 18000 x 1000 os, 8.85714 x 108 2 = (G.86714 x 108) = 156.82 mm. Ans. and d=2x 15682 = 315.64 mm. Ans. Problem 7.9. A timber beam of rectangular section of length 8 m is simply supported. “The beam carries a U.D.L. of 12 kNin run over the entire length and a point load of 10 RN at 8 metre from the left support. Ifthe depth is two times the width and the stress in the timber isnot ta exceed 8 Nima, find the suitable dimensions of the section. Sol. Given Length, Le8m UDI, w= 12 kW/m = 12000 Nim. Point load, W= 10 KN = 10000N Depth of bear 2x Width of beam d=e Stress, Ogg = 8 Nien First caleulate the section where B.M, is maximum. Where B.M. is maximum, the shear foree will be zero, Nov the equations of pure bending can be used. For doing this, calculate the reoctions Ry and Ry as shown in Fig, 7.14 ‘aking moments about A, we get Fg x B= 12000 x8 4+ 10000 «3 y= 2232+ 0000 o . 1, =Total loa ~ Ry 12000 + 8+ 10000) ~ 5175 Now SRatAr+R,= +5050 Si psc LHs. we 04260-12000 x9=+ 280008) SF jst RHS.ofC = 16260-10000 = 8250.0 Shata og 51750N ‘The SE is changing ig between section CB and hence at some section in C an the SE. wil bo sr Tet Sis zero atx mate fom 2 equating the SF a this ection to zero, we have {2000 «x= y= 0 o 12000 xx ~51750=0 51760 12000 =51750N 4250 . 48125 m 03 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS eNOIIG STRESSES IN BEAMS 309 Maximum BM. will occur at 4.8125 m from B. 43125 2 Meximum BM. Bg %4.8125~ 12000 « 4.125 « = BIT50 x 4.9125 111885.9975 = 111585,9975 Nm = 1115859375 « 1000 Nm Section modulus for rectangular beam is given by, bd? beh? _ 25° o7 6 3 Now using exuation (7.6), we get M2 Ops Z — Zz or 111885.9975 x 1004 8 pz 31118859375 1000 _ 99 9799 «308 115.5 mm. Ans. 2x216.5=551 mm. Ans. Problem 7.10. rolied steel oitt ofl section hos the dimensions : as shown in Fig. 7.1. ‘This beam of I section carries a wd. of 4 kNim runona span of 107, calculate the maximums ‘ress produced due to bending. Sol. Given ud, Span, ‘Moment of inertia shout the neutral axis 200» 400% (200-10) 360° 12 2 = 1086666666 - 738720000 = 827946606 mm* ‘Maximum BM. is given by, _ wx? _ 40000 «10% ond 3 3 = 500000 Nm 500000 « 1000 Nim 25x10 Nm ow ung the relation, ws Ty M on Kay M Sx10% Snes 7 * noe * 5are68s5 ©? “ = 304.92 Nimmé, Ans, Problem 7.11. An [section shown in Fig. 7.16, i simply supported over a span of 12 m. Ifthe maximum permissible bending stress is 80 Nimm?, whet eoncentrated load can be carried tata diotance of 4 m from one support ? Sol. Given Bending stress, Gy, = 80 Nim? Let W = Concentrated oad carried ata distance of 4 m from support B in Newton ‘To find the maximum bending moment (which will be oe st point C where concentrated loud is acting), fat calculate [J] the reactions F, and Ry. ‘Taking moments about point A, we ket Ry x 122 Wx8 225mm and BM at paint © But BM, at C is maximum tim Moximum BM, 8 aw an Mg = § WN = 5 Wie 100081 ‘5000 28 Wm Now find the moment of inertia of the given Isee- tion about the Nf. 100% 295" _ (100 7.5) (228-21 @ See 925 « 02) 2 I whine sua BE 25 (3) 80 bx 77 N, Ans. * We Bb womans gy = TT 310 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 7.12, Two cireular beams where one is solid of diameter D and other is a thollaw of outer dia. D, and inner dia. D, are of the same length, same material and of same ‘weight. Find the ratio of section modulus of these circular beams, Sol. Given Dia. of solid bom = Dias. of hollow beam =D, and D, Let _L= Length of each beam (same length) W = Weight of each beam (same weight) p= Density of the materiel of each shaft (same material) Now weight of solid beam =p xg x Area of section x spxext DxL Weight ofhollow beam = px gx Area of section x L. soxexS D-Dixt But the weight ao same Pxax DixL = pxg xt Dg-DAlxL or D=D3- D2 “a Now section modulus of eo section, z-Ep {See equation (7.9) And section modulus of hollow section, 2,> yy WADA [See equation (7.10)] 32D, apy Wa + DALE DAI _ Section modulus of solid seotion Section modulus of hollow section 5 Bante DADE DI ee Pe Dx Da x DP (DF + DAD =D) (D+ AIDE DF = Dx De xtD,* D2) “ieDeoe oy (Pes DF- BF rom oquation DD, Dey a Also from equation (0, D'=De-D? or Dx Dje-D? ‘BENOING STRESSES IN BEAMS an Substituting the value of D in equation (i), we get Section modulusof solid shat. Dx Dy Ded, Section modulus of hollow shaft” Dj? + Dj? B® ~ @D,*-D*) or ‘Section modulus of hollow shaft 2D,7-D? _ 2D,° __D* “Section modulo of eolidhaft ” DxD,~ D* Dy DxDy 0 e-P ans, Problem 7.18. water main of 500 mm internal diameter and 20 mm thick is running full, The water main is ofeast iron and is supported at ico points 10 mapart. Find the masimun. ‘stress tn the metal. The cast iron and water weigh 72000 Nim? and 10000 Nim? respectively. (Annamalai University, 1990) Sol. Given = Interne dia., D,= 600mm =05m ‘Thickness of pipe, _¢= 20mm : Outer dia, Dy=D,+2x t= 500+ 2x20 = $40 mm = 054m Weight density of east fron = 72000 Nim? Weight density af water = 10000 Nin® Internal ara of pipe E pia xost=02000mt ‘This in also equal to the aea of water sstion, ‘ve af water sovton = 0.196 m2 Outer arene pe Eppa 3xosem TILL @ Fig. 1217 Avea of pipe section= 7 D,*~ 7 D = 2-21- 05e Moment of inertia of tho pipe setion about neutral axis T= Ege 0pm E1540" 5004 = 1.105 «10? am Let us now find the weight of pipe and weight of water for one metre length, 5!) = 0.0327 m* ate STRENGTH OF MATERIN'S Weight ofthe pipe for one metre run Weight density of cast iron x Volume af pipe = 72000 x (Area of pipe section x Length "72000 x 0.0327 x1 354 N fone metre ran = Weight density of water x Volume of water 10000 x (Area of water section x Length) 10000 x 0.196 x 1 = 1960 N «: Total weight on the pipe for one metre run = 2854 + 1960 = 4314N Hence the above weight is the U:D.L. (uniformly distributed load) on the pipe. ‘The ssuxximum bending moment due ta U.D-L. is w x ZG, where w = Rate of U.D-L. = 4314 N per bette run. ‘Maximum bending moment due to U.D.L. wet 4314 x10? Length 222, Bie te bao ronnie M8 P ‘The stress willbe maximum, when y is maximum, But maximum value of 540 Poa ae Jae = 270 mm sialic tte = 18.18 Nimm?, -9, BENDING STRESS IN UNSYMMETRICAL SECTIONS In case of symmetrical sections, the neutral axis passes through the geometrical centre ~* the section. But in case of unsymmetrical sections such as L, T sections, the neutral axis ‘9028 not pass through the geometrical centre of the section, Henes the value of forthe topraost layer or bottom layor ofthe aection from neutral axis will not be same. For finding the bonding, ess in the beam, the bigger value of is used. As the neutral axis passes through the centre of gravity ofthe section, hence in unsymmetrical sections, fret the eontre of gravity is ealeulatod the manner as explained in chaptor 5, Problem 7.14. A cast iron bracket subject to Bending has the erase-seetion of L form with equal flanges. The dimensions of the section are shown in Fig. 718, Find the position of the weutral axis and moment of inertia of the section about the neutral axis. Ifthe maximum bend ing’ moment on the section is 40 MN mm, determine the maximum bending stress. What is the ture ofthe stress ? ‘BENDING STAESSES 1H BEAMS 313 Sol. Given Mex. BM, M [Let us first caloulate the C.G, ofthe section. Let 5 is the distance of the C.G. from the bottom face, The section is symmetrical about y-axis and hence 7 is only to be calculated. ‘Thea, 7 + Aaye + Aas (A+ Aa + Aa) where Ay = Avea of bottom flange = 130 50 = 6500 mm ‘y; = Distance of C.G, of A, from bottom face 50 mam 50 on 0 + 200 + = 275 mm. eeeeeeeEeeee ae som y ip 200 eee | Samm L [omni Fg. 738 8500x254 10000 x 150 + 10000 x 275 = ‘8500 + 10000 + 10000 _ 162500 + 1500000 + 2750000 ‘ 26500 4412500 See = 160.61 mm Hence neutral axis ig at a distance of 166.61 ram from the bottom face. Ans. ata [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Monent nti oe van sa ie cel whe 1,=3O1L tition tan aba NA MOL ttc lng abut an as ating trough its 6, > Diane ate C6. om NA 120 eg0 x as6 81-25? 181517186.6 mmé toon fost L ¥ 0 Wy @| a 7 vss | sna ke womm—| asa Mig. 7219 1,= MOL. of web about N.A, 802008 12 50x 800" 5 10000 (165.51 ~ 150)? = 99999393.39 + 272580. '39605913.49 mm! MOLL of top flange about N.A. Similarly +A, (166.51- 9,7 and 20x50" | 60.51" oO Ay. y~16081) 3200 50° = 200250" 5 10000 275 - 16650 = 208829.88 + 117700801 = 119784134.3 mamé I=, +h, +1y= 191517186. + 93605919.49 + 1197841943 = 284907254.9 mm‘, Ans, Now distance of C.G, from the upper top fibre = 300 ~ ¥ = 900 ~ 168.51 = 135.49 mm RENOING STRESSES IN BEAMS 315 and the distance of ©.G. from the bottom fibre = F = 168.51 mm Hence we shall take the value of y = 168.51 mm for maximum bending stress. Now using the equation “I le 40 10° fox tot 377 Nimm® ea9072345 168.51 = 23 Maximum bending etress = 23.377 Nimm®, Ans. ‘This strese will be compreasive. In caso of cantilevers, upper layer is subjected to tensile stress, whereas the lower layer is subjected to compressive stress, Problem 7.184 cast iron beam is of L-section as shown in Fig. 7.20. The beam is simply supported on a span of 5 metres. Ifthe tensile stress is not to exceed 20 Niram®, find the safe uniformly load which the beam can carry. Find also the maximum compressive stress. 4b enn ano T ok, seeatom i —-+ ! seek tm [ 9 + 4 +-—— 160 mm ——>} ve. 120 | Sol. Given | Length ofteam, | ‘Maximum tonsile stress, 6, First caleulate the C.G. of the section, Let J is the distance ofthe C.G. from the bottom ‘ face, As the section is symmetrical about y-axis, hence ¥ is only to be ealeulated. Aunt Aare + Any, (Ape Aa + Aa) Now f= «100.42 20020 (40+ 2°) «onan. (10 200+ 2) T6040 + 200 » 20+ 80%20 316 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS [BENDING STRESSES IN BEAMS 317 1.28000 + 560000 « 400000 _ 1088000 ‘6400+ 4000+ 1600 3000 9-66 mm N.A. lies at a distance of 90.66 mm from the bottom face or 260 ~ 90.64 from the top face, ‘Now moment of inertis of the sestion about N-axis is given by, +I y where 1, = M.OL. of bottom flange about N.A. MOL. of botiom flange about its C.G. + A, x Distance ofits C.G. from NA? 28 ep a0 (0066-208 = 859333.88 + 31954147.84 = 32807481.17 mmt DMO. of web about NA. = MOLL. of web about its C.G. +A, x (Distance of its C.G. from NA +200 x 20 (140 - 90.663" = 18338398.98 + 9787742.4 = 23071075.73 mmé MOLL. of top flange about N.A. MOL oftop flange about its C.G. +A; x Distance ofits C.G. from NAL? + 80 x 20. (250 ~ 90.66)® = 63593, + 40822776.96 = 40576110.29 mt 1 =92507481.17 + 28071015,75 + 40676110.29 = 96554667.21 ram‘ For a simply supported beam, the tensile strass will b at the extreme bottom fibre and ‘compressive stress will be at the exizeme top fibre. Here maximum tensile stress = 20 Nim? Hence for the maximum tensile stress, y= 90.66 mm ie. is the distanco of the extreme bottom fibre (there the tensile stress is maximurn) from the NAT 7 Mig Using the relation, FS Malar y 2095 aig w sosse007.21 c = 21900369.85 Nam iniformly distributed load in Nim on the simply supported beam, Re mesin DAL a tent dei Let w WBE gq 22M nn Kquating the two values of M, given by equation () and (ii, we get ‘3125 = 21900380.85 23800889.85 3125 Me 125 wNmm ii) = 6816.125 Nim. Ans. Maximum Compressive Stress Distance of extreme top bre from NA, 1y, = 169.34 men A =91800889.85 1 =96554067.21, Let 6, = Max, compressive stress Mo Using the relation, -- > M on pay AL, _ 2180038985 H ei 0,8 Ex x= Sarsaaeran * 10994-97367 Nimm*, Ans, Problem 7.16, A cast iron beam ie of T-setion as chown in Fig. 7.21. The becom ts simply supported on a span of 8m. The beam carries a uniformly distributed load of 1.5 kN/m length on the entire span. Determine the maximum tensile and maximum. compressive stresses. $100) —— r sen som | to Hom Fig. 72 Sol. Given Length, L=8m UDL, w= 15 kN/m = 1500 N/m ‘of the section isto be calculated first, The C.G. ‘To find the position of the N.A., the will be lying on the y-y axis, Let = Distance ofthe €.G. of the section from the bottom 316 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ee 1) sen ca0 22 1202(20 2%) 50120» eos eay _00=20(00~ 22} 09 20580 ARE am ona sooo 11600 2400 2000 +1600 “3000 = 67-77 mm we A.tes ot tne of am hea fo 100 67.7 92.9. tom th une Tat ot eto ssn about WA. en wince = MOLofop fang eben Seer eas, + 4x (Diane fits 06. fom NAF 100220" gap 20)x(8238-10" 1 esd 3845.5» 10880126 mnt fiMOl ofboth = M.OLL of web about its C.G. + A, x (Distance of its C.G. from N.A.)* + (80 < 20) «(67.77 - 407 855935.8 + 1288876.6 = 2087209.9 mm* T= Iy4 fy = 1056012.5 + 2087209.9 = 91429224 aunt For simply supported beam, the maximum tensile stress will be at the extreme bottom ‘bre and maximum compressive stress willbe at the extreme top fibre. Maximum BDL is givon by, wx? _ 1500%8" & 3 = 12000 x 1000 Now using the rotation Mie 1 y (For maximum tensile stress, 'y = Distance of extreme hottom fibre from N.A. = 67.77 mm 112000000 °* 3i4za224 (ji) For maximum compressive stress, 1y = Distance of extreme top fibre from N.A, = 92.23 mm ‘M_ 12000000 “T *?™ 314ana2a *° Problem 7.17. simply supported beam of length 3 m carries a point load of 12 kN et distance of 2m from let support. The cross-section of the beam is shown in Fig. 7.22 (0). Deter rine the maximum tensile and eompressive stress at XX, Sol. Given Point load, W=12kN = 12000 First find the BAM. at XX. And to do this first caloulate reactions R, and Ry 2000000 Nenm Peeee 67,77 = 258.81 Nimm?, Ans. 128.08 N/mm. Ans. 2 2gs0 NG STRESSES NOAM a19 -r125H2vios YY YES [ VY Wt i VAs “YY \ WA le 100m o ‘Toking moments about A, we get Ry x3=12K2 Wx a Ry= PE? gkN and Ry=W-Ry=12-8=4 kN BM. at XX Ry x15 =4 x15 =6kNm = 6 x 1000 Nm = 6000 x 1000 Nan £6000,000 Nom, ‘M= 600,000 Ninn Now find the position of N.A. of the section ofthe beam. This ean be obtained if we know ‘the position of €.G, of the section, Let = Distanco of the C.G, of the section from the bottom edgo Au Ay ENOING STRESSES IN BEANS a2 proportional to the distances of the most distant tensile and compressive fibres from tha neu- fral axis. Hens for the purpases of economy and woight reduction the material should be coneantrated as rmuch as passible at the greatest distance from the neutral axis, This idea is put into practice, by providing beams of L-section, where the flanges alone with-stand almost all the bending stress. We knovr the relation Mio MM Ty * ray Zz 5 where Z = Section modulus, For a given ernes-section, the maximum stress to which the section is eubjected due to a igiven bending moment depends upon the section modulus ofthe section. If the section mod {us is small, then the stress will be more, There are some cares where an inerease in the sectional area doas not result in a decrease in stress. It may so happen that in some cases a slicht inerease In the area may result in a decrease in section modulus which result in an neresse of stress to resist the came bending moment. Problem 7.18. Three beams have the same length, same allowable bending stress and the same bending moment. The cross-section of the beams are a square, rectangle with depth twice the width and a circle. Find the ratios of weighte of the circular and the rectangular ‘beams with respect to square beams. Sol. Given Fig. 7.24 shows a square, a rectangular and a cireular section, foe mH @ o ig. 124 Side of « square beam ‘Width of rectangular beam 2b = Depth of the rectangular beam d= Diameter ofa circular section, ‘The moment of resistance of a beam is given by, =oxZ where Z = Section modulus [As all the three beams have the same allowable bending stress (o), and same bending moment (M), therefore the section modulus (Z) of the three beams must be equal. STRENGTH OF NATERIALS * penoie STRESSES IN BEANS 923 we Suecbaiss bib unos | Problem 719, A beam ib of square section of th side Ifthe permisibe Bending — alae. | suressis'0 find the noment of resistance when the beam section is placed such that () two { sides are horizontal, (ii) one diagonal is vertical. Find also the ratio of the moments of the ‘ Tastee of th ection in the foe postions, (Bangalore University, July 1985) | ‘Sol. Given ; 1 ‘Bending stress = 6 | 1st Case Fig 725 () shows th square beam section when tro sides are horizontal (dea) i ' fi 2 @ 5 ‘Equating the section modulus of a square beam with thet of a rectangular beam, we get - Pig. 725 | Let Mf = Moment of resistance of the square beam when two sidos are horizontal | ‘Moment of resistance is given by, | M2 | xZy co) te (0.25)"* x = 0.68 a i where Z, = Section modulus Equaing the scion modus oa square beams with that of a rcular bea, we get M, « ‘The shts of the be ortional to the tional Hen eabeny ele donee did earemre kann iN NR EaEERE Fig. 7.25 (6) shows the square beam soetion when one diagonal ia vertical Weight of rectangular beam ar bean Let foment of resistance of the beam in this position ‘Weight of square beam ‘Area of square beam M,= 0% Z, bed. Oda 2m 0 where = Seton mode for the section shown in Fig. 7.25 exe ERK ax bat 1.7938. Ans. Aye Weight of circular beara _ Area of eireular heam ae & ) end Weight of square beam ” Area of equare beam a) aa wt } wo 7 M.0.Lo a trang boot ts base = 2, Tare are two triangles taal {+ scorer tang abut ine» Ths are otis) (d= Laser) Tye ae ast = 11172. Ans. 324 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS a(S) (+ mretun-b- Beats) com (° “Sx “sl Problem 7.20 Prove thatthe moment of resistance of bears of aquareesction, with ite diagonal in the plane of bonding is increased by flatting top and bottom cornere as shown in Ald, Ans. a 5S Find the percentage Pig. 726 and that the moment of resistance is @ maximum when 9 = = inerease in moment of resistance also, Sol. Given oer i} 251) shoe a equae eso with agonal AC veto! Let the portions ARF and Let 1, =MOLL of the square ABCD about Z, = Section modulus of square ABCD Af, = Moment of resistance of the square ABCD F,=MOLL. of the new section with eut off partion (ce, MLOLL of DEFBHG about t Sen i + Brn | + I — Se Fig. 7.95, : 10, A boam is of T-cetion as shown in Fig. 7.36.'Tho boar ia slmply aupported over a opan of And carries a uniformly distributed load af L7 kNim run aver tho entice span Delermine the ‘maximo tensile and maximum compressive stress, (Ans. 8 Ninn? and 48 Nem!) | [fe ; sso Meir! Fg. 726 | |. A.simply supported beam of length 4 m carros 2 point loed of 16 KN ata distance of from left support The eres-section ofthe beam Is shovi in Fig. 77. Determine the maximum tensile tnd compronsive stress at a sostion which ia at distance of 2.25 m from the left apport (Ans. 24.9 Nim? ; 27.84 Nim) ENONG STRESSES IV BEANS aa a. 12, “a 16. an a i) Ti) * WM j— 1000 —a Pa Prove that the moment of resistance of «beam of square section i equal to ox > where‘ the permissible stress in bending, «ie the aide ofthe square beam and bean i placed such that its tow sides ate horizontal Find the moment of resistanes ofthe cbove beara, if tla placed such that its ane diagonal is ‘vertical, the pormissiblo bending eros is same (., equal 1. Tne. 08x JET A fltened beam consists of woolen jst 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep strengthened by a ‘tel plate 12 ma thick and 500 mm doep on ether side af ch ost. IC the maxiraam streas in the ‘wooden jist ie 7 Nim, fd the corresponding maximum streseattnined ia steel Find slay the ‘momant of resistance cf the carnposite section. Take & for sto ~2 x 10" Nitin? and for ‘wood = 1 10° Nima (Ans. 140 Nim, 65150 Neal [A timbor boar 69 mm wie by 80 mm daep is to be reinforced by belting on twa eel itches, ‘och 69 mam by 5 mam in section, Find the moment of resistance i the fllowing eases (0) Titches attachod symmetrically at top and bottom ; (i) Hitches attached aymmotrinlly at the side, ‘Allowable timber sree is 8 Nite What isthe mavimiim stress in the steel each ease? Takes 2B for ste! = 2.15 108 Nim? and for timber ~ 14» 10° [Ans (i) 3768 Nin, o, = 135 Nimm? (ti) 1052 Nm, o, = 90 Nim?) ‘Two rectangular plates, one of steal and the other of brass each 27.5 mt by 10 ate placed ta sither to from ‘a boom 375 mm wide by 20 mim deep, on tro supports 75 ci apatt, the brass component baing on top of tho steel component. Determine the maxleum contral load if the plator ase ( saparate and can bend indapondanty, 2) fry eoouved theoughont tle longeh. Permissible’ stresses for brass and steal are 70 Ninn? and 100 Nina®, Take By = 0875 % 10° Nima? and £, = 2. x 10° Mia (Ane. (2) 472.2 N (i) 1088.8 NI A timber beam 150 me wide and 100 mm doep it to be reinforood by to steal Mitshes sash 150 mm +10 mm in section, Caleulate the ratio of the moments of the resistance in the two. smanticnod casos?) Fitdbes attached syimmetzeally on the sides (i) Ftches stashed at tap fd bette. (Ana 0311 8 Shear Stresses in Beams 8.1, INTRODUCTION In the last chapter, we have seen that when a part of « beam is subjected to a constant bonding moment and zaro shes foree, then there will be only bending stresses in the hear. ‘The shear stress will be zero as shear stross is equal to shear foreo divided by the area. As shear foree is zero, the shear stress will also be zero. But in actual practico, a boam is subjected to a bending moment which varies from section to section, Also the shear forve acting on the besin is not zero. It also varies from. section to section, Due to these shear forces, the beam will be subjected to shear stresses. ‘These shear stresses will be acting across transverse sections af the beam. These transverse shear stresses will produce a complimentary horizontal shear stresses, which will be acting on. longitudinal layers of the boam. Hence beam will alzo be subjected to shear stresses, In this chapter, the distribution of the shear stresa across the various sections (such as Rectangu- lr section, Circalar section, F-scetion, T-soetions ate.) will bo determined. 82, SHEAR STRESS AT A SECTION Fig 8.1 (a) shows a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load. For a uniformly distributed load, the shear force and bending moment will vary along the length of the beam. Consider two sections AB and CD of this beam at a distance dx apart. 7 : ‘Area, A= Area of ERGH Fig. 8 ana SHEAR STRESSES IV BEANS 343 Lat at tho soction AB, F =Shoar force Mf = Bending moment and at section OD, F+ dF = Shear force M4 dM = Bending moment T= Moment of inertia ofthe section shout the neutral axis, [et it is required to find the shear stress on the section AB at distance 9, from the noutral axis. Fig. 8.1(c) shows the cross-section ofthe beam. On the crasé-fection af the beam, Jot BF be a lino ata distance y, from the nautral axis. Now eansider the part of the beam above ‘the level BF and betweon the sections AB and CD. This part of the beam may bo taken to consists of an infinite number of elemental cylinders each of ares dA and length dx, Consider tne such elemental eylindor ata distance y from the neutral axis, A = Area of elemental cylinder x= Length of elemental eylinder ‘y= Distance of elemental eslindor from neutral axia tensity of bending stress" on the end of the elemental cylinder section AB Intensity of bending stress on the end of the elemental cylinder on the section CD. ‘The bending stress at distance y from the neutral axis is given by equation (7.6) as the Mic Ty M on ay For a given beam, the bending stress is @ finetion of bending moment and the distance _y from neutral axis, Let us find the bonding stress on the end ofthe elemental eylinder at the ‘Section AB and also at the section CD. Bending stross on the end of elemental cylinder on the section AB, (where bending moment is IM) will be M on ay Similerly, bending stress on the end of elemental eylinder on the sestion OD, (where bending moment is Af-+ df) will be (Maan Too (On section CD, BM, = M + dl end bonding stress = 0 + do) [Now let us find the forces on the two ends of the elemental cylinder. Porce on the end of the elemental cylinder on the section AR «= Stress x Area of elemental eylindar ox dA o+do= “Bending sireases are acting normal to the eross.cection 244 STRENGTH OF NATERIALS = Meyda ‘Similarly, force on the end of the elemental eylinder on tho section CD = (+deaA area T At the two ends ofthe elemental eylinder, the forces are different. They are acting along the same ine butare in opposite direction. Hence there willbe unbalanced force on the elemental cylinder. [Net unbalanced fores on the elemental eylinder (+a 7 aM = By naa “ xy xd [rordow aa, “ay sea Magna ‘Tho total unbalanced force above he evel HP and between thet sctins AB and CD ray bend aut yemstdering athe slomentl endo: beeen the seria AB and CD ted aboe the level BP Ge, by Integrating te above equation) Total baled fore iM Fp soxaa Mona Magy = Ane ( Syxdd= aw where A= Area of the section above the level EF (or above y,) rea of BEGH as chown in Fig. 8.1 (c) F « Distance ofthe C.G. ofthe ares A from the neutral axis, Dae to the total unbalanced force acting an the part of the beam above the level BV and between the sections AB and CD as shown in Fig. 8.2 (a), the beam may fail due to shear Hoonce in order the above part may not fal by shear, the horizental section ofthe beain at the Jevel BF must offer a shear resistance. This shear resistance at least must be equal to total ‘unbalanced forco to avoid failure duc to shear. oa SHEAR STRESSES IN EAS 34s Shear resistance (or shear force) at the level EF = Total unbalanced force = Beans ii) Let x= Intensity of horizontal shesr at the level BF ‘b= Width of beam at the level EF Area on which «is acting =bxde Shear force due to = Shear stress x Shear ares arxbxds it) [Bquating the twa values of shear foree given by equation (i) and (ili), we got dM ays vxdxde= EE cans (Mp sear forve) (80 (- Go-# -shear force) ‘The shear stress given by equation (8.1) isthe horizontal shear stress at the distance yy, from the neutral axis. But by the principal of complementary shear, the horizontal shear stress is accompanied by a vertical shear stress of the same quantity, ‘Sometimes A x 7 is also expressed as the moment of area A about the neutral axis. ‘Note, in equation (8.1), B is the actual width at the lvel BP (Chough bere 6 is same at all levels, in many caves b may not be same at all levels) and 1s the total moment of inertia of the section about NA Problem 8.1. A wooden beam 100 mm tide and 150 mm deep is simply supported over ‘span of 4 metres. If shear force ata section of the beam is 4500 N, find the shear stress at a distance of 25 min above the N.A. ‘Bol Given : Wa 5-100 WEG: Depth, d= 160mm =m GH Shear force, F= 4500N 7: + re ee el te | the neutral axis AW Using equation (6.1), we got aed wen © | where A= Aroa ofthe beam above 9, — (oom — = 100 » 50 = 5000 mm? (hoded axoa of Fig. 82) Fig. 83 246 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS F « Distance of the C.G. of the area A from neutral axis 1M. ath tt onion am “2 _ 100» 150° “a br Anta with tet a tase ee Sabetnting tne alas nthe sore uation fh weg Gay one SSD cb Problem 82.4 team fer etion fon ste rangle ibd to har fre ofsotnfataraion ohare wate 100 Fot ted MegheoO wt ene tarot shear rat he nual Gi) he tones fo te top of eam hare shea srs itrmsima and Gi nt oPmesina she cen coc Guctionat een ia use wth CD a0 mm wei 80 om Corot ster oreo the neta as = 28125000 mmé 4Nmm? Ans. ‘The uta mio tn at tance oom hase or 2 from the apex 2, Hence distance of neutral axis fom Bil be 2* 850 300 mm as shown in Fig. 8.3 (e). The width of Fig. 85 (2) tho section at neutral axis is obtained from similar triangles BCD and BNA as NA 300 cna 200 , oy . 300 7 wa = 89 ep = 299 1502100 sam, The shear siean at any section i given by equation (6.1) as oe ALS Tob where «= Shear stress at the section F = Shear force © 30,000 N ‘A= Area above the axis at which shear stress is to be obtained {e., shaded area of Fig. 8.3 (@)] a SHEAR STRESSES IN BEAMS 37 NAx300 _ 100%300 a) 2 Distance of the C.G. of the area A from neutral axis, = 15000 mm? L $ * 200 = 100 mm ‘MOLL of the total eection about neutral axis ‘Base width x Height® Boh? sore B « Base Width of Trt metas’ (, Bet ogo ish tint] 150% 450° 36 {= Actual width of the section at which shoar stress is to be obtained += 90,00 — SS 0 Nt OE OO) x 100 Cs") = L185 Nimm?, Ans. (ii) The distance from the top of the beam where chear stress is mazimum Let the shear stress is maximum at the section BF at a distance x from’ the top of the beam as shown in Fig. 8.8 (6), The distance EF ig obtained from similar tsiangles BEF and BCD as ERs co * 460 Bre By xcD = 5 as0~ 5 ‘The shear tres atthe section EP ven by equ tion @. 08 g s }-— ton — 7 Fig. 8.3.6) whore = 30,00 81 ‘A Aroa of section above BP i., Area of shaded triangle BEF Bex xs (-2"-3) 2 "33 3 6 F = Distance of C.G. of the Ares 4 from neutral axis <2 Bs Bad 28 (500.2) Aaae 3 348 SSTRENGTE OF MATERIALS | ream srmesses a enue Pe MOL of ARCD abont nora ae \ | ‘ Cutting hes vals in equation a sno {) (200-75) a | 5+ = e.0000sens (500 - ] | | { 150 x 450" } 3 | 4 a) pie a a i @ S00. - 222 or oomsos {S00 - 25] ta a ‘For maximum shear stress & ° F = Distance of the C.G. of area A from neutral axis cy hfe 4 309,¢.3/,,2) te wre }(Zap)ayed Pade badlyee ° go 2actend on ston igo} d b-bd alg) ao Acta with of tho gostion at tho love EF o O=2 205 mi. Ane | 1 2MO tthe whee Scion aout 38 Hence, shear stress is maximum at a distance of 225 mm from the top of the beam. | ‘Substituting these values in the above equation, we get Gi) Value of Manimiom Shear Stress | ‘The value of maximum shear sires wil be obtained by substituting © = 225 mm in| equation ti | Maximum shear stress 0 (300 «228 ~ 5 xaa5') 82) = 1.833 Ninm!. Ans. From equation (8.2), we see that vincreases as y decreases. Also the variation of with, 43. SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION FOR DIFFERENT SECTIONS seopoct tay n'a parabola, Pig: 84 (2) shows the vatiation of shear atroas across the section “The following are the important sections over which the shear stress distribution is to At the top edge, @ and once be obtained 1L Rectangular Section, 2. Circular Section, bla (yl Fog 8. ISection, 4. PSections, and aft -(3) rar 5. Miscellaneous Sections Atthe noutral axis, =O and hence 82.1, Rectangular Section, Fig, 84 shows a rectangular section ofa hears of width 6 and depth d. Let Fis the shear force acting et the coction. Consider a level RF at-a distance y + (¢ ) from the neutral axis, ala) ‘The shear stress at: = i is given by equation (8.1) a8 1, | . ws) ars! af 2 where A = Atea of the section above y(i., shaded ares ABE) Bee =(Z-2)x0 aig “ 350 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS fa ed Shear ‘Brea of section ~ 6 Substituting the above value in equation (i), we got 215% %y (83) ‘Equation (83) gives the shear stress atthe neutral axis where y = 0, This stress is also ‘the maximum shear stress FP Now average shear stress, tug = a boas = Bay (84) Prom equation (8.1), ¢ AZ. ta tis equation the value of AY casas be calelatd as siven below ‘Ay = Moment of shaded area of Fig. 8.4 (a) about N.A. Consider e strip of thickness dy at a distance y from N.A. Let dA is the ares of this strip. ‘Then dA = Aros of strip = 6 x dy ‘Moment of the aren dA about N.A. dA.y or yxd& y x bdy (= dawbxdy) ‘The moment of the shaded arca shout N.A. is obtained by integrating the above equa a ton between the limits y to 4 tion between the limits y to 2 Noon shad amet NA [Prxbae “yedy aT afrat 27 fate of) +] But moment of shaded aren about NA. i also equal to AF [#0] (oe bis constant) aged 4 a(at etl S Ts ‘This equation ie ame as equation (8.2) Problem 8.3. A rectangular beam 109 mm wide and 260 mm deep is subjected to a ‘maximum shear force of 60 RN. Determine : @ Average shear stress, (ii) Maximum shear stress, and id) Shear stress ob a distance of 25 mm abeue the neutral axis. Sol. Given ‘width, Dept, ‘Maxitaum shear force, P=50kN @ Average shear stress is given by, soem (ase | 7 os) = S000 2 300. 2507 * 19900 Nem’ Alternate Method (Soe Fig. 8.4 (2) ‘The shear stress at a distance 25 mm from neutral axis is given by equation (8.1) as a | x Ly Tb Qe 4 in > where F = 50,000N A= Area of beam above 25 mm (Le, shaded area in Mig. 84 (4) t = 100 x 100 = 10000 rmm# F = Distance ofthe C.G. of the aroa A from spouted tit Fig. 84 (2) 2 st6am sito eta so obo neta : bd 100.2508 bn a af host dios 2 i em eal = 10 esting tevin ein ewe 100 x 2508 | 100 (*) 50,000 « [SHEAR STRESSES IN BEAMS ast y= 25 mom) 352 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS {50000 x 10000275 12 100% 250° x 100, Problem 84.A timber beam of rectangular section is simply supported at the ends and ‘carries a point load at the centre ofthe beam. The maximum bending stress i 12 Nim? and Imazimum choaring etresa is 1 Nimm®, find the ratio ofthe epan to the depth. 88 Nim Ans. Sol. Given ‘Maximum bonding stress, g,,., = 12 Ninmé Maximum shear stress, ge = Nie Lot b= Width of the beam, = Depth of the beam, w Maximum shear force, P= and maximum BM, M saesrtoce (3) _w Now sera sans, gage eset a) Maximum shear stress is given by equation (8.4) Sar #15 Tay SHEAR STRESSES IN BEANS 383 ws [+ Btn get Problem 8.5. A simply supported wooden beam of span 1.3 m having a cross-section. 150 min wie by 250 mim deep carries @ point load W at the centre. The permissible stress are 7Nimun? in bending and I Ninn? in shearing. Calculate the safe oad W. Sol. Given w Span, b= 130mm Width, 6= 150mm Depth, w w Bending stress, 4 hom y Shearing stress, rene Maximum BM, Maximum SF. (0 Value of W for bending stress consideration Using bonding equation Mis “a roy where M = 995 W Nm bd? | 160%2502 = 195312500 mm 2 Substituting these values in the above equation (i), wo get sow 98812500 ~ 125 w= 1%195812500 _ saes.0N, 325 x 125 (Gi) Vadue of W for shear stress consideration Average shear stress, if | Po ee Oe bed” Be 3st STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Maximum shear stress is given by equation (8.4) 3 Snes” 5 Toe But Spay = 1 Nit ide 2” Fy ib0 x50 o Wa 222*350"280 s0000N. Hence, the sat oad is mintoum ofthe two value (Le. 296888 and 60000 N) of W. Hence sn lad in 9609.8. Ans. ‘432, Cireular Section. Fig. 87 shows a sireula section of a beam. Let ia the raas of PN {he rela ten of Fis the cea frce acting On he section. Conldar a lovel BF at a distance fom the neat aie "The shear stone at this eel i given by equation @) as FeAny xb where AY = Moment of tho shaded rea about ves? Che nutes (WA) 11= Moment of inertia of tho whole dela section i= Width ofthe beam atthe level EE Consider scp of thickness dy au datas y fom N.A, Lat dis the are of stip Then dhs bxdy= BP x dy Co b=BP) EB x dy (Bra 2B) x (IRF nay (> Init, anglod triangle OBB, side RB = JR®=3) Moment ofthis area dA about N.A, =yxdA ay x2 (RIV nay =2y [RP ¥F ay. Moment ofthe whole shaded area about the N.A. is obtained by intograting the above ‘equation between the limits y and R Ag = [Sa iF ay = flew eo. “a oO (da =2 fm y? ay) SHEAR GTRESGES IN OEAMS 955 Now (- 2p) is the differontial of (R® 9). Hence, tho intogeation of the above equation, becomes 25 2g peP mh 2 2. yaya] 2 cpe_yape 3g (O~ (RE yA] ow 5 (RP 92 ‘Substituting the value of AF in equation (i), we get. Zope yaya Px sR ~ 99) Txb Bat b= BF =2xEB=2x Jay ‘Substituting this value of 6 in the above equation, we get 2 pep? _ ynpe POR") 3 F 2) ee 85) Dany ‘Equation (8.5) shows that shear stress distribution across a circular section is parable Also it is clear from this equation that with the increase of y, the shear stress decreases. At y=R, the shear stress, v = 0. Hence, shear stress will be maximun when y =0 ce,, at the neutral axis. Aty =O e. at the neutral axis, the shear stress is maximus and is given by F ia “nac® $y Bat 1 Gs D=aR) =5R cma = EEE Be ner But average shear stress, 4 Shear force - “Area of eiredlar section» al Hence equation (8.6) becomes as, 5 8.0 nae" 3 Tox Problom 86, A circular bear of 100 mm diameter is subjected toa shear force of § AN. Calculate (@ Average shear eres, (i) Masimur shear sires, and (Gi) Shear stres ata distance of 40 mar from NA, os sreeor ores pee Ee LEE sneer oes Diao =100%0 adn, 212250 sheaf, '=5WN= S000 Cerge harass en Sha fice distance 49 mm from A. is given by equation (8.5), F ge_yy mn - 50 (oot 40 (9-40 ana Z100') 3x Xx 100 HE a 5000 x64 (2500 1600) ‘Sex x 100000000 0.3055 Nimm?. Ans. 83.3. LSection Fig. 88 chovte tho Lsoction of a boam. ; mT web = $| i Lo Peer oh “SHEAR STRESSES IN BEARS 397 Let Overall width of the section, Overall depth of the section, b= Thickness ofthe web, and d= Dopth of wob, ‘The shear tress at a distance y from the N.A., ls given by equation (8.1) 02 t=Px Ted In this case the shear strese distribution in the web and shear stress distribution in the flange are to be ealeulated separately. Lot us first calculate the shear stress distribution in the flange. (i) Shear stress distribution in the lange Consider a section at a distance from N.A. in the flange as shown in Fig. 8.8 () 2) ‘Width of the section = B Distance of the C.G. of the shaded area from neutral axis is given as, Shaded aro of iange,A = ( Fig 88) x Ce Here wiath = B) 88) Honce, the variation of shear stress (x) with respect toy in tho flange is parabolic. Ibis ‘algo clear from equation (8.8) that with tho increase of y, shoar stress decreases, (a) For the upper edge ofthe flango, Hence shear stress, 358 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (@) For the lower edge of the flange, Hence 6) (Sher sires istrbuton inthe wed Consider a saction at a distance yin the web from thet (Z ZZ NA as shown in Fg 89, ‘Watrabe etn = af anon | ona a Met bie ae a oe sealer) Fig. 89 once the shear streas in the web becomes 98 FeAl __F (Boe gn), (dt_o Bee fg [Foran f( 2st] From oquation (8.10), it is eloar that variation of « with reapoct toy is parabolic, leo with the increase of , x decreases. ‘At the neutral axis, y = 0 and hence shear stress is maximus. vag cr-er tat (8.10) “Teele 24 oF [ama , oa xy Tele A the junction of tp of te web and bottom of Mange, @ Pia Hence shear stress is given by, £ [8 _gy.b(@ (2h Elta (2 PxBxiD?-a) ear) (8.12) SHEAR STRESSES IN BEANS 280 "The shear etreee distribution for the wob and flange is shown in Fig. 8.8 (6). Tho shear stress atthe junction of the flange and the web changes abruptly. The equation (89) gives the stress at the junction of the flange and the web when stress distribution is considered in the ‘lange. But equation (8.12) gives the stress at the junction when stress distribution is eonsid~ ered in the web, From these two equations It is elear that the stress at the junction changes F BOP abruptly from 57 (Dt d8) to Fx gD? d), é Problem 87. 4n ssn beam 30 mm x 150 mm jy. as ooo hence of 10 mand aftange chase off 20 mm. If the shear force acting on the section is 40 kN, jem find the maximuin shear stress developed in the I-seetion. t Sol Gen Overall depth, -D= 950 mn Overall width, B= 180mm a Web thickness, b= 10mm. ge 47" Hinge thitness, = 20mm . Depth of web, 350 — (2 x 2 ao} teem Shone bre othe sostn, PaO AN = 40,000 ‘Moment of inertia of the section about neutral axis, Hoy 1a A004 HO ndiE ag Bad e810 15350977500 - 247501606.6 188975803.4 mom ‘Maximum shear stress is given by equation (8.11) 40000, iBaTRIAA x10 ~ocomares #5 azo 100-223} 45.06 Nimm?. Ans. Alternate Method ‘The maximum shear stress developed in the Lseetion will be at the neutral axis. This shear stress is given by, Puan xb where F= 40,000 N Ax 5 =Moment of the area shove the neutral axis about the neutral axis = Area of flange x Distance of C.G. ofthe area of flange from neutral axis + Area of web above neutral axis x Distance of the C.G. ofthis area from neutral axis 360 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 103020 «(82 28) (28010) ( BP) Pea) cam 200% 168 + 1850. 728 485000 + 120128 = 615126 mn? 15 Moment ofinrtaof the whole coon shot neta xs 185576583. mn Already Calelted) B= With oth webct uta xi 0mm 8000018125 = 2000619125 13.96 Nim’, Ans Problem 88 For the proton 87, th th shear send Atso calentate the total shear force carried by the web. ao Poe From problem 8.7, wa have B= 150mm; D350 mm d=310mm; = 10mm 0000 N= 158.375 10° mnt Sage" 13:08 Nira, Shear stress distribution in the lange ‘Tho shear stress at the upper edge of the flange ie zero. Actually sheer stress distribution in the fange is given by equation (88) as F(Dt ys ala” li) ——— SHEAR STRESSES IN BEAMS 361 For the upper edge of the flange, aes we e way F(DY_D*) 4 Vala ae 4 For the lower edge of tho upper Hange (ée,) atthe jint of web and flange, 4 yy ‘Substituting this value in equation (i, we get F[D fay ale (| Pye gay x 005 caso -at08 ay OP BT iagats x10" OPO = 0.7007 Nim ‘Shear stress distribution in the web “The shear stress is maximum at NA. and i i given by, yqe = 13.08 Nira? ‘The shear stress at the junction of web and flange is given by equation (6.12) a5 FxB gy ame = tds 159 __¢g5 0 10%) = 10.51 Nema? ‘Fe Hg|47s «10° x16 (The shear stross at the junction can also be obtained ae equal to 180 9 2007 tan 380.7007 = 1051 Nima? (caleutave in problem 8.7) EB 3 x o:7007 [Now shear stress disteibution which is syrametrical about N.A.,caa be plotted as shown, tn Fig B51 (f) The shoar sivess for web and flange are parabolic. The shear stroes at the jfanetion suddenly changes from 0.707 to 10.51 Nam ‘Total Shear force carried by the web ‘Total hear force eazried by Une web will be equal to the total shear force carried by the esection minus the total shear force carried by the two flanges. ‘Total shear force carried by the web ie Total shoat force carried by I-ection minus two times the shear force carried by one flange = 40,000 ~ 2» Shear foree earried by one flange i) ‘To find the shear forse carried by one flange, frst calculate the sheae stress in the tango sta distance from neutral axis. Now consider an elemental erp of flange of Whisk- sane Then ava of aeip wil be width ofthe Mange x Ubickness of tripe, dA = 160 dy ‘Now the sheot forge carried by the elemental strip 902 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Shear stress at distance y in the flange x Aroa of the stip % 150 x dy ‘Total shear force carriod by the flange will be obtained by integrating the above equ: 5 2 ‘Total shear force carried by one flange ton foe 3229 22 ef 861012) [aus ay ‘alu a har se nth ange at danny hm neal ie w Peay “a8 stew Fe t0000 AJ = Moment of area ofthe flange above y, about neutral axis ie., shaded area of Fig. 8.8 (@) on page 357] sat), (380 10 (82 -)1(22,, (FP -)}aCP) E 550)] (175° — 155%)] J 00159 [0626 175 ~ 155 ~ SHEAR STRESSES WN BEANS 903 00 [Leni ster] = 0.0159 [612500 ~ 54516666) =107061N Substituting this value in equation (i), we get ‘Total shear force carried by web = 40,000 - 2.x 1070.64, = 87858.78 N= 37.858 KN. Ans, 8.3.4. TSection. The shear stress distribution over a T-section is abtained in the same ‘manner as over an section, But in this ease the position of neutral axis (ke, postion of C.G.) is to be obtained first, as the section is not symmetrical about xx axis, The shear stress distr- bation diagram will aeo not be aymmetrical Problem 8.9. The shear force acting on a scetion of beam is 50 AN. The section ofthe beitm is of T-shaped of dimensions 100 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm as shown in Fig. 8.12. The ‘moment of inertia about the horizontal newtral axis is 314.221 x 10° mm. Calculate the shear stress at the neutral axis and at the junction of the web and the flange. Je —— 10d —-—si Sol. Given Shear force, P= 60 kN ‘Moment of inertia about N.A., 2814221 « 10 mmt, First calculate the position of neutral axis. This can be obtained if we know the position of CG, of given T-section. The given section is symmetrical about the axis ¥-Y and hence the ©. of the section will li on YY axis. Let _y¥ = Distance of the C.G. of the section from the top ofthe ange. Aint Aa ie z on Att Ae an = (A, + Ay) 264 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (4.0020) «10 + 20 80) (2045 onc, neutral axiawillbe ata stanes of 2.22 fromthe topo the ange a shorn inFig 80900) Shear stress distribution inthe lange Now te hour ses atthe tap edge ofthe Mange, and bottom ofthe web 280 ‘Sher stn tn the flange ost atthe junction of the lange and was given by. Baa Tab where A=100 «20 2000 mn? stance of CG. of the ara of fang from NA 20 3222-2 2b = Width of fang 22.22 mn 300 rors £50000 + 2000 «22:22 ‘314221 x 10% x 100 = 7.07 Nim? Shear ses bation nh eb nee 707 ao 10722 6.38 Nhe she ss wil maim a NA Toe short a the NA een OF wore AY «Moment ofthe above NA about NA, “omen ofan ofonge sboat NA = Noment fare wb hoot NA 0109 x(62.22—10 + 20% 220-19) 28H 0 $907.28 « 49971304? sn20mm = $0000 49977284 _ 59.055 Wma BLanal« 10" «20 [Now the shear stvess distribution diggram can be drawn as shown in Fig. 8.12 (6) 8.8.5, Miscellaneous Sections. The shear stress distribution over miscellancowse sec tions is obtained in the same manner as over a T-section, Here also the position of neutral axis is obtained first. SHEAR STRESSES ai BEANS ee 2.849 x 104. Calculate the shear stress at the N.A. and also draw the shear stress di = cover the depth of the section. eee Fig. 18 Sol. Given Shear force, = 50 kN = 50,000 N ‘Moment of inert about N.A., T= 2.849 x 108 mmé, Let us first calculate the position of N.A. This Is obtained if we know the Is obtained if we know the position of the (06. ofthe given Leon Let Ji the dstana the G.6 fom the tttom fice The Aust Aura + Ay, Aye Ay 6 Ay) Area of bottom flange 20 « 50 = 8500 mm? ‘A, = Area of web = 200 % 50 = 10000 mm? a where ‘Aj= Area ofp flange = 200 x 50 = 10000 ram? 1y,= Distance of C.G. ofA, from bottom face 50 3-25 mm ‘y_= Distaneo of C.G, of A, from bottom face 366 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ee {6500 25 x 10000 x 160 + 10000 «275 a = 6500 + 10000 + 19000 once N.A- is ata distance of 168.51 mm fom the botiom foo (or #00 166.51 = 198.49 mm rom upper top fibre) 166.51 mm ‘Shear stress distribution (i) Shear stress at the extreme edges of the Manges is nero. (Gi) The shear stress in the upper flange just at the junction of upper lange and web is given by, BxAy + Ted where Ay =Moment of the area of the upper flange about N.A. ‘Aros of upper flange x Distance of the C.G. of upper flange from N.A. (200 x 60) x (132.49 - 25) = 1084900 b= Width of upper flange = 200 mm ‘50000 x 1084900 B49» 108% 200, (iii) The sheor stress in the web just ot the junction of the web and upper flange will 20 suddenly increase from 0.952 to 0.952 « © 3,808 Nima? (iv) The shoar stross will be maximum at the N.A. This is given by Peas Smee = Tx whee AY =Men ott hot A) as NA “Meat ofaretupperangs ae NA+ Moment ofa feb bat A = 200 (18 49-26 6 05849-5050 TAB = toson0 «0545 ap648 at 050mm ‘50000 + 1259164.5 ‘2aa9 1 ()'The shoar stress in the lower flange just at the junetion of the lower Mange and the web ie givon by 4.4195 Nim BxAS Tx where AJ = Moment of the area of the lower flange about N.A. = 180 x 50 «(168.61 ~ 25) = 918125, b= Width of lower flange = 130 mm 50000 x 918135, > 2540 x 10" «130 x = 1.939 Nim SHEAR STRESSES NV BEANS 367 (i) The shear stress in the web just at the junetion of the web and lower flange will 1.239 130 a 22180 43.29 Nin, "The shear stress diagram is shown in Fig. 8.18 (b} Problem 8.11. The shear force acting on a beam at e section is F, The section ofthe beam is triangular base b and of an altitude h. The beam is placed with its base horizontal, Find the ‘masimum ghear stress and the chear stress at the NA. Sol. Given suddenly increase from 1.299 to Base Altinude =f "The NA. of the triangle AFC will fc at the C.G, of the triangle. But the C.G. of the wong nit at ata aoe Netra aie st dstne ot 2 Gam he Fig. 814 sy, Ciimer a love BF at dstaney fom the N.A Te sear stres a this levels ven % “a ‘where AY = Momont of tho shaded area about the noutral axis, = Area of triangle CEF x Distance of ©.©. of triangle CEF from N.A, (2h_2e (F-3) 2 xz)eFac Astsaneles OF and CAB ae sas i iuiaiiges or nretxan-24) 2 2a» bet nth) 368 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS | SHEAR STRESSES WV BEANS 368 {= Moment of inertia of the whole triangular section CAB about N.A. b= Actual width at the lovel EE ape 2kb * Substituting these values in equation (, we get 1 bx® Peg? 1 Pixth-») reek ar h F ey a Fa i) ‘Prom equation (i), ibis clear that variation oft with respect tox is parabolic. At the top, and hence vis also zero, At the bottom x= and vis also 2070. Ai theaLAsa= 2 ands th ser NA bes But (8.18) Masimum shear stress ‘The shear strees of any depth x from the top is given by equation (i), The maximum shear siness will be obtained hy diffarentieting equation Gi) with neapest to and oquating to or (2 Frand fare constants and cannot be zero) (6.14) Now draw the shuar stress diageam as shown in Fig. 8.14 (6) Note. Inthe above case, the shear stress isnot maximum at the N.A, but i is maximum at a op of 2 from he top a all other eases, the shesrsiress was maxiwum at the NA Problem 8.12, A beun of triangular erogeseation is subjected to a shear force of 50 BN. ‘The boae widths of the section ie 250 mim and height 200 mm. The beam is placed with its base 7 horizontal. Find the maximum shear sirese and the shear stress at the N.A. Sol. Given, | Shear force, P= 50 kN = 50000 N { Base width, )=250mm Height, = 200mm Maximum shear stress is given by equation (8.14) BP _ 350000 5 nas Gh = 260x200 = 8 Namen Ans. Shear stress at N.A. ie given by equation (8.13) BF __ 850000 Bk 7 Topepeaey = 2ST Nm? Ans. : Problem 8.12. A eum of square section is used ase beam with one diagonal horizontal The beam is subjected toa shear force F, ot a section. Find the maximum shear in the cross: section ofthe beam and draw the shea distribution diagram for the section. Sol. Given Fig. 8.16 shows a square beam ABCD, having diagonal AC horizontal gL @ ° 370 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Let 6 = Length of diagonal AC. This is also length of diagonal BD. ‘The N.A. of the beam shown in Fig. 6.16 (a), passes through diagonal AC. Consider a level KF at a distance y fom the N.A. The shear stress at this level is given by, f Peay w. Txb where AF = Moment ofthe shaded aroa about N.A. = Area of triangle BEF x Distance of C.G. of triangle BEF from N.A. “(area -b) = Moment of inertia of the whole section about N.A 2.2 ot mas eB and = Actual width tthe level = 2 Subettating than values in equation (we gt oxat(® 22) Put (3-3) pee ia z (35 }e2 $F (95-40) ti 5 Atte tp, 2 Ohence x0 eee: AttheNA,x= 2 hencet Maximum shear stress ‘Maximum shear stress willbe obtained by differentiating equation (Id with respect tox ‘and equating ta 200 2 el ang a [ef eu] SHEAR STRESSES IN BEAMS sr or ab-8e=0 (° SF eanot be sero) ra ie o 22 Substitting this value of in equation (we get maximum shear sess, a 8 %) 4 9), 389, F we eg (B08) oe ‘The shear sires distribution i shown fn Fg. 8.15. Problom 8.14. Fig. 8.16 shows a section, which is subjected toa shear force of 100 BN. Determine the shear stresses at A, B, Cand D. Sheteh the shear stress distribution also. A aspen P 5.05 $150 mn tH fae @ o Fig. Sol. Given Shear foreed, F = 100 kN = 100000 N. ‘The neutral axis will be at a distance oi = 62.5 mm from the top, as the given, ‘section is eymmotrival about X-X and Y-¥ axis. ‘Momont of inrtia of the given section abov LNA. is given by, T= MOL ofrec'” te 125 x 150 about NA, ~ M.OL. two semi-circle (or one circular hole) about N.A. 125 150° ae ‘The shear stress is given by, Px Ay Tx Ata, =0 and honco x= 0 ALB, AJ = Moment of area (125 x 25) about N.A. 100 mm‘ = 8.026 x 107 maa se smote oe ema eee mes oe aasxasyx(sov28) (+ Antanas anty 30-49) fe 185 w 25. 62.5 = 1.958% 10% mun 25 mon b = 1200002195810 665 Nimm#, Ans. ‘8.025 x 10" x 125, Ne, Ay Momento oes above an horzntal ine passing through CC, about NA. Moment of er of vstangle 125 «0 about WA Nomen feof tal portion baton Cand about A. 125 «50)x (25+). ("PB 248530 [25 ROOF OH esis 10 f° -Sam0=F Gan xe esa [reer T (-xve-F) 126 x 108 + 2 (esa ~ 5)" 2500-2591 9125 x 108+ 2 [0 (2500 ~ 62594] esiasni0' 2 any gs 1526 2584 mt b 150 = 30000 mm? Eecentric load, P= 240 kN 40000 N Eccentricity, e=10mm Let Sar = Maximum stress, and _ Onan = Minimum stress. (i) Using equation (9.1, we got Ones ® (14 88 Fig. 9.41) mo pie mane (14 8240) rm se (Sn 7 =81+08)= 104 Nim, Ans. F deer open cet Nim? Ans. 240000, ~ no (So ‘These strasses are shown in Fig. 9.4 (i. Problem 9.2. If in Prablem 9.1, the minimum stress on the section is given zero then find the eoentrisity ofthe point load of 240 RN acting on the rectangular colwnn. Also caloulate the corresponding maximum siress on the section. Sol. Given ‘The data from Problem 9.1 6 =200imm, d=150mm, P=240000N, A= 30000 mm? | oats ns a [sm of Fig. 95 200 = 7 = 8983 mm, Ans, Corresponding maximum stress is obtained by using equation (9.1). weet) 240000 30000 | 200 | ie 6x20 14S PO aaa ey ‘The stresses are shown In Fig. 9.5. Problem 9.3. If in Problem 9.1, the eccentricity is given 50 mm instead of 10 mni then find tha maximuyn and minimum stresses on the section. Also plot these stresses along the | width ofthe section. | Sol. Given, | ‘he data om Problem 9.16 trea : = 200 mm Non d= 150mm I P=240000 N ‘A 20000 mm? : Eccentricity, uaa = 50 mm { (i Marimmur sires (6) given by equation (9.1) as. Fig. 96 oF P/, 8x8 me OE) ! 210000 (1 850) 94 4 1.5)=20 Nia 240000 (, 880) _ gr g1.5)=20Niwm® Ans (4) Minimum stress (0,,,) 1s given by equation (9.2) as STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Nimm?. Ans. (1-18) 240000 (8.59 ‘30000 (1 200 Nogative sign means tensile stress ‘The stresses are plotted as shown in Fig. 96. [Note From the shove three problems, wo have aa ® lose fom oT. minima strets ia zr0 when = 222 ram o£ mm (on b= 200). Tain ler Problem 92. » {WT nim ro a comp) wn ¢< Tit ce fom Pre 82 in che «10mm shih sew than 22 Ga, 8.90 pl testo whane> 2. Tl ln om Plo 93 nih (i) he niu ane e,teawhane> 2, Ta cor 50m wih ore thn 22 i, 2829. Problem 9.4. The line of thrust, in a compression fasting specimen 18 mm diameter is ‘parulle #8 the asia ofthe specimen but is displaced from it. Calculate the distance ofthe line of terust from the axis whan the maximum stress is 20% greater as? ‘than the moan strass an a normal section Sol. Given Diameter, d= 15 rom Area, Az Exist = 176.714 mea? Spas = 200% greater than mean = 1G * moan sirens = 12x mean stress, Let ‘P= Compressive load on specimen = Eccentricity P . Mean stress = 1284 =F = ma We lawow that moment Mz Pxe Now bonding stress ia given by Mme Ty ‘Maximum bending stress witl bo when oye ta(ed) we e7 RECT AND BENDING STRESSES i Direct stress due to load is given by, oer 0" A" Tre7d Maximum stress = Direct stress x Bending stross a,

209 ‘30000 S75 x10" xx a 0900 _ 80000xex 200 Bode ~ 87x10 xe 385 brawl a Fig 99 ti) STRENGTH OF MATERIALS DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES = 207 286 1,5 Moment of inertia about X-X axis 825 x10" «22% 80000 _ 69.5 mmm, Ans ae Peanee a . © * 30000 x x 80000 x 200 = 7 bat @ Problem 9:% [fins the Problem 9.6, the eoentricity ofthe point load is given as 150 mm, | “then caleulade the moximurn and minimurm stress in the sexton. J,,= Moment of inertia about Y-¥ axis Sol. Given at "The data from Problem 9.6 is sel 2 ‘D= 400 mm, d = 200 min . Now the escentric load is equivalent to a central load P, together with a bending momen ae xe, about ¥¥ anda bending moment Px, about 2X. ELE P=80000.N,A =90000 xx mm? chy, Moment ofinertia, 1=3.75x10%x«mmt 41 1] ecentrivity, — ¢ = 160 mm P3000 Now ditect seese, 0°" 5ag00 8468 Nim? ‘We know that moment, reas M2 P xe = 80000 x 150 = 12000000 Nenen ‘Maximum bonding stress is given by, : Mx yng, 12000000 x (2200) Sanaa NT” BIB x10 xe Co Yaa = #200 mend 2.037 Nim? Mexiinum stress =o * 0 “8486 + 2.097 = 2.8658 Nimmt (Compressive). Ans, ‘Minimum sirees % (3488 ~ 2.097 =~ 1.1882 Nimm® (Tensile). Ans. ‘The stress distribution across tho width is shown in Fig. 8.10. 94, RESULTANT STRESS WHEN A COLUMN OF RECTANGULAR SECTION IS SUB- JECTED TO A LOAD WHICH IS ECCENTRIC TO BOTH AXES ‘A-column of rectangular section ABCD, subjected to « load which is eccentric to both axes, is chown in Fig. 9.11. Let P= Becentte load on extann coentricity of load about X-X axis Recantricity of oad about ¥-Y axis 3 = Width of column Depth of column Direct stress = Bending stress due to eccentricity e, Pxe, A, = Moment of load sbout ¥-¥ axis @) The direct stress (o,) Is given by, LP a= @ (Gi) The bending stress due to eccentricity e, is given by, Prey xx nay Sane “a Ce My=Bxe) i) Inthe abr quatn eae mS i ‘The bending stress due to eccentricity e, is given by, og, = Meee eT Peexy T a4. In the above equation, y varies from © to + 2 ‘equation, y varies from - 5 to + 5 ‘Tho resultant stress at any point on the section Myxe My.y AU Ty Te nari th pMEC the coordinatess andy are postive ence the resultant ten wil be ay pt the pnt A, the coordintes «andy are negative and hence tho rsutant tress (iif) At the point B, x is ve and y Is -ve and honee resultant stress B Met Mey Aree (iv) At the point D, x is—ve and y is +ve and hence resultant stress P My Mey ai 9a) Problem 98. A sort column of rectangular ertssction 80 mim by 60 mm carries @ load of 1 BN at. point 20 ram rm the longer ae and 35 mms from the shorter ide Determine ‘he mazinum compressive and teil areses fv the section. 388 [STRENGTH OF MATERIN'S pk—————- 60 mm ——al | Seah ne oo we Di nf Point toed, Peso ww +e i Erol fod aba £2 ax, ; searete entity of ad abe EY ax cea Momento eed boat # es, ye we, = 40000 «20 nae ‘cio Nam Moment of load about ¥-¥ axis, M,=Pxe, = ‘Moment of inertia about X-X axis, 19000 + 5 = 200000 Nena 1 2 “ 5% 8080" » 1440000 mm Similarly, (@) The maxizvuma compressive stress will be at point C where 2 and y are positive. The value of := 40 rom and. 4 2 60 «80° = mt Be 2560000: 1440000 =8.39+3.125 +8.83 = 19.785 Nimm#. Ans. Gi) The maximum tensile stress will be at point A whore x Hence using equation (9.3), we get Myer Resultant stress at A= 24 = 889-9.125 - 8.33 =~3.125 Nimm?, Ans. Problem 9.9. A column ie rectangular in cross-section of 300 mm x 400 mm in dimen: sions. The column earries an eccentric point load of 360 AN on one diagonal at a distance of ‘quarter diagonal length from a corner. Caloulate the stresses at all four corners. Draw stress disiribution diagrams for any two adjacent sides. (Bhavnagar University, Feb. 1992) Sol. Given ‘Width, 100 mn Depth, d= 400mm DIRECT ANDO BENOING STRESSES 380 Area, A= bxd =300% 400 12% 108 mat ‘The eccentric load is acting at point E, where distance EC = one quarter of diagonal AC. Ne agonal AC fs an? = 0 1 snacan, tama=t 3 we! and ine sin orerce tac = 3500 = 125 mm Pig. 81200) 4 4 And 2 BF = OF sin 9=128 x $ = 100 mm 3 26 x 3 = 76 mm ¢,= OF =08 on 8 ‘Moment of load about x: axis, MM, =P x, = 960000 x 10 Moment of load about J-y axis, «108 mmé ‘The resultant stress at any point in given by equation (9.8) as PMyxe, Maxey ana Ne © Resultant stress at point C Atpoint C,2 = 1650 mm and y Resultant stress at C Resultant stress PM; *150 M, «200 a ie 360000 , 27000000 = 160 , 36000000 x 200 “Taxi” 9x18 16x10" 23445445 Nimo? = 12 Naam? (compressive). Ans. 300 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Gi) Resultant stress at point B Abpoint B,x= 150mm and y«~200mm x 150 Bf, x(- 200) Resultantstess at B= G+ E+ BESS __ 380/000, 27000000 x 150 _ 36000000 x 200 “Taxtot* 9x 10" 10x10" =3445-45 = 3. Nimm! (compressive). Ans. Git) Resultans strees at point A ‘At point A, =~ 150mm and y ‘Resultant stress at point A 200 mam PM, x(- 150) __ 860900 _ 27000000 150 _ 26000000 = 200, “Taxiot 9x 10" 16x10" 3-45-45 =-6Ninm (Tensile). Ans. (iv) Resultant stress at point D Atpoint D, x =~ 150 mm and Resultant stress at point D PM(-350)_-M, x20 ar rr as = 200 mm ‘560000 _ 27000000 x 150 Txt 9x10" a2 48045 = 8. N/mm? (compressive), Ans. 16000000 x 200 16x10" Stress distribution for AB and BC (ie, two adjacent sides) Fig. 9.12 @) shows the stress distribution along two adjacent sides (ie, AB and BC). ‘At point A, resultant stress is 6 N/m (tensile) whereas at point B, the resultant stress is 3 N/mm? (compressive). Take AB = 6 Nimm# and BF = Nimm*. Join B to F. For side BC, the resultant strose at B is 3 Nirom® (compressive) whoreas at point C the rogultant stress is 12 Nimm? (compressive) ‘Take BH = 8 Nimnm* (compressive) and CG = 12 Nimm? (compressive). DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 301 toe Sie Df Fig. 912.6) Problem 9.10.4 masonry pier of 8m x4 m eupports a vertical load of 80 RN as shown in Fig. 9.13. (a) ind the stresses developed at each cor- ner of the pier. (6) What additional load shoutd be placed 1 the contre of the pier, so that there is no tension. anywhere in the pier section ? (o) What are the stresses atthe corners with the additional load in the centre? Sol. Given : ‘Wideh Depth, Arey Point load, Eeeentrietty of load about XX axis, 205m Eoventricity of load about ¥-Y axis, = Lom Moment of load about XX axis, MM, =P xe,= 80 x 0.5 = 40 kNm Similarly, My = Pxe, = 80x L0= 80 kNm ‘Moment of inertia about X-X axis, 4 “ l= Gy X49" = 9mm 302 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Similarly, = gp x8 xP a 10 mt (a) Stresses developed at each corner of the pier “The resultant stress at any pint i given By equation (9.3) Po Myxe Mey atcier tial GAL point, =~ 2.0m and y = ~ 16m, Hence resultant stress at A Gis, 04) obtained by subtitating these values nthe above equation (). 80, 80(-2.0) | 40x(=1.5) =p 16 o = 660-10 6.66 10 kN/m? (Tensile). Ans. (i Apoint B,x =201m andy =~ 15m, Hence resultant scees a B (i, oi obtained by ovbotitating these values in equation 80, 8020, 40*(-1.5) pet = 665 + 10-666 0 KNint (Compressive). Ans. 20 mand y «1.6 m. Henes resukent stress at C ti, 0,8 glven by, a0, «20 | 40% 1.5 et 9 4 1016.66 2.28 ANI (Compressive). Ans. Om andy = 1.5m. Hence resultant stress atD (ce, op)ia given, 80, B0x(-20) , 401.5 is 3 = 6.66-10.46.66 = 2.8 kNim# (Compressive). Ane. (6) Additional load atthe centre ofthe per 0 that there eno tnsion angtahere inthe pier sation [et W'= Additional load (in KN) placed atthe centre for no tension anywhere in the bier section ‘The above loa is compressive and will caus s compressive sress Hence resultant stress “a (Git) At point ©, (io) At point D, = As 12m?) ae fy Aslam) ‘As this load is placed at the centre, it will produce a uniform compressive stress ‘across the section of the pier. But we know that there is tensile stress st point A having magnitude = 10 kNim®, Hence the compressive stress due to load W should be equal to tensile stress at 4 w pro or W=10x12=120kN. Ans. (© Stresses at the corners with the additional load at the centre W320 ae ‘Stress due to additional load = 10kNim? (Compressive) DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 399 ‘This stross is uniform across the eross-section of the pier. Hence to find the stresses at ‘the corners with this edditional load, we must add the stress 10 KN/m? in each valu of the stresses already existing in the corners, Stress at A,o,=~10+10=0. Ams. Similarly, 0 = 10+ 10= 20%Nim?, Ans. 3.93 + 10 = $3.38 kNimw*, Ans. 18.88 kNim®. Ans. and 9.5. RESULTANT STRESS FOR UNSYMMETRICAL COLUMNS WITH ECCENTRIC LOADING In case of unsymmetrical columns which are subjected to eocentrie loading, first the contre of gravity (i.e, C.G.) of the unsymmetrical section is determined, Then the moment of inertia of the section about the axis passing through the C.G. is caleulated. After that the distances betwoen the comers ofthe section and its C.G. is obtained, By using the values ofthe oment of inertia and distances of te coma fom the C.G. ofthe seetion, the stresses cn the ‘comers sre then determined, Problem 9.11. A short column has a square section 300 mm x 900 mm with a square Iola of 150 mm 150 mm as shown in Fig. 9.14, It carries an eccentric load of 1800 BN, located as showin in the figure. Determine the maximum compressive and tensile stress across the exction, fet anefe—td em —sfrs a i * 80mm + ais Jersmmae-75nmny) a Fig. 8.14 Sol. Given Dimension of column Dimension of hole 300 min > 300 rem = 150 mm x 150 min 304 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘A= 00 » 300 — 150 » 150 ‘90000 ~ 22500 67500 ma? Point load, P = 1800 KN = 1800000 N ‘The point lod ie acting on ¥-Y axis, The given sostion is also symmetrical about YY axis, But it is unsymmetrical tg X-X axis. Let us first find the position of XX axis, For thi, find the distance of C.G, from the bottom line AB. Lat is the distance of the C.G. of tho section from the bottom line AB. Aust Aaye (AAR) Area of outer square = 300 x 300 = $0000 mm® Distance of C.G. of outer square ftors line AB = 160 mm ‘Area of square hole = 150 x 150 = 22500 mm? = ~ 22500 mm? (Gve eign due to cut out portion) ‘Area of esction, ‘Then y Disaes C6 oquere tol om ine AB «100+ 9 405 mm (90000 x 150 - 22500 x 175 “(0000 = 22500) 119500000 - 3937500 67500 2 The axis XX lies ab a distance 141.66 mum from line AB or at a distance of 800 = 141:66-= 158.54 mam from line CD. ‘The load is unsymmetrical to X-X axis, Hence eccentricity, ¢ = 158.84 ~ (50 + 30) = 78.38 mm, ‘Moment about XX axis, M =P xe = 1800000 78.34 4101200 Nina ‘Now let us calculate the moment of inertia of the section about X-X exis. Let I, = MOL. of outer square ABCD about XX exis. MOLL of ARCD about an axis parallel to XX and passing through its C.G, + Area of ABCD (Distance of C.G. of ABCD from XX axis)® 141.66 sm ++ 200 > 300 » (158.24 - 1507 375000000 + 6260004 = 631260004 mm* MOLL of square hole about XX axis, O.1 of hole about its C.G. + Area of hale (Distance of C.G. of hole from Xx 150 150° 2 = 42187600 + 25010001 = 67197601 mmt 150 x 1501175 — 141.60)8 RECT AND BENOING STRESSES 305, Net moment of inertia of the section about X-X axis is given by I-L-k, 681260004 ~ 67197501 = 614062508 mmt Now direct stress is given by, >, 1800000 : ay» 10000 «9 65 Na “his tress ifr aeroae the ection, Bending sires is given by, Mo Ty co oye MEP ‘The maximum value of from X-K axis is 158.34 mm, This isthe distance of the line CD G1om ans As load is actng above theX-X axis, hence the bending sess wl be compressive tn the olge CD. This stesso obtained by aubattingy = 168:94 sm in equation (0 ‘Bonding tres a the edge CD duo to moment 14062503 "614062509 86.36 N/mm? (Compressive. Bonding sires at tho cago AB will be tens, The distance of AB fromm XX 141.66 mm. Bending. stress at the edge AB due to moment will be cbtained by subtituting y = = 141.66 in equation @. Bonding stress a the edge AB due to moment MoVAL66 | 141012000% 141.6 oy T ‘614062508 =~ 82.528 Nim? Recultant stress at the edge CD 0+ % = 26.66 + 86.66 = 63.82 Nimm? (Compressive). Ans. ‘and resultant stress at the edge AB = 26.66 ~ 92.529 = 5.869 (Tensile). Ans. Problem 9.12. A short columr lus rectangular votion 160 mune % 200 mm with @ circular hole of 80 mo diameter as shown in Fig. 9.15. It carries an cecentri load of 100 KN, at 1 point aa shown in the figure. Determine the stresses at tho four corners of the section. Sol. Given Width, Dopth, Area of rectangular ABCD, Ay Dia. of hale, ra ole y= 08 265 mnt 396 [STRENGTH OF MATEUS ‘vRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 207 Fig. 915, Area of section, A=, ~ A, = 92000~ 5026.5, © 26973.5 mm? Eccentric load, P= 100 kN» 100 x 10" N ‘The given section is symmetricel about X-X axis, But it is unsymmetrical to Y-Y axis. Lot us fiest find the position of Y-¥ axis. For this find the distance of the CG. of the section from the reference line AD. Lat & is the distance of the C.G. of the section from the reference line AD, Ait Ate Then Be where A, = Area of rectangle ABCD = $2000 mamat 2," Distance of 2G. of rectangle ARC from reference line AD = 60 mm A, = Area of hole = ~ 5026.5 mm? (ve sign due to ext out portion) = Distance of CG. of hole from line AD 32000 « 80 - 5026.5 x 60 ($2000 — 5096.6) 2560000 — 202590 _ $9.73 mm. 2089.5 Hence the axis ¥-¥ willie at a distance of 88.73 mm from the line AD or at a distance of 160 ~ 83.73 = 76.27 mm from line BC as shown in Fig. 9.15, ‘The load is unsymmetrical to X-X axis as well as Y-Y axis, Becentrcity of load about CX axis, ¢, = 50 mm 0mm Boventricity of load about V-¥ axis, ¢, = 88.73 ~ 60 = 23.73 mm Moment of excentrie load about X-X axis, M,=Pxe, 100 x 10" x 50 = 5 x 10° Nm. “o ‘Moment of eccentric load shout ¥-¥ axis, M,=Pxe, = 100 x 108 x 28.78 2.878 x 10° Nmm wa "Now find the moment of inertia of the section about X-X axis and ¥-¥ axis, Let Inq,= MOL of rectangle ABCD about X-K axis MOL of rectangle about its C.G. + Area of rectangle (Distance of C.G. of ABCD from XX axis)? 160 « 200" +160 x 200 (0) O.L ofthe hole about XX axis J «808 201 10" mt ‘The moment of morta ofthe section about X-K is given by Fug? Day ~ Lag L066 x 10% 2.01 x 10° 04.59 x 10° mnt i) Similevty, Ly Lon. —Loy, sav) whore ,,, = M.O.L. ff ABCD about Y-Y axis = MOLL of ABCD about its C.G. + A, (Distance of C.G. of ABCD from ¥-¥? 200260 59 5 00 12-8 60810" 448 308 6.08 «10 mnt tnd Igy MOE. ool abou ie MOM ele about ts C0, +A, Distance ofits 6. om YF 1 00 95 62.79 08 22.108 6288 108 oad 08 Hence uhatatng hes vale in oat eo, we ast 1, = 68705 «108-484 0108 2.85 0 mnt STRENGTH OF MATERIALS, DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES 390 308 ‘The resultant stress at any point is obisined from equation (9.3. My.e My.y Recultant stress = Eee 2 Se 7 i CX and Y-Y as the su Ee sg gan ae ne ach Renan reese a ty Te 100000, 2.373 x 10° 88.73 _5 10° x 100 “p6973.5° — 09.805x10° “104.56 « 10° =8.707 + 3.111- 4.781 2.037 Nimm®, Ans. (Gi) At point B, x =~ 76.27 and y =~ 100 mmm. Hence resultant stress at 8, pM, x 7620 100) en Te de 100000 _2.973x 108 «76.27 _ 5108 x 100 = 360735” 63.865%10° 104.5610" = 8.707 ~ 2.883 - 4.781 == 3.907 Nimm?. Ans. (iii) At point C,x =~ 76.27 and y = 100 mm, Hence resultant stress at C, | M, x10 cen 5 = 8.107 - 2.633 + 4.781 = 5.655 Ninm®. Ans. (Go) At point D, x= 88.79 and y = 100 mm. Hence resultant stress at D, (88.73) | Mx 100 1, dy 07 + 3.111 + 4.781 = 11.599 Ninn? Ans. ‘ANGULAR SECTIONS , KERNEL OF 9.6, MIDDLE THIRD RULE FOR REC! SECTION] it ‘applied on ‘The cament concrete columns are steak in tension, [ence the load must be appl ‘those columns in such a way that there ia no tensile stress anywhere in the section. But when fan eccentric load is acting on a column, it produces direct stzess ae well ss bending stress. The ‘resultant stress at any point in the section is the algebraic sum of the direct stress and bending Consider a rectangular section of width ‘and depth ‘d’ as shown in Fig. 9.16. Lat this soc- tian is subjected to a load which is eccentric to the axis Y-¥. Let P= Becentrio load acting on the column Eecenticity ofthe load Ax Area of the section. ‘Then from equation (9.2), we have the ‘minimum stress as anne oy 18vo, then stress will be tensile. But fo, , i8 zero (or postive) then there willbe no tonsile Stress along the width of the column. Hence for no tensile stress along the width ofthe eslumn, B84) Ay Bnew (ant) 0 7 oe os the greatest eecentrety ofthe load is 2 from the axis Y-Y, Hence i the load is applied at any compet mesh ng hn wh hdc be apd a ut pode any Similarly, if the load had boon cccontric with respect to the axie X-X, the condition that tensile ateaae will not cocus fa when the eccentricity of the load with respect to thie asia XK areca sire dh Ifit is possible that the toad is likely tobe eceentvie about both the axis X-X and Y-Y, the condition that tensile stress will not occur fs when the load is applied anywhere within the d 1 the range within which the load may be applied is within the middle hombus ABCD whose diagonale axe AC as shown in Fig. 9.16. This figure b § and BD 3 ABCD within which the load may be applied anywhere so a8 not to produce tensile atrees in. ‘any part of tho ontive rectangular section, is called the Core or Kernel of the section. Hence tho kernel of the section is tho area within which the lino of action ofthe eocentri load P must cut 400 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS the cross-section if the stress is not to become tensile in any pact of the entire rectangular section, Note, i} I direct stzee (9) 8 equal to bending stress (,) then the tnsit stress willbe nero Gi) IF tho direct strese (o) ia more than bending stress (o,), then the stress throughout the ‘sexton will be compressive ii) the nec stress (ois las than bending stress (o), then there will be tensile stress. (ie) Honce for no tele stress, og 6, 9.1. MIDDLE QUARTER RULE FOR CIRCULAR SECTIONS [i.e., KERNEL OF SECTION) Consider a civeular section of diameter ‘as shown in Fig. 9.17, Let this section is subjected to a load which is + fovontrie tothe axis YY Let P= Becentrie load ¢ = Bocentricity of the Joad A= Ares of the section = Td? Now direct stress, vw Moment, M=Pxe aahd oat Bending stress (0, i given by, ie Mime on May Ty ° T Maximum bending streas willbe when af fia Maximum bending stress is givon by, a 4(02)- Proxy. uPre my xd a [Now minimum stress is given by, nin ® %9~ _ 4P_32P xe “dt xa® For no tonsile stress, 42 0 4P _32P x0 a ad? ad® 20 or or 1 0.8) [ORECT AND BENOING STRESSES 401 ‘he severe shows thatthe cantly mat ethane ime htt cca ction ny eof cent ei, an ncn oul Ths fe not ao of tea thin te a ator ol ner fe sain circle as shown in Pig. 9.17, then the stress will be compressive throughout the ereular section 9.8. KERNEL OF HOLLOW CIRCULAR SECTION (OR VALUE OF ECCENTRICITY FOR HOLLOW CIRCULAR SECTION) Tot _D, = External diameter, and D, = Internal dicmetor P= Eccentric load ‘¢= Becontrieity of the load A= Area of section = pe-pA 1 = Moment det ascntscoad P= Pe = Seton modus 7 ner Svs =p ( “a aap, 1P.'- Pe Now direct stress (o,) i given by PB one 0 ‘The direct stress is compressive and uniform thioiighout the section. Bending stress (0) is given by Mice 73 on Pert & a (- f+) ‘Tho bonding struss may be tonsile or comprossivo. Tho resultant stress at any point is the algebraie sum of direct stress:and bending stress. There will be no tensile stress st any point if the bending stress is less than or equal to divect stress at that point. 402 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Hence for no tonsile stress, Bending stress = Direct stress Substituting the values of o, and ©, from equations (i) and (i), we get M=Pxe) or {cancelling P to both sides) o oo) mtn fly -BP) 4a_ (D+ DED, ~ DP) Baad, (DD) ech weep 0m BD, ‘The above result shows that the eccentricity ‘e must be loss than or equal 10 (Dg + DA NGD,. It means that the load can be eoventeie, on any side of the centre of the tite, by!an antount equal to (D,? + D,y{BDp). Tres, if the line of ation of the load is within St edree of diameter equal to (D,! + D2VAD,), then tho siress willbe compressive throughout Dee De Diamoter of kemel = 22+?" Dy 9.9, KERNEL OF HOLLOW RECTANGULAR SECTION (OR VALUE OF BCCENT- RICITY FOR HOLLOW RECTANGULAR SECTION) Refer to Fig. 0.17 (a Let B= Outer with of rectangular section DREGT AND BENDING STRESSES 403 Similarly, For no tensile stress at any section, the value of «is given by equation (9.6) Z, 2 La 00k oe ge 2m ond 22 a [= bay “CDED- ed a =" BD DB - ab eB DB? —ab® (BD-bad ~ BBD — 6a} 1; means that the load can be eccentric on either side of the geometrical axis by an (BD? ~bd?) 4g DB eDED - bd“ BREBD-bA) Problem 9.13, Draw neat sketohes of hernel of the following cross-sections @) Rectangular section 200 mam x 800 mm (Gi) Hollow circular eylinder with external dia =300 mm and thickness = 50 mm (G80 Square with 400 em? Area, (Ghavnagar University, Feb, 1992) Sol. Given [200 mn — Rectangular Section 100 mm D=800m ! | i (9.8) and (98(4)) amount equal to along x-axis and y-axis respectively Value of 2'for no tensile strese along width 1s given by equation (2.4) a5 200 B_ 200 eG ape £9033 om - Hence take OA = OC = 93.83 em "The value of’ for no tonsile stress along the depth is given by, D_ 300 es 22 e100 Hence take OD = OB = 100 ema 404 ‘STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Now join A toB, Bto ©, CtaD and D (oA. The figure ABCD representa the kernel ofthe ‘given rectangular section ae chown in Fig. 9.18. i Kernel for Hollow Circular Section Given External dia, Thickness, Intemal die, For hollow eylindrieal section, for no tensile stress, the value of eis given by equation (9.7) as 1 ies Dy os apy OP +DP L . = peppy OP + 200) 1 = yypg (00000 + 40000) = 130000 54.16 mm 0 54.16 ‘Taking 0 ascentre and radius equal to 54.16mm (or dia, = 2% 54,16 = 108.32 moa) draw a eirelo. This circle ig the kernel of the hollow circular section of ex ternal dia, = 300 mim and internal dia = 200 mm, as shown in Fig, 9.38. (Git) Kernel for Square Section Given ‘Area ~ 400 em? One side of square = V400 = 20 em For no tansilostross, the value of efor the square ction is given by equation (9-4) as Side 20 28 tporD)s g 28i0em Honce take OA = OC = OB = OD = Join ARCDA 2a shown in Fig. 9.20. Then ABCD is the kernel of given square section. Problem 9.14. Draw neot sketch of kernet ofa hollow rectangular section of outer eross- section 300 ram x 200 mam and inner eross-setion 150 ma x 100 mur. Sol. Given Outer rectangular section, B = 800 mm, D = 200 rom. Inner reetangular soction, b = 150 mm and d= L00 mm, For no tensile stxess the value of ¢ along x axis and along y-axis are given by equations (9.8) and (9.8 A) respectively. i RECT AND BENDING STRESSES 405 Using equation ©.8), we get eg (BD be") ** GOED ba) (600 200% — 150x100) __ 100% «(2400 ~ 150) 2001300 x 300 ~ 150 100) " 12.1009 <(6= 1.5) 2250 Gag <4b67 om Hence take OA = 06 = 41.67 mm in Fig. 8.21 Using equation (9.8 A), we got os (DBS — db3) ?” GBIBD = bd) “| i sto eng (200 x 800% ~ 100 x 1608) f-— 150 mm ——o} * 8006900» 200-150 x 100) j T __ 1006400 - 531.5) oh ok tet 6x dx 106-15 A+ OE BLS 5025 60 5m ? ia] * “ied a oho ty Hence take OD = OB = 62.6 mm in Fig 921 ' Now join A to B, BtoC,CtoDandD - tA. The figure ABCD represent the kernel of ig. 921 the given hollow rectangular section, HIGHLIGHTS ‘The axial load produces direct stress (,) 2 Recentrie lad produces dite seas as well as bonding stress (). 2. The maximum and minieeum stress at any polnt ina section which is subjected wo a load which is oxroniie o ¥-Y axis is givon by, rect stross + Bending stress “2le52) and nig = Ditect trees ~ Bonding streas For a rectangular section 221-588), ae nsetane ton (0-83) ane where P = Beconteic load As Area of section = Becenticty = Width of the section. I'¢,= op the tansle stress willbe zero across the section. H.9,> oj, there will be no tensile stross across the section, Be

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