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Program postuniversitar de conversie profesională

pentru cadrele didactice din mediul rural


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Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural


English practical course on oral



© 2005 Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

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Table of contents


Introduction 1

I Expressing opinions, giving advice, 4

arguments for and against

Unit objectives 4
1. Expressing opinions 4
1.1 Useful phrases and examples 4
1.2 Language development 5
2. Giving advice 9
2.1 Structures and examples 9
2.2 Language development 11
3. Arguments for and against 13
3.1 Evaluating structures 13
3.2 Language development 14
4. Send – away assignment 15
5. Answer key 15
6 Bibliography 19

II Making comparisons I – places and jobs 20

Unit objectives 20
1 The adjective and the degrees of comparison 20
2 Comparing places 22
3 Comparing jobs 25
4 Send – away assignment 30
5 Answer key 31
6 Bibliography 33

III Making comparisons II – means of transport, 34

hobbies, interests

Unit objectives 34
1 Transport 34
1.1 Useful vocabulary 34
1.2 Language development 36
2 Hobbies / interests 39
2.1 Useful phrases 39
2.2 Language development 39
3 Send – away assignment 44
4 Answer key 46
5 Bibliography 49

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural i

Table of contents

IV Describing people, clothes, weather 50

Unit objectives 50
1 Describing people 50
1.1 Useful vocabulary 50
1.2 The relative pronoun I 52
1.3 The present tense simple 52
1.4 Language development 53
2 Describing clothes 55
2.1 Useful vocabulary 55
2.2 The relative pronoun II 56
2.3 Language development 57
3 Describing weather 60
3.1 Useful vocabulary 60
3.2 The present tense progressive 61
3.3 Language development 61
4 Send – away assignment 64
5 Answer key 64
6 Bibliography 66

V Making suggestions, assumptions, 67


Unit objectives 67
1 Making suggestions and responding to them 67
1.1 Useful phrases 67
1.2 Language development 68
2 Making assumptions and speculations 68
2.1 Structures and examples 68
2.2 Language development 69
3 Asking for confirmation or agreement 70
3.1 Question tags 70
3.2 Language development 70
4 Send – away assignment 73
5 Answer key 74
6 Bibliography 75

VI Expressing wishes and preferences 76

Unit objectives 76
1 Wishes 76
1.1 Specific structures 76
1.2 Language development 77
2 Preferences 79
2.1 Specific phrases 79
2.2 Language development 79
3 Send – away assignment 84
4 Answer key 85
5 Bibliography 87

ii Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Table of contents

VII Job interview techniques 88

Unit objectives 88
1 Types of jobs 88
1.1 The indefinite article 88
1.2 Language development 89
2 Expressing obligation, prohibition, lack of 91
2.1 Job description 91
2.2 Language development 92
3 Job interview techniques 94
3.1 Types of questions 94
3.2 General tips 95
3.3 Language development 96
4 Send – away assignment 97
5 Answer key 98
6 Bibliography 100

VIII Dreams or reality 101

Unit objectives 101

1 If clauses 101
1.1 First conditional 101
1.2 Second conditional 104
1.3 Third conditional 106
2 Send – away assignment 109
3 Answer key 110
4 Bibliography 111

IX Rules and tips 112

Unit objectives 112

1 The imperative 112
1.1 Language development 113
2 Home rules 114
2.1 Useful phrases and language development 114
3 Business rules 115
3.1 Useful phrases and language development 115
4 Travel rules 117
4.1 Useful phrases and language development 117
5 Send – away assignment 119
6 Answer key 120
7 Bibliography 121

X Making plans and arrangements 122

Unit objectives 122

1 The future tense 123
1.1 Future structures – uses and examples 123
1.2 Language development 124
2 Making future plans 126

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural iii

Table of contents
2.1 Career plans 126
2.2 Holiday plans 129
2.3 Free time plans 131
3 Send – away assignment 133
4 Answer key 135
5 Bibliography 137

XI Shopping – food and making shopping lists; 138

ordering in restaurant

Unit objectives 138

1 Shopping / food 139
1.1 Countable and uncountable nouns 139
1.2 There is / there are + some / any 141
1.3 Language development 142
2 Making shopping lists / ordering in a restaurant 145
2.1 Useful vocabulary 145
2.2 Methods of preparing food 146
2.3 Methods of cooking 146
2.4 Language development 146
3 Send – away assignment 150
4 Answer key 152
5 Bibliography 154

XII Idioms in conversation 155

Unit objectives 155

1 Idioms expressing love, likes and dislikes 156
1.1 Useful phrases 156
1.2 Language development 157
2 Idioms expressing social relations and people’s 159
2.1 Useful phrases 159
2.2 Language development 161
3 Idioms referring to work / business and money 163
3.1 Useful phrases 163
3.2 Language development 165
4 Send – away assignment 167
5 Answer key 168
6 Bibliography 170

XIII Making presentations 171

Unit objectives 171

1 Presentation planning 171
1.1 Good and bad techniques 171
1.2 Language development 173
2 The structure of a presentation 174
2.1 Background information 174
2.2 Language development 175
3 Effective presentations 176
3.1 Specific phrases 176
3.2 Language development 177

iv Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Table of contents
4 Send – away assignment 179
5 Answer key 181
6 Bibliography 181

XIV Summative self-assessment test 182

Unit objectives 182

1 Exercises 182
2 Answer key 191

General bibliography 194

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural v



The English Practical Course on Oral Communication has

been especially designed for distance students, participating in the
project and willing to communicate in English correctly and fluently.
This course includes 14 units. Each unit has the following
structure: information background on the main oral techniques,
examples of good practice, and a wide range of practical drills.

The English Practical Course on Oral Communication

contains the following types of activities:

Reflection points (stop and think ): these can help

you focus on your teaching and become aware of your own
problems. This type of task involves collecting data about your own
teaching, analysing and examining data, and using this information
as a basis for making critical judgments about your own teaching.
This process requires deliberation and self-scrutiny.

Practice activities (drills V ): you will be asked to

answer questions, to rearrange jumbled paragraphs in a
chronological order, to use specific phrases, to link sentences using
certain words or phrases, to identify and correct mistakes, to choose
the correct word, to use specific structures in order to complete
dialogues, presentations, etc., to match words or phrases in order to
make collocations, synonymous pairs, antonymic pairs, etc.

Listening practice (listening œ ): you will be asked to

listen and identify certain phrases, to check the validity of dialogues,
to select the appropriate information in order to fill in the gaps, etc.

Pronunciation practice (pronunciation ” ): you will

listen to and repeat different sounds, words or phrases, you will also
identify different types of intonation and stress.

The listening and pronunciation tasks are based on exercises

included in the textbook INSIDE OUT-Upper intermediate Student’s
book, Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr, 2001, Macmillan

Reading practice (reading ): you will read certain

sentences or dialogues in order to choose the most appropriate one,
to identify the main ideas, to offer solutions, to give advice, to solve
problems, to express personal opinions, etc.

Writing practice (writing ): you will be asked to

rearrange jumbled paragraphs chronologically, to provide arguments

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 1

for and against a certain topic, to identify the advantages and
disadvantages of a certain situation, etc.

Speaking practice (speaking y ): you will be asked to

express personal opinions on or give solutions to different situations.

The send-away assignments (SAAs ) are based on

the material you have studied in the preceding unit. There are 13
assignments, one at the end of each unit. This is the time for you to
write something practical in order to demonstrate your newly
acquired knowledge. For each SAA, the assessment criteria are
emphasized in the instructions. To do the assignment, you will have
to spend about 45 minutes, provided you have completed all the
tasks required by the unit. You can use the bibliography included in
each unit, and you can use extra material if you wish, as well. You
will find detailed instructions on how to do the tasks, and your tutor
will send feedback on all of them within two weeks after you have
posted the assignment. You must allow post time for the letter to
reach your tutor, tutor time and more post time for the feedback to
get to you. You will not be asked to re-write the assignments if you
demonstrate you have understood the respective unit.
NB: Your tutor may prefer you to type your assignments. Send
your assignments by post to your tutor.

The Answer Key section gives solutions to all the

practical activities. In this way, you will be able to identify your
mistakes and correct them immediately.

Bibliography: at the end of this course there is a list of

textbooks which will help you to clarify certain concepts or
communicative techniques. The references are subdivided into two
main groups: Basic bibliography and General bibliography. Each
unit ends with a basic bibliography underlying the specific
information necessary to solve all the tasks, including the Send-
Away Assignment.

The assessment criteria will focus on the way the

specific oral skills have been acquired by the students, such as:

1. the identification and the use of the major discourse categories

(language functions, verbal interaction, dialogue, conversation)
2. the ability of expressing personal opinions, making suggestions,
comparisons, speculations, descriptions giving advice,
expressing wishes and preferences, making plans and
3. the ability of expressing arguments
4. the ability of making presentations and using the job interview
5. the ability of understanding native speakers and of using the
conversation techniques in different contexts
6. the ability of using these oral skills in a creative way

2 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural


The assessment process will be formative (referring to the

tasks included in the first thirteen units) = 75%, and summative
(referring to the tasks included in the final summative test – unit XIV)
= 25%.

This course combines traditional methods of language teaching

and more recent, communicative strategies. The focus is mainly on
a wide range of practical activities with the view to making you
practise the main theoretical issues and create the appropriate
framework for your original and creative outcomes.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 3

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against


Unit objectives

By the end of this chapter you will be able to use specific phrases in
order to express opinions, arguments for and against and to give
advice. You will also be able to identify spoken phrases and
expressions, to use those phrases in new contexts or to express your
own opinions in everyday situations.

Unit outline

1. Expressing opinions 4
1.1 Useful phrases and examples 4
1.2 Language development 5
2. Giving advice 9
2.1 Structures and examples 9
2.2 Language development 11
3. Arguments for and against 13
3.1 Evaluating structures 13
3.2 Language development 14
4. Send-away assignment 15
5. Answer key 15
6. Bibliography 19

1. Expressing opinion

1.1 Useful phrases and examples

useful phrases examples

I am of opinion that… I am of opinion that she needs your help.
If you ask me… If you ask me, they are totally foolish.
To my mind… To my mind, her behaviour is normal.
In my opinion… In my opinion, smoking should be banned.
I, for one, think that… I, for one, think that she should take action.
As for me, I think that… As for me, I think that her parents are
As far as I am concerned… As far as I am concerned, I think that this is
the only cure.
I suspect that… I suspect that she is crazy about dancing.
I presume that… I presume that most girls like modelling.
I expect that… I expect that she would agree.
I am in favour of… I am in favour of adopting an endangered

4 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

I must admit that… I must admit that I’m fond of rock climbing.
I am convinced that… I am convinced that she can do it.
I (don’t) think… I think this is not the answer to the problem.
I feel strongly I feel strongly that most students work hard.
My own feeling is… My own feeling is that this is the solution.
I feel that… I feel that they should stop seeing each other.
I reckon… I reckon she will get married soon.
I doubt… I doubt we’ll ever see the Scandinavian
I maintain… I maintain that we have met before.
From my point of view… From my point of view, this new book is
better than the previous one.

☺ Let’s have fun!

English is a tricky language
A moth is not a moth in mother.
Nor both in bother, broth in brother.
And here is not a match for there.
And dear and fear for bear and pear.
So our English, I think you will all agree,
Is the trickiest language you ever did see.

1.2. Language development

Stop and think

Exercise 1

Think about the following situations and say what your opinion
is. Use some of the above-stated expressions. Write your
answers in the space provided below. Then see possible
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. a vegetarian
2. generation gap
3. moving in the countryside
4. endangered species

1 ……………………………………………………….
2 …………………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………………….
4 ………………………………………………………….

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 5

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Listening œ 1

Exercise 2

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 56,

page108. Listen and match the six people to their feelings
regarding the movie they are about to see. Write your answers
in the space provided below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

1………; 2……….; 3……….; 4……..; 5………; 6……….

Drills V
Exercise 3

Match the clauses in column A with those in column B in order

to make logical sentences. Write your answers in the space
provided below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

1 She suspects a violence has reached a
2 I feel strongly b that all my students will
do their homework.
3 They are in favour c I think that everybody
should be happy.
4 My own feeling is d this is the answer to my
that son’s problem.
5 He must admit e that he is lying to her.
6 To my mind, f they wouldn’t mind doing
it for you.
7 If you ask them, g their children are the most
obedient and the most
adorable in the world.
8 Parents are h he is afraid of snakes.
convinced that
9 As for me, i of having a pet.

1 =….; 2 =….; 3 =….; 4 =….; 5 =….; 6 =….;7 =….; 8 =….;


1The listening and pronunciation tasks are based on exercises included in the textbook INSIDE OUT-Upper
intermediate Student’s book, Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr, 2001, Macmillan Publ.
6 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Cross the stream where it is the shallowest.


Exercise 4

Read the sentences below which belong to two separate texts.

Separate the two mixed up texts, A and B Write out the text
which you find more interesting. The first sentences have been
done for you. Write your answers in the space provided below.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.
A. I think that the most important thing to do in life is
travelling. B .I, for one, think that having a family and your own
house is the ideal in life. Most people admit that atmosphere at
home is one’s main support in all his/her undertakings; As far
as other interests are concerned, I don’t think that they can
compete with the feeling of seeing new places; to say nothing
about the joys and problems you can share with your folks. to
say nothing about the new friends that you could make while
travelling. To my mind, this is the most wonderful achievement
in life. In my opinion, this may be the most instructive and
relaxing way of spending one’s time.

A. I think that the most important thing to do in life is


B. I, for one, think that having a family and your own house
is the ideal in life.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 7

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Speaking y
Exercise 5

Work with a partner and express your opinions on one of the

following topics. Use some of the phrases suggested in section
1.2. Then see the possible solutions in the Answer key section.

1. People learn more from their experiences than from books.

2. Advertising is necessary.
3. Computers will lead the world.

Once bitten, twice shy.

Drills V
Exercise 6

Match the two columns (as in the example below) using the
correct prepositions. Write them down in the space provided
below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

What does he think of her intentions?

1 What does he think a my opinion.

2 I am in favour b Santa Claus.
3 You are wrong c her intentions.
4 This is a big mistake, d my mind.
5 They are mistaken e the proposed
6 Most children believe f the new manager.
7 g

1 =…..; 2 =……; 3 =…….; 4 =……;5 =……; 6 =…..

8 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

2. Giving advice

2.1. Structure and examples

Had better + Pres. Inf. You’d better not visit her again.
Should + Pres. Inf. They should help Granny more
Shouldn’t + Pres. Inf. She shouldn’t behave like that.
Ought to + Pres. Inf. You ought to see a doctor soon
If I were you, I would tell the truth
If I were you
It is advisable It is advisable to speak politely
It would be a good idea It would be a good idea to start
The best thing you can d The best thing you can do is to
invite her
I strongly advise you to I strongly advise you to change
your mind.

N.B. There is a difference between should and ought to as in

the following examples:

You should help your mummy with the housework.

weak advice + moral obligation

You ought to see a doctor; you have had pains in the back for
strong advice + obligation

You can also use The Imperative + If Clause in order to give


Give a big party, if you wish to have more friends.

Tell the truth, if you don’t want to upset your parents.
Go home earlier, to make her a surprise.
Tell the children a bed-time story; they will enjoy it so much!
Don’t annoy your colleagues, if you want to be popular.
Don’t leave her alone on her birthday, if you don’t want her to

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 9

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Speaking y
Exercise 7

Look at the following three pictures and: state the problem, and
then give two pieces of advice for each of the situations. Work
with a partner. Write your answer in the space below and then
see the possible solutions in the Answer key section.

1. 2. 3.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:
Picture 3:

It’s never late to mend.

10 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

2. 2. Language development


Exercise 8

Read and choose the correct sentence. Write your answers in

the space provided below. Then see the correct solutions in the
Answer key section.

a. They should be more b. They ought to be more
patient. patient.
a. If I was you I would give b. If I were you I would give
up up.
a. If I were you I will tell the b. If I were you, I would tell
truth the truth.
a. You’d better take her b. You’d better took her
advice advice.
a. Send her a greeting card b. Let’s send her a greeting

1 =……; 2 =…….; 3 =……; 4 =……; 5 =……

Drills V
Exercise 9

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Write your

answers in the space provided below. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. If were you, I will take the job.

2. Not to talk like that, otherwise she will fire you.
3. They had rather keep indoors; it’s pouring outside.
4. Bring her some flowers in her birthday.
5. As a teacher, you must be more patient.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 11

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Give and take is fair play.

Speaking y
Exercise 10

Think of the following situations and give three pieces of

advice. Work with a partner. Write your answers in the space
provided below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer
key section.

1. Your best friend lost his job.

2. Your best friend wants to have more friends.
3. Your sister wants to get promoted soon.
4. Your friend wants to get rich.


Exercise 11

Read the following texts and suggest solutions to these

people’s problems by using you should + your own opinion.
Write your answers in the space provided below. Then see the
correct solutions in the Answer key section.

text 1
I am 26 and I have a new boyfriend. My mum doesn’t
like him at all. She says he is too old for me (by the way, he is
42). Yet, he is the best thing for me now. He is kind,
understanding, and although he has two children with his first
wife, I get on well together well with them. What should I do?
Deborah, 26

12 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

text 2
I like eating out a lot, but my husband is very upset
about that. He keeps saying that it is too expensive for us.
However, I don’t think so; we eat especially at McDonald’s or
we order pizzas at home. I hate cooking and, after all, I am not
my husband’s slave. What can I do?
Susan, 24

text 3
I am 13 and quite tall for my age. There is a boy in my
school who seems to like me a lot. He is in the 11th grade.
Yesterday he gave me a pink rose and he invited me to go to a
party next weekend. Somewhere in the country. We are
travelling in his friends’ car. Shall I accept?
Alicia, 13

text 4
I have just started judo lessons. I am good and I want to
be even better. The trouble is that one of my friends has
problems in his neighbourhood. There are guys who bully
people, ask for money or cigarettes, and if you refuse doing so,
they start fighting. He asks me to accompany him and protect
Should I do it?
Peter, 13

3. Arguments for and against

3. 1.Evaluating structures

structures examples
It’s a good idea It’s a good idea to invest in this business
It’s not a good idea It’s not a good idea to buy a pet.
It’s worth (while) It’s worth buying this dictionary.
It’s not worth It’s not worth renting a car.
It’s a waste of time It’s a waste of time to try and convince her.
There is no point in There is no point in moving house now.

Useful phrases:

The advantage of The advantage of leaving alone is that you

are more independent.
The disadvantage of The disadvantage of travelling light is that
you might need more clothes if weather
changes drastically.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 13

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

The drawback of The drawback of living with your parents is

that you are under control.
The good / bad / interesting The good thing about having elder brothers
thing about is that you have someone to protect you.
The trouble / problem with The trouble with living in the country is that
you have to commute to town every day.

3.2. Language development

Speaking y
Exercise 12

Think about the following situations and describe their

advantages and disadvantages. Work with a partner. Use some
of the structures above (see 3.1). Write your answers in the
space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key

1. living on your own

2. being an only child in the family
3. having a strict boss
4. working long hours
5. travelling a lot

Pronunciation ”
Exercise 13

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 55, page
106. Listen and repeat paying attention to the stressed words. Then
see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

14 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

4. SAA

You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the correct procedure of

identification different structures expressing opinion and advice
(60%) and on the distinction between different structures and
phrases according to a given context (40%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Fill in the gaps below:

1. ………. for me, I think that she must be right.

2. I suspect……….. her mother has punished her.
3. I am ………. favour of joining a fitness club.
4. ……… opinion, there is a solution to this problem.
5. ……….. you ask me, they need support.
6. As far ………. I am concerned, I think that she should
take the job.
7. I ……….. admit that I may be wrong.
8. My ……..feeling is that she is guilty.
9. I …… strongly that she ought to see a doctor.
10. From my point of ………., this is the only correct answer.

B. Write four advantages and four disadvantages of

growing up in a city.

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read again
the information provided in Unit I, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1
1. I think that a vegetarian’s eating habits are healthier.
As far as I am concerned, I consider vegetarianism a strange
way of life.
Vegetarians may be right in their choice, as for me, I prefer
eating meat to vegetables.

2. I must admit generation gap can be a nuisance.

To my mind, the two parties should make a compromise in
order to bridge the gap.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 15

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

3. I am convinced that moving in the country would be

beneficial to the whole family.
If you ask me, moving in the country implies home-grown
vegetable, fresher air, nicer neighbours.

4. In my opinion, governments should pass laws in order to

ban hunting the endangered species.
I am in favour of adopting a dolphin or a panda bear.

Exercise 2
a) a bit nervous; b) a little uneasy; c) frightened to death;
d) scared stiff; e) quite apprehensive; f) absolutely terrified

Exercise 3
1= e; 2= b; 3= I; 4= d; 5= h; 6= a; 7= f; 8= g; 9= c.

Exercise 4
a. I think that the most important thing to do in life is travelling.
As far as other interests are concerned, I don’t think that they
can compete with the feeling of seeing new places; to say
nothing about the new friends that you could make while
travelling. In my opinion, this may be the most instructive and
relaxing way of spending one’s time.

b. I, for one, think that having a family and your own house
is the ideal in life. Most people admit that atmosphere at home
is one’s main support in all his/her undertakings; to say nothing
about the joys and problems you can share with your folks. To
my mind, this is the most wonderful achievement in life.

Exercise 5
Possible solutions:

1. People learn more from their experiences than from

books. If you ask me, people can combine both ways: read
about somebody else’s experiences and have own
experiences. I doubt we’ll ever experience all the things that
can be included in books.

2. Advertising is necessary. From my point of view,

advertising is essential in making people buy those products.
To my mind, advertisers tell only lies, exaggerate the
products’ qualities and keep quiet about the products’ flaws.
In my opinion, advertising is just another way to increase
goods’ prices.

3. Computers will lead the world, some day.

I, for one, think that only men can feed computers with
information. I feel strongly that computers will become more
and more sophisticated without endangering man’s supremacy.

16 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

Exercise 6
1. They are mistaken about the new manager.
2. I am in favour of the proposed changes.
3. You are wrong, in my opinion.
4. This is a big mistake, to my mind.
5. Most children believe in Santa Claus.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11

not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit I, subsections 2.1 and 2.2

Exercise 7
Picture 1:
Problem: a broken finger
Advice: You should see a doctor.
If I were you, I would be more careful in the future.

Picture 2:
Problem: a broken window
Advice: You shouldn’t play with ball games near the
neighbours’ house.
The best thing to do is to apologise.

Picture 3:
Problem: an angry man
Advice: If you ask me, I would solve my problems talking to my
friends. You should not lose your temper.

Exercise 8
1 = a; 2 = b; 3=b; 4=a; 5=a

Exercise 9
1. If I were you, I would take the job.
2. Don’t talk like that, otherwise she will fire you.
3. They had better keep indoors; it’s pouring outside.
4. Bring her some flowers on her birthday.
5. As a teacher, you should be more patient.

Exercise 10
1 You shouldn’t lose hope.
It is advisable to look for job offers in the newspapers.
The best thing you can do is to write your CV and apply
for a new job.
2. I strongly advise you to give a huge party.
It would be a good idea to be more optimistic.
You should stop criticising people so much and try to be
more cooperative.
3. If I were you I would use my ingenuity and come up with
brilliant solutions.
You ought to be more punctual and work long hours.
You’d better try and be a good team-worker.
4. The best thing you can do is to take a lottery ticket.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 17

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against
You should try and save more money every month.
Why don’t you sell your ideas to rich companies?

Exercise 11
Possible solutions:

1. You should find new friends, of your age. This man

doesn’t seem appropriate to you: he has other problems, a past
behind him, children who are nearer your age . You should stop
before it is too late.

2. You should stop eating out all the time. Buy a cookery
book. You should use your imagination and cook some pizzas
or hamburgers at home. Salads are more delicious if you make
them according to your taste. You can go and eat out at
weekends or on special occasions.

3. You should wait until you know him better. You should
also meet his friends before, spend some time with them. You
shouldn’t spend your time with people you don’t know.

4. You should tell your friend to talk to his parents, to the

other kids’ parents and even to the policemen in charge with
his district. You shouldn’t feel responsible to solve this situation
because you and your friend may get badly injured.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 11 and 12 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit I, subsections 3.1 and 3.2.

Exercise 12
Possible answers:

1. The main advantage of living on your own is that you are

your own boss. The problem with living on your own is that you
have no one to share your problems with.

2. The good thing about being an only child is that you get
everybody’s love and attention. The trouble with being an only
child is that you have no one to play with.

3. The interesting thing about having a strict boss is that

you learn how to be punctual and reliable. The main
disadvantage of having a strict boss is that you work under

4. The good thing about working long hours is that you get
more money. The drawback of working long hours is that you
have no free time.
5. The good thing about travelling a lot is that you can visit
so many interesting places. The main disadvantage of
travelling a lot is that you do not have enough time for your

18 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Opinions, Giving Advice, Arguments for and Against

6. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing

2. Haines, S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, Oxford University Press, p.119-130, 209-211
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr, 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 106, 108
4. Soars, John & Liz , 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp.13-22

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 19

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs


Unit objectives

By the end of this unit you will be able to use the degrees of
comparison correctly, to identify the exceptions to the rule, to make
comparisons using specific comparing phrases and express
opinions of your own in original contexts.

Unit outline

1. The adjective and the degrees of comparison 20

2. Comparing places 22
3. Comparing jobs 25
4. Send-away assignment 30
5. Answer key 31
6. Bibliography 33

1. The adjective and the degrees of comparison

Regular comparison

1. one-syllable adjectives: tall – taller - the tallest

2. two or more syllable adjectives: dangerous - more
dangerous - the most dangerous

N.B. two-syllable adjectives ending in -y, -ly, -er, -ear follow the
first rule, e.g.

happy - happier - the happiest

clever – cleverer - the cleverest
lovely – lovelier - the loveliest
clear - clearer - the clearest

The final consonant is doubled when preceded by a short

vowel: thin – thinner – the thinnest.

Final -y when preceded by a consonant becomes –i

dry - drier - the driest

20 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

Irregular comparison

good better the best

bad/ill worse the worst
much/many more the most
little less he least
far farther the farthest
further the furthest
old older the oldest
elder the eldest

Go abroad and you will hear news of home.

Types of comparisons

Structures Examples
as + adjective+ as She is as tall as I am
He is as handsome as my

not so /not as + adj + as He is not as tall as I am

He is not as handsome as
my brother.

less + adj + than She is less tall than him.

He is less intelligent than

one syllable-adj + er + than This is shorter than that


more + long adj + than This book is more

interesting than that one.

the + one-syllable adj + -est She is the tallest in her


the most + long adj They are the most

talkative people

the least + positive degree + They are the least reliable

of/in people of all

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 21

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

☺ Proverb with unexpected ending

A miss is as good as a … Mr.

2. Comparing places

Listening œ
Exercise 1

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 6,

page 17. Listen to Eva and put her account of her stay with an
English family in the correct order. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section.

Speaking y
Exercise 2

Work with a partner and compare the following places

using the prompts below:

large, big, expensive, noisy, quiet, funny, strange, cold, warm

Write your answers in the space provided below. Then

see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

Example: Tokyo / Bath

Tokyo is more expensive than Bath.
Bath is not as big as Tokyo.
Bath is less noisy than Tokyo.

1. a hotel / a cottage
2. Las Vegas / Bucharest
3. a village / a city
4. circus / theatre
5. an igloo / a beach
1 .......................................................................
2 ..........................................................................
3 .........................................................................
4 .........................................................................
5 .........................................................................

22 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

Drills V
Exercise 3

Provide the comparative or the superlative forms of the

following adjectives. Write your answers in the space provided
below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

adjective comparative superlative

good .................... the best
fat fatter ................
funny ..................... the funniest
ill worse ...............
interesting more interesting ................
luxurious ..................... the most luxurious
little less ...............
far .................... the farthest / the
dangerous more dangerous ...............

☺ Let’s have fun!

Q: What’s the difference between heaven and Hell?
A: In Heaven…..The French are the cooks, the Germans are
the engineers, the British are the police, the Swiss are the
managers, the Italians are the lovers.
In Hell…..The British are the cooks, the French are the
managers, the Italians are the engineers, the Germans are
the police, the Swiss are the lovers.

Drills V
Exercise 4

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the

adjectives. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

1. This cinema has become ................. (successful) than the

old one.
2. Streets in Liverpool are not as ................. (clean) as the
streets in London.
3. Harrods is ..................... (expensive) department store I
have ever visited.
4. The traffic in Osaka is .............. (heavy) than in Bucharest.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 23

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs
5. The Eiffel Tower is ........... (tall) than Notre Dame Cathedral.
6. The Sphinx is ................ (old) than the Pyramids.
7. The climate in Norway is ................. (cold) than in Italy.
8. The Hilton Hotel is ................... (expensive) than a hostel.
9. The Tate Gallery is .................... (famous) as The Louvre.

Speaking y
Exercise 5

Work with a partner. Compare and contrast the two cities. Use
the following words and phrases. Write your answers in the
space provided below. Then see possible solutions in the
Answer key section.

expensive / cheap; noisy / quiet; heavy; safe / dangerous;

warm / cold; interesting

Example: Prices in London are more expensive than in Oxford.

London Oxford
prices ***** **
noise **** *
traffic ******* **
safety ** *****
atmosphere ** ****
tourist attractions ** *****

prices : ……………………………………...................................
noise: ………………………………………..................................
traffic: ……………………………………....................................
safety: ……………………………………....................................
atmosphere: …………………………………..............................
tourist attractions: ………………………….................................

24 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

Drills V
Exercise 6

Look the following two pictures and make comparisons

between them. Write your answers in the space provided
below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

1. 2.

Picture 1

Picture 2

A bad workman always blames his tools.

3. Comparing jobs

Drills V
Exercise 7

Read the dialogue and underline the types of comparison.

Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

A. Which of the following are the most important to

you: a good boss or good colleagues?.
B. To tell the truth, the most important thing in a job
is a friendly environment. Secondly, a good pay.
A. Well, I think that pay is less important than a
challenging job. I would like to have a job with bigger chances
of promotion.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 25

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs
B. You are right. I also think that a flexible schedule
is more attractive. To me, opportunities to travel are as
important as opportunities to get promoted.
A. I would like to work as a designer: you need to be
more creative than in other jobs.
B. Maybe. I, for one, would like to work in a bank:
you are better paid and more respected by the others.

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: If Santa Claus and Mrs Claus had a
child, what would he be called?
Answer: A subordinate clause.

Drills V
Exercise 8

Read the conversations below and identify the advantages and

disadvantages of the two jobs. Fill in the missing information in
the table below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer
key section.

A. Waiter
Advantages 1. easier than other jobs
2. less………
3. receive …
4. meet lots of …..
Disadvantages 1. more…..
2. must stand up all the time
3. stressful
B. Air-hostess
Advantages 1. well paid
2. travel a lot
Disadvantages 1. always away from home
2. more….
3. more…..

26 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

Drills V
Exercise 9

Match the following jobs and characteristics. Then, make

comparisons between four different jobs from the table below.
Write your answers in the space provided below. Then see the
correct solutions in the Answer key section.

1. A traffic policeman a deals with a lot of money

2. A waiter b treats people’s eyes
3. An optician c flies planes
4. A teacher d treats people’s teeth
5. A pilot e sings in bars
6. A banker f translates things
7. A builder g sells things
8. A fire-fighter h writes for a newspaper
9. A dentist i teaches students
10. A secretary j builds houses
11. An air-hostess k types letters
12. A singer l controls the traffic
13. A journalist m serves in restaurants
14. An interpreter n puts out fires
15. A shop-assistant o travels a lot
16. A butcher p sells meat

1 = …..; 2 = …..; 3 = …..; 4 = …..; 5 = …..; 6 = …..; 7 = …..;

8 = …..; 9 = …..; 10 = ..…; 11 = …..; 12 = ..…; 13 = …;
14 = .….; 15 = ...…; 16 = ......


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 27

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs


Exercise 10

Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to

five words. Write your answers in the space provided below.
Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

Being a doctor is more rewarding than being a dustman.

Being a dustman is ………………. being a doctor.

Being a dustman is less rewarding than being a doctor.

1. Being a pilot is more dangerous than being a secretary.

Being a secretary ………………… being a pilot.

2. Being a builder is interesting. Being an engineer is

Being a builder ……………… being an engineer.

3. A doctor works longer hours than a postman.

A postman works …………. a doctor.

4. A banker’s salary is higher than a dustman’s.

A dustman’s salary ..……… banker’s.

5. A dustman’s job is dirtier than a chemist’s job.

A dustman’s job ……….......... a chemist’s job.

6. A porter spends more time with his family than a flight

A flight attendant spends…………………… than a porter.

7. A secretary has a more boring job than a gardener.

A gardener has ………………….. a secretary.

8. A farmer has a healthier job than a dustman.

A dustman has …………………. a farmer.

28 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

9. A fire-fighter has a life-threatening job. A policeman has a

life-threatening job.
A fire-fighter has …………………. as a policeman.

10. A butcher has a less challenging job than a surgeon.

A surgeon ……………………….. than a butch

Drills V
Exercise 11

In English there are the so-called ‘similes’ – phrases based on

as + adj + as relationship as in the following example:

as white as snow

Group the words in column A, preceded and followed by as,

with the words in column B, so as to form similes. Write your
answers in the space provided below. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section.

1 green a air
2 firm b the sky
3 drunk c honey
4 blue d a rock
5 large e thought
6 busy f life
7 light g a bee
8 busy h the hills
9 old i grass
10 swift j swift

1 =…………….; 2 =…………..; 3 =………...; 4 =………..;

5 =……….; 6 =……....; 7 =……….; 8 =……....; 9 =……....;
10 =……

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 29

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

Speaking y
Exercise 12

Look at the following three pictures: work with a partner and

identify the jobs and the qualities required by them. Write your
answers in the space provided below. Then see possible
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. 2. 3.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

4. SAA

You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.
The assessment criteria will focus on the correct procedure of
making comparisons (60%) and the appropriate use of the
information presented in this unit using phrases of your own

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

30 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

A. Complete the sentences with two to five words,

including the word in bold. Do not change the word in bold.
Study the model below.

Susan is 1.68 meters. Sarah is 1.68 meters.
Susan is as tall as Sarah.

1. This hotel room costs 50 Euros. That hotel room costs 35

This hotel room ………………………… that hotel room.
2. Flying planes is dangerous. Working in an office is safe.
Flying planes ……………………….. working in an office.
3. Towns are more polluted than villages.
Villages ……………………………… towns.
4. London is an exciting town. Las Vegas is an exciting town.
London and ……………………………………………….

B. Study the following jobs and write three advantages and

three disadvantages of each job.

doctor, policeman, gardener, butcher, chemist, vet, teacher,

dustman, pilot

Use different types of comparison.

Use the following adjectives and phrases: exciting,
rewarding, dangerous, dirty, tiring, risky, long holidays.

5. Answer key
N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 not
be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit II, subsections 1 and 2.

Exercise. 1.
Alex: b; Beth: d; Chris: c; Debra: a

Exercise 2
1. A hotel is larger than a cottage.
A cottage is not as expensive as a hotel.

2. Las Vegas is noisier than Bucharest.

Bucharest is not as funny as Las Vegas.

3. A city is bigger than a village.

A village is not as big as a city.
A city is noisier and more expensive than a village.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 31
Making comparisons I – Places and jobs

4. Circus is funnier than theatre.

5. An igloo is colder than a beach.

A beach is noisier than an igloo.
An igloo is not as warm as a beach.
An igloo is stranger than a beach.

Exercise 3
better, the fattest, funnier, the worst, the most interesting, the
least, farther/further, the most dangerous.

Exercise 4
1. more successful; 2. as clean as; 3. the most expensive;
4. heavier; 5. taller; 6. older;. 7. colder; 8. more expensive;
9. as famous as

Exercise 5
Life in London is more expensive than in Oxford.
Prices in Oxford are cheaper than in London.
Oxford is less noisy than London.
Oxford is quieter than London.
The traffic in London is heavier than in Oxford.
The traffic in Oxford is less heavy than in London.
London is not as safe as Oxford.
Life in London is more dangerous than in Oxford.
The atmosphere in Oxford is warmer than in London.
The atmosphere in London is colder than in Oxford.
London is as interesting as Oxford.

Exercise 6
Picture 1: This is a picture of the countryside. The place seems
quiet, with fresh air, full of vegetation. Here people can relax,
eat home-grown food and socialize more easily.

Picture 2: This is a picture of a sky-scraper in a large city. The

place is polluted, full of noise, with heavy traffic, without any
green spots.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 9, 10, and 12 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit II, subsection 3.

Exercise 7
The most important, the most important, less important than,
bigger, more attractive, as important as, more creative than,
better paid, more respected.

Exercise 8
A. a. Advantages : 1 boring; 3 more; 4. people
Disadvantages ; 1. tiring; 3. very
b. Disadvantages : 2. stressful; 3. dangerous.

32 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons I – Places and jobs
B. easier than, not as boring as, more tiring, very stressful,
better paid, more stressful, more dangerous.

Exercise 9
1 - L; 2 - M; 3 - B; 4 - I; 5 - C; 6 - A; 7 - J; 8 - N; 9 - D; 10 - K; 11
- O; 12 - E; 13 - H; 14 - F; 15 - G; 16 - P.

Possible comparisons:
A waiter works longer hours than an optician.
A secretary works steadier hours than a fire-fighter.
A singer has a more thrilling job than a butcher.

Exercise 10
1. is less dangerous than; 2. as interesting as; 3. fewer hours
than; 4. lower than; 5. is not as clean as; 6. less time with his
family; 7. a more interesting job than; 8. a less healthy job than;
9. the same life-threatening job; 10. has a more challenging

Exercise 11
1 = i; 2 = d; 3 = j; 4 = b; 5 = f; 6 = g; 7 = a; 8 = c ; 9 = h; 10 = e

Exercise 12
Picture 1: This is a doctor. Doctors have to be fit, to work long
hours, to have special qualifications, to be caring and patient.

Picture 2: These are two stewardesses or flight-attendants.

They have to be young, patient, kind, polite, and brave.

Picture 3: This is a fire-fighter. He has to be strong, brave,

caring, careful, fit and a quick-decision maker.

6. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, 97 - 100
2. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., p. 17
3. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, p.53 - 64

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 33

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests


East or West, home is best!

Unit objectives

By the end of this unit you will be able to use the degrees of
comparison correctly – introduced in the previous unit -
referring to means of transports and hobbies/interests. You will
be able to make the difference between base and strong
adjectives and express your opinions creatively.

Unit outline
1. Transport 34
1.1 Useful vocabulary 34
1.2 Language development 36
2. Hobbies/ Interests 39
2.1 Useful phrases 39
2.2 Language development 39
3. Send-away assignment 44
4. Answer key 46
5. Bibliography 49

1. Transport

1.1. Useful vocabulary

Drills V
Exercise 1

Read this list of means of transport and identify which are used
on land, in the air, in/on water. Write your answers in the space
provided below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer
key section.

plane, car, coach, zeppelin, ship, helicopter, hovercraft,

submarine, truck, bus, raft, ferry-boat, hot-air balloon, bicycle,
motorbike, canoe, train.

34 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

On land:
In the air:
In / on water:

Drills V
Exercise 2

Look at the following list of means of transport and say which

one is the most modern, which one is the oldest, which one is
the fastest, which one is the slowest, which one is the safest,
which one is the most dangerous. Write your answers in the
space provided below. Then see the correct solutions in the
Answer key section.

jet-plane, bike, steamboat, hot-air balloon, cart.


☺ Let’s Have Fun!

Question : What’s round and dangerous?
Answer : A vicious circle.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 35

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

1.2 Language development

Drills V
Exercise 3

Match the two columns of adjectives in order to make

synonymous pairs. Write your answers in the space provided
below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

1 fast a old
2 safe b comfortable
3 environmentally friendly c expensive
4 dangerous d quick
5 outdated e reliable
6 cosy f ecological
7 dear g risky

1 =……; 2 =...…; 3 =…...; 4 =...…; 5 =.….; 6 =..…;7 =...…

Stop and think

Exercise 4.

Base and strong adjectives: some adjectives include the idea of

‘very’. Look at the following examples:

A fabulous party = a very successful party

A huge building = a very big building
A brilliant idea = a very good idea

Fill in the table providing the strong adjective next to the

base adjective in the table below. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section

base adjective strong adjective

small tiny
tired ……………
dirty ………
brilliant (idea) ……………
bad ……………
afraid …………….
pretty ………………….
good-looking ………………….
nice (food) ………………….
humorous ………………….

36 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

attractive …………….
reliable (project) ………………….
warm ………………….
cold ………………….
surprised ………………….

Drills V
Exercise 5

A. Match the adjective in column A with their antonyms in

column B. Write your answers in the space provided below.
Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the
end of the unit.

1 boring a heavy
2 exciting b dirty
3 difficult c dull
4 wonderful d easy
5 light e interesting
6 light f slow
7 careful g cheap
8 risky h careless
9 fast i safe
10 clean j horrible

1 =…..; 2 =…..; 3 =…..; 4 =…..; 5 =…..; 6 =…..; 7 =…..;

8 =…..; 9 =…..; 10 =…..

Stop and think

Exercise 6

Think of your favourite means of transport and provide reasons.

Write your answers in the space provided below. Then see
possible solutions in the Answer key section at the end of the
unit. Here are a few useful phrases that you can use:

It is more comfortable than…..

It is cheaper than……
It is the most convenient of all.
It is safer and faster than…..
It is more relaxing than ………..but less safe than…..

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 37
Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Speaking y
Exercise 7

Look the following photos. Work with a partner and discuss the
characteristics of each of these means of transport. Write your
answers in the space provided below. Then see possible
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of the unit.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Picture 1:.
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
Picture 4:

38 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

2. Hobbies and interests

2.1. Useful phrases

Verbs of feeling + -ing form

I like watching TV
I don’t like writing letters.
I quite like doing the housework.
I neither like nor dislike fishing.
I hate playing cards.
I like taking photographs best.

N.B. would like / prefer / love + short infinitive.

2.2. Language development

Stop and think

Exercise 8

Think of two of your favourite pastimes using the above-

mentioned phrases. Write your answers in the space provided
below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section
at the end of the unit.


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 39

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Speaking y
Exercise 9

Read the following types of activities and decide which ones

are hobbies and which ones are interests. (A hobby involves
time and money – e.g. collecting stamps, whereas interests are
free time activities – e.g. knitting, reading, etc). Work with a
partner. Write your answers in the space provided below. Then
see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end
of the unit.

visiting museums, collecting stamps, listening to music,

cooking, sailing, painting, collecting coins, train-spotting, going
to the cinema, playing cards, knitting, motor racing, pottery,
snorkelling, golf, photography.



Drills V
Exercise 10

Fill in the missing verbs using play, go, do :

1 ……… skiing 7 …….. golf

2 ……… volleyball 8 …….. archery
3 ……… baseball 9 …….. roller-skating
4 …….... hang-gliding 10 …….. motor racing
5 .….….. weightlifting 11 …….. snow-boarding
6 ..…….. tennis 12 ..…… rugby

40 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Speaking y
Exercise 11

Work with a partner and compare four of the activities in

Exercise 9 using the following adjectives:

risky, extreme, expensive, slow, relaxing, challenging, violent,

easy, difficult, funny, dull, tiring, thrilling, energetic.


I think skiing is more thrilling and more energetic than golf.

Motor-racing is not as dull as golf.

Write your answers in the space provided below. Then see

possible solutions in the Answer key section at the end of the



Exercise 12

Read the following information and pay attention to the

equipment, skills, advantages, and disadvantages
corresponding to each pastime activities. Make sentences
describing each of the free time activities below.

Write your answers in the space provided below. Then see the
correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end of the

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 41

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

free time equipment skills advantages disadvantages

rock- rope sense of keep fit dangerous
climbing trainers balance
football trainers cooperative competitive tiring
ball good cheap
shorts training
roller roller sense of fun hurt oneself
skating skaters balance
painting brushes creativity relaxing not energetic
palette cheap enough
travelling suitcase to be fit meeting new tiring
map people bad weather
seeing new
collecting magnifying specific travelling expensive
stamps glass knowledge
stamp patience


42 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Listening œ
Exercise 13

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 20, page
35. Listen to the sentences and mark the stressed words. Try
to remember the intonation. Listen and repeat. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

Drills V
Exercise 14

Fill in the missing information using the following adjectives

related to free time activities:

determined, violent, challenging, patient, graceful, accurate, co-

operative, brave, crazy, dangerous, thrilling, competitive,
creative, risky.

Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the
end of the unit.

1. Sprinters have to be …….....….. to win.

2. Although rugby is a ….....…. sport, it is also very...........
3. People who do archery must be extremely ……………
4. People who go bungee jumping be a little bit …………
5. Rafting can be a very …….. sport.
6. People who go fishing must be …...….. and …...…..
7. Grandma enjoys knitting: she can be so …...….. in
choosing the patterns and the colours.
8. My son enjoys playing chess: it is so ………….
9. Extreme sports are ………; yet, they can be extremely
10. My sister is so ………… when she dances at the parties.
11. The main quality of a basketball player is to be
12. People who go rock-climbing need to have a good sense
of balance and to be so ……….

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 43

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Speaking y
Exercise 15

Work with a partner. Think about two free time activities and
say why you like them.

Example :

I like playing volleyball because it requires team-spirit; it is

energetic and helps me lose weight. It is also a co-operative
sport and a good opportunity to make new friends. Playing
volleyball helps me build muscles and improve my health I find
it extremely challenging and thrilling.

Write your answers in the space provided below. Then

see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end
of the unit.


Listening œ
Exercise 16

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2=3, tapescript 21, page
35. Listen to Liz Harley, an expert in health and nutrition and do
the quiz. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key
section at the end of the unit.

3. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the correct use of

the adjectives (60%) and the creativity in describing different
pastime activities(40%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

44 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

A. Complete the following sentences using an adjective

similar in meaning from the list below:

wonderful, dear, challenging, risky, awful, modern, comfortable

1. Paragliding is a very dangerous sport.

2. Ski outfits are so expensive.
3. Hiking is a marvellous pastime activity.
4. Football is a demanding sport if you want to become
popular with the supporters.
5. In my opinion, boxing is a terrible sport: a lot of injuries,
blood, violence.
6. Travelling by hot-air balloons is not a new sport, but is
extremely popular with teenagers nowadays.
7. Travelling by plane is cosy and fast as well.

B. Use the table in exercise 12, page 39, and draw up a

similar table including the equipment, the skills, the advantages
and the disadvantages of the following pastime activities:

knitting; scuba-diving; hiking; fishing.

free time equipment skills advantages disadvantages





Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 45

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

4. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit III, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1.
land: car, coach, hovercraft, truck, bus, bicycle, motorbike,

air: plane, zeppelin, helicopter, hot-air balloon

water: ship, hovercraft, submarine, raft, ferry-boat, canoe

Exercise 2
The fastest: jet-plane
The slowest: boat
The most modern: jet-plane
The oldest: hot-air balloon
The safest: boat
The most dangerous: hot-air balloon

Exercise 3
1 - d; 2 - e; 3 - f; 4 - g; 5 - a; 6 - b; 7 - c

Exercise 4
base adjective strong adjective
small tiny
tired exhausted
dirty filthy
brilliant (idea) clever / good
bad horrible / awful
afraid scared
pretty beautiful / glamorous
good-looking handsome
nice (food) delicious
humorous hilarious
attractive alluring
reliable (project) robust
warm hot / boiling
cold freezing
surprised dumbfounded / puzzled

Exercise 5
1 - e; 2 - c; 3 - d; 4 - j; 5 - a; 6 - g; 7 - h; 8 - i ; 9 - f; 10 - b

Exercise 6
Possible solutions:
Reading is more comfortable than doing exercise.
Playing tennis is cheaper than skiing.
Hiking is safer and faster than scuba diving.

46 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests
Swimming is more relaxing than weightlifting but it is less safe
than walking.

Exercise 7
Picture 1: a taxi.
It is expensive, but it can take you wherever you want, it is

Picture 2: a train.
It is slower, but safer. It is comfortable; you can meet nice
people or read / study during the journey.

Picture 3: a car.
You can drive it yourself; you can stop whenever you want. It
could be tiring if you drive for a long time. You may have
accidents. The petrol is quite expensive.

Picture 4: a bus.
It is slow, but cheaper. It may be crowded and unreliable at
rush hours.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, and 16 not be close to the ones suggested in this
section, read the information provided in Unit III,
subsections 2.1 and 2.2.

Exercise 8
Possible solutions:
I like cooking.
I don’t like doing housework.
I quite like writing postcards.
I neither like nor dislike ironing.
I hate walking the dog.
I like travelling best.

Exercise 9
Hobbies: collecting stamps, listening to music, painting,
collecting coins, train-spotting, playing cards, knitting, motor
racing, pottery, golf, photography.

Interests: visiting museums, sailing, cooking, going to the

cinema, motor racing, snorkelling, golf.

Exercise 10

1 go skiing 7 play golf

2 play volleyball 8 do archery
3 play baseball 9 go roller-skating
4 go hang-gliding 10 go motor racing
5 do weightlifting 11 go snow-boarding
6 play tennis 12 play rugby

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 47

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

Exercise 11
Possible solutions:
Volleyball is not as energetic and challenging as motor-racing.
Rugby is the most violent of all.
Snow-boarding is more difficult than baseball.
Hang-gliding is an extreme sport.
Archery is more relaxing than roller-skating.
Motor-racing is riskier than tennis.

Exercise 12
1 = trainers; 2 = courageous; 3 = good training;
4= competitive; 5 = knee- pads; 6 = fun; 7 = palette;
8 = canvas; 9 = to be fit; 10 = meeting new people;
11 = seeing new places; 12 = patience; 13 = travelling;
14 = expensive.

Exercise 13
1. Oh, well, if you hadn’t drunk so much you wouldn’t be
feeling so bad now, would you?
2. Oh dear, you poor thing.
3. Oh yes, I know what you mean.
4. Oh well, it serves you right then, doesn’t it?
5. Oh well, you’ve only got yourself to blame, haven’t you?
6. That must be awful.

Exercise 14
a = determined; b = violent; c = competitive; d = accurate;
e = crazy; f= dangerous; g = patient; h = determined;
I = creative; j = challenging; k = thrilling; l = risky;
m = graceful; n = cooperative; o = brave.

Exercise 15
Possible solution:

I like reading because it relaxes me. It is also informative.

Reading can be quite challenging and rewarding. I find reading
a great opportunity to learn about people’s feelings and

Exercise 16
1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c.

48 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making comparisons II – Means of Transport, Hobbies, Interests

5. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, 98 -

2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, Oxford University Press, p.49 - 62
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., p. 35
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, p.76 - 82

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 49

Describing People, Clothes, Weather


Unit objectives
By the end of this chapter you will be able to use specific
structures (the relative pronoun, the Present Tense Simple) as
well as specific vocabulary and phrases necessary to make
descriptions. You will also be able to listen and identify different
descriptions, to correct mistakes, to pronounce difficult words
or phrases using the correct intonation, to use the information
in order to make descriptions of your own.

Unit outline

1. Describing people 50
1.1 Useful vocabulary 50
1.2 The relative pronoun I 52
1.3 The present tense simple 52
1.4 Language development 53
2. Describing clothes 55
2.1 Useful phrases 55
2.2 The relative pronoun II 56
2.3 Language development 57
3 Describing weather 60
3.1 Useful vocabulary 60
3.2 The present tense progressive 61
3.3 Language development 61
4. Send-away assignment 64
5. Answer key 64
6. Bibliography 66

1. Describing people

1.1 Useful vocabulary

Here is a list of several words and phrases used in order

to describe people’s appearance, character as well as different
attitudes towards life and other people

A. People’s appearance

Hair: straight, wavy, curly, crew-cut, bald, receding, blond/fair,

auburn, red, brown, dark, ginger, golden, silky.

Face: thin, round, oval, hart-shaped, fair, pale, dark

50 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Nose: small, big, crooked, up-turned, flat, hooked

Eyes: green, blue, grey, brown, small, big, almond- shaped

Height: short, tall, of medium height

Build: slim, thin, skinny, plump, fat, well-built, of medium build,

stout, obese

Other features: moustache, beard, freckles, wrinkles, broad

shoulders, muscular, dark/ light complexion

General appearance: good-looking man, handsome man,

pretty woman, beautiful woman, attractive, plain, ugly, tallish, untidy-
looking, well-dressed;

Age: young, old, middle-aged, in his/her early/mid/late twenties

B. People’s character

Intellectual ability:
Positive: clever, intelligent, bright, smart, able, gifted, brainy,
witted, shrewd, imaginative, inquiring
Negative: foolish, silly, stupid, half-witted, simple, dumb, dull,
brainless, sly, cunning, inquisitive, nosy

Attitudes towards life:

Positive: optimistic, eager, outward-looking, calm, patient,
relaxed, sensible, sensitive, down-to-earth, economical, ambitious,
determined, innocent
Negative: pessimistic, inward-looking, tense, aggressive,
extravagant, naïve, thrifty, pushy, stubborn

Attitudes to people:
Positive: kind, sociable, outgoing, talkative generous, easy-
going, polite, honest/ sincere, reliable, trustworthy, loyal, courteous,
assertive, self-confident, extroverted.
Negative: shy, mean, quarrelsome, cruel, impolite, rude, ill-
mannered, discourteous, jealous, unreliable, envious, bossy,
arrogant, introverted, bossy

All that glitters is not gold.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 51

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

1.2. The relative pronoun I

Who = refers to people and pets or personified things, e.g.:

He is the man who can help you.

The man who delivers letters is a postman.

Whom / to whom = refers to people, e.g.:

The woman to whom I was talking is my boss.

Whose = expresses possession, e.g.:

My sister, whose daughter is fond of modern jazz, is an


N.B. who, whom can be replaced by that.

1.3. Present tense simple

In order to describe people’s routines, habits, repeated
actions, customs or permanent states we use Present Simple:

Habits: She smokes 20 cigarettes a day.

Routine: He gets up at 6 am everyday.

Permanent states: They work in a bank.

She lives in Bucharest.
He loves dancing.

Customs: The Romanians are hospitable.

52 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

1.4. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B.

Write your answers in the space below and then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1 smart a inquisitive
2 determined b easy-going
3 tense c thrifty
4 honest d pessimistic
5 inquiring e foolish
6 calm f outgoing
7 optimistic g down-to- earth
8 generous h hesitant
9 introverted i dishonest
10 absent-minded j impatient

1 =…..; 2 =…..; 3 =…..; 4 =…..; 5 =…..; 6 =…..; 7 =…..; 8 =…..;

9 =…..; 10 =……

☺ Proverb with unexpected ending

An idle mind is …. the best way to relax.

Drills V
Exercise 2

Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B .

Write your answers in the space below and then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1 slim a pretty
2 beautiful b handsome
3 fat c obese
4 wrinkles d auburn
5 good-looking e ugly
6 fair f lines
7 plump g slender
8 red- (hair) h well-built
9 tall i blonde
10 unattractive j thin

1=…..; 2=…..; 3=…..; 4=…..; 5=…..; 6=…..; 7=…..; 8=…..;

9=…..; 10=…… .

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 53

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Listening œ
Exercise 3

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.3, tapescript 39, page 7.
Listen to the answers given by five people who were asked the
question: ’What do you think makes a face attractive?’ Identify
their opinions. Then see the solutions in the Answer key
section at the end of this unit.

Drills V
Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks who, whose or whom where necessary. Then

see the solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this

1. The person ….....… sits next to you is my neighbour.

2. She is the woman ….....… was so nice to me.
3. The manager to …....... I sent my application form didn’t
say a word.
4. This is my friend …..... husband works in the next office.
5. …....…. does this bag belong to?

☺Let’s have fun!

Question: What’s the definition of a pessimist?
Answer: A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

54 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather


Exercise 5

Read the following statements and identify the people’s

nationality. Use the prompts below:

the Spanish, the French, the Romanians, the Chinese, the

Americans, the English, the Italians

Write your answers in the space below and then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. They like receiving guests.

2. Their favourite food is rice and their favourite drink is sake.
3. They enjoy having lengthy siestas in the afternoon.
4. They keep themselves to themselves; they are really
5. They speak loudly and they are easy-going.
6. They like eating snails cooked in wine.
7. They are famous for their delicious pasta dishes.

1 =………...….; 2 =…..…………; 3 =………..….; 4 =…..……….;

5 =………...….; 6 =…….......…..; 7 =………....….

2. Describing clothes

2.1. Useful vocabulary

Clothes for girls and women: skirt, miniskirt, blouse, high

heeled shoes, dress, evening dress, petticoat, night gown,
dungarees, bras, bathing suit, panties, stockings, tights.

Clothes for boys and men: shirt, suit, tuxedo, dinner

jacket, tie, bow-tie, waist-coat, pyjamas, pants, sweatshirt,

Casual clothes: jeans, low-heeled shoes, trainers, jumper,

T-shirt, denim jacket, cardigan.

Formal clothes: suit, evening dress, tuxedo, bow- tie, tie,

fur coat, cloak, scarf.

Clothes for work: overalls, jeans, T-shirt, flat shoes.

Clothes for sport: leggings, baseball cap, tracksuit, T-shirt,

shorts, trousers, jeans, polo-neck, V-neck jumper.

Winter clothes: heavy coat, muffler, gloves, pull-over,

cardigan, fur coat.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 55
Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Autumn clothes: raincoat, sweater, rubber boots,


Beach clothes: shorts, T-shirt, swimsuit, sandals.

Useful phrases

to match: Do you think these two colours match?

to go with: Your light brown hat goes with dark brown
to suit: You should wear more blue - it suits you
with your blue eyes.
to become: This dark green really becomes with!
to fit The coat fits you perfectly.

How clothes are: loose, tight, baggy

General appearance:
smart, chic, elegant, trendy, well-dressed, badly
dressed, casually, formally, old-fashioned, fashionable

2.2. The relative pronoun II

Which = refers to objects and animals, e.g.:

The item which you wear on your head is called a hat.

Whose = describes possession, e.g.:

The coat whose sleeves are long is very expensive.

N.B. Which can be replaced by that.

Handsome is as handsome does

56 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

2.3. Language development

Speaking y
Exercise 6

Work with a partner and say what you would wear if:

1) you are invited to a sophisticated party;

2) you are cleaning the house.

Write your answers in the space below. Then see possible

solutions in the Answer key section.


Drills V
Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks deriving the word in bold. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. If you want to run faster you need a new pair of ….......…..

2. Students dress ………………………………………
3. I don’t think that this mini skirt is ……….. for the wedding
4. My sister saw a trendy ………… in the shop window;
fortunately it was too expensive.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 57

Describing People, Clothes, Weather


Exercise 8

Read the following letter. Identify the person’s job. Write your
answers in the space below and then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

Dear Mr Finley,

I am arriving tomorrow, at 6.30 pm, at The South Station,


I will be wearing a dark blue suit, a light blue shirt, a colourful

tie, black shoes and I will be carrying a black briefcase.

Oh, let me tell you something about my appearance: I am tall,

in my late thirties, I have got short dark hair and I wear glasses.
Looking forward to meeting you,

Yours sincerely,
Robert Smith

Job: …………………

Listening œ
Exercise 9

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 5, page 11.
Listen to a journalist for the men’s fashion magazine stopping
four men in the street and asking them about their self-images.
Identify their answers. Then see the solutions in the Answer
key section.

Speaking y
Exercise 10

Say what types of clothes you wear when going skiing /

sunbathing. Work with a partner. Write your answers in the
space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key
58 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Drills V
Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks using match / fit / suit where appropriate. Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. This sweater ….....…. better now that you have lost some
5 kilos.
2. The orange of her ribbon ….....…. the orange of her skirt.
3. This type of mini-skirt …....…. younger and taller women.
4. His red and white shirt …....... his dark suit.
5. These boots don’t….....… him anymore. He has grown out

☺. Let’s have fun!

Question: Why do Americans speak so loudly?
Answer: So you can hear them above their clothes.

Drills V
Exercise 12

Fill in the correct word from the list below. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

overalls, umbrella, cap, suit, heavy coat, swimming suit.

1. A/an ……...… is something you put on your head.

2. A/an……...… something you wear when it snows.
3. A/an ……...….is something you carry when it rains.
4. A/an……...… something you wear on the beach.
5. A/an ……...… is something you wear for a job interview.
6. ………..... is something you wear when you fix a leaking

One swallow doesn’t make a summer.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 59

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Speaking y
Exercise 13

Describe the shoes in the pictures below. Say when one could
wear them. Write your answers in the space below and then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.


3. Describing weather

3.1 Useful vocabulary

Cold weather

Adjectives: cold, chilly, windy, frosty, freezing, foggy, cloudy,


Phrases: it snows, it drizzles, it is cold.

Hot weather

Adjectives: warm, hot, boiling hot, sunny

Phrases: we have a heat-wave, it is stifling hot, we had a

Wet weather

Adjectives: damp, humid, torrential rain, heavy rain, overcast,

misty, stormy
Phrases: it pours, there is a downpour / flood / thunderstorm

60 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

3.2 The present tense progressive

We use The Present Tense Progressive to describe:

Temporary actions happening now, e.g.:

Look! It is raining: we cannot go on a picnic anymore.

Temporary actions happening around now, e.g.:

I am living with my sister for the time being.

A change, e.g.:

The weather is getting colder

3.3. Language development

Speaking y
Exercise 14

What types of weather are bad for doing the following things:

gardening; skiing; sunbathing; camping; having a barbecue.

Work with a partner. Write your answers in the space below

and then see the possible solutions in the Answer key section.


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 61

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Listening œ
Exercise 15

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 32, page
54. Listen to the conversations and match them to the pictures.

Pay attention to the verb forms. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.


Exercise 16

Read the paragraph below and replace the words in bold with
their antonyms. Write your answers in the space below and
then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

We are having a 1) lovely time. The weather is 2) fine. It is 3)

boiling hot: the sky is 4) clear, the water is 5) warm and the
wind is 6) mild.

1 =……….; 2 =………...; 3 =………...; 4 =………..; 5 =………;

6 =……….; 7 =…………

Speaking y
Exercise 17

Look at the pictures and identify the season. Then describe

each picture. Work with a partner. Write your answers in the
space below and then see the solutions in the Answer key

1. 2.

3. 4.

62 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Speaking y
Exercise 18

Work with a partner: look at the pictures and describe the

weather following the model below, e.g.:

It is rainy.

Write your answers in the space below and then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. 2. 3.

Picture 1=…………

Picture 2=………….

Picture 3=………….

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 63

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

4. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the correct use of the

tenses (60%) and the ability of using adjectives in different

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Correct the mistakes:

a. In winter the weather is cool and snowy.

b. My favourite season is springs.
c. He is so selfish: he gives everybody so much love and
d. What colour have your eyes?
e. He is too optimistic to accept this offer.
f. When I go to a sophisticated party I wear informal clothes.

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs in


1. In Spain autumns are mild, but now it ……….. (rain)

2. I like summers because the sun …... (shine) all day long.
3. Last week we had fine days, but now the wind ….....….
(blow) and it ….....… (drizzle).
4. My friends enjoy going in the mountains in winter time: it
.............. (be) cold but when it …....... (snow) you can have
so much fun!
5. I can’t go out now: it …....... (pour).

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit IV, subsections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
and 1.4.

Exercise 1
1 = e; 2 = h; 3 = b; 4 = I; 5 = a; 6 = j; 7= d; 8 = c; 9 = f; 10 = g.

Exercise 2
1 = j; 2 = a; 3 = c; 4 = f; 5 = b; 6 = i; 7 = h; 8 = d; 9 = g; 10 = e.

64 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Describing People, Clothes, Weather

Exercise 3
2. smooth skin, perfect teeth and sparkling eyes
3. big eyes, full lips, a big smile
4. doesn’t like small noses on a man’s face
5. good bone structure, high cheekbones, small chin for a
woman, square jaw for a man
6. dimples

Exercise 4
1 = who; 2 = who; 3 = whom; 4 = whose; 5 = who/whom

Exercise 5
1 = the Romanians; 2 = the Chinese; 3 = the Spanish; 4 = the
English; 6 = the Americans; 6 = the French; 7 = the Italians

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

and 13 not be close to the ones suggested in this section,
read the information provided in Unit IV, subsections 2.1,
2.2, and 2.3.

Exercise 6
1. to a sophisticated party: evening dress, high-heeled
shoes, a purse, a scarf, jewels, a fur coat, a tuxedo, a bow-tie,
black patent leather shoes
2. you are cleaning the house: jeans, T-shirt, overalls,
shorts, trainers, flat shoes.

Exercise 7
1 = trainers; 2 = casually; 3 = suitable; 4 = jumper

Exercise 8
Possible answer: He is a business man.

Exercise 9
Charles: he wears a suit to make the right impression; he likes
looking smart, clean and neat
Rick: he wears comfortable casual clothes; he doesn’t care
about fashion
Alan: he wants to be noticed so he wears striking colours
Matt: he wears casual clothes and trainers

Exercise 10
Skiing: skiing outfit, gloves, muffler, cap, boots, goggles.
Sunbathing: bathing suit, sandals, shorts, T-shirt, sun- glasses.

Exercise 11
1 = fits; 2 = matches; 3 = suits; 4 = matches; 5 = fit

Exercise 12
1 = cap; 2 = heavy coat; 3 = umbrella; 4 = swimming suit;
5 = suit; 6 = overalls

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 65

Describing People, Clothes, Weather
Exercise 13
a. This is a high-heeled sandal. It is trendy and elegant. I
would wear such a pair of sandals when going to a party or to a
special event.
b. This is a trainer. It looks comfortable and trendy as well. I
would wear such a pair of trainers when going out with my

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 14, 15, 16, 17, and
18 not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit IV, subsections 3.1, 3.2,
and 3.3.

Exercise 14
gardening: clear sky, warm day, sunny.
skiing: clear sky, snow, cold weather
sunbathing: sunny day, clear sky, mild breeze.
camping: dry weather, warm, clear sky, mild wind.
having a barbecue: clear sky, cool / warm day, sunshine.

Exercise 15
A 3, B 5, C 2, D 6, E 1, F 4.

Exercise 16
1 = horrible; 2 = bad; 3 = freezing cold; 5 = cloudy; 6 = cold;
7 = strong.

Exercise 17
Picture 1: It is summer. The weather is fine, the vegetation is
green, the sky is clear and it is sunny.
Picture 2: It is spring. The trees are in blossom, the weather is
Picture 3: It is autumn. The leaves are yellowish and reddish,
the weather is colder.
Picture 4: It is winter. The weather is cold; the trees are
covered by snow.

Exercise 18
1. It is windy
2. It is stormy
3. it is sunny.

6. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp.

155 - 166
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, , Oxford University Press, pp. 94 - 104
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 94 – 104, pp. 11, 54, 78
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, p.64

66 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to express suggestions,
assumptions and speculations in contexts of your own. You will
be also able to compare and identify the appropriate usages of
these structures.

Unit outline
1. Making suggestions and 67
responding to them
1.1 Useful phrases 67
1.2 The relative pronoun I 68
2. Making assumptions and 68
2.1 Structures and examples 68
2.2 Language development 69
3 Asking for confirmation and 70
3.1 Question tags 70
3.2 Language development 70
4. Send-away assignment 73
5. Answer key 74
6. Bibliography 75

1. Making suggestions and responding to them

1.1. Useful phrases

In order to make suggestions (offers, invitations) one
can use the following set-phrases:

useful phrases examples

Let’s Let’s throw a party!
Shall we Shall we go for a walk?
What about……+ -ing? What about going in the country?
How about…… + -ing? How about visiting this monastery?
Why don’t we…….. ? Why don’t we clean this room first?
Would you like to …? Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?
We can/could We could go to the cinema tonight

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 67

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

Responding to suggestions:

accepting refusing
I’d love to I’m afraid I can’t.
That sounds great! I’d love to, but
That sounds fantastic! I’m sorry I can’t.
What a brilliant / great idea!

Practice makes perfect.

1.2 Language development


Exercise 1

Fill in the missing words. Then see the solutions in the Answer
key section.

A: ……. go in the mountains on Saturday!

B: What a …….! But, ............ we go skiing as well?
A: I’d love to but………. I have some problems with my back.
B: …….…..going to our favourite lake, instead?
A: That ………! ………. renting a motor boat, then?
B: Yes, I’d……….

2. Making assumptions and speculations

2.1. Structures and examples

We use can’t/couldn’t, could, may, might/ must in order

to make logical assumptions.

structures examples meaning

Can’t + present infinitive It can’t be true. Logically untrue/
Must + present infinitive She must be tired. Logically
May / might /could +. He may be right. possibility
present infinitive
Could + perfect infinitive They could have had Sth. was possible
an accident. but didn’t actually

68 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

Can’t + perfect infinitive Negative deduction

He can’t have done
this. about sth. that
happened in the
Must + perfect infinitive We must have lost it. Deductions about
sth. possible that
happened in the
May/might/could +perfect They might have Possibility about
infinitive missed the plane. sth. that happened
in the past

2.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 2

Study the following sentences and match the two columns.

Write your answers in the space below. Then see the solutions
in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1 Perhaps he will help a They can’t have done it.

2 I’m sure he didn’t do it. b Mother could have
phoned her.
3 I am sure they are c He may help you.
4 It is possible that d They must be sisters.
mother phoned him.
5 I am sure he is telling e They can’t be out.
the truth.
6 I am sure they are in. f He must be telling the

1 = .....; 2 = .....; 3 = .....; 4 = .....; 5 .....; 6 = .....

Listening œ
Exercise 3
For this activity see Student’s book, ex.5, tapescript 47,
page91. Listen to three people discussing several paintings
and identify the structures used to make speculations. Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 69

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

3. Asking for confirmation and agreement

3.1. Question tags

Question tags are short questions used to ask for confirmation
or agreement. The rule depends on the preceding main sentence ,as

main sentence question tags

1. affirmative negative + inversion
2. negative affirmative + inversion

After affirmative statements, we use a negative question tag.

Question tags are formed with the same auxiliary or modal verb
in the preceding sentence. Otherwise, we use do / does/ did, e.g.:

You are tired, aren’t you?

She can swim, can’t she?
They have got a puppy, haven’t they?
He works a lot, doesn’t he?

3.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 4

Here are some examples of different types of question tags

following an affirmative statement. Underline the correct
answers and then compare them with the answer key. Then
see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end
of this unit.

1. Joanne is a pretty girl, is she/ isn’t she?

2. They are brothers, aren’t they/ are they?
3. You study Languages, don’t you/ do you?
4. He worked hard, didn’t he/did he?
5. Mother is cooking, isn’t she/is she?
6. The children went to the Zoo, did they/didn’t they?

Similarly, after negative statements, we use an affirmative

question tag. Question tags are formed with the same auxiliary or
modal verb in the preceding sentence. Otherwise, we use do / does /
did, e.g.:

1. You aren’t tired, are you?

2. She can’t swim, can she?
3. They haven’t got a puppy, have they?
4. He doesn’t work a lot, does he?
70 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

Drills V
Exercise 5

Here are some examples of different types of question tags

after a negative statement. Underline the correct answers.
Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the
end of this unit.

1. He’s not at home, isn’t he/is he?

2. They don’t live here, do they/ don’t they?
3. The wedding wasn’t lovely, was it/ wasn’t it?
4. They didn’t speak to her, didn’t they/did they?
5. Harry hasn’t got a bike, has he/ hasn’t he?
6. The cake wasn’t sweet enough, wasn’t it/was it?

Pronunciation ”
Exercise 6

For this activity see Student’s book, ex. 2, tapescript 20, page
35. Listen and mark the stressed words. Try to remember the
intonation. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

Special cases

There are some question tags that are formed differently. Study
the following cases, then listen and repeat:

cases examples
I am → aren’t I? I am boring, aren’t I?
Don’t → will you? Don’t dance with him, will you?
Used to→ didn’t + pron ? They used to visit her, didn’t they?
Didn’t use to → did + pron.? She didn’t use to help her, did she?
Let’s → shall we? Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
We have got → haven’t we? We have got a nice flat, haven’t we?
We have → don’t we? They had fine, didn’t they?
There is /are → isn’t /aren’t there? There is a cat under the chair, isn’t
This /That is →isn’t it ? This is Harry’s car, isn’t it?

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 71

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

Drills V
Exercise 7

A. Study the above-stated examples and fill in the question

tags. Write your answers in the space provided below. Then
see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

1. Let’s go skiing, ……….……………?

2. Don’t try it again,…….………….....?
3. There is a child in here,…………….?
4. They are coming with us, ……........?
5. He has got a son, …………………..?
6. This is your bike, …………………….?
7. You used to do the gardening, …….?
8. I am slimmer than you, ………………?
9. You don’t like curry, ……………….?
10. They had a bath, …………………….?


The voice goes down in the question tag when one is

sure of the answer and expects agreement.
The voice goes up in the question tag when one isn’t
sure of the answer and requires an answer.

Listening œ
Exercise 8

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 4, page 7.

Listen to the short conversations and tick (√) the responses
which sound interested, and cross (x) those that don’t. Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.

Speaking y
Exercise 9

Imagine the following situations and make speculations. Work

with a partner. Write your answers in the space below. Then
see possible solutions in the Answer key section.
a. A man behind bars.
b. Some guys forcing a little boy in a van
c. A mugger grabbing a lady’s bag.
d. A broken window and a guy disappearing.

72 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

4. SAA

You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: correct use of question – tags = 30% and the
correct use of the modal verbs in different contexts.

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Study the following statements: some of them are

correct, so put a tick (√) next to them; some of them are wrong,
so correct them.
1. She has got a dog, doesn’t she?
2. This is a nice carpet, isn’t this?
3. They are tired, aren’t they?
4. Mother is crying, is she?
5. Let’s dance, won’t you?
6. She will try again, won’t she?
7. Everybody is tired, isn’t it?
8. I am right, am I not/
9. She wasn’t waiting for you, was she?

B. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use

two to five words. The first one has been done for you as an
1. I am sure you have met her before.
You must have met her before.
2. I am sure she didn’t talk to him.
She …………. to him.
3. I don’t believe he is a liar.
He ………… a liar.
4. I am sure they have organised the surprise party.
They ……… the surprise party.
5. Perhaps Daddy will visit France too.
Daddy ……….. visit France too.
6. I am sure they are not at home at this time of the day.
They ……… home at this time of the day.
7. Perhaps she had an accident.
She …….. an accident.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 73
Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, and 4 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit V, subsections 1 and 2.

Exercise 1
A: Let’s;
B. great idea! ..... why don’t …
A: I can’t
B: Would you like …
A: sounds great! .... about …
B: love to

Exercise 2
1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - B; 5 - F; 6 - E

Exercise 3
She can’t have fallen in love, he must have been either very
rich or very intelligent, Frida must have spent a fortune, she
must have been an incredibly brave woman, it might have had
something to do with women’s liberation, Diego may have
found out about Frida’s affair, it could have been Frida who was
unhappy, she must have been in a lot of pain, I suppose they
represent her pain, she looks quite calm.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit V, subsections 3.1 and 3.2.

Exercise 4
1. isn’t she?
2. aren’t they?
3. don’t you?
4. didn’t he?
5. isn’t’ she?
6. didn’t they?

Exercise 5
1. is he?
2. do they?
3. was it?
4. did they?
5. has he?
6. was it?

Exercise 6
1. shall we? 2. will you?3. isn’t there?4. aren’t they? 5. hasn’t
he? 6. isn’t it? 7. didn’t you? 8. aren’t I? 9. do you? 10. didn’t

74 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Suggestions, Assumptions and speculations

Exercise 7
a) √; b) x; c) √; d) x; e) √

Exercise 8
See Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 4, page7

Exercise 9
a. He must have committed a crime.
b. They must be kidnapping a kid.
c. She must have received some bad news.
d. Someone must have broken the house.

6. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, p. 212
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate Masterclass,
Oxford University Press, pp. 171 - 182
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 94 – 104, pp. 7, 35, 47
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 76, 107

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 75

Expressing Wishes, Preferences


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to recognize and use, in
sentences of your own, the specific structures used in order to
express wishes.

Unit outline

1. Wishes 76
1.1 Specific structures 76
1.2 Language development 77
2. Preferences 79
2.1 Specific phrases 79
2.2 Language development 79
3. Send-away assignment 84
4. Answer key 85
5. Bibliography 87

1. Wishes

1.1 Specific structures

wishes structures uses

I wish wish + Past Tense Regret / wish about a
e.g. I wish I had more time for my children present situation
I wish wish + Past Perfect Regret about a past
e.g. I wish I had had more time for my situation
I wish wish = subject + would + present infinitive Regret / complaint
e.g. I wish you would stop chewing gum. about the present.
I wish you would come to my party (but Wish about something
you are so far away). unlikely to happen
I wish wish = inanimate subject + would + present Wish for a change in
infinitive the future which is
e.g. I wish it would stop snowing. unlikely to happen

N.B. The same structures are valid for if only.

Rule: After wish / if only you use Simple Past to refer to a

present wish / regret, and Past Perfect to refer to a past situation.

76 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

N.B. We never use *I wish I would stop doing this. You can
only refer to a different person than you, e.g.

I wish he /she/ they/ would stop talking like that.

A jack of all trades is master of none.

1.2 Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Finish the following sentences. Write your answers in the space

below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key
section at the end of this unit.

1. Susan complained the she had done all the housework. ‘I

wish …….......
2. I want to see her again. ’I wish………………………..
3. They regret not having studied harder. They wish .....
4. I am sorry I neglected my mother. ‘I wish ………
5. Please, stop shouting at me!’ I wish ………….................
6. She complained about the expensive meal. She wishes …
7. He came late again. She wishes ………………….............
8. I would love to visit Taj Mahal one day. ‘I wish …………
9. It’s a pity she got divorced. ‘I wish ………........................

Speaking y
Exercise 2

Provide wishes for the following situations. Work with a partner.

Write your answers in the space below. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. a young man behind the bars.

2. a girl breaking a vase

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 77

Expressing Wishes, Preferences
3. a woman looking at her boyfriend’s photo
4. a woman looking out through the window at the pouring
5. a man finding a ticket on the windscreen of his car

Drills V
Exercise 3

Provide a wish for the following situations. Write your answers

in the space below. Then see the correct solutions in the
Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. You wish to go for a drink but you haven’t got enough

2. You didn’t take your sister’s advice and now you regret it.
3. Mother gets annoyed when her son chews gum all the
4. You dream of being a famous ballet dancer.
5. Daddy discovered he left his file at home.
6. You forgot to have your wedding cake ordered.
7. Susan has seen a lovely dress in the shop-window but it is
too expensive.
8. It was raining all day and the skiers couldn’t ski.
9. The rain ruined her hat.

Where one door shuts, another opens.

78 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

2. Preferences

2.1. Specific phrases

Useful structures

I would like to travel more.

I would like to see my friends more often.
I would rather go to the cinema than stay at home.
I want to see that play.
I would prefer to go in the mountains rather than stay
in Bucharest.
I prefer dancing to watching a video-cassette.
I prefer sweets to pickles.
I prefer to read technical books rather than read love
I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here.
It’s a pity you are so far away.
It’s time they stopped telling lies.

2.2 Language development


Exercise 4

Read the sentences below and say which ones express

general preference, and which ones express a specific
preference. Write your answers in the space below. Then see
the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end of
this unit.

1. She prefers swimming to skating.

2. They’d rather receive gifts than offer them.
3. I prefer ironing to washing up.
4. He’d prefer to change his boss rather than change his job.
5. Mother prefers to bake cakes rather than buy cakes.
6. I prefer travelling by plane to travelling by coach.
7. Children would rather play than do their homework.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 79

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

Drills V
Exercise 5

Match the numbers with the letters in order to make logical

sentences. Write your answers in the space below. Then see
the correct solutions in the Answer key section at the end of
this unit.

1 I would rather listen to a to travelling by car.

the radio
2 I prefer travelling by b than answer the phone.
3 I prefer solving maths c he gave up drinking.
4 They would rather type d than watch TV.
a letter
5 I’d rather eat at home e to chocolate shake.
6 Mother would rather f rather than to see a movie.
stay at home
7 ’d sooner tell the truth g rather than a chocolate
8 I’d prefer to have an h she stopped speaking
ice-cream behind people’s back.
9 They prefer banana i than go out.
10 I prefer to see a play j than a white lie.
11 It’s time k to translating a poem.
12 I’d rather l than in a restaurant.

1 =…….; 2 =…….; 3 =…....; 4 =…....; 5 =…..; 6 =…….; 7 =……;

8 =…….; 9 =…….; 10 =…..; 11 =…..; 12 =…..

Drills V
Exercise 6

Read the following sentences and fill in the missing information.

Write your answers in the space below. Then see the correct
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.


I am not a fussy person but I 1) …………. stay at home and

read a book 2) ………. go out and see a movie. I also prefer
3) . ………. at home 4) …........... eating in restaurants.

80 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Wishes, Preferences


I am different. For instance now I would rather 5) ……..... to the

cinema than 6) .......……. TV at home. On the other hand I
prefer 7) .....……a party than 8) ………...........

Notice how one repeats the auxiliary verbs when one agrees or
disagrees by using So …… / Neither……. I.

If there is no auxiliary, use do / does / did.

Specific structures

agreeing disagreeing
I like jazz. I don’t like jazz.
So do I. I do.
I don’t like jazz. I like jazz
Neither do I I don’t.
I can skate. I can skate.
So can I. I can’t.
I can’t skate. I can’t skate.
Neither can I. I can.
I am tired. I am tired.
So am I. I’m not.
I am driving. I am driving.
So am I. I’m not.
I liked music. I liked music.
So did I. I didn’t.
She prefers travelling. She prefers travelling.
So does he. He doesn’t.
I have enjoyed the meal I have enjoyed the meal.
So have I. I haven’t.
I haven’t enjoyed the meal. I haven’t enjoyed the meal.
Neither have I. I have.

Other phrases expressing the same idea:

I like chocolate.
Me too / I do, too.

I don’t like working.

Me neither / I don’t either.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 81

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

Listening œ
Exercise 7

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1+2, tapescript 2, page

6. Listen to a conversation between two people and note down
the things they have got in common. Use So/Neither
constructions. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: What kind of bird can write?
Answer: A penguin.

Listening œ
Exercise 8

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1+2, tapescript 35, page
61. Listen to five people talking about different topics. Identify
the way they express their opinions. Listen and repeat. Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.

Exercise 9

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 40, page
80. Listen to a discussion about cosmetic surgery. Find out if
these people are for or against cosmetic surgery. See the
solutions in the Answer key section.

82 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

Speaking y
Exercise 10

Work with a partner, look at the photos and express wishes and
preferences using the phrases below. Write your answers in
the space below and then see possible solutions in the Answer
key section.

I wish I were…….
I would like to…..
I like ……… but I don’t like…….
I would rather…………………..
I would prefer to……………….
I hate………because………….
I neither like nor dislike………
If only I………………………

☺ Proverb with unexpected ending

As you shall make your bed so shall you….
mess it up.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 83

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

3. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the correct use of the verb ‘wish’ (55%) and the
appropriate use of phrases expressing preferences (45%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using I wish to express

an unreal situation in the present or regret about a past event.

1. I dropped my aunt’s glasses.

2. I am not old enough to travel by plane.
3. I missed the train to my parents’ place
4. I haven’t got enough money to buy my mother a present.
5. I forgot my granny’s birthday.
6. I am late with the report.
7. I didn’t call my mother yesterday.
8. I lost all my papers at home.
9. I failed the exam.
10. I am not slim enough to become a model.
11. I couldn’t go to her party.
12. I cannot drive.

84 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

B. Read the sentences and speak about your own

preferences using the expressions in the above stated
examples. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key


I don’t like doing

I can’t stand loud music.

I love writing cards.

I don’t like policemen.

I am enjoying the party.

I hated milk when a child.

I am mad about football.

I prefer reading to walking.

I would like to travel more.

4. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, and 3 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit VI, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1
1. I didn’t have to do all the housework.
2. to see her again.
3. they hadn’t studied harder.
4. I had neglected my mother.
5. you would stop shouting at me.
6. the meal hadn’t been so expensive.
7. he hadn’t been late again.
8. I could visit Taj Mahal one day.
9. she hadn’t got divorced.

Exercise 2
1. I wish I hadn’t committed the crime.
2. I wish I hadn’t broken the vase.
3. I wish you were here.
4. I wish the rain would stop.
5. I wish I hadn’t parked my car on the double yellow line.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 85

Expressing Wishes, Preferences

Exercise 3

1. I wish I had enough time to go for a drink.

2. I wish I had taken my sister’s advice.
3. Mother wishes her son wouldn’t chew gum all the time.
4. I wish I were / was a famous ballet-dancer.
5. Daddy wishes he hadn’t left his file at home.
6. I wish I had had the wedding cake ordered.
7. Susan wishes the dress weren’t/wasn’t so expensive.
8. The skiers wish it hadn’t rained all day.
9. She wishes the rain hadn’t ruined her hat.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and

10 not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit VI, subsections 2.1 and

Exercise 4
General preferences: 2, 4, 7.
Specific preferences: 1, 3, 5, 6.

Exercise 5
1 = d; 2 = a; 3 = k; 4 = b; 5 = i; 6 = I; 7 = j; 8 = g; 9 = e; 10 = f;
11 = c; 12 = h.

Exercise 6
1 = prefer to; 2 = rather than; 3 = eating; 4 = to.

5 = go; 6 = watch; 7 = to give; 8 = go on a visit.

Exercise 7
The man is American and so is the woman.
Neither the man nor the woman is on vacation.
The man is working in London and so is the woman.
The woman doesn’t like the weather and nor does the man.
The woman has been in London for a few weeks and so has
the man.
The man is from Santa Barbara and so is the woman.
The man wasn’t a very good students and nor was the woman.
The man graduated in 1989 and so did the woman.
The woman remembers Mrs Rivers and so does the man.

Exercise 8
1. I tend to write letters for pleasure, hearing a letter drop
through the letter box is much more exciting than getting an
2. I have mixed feelings, I find it incredibly useful, I get fed up.
3. I think computer games are better because they’re
4. It depends, I find shopping quite a social thing.
5. I think you can learn a lot, it’s a great way.
86 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Expressing Wishes, Preferences

Exercise 9
Jean: against; Rita: for; Michael: against..

Exercise 10
Possible answers:
I wish I were in the country now.
I would like to live in a peaceful countryside.
I like busy places where you have a lot of things to do and see
but I don’t like the heavy traffic of busy cities.
I would rather live in a village in the mountains than stay in this
polluted town
I would prefer to have two houses; one in the city and one in
the country.
I hate big cities because the air is polluted and the people are
I neither like nor dislike living in a sky-scraper.
If only I could move house and live in a cottage near a big river
surrounded by trees and bushes.

5. Bibliography
1. Evans, V. 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing,
pp. 152 - 155
2. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 94 – 104, pp. 6, 61, 80
3. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, p. 77

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 87

Job Interview Techniques


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to identify the most
successful techniques used during a job interview, using
specific grammar structures and phrases. You will also be able
to make a job description and to use the specific vocabulary in
contexts of your own. Moreover, you will learn some useful tips
before the interview so that you would be able to manage
during the job interview and get the job.

Unit outline

1. Types of jobs 88
1.1 The indefinite article 88
1.2 Language development 89
2. Expressing obligation/ prohibition/ 91
lack of obligation
2.1 Job description 91
2.2 Language development 92
3 Job interview techniques 94
3.1 Types of questions 94
3.2 General tips 95
3.3 Language development 96
4. Send-away assignment 97
5. Answer key 98
6. Bibliography 100

1. Types of jobs

1.1. The indefinite article

We use the indefinite article a / an in front of jobs as in the
example below:

I am an engineer
She is a carpenter
He is a travel agent.

88 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques

1.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Look at the following jobs and use I am a / an in front of each

job. Provide the rule. Write your answer in the space below.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section at the end of
this unit.

manicurist. businessman, housewife, opera singer, bank

worker, teacher, gardener, florist, hairdresser, secretary,
photographer, waitress, flight-attendant, electrician, plumber,
piano tuner, mechanic, antique dealer, broker, optician,
solicitor, driver, actor.


Listening œ
Exercise 2

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 14, page
27. Listen and fill in the gaps using a, an or the, where
necessary. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

Speaking y
Exercise 3

Express how you need to be in order to do the following jobs.

Choose from the words below. Work with a partner. Write your
answers in the space below and then see possible solutions in
the Answer key section.

sociable, imaginative, a quick thinker, sensitive, caring, careful,

brave, young, tough, reliable, patient, organised.

Jobs: interior designer, florist, doctor, builder, fire-fighter,

secretary, manager.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 89
Job Interview Techniques


Drills V
Exercise 4

Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjective from the list
below. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

creative, patient, friendly, intelligent, polite, accurate,

courageous, persuasive

1. Interior designers should be very ….............…

2. Fire-fighters have to be …….. as they have a very
dangerous job.
3. Surgeons should be extremely …......…. and never make
4. Scholars have to be …..........… in order to understand
intricate phenomena.
5. Advertisers need to be …......…… to make people buy the
6. Shop assistants have to be …........... even if they might
deal with fussy customers.
7. Teachers need to be …...........… especially when students
take a longer time to understand the new information.
8. Receptionists have to be …..........…… in order to make
guests’ stay as pleasant as possible.

90 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques

Speaking y
Exercise 5

Which of these do you think are the most important in a job?

Underline the five most important and the one least important
thing. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

company car, chances of promotion, flexible schedule,

canteen, pleasant working atmosphere, comfortable working
conditions, good pay, job security, travelling, training, nice
colleagues, perks, sociable boss, much free time, freedom,
responsibility, challenging job, health insurance, good pension,
working in a famous company

Listening œ
Exercise 6

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 60, page
113. Listen to the interview and choose the correct verb form.
Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key section.

2. Expressing obligation, prohibition or lack of obligation

2.1. Job Descriptions


structures examples
must + short inf. You must do your duty.
have to You have to obey your boss.
have got to You have got to attend the meeting
should + Pres. Inf. You should be more punctual.
ought (to) + Pres. Inf. You ought to work long hours.

Have to expresses external obligation

Must expresses obligation imposed by the speaker.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 91

Job Interview Techniques


structures examples
mustn’t + short inf. You mustn’t miss the meeting.
can’t + short inf. You can’t enter this room. (You are
not allowed to enter this room).
to be not to You are not to use the company’s
car. (It is against the rules.)

Lack of obligation

structures examples
needn’t + short inf. You needn’t write this memo.
don’t have to You don’t have to print this.

2.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 7

Match the appropriate person for each situation. Write the

answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

1 You test people’s eyes. a a builder

2 You teach people how to b a plumber
drive a car.
3 You build houses c a teacher
4 You write articles in d a piano tuner
5 You fix leaking taps e an optician
6 You put out fires f a secretary
7 You fix cars g a journalist
8 You take photos h a teacher
9 You do the house-chores i a fire-fighter
10 You do the letters j a photographer
11 You instruct children k a mechanic
12 You make pianos sound l a housemaid

1 = …; 2 = …; 3 = …; 4 = …; 5 = …; 6 = …; 7 = …; 8 = …;
9 = …; 10 = …; 11 = …; 12 = …

92 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques


Exercise 8

Rewrite the following sentences using the word in bold. Then

see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. You have to hand in this paper by next Monday.

2. There is no need to write this in pencil.
3. It isn’t necessary for you to work long hours.
4. It’s not right that bosses are allowed to shout at their
5. It’s important to solve this matter soon.
6. It is obligatory for secretaries to be careful.
7. It’s against the rules to use the company’s car.

Drills V
Exercise 9

Choose the best alternative to fill each gap. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.
1. A doctor is a person who has to …….. patients.
a. treat; b. talk to; c. see
2. All the members of our ……. are expected to work hard.
a. personnel; b. gang; c. band
3. An actor is required to .........
a. repeat his lines; b. to be patient; c. to solve problems
4. A trainee has to do several months’ ...............
a. education; b. training; c. coaching
5. Applicants have to ……….. an application form.
a. fill down; b. fill on; c. fill in
6. I have all the necessary ……. to get this position.
a. degrees; b. qualifications; c. certificates
7. If you want this job you have to ………… for it.
a. demand; b. request; c. apply

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 93

Job Interview Techniques

Speaking y
Exercise 10

Work with a partner and decide what you have to do in the

following jobs. Write your answers in the space below. Then
see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

a dentist, a secretary, a teacher, a school caretaker, a priest, a


3. Job interview techniques

3. 1. Types of questions

Yes and No questions

Are you an engineer?

Does she work as a sales agent?
Can you type this letter?
N.B. The word order is: auxiliary + subject+ verb.

Wh- questions

What do you need to be a good bank worker?

Where can I find a reliable job?
When is the interview?
Which skills do you need to have for this position/
Whose application is this?
Why do you want to change your job?
How long are you going to stay with the company?
N.B. The word order is: question word + auxiliary + subject + verb

94 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques

Questions for the applicant

Why do you want this job?

What kind of experience do you have for this job?
What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
What can you contribute?
Why do you want to work for this company?
What do you know about the company?
What interests you about our service (product)?
What can the new company offer that your company
cannot offer?
Why are you leaving your present position?
How long would you stay with the company?
Which are your biggest accomplishments?
Can you work under pressure?
Are you a good team-worker?
How much money do you want?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?

Questions to ask the interviewer

What will be my responsibilities?

Who will I report to?
Where does he/she fit in the company structure?
Who will report to me?
What will be my salary?
Will I be given free days for working long-hours?
Is there a company canteen for lunch breaks?
Will travelling be required in this position?
What do you expect me to do in the first 6 months?
What training do you provide?
What level of performance do you expect from me?
Where is the company going? Upwards? Expansion
When will you decide on the appointment?
What is the next step?

3.2. General tips

Have a positive attitude.
Re-read you application.
Prepare answers to possible questions.
Prepare proper questions to ask.
Show interest in the company and position.
Find out everything you can about the company.
Have a clear sense of purpose.
Use convincing ideas.
Be motivated.
Dress smartly.
Don’t be arrogant.
Leave home earlier.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 95
Job Interview Techniques
Job interview body language: give out the right signals.
Never lie.
Do not slouch in your chair

3.3. Language development


Exercise 11

Fill in a word in order to ask grammatical questions. Then see

the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. ……… you drive a car?

2. ........…time is the interview?
3. ……... do I start work?
4. ……… much money do I get?
5. …….... do I need to be a good interpreter?
6. …….... is the manager’s office?
7. ……… you aware of the responsibilities of this position?
8. ……… are you leaving your present job?
9. …….... will I report to?
10. …….... experienced is she?

Speaking y
Exercise 12

Work with a partner: look at the picture below and express the
good points that could make the applicant be given the job.
Write your answers in the space below and then see the
possible solutions in the Answer key section.


96 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques

4. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the identification of successful interview
techniques (55%), and the appropriate use of these techniques
in contexts of your own (45%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Identify which of the following questions should be

answered by the applicant and which ones should be answered
by the interviewer.
1. Why do you want this job?
2. Who will report to me?
3. Who will I report to?
4. What can you contribute?
5. Can you work under pressure?
6. What training do you provide?
7. How much money do you expect?
8. What will be my salary?
9. What do you know about the company?
10. Is there a company canteen?

B. Read the following interview and underline the typical

questions that may be asked during an interview.
Interviewer: Good morning. What’s your name?
Applicant: Good morning. My name is Steve Jameson.
Interviewer: Sit down, Mr Jameson. How old are you?
Applicant: I am 34 years old.
Interviewer: Are you married, Mr. Jameson?
Applicant: Yes, I am. My wife’s name is Sandra and we have
three children: a girl and two boys.
Interviewer: What are the children’s names and ages?
Applicant: Helen is 3, and the twins are 5.
Interviewer: Why do you want this job, Mr. Jameson?
Applicant: I think my qualifications are appropriate for this
type of job.
Interviewer: What can you contribute?
Applicant: In my previous position I have coordinated the R
& D department .
Interviewer: Why do you want to work in this company?
Applicant: I have read a lot about your company and I know
that you pay much attention on the quality of your
personnel and of your services.
Interviewer: Any questions?
Applicant: Well, I have a few questions. First of all …………

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 97

Job Interview Techniques

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6

not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit VII, subsections 1.1 and

Exercise 1
I am a manicurist; I am a businessman; I am a housewife; I am
an opera singer; I am a bank worker; I am a teacher; I am a
gardener; I am a florist; I am a hairdresser; I am a secretary; I
am a photographer; I am a waitress; I am a mechanic; I am an
antique dealer; I am a broker; I am an optician; I am a solicitor;
I am a driver; I am an actor.

Exercise 2
a. 1 -, 2 a, b -, 4 an, 5 an, 6 the, 7 the, 8 a, 9 -, 10 The, 11 the,
12 a, 13 a, 14 a, 15 -, 16 a, 17 -, 18 the, 19 the, 20 the, b. 1 a,
2-, 3 a, 4 the, 5 the, 6 the, 7 the, 8 the

Exercise 3
Possible answers.
sociable, imaginative, a quick thinker, sensitive, caring, careful,
brave, young, tough, reliable, patient, organised.

An interior designer: imaginative

A florist: sensitive
A doctor: caring, careful, patient
A builder: tough, young.
A fire-fighter: brave, caring, a quick thinker
A secretary: sociable, careful, reliable
A manager: organised, a quick thinker, sociable.

Exercise 4
1 = creative; 2 = courageous; 3 = accurate; 4 = intelligent;
5 = persuasive; 6 = polite; 7 = patient; 8 = friendly

Exercise 5
Give your answers by drawing a hierarchy of personal

Exercise 6
1. my A-level start; 2. I’m going to concentrate, 3. I’m going to
be, 4. I’m going to find, 5. I’m moving, 6. you’ll be able, 7. we
might have to, 8. it’s going to be, 9. we’ll have had, 10. I’ll be
staying, 12. it’ll be

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 7, 8, 9, and 10 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit VII, subsections 2.1 and 2.2.

98 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Job Interview Techniques

Exercise 7
1 = e; 2 = c; 3 = a; 4 = g; 5 = v; 6 = I; 7 = k; 8 = j; 9 = l; 10 = f;
11 = h; 12 = d.

Exercise 8
1. You must hand in this paper by Monday.
2. You don’t have to write this in pencil.
3. You needn’t/ don’t need to work long hours.
4. Bosses shouldn’t shout at their employees.
5. You ought to solve this matter soon.
6. Secretaries have to be careful.
7. You are not to use the company’s car.

Exercise 9
1 = a; 2 = a; 3 = a; 4 = b; 5 = c; 6 = b; 7 = c.

Exercise 10
A dentist has to take care of people’s teeth.
A secretary has to type letters, answer the phone, make
appointments, talk to visitors, send faxes and e-mails.
A teacher has to be patient, to speak clearly, to be well
A school caretaker has to clean the classrooms, to wipe the
blackboards, to lock the doors after classes.
A priest has to comfort people’s souls, to preach, to have all the
answers to people’s problems.
A babysitter has to take care of babies, to play with the babies,
to give the correct medication if it is necessary, to be patient
and caring.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 11, and 12 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit VII, subsections 3.1 and 3.2,
and 3.3.

Exercise 11
1. do; 2. what; 3. when; 4. how; 5. what; 6. where; 7. are;
8. why; 9 who; 10. how

Exercise 12
Good points: The candidate is formally dressed, without
extravagant accessories, wearing a dark jacket and light skirt.
The applicant seems self-confident, ready to answer the
We can also see that the interviewer has already received the
applicant’s file and that the documents seem of interest.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 99

Job Interview Techniques

6. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp.

21 - 28
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, Oxford University Press, pp. 131 - 144
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 94 – 104, pp. 27, 113
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 35 - 45

100 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to make difference
between real condition and unreal condition (present and past),
you will be also able to use the specific conditional patterns in
contexts of your own.

Unit outline

1. If clauses 101
1.1 First conditional 101
1.2 Second conditional 104
1.3 Third conditional 106
2. Send-away assignment 109
3. Answer key 110
4. Bibliography 111

1. If Clauses

1.1. First conditional

if-clause 1 main clause example use

If I have time, I will Real situation
visit you (likely to happen in
the present or
If+ Present will future future)

If you leave iron in General truth

the rain, it l rusts.

N.B. If (Type 1) is followed by the verb in the Present Tense

like time adverbials such as when, as soon as, by the time,
until, etc., e.g.:

If / When / As soon as I arrive in Paris, I will phone you.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 101

Dreams or Reality?

Drills V
Exercise 1

Fill in each gap with if/when. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section at the en of this unit.

1. ……....... I become a president I will build more houses.

2. ….....….. she gets home tonight, she will have a real
3. I’m leaving for Paris tomorrow. …....... I get there, I will
give you a ring.
4. My parents are thinking of moving in the country.
….............. they decide to do so, they will let me know.
5. ….....…… the play has good reviews, I will buy tickets for
both of us.

Drills V
Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks below with the correct verb form. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section at the en of this unit.

1. If I work hard, I ….....…. (succeed) in my new career.

2. We may join you if the weather ….....…. (be) fine.
3. They won’t go on a picnic, if they ….....….. (not / have) the
4. Mum will buy me a new dress, if she …....... (have)
enough money.
5. If I pass the exam, my parents …....... (buy) a fast car.

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again!

102 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?


Exercise 3

Study the following model, then write an if-chain (5 lines) using

the model below:


If I cut down on sweets → lose weight → look better → be

more confident → have more friends → be happier

If I cut down on sweets, I will lose weight.

If I lose weight, I will look better.
If I look better, I will be more confident.
If I am more confident, I will have more friends.
If I have more friends, I will be happier.

Write the answer in the space below. Then see the solutions in
the Answer key section.


If I have more money → buy a fast car →have a car accident

→ go to hospital →be absent from work → have more time to

1. …………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………………

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 103

Dreams or Reality?

Drills V
Exercise 4

Match column A with column B using if/unless. Write the

answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

N.B. We can use unless instead of if … not. The verb is

always in the affirmative after unless.

1 They won’t go dancing a work harder.
2 She will buy a new car b she has all the ingredients.
3 Daddy will refuse you c it rains.
4 They won’t get the job d they don’t have the mood.
5 We won’t go on a trip e you drink up your tea.
6 Mum will bake a cake f you ask him nicely.
7 You won’t get out and play g has enough money.

1 = …; 2 = …; 3 = …; 4 = …; 5 = …; 6 = …; 7 = …

☺Let’s have fun!

Girl: You would be a good dancer except for
two things.
Boy: What are the two things?
Girl: Your feet.

1.2. Second conditional

if clause main clause example use

if +Subjunctive would+ If I had more time, I Imaginary
infinitive would visit you. situation in the
N.B. present or
Subjunctive has the future
same form as the Past (impossible or
tense, except for the If I were you, I unlikely to
verb to be (were) would tell the truth. happen)

104 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?

Drills V
Exercise 5

Fill in the correct tense. Then see the solutions in the Answer
key section.

1. If he left on time, he ……....….. (not / miss) the train.

2. If I ……......… (have ) my car, I would give you a lift.
3. If she ….....…. (stop) eating fatty food, she would look
much better.
4. If I didn’t know how to draw this vase, I ….....….. (ask) you
to help me.
5. If they lived in a cottage, they …....... (have) much more
fresh air.
6. If I ….....…… (earn) more money, I would travel more.
7. If I …….....… (be) richer, I would give parties every

Speaking y
Exercise 6

Look at the two pictures and make sentences (three for each
picture) as in the model below. Work with a partner. Write your
answers in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the
Answer key section.


If I had a lot of money, I would have a large house with a

double garage.
If I had a castle, I would be a Prince.

Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 105
Dreams or Reality?

Stop and think

Exercise 7

Think of different ways to finish the following sentences. Write

your answers in the space below. Then see possible solutions
in the Answer key section.

1. If I found a wallet in the street, I would ……………….

2. If my Mum were younger, she would ……………………
3. If I were you, I would……………………………………….
4. If I lost all my belongings, would……………………………
5. If my house were on fire, I would…………………………..
6. If I saw a burglar in my house, I would……………………
7. If Daddy came into a fortune, he would…………………..

1.3 Third conditional

if clause main clause example use

If + Past Perfect Would have + If I had had more Imaginary situation
Past Participle time, I would have in the past (regrets,
(third form) visited you. unfulfilled wishes or

Drills V
Exercise 8

Fill in the gaps using the correct verb form. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. If I …….. (have) all my friends here, I would have thrown a

huge party.
2. If she …….. (be) more sociable, she would have had more
3. Mum …………. (bake) an apple pie, if she had had
4. If I ……. (not / fail) my exams, I would have become an
5. She would have got the job if she …… (not / miss) the
6. If you ……… (not / lie) to me, I would have been still your
7. If Daddy had left on time, he ……… (not / miss) the

106 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?

Speaking y
Exercise 9

Work with a partner and say what you would have done if the
following situations had happened to you. Write your answers
in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer
key section.


What would you have done if you had hurt your best friend’s
I would have tried to apologise and make up with him.

1. What would you have done if you had lost your job

2. What would you have done if your boyfriend had given

you a diamond ring?

3. What would you have done if you had met bullies in the

4. What would you have done if you had been able to fly?

5. What would you have done if you could have turned the
clock back?

Stop and think

Exercise 10

Rephrase the sentences below using the words in bold. Write

your answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

1. I didn’t hear the alarm clock; so I missed the train.

If I………………………………………..missed the train.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 107

Dreams or Reality?

2. The train was late, so she didn’t arrive in time for the
If the train ………………………in time for the interview.
3. Unless you try harder, you won’t pass the test.
If you ……………………………. pass the test.
4. I suggest you should be more patient with your child.
If I …………………………… more patient with your child.
5. I am not rich. I can’t help you.
If I ………………………………………. help you.
6. Water boils at 100 C.
If you ……………………………….. boils at 100 C.

Listening œ
Exercise 11

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 16, page
30. Listen to the interview with Patti, Eric and Lee and identify
the different if-constructions. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

Exercise 12

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.3, tapescript 17, page
30. Listen to the dialogues and identify Eric’s Patti’s and Lee’s
answers to the questions. Then see the solutions in the Answer
key section.

108 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?

2. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: correct use of the if clause rules ( 60%) and the
identification of the correct rule for different situations (40%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Fill in the correct verb form and identify the type of


1. If I had lost my wallet, the police ………. (help) me find it.

conditional type: …
2. If Mum ……… (have) time, she will cook a delicious meal.
conditional type :…
3. If they ………… (catch) the train, they wouldn’t have
missed the concert.
conditional type: …
4. If I had had a torch, I ……………. (not / get) lost in the
conditional type: …
5. She will tell the truth if you ………..(ask) her to be honest
with us.
conditional type :…
6. If I ……… (be) you, I would never behave like that.
conditional type: ...
7. She would have panicked, unless you ………. (warn) her.
conditional type: …

B. Use the two tables below and make as many sentences

as you can.

If I had a baby in front of the door
found any fast-food
If she met more time
didn’t eat at work
If they weren’t late a VIP

I would / wouldn’t ask for an autograph.
keep it.
inform the authorities
She would / wouldn’t feel much better
visit you more often
read more.
They would / wouldn’t be promoted.
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 109
Dreams or Reality?

3. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers not be close to the ones

suggested in this section, read the information provided in
Unit VIII, subsections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.

Exercise 1
1 = if; 2 = when; 3 = when; 4 = if/ when; 5 = if

Exercise 2
1 = will succeed; 2 = is; 3 = don’t have; 4 = has; 5 = will buy.

Exercise 3
If I have more money, I will buy a fast car.
If I buy a fast car, I will have a car accident.
If I have a car accident, I will go to hospital.
If I go to hospital, I will be absent from work.
If I am absent from work, I will have more time to read

Exercise 4
1. They won’t go dancing unless they are in the mood.
2. She will buy a new car if she has enough money.
3. Daddy will refuse you unless you ask him nicely.
4. They won’t get the job, unless they work harder.
5. We won’t go on a trip, if it rains.
6. Mum will bake a cake if she has all the ingredients.
7. You won’t get out and play unless you drink up your tea.

Exercise 5
1= wouldn’t miss; 2= had; 3= stopped; 4= would ask; 5= would
have; 6= earned; 7= were.

Exercise 6
Suggested solutions
If I had a lot of money, I would travel a lot.
If I were rich, I would invest in a new business.
If I had much more money, I would give you a ring.
If I had a palace, I would live in a fairy tale.
If I were a prince, I would have a lot of servants.
If I lived in a palace, I would lead a luxurious life.

Exercise 7
1. If I found a wallet in the street, I would keep it.
2. If my Mum were younger, she would choose a new job.
3. If I were you, I would socialise more.
4. If I lost all my belongings, I would start it over again.
5. If my house were on fire, I would panic.
6. If I saw a burglar in my house, I would run away.
7. If Daddy came into a fortune, he would buy me a new car.

110 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Dreams or Reality?

Exercise 8
1= had had; 2= had been; 3= would have baked; 4= hadn’t
failed; 5= hadn’t missed; 6= hadn’t lied; 7= wouldn’t have

Exercise 9
Suggested answers:
1. I would have look for a new vacant post.
2. I would have been surprised.
3. I would have spent the day before with all my family.
4. I would have called the police.
5. I would have done my best.
6. I would have turned back the clock during my childhood.

Exercise 10
1. If had heard the alarm clock, I wouldn’t have missed the
2. If the train hadn’t been late, she would have arrived in time.
3. If you try harder, you will pass the test.
4. If I were you, I would be more patient with your child.
5. If I were rich, I would help you.
6. If you heat water at 100 C, it boils/will boil.

Exercise 11
Patti: If you have dreams, money makes them possible; If I
ever felt I had too much money, I’d give it away to charity; If I
were single, I’d go for fame
Eric: If I didn’t behave well, I wouldn’t receive, If I’d known
that…., I would have kept them
Lee: If I had to choose one, it would have to be football.

Exercise 12
a. Patti: It wouldn’t matter to her, but it might to her husband.
Eric: He would feel a failure.
Lee: It wouldn’t worry him.
b. Patti: She’d splash out on a family holiday.
Eric: He’d buy a new computer.
Lee: He’d blow it on a new stereo system and some massive

4. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp.

121 - 134
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, Oxford University Press, pp. 77 - 90
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., p. 30
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 78 - 82

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 111

Rules and Tips


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to use the imperative in
order to express the do’s and don’ts regarding home rules,
holiday rules, business rules or cookery tips. You will also be
able to use the imperative in contexts of your own.

Unit outline

1 The imperative 112

1.1 Language development 113
2 Home rules 114
2.1 Useful phrases and language 114
3 Business rules 115
3.1 Useful phrases and language 115
4 Travel tips 117
4.1 Useful phrases and language 117
5 Send-away assignment 119
6 Answer key 120
7 Bibliography 121

1. The imperative
In order to express orders, suggestions, requests,
recommendations, advice, threats, etc., we use the Imperative.

do’s don’ts
Get out! Don’t get out!
Eat up! Don’t eat up!
Be polite! Don’t be polite!
Bring flowers! Don’t bring flowers!
Say hello! Never say that!
Dress in white! Never dress in white!
Have a cup of coffee! Never drink alcohol before doing
Let me say that! Don’t let me say that!
Let’s do it! Don’t let us do it!
Do keep your temper! Don’t lose your temper!
Do sit down! Don’t stand up!
Do stay in here! None of you goes away!

112 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Rules and Tips

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: What’s the difference between a teacher
and a train?
Answer: The teacher says ‘Get that gum out of your
mouth!’, whereas the train says ‘Chew, Chew.

1.1 Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Complete the missing words. Then see the solutions in the

Answer key section.

1. P……….. the medicine away after use.

2. Never l…… your kid play with matches.
3. D……… cautiously on slippery roads.
4. B…. polite to elderly people.
5. Don’t s…… cigarettes in here if you are not invited to.
6. H….. a piece of this cake! I have made it myself.
7. N….. do business without having done your homework.

Speaking y
Exercise 2

Work with a partner: look at the two pictures and speak about
the traffic rules expressed in each of them. Write the do’s and
don’ts on the space below. Then see possible solutions in the
Answer key section.

1. 2.


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 113

Rules and Tips
Picture 2

Do as you would be done by!

2. Home rules

2.1 Useful phrases and language development


Exercise 3

Read the following text and underline the imperative forms.

Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

In my family rules are very strict. Both my wife and my mother-

in-law take care of that. Therefore, all the rules concern only
me. Rules are divided in three main categories: kitchen rules,
living room rules, and bedroom rules.
Let me give you several examples. For instance, kitchen rules:
Don’t smoke in the kitchen!
Lay the table for the rest of the family at 7.55 every
Wash up before leaving for work!
Throw away the rubbish!
Make the salad!
Fix the cupboard door!
Clean the grill and the oven!
Living-room rules:
Don’t smoke in the living-room!
Dust the furniture!
Don’t stay in my mother’s favourite armchair!
Don’t listen to loud music between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Bedroom rules:
Don’t smoke in the bedroom!
As you can see, I have to cope with many rules. Luckily, we
have a balcony where, regardless of the weather, I am allowed
to smoke.

114 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Rules and Tips

Speaking y
Exercise 4

Work with a partner and express rules preventing kids’

accidents at home. Use the prompts below. Write the answers
in the space provided below. Then see the possible solutions in
the Answer key section.

play / matches; polish / floors / kid’s room; sharp objects / put

away; cover / electrical sockets; fence / pond; washing-up liquid
/ safe


3. Business rules

3.1 Useful phrases and language development

Exercise 5

Read the following text paying attention to the business rules in

different parts of the world. Complete the following sentences.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section

In Asian countries (e. g. Japan) companies have a policy of

promotion by seniority; that is why executive managers are
likely to be in his fifties or sixties. In the USA, companies
traditionally have a policy by expertise: bosses can be in their
thirties, if their professional successes are outstanding.
Rules of social behaviour are very strict in the Asian countries.
They never shake hands; instead they take a bow. Bowing the
head has its own rules: the first bow is lower than the bows
taken afterwards, the bow is even lower if you meet an elderly
person or a very important person; it is said that each bow has
its own connotation.
Asian people are shocked when the Americans put their feet on
the desk. To them this is an outrageous insult.
When they exchange business cards, other rules are to be
obeyed: they give and receive them with both hands, they take

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 115

Rules and Tips
the time to read the card and only after a while they place it into
their pocket.
American and European executives consider eye-contact of
great importance. Looking straight in the partner’s eyes can
mean that you are frank, you are reliable and trustworthy. Asian
people could see that as an insult. They would never stare at
people and they would raise their eyes only up to your Adam’s
apple or the knot of your tie.

1. In Asian countries, don’t send a ……….. manager to do

2. In Asia don’t ….....… hands! ….....…. your head!
3. In Asia ….....…. put the business card immediately into
your pocket.
4. In Asian countries ….....…. your eyes up to the partner’s
Adam’s apple.
5. In Asian countries ….....…. put your feet on the desk!
6. In Japan ….....… the business cards carefully!

Drills V
Exercise 6

Match column A with column B in order to make appropriate

sentences. Write the answers in the space below. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1 The Japanese a if you sent a young negotiator.
2 An Asian manager would be b is an insult in Japan.
3 In Japan business cards c has several meanings.
4 American businessmen put d very important in Asian cultures.
their feet on their desk
5 Looking straight into your e have strict rules.
partner’s eyes
6 Bowing your head f should be read carefully.

7 Bowing your head g is a mark of respect.

8 Seniority is h to signal their feeling of importance.

1 =….; 2=….; 3 =….; 4 =….; 5 =….; 6 =….; 7 =….; 8 =…..

116 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Rules and Tips

4. Travel rules

4.1 Useful phrases and language development


Exercise 7

Read the following text about several tips for travellers. Then fill
in the sentences. See the solutions in the Answer key section.
Last year I wanted to spend my summer holiday somewhere
special. Fist of all I contacted a reliable travel agency to look
through their offers. I booked a package holiday in the Middle
Then, a series of stressful activities followed: I had to cancel
the newspapers and the milk, to ask my neighbour to water my
plants, to get some foreign currency, to buy larger suitcases
and to buy light clothes.
Then, I bought a map and a guidebook on different countries in
Europe, Asia, and Africa, in order to learn more about the
customs of different peoples.
Thus, I learnt that the French, when meeting friends, shake
hands and kiss people’s cheeks three times, while in
Afghanistan one spends about 5 minutes shaking hands and
saying hello.
In China guests never admire things in their host’s house;
otherwise, the host feels that he has to give that object to them.
In Japan people don’t blow their nose in public, in Egypt young
people do not kiss in public, in Pakistan people find winking

1. Don’t ……….. your nose in public when travelling in

2. ……… hands when meeting French people!
3. …….... wink in Pakistan!
4. …….... your time when saying hello in Afghanistan!
5. ……… kiss your girlfriend in public when in Egypt!
6. …….... people three times when meeting them in Paris.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 117

Rules and Tips

Drills V
Exercise 8

Arrange chronologically the following traveller’s tips. Write your

answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

a. Buy a map!
b. Cancel the milk!
c. Contact a travel agency!
d. Pack your suitcase!
e. Find a nice place for the holiday!
f. Board the family pet!
g. Get some foreign currency!
h. Read some information about the holiday location!
i. Take appropriate clothes!
j. Check your passport!

1 = …; 2 = …; 3 = …; 4 =…; 5 = …; 6 = …; 7 = …; 8 = …;

Speaking y
Exercise 9

Work with a partner and speak about some rules to be

observed by tourists visiting Romania. Use the prompts below.
Then write 4 rules. Write your answers in the space below.
Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

exchange money / street; taste/ traditional food; miss / the

Danube Delta; learn / basic phrases; walk / backstreets at
night; talk / strangers; buy / casual clothes; buy / craftsmen’s


118 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Rules and Tips

Listening œ
Exercise 10

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.3, tapescript 63, page
119. Listen to the song and fill in the missing words. Then see
the solutions in the Answer key section.

5. SAA

You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the correct use of the imperative (55%) and the
identification of the appropriate verbs to be used in different
contexts (45%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Match column A with column B in order to write

instructions for a person who needs a driving licence.

1 Take a the traffic rules.
2 Learn b the speed limit.
3 Never c overtaking the vehicle in front
of you.
4 Drive d while driving.
5 Observe e driving lessons.
6 Don’t f drink before driving.
7 Check before g panic.
8 Never use the mobile phone h cautiously.
9 Wear the safety-belt; i this might save your life
during an accident.

B. Complete the following sentences.

1. When you are invited to a luxurious restaurant, ……. on

smart clothes.
2. If you go to the opera, ……… casual clothes.
3. In order to avoid jet-lag ……. go to bed until everybody in
that country does so.
4. ……. the local customs if you don’t want to make a fool
5. ........ wear comfortable shoes when travelling long by
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 119
Rules and Tips
6. ……... some flowers when you go on a visit.
7. ……… some useful phrases before visiting a place.
8. ……… careful when exchanging the money.
9. ……… a package holiday - in this way you don’t have to
worry about accommodation, transportation, tourist
sightseeing tours, etc.

6. Answer key
N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1and 2 not be
close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit IX, subsection 1.1.

Exercise 1
1. put; 2. let; 3. drive; 4. be; 5. smoke; 6. have; 7. never

Exercise 2
Suggested solutions

Picture 1:
Drive only on this side of the street.
Drive only in this direction.
Don’t stop!
Turn right!

Picture 2
Don’t work in this area!
Don’t cross the road!

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 3 and 4 not be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit IX, subsection 2.1.

Exercise 3
Let me give,
Don’t smoke in the kitchen!
Lay the table for the rest of the family at 7.55 every
Wash up before leaving for work!
Throw away the rubbish!
Make the salad!
Fix the cupboard door!
Clean the grill and the oven!
Don’t smoke in the living-room!
Dust the furniture!
Don’t stay in my mother’s favourite armchair!
Don’t listen to loud music between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Don’t smoke in the bedroom

120 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Rules and Tips

Exercise 4
1. Don’t let your kid play with matches!
2. Don’t polish floors in your kid’s room!
3. Put sharp objects away after use.
4. Cover electrical sockets!
5. Set up a fence around the pond!
6. Keep the washing-up liquid in a safe place.

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10

not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit IX, subsections 3.1 and

Exercise 5
1. young; 2. shake; bow; 3. don’t; 4. raise; 5. don’t; 6. read.

Exercise 6
1 = e; 2 = a; 3 = f; 4 = h; 5 = b; 6 = g; 7 = c; 8 = d.

Exercise 7
1. = blow; 2 = shake; 3 = don’t; 4. = take; 5 = never; 6 = kiss

Exercise 8
1 = j; 2 = e; 3 = c; 4 = b; 5 = g; 6 = f; 7 = i; 8 = d; 9 = a; 10 = h.

Exercise 9
1. Don’t exchange money in the street!
2. Do taste the Romanian traditional food!
3. Don’t miss a visit to the Danube Delta!
4. Learn a few Romanian basic phrases!
5. Never walk in the backstreets at night!
6. Don’t talk to strangers!
7. Buy casual clothes!
8. Buy some Romanian craftsmen’s artefacts!

Exercise 10
1 = wait, 2 = know, 3 = old, 4 = bed, 5 = dead, 6 = protection,
7 = take, 8 = weak, 9 = above, 10 = grows, 11 = dead.

7. Bibliography

1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, p. 19

2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate Masterclass,
Oxford University Press, pp. 119 -130
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., p. 63
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 37 - 39

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 121

Making Plans and Arrangements


Unit objectives

By the end of this unit you will be able to use specific phrases
and structures in order to make future plans and arrangements.
Moreover, you will be able to make the difference between
plans made for the near future and plans for the distant future.
You will also be able to use those structures in original contexts
of your own.

Unit outline

1. The future tense 123

1.1 Future structures – uses- examples 123
1.2 Language development 124
2 Making future plans 126
2.1 Career plans 126
2.2 Holiday plans 129
2.3 Free time plans 131
3. Send-away assignment 133
4. Answer key 135
5. Bibliography 137

122 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

1. The future tense

1.1 Future structures – uses and examples

future forms uses examples

Present Arranged future action The plane takes off
simple Timetables tomorrow at 6 p.m.

Cultural/sport The match starts at 10

programmes/events a.m. next Wednesday.
Present Definite arrangement or plan We are throwing a party
continuous in the ‘near future’ next weekend.
be going to + verb Intentions (both in the near (a 4-year-old boy): I am
and remote future) going to become a pilot.

Decisions made before the When they retire, my

moment of speaking. parents are going to
move in the country.

Predictions based on (seeing a pregnant

evidence. woman): She is going to
have a baby.
will + verb Decisions made at the I’ll have a salad, please.
moment of speaking
(a pregnant woman): I
Predictions based on think / I hope my baby will
opinions/ hopes/ fears/ be musical.

N.B. used especially with

think / hope / suppose /
expect / fear
Future Action in progress at a certain This time next week he’ll
progressive time in the future. be flying to L.A.

Already planned action I’ll be seeing Susan

N.B. Similar to Present

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 123

Making Plans and Arrangements

1.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Underline the correct verb form. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. ‘Why are you wearing shorts today?’

‘Because I will play /am going to play football.’
2. ‘I am thirsty’.
‘I’ll get / am going to get you a glass of fresh juice.’
3. ‘Did you tell Phil about our housewarming party?’
‘No, I simply forgot. I’ll phone/ am going to phone him right
4. ‘Are you still seeing Jim?
‘Oh, yes. We‘ll get married/ are going to get married next

Drills V
Exercise 2

Fill in each gap with the correct future form of the verbs
between brackets. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

1. I think they ……….. (agree) to host our event.

2. This time tomorrow I ………… (have) dinner with my wife.
3. The concert ………….. (start) at 8 p.m.
4. I have bought a pair of new skis: I ………….. (ski) this
5. They can’t come with us tonight because they (see) their
future daughter-in-law.
6. Manchester United ………. (play) vs. Everton next
7. Look! The plane ………..… (crash).

124 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

Speaking y
Exercise 3

Say true sentences about you. Work with a partner. Write your
answers in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the
Answer key section.


I / read tonight
I am reading a book tonight.
I think I will read something tonight.

1. it / snow tomorrow
2. my mother / go shopping this afternoon
3. their baby / be lucky
4. I / be a billionaire one day
5. the teacher / give us an assessment test


A merry heart makes a long life.

Drills V
Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct answer. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. They …………….. a movie tonight.

a. will be seeing; b. will see; c. are seeing
2. I think Mummy ……….. something good for my party.
a. is going to cook; b. is cooking; c. will cook
3. This time next month my brother ……… in a new firm.
a. will work; b. will be working; c. is working
4. Look! Our bus………………….!
a. is arriving; b. will arrive; c. is going to leave.
5. I can’t join you tomorrow: I.. ……… my dentist.
a. will see; b. am seeing; c. see
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 125
Making Plans and Arrangements

Listening œ
Exercise 5

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 27, p.48.
Listen and complete the gaps using the verb phrases in the
box. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: Where does Dracula stay
when he goes to New York City?
Answer: The Vampire State building.

2. Making future plans

2.1. Career plans


Exercise 6

Read the following text and identify Carina’s future plans. Write
them down in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

N.B. We do not use future forms after when (time conjunction),

while, before, as soon as, by the time.
When I grow up I am going to travel a lot. I love travelling,
meeting new people and learning new things. So, I am going to
visit a lot of cities, museums, and interesting sights. I am also
going to make sightseeing tours in exotic places. I’m not going
to get married until 30 and then I am going to stay at home and
take care of my three children. I’m going to get a free lancer job
in order to have an occupation when my children are at school.
I’m going to have a garden and take care of it properly. I am
going to enjoy life to the maximum.

Carina’s plans:

126 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

Drills V
Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks using: will, be going to, the Present

Continuous, the Future Continuous. Then see the solutions in
the Answer key section.

1. Why ……… she ………… (learn) French?

Because she wants to visit France and meet French
2. When …….. he ……….. (marry)?
Not until he is forty.
3. They ……………. (invite) us tonight in order to discuss
their new job offer.
4. This time tomorrow I ……………. (have) my job interview.
5. I do hope she ……….. (be) nervous during the interview.
6. He thinks they ………. (accept) the position, but I am not
sure about it.
7. My boss ……………. (retire) and ……. (move) in the

Speaking y
Exercise 8

Look at the prompts below and speak about your career plans
using will / going to phrases. Work with a partner. Write your
answers in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the
Answer key section.

travel on business, work with a lot of people, work in a team,

work on my own, give instructions to other people, make
decisions, work long hours, come up with ingenious solutions,
find a way to promote, look for a better job


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 127

Making Plans and Arrangements

☺ Let’s have fun!

Teacher: What is the past participle of the verb ‘to ring’?
Student: What do you think it is, Sir?
Teacher: I don’t I think, I KNOW!
Student: I don’t think I know either, Sir!


Exercise 9

Look at Stephanie’s school report below. Write a short

paragraph saying what she is going to become and what she
isn’t going to become. Write your answers in the space below.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

subject mark teacher’s remarks

= 100
English 89 She is gifted in writing compositions especially.
Maths 52 She needs more concentration.
Arts 91 She is creative and imaginative.
Science 61 She can’t see the general phenomena behind the
History 93 She is good at remembering facts.
Biology 90 She is interested in species evolution.
Computer Studies 98 She is a diligent student.
Physical 59 She is fit but she doesn’t seem to like the classes.
Italian 96 She is musical and has a genuine gift for
Music 94 She plays the violin very well.
Environmental 93 She is interested in helping endangered species.

Stephanie is going to become a:


Stephanie is not going to become a:


128 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

Listening œ
Exercise 10

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 59, p.112.
Listen to Mr and Mrs Barrington talking about their eighteen-
year-old daughter, Saffron. Decide which of the sentences best
summarises their feelings about Saffron’s plans for the future.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

2. 2. Holiday plans


Exercise 11

Read the following text and identify Steve’s holiday plans. Write
your answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.
Steve: When I go on holiday, I am going to take up extreme
sports and I am going to be more active. I think I will take up
paragliding or water skiing. I think I won’t stay indoors or watch
TV non-stop. I am also going to visit my friends, to clean the
house, to do more gardening. I am not going to spend the
evenings staying alone or playing computer games. I hope I will
have a great time and become a nicer companion. I also hope I
won’t be a nuisance to my neighbours because I am going to
listen to loud music and give lots of parties.

Steve is going to:


Steve is not going to:


Steve will:

Steve won’t:

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 129

Making Plans and Arrangements

Speaking y
Exercise 12

Work with a partner and express some of a housewife’s holiday

plans. She is supposed to be very busy during the rest of the
year, cleaning, washing, washing up, cooking, etc. Imagine
some of her holiday plans. Use the prompts below. Write your
answers in the space below and then see possible solutions in
the Answer key section.

do the shopping, lie on the beach, read good books, dust the
furniture, worry about children, visit friends, help with children’s
homework, buy trendy clothes, make delicious cakes, clean the
windows, enjoy oneself

Drills V
Exercise 13

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct future form. Fill in the
blanks and then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

A. What are your plans for the winter holiday?

B. I 1) .……………….. (go) to Switzerland.
A. Wonderful. When 2) .………………….. (leave)?
B. Next week. And you?
A. I am not sure, but I think I 3) …………… (stay) at home
and decorate the fir tree.
B. Which other things 4) ………………… you ….…… (do)?
A. I 5) …………. (visit) my friends because we always have
a lot of fun together.

130 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

2.3. Free time future plans


Exercise 14

Read the dialogue and underline the specific future structures.

Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

A: What are you doing tonight?

B: I am visiting my aunt. She is ill and I am going to cheer her
A: Are you coming to my party next Saturday?
B: Of course I am. What are you going to do for that?
A: I am going to decorate the room with colourful balloons
and streamers, I am also going to buy delicious food for us
and select some of my favourite cassettes.
B: Who else is coming?
A: All my friends and a new colleague – Susan. She is very
nice and humorous.
B: In think we will have a great time together.
A: Sure.


Exercise 15

Write a similar dialogue (see exercise 14) using the prompts

below (7 lines). Use the space below. Then see possible
solutions in the Answer key section.

to see a movie, to buy tickets, to pick up, to buy pop-corn, to be

late, to enjoy oneself.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 131

Making Plans and Arrangements

Drills V
Exercise 16

Underline the correct verb forms. Then see the correct

solutions in the Answer key section.

1. ‘It’s Daddy’s birthday next week’

‘Is it? I will buy / am going to buy him a new tie.
2. ‘Would you like to go out tonight?’
‘I will meet / am meeting my boyfriend, sorry.
3. ‘I think they are going to change / will change their
holiday plans.’
‘I doubt it. They have already bought the flight tickets. They
are going to spend / will spend their holidays in Hawaii.
4. ‘What about seeing a movie tonight?’
‘I can’t: I will attend / am attending a very important
5. ‘I am so bored’
‘I am going to watch / am watching a video cassette this
afternoon. Why don’t you join me?’

Speaking y
Exercise 17

Work with a partner: look at the photos and make plans for the
future. Write your answers in the space below. Then see
possible solutions inn the Answer key section.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Picture 1

132 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

3. SAA

You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,

provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the correct use of the future structures (60%)
and the ability to match these future verb forms with their
specific meaning (40%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 133

Making Plans and Arrangements

A. Choose the correct word and complete the sentences

e.g.: am going to will
a) I think I will visit my Granny tonight, if I have the time.
b) I am going to visit London next week; my friends will be
waiting for me at the airport.

1. will be staying stay

a) This time next month my mother …………………. with us for
a week.
b) They hope they ……….. in a luxurious hotel in Miami.

2. is giving gives
a) My neighbour……… a fantastic party every weekend.
b) My neighbour ……….a party next weekend.

3. are going to will

a) In the year 2055 people …… have no time for themselves.
b) Both my cousins …………. become doctors and that’s why
they are studying so hard.

B. Match the tenses in column A to their meanings in

column B.

1 They are meeting their counterpart a arranged future action-
tomorrow afternoon. cultural event
2 She is going to hand the report in due b decision made before the
time. conversation
3 The rock concert starts at 9 p.m. c prediction based on
personal opinions
4 I am thirsty. I think I’ll have a cup of d intention
5 She works so hard. She is going to be e definite arrangement in
too tired to join us. the ‘near future’
6 I am going to see ‘Hamlet’ tonight; the f prediction based on
tickets were so expensive. evidence
7 In 2080 people will wear casual g spontaneous decision

134 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

4. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit X, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1

1 = I am going to play; 2 = I’ll get; 3 = I’ll phone; 4 = we are

going to get married

Exercise 2
1 = will agree; 2 = will be having; 3 = starts; 4 = am going to ski;
5 = are seeing; 6 = plays; 7 = is going to crash.

Exercise 3
Possible solutions:
1. I think it will snow tomorrow.
2. My mother is going shopping this afternoon.
3. I hope their baby will be lucky.
4. I hope I will be a millionaire one day.
5. The teacher is going to give us an assessment test.

Exercise 4
1 = c; 2 = c; 3 = b; 4 = c; 5 = b.

Exercise 5
a) ‘s forever talking; b) will insist on opening; c) ‘s always
leaving; d) will go on about; e) ‘s always telling; f) will keep

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,

13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 not be close to the ones suggested
in this section, read the information provided in Unit X,
subsections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.

Exercise 6
Carina’s plans:
She is going to travel; she is going to visit a lot of cities etc.
she is going to make sightseeing tours;
She is not going to get married until 30; she is going to stay at
home; she is going to get a job; she is going to have a garden;
she is going to take care of it; she is going to enjoy life.

Exercise 7
1 = is she going to learn
2 = is he going to marry
3 = are inviting
4 = will be having
5 = won’t be
6 = will accept
7 = is going to retire and to move
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 135
Making Plans and Arrangements

Exercise 8
Model: I think I will work in a team. I don’t think I will work long
hours. I am going to find a way to promote; I am not going to
work on my own.

Exercise 9
Stephanie may become a journalist, an English or an Italian
teacher, a translator or an interpreter, a computer programmer,
a physician, an artist, a composer or a singer, a History
Stephanie may not become a: Maths teacher, a scientist, a
Physical Education teacher.

Exercise 10
Sentence b is the best summary.

Exercise 11
Steve is going to: take up sports, be more active, visit friends,
clean the house, do gardening, listen to loud music, give lots of
Steve is not going to: spend the evenings alone, play computer
Steve will: take up, have a great time, will become a nicer
Steve won’t: stay indoors, watch TV, be a nuisance.

Exercise 12
Possible answers
She is not going to do the shopping, dust the furniture or clean
the windows. She is not going to help with children’s
She is going to lie on the beach, to read good books, visit
friends. She is going to enjoy herself a lot.
I think she will worry about her children and make some
delicious cakes for them.
I think she won’t buy trendy clothes.

Exercise 13
1 = am going to go
2 = are you leaving
3 = will stay
4 = are you going to do
5 = am going to visit

Exercise 14
What are you doing tonight, I am visiting, I am going to cheer
her up, Are you coming, I am going to decorate, I am also
going to buy, What are you going to do, Who else is coming.

136 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Plans and Arrangements

Exercise 15
A: What are doing tonight?
B: I am going to see a movie. Will you come?
A: Who is going to buy the tickets?
B: I am going to buy the tickets.
A: Then I will buy the pop-corn and something to drink.
B: Don’t be late.
A: I won’t. I am sure we will enjoy ourselves.

Exercise 16
1. will buy; meeting; 3.will change; are going to spend;
4. am attending; going to watch.

Exercise 17
1. I am going to spend my holidays on an exotic island.
2. I am going to swim more.
3. I am going to jog more.
4. I am going to take the dog for a walk.
5. I am going to learn French.
6. I am going to take piano lessons.

5. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp. 5 - 7
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate Masterclass,
Oxford University Press, pp. 21 - 34
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 27, 59
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 45 - 56

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 137

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant


Unit objectives
By the end of this unit you will be able to make the difference
between countable and uncountable nouns, to use them
correctly, to express opinions regarding favourite types of
food/shops and to make a coherent shopping list. You will also
be able to use specific ordering phrases in contexts of your

Unit outline
1. Shopping/ food 139
1.1 Countable and uncountable nouns 139
1.2 There is / there are + some/any 141
1.3 Language development 142
2 Making shopping lists/ ordering in a 145
2.1 Useful vocabulary 145
2.2 Methods of preparing food 146
2.3 Methods of cooking 146
2.4 Language development 146
3. Send-away assignment 150
4. Answer key 152
5. Bibliography 154

138 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

1. Shopping / food

1.1 Countable and uncountable nouns

In order to use expressions of quantity correctly, one needs to

understand the difference between countable and uncountable
Countable nouns

Regular plurals

boy - boys
dollar - dollar
minute - minutes
song - songs
Irregular plurals
child - children
man - men
woman - women
foot - feet
mouse - mice
louse - lice
ox - oxen
die - dice
goose - geese
tooth – teeth

Nouns with the same form in the singular and plural

deer - deer
sheep - sheep
fruit - fruit (fruits only when you refer to different kinds of fruit)
fish - fish (fishes – only when you refer to different species of

Specific phrases
many, how many, a few (positive connotation)
few (negative connotation)

Common phrases
some / any, enough, a lot of

Uncountable nouns

abstract nouns
time, friendship, love, hate, music

N.B. If you want to refer to the plural connotation of these

nouns you should use: minutes, years, centuries, etc.
boyfriends, girlfriends; lovers, enemies, etc.
songs, tunes, concerts, CDs, albums

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 139

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

cheese, wood

N.B. If you want to refer to the plural connotation of these

words, you should use parts or recipients, e.g.: piece of cheese, a
kilo of cheese, etc.

whisky, oil

N.B. If you want to refer to the plural connotation of these

liquids you should use recipients, e.g.: A glass of / a bottle of whisky.

weather nouns
rain, drizzle, fog, mist

Nouns with a plural meaning and the verb in the singular

advice, knowledge, information, luggage, furniture, money

N.B. When you want to refer to the plural form of those nouns
you use the phrases: a piece of / an item of...

Nouns ending in -s and used with the verb in the singular

school subjects
physics, mathematics, optics, acoustics, etc.

measles, mumps

Specific phrases

much, how much,a little (positive connotation)

little (negative connotation)

Common phrases
some / any, enough, a lot of

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: What are the two things people never eat before
Answer: Lunch and supper.

140 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

1.2 There is / there are + some / any

Study the table below in order to identify the way there is /

there are + some can be used with countable and uncountable

countable nouns uncountable nouns

There is There is a banana on the There is some water in the
table. fridge.
There are There are some bananas on There are some bottles of
the table. water in the fridge.

Some / Any

Study the table below in order to identify the structures in which

some and any can be used:

affirmative interrogative negative

There is some sugar in Is there any sugar in the There isn’t any sugar in
the bowl. bowl? the bowl.
There are some apples Are there any apples in There aren’t any apples
in the bowl. the bowl? in the bowl.
some any any

N.B. In sentences in the interrogative expressing an offer or a

request we use some, e.g.

Waiter: Can I get you some more wine, madam? (offer)

Son: Can I have some more ice-cream, mother?

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: Why did the man throw the butter out of the
Answer: He wanted to see the butterfly.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 141

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

1.3 Language Development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Put a, an, some into each gap. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. …… orange
2. …… milk
3. ……. biscuits
4. ……. fruit
5. …… sandwich
6. …… salami
7. …… potatoes
8. …… mashed potatoes

Drills V
Exercise 2

Fill in the gaps using some and any. Then see the solutions in
the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. We don’t need …....... cinnamon.

2. I want …...... potatoes and …...... cheese, please.
3. Is there …....... oil in this can?
4. I don’t want.....….. sugar in my coffee.
5. Can I get you ........…? more tea?

Exercise 3

Fill in the gaps using how much and how many. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. ……… pears do you need to make this cake?

2. ………. flour do you want me to buy?
3. ………. milk do you like in your coffee?
4. ………. apples are there?
5. ….…… time do you need to make this pie?

142 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant


Exercise 4

Read the following dialogue and put some, much, many, a

few, or a little in each gap. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section at the end of this unit.

Susan: Well, Steve, what do we need for an apple pie?

Steve: It is good that you admit that I am a better cook
than you. First of all we need 1) .…… flour and 2)
.…… apples.
Susan: How 3).……. flour and how 4) .…….. apples?
Steve: We need 350 g flour and just 250 g cooking
Susan: Anything else?
Steve: Well, we don’t need 5) ...……. milk – just 6)
.………….: 150 ml.
Susan: We do need 7) …. eggs, don’t we?
Steve: Not 8) .……. only two eggs. We need 9) .……
raisins and 10) .….. sultanas, as well.
Susan: I think 11)…..…. cinnamon would be helpful.
Steve: Great idea. Let’s buy 12) ….…… cinnamon. And
13) …….. sugar.
Susan: How 14) …….. sugar?
Steve: 200 g.

Liquor before beer and you’re in the clear. Beer
before liquor and you’ll never be sicker.

Drills V
Exercise 5

Correct the mistakes. There is one mistake in each sentence.

Write your answers in the space below. Then see the solutions
in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

1. There are a little biscuits left.

2. How many meat do you need?
3. Can I have any more tea, mother?
4. Let’s put any mushrooms in this pie.
5. I have little money. The treat is on me.
6. Do we have some eggs?

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 143

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant
7. Is there some bacon?

1. ………………………..
2. ………………………..
3. ………………………..
4. ………………………..
5. ………………………...
6. ………………………...
7. …………………………

Drills V
Exercise 6

Fill in the gaps using the following types of containers. Then

see the solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this

bottle, can, glass, mug, cup, box, jar, packet, bowl, pint, bag

1. a……… of Coke
2. a……… of chocolates
3. a……… of beer
4. a……… of oil
5. a ……… of hot chocolate
6. a……… of wine
7. a………. of biscuits
8. a………. of onions
9. a………. of sugar
10. a………..of tea
11. a………..of marmalade

Exercise 7

Use the correct word in each gap below. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this unit.

pinch, rasher, slice, clove, lump, loaf, bar

1. a…….. of bacon
2. a…….. of garlic
3. a…….. of ham
4. a……. of chocolate
5. a……. of salt
6. a……. of bread
7. a…….. of sugar

144 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

Listening œ
Exercise 8

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.2, tapescript 64, p.121.
Listen to a psychologist talking about two rooms and what each
room says about the person who lives there. Match the
interpretation to the room you think it applies to. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

2. Making shopping lists and ordering in a restaurant

2.1 Useful vocabulary

Stop and think

Exercise 9

Look at the following list of words below and group them under
the following headings: fruit, meat, fish, vegetables and dairy
products. Use a dictionary, if necessary. Write your answers in
the space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer
key section.

lettuce, lamb, milk, trout, cabbage, pineapple, onion, yoghurt,

pork, crab, cucumber, strawberries, apples, sour cream,
chicken, steak, sausages, tomatoes, peach, butter, garlic,
pepper, beef, mussels, pear, ham, mushrooms, lobster, carrots,
radishes, cherries, cheese


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 145

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2.2. Methods of preparing food

methods of preparing food utensils

to chop (onions) knife, chopping board
to scramble (eggs) fork, frying pan
to grate (cheese, pressed cheese) grater
to peel carving knife
to stir spoon, casserole, saucepan
to slice carving knife, chopping board

2.3. Methods of cooking

methods of cooking definition

to bake to cook bread or pastry in the oven
to fry to cook in very hot oil
to boil to cook in hot water
to steam to cook over very hot water
to grill to cook over or under a flame
to roast to cook meat in the oven

2.4. Language Development

Speaking y
Exercise 10

Work with a partner: look at the following menu and say which
of these food items are:
hot, sweet, creamy, salty, greasy, healthy, fattening
Write your answers in the space below. Then see the solutions
in the Answer key section.
Starters Main courses Desserts

Tomato soup Fish and chips Ice-cream

Mixed salad Chicken curry Banana split
French onion Spaghetti Apple pie and custard
soup Bolognese Fruit salad
Shepherds’ pie Steak with baby Chocolate cake
carrots Strawberries and
146 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant


☺ Let’s have fun!

A man asked for a meal in restaurant. The waiter
brought the food and put it on the table. After a
moment, the man called the waiter and said:
‘Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup!’
‘Please, don’t speak so loudly, sir’ the waiter
replied, ‘ or everyone will want one.


Exercise 11

Read the following dialogue and write the food items Celia and
Jason have included on their shopping list. Write the answers
in the space below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key
Jason: Celia, our fridge is almost empty. Let’s make a
shopping list.
Celia: All right. Let me see. We need a packet of
spaghetti – we haven’t got any – and we also
need a can of tomato juice.
Jason: Right. I think we also need some beef - how much
shall I buy?
Celia: Let’s say a kilo of beef.
Jason: Anything else?
Celia: We also need some oil – a bottle of olive oil, then;
and, oh yes, ten eggs.
Jason: We have also run short of instant coffee and milk.
Celia: Put down a bag of sugar and a packet of
chocolate biscuits, will you?
Jason: And some fruit, am I right?
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 147
Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant
Celia: Do buy a bunch of bananas and some tangerines
- half a kilo.
Jason: OK. I am leaving now.
Celia: Don’t forget to buy 6 rashers of bacon, 6 slices of
ham and half a kilo of pressed cheese, for
Jason: I won’t.

1. .…………………...
2. .…………………...
3. .…………………...
4. .…………………...
5. ..…………………..
6. .……………………
7. .……………………
8. .……………………
9. .……………………
10. .……………………
11. .…………………....

Drills V
Exercise 12

Fill in the gaps using words expressing methods of preparing

and cooking food. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

1. If you want the fruit salad to look nice ……… the fruit in
pieces using a ……..… knife.
2. Chinese food is very healthy - the cooks ……… the food
without using too much oil.
3. Let’s buy two loaves of bread from this baker’s shop. They
….....…. delicious pastries as well.
4. If you are on a slimming diet you should eat only .....…..
meat, not fried or roasted.
5. ……. the tomatoes thinly and then put them over the eggs.
6. My son adores ….....… eggs. I, for one, favour delicious
7. ……. the potatoes, wash them and then fry them.
8. Use this grater and .....…… some pressed cheese over the
9. ….....… the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

148 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

Speaking y
Exercise 13

Work with a partner and decide which four adjectives cannot go

with the noun food? Write your answers in the space below.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

tasty, delicious, wealthy, home-grown, frozen, starving, tasteful,

plain, rich, disgusted, disgusting, tasteless, vegetarian, fresh,

1 =…………..; 2 =…………..; 3 =……………; 4 =……………

Exercise 14

Work with a partner: look at the following two pictures and

identify the type of restaurant as well as the types of food
served in each place. Write your answers in the space below.
Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

1. 2.

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 149

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

Listening œ
Exercise 15

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.3, tapescript 65 page

124. The food and drink in the picture are some breakfast
items from the USA, Germany and Japan. Which items do you
think belong to a typical breakfast from which country? Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section.

3. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the ability of distinguishing between countable
and uncountable nouns as well as between the specific
structures each of them requires (70%) and the appropriate use
of specific phrases when ordering in a restaurant.

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Tick the correct sentence as in the example below, e.g.:

a. Is there many mashed potato left?

b. Is there much mashed potato left? √
a. I’d like a few cream, please.
b. I’d like a little cream, please.
a. There isn’t many orange juice in the mug.
b. There isn’t much orange juice in the mug.
a. Is there any coffee?
b. Is there some coffee?
a. We don’t drink many milk.
b. We don’t drink much milk.
a. Can I have any more tea, please?
b. Can I have some more tea, please?
a. Would you like a little more cake?
b. Would you like a few more cake?

150 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

B. Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue between a

customer and the waiter. Use the prompts below. Sometimes
you may use them more than once.

Are you ready, I’ll have, Would you like, I think, Would you
care, I’ll go without, Can I have, How would you like, Is
everything all right, I’m afraid, What do you recommend, What
have you got

Waiter: Good afternoon, madam. …………. to order?

Customer: Yes, ………… I’ll have the shrimp cocktail for
Waiter: ……………. we don’t have this on the menu today.
What about some smoked salmon with toast, butter
and lemon?
Customer: It sounds good.
Waiter: And for the main course?
Customer: …………………………..?
Waiter: The vegetable curry is delicious - spicy, but not
very hot.
Customer: All right, …………….. vegetable curry and a
mixed salad.
Waiter: ………………… your salad dressing: with oil and
vinegar or with mayonnaise and garlic?
Customer: Just oil and vinegar.
Waiter: ……………………. anything to drink?
Customer: ……………………..?
Waiter: Red wine would be perfect.
Customer: I think ………………….. wine. I have a meeting
afterwards. ……. a glass of fruit juice, instead.
Waiter: ………………….. for dessert afterwards,
Customer: ……………………….?
Waiter: A large range of mini-cakes and strawberries and
Customer: …………….. two mini cakes with cream and fruit?
Waiter: Thank you very much, madam. ………………….,
Customer: ……………………………….., please?
Waiter: Here it is, madam.

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: Shall I tell you the joke about the butter?
Answer: You’d better not. I might spread it.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 151

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

4. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

and 8 not be close to the ones suggested in this section,
read the information provided in Unit XI, subsections 1.1,
1.2, and 1.3.

Exercise 1
1 = an; 2 = some; 3 = some; 4 = some; 5 = a; 6 = some; 7 =
some; 8 = some

Exercise 2
1 = any; 2 = some, some; 3 = any; 4 = any; 5 = some

Exercise 3
1 = how many; 2 = how much; 3 = how much; 4 = how many;
5 = how much

Exercise 4
1 = some; 2 = some; 3 = much; 4 = many; 5 = much; 6 = a little;
7 = some; 8 = many; 9 = a few; 10 = a few; 11 = a little; 12 =
some; 13 = some; 14 = much

Exercise 5
1. There are a few biscuits left.
2. How much meat do you need?
3. Can I have some more tea, mother?
4. Let’s put some mushrooms in this pie.
5. I have a little money The treat is on me.
6. Do we have any eggs?
7. Is there any bacon?

Exercise 6
1. a can of Coke
2. a box of chocolates
3. a pint of beer
4. a bottle of oil
5. a mug of hot chocolate
6. a glass of wine
7. a packet of biscuits
8. a bag of onions
9. a bowl of sugar
10. cup of tea
11. a jar of marmalade

152 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

Exercise 7
1. a rasher of bacon
2. a clove of garlic
3. a slice of ham
4. a bar of chocolate
5. a pinch of salt
6. a loaf of bread
7. a lump sugar

Exercise 8
a) Room 1; b) Room 1; c) Room 2; d) Room 2; e) Room1; f)

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
and 15 not be close to the ones suggested in this section,
read the information provided in Unit XI, subsections 2.1,
2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.

Exercise 9
Fruit: pineapple, strawberries, apples, peach, pear, cherries
Meat: lamb, pork, chicken, steak, sausages, beef, ham,
Fish: trout, crab, mussels, lobster,
Vegetables: lettuce, cabbage, onion, cucumber, tomatoes,
garlic, pepper, mushrooms, carrots, radishes,
Dairy products: milk, yoghurt, sour cream, cheese

Exercise 10
Hot: chicken curry
Sweet: ice-cream, fruit salad, chocolate cake, apple pie and
custard, strawberries and cream, banana split
Creamy: French onion soup, spaghetti, ice-cream,
strawberries and cream, banana split, apple pie and custard
Salty: Shepherd’s pie, steak,
Greasy: fish and chips, steak,
Healthy: tomato soup, French onion soup, salad, fruit salad,
baby carrots, strawberries
Fattening: fish and chips, ice-cream, chocolate cake, steak,
Shepherd’s pie, spaghetti, banana split, apple pie and custard

Exercise 11
Shopping list
1 = spaghetti – 1 packet
2 = tomato juice – 1 can
3 = beef – 1 kilo
4 = eggs – 10
5 = instant coffee – 1 jar
6 = powdered milk – 1 jar
7 = chocolate biscuits – 1 packet
8 = bananas – 1 bunch
9 = bacon – 6 rashers
10 = ham- 6 slices
11 = pressed cheese- half a kilo

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 153

Shopping – Food, Making Shopping Lists and Ordering in a Restaurant

Exercise 12
1 = chop, carving
2 = steam
3 = bake
4 =grilled
5 = slice
6 = scrambled
7 = peel
8 = grate
9 = stir

Exercise 13
wealthy, starving, tasteful, disgusted

Exercise 14
Picture 1:
fast food restaurant: chips, pizzas, hamburger, cheeseburger,
sandwich club, spaghetti, salads, shakes.
Picture 2:
luxurious restaurant: expensive sophisticated meals;
expensive drinks, good wine, etc.

Exercise 15
USA: eggs sunny side up, bacon, pancakes, toast, orange
juice, coffee
Germany: jam, cereal, cold meat, cheese, bread rolls, coffee or
tea, boiled eggs
Japan: green tea, rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, grilled
fish, omelette

5. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp. 179
- 183
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate Masterclass,
Oxford University Press, pp. 131 - 144
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 64, 65
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 59 - 64

154 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation


Unit objectives
By the end of this chapter you will be able to identify different
types of idioms, and their uses as well as the contexts and the
conversation situations in which those idioms should be used.

You will also be able to use the idioms in contexts of you own
differentiating between their positive, negative, ironic, or funny

Unit outline

1. Idioms expressing love, likes/ 156

1.1 Useful phrases 156
1.2 Language development 157
2 Idioms expressing social relations 159
and people’s
2.1 Useful phrases 159
2.2 Language development 161
3 Idioms referring to work/business 163
and money
3.1 Useful phrases 163
3.2 Language development 165
4. Send-away assignment 167
5. Answer key 168
6. Bibliography 170

Love me, love my dog.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 155

Idioms in Conversation

1. Idioms expressing love, likes and dislikes

1.1 Useful phrases

idioms expressing like / love meaning

One’s meat is another man’s poison We all have our likes and dislikes
To be fond of smb. or sth. To like smb. or sth.
To take to smb. To become fond of smb.
To fancy smb or sth. To start liking smb. or sth.
To have a soft spot for smb or sth. To become fond of smb. or sth.
To grow on smb. To get like smb more and more.
The man of smb’s dreams The ideal person
All’s fair in love and war. All actions are justified when
there are feelings involved.
To steal smb's heart. To make smb. fall in love with
smb. else.
To be head over heels in love. To be very much in love with
To break smb's heart. To cause smb a lot of
To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve. To allow one’s feelings to be too
An old flame of smb. Smb. one was once in love with.
To be the bees’ knees. To be the best there is.
To see eye to eye To be in perfect agreement.

idioms expressing dislikes meaning

To do against the grain An action that we dislike
It is not my cup of tea. A thing that we don’t like
I can’t stand him/it. I dislike him/ it.
I can’t stand the sight of her I dislike her very much.
If you don’t like it you can lump it. I don’t care whether you like it or
Persona non grata. A person who is officially

One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

156 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

1.2 Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks using one of the phrases from the list. Then
see the solutions in the Answer key section at the end of this

broke her heart, wear my heart on my sleeve, an old flame, has

a soft spot, the man of my dreams, see eye to eye, took a
fancy to

1. Look: this is Robert, …………. of my sisters from high

2. I simply can’t hide my feelings: I …………………….. and
that’s why I feel so vulnerable.
3. Yesterday I ran into………………….: he was so tall and
4. The children …………… their new English teacher at
5. The boss didn’t mind her blunders. He ………….. for her.
Susan and Jim are always
arguing: they never …………. on anything.
6. He …………. her hear when he told her he was moving

Drills V
Exercise 2

Match column A to column B in order to write idioms

expressing dislikes. Write your answers in the space below.
Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1 I can’t stand a. the sight of her.
2 If you don’t like it b. her arrogant attitude.
3 They can’t stand c. is not my cup of tea.
4 They go d. against the grain.
5 Writing letters e. you can lump it.

1 =…..; 2 =…..; 3 =…..; 4 =…..; 5 =…..;

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 157

Idioms in Conversation

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: What is the difference between a teacher and a
Answer: A teacher trains the mind and a conductor minds the train.

Drills V
Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks using the correct prepositions. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

1. They are very fond …… their new classmate.

2. She is head ......….. heels in love with her husband.
3. Women have a soft spot …......…. courteous gentlemen.
4. It is funny: they are newly married and still don’t see eye
............ eye on most matters.
5. She betrays, tells lies, deceives people - all this because
she thinks that all’s fair .........… love and war.
6. Sometimes it is difficult to hide your feelings especially
when you can’t stand the sight …........ that person.

Speaking y
Exercise 4

Work with a partner and express five idioms expressing likes

and dislikes that you prefer. Write your answers in the space
below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer key section.


158 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation


Exercise 5
Write down the appropriate colloquial idioms expressing the
following facts.
1. You are very much in love with her.
2. You dislike cleaning the house.
3. People do not have the same tastes.
4. The more you meet someone, the more you are fond of
5. He is your ideal man.
6. Somebody caused you great unhappiness
7. You both agree about everything.
Use the space below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

2. Idioms expressing social relations and people’s character

2.1. Useful phrases

idioms expressing social relations meaning

To make a blunder To make a big mistake as a result of
lack of care/thought
To drop a brick To break the etiquette
To put your foot in it
To make a bloomer To be socially unacceptable
To cut somebody dead To ignore smb. socially
To be in the swim To be accepted in society
To be a social climber To make efforts in order to reach higher
strata in society
To be a good mixer To socialize easily
To be ‘social’ lions To be very popular figures in the ‘social
To break the ice To get accepted in society
To gate - crash To show up to a social event without
To feel like a fish out of water To feel out of place
To be a wall-flower (about ladies) To fail to make a man to dance with
To get off on the wrong foot To make mistakes because of lack of

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 159

Idioms in Conversation

To cut a sorry figure To look foolish

To cut a dash / a shine To achieve a tremendous success
To be a wet blanket A dull person who doesn’t like others to
enjoy themselves

idioms expressing character meaning

To be down-to-earth To be realistic
To be a rough diamond To be a nice person with uncivil
To put on a brave face To try to look happy hiding your own
To look on the bright side To be optimistic
To hope for the best To be guardedly optimistic
To fear the worst To be pessimistic
To pull one’s leg To tease smb.
To be a golden boy To be a very popular person
To talk behind people’s back To talk about people who are not there
to defend their reputation
To be a back-stabber To say harmful things about people who
are not there in order to defend
To turn one’s back on smb. To refuse to help smb.
To keep one’s cool To remain calm in difficult situations
To get hot under the collar To get annoyed
To be as straight as a die To be extremely fair
To have a short fuse To get angry easily
To be a nosy Parker To be curious about other people’s
To lose one’s head To lose control due to panic/fury
To be a dark horse To be smb. whose character is unknown
To take ones’ own back To take revenge

☺ Let’s have fun!

Question: What did the doctor say when the invisible
man called to make an appointment?
Answer: Tell him I can see him.

160 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

2.2. Language development


Exercise 6

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold. Use

the space below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

1. My brother is so sensible, he always comes up with

practical solutions.
earth ……………………………………………………..
2. Even if she is an impatient woman, she didn’t get angry
yesterday in spite of his rude behaviour.
cool ……………………………………………………
3. Be careful when you suggest this to him: he loses his
temper in no time.
fuse ……………………………………………………..
4. My cousin never wants to do anything exciting; she is such
a dull person.
blanket ………………………………………………….
5. My father got upset when he saw my bad marks.
collar ……………………………………………………..

Speaking y
Exercise 7

Work with a partner and say how you would describe 1). a
person who is completely fair; 2). who is curious about smb.
else’ business; 3) who is extremely popular; 4) who is a good
person in spite of his/her uncivil manners. Write your answers
in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer
key section.





Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 161

Idioms in Conversation

Drills V
Exercise 8

Choose the word which best completes the following phrases.

Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. He is looking on the ……. of things.

a. shining; b. bright; c. light
2. They fear the …….
a. worst; b. bad; c. best.
3. He will manage in life: he is a social……..
a. walker; b. runner; c. climber
4. You are a dark….. to me : I had no idea you have won so
many medals.
a. horse; b. dog; c. stallion
5. I like our new boss: he is as …… a die.
a. lucky; b. straight; c. gambling

Pronunciation ”
Exercise 9

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 41, page
84. Mark the stress on each of the adjectives in the box. Listen
and repeat. Then see the correct solutions in the Answer key

Exercise 10

For this activity see Student’s book, ex. 2, tapescript 42, page
84. Mark the stress on each of the nouns in the box. Then see
the solutions inn the Answer key section.

A woman’s work is never done.

162 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

3. Idioms referring to work, business, and money

3.1. Useful phrase

idioms referring to work meaning

To be on the job To be at work
To be getting down to it
To kick one’s heels To wait for work
What’s his line? What’s his job?
To be work-shy To dislike work
To knock off To finish work (for lunch)
To pack up To finish work (for the day)
To call it a day
To pack it in To abandon work for good
To give notice To go on strike without giving due notice
To down tools
To walk out
To get the sack To be dismissed
Donkey work Hard and unrewarding work
To burn the candle at both ends To work late at night and early in the
To overdo it morning
To burn the midnight oil To work very late at night to achieve sth.
On the blink Not working properly
To be at a loose end To be between jobs
Down-and-out Person with no job or home
He never does things by halves. He works in a forthright manner
There are no half measures
about him.
He goes the whole bag.
To have a lot of loose ends To fail to finish a job tidily.

idioms referring to business meaning

The top of the ladder The highest position
in one’s profession
Up-and-coming Likely to become successful
Right hand man Close and trusted assistant
To call the shots To make the important decisions
The rat race The struggle for success in large cities
To keep up with the Joneses To be in competition with other people for
a higher social standard
The big buns Important and powerful people
To take a back seat To take a position of less importance or
To have several irons in the fire To have several options at the same time
To adopt a low profile To avoid public attention
The jet set Group of rich people interested in

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 163

Idioms in Conversation

To have one’s hands full To be busy

To have a lot on
To be snowed under
with work
Not to have a minute to spare
To give smb. the boot To fire smb.
A lame duck A person/company that is weak
To be a firm hand To control
To step into smb.’s shoes To replace smb.
To be in the black To make profit
To get sth. off the ground To start a business
Bear fruit Good results

Money talks.

idioms referring to money meaning

To be well – off To be rich
To be made of money
To be on Easy Street
To have money to burn
To be rolling in it
It’s money for jam/for old rope Easily-obtained wealth
To be badly off
To be broke
To be hard-up To be poor
To be on the rocks
I can’t make my ends meet
To live rough To live under unpleasant conditions
As poor as a church mouse To be extremely poor
To be in the red To be in debt
A small fortune A lot of money
Money down the drain Money wasted
Easy come, easy go
To tighten one’s belt To live on a smaller budget
To live on a shoestring
To feel the pinch To suffer because of lack of money

A penny saved is a penny earned.

164 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

3.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 11

Fill in the correct prepositions. Then see the solutions inn the
Answer key section.

1. He lives …….. a shoestring , that is why he doesn’t afford

buying a new car.
2. I have a part - time while being a student as well;’ but it’s
easy money, - it’s money ….. jam.
3. Look at her: she ha bought two pairs of shoes, a mink
coat, a new vacuum cleaner; she must be rolling ….. it.
4. Poor Jim: he cannot afford this new trip - he is …. the
rocks again.

1 =…..; 2 =…..;3 =…..;4 =……

Speaking y
Exercise 12

Work with a partner: Think of Bill Gates, one of the richest and
most successful people in the world. Which idioms do you think
might fit his personality and achievements? (choose five idioms
from 3.1.) Write your answers in the space below. Then see
the solutions in the Answer key section.


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 165

Idioms in Conversation

Drills V
Exercise 13

Choose the correct word in order to write correct idioms. Fill in

the gaps below and then see the solutions in the Answer key

1. He is at a ….....…. end: he is looking for a job.

a. loose; b. lose; c. lost
2. He never does things by……..
a. half; b. halves; c. twos
3. She is completely confused; she has several .....…. in the
a. knives; b. weapons; c. irons
4. My friend‘s husband is an workaholic: he burns the ….......
a. midnight; b. midday; c. midsummer
5. I’m sorry; this year you cannot have your anniversary
party as usual because we have to tighten our….......
a. belt; b. belts; c. waist
6. He simply refused the job; he had to work hard for
nothing. It was a ......…. work.
a. donkey; b. mule; c. bull

1 =…; 2 =…; 3=…..; 4 =…..; 5 =…..; 6 =…..

Speaking y
Exercise 14

Work with a partner: look at the following two pictures and use
three idioms for each of them. Write your answers in the space
below. Then see the solutions in the Answer key section.

1. 2.

Picture 1:

166 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

Picture 2:

Listening œ
Exercise 15

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 15, page
28. Listen to the sayings about money and underline the
vowels that are pronounced using schwa /ә/. Then see the
solutions in the Answer key section.

4. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the correct use of different idioms according to
the context given (60%) and the ability of explaining the
meaning of different idioms (40%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Say whether the idioms in the sentences below are used

correctly or incorrectly. Then replace the incorrect idioms
with appropriate alternatives.

1. He has tightened his belt, hasn’t he? He has been

yawning all morning.
2. Bob was given the boot and now he is looking for a new
3. He is thrilled: he has been appointed editor in chief –
although he is only 29, he is considered to be the up-and-
coming journalist in the publishing house.
4. Her parents try hard to help their son in order to adopt a
lower profile and behave as extravagant as his rich

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 167

Idioms in Conversation

B. Explain the following phrases in italics.

1. I feel like a fish out of water in the new department.

2. He would never stab a friend in the back.
3. Since he bought the new Porsche, he simply has cut his
old friends dead whenever he meets them.
4. She is a very good mixer: everybody likes her.
5. My sister is in the social swim: she is invited to all the
parties in town.
6. We all got angry, except Peter who kept his cool as usual.
7. Through his charming smile and kind behaviour, he is now
the golden boy in our classroom.

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit XII, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1
1 = an old flame; 2 = wear my heart on my sleeve; 3 = the man
of my dreams; 4 = took a fancy to; 5 = has a soft spot; 6 = see
eye to eye; 7 = broke her heart.

Exercise 2
1 = b; 2 = e; 3 = a; 4 = d; 5 = c.

Exercise 3
1 = of; 2 = over; 3 = for; 4 = to; 5 = in; 6 = of.

Exercise 4
1 = stole my heart; 2 = the man of my dreams; 3 = fond of;
4 = took to; 5 = broke my heart.

Exercise 5
1. You are head over heels in love with her.
2. Cleaning the house is not my cup of tea.
3. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
4. He grows on me.
5. He is the man of my dreams.
6. He/She broke my heart.
7. We see eye to eye on a lot of matters.

168 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Idioms in Conversation

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 not

be close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit XII, subsections 2.1 and 2.2.

Exercise 6
1. My brother is so down – to earth, he always comes up
with practical solutions.
2. Even if she is an impatient woman, she kept her cool in
spite of his rude behaviour.
3. Be careful when you suggest this to him; he has a very
short fuse.
4. My cousin never wants to do anything exciting; she is
such a wet blanket.
5. My father got hot under the collar when he saw my bad

Exercise 7
1 = as straight as a die
2 = a nosy Parker
3 = a golden boy
4 = a rough diamond

Exercise 8
1 = b; 2 = a; 3 = c; 4 = a; 5 = b.

Exercise 9
sensitive, happy, flexible, lively, friendly, compatible, sad,
generous, weak, mature, sexy

Exercise 10
sensitivity, happiness, flexibility, liveliness, friendliness,
compatibility, sadness, generosity, weakness, maturity,

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 11, 12, 13, 14, and
15 not be close to the ones suggested in this section, read
the information provided in Unit XII, subsections 3.1 and

Exercise 11
1 = on; 2 = for; 3 = in; 4 = on.

Exercise 12
Possible answers.
He is on the top of the ladder.
He is made of money.
He is rolling in it.
He has money to burn.

Exercise 13
1 = a; 2 = b; 3 = c; 4 = a; 5 = a; 6 = a.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 169

Idioms in Conversation

Exercise 14
Picture 1:
They are on the rocks.
They live rough.
They are as poor as a church mouse.

Picture 2:
They are rolling in it.
They are made of money.
They are on Easy Street.

Exercise 15
a. Money makes the world go round.
b. There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
c. Put your money where your mouth is.
d. In for a penny, in for a pound.
e. Watch the pennies, and the pounds take care of
f. The love of money is the root of all evil.

6. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp.
270 - 280
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate
Masterclass, Oxford University Press, pp. 171 - 182
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., pp. 84, 28
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 131 - 144

170 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation


Unit objectives

By the end of this chapter you will be able to identify good versus
bad techniques in order to make effective presentations.

You will also be able to use specific phrases in order to make your
own presentations following the appropriate structure.

Unit outline

1. Presentation planning 171

1.1 Good and bad techniques 171
1.2 Language development 173
2 The structure of a presentation 174
2.1 Background information 174
2.2 Language development 175
3 Effective presentations 176
3.1 Specific phrases 176
3.2 Language development 177
4. Send-away assignment 179
5. Answer key 181
6. Bibliography 181

1. Presentations planning

1.1. Good and bad techniques

good techniques bad techniques

Competent presentation Overrunning time
Vigorous management Slides out of sequence
Organized material Unreadable or fuzzy visuals
Enthusiastic tone Stumbling over word clusters
Clear Style Irrelevant anecdotes
Addressing the wrong audience

A little learning is a dangerous thing.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 171

Making Presentation

A. Using visuals and specific vocabulary

a. Types of visual support

film or video, picture, map, diagram, chart, pie chart, table

graph, line graph, equipment: slide projector, OHP, flip chart,
whiteboard, metal-plan board

b. Introducing a visual

I’d like to show you…

This chart represents…
Here you can see the growing tendency in …
Have a look at this transparency

c. Describing the speed of change

A dramatic/ significant increase/fall

To increase/fall markedly/ dramatically/ slightly

d. Comparisons

Let’s compare the…

This compares x with y

B. Good techniques of using visual supports

Visuals must be well prepared, well chosen, clear and to the

Visuals must be used in combinations, e.g. OHP + flip
Visuals should be written in appropriate colours to make a
contrast with the background
Keep text to minimum
Use pauses in order to give the audience time to
understand the picture or graph
Do not use too many visuals
Never show a visual until you want to talk about it.

172 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation

1.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 1

Number the eight key areas regarding good presentation

procedures according to their prominence. Write your answers
in the space below. Then see possible solutions in the Answer
key section.

a) Structure
b) Objectives
c) The room and the equipment
d) Practice
e) Audience
f) Writing out the presentation
g) Checking the language
h) Visuals

a…..; b……; c……; d……; e…..; f…..; g…..; h…..;

Speaking y
Exercise 2

In any presentation the beginning is crucial. Certainly some

things are essential and others are useful. Here is a list of what
could be included in an introduction. Work with a partner and
mark them according to how necessary they are using the
following scale. Write your answers in the space below. Then
see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

Essential Useful Not necessary

1 2 3 4 5

a. Subject / title of talk

b. Introduction of oneself, job title, etc.
c. Reference to questions and / or discussion
d. Reference for the program for the day
e. Reference to how long you are going to speak for
f. Reference to the visual aids you plan to use
g. The scope of your talk: what is and is not included
h. An outline of the structure of your talk
i. A summary of the conclusions

1 = ….; 2 = ….; 3 = ….; 4 = ….; 5 = …..

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 173

Making Presentation


Exercise 3

Read the comments from the audience who are listening to a

presentation. What caused the problem in each case? Write
the answers in the space below. Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

a) ‘What on earth is he talking about?’ ‘I’ve no idea!’

b) ‘Hey, Susan! Wake up! He’s finished!’
c) ‘Read that! I might need a pair of binoculars!”
d) ‘Speak up! I can’t hear a thing! Can you?’
e) ‘Summarize five main points? I only noticed one! Have I
been asleep?’


A lie can be halfway around the
world before the truth gets its boots

2. The structure of a presentation

2.1. Background information

The structure of an effective presentation looks like this:

Proposal 1
Proposal 2
Key considerations

174 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation

In order to make presentations effective one should try to meet

the following requirements:

To know if the audience is made up of specialists or

To have clear objectives and structure;
To give a link between parts of the presentation and to
provide a logical sequencing of information;
To hold the audience’s attention;
To summarize and conclude the main issues;
To make recommendations;
To invite for questions and discussions
To select the most appropriate visuals;
To have rehearsed the presentation beforehand;
To use formal / informal style according to the type of
To have checked the room and its equipment.

Organization of presentations:

Logical progression of ideas;

Clear development;
Sequential description of processes;
Chronological order of events, i.e. background present

2.2. Language development


Exercise 4

Read the following two presentations and decide which one

has a clear structure. Write the answer in the space below.
Then see the correct solution in the Answer key section.

text 1
Thank you, for coming today. As you know I want to talk about
the environment and the main problems of the planet. And I
might also say something about the solutions to the problems
as well as about people’s opinions regarding acid rain and

text 2
Ok, thanks. I’m here to talk about the environment and the
main problems of the planet. My talk will be in three parts,
followed by a thirty minute discussion. I’m going to start with
the background to each part: something about the main
problems: air pollution, endangered species and destruction of
rainforests, then the causes of these problems, and then in the
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 175
Making Presentation
third part I’ll highlight some solutions to the above-mentioned
Finally, I’ll end with an invitation to ask questions or make any
comments you like. Feel free to interrupt me whenever you
need to.
Okay? So to begin with …


3. Key features of an effective presentation

3.1. Specific phrases

A. The introduction to a presentation

Good morning / afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

I plan to say a few words about …, The subject of my talk is
…, I’m going to talk about…, The theme of my presentation is

I’ve divided my talk into (3 parts), First, Second, / Secondly,
Third, / Thirdly …, In the first part …, Finally…

My talk will talk about fifteen minutes, The presentation will take
about two hours, but there’ll be a thirty minute break in the middle.

Policy on questions and discussions

Please interrupt if you have any questions, After my talk there
will be time for a discussion and any questions.

B. The main body

Ending the introduction

So that concludes the introduction, That’s all for the

Beginning the main body

So, first…, To begin with…

There are two things to consider. First,… second,… On the one
hand, there are…, On the other hand, we can see...

176 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation

There are four stages involved. At the beginning/ later/ then/
after that/ finally

C. Ending the presentation

Ending the main body

That’s all I want to say for now on…

Summary and / or conclusion

I’d like to finish with:
- a summary of the main issues;
- some remarks based on what I’ve said;
- some conclusions / a brief conclusion
- some recommendations

There are a few conclusions, What we need is…

Inviting questions and / or introducing discussion

Now, I’d like to invite your comments…,
So, now, we have five questions and discussion...
Feel free to ask questions and make recommendations...

3.2. Language development

Drills V
Exercise 5

Underline the good techniques in the following example (the

main body of a presentation). Then see the solutions in the
Answer key section.

The climatic changes in the Northern hemisphere may have

been the result of three types of effect on the environment: first,
volcanic activity, second, industrial pollution, and thirdly
Let’s look at these in more detail. First, volcanic eruptions. The
1991 eruption may have contributed to ozone damage causing
the unusually high world temperatures in 1992.
The second key area is industrial contamination. Industry puts
important quantities of noxious gases and chemicals into the
atmosphere. There are four important gases released by
burning fossil fuels and these are: CO2, SO2, CO and NO2.
They contribute to the so-called green house effect and global

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 177

Making Presentation

The second main area of industrial pollution of the atmosphere

is the release of ozone damaging chemicals like chlorofluoro-
carbons and polychlorobiphenols. These are used in
refrigeration, some manufacturing processes and in fire
Finally, the third source of damage to the environment is
transport. Car and plane engines are a problem because they
release the so-called ‘greenhouse’ gases such as CO2.

Speaking y
Exercise 6

Work with a partner and mark the following statements on a

scale of 1 to 5. Write your answer in the space below. Then
see possible solutions in the Answer key section.

1 =”I agree entirely”; 2 = “I usually agree”; 3 = “I have no

opinion / I’m not sure”; 4 = “I usually disagree”; 5 = “I disagree

a) Speakers giving a presentation should always stand up;

b) Speakers should not move around at all;
c) Men giving formal presentations should always wear a tie;
d) You should never look at the audience – it frightens them;
e) Tell personal anecdotes about your family and friends to
get the audience’s attention;
f) You should always check with the organizers that all the
equipment works;
g) When showing overhead transparencies, you should
always point at the screen, not at the transparency;
h) Reading from a script is okay;
i) Using notes is fine;
j) Putting both hands in your pockets is wrong but one hand
is okay;
k) Speakers often feel more nervous than they look;
l) A good presentation is a performance – you need to be an
m) If you are running out of time, speak more quickly.

a: ……….; b: …………; c: ……………; d: ………….; e: ………..;

f:..............; g: ..............; h: ...................;i: ................j: k: ............;
l: ..............; m:……....

178 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation

Listening œ
Exercise 7

For this activity see Student’s book, ex.1, tapescript 50, page
94. Listen to the interview with Trevor Baylis about the
presentation of his invention and put the questions in the order
they were asked. Then see the solutions in the Answer key

4. SAA
You will have to spend about 45 minutes for this assignment,
provided you have completed all the tasks required by the unit.
Use the information above as well as the bibliography included
in this unit.

The assessment criteria will focus on the following

requirements: the ability of identifying the good techniques of a
presentation (55%) and the ability of using the appropriate
phrases in making a presentation of your own (45%).

Send the assignment by post to your tutor.

A. Identify the good and the bad techniques of a


techniques good bad

1 Competent presentation
2 Addressing the wrong audience
3 Clear style
4 Organized material
5 Slides out of sequence
6 Vigorous management
7 Overrunning time
8 Fuzzy visuals
9 Irrelevant anecdotes
10 Enthusiastic tone

B. Complete the following presentation using the words in

the boxes below.
1 - 14 15 - 28

after that
finally indicated
to start with you will notice
specifically draw your attention
Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 179
Making Presentation
illustrate interrupt
purpose expand
then move on
thank options
sum up priority
describe referring
tell you in conclusion
concluding on balance
pointed out

‘Good afternoon, everybody. I’d like to 1............................ you

all for being here.’
‘My 2......................... today is to 3...........................about our
corporate strategy for the next decade, and, more
.........................., to 5......................... with our plans for our
planet protection.’

‘6........................... I’d like to 7....................... briefly some of the

current problems and their causes. 8........................... I’ll
............................. some of the major problems we’re facing.
............................. I’ll 11............................. the causes
............................. I’ll quickly 13........................... before
........................... with some recommendations.’
‘Please feel free to 15..................... me if you have any
questions at any time.’
‘Now I’d like to 16........................... to Chart B showing some of
the major Earth tragedies. 17.............................. that although
some action has been taken; we have to join our efforts and try
to do more about it. ’
‘I’ve 18......................... about the latest environmental tragedies
and I’ve 19........................... some of the problems we are
facing. Well, what 20........................... are open to us now?
Where do we go from here?’
‘As I have already 21.............................., I think our first
............................. must be to persuade governments take
action and establish special national parks for endangered
I’m 23.............................., of course, to the governments in
Africa and Asia... Let me quickly 24.............................. on those
successes before we 25............................... .’
‘We should not forget the other main causes; acid rain, illegal
hunting, deforestation. Admittedly our results there have been
poor so far, but there are signs that the officials are more
involved now in our projects and we can learn a lot from our
mistakes. 26............................., though, I think we stand to gain
most from concentrating on southern Africa and I strongly
............................... we put all our efforts into further
expansion in Asia and South America.

180 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Making Presentation

’28............................., may I thank you all for being such an

attentive and responsive audience. Thank you also for your
pertinent questions.

5. Answer key

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 1and 2 not be close

to the ones suggested in this section, read the information
provided in Unit XIII, subsections 1.1 and 1.2.

Exercise 1
1 = e, 2 = b, 3 = a, 4 = h, 5 = f, 6 = d, 7 = g, 8 = c

Exercise 2
a = 1, b = 4, c = 2, d = 4, e = 3, f = 5, g = 4, h = 1, i = 4

N.B. Should your answers in exercises 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 be

close to the ones suggested in this section, read the
information provided in Unit XIII, subsections 2 and 3.

Exercise 3
a) technical level of talk is too high;
b) the talk is too boring, too long, or delivered monotonously;
c) the visual is too small or too detailed;
d) the speaker is talking too quietly;
e) the structure of the talk was not clear.

Exercise 4
Text 2 = very good, clear and structured

Exercise 5
The presentation has a coherent structure emphasized by
specific phrases such as:
First, The second key area……, .Finally, The third source

Exercise 6
Use your personal experience in drawing the hierarchy.

Exercise 7
d, f, b, g, a, e, c

6. Bibliography
1. Evans V., 1998, CPE Use of English, Express Publishing, pp. 220
- 228
2. Haines S. & Stewart B., 1999, New First Certificate Masterclass,
Oxford University Press, pp. 105 – 118
3. Mason N., Jones V., Hird J., Kerr P., 2001, Inside Out
Intermediate, Macmillan Publ., p. 94
4. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course-
Intermediate, Oxford University Press, pp. 82 – 84

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 181

Summative Self – Assessment Test


Unit objectives
The purpose of this unit is to assess your comprehension of the
information included in the previous units as well as your
progress in using the specific phrases, vocabulary and
structures presented.
This is also an opportunity to self – assess your own
performance and correct yourself.

Unit outline

1. Exercises 182
2. Answer key 191

1. Exercises
Exercise 1

Choose the correct answer.

1. The bike is ……….than the train.

a faster; b. slower; c. the slowest
2. This is your car, ……………….?
a. wasn’t it? b. isn’t this? c. isn’t it?
3. The doctor’s job is ……..rewarding than the postman’s job.
a. much; b. better; c. more
4. The station is ……. than the hotel.
a. further; b. farther; c the farthest
5. Let’s visit The National Gallery, …….?
a. shall we?; b. won’t we?; why don’t we?
6. I like……………..TV
a. to watch; b. watching; c. watch
7. I wish I ………….. more time for you in the past.
a. had; b. have; c. had had
8. If only they ………. talking like that. I think it is a lost cause.
a. would stop; b. will stop; c. have stopped
9. I’d rather have lunch now, ……………?
a. wouldn’t I?; b. hadn’t I?; c. didn’t I?
10. I’d better wear my hair loose,…………..?
a. wouldn’t I?; b. hadn’t I?; didn’t I?
11. I don’t like …………………
a. writing letters; b. to write letters; c. write letters
12. I would rather ……. to the cinema than stay at home.
a. go; b. to go; c. went
13. I want …….. that play.
182 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Summative Self – Assessment Test
a. see; b. to see; c. seeing
14. I prefer sweets…… pickles.
a. than; b. rather; c. to
15. I wish I ….. enough time to go for a drink.
a. had had; b. had; c. have
16. Mother wishes her son ………… gum all the time.
a. wouldn’t chew; b. won’t chew; c. doesn’t chew
17. I wish I ……….. taller.
a. were; b. would be; c. am
18. If I …… more time, I would travel more.
a. had; b. have; c. had had
19. I neither like …… dislike fishing.
a. or; b. both; c. nor
20. I like ………………. best.
a. travelling; b. travels; c. to travel
21. If you ….. iron in the rain, it rusts.
a. would leave; b. left; c. leave
22. I wish I …………… the vase.
a. hadn’t break; b. hadn’t broken; c. didn’t break
23. Don’t ….. the rules!
a. break; b. tear; c. cut
24. She …… be at home; look there is a light at her balcony.
a. can’t; b. might; c. must
25. I like …………… archery.
a. doing; b. going; c. playing
26. Let’s ………….scuba-diving.
a. play; b. go; c. do
27. They are my ….. friends.
a. best; b. good; c. better
28. The …. thing you can do is to apologize.
a. good; b. appropriate; c. best
29. She enjoys …………. tennis.
a. doing; b. to play; c. playing
30. They are ….. the rocks.
a. on; b. onto; c. over

(Marks: ------ )
30 x 1 = 30

Exercise 2

Put some or any into each gap.

1. Have you got _________ brothers or sisters?

2. We don’t need _________cheese.
3. There are _________ pears on the table.
4. I want _________ flour because I’m going to bake a
cheese cake.
5. Is there _________ sugar in this recipe?

(Marks : ------ )

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 183

Summative Self – Assessment Test

Exercise 3

Put much, many into each gap.

1. Have you got _________ cinnamon?
2. We don’t need _________ potatoes.
3. There are _________ vacancies for this job..
4. There is _________ unemployment in this city.
5. Are there _________ clerks in your department?

(Marks ;------ )

Exercise 4

The rules for something, anything, nothing, someone, anyone,

no-one, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere are the same as for
some and any.
Someone gave me this flower. (positive)
We didn’t go anywhere yesterday evening. (negative)
Did you have anything to type this morning? (question)

Use the correct word in each gap.

1. ‘Did you find _________ interesting in that magazine?’

2. “Yes, I met _________ who knows you. His name’s Alan
3. ‘There’s _________ in my room looking for you.’
4. “Let me have a look at your wound. It isn’t serious. I can’t
see _________ .”
5. ‘Let’s go _________ to ski the next weekend’.
6. ‘She doesn’t want to go _________ that is too near the
7. ‘Sometimes I need to meet ….. interesting and to travel

(Marks : ------ )
7 x 2 = 14

Exercise 5

Read and fill in the gaps using one word only.

Phil: Have we got everything we need?

Debbie: Let me see. There are 1). …… strawberries and
oranges, but there aren’t 2).……. bananas and apples.
Phil: Are there 3)……. grapes?
Debbie: A few. But we don’t need 4).……., so it’s all right.
Phil: 5).…………. sugar is there in the fridge?
Debbie: Only a little. And there isn’t any cinnamon, and
we haven’t got much liqueur. Is there anything else?
184 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural
Summative Self – Assessment Test
Phil: Well, we also need 6). …….. whipped cream and
7).……. raisins.
Debbie: How many?
Phil: Just 8) .…………. Now, I think that’s all we need
for the fruit salad.

(Marks : ------ )
8x2= 1

Exercise 6

A. Read the dialogue and fill in the missing information using:

shall we, haven’t we?, aren’t I, isn’t it?, don’ we ?(see Unit
V, 3.1.)
A. Oh, we have to meet our friends today, 1) .………?
B. That’s right. Helen and Michael.
A. Oh, and it is late, 2) …….?
B. You are right but we have done all the paper work,
A. I will leave you alone, since I ‘m going to Paris tomorrow,
4) ………?
B. OK. Let’s hurry, 5) …………?

(Marks : ------ )
5 x 2 = 10

Exercise 7

Look at the three pictures and make comparisons and

speculations. Write two sentences to make comparisons and
two sentences using must, may, could, might, can’t for each
picture. (see Unit VI, 2.1)

1. 2. 3.

1. The man in picture 1


Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 185

Summative Self – Assessment Test

2. The man in picture 2


3. The man in picture 3

(Marks : ------ )
12 x 2 =24

Exercise 8

Look at the following three pictures. Identify the types of jobs

and make sentences to express the qualities, advantages,
disadvantages of each of them. Write three sentences for
qualities, three sentences for advantages and three sentences
for disadvantages.

1. 2. 3.

Picture 1

Picture 2

186 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Summative Self – Assessment Test

Picture 3

(Marks : ------ )
12 x 2 = 24

Exercise 9

Fill in the blanks using the phrases below. (see Unit I, 2.1)
should, ought to, the best thing to do, had better not, if I were
1. ………………….. , I would help her.
2. You……………….not hurt her feelings!
3. Everybody ……… be polite to elderly people.
4. Patients …………. to observe doctors’ prescriptions.
5. …………………….is to hand in the CV in time.

Marks : ------ )

Exercise 10

Use which, whose, who, where in order to fill in each gap

below. (see Unit IV, 1.2)
This is a picturesque village 1).……. lies in the south of the
country. This village, 2)……… is my favourite holiday
destination, is famous for its friendly people and gifted
craftsmen. These talented people, for 3)………craftsmanship
means the most important thing in the world, are worth
meeting for their generosity as well. The local pubs, 4)……..
you can chat to the local people over a glass of wine, are
located in the middle of a fabulous scenery. The inn-keeper,
5)…….. ancestors founded the first pub in 1876, knows a lot of
legends and myths connected with the entire region.

1=………….; 2=………….; 3=…………..; 4=…………..;


(Marks : ------ )

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 187

Summative Self – Assessment Test

Exercise 11

Match the idioms in column A with their opposite in column B.

1 I fancy him a lot. a. He is a wet blanket.
2 He is in the swim b. He makes a bloomer.
3 She is a good mixer c. He is rolling in it.
4 He is a golden boy. d. They lose their head.
5 She has her hands full. e. They have money to burn.
6 He is in the red. f. She is a back-stabber, in
7 They are as poor as a g. She is a wall-flower.
church mouse.
8 She is on the job. h. Dancing is not her cup of
9 They keep their cool. i. She has got the sack.
10 They look on the bright j. They fear the worst of it.
side of it.
11 She has a soft spot for k. She is at a loose end.
12 She is a rough diamond, l. I can’t stand him.
after all.

1=…..; 2=…..; 3=…..; 4=…..; 5=…..; 6=…..;

7=…..; 8=…..; 9=…..; 10=….; 11=…..; 12=…..

(Marks : ------ )
12 x 2 = 24

Exercise 12

Fill in the gaps below using will or be going to:

1. ‘Oh, this bag is so heavy!’

‘I ………..carry it for you!’
2. ‘Look out! A brick …………… to fall down!’
3. ‘Will you come to my birthday next weekend?’
‘Sorry, I …………………to visit my relatives in the
4. ‘I hope my baby ……….. travel a lot .’
5. ‘My sister is pregnant. She ………….. to have a baby.’
6. ‘Would you like anything to drink, madam?’
‘ Oh, I …………. have a freshly squeezed lemon juice,
7. ‘I’m hungry!’
‘I …………. make a sandwich for you.’
8. ‘ Why are you wearing this smart outfit?’
‘I …………… to a sophisticated party tonight.’

188 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Summative Self – Assessment Test

9. ‘Did you invite the Browns as well?’

'Oh I completely forgot. I …… call them up right now.’
10. ‘ What …………….. to do after finishing this course?’

(Marks : ------ )
10 x 1 = 10

Exercise 13

Use the correct verb form in the sentences below.

1. If I …………….. (have) enough money, I will travel abroad.

2. If Mum ………… (have) more time, she wouldn’t have
spent more time with us.
3. They …………….(tell) the truth if you persuaded them to
do so.
4. If Peter …………. (drive) slower, he wouldn’t have
crushed his father’s car.
5. If she keeps coming late, she ……….. (be) expelled.
6. If you keep some ice in the sun, it ………(melt).
7. If I …… (be) you, I wouldn’t invite her.
8. You …………….. (get) a better mark, if you had learnt
9. Unless they ….. (behave) themselves, they won’t sit at the
same table as adults.
10. She would take care of your plants, if you ………… (ask)
her nicely.

(Marks : ------ )
10 x 2 = 20

Exercise 14

Use must, mustn’t, needn’t in the sentences below. (See Unit

VII, 2.1.)

1. You………. keep quiet! Daddy is sleeping.

2. They ……… attend this meeting. So, they can stay at
3. ………..I hand in this report tomorrow?
4. You…………. smoke near petrol stations.
5. Drivers ……… be rude to the passengers.

(Marks: ------ )

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 189

Summative Self – Assessment Test

Exercise 15

Correct the mistakes.

1. I wish I have more time, so I could spend it with you.

2. They wish they went there in time. Now, they have to go
there again.
3. I wish he followed her advice. If he had, he wouldn’t be an
unemployed now.
4. I wish I didn’t spend so much. Now, I have to borrow from
my parents.
5. I wish I had had more patience. Then, I could be more
popular with my students.

(Marks : ------ )

Exercise 16

Fill in the gaps below using the following prompts:

shall we, why don’t we, how about, would you like to, let’s

A: 1 )…….. go to the disco tonight!

B: I’d love to but I don’t like dancing. 2)……. seeing a movie?
A: 3)………… to see an American or a French movie?
B: 4)………… go to both of them? And then we may have a
snack and talk about the plot.
A: 5)…………….. in front of the cinema?
B: It sounds perfect to me.

(Marks : ------ )

190 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Summative Self – Assessment Test

2. Answer key

N.B. In case your score is unsatisfactory you should revise

the specific information included in the preceding units
and the bibliography below.

Exercise 1
1 = a; 2 = b; 3 = c; 4 = b; 5 = a; 6 = b, 7 = c; 8 = a; 9 = b;
10 = a; 11 = a; 12 = a; 13 = b; 14 = c; 15 = a/b; 16 = a; 17 = a;
18 = a; 19 = c; 20 = a; 21 = c; 23 = a; 24 = c; 25 = a; 26 = b;
27 = a; 28 = c; 29 = c; 30 = a.

Exercise 2
1 - don’t we?; 2 - isn’t it?; 3 - haven’t we?; 4 - aren’t I?; 5 - shall

Exercise 3
1 = much; 2 = many; 3 = many; 4 = much; 5 = any

Exercise 4
1 = anything; 2 = someone; 3 = somewhere; 4 = anywhere;
5 = someone, somewhere

Exercise 5
1= some; 2= any; 3= any; 4= many; 5= how much; 6= some;
7= some; 8= a few.

Exercise 6
1 = don’t we; 2 = isn’t it; 3 = haven’t we; 4 = aren’t I;
5 = shall we.

Exercise 7
1. The man in picture 1 is slimmer than the man in picture 2.
The man in picture 1 is the slimmest of all.
He must have been on a diet .
He must exercise a lot.
He can’t have eaten many sweets or any fast food.

2. The man in picture 2 is fatter than the man in picture 1.

The man in picture 2 is not as thin as the man in picture 1.
He must have eaten only fatty food.
He can’t have had any exercise.
He might fall ill some day.

3. The man on the right is fatter than the man on the left.
The man on the right is slimmer than the one on the left.
He must have been on a strict diet.
He may have joined a fitness club.
He might have a lot of ambition.

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 191

Summative Self – Assessment Test

Exercise 8
Picture 1
Job: a ballerina
Qualities: you have to be fit, young, sensitive
Advantages: you keep fit, you are active, and you have fewer
chances to get fat
Disadvantages: you have to work hard, you have to cut down
on sweets, you have to practice everyday.

Picture 2
Job: a pilot
Qualities: you have to be tough, to be a quick-decision maker,
to be caring
Advantages: well paid, you travel a lot, rewarding
Disadvantages: lots of responsibility, risky, away from family

Picture 3
Job : a farmer
Qualities: you have to have some knowledge about plants and
animals growing; you have to be tough; you have to be patient
Advantages: rewarding, healthy, providing home-grown food
Disadvantages: out in the cold or rain, tiring, not secure income

Exercise 9
1 = If I were you; 2 = had better; 3 = should; 4 = ought to;
5 = the best thing to do

Exercise 10
1 = which; 2 = which; 3 = whom; 4 = where; 5 = whose

Exercise 11
1 = l; 2 = b; 3 = g; 4 = a; 5 = k; 6 = c; 7 = e; 8 = I; 9 = d; 10 = j;
11 = h;12 = f.

Exercise 12
1 = will carry; 2 = is going; 3 = am going; 4 = will; 5 = is going;
6 = will; 7 = will; 8 = am going; 9 = will; 10 = are you doing

Exercise 13
1 = have; 2 = had had; 3 = would tell; 4 = had driven; 5 = will
be; 6 = melts/will melt; 7 = were; 8 = would have got;
9 = behave; 10 = asked

Exercise 14
1 = must; 2 = needn’t; 3 = must; 4 = mustn’t; 5 = mustn’t

Exercise 15
1. I wish I had more time, so I could spend it with you.
2. They wish they had gone there in time. Now, they have to
go there again.
3. I wish he had followed her advice. If he had, he wouldn’t
be an unemployed now.

192 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

Summative Self – Assessment Test
4. I wish I hadn’t spent so much. Now, I have to borrow from
my parents.
5. I wish I had more patience. Then, I could be more popular
with my students.

Exercise 16
1= let’s; 2=how about; 3= would you like ; 4= why don’t we;
5= shall we

score grade

207-182 VERY WELL

181-162 WELL

Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural 193

General Bibliography


1. Evans V., Dooley J., 1998, Enterprise Intermediate, Express

2. Evans V. – Dooley J., 2000, Mission Coursebook, F.C.E., Express
3. Hewings M., 1999, Advanced Grammar in Use, C.U.P.
4. Mascul, B., 1996, Student’s Usage, Collins Cobuild
5. Soars John & Liz, 1998, New Headway English Course- Upper -
intermediate, Oxford University Press
6. Vince A. M., 1997, Advanced Language Practice, Heinemann Publ.
7. Wellman G., 1989, Wordbuilder, Macmillan Heinemann

194 Proiectul pentru Învăţământul Rural

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