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Today is Thursday December 10, 2019 we went at RCOM 203 to attend our subject and
that is NSTP. We discussed about implementation rules and regulation of the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) and the 5 components of NSTP.

We discussed about NSTP and first thing we have discussed is how we define NSTP and
it’s background it was declared by our President Rodrigo Duterte because one of our country’s
problem is corruption over that population we only have 480,000 army’s who can protect and
assure our country’s security. It’s not even on half of our population. They have five
components of NSTP and they are CHED, TESDA, DND, PASUC/COCOPEA and NGO’s. The role
of youth is a vital role who are “character building is nation building” and to help others, we
developed 5D Physical, Moral, Spiritual, Intellectual and Social well-being. ROTC RA 7077 is
included to our course in the country like criminology, marine technology and marine
engineering. PMA PMPA are exempted on NSTP and ROTC. Literacy training service on the
other hand trains students and teach literacy and numeracy to school children, and out of
school youth. Lastly, civic welfare training service who helps each and every one of us to have a
better life and well-improved community.

I’ve learned a lot of things in NSTP which we can apply in the near future to always think
positive, open our hearts and be committed in NSTP for it will be beneficial for all.

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