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Anis : Assalamualaikum En. Amran. are you busy today? Seems you has many customer.

En. Amran : Waalaikummusalam. No, it is just as usual. So, what do you want to know?

Anis : I want to know about the marketing plan of Muscular Gym. Is it you do it by your
own? Or somebody else helps you?

En. Amran : Oh….. About the marketing, since this gym started to operate until now I’m just
done the marketing part by myself only.

Anis : I am not clear about that. What type of medium that you used to promote this gym
to outsiders?

En. Amran : Oh….usually I were spearding the news about the gym and making the
advertisement by the facebook only and many customer that comes and know
about my gym just by mouth to mouth.

Anis : Ok En Amran..did you use another medium like the flyers and banner regarding your

En.Amran : Oh.. I am just spreading the flyers before this gym start to operate to let all the
people around Tanah Merah aware about the gym.

Anis : How about the banner ? the banner seems very important to attract people.

En Amran : Oh,sorry I never do it before this and until now.

Anis : Ok En. Amran, are you have the billboard or something else like the signboard to be
the sign or trademark of your gym?

En Amran : I do not put any billboards. I don’t think it is important.

Anis: Sorry En. Amran, based on my opinion, the billboard or banner is important to let
the people know about the existence of this gym.

En Amran : Yeah, that’s right. I will try to do what do you have tell me just now.

Anis : Ok, about the fee for entry, do you make any changes before this?

En Amran : For the fee, I am just fixed it for rm5 per entry for male and RM 4 for female since
this gym was operated.

Anis : En. Amran, how about this place? Why do you choose here at Taman Harmoni to
have the business of fitness?

En Amran : Ok, for this place, I am chose here because of it is the strategic location. The
customer can park their car easily and come to my gym.

Anis : Ok En. Amran, thanks for your cooperation with us and thanks for the information
that you had given.

Anis : Ok, we will discuss about the analysing of the marketing plan. Marketing plan is the
important aspect that we need to focus more in order to increase the sales and retain the
business in future.

Farah : Oh, yes. This gym seems to get more profit in the future if the marketing strategy is

Ain : How it can be improved ? what the best strategy that can be implemented?

Anis : For your information, there are 4 key variables for developing marketing strategy. It known
as 4Ps, which is refer to Product, Place, Price and Promotion. We will use these key variables
to help this business retain in the future.

Aina : Yes, that’s right. Based on my opinion, regarding the product, it seems that this gym is more
focus on fitness only.they should focus on the quality of service.

Anis : It is the good idea. We should give an opinion to muscular gym to improve their quality of
service escpecially in terms of providing the good quality of equipment.

Ain : Guys, how about the price ? any changes can we make?

Farah : I think the price or the fee for the entry to the gym is reasonable enough. that is only RM 5
per entry for male and RM 4 for female.

Anis : Yes.I am agreed with that. The fee is already suitable for the male and the female. Ok, let’s
move on another key variable. Here, the promotion play the main role to attract more
customer in order to increase the sales and to ensure the sustainability of this gym for the

Aina : Based on my opinion, it is important to upgrade the advertising strategy. This gym should
advertise on another medium like as printed media, internet or outdoor advertisement.

Alifah : I think the gym should spend more on advertising. This is important because at the end it
will give the benefit to the business.

Anis : The promotion strategy is important to disseminate information about the company’s
product or services with purpose of attracting the target market.

Farah : As I know, the main promotion tools such for printed media, the gym can distribute the
flyers to the people in various place. This is important to give information about the
existence of the gym.

Aina : Ok, for the internet, I think the owner should more aggressive to promote this gym in the
social media such as facebook, intagram or wechat. This is because people nowdays are very
addicted towards the social media. So,why not the gym take the opportunity to spread the
information about the existence of the gym to others.
Anis : Thank you aina. Besides that, the outdoor advertisement is very include the
billboard or banner. The gym should at least the banner put the banner outside the gym to
promote the fitness centre.

Alifah : Yes. It sounds good. The advertisement is the core one to attract the customer.besides that,
it can help the gym to sustain and retained in the future.

Ain : On the other hands, the gym can make the sales promotion such as an offer. The gym can
provide the a offer day per week for the fee, such as rm3 per entry or offer the best
packages for the regular customer and provide the membership card for them.

Anis : That’s right. Ok, for the banner, the gym need to ensure the banner is quite interesting to
attract the interest of the people that never come to the gym before. Before we go to
another focus, I want to continue about the last key variable. It is the place. The gym had
been located at the strategic the corner lot behind the main road of the Taman
Harmoni Tanah Merah. It is quite good for attracting the customer. There is also the good
location for park the car. The customers that reach there can park their car easily. The region
for park the car is wider. Ok,that’s all for the marketing strategy. Thank you.

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