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Sekolah : Madrasah Tsanawiyah Bentuk soal : Pilihan Ganda

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX

Jumlah soal : 50 soal Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit

1. “We are going to have math test this morning” Said Rian
“I have studied” Rahman answered

What does Rahman mean to say?

A. He is ready to do the test A
B. He studied last night alone
C. He studied with Rian last night
D. Math is a very difficult lesson.

2. Bayu has never ……. there …….

A. went – yesterday
B. gone – last night C
C. gone – alone
D. went – alone
We will read the lyrics of a song. If we want, we can download the song
from YouTube. Here is a very good song about parents' nature to always
protect their children. Their home is always open for their children to return
for their protection.

Here are what we will do with the song. First, we will copy the song in our
notebooks. Second, we will listen carefully to our teacher reading the lyrics,
meaningfully. Third, we will repeat the lyric after the teacher, line by line.
Finally, in the group we will learn to read the lyric to each other,
meaningfully too.

We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly.

From the text above we know that ....

A. We will copy the song in our notebooks.
B. We will listen carefully to our teacher reading the lyrics.
C. We can read the lyrics of a song by downloading it from YouTube.
D. In the group we will learn to read the lyrics to each other.

4. We will read the lyrics of a song. If we want, we can download the song
from YouTube. Here is a very good song about parents' nature to
always protect their children. Their home is always open for their
children to return for their protection.

Here are what we will do with the song. First, we will copy the song in
our notebooks. Second, we will listen carefully to our teacher reading
the lyrics, meaningfully. Third, we will repeat the lyric after the teacher,
line by line. Finally, in the group we will learn to read the lyric to each
other, meaningfully too. C
We will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly.

5. Finally in the group we will learn to read the lyrics to each other
The similar meaning of the underlined words is....
A. To learn the way
B. To learn lesson
C. To learn lyrics
D. To learn song
6. Here are what we will do. We will work in groups.
First, we will study the examples carefully and copy
them in our notebooks. Second, we will identify the
different kinds of information in the other
advertisements and put them in the right rows.
What kinds of information in the advertisement with a table of analysis?
A. We cannot study the examples carefully.
B. We cannot copy them in our notebooks
C. We will study the examples carefully and copy them in our notebooks.
D. All answer A, B, C and D are correct.

7. Please arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. We will also say each word loudly, clearly, and correctly.
2. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.
3. We will spell the worlds and use the punctuation marks correctly.
4. Will use a dictionary
A. (1) - (3) - (2) - (4)
B. (1) - (4) - (2) - (3)
C. (1) - (3) - (4) - (2)
D. (4) - (3) - (1) - (2)

8. Rearrange the jumble word below into good sentence!

to - we – times – been – many – have - Singapore

A. have been to many times we Singapore
B. We have been to Singapore many times
C. We been have many times to Singapore
D. To have Singapore many times we been
9. Have I ever .......... you about my family?
The correct anwer is....
A. Told
B. Tell A
C. Been
D. Telled

10. Which one is the Causality conjuction sentence……..

A. She got the best grades
B. There have been a lot of problems in Britain
C. If you had told me about the problem, I am so happy D
D. John crashed his truck because he was driving too fast

11. What is the meaning the sentence below!

Besides my family, I will also invite my close friends on my Bithday Party.

A. Semua keluarga akan datang di pesta ulang tahunku C

B. Di pesta ulang tahunku, keluargaku bersama dengan sahabat - sahabatku
C. Selain keluargaku, aku akan mengundang sahabat - sahabatku di pesta ulang tahunku
D. Keluarga ku mengundang sahabat – sahabatku di pesta ulang tahun

What are some of the differences between organic and inorganic waste?
If you weren’t aware, a wide variety of differences exist between organic and
inorganic waste. Most of these differences stem from the fact that both waste
emanates from different sources.

8) The first obvious difference between organic and inorganic waste is that
the former is produced by living organisms whereas the latter is a product
of non-living organisms and human intervention.
9) The second difference between the two is that organic waste is composed
of carbon as well as hydrogen bonds whereas chemical waste does not
contain any traces of carbon.
10) Another notable difference between the two is that organic matter is
affected by heat and burns naturally but inorganic waste does not burn.
11) Another difference that exists between them is that while organic matter is
composed of living or once-living organisms, inorganic matter mainly
consists of non-living matter and has mineral-like characteristics.
12) On further analysis, researchers discovered that organic waste is more
complex than inorganic waste, mainly due to their composition.
13) Another difference between the two is that whereas organic waste is
unable to form salt, inorganic matter is soluble in water hence can readily B
form salts.
14) Organic waste depicts slower rates of reaction as compared to inorganic
waste. This is attributed to the more complex products that are formed
after a reaction between organic matters.

The following is one of the uses of non-organic waste…..

A. Produce methane gas
B. Used for children's toys
C. Creating natural fertilizer
D. Food for decomposing organisms

What are some of the differences between organic and inorganic waste?
If you weren’t aware, a wide variety of differences exist between organic and
inorganic waste. Most of these differences stem from the fact that both waste
emanates from different sources.

1) The first obvious difference between organic and inorganic waste is that the
former is produced by living organisms whereas the latter is a product of
non-living organisms and human intervention.
2) The second difference between the two is that organic waste is composed
of carbon as well as hydrogen bonds whereas chemical waste does not
contain any traces of carbon.
3) Another notable difference between the two is that organic matter is
affected by heat and burns naturally but inorganic waste does not burn.
4) Another difference that exists between them is that while organic matter is
composed of living or once-living organisms, inorganic matter mainly B
consists of non-living matter and has mineral-like characteristics.
5) On further analysis, researchers discovered that organic waste is more
complex than inorganic waste, mainly due to their composition.
6) Another difference between the two is that whereas organic waste is unable
to form salt, inorganic matter is soluble in water hence can readily form
7) Organic waste depicts slower rates of reaction as compared to inorganic
waste. This is attributed to the more complex products that are formed after
a reaction between organic matters.

One of characteristics of organic waste is…..

A. Made from fabricated materials
B. Useful for other organisms
C. Difficult to decompose
D. Reuse
14. Composting organic waste does not have the following advantage…..
A. It can be applied as fertilizer in gardens
B. It saves landfill space as well as prevents contamination of land
C. It improves soil conditions
D. Non-biodegradable hence unfriendly to the ecosystem.

15. What are some of the ways of recycling organic waste?

A. Production of biogas and making of compost
B. Production of biogas and produce raw material for equipment
C. Manufacture of recycled materials and handcraft A
D. Manufacture of recycled materials and production of biogas
Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih are half-sisters who are polar
opposites of each other. Bawang Merah is a lazy, greedy girl spoiled by their
mother while Bawang Putih is obedient, diligent and does all the chores
without complaint.
One laundry day in the river, Bawang Putih loses a scarf, which is picked
up by an old woman. The old woman says she will return the scarf if Bawang
Putih cooks and cleans for her. Bawang Putih does as she's told, gets the scarf
back and the old woman as a gift tells her to bring home one of her two
pumpkins, a small or a large one.
Bawang Putih chooses the smaller pumpkin. When she breaks open the
pumpkin at home, she discovers the fruit is filled with jewelry.
Bawang Merah and their mother get jealous and want their own
pumpkin filled with jewelry, so they go to the river and deliberately lose their
scarves. Then they visit the old woman’s house and ask for a pumpkin. They
bring home the big one (of course), but instead of jewelry, their large
pumpkin is filled with snakes.

How do Bawang Merah and her mother lose their scarves in the river?
A. The scarves suddenly disappear C. The old woman hides their scarves
B. No one knows D. They deliberately lose them

Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih are half-sisters who are polar
opposites of each other. Bawang Merah is a lazy, greedy girl spoiled by their
mother while Bawang Putih is obedient, diligent and does all the chores
without complaint.
One laundry day in the river, Bawang Putih loses a scarf, which is picked
up by an old woman. The old woman says she will return the scarf if Bawang
Putih cooks and cleans for her. Bawang Putih does as she's told, gets the scarf
back and the old woman as a gift tells her to bring home one of her two
pumpkins, a small or a large one.
Bawang Putih chooses the smaller pumpkin. When she breaks open the B
pumpkin at home, she discovers the fruit is filled with jewelry.
Bawang Merah and their mother get jealous and want their own
pumpkin filled with jewelry, so they go to the river and deliberately lose their
scarves. Then they visit the old woman’s house and ask for a pumpkin. They
bring home the big one (of course), but instead of jewelry, their large
pumpkin is filled with snakes.

What do you think about Bawang Merah?

A. She loves to go to river to do laundry.
B. She is very honest and kindhearted
C. She dislikes her mother and half-sister
D. She is jealous to her half-sister.
18. What can we learn from the story above?
A. It is a very good story to tell when we are going to sleep.
B. Every one of us has to be obedient, honest, and helpful for a good living. B
C. Bawang Putih is a beautiful girl who always helps her half sister and her mother.
D. When we do good to other people, we will get good reward at the end.
19. Why does Bawang Merah and her mother get the pumpkin filled with snake instead of
A. Because she is dishonest and greedy.
B. Because she only want the pumpkin, and not the old woman A
C. Because the old woman filled the pumpkin with snakes.
D. Because the old woman unwilling to give the pumpkin.

20. I am ... (go) to school now.

A. gone
B. went C
C. going
D. goes
21. Mother is ... (cut) vegetables and father is … (watch) television now
A. cutting-watching
B. cut-watch
C. cut-watched
D. cut-watches

Complete the dialogue below!

Roni : What … (go) with Lili yesterday?

Jane : I don’t know. Why?
Roni : She … (cry) in canteen yesterday
A. went
B. is going
C. had gone
D. goes
Complete the dialogue below!

Roni : What … (go) with Lili yesterday?

Jane : I don’t know. Why?
Roni : She … (cry) in canteen yesterday
A. is crying
B. were crying
C. cried
D. was crying

22. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a small relative called a wallaby, that
lives in Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front
legs, long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used to sit up and jump. Kangaroos are
well known for their 8-meter forward jumps and more than 3-meters high leap across fences.
They can also run at the speed of over 45 kilometers per hour. The largest kangaroos are the
Great Grey Kangaroos and Red Kangaroos. Adult kangaroos grow to a meter in length and 90
kilos in weight. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an
external pouch on the front of her body. The baby kangaroo is very tiny when it was born. It
right away crawls into its mother's pouch where it spends the first five months of its life.

Which of these statements is contrary to the fact?

A. Kangaroos are not carnivorous.
B. Kangaroo is native animal of Australia.
C. All wallabies are of smaller size than Kangaroos.
D. All marsupial females have pouch on the
23. A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a small relative called a wallaby, that
lives in Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front
legs, long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used to sit up and jump. Kangaroos are
well known for their 8-meter forward jumps and more than 3-meters high leap across fences.
They can also run at the speed of over 45 kilometers per hour. The largest kangaroos are the
Great Grey Kangaroos and Red Kangaroos. Adult kangaroos grow to a meter in length and 90
kilos in weight. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an
external pouch on the front of her body. The baby kangaroo is very tiny when it was born. It
right away crawls into its mother's pouch where it spends the first five months of its life.

We can conclude from the text that ...

A. The largest kangaroos are the males.
B. The male kangaroos do not have pouch.
C. Kangaroos only eat grass and plants that grow in Australia.
D. Tasmania's and New Guinea's wallabies are different in size.

24. Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were dead
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best
if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were
having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside
and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There
they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs
said, “What is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
“Doc,” one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White
said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally
Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

What is the main idea of last paragrah?

A. Dwarfs found snow white sleeping
B. Snow white live with six dwarfs
C. The Seven dwarfs cast out of snow white
D. Snow white and the 7 dwarfs live happily
25. Snow White
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were dead
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best
if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were
having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside
and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There
they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs
said, “What is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
“Doc,” one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White
said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally
Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

What is the purpose of the text above ?

A. To inform the reader
B. To entertain the reader
C. To report the text
D. To describe the story

26. Due to the long holiday during the grade nine student having the try out, all seventh grade
student have to complete their English homework from page 50 – 56.
How many students having the tryout?
A. 5 students
B. 7 students
C. 9 students
D. All seventh grade students

27. To : All member 7 class 9

Our classroom will join the cleanest class competition 2020 on Saturday Maret
28th 2020 to prepare it ,please all the member of the classroom gother at school On
Sunday Maret 15th 2020 at 9 a.m to start cleaning and decorating the
classroomtogether. Please come on time


The true statement based on the text above is

A. The information is for student
B. The place of the competition is in the auditorium
C. The event will be held on Maret 28th 2020
D. The writer is the student

28. 1. There lived a monkey on one of the Jamun trees located near the lake
2. It was a beauthifull lake surrounded by lush green grasses, beauthifull trees
Mountain and sweetest tastiest Jamun trees
3. There was one crocodille that used collect the jamun fruits, from the lake that
Fall from the tree
4. The lake also had a view crocodilles

A. 1 - 4 -2 -3 C
B. 1-2-3-4
C. 2, -1, -4, -3
D. 2, -4, -3, -1
29. The end of the world horrified by the contagious outbreak of THE CORONA VIRUS,
Which is known to have first originated in the WUHAN region of CHINA. In the last one
month it has been recorded that 27 countries have reported that their Population has been

About what reported throught the text above ? D

A. Splashy news
B. 27 countries

30. Eagle Bird

For thousands of years birds become one of the important animals in human culture. Many
people keep birds as pet, breed it, and make money from it. Some of birds are easily to breed
and some other such as eagle or the other rare birds are not. People usually get the rare kids of
bird by hunting from the wild. This hunting activity makes the population of some birds rarer.
Eagle becomes one of the most expensive birds whether it is dead or alive. Human likes to
collect it because of some reason, such as the feeling of being proud.
In general, eagle birds are a big and powerful predator. It has big and strong hooked
beaks to rip the flesh of its prey, wide and strong wings, muscular legs and talons to bring the
prey from the ground to its nest. Eagle eats any kinds of prey which is smaller than it such as
rabbit, rat, birds, and snakes.

Why does population of eagle birds rarer?

A. Because Eagle birds is important animal
B. Eagle birds make people being proud
C. Because eagle birds become one of the most expensive birds
D. Because of human hunting activity

31. Eagle Bird

For thousands of years birds become one of the important animals in human culture. Many
people keep birds as pet, breed it, and make money from it. Some of birds are easily to breed
and some other such as eagle or the other rare birds are not. People usually get the rare kids of
bird by hunting from the wild. This hunting activity makes the population of some birds rarer.
Eagle becomes one of the most expensive birds whether it is dead or alive. Human likes to
collect it because of some reason, such as the feeling of being proud.
In general, eagle birds are a big and powerful predator. It has big and strong hooked
beaks to rip the flesh of its prey, wide and strong wings, muscular legs and talons to bring the
prey from the ground to its nest. Eagle eats any kinds of prey which is smaller than it such as C
rabbit, rat, birds, and snakes.

”.........eagle birds is a big and powerful bird of prey.

What does the synonym of the underline word?
A. Wild
B. Quarry
C. Predator
D. Chased

32. Jack: “Can we get tickets for the BTS show this weekend?
Ken: “I think they_______________
A. Are to be sold out
B. Are sold out B
C. Are selling out
D. Sold out

33. Judika selects the contestants of Indonesian Idol Audition. The passive voice of the
sentence above is.........
A. The contestants of Indonesian Idol Audition is selected by Judika
B. Judika is selecting the contestants of Indonesian Idol Audition C
C. The contestants of Indonesian Idol Audition are selected by Judika
D. The contestants of Indonesian Idol Audition being selected by Judika

Dear Rojali,
To share our happiness, please join us on our graduation party!
Date : 17/03/2020
Time : 14.00
Venue : Bintang Mulia Restaurant

Samin : 082141492167

The purpose of the text is to invite the reader....

A. To request the graduation party
B. To see Bintang Mulia Restaurant
C. To celebrate the graduation
D. To confirm time and place of the party


Dear Rojali,
To share our happiness, please join us on our graduation party!
Date : 17/03/2020
Time : 14.00
Venue : Bintang Mulia Restaurant

Samin : 082141492167


What will the reader probably do before coming to the event?

A. Attend to the graduation party to honor Santoso
B. Make sure the time and place of the party
C. Confirm whether or not he attend the celebration
D. Contact Santoso about the party
Attention please,

For the customer number 1 7 , come to

the table number 2 5 .

We will serve you.

36. Where we can find such an announcement?

A. In the bank
B. In the mall
C. In the office
D. In tourism object
Attention please,

For the customer number 1 7 , come to

the table number 2 5 .

We will serve you.

"We will serve you" the word serve has the same meaning with....
A. Take
B. Get
C. Hard
D. Service


Serving size: 1 tablet
Servings per container: 30
Amount of serving % Daily value
Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mg
Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mg
Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg
Rutin* 25
Hesperidin* 25 mg
Rose hips* 125 mg
Acerola* 5 mg
_________________________ D
*Daily value not established
Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal
This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar,
chemical solvent, starch or gluten.

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a supplement for woman.
B. To describe a product for adult.
C. To give detailed information about the supplement.
D. To tell the value of a supplement.


• Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other
upper respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis
• Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis):
- runny nose
- sneezing
- itching of the nose or throat
- itchy, watery eyes
• Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose

Age Dose adults and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours
Children 6 to under 12 years Do not take
2 tsp every
more 4 hours
than 4 doses in any 24- hour period
Children under 6 years ask a doctor

From the label above we know that ....

A. This medicine is only for adult.
B. This medicine is in the form of syrup.
C. Stomachache can be cured with this medicine.
D. Children under 12 cannot take this medicine.
40. Udin : ...................................
Dayu : For eight years now. My father died when I was a baby, and my mother died eight
years ago.
A. How long have you been an orphan?
B. Why have you been an orphan?
C. Have you been an orphan?
D. How have you been an orphan?

41. Ikko : Fer, can you tell me how to register for the member of volley ball club?
Ferry : Oh, it is easy. First,.... the form and fill it.
Ikko : And then?
Ferry : Then, give it to the teacher and join for practicing. C
A. ask C. asking
B. asked D. to ask

Discount up to 50% on Saturday and sunday

From the picture above we usually get in......

A. In market C. In clothes store
B. In book store D. In Bakery

Discount up to 50% on Saturday and sunday

We know that the picture is kind of.....

A. Sale C. Invitation
B. Advertisement D. Transaction C
44. Choco Mood
A snack made of chocolate choice coated with peanut
Take Choco Mood!
Feel the sensation of melting chocolate and Crunchy peanuts that will shake your tongue.

Nutrient content:
25% of calories from saturated fat
30% calories from fat
10% protein
13% fat on sugar B
1% trans-fat
Vitamin D and C

Buy now and Feel the sensation!!

How many percentage of calories from fat in the text?

A. 25% C. 10%
B. 13% D. 30%

45. Choco Mood

A snack made of chocolate choice coated with peanut
Take Choco Mood!
Feel the sensation of melting chocolate and Crunchy peanuts that will shake your tongue.

Nutrient content:
25% of calories from saturated fat
30% calories from fat
10% protein
13% fat on sugar
1% trans-fat
Vitamin D and C
Buy now and Feel the sensation!!

From the advertisement above the Chocó mood is made of...

A. chocolate choice coated with peanut C. Chocolate with corn
B. chocolate choice coated with Salt D. Chocolate choice with sugar
46. Waterboom Jember
the best waterpark in town

Waterboom Jember is an international standard Waterpark offering high quality facilities and
amenities with an ultimate design aesthetics. With an Urban Cool concept, its signature
landscape offers a truly relaxed atmosphere and its waterslide rides are not only fun but also
thrilling. Waterboom, Jember, is another GREAT destination in Jember.
Waterboom Jember is simply a perfect place for your next family recreation, company outing and
themed events that you can’t miss when enjoying Jember.

Don’t forget to visit our website for the latest promo!

Jl. PB. Sudirman No. 1, A
Jember 14470
p. (62 331) 5596 46 66 f. (62 331) 5596 66 88
Waterboom Jember is affiliated with Waterboom Bali

What is Water boom?

A. It is name of a beach in Jember
B. It is an international standard waterpark
C. It is a name of a town
D. It is a beautiful landscape

47. Waterboom Jember

the best waterpark in town

Waterboom Jember is an international standard Waterpark offering high quality

facilities and amenities with an ultimate design aesthetics. With an Urban Cool
concept, its signature landscape offers a truly relaxed atmosphere and its waterslide
rides are not only fun but also thrilling. Waterboom, Jember, is another GREAT
destination in Jember.
Waterboom Jember is simply a perfect place for your next family recreation,
company outing and themed events that you can’t miss when enjoying Jember.
Don’t forget to visit our website for the latest promo!
Jl. PB. Sudirman No. 1,
Jember 14470
p. (62 331) 5596 46 66 f. (62 331) 5596 66 88
Waterboom Jember is affiliated with Waterboom Bali

From the text above we know that the waterslide ride is ….

A. Boring B. Exciting C. Horrifying D. Frightening

NatragiustTM is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of premium

ingredients which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each serving
contains equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC value of
4.000 Additionally, NataBurstTNI help support lean muscle mass with its
concentration of high quality protein.
• Increase energy
• Reduce appetite
• Promote Fat Loss
• Anti Aging
• Promote Healthy Skin

49. What's the benefit of consuming NatraBurst?

A. Increase appetite C. Decrease energy
B. Promote fat loss D. Promote healthy hair


NatragiustTM is a powerful food source consisting of a wide variety of premium

ingredients which work together to provide a variety of health benefits. Each
serving contains equivalent of more than 6 vegetables and fruits, with an ORAC
value of 4.000 Additionally, NataBurstTNI help support lean muscle mass with its
concentration of high quality protein.
• Increase energy
• Reduce appetite B
• Promote Fat Loss
• Anti Aging
• Promote Healthy Skin
The purpose of the text is....
A. To warn the reader the danger of the product
B. To describe the composition of the product
C. To persuade people to consume the product
D. To tell the reader how to use the product

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