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To change negative and interrogative active sentence into their passives, you must refer the
principle of sentences that use verb be as follows:
- S + verb be + …
- S + verb be +not + …
- Verb be + S + …?


To create passive sentence in negative form, just put the word NOT after its verb be.
- Mr. Grandsonagain doesn’t drink coffee.
Coffee is not drunk by Mr. Grandsonagain.
- The students don’t wear their shoes in science laboratory.
Their shoes are not worn by the students in science laboratory.
Note: the verb be + not can be in the form of contraction (is not = isn’t and are not = aren’t)

- Mr. Clay Classius isn’t invited to parties often.


The following is an easy way to create interrogative passive voice:
Active sentence: Does John drive his car often?
1. Change the sentence into positive sentence.
- John drives his car often.
2. Change the positive sentence into passive voice.
- His car is driven by John often.
3. Move the verb be of the passive sentence in the beginning of the sentence and add
question mark (?) at the end of the sentence.
- Is his car driven by john often?
We never use the word: do, does, don’t and doesn’t in negative and interrogative

task 1
Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Bill doesn’t always wear uniform to work. 6. Does the teacher sometimes explain the
2. Does Mr. Uncal use social media to lesson too fast?
promote his company’s products? 7. Do the boys dream to be famous football
3. I only invite few people on my birthday. players?
4. Mrs. Sriroro admires Mr. Yonowan very 8. I don’t know how to cook fried rice.
much because of his achievement. 9. Do the students understand what the
5. Mr. Yono’s brother doesn’t ride motorcycle teacher just explained?
because he doesn’t have good balance. 10. We decide to buy the old house.


Read the following sentences and underline one word that is not correct in each of
them. Correct the incorrect word and write the correct one besides the sentence as
the example shows you.

1. One of the students are considered as the best talented soccer player in my
hometown. (IS)
2. When I was in senior high school I knew a smarter student that always helped me to be
able to understand math. ( .................. )
3. Study in an university obliges us to study harder than when we study in senior high
school. ( .................. )
4. Brando is a fun guy that is liked by everybody. ( .................. )
5. My bother always think hard how to manage his company everyday. ( .................. )
6. A men is considered as an adult when he is 18 years old. ( .................. )
7. John is a smart and diligent boy. He want to be a doctor in the future. ( .................. )
8. Although Jane is a strong woman, he always cries when sees poor kids. ( .................. )

Now fill the missing gasps to complete the following sentence.

Sree __________ Harry __________ __________ __________ and __________ __________ that
__________ always __________ to be with.


Change the following sentences into passive voice

1. Does the teacher tell us to do the tasks every weekend?
2. I don’t know where the meeting will take place.
3. Someone sends mysterious letters for me every week.
4. Do some ministers hold an important meeting every month?
5. We don’t watch every new movie.


Before you read

- Is computer very important in your life?
- What do you mostly do with your computer?

task 1
Read the text and fill the missing gasps with your own idea.

Computer That Changes Our World

It is often said that the world
has changed more in the last
100 (1) _________ than it has
in all its early history. While
it may (2) _________ difficult
to prove this statement, is
true that 20th century tech-
nology has changed people
and (3) _________ lives a great
deal. Changes in communica-
tions and transportation make
it possible for people to live
and work very differently (4)
_________ the way people lived
and worked 100 years ago.
Of all the changes in recent
years, (5) _________ is the computer that is changing life the quickest. Using computers, it is
now possible to do (6) _________ things quickly and efficiently. By using computer, it is pos-
sible to do difficult problems in (7) _________ very short time, and this means humans energy
can be used for more useful things. But it is not possible for a computer to solve problems on
(8) _________ own. It is necessary to ‘programme’ the computer to do the things we want it to
do. To programme a computer means to give it the instructions it needs to solve problems or do
other kind of work. Once a programme is set, the computer is ready to work (9) _________ us.
It is difficult to imagine what the business world today would be (10) _________ with-
out computers. It is simple to use a computer to reserve airplane tickets, to (11)
_________ a hotel room, to keep accounts, to order goods and supplies, and so (12)
_________. It would take much longer to do jobs like (13) _________ without a computer.
It is hard to believe how much of our lives is controlled by computers. Without them, our
lives would be much more difficult. It is clearly much better to use a computer to do bor-
ing and uninteresting (14) _________ that would take a long time for humans to do. By us-
ing computers, it is possible to free ourselves for (15) _________ useful and worthwhile work.

task 2
Decide what tenses the underlined sentences in the text refer to.

task 3
Now, underline all passive Simple Present Tense in the text.

task 4
Complete the missing gasps by using the principles of simple present passive voice.
1. _______ English _______________ (understand) by you?
2. Why _______ it _______________ (think) so?
3. What efforts _______ usually _______________ (do) by you to understand English?
4. When English _______________ (speak) by people, _______ its meaning clearly
_______________ (comprehend) by you?
5. What part of English skill _______________ (acquire) the hardest by you? Why?

task 5
After you discuss the answers of the sentences, find a partner and ask those questions
to him/her. Do this activity in turns.

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