Equality Texas Survey FINAL

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Equality Texas Statewide Survey 1

Glengariff Group, Inc.

Page Topic

3 Methodology

4 Key Findings

16 Aggregate Survey Results

28 Cross-tabulation Report

76 Appendix A: Counties by Region

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 2

Glengariff Group, Inc.
The Glengariff Group, Inc. conducted a 1,000 sample random digit dial live operator telephone survey of registered voters in Texas.
The survey was conducted on August 29, 2010 through September 2, 2010 and has margin of error of +/-3.1% with a 95% level of
confidence. This survey was commissioned by Equality Texas.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 3

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 78.2% of Texas voters know someone that is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
o 27.2% would consider their relationship very close.
o 20.1% would consider their relationship somewhat close.
o 30.1% would consider the person an acquaintance.

 Only 18.3% of Texas voters definitively say they do not know any person that is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

 Voters are split on the question of whether a person is born gay and lesbian or whether it is a choice they make.
o 32.9% of voters think gays and lesbians are born gay.
o 38.5% of voters believe gays and lesbians make a choice to be gay.
o 12.5% of voters believe it is a combination of choice and being born that way.

 When asked whether lesbians and gays were seeking special rights or equal rights, by almost a two to one margin Texas voters
said lesbians and gays were seeking equal rights:
o 60.5% of voters think lesbians and gays are seeking equal rights.
o 32.1% of voters think lesbians and gays are seeking special rights.

 28.4% of Texas voters say their attitudes toward gays and lesbians has become more accepting in the past five to ten years
compared to only 5.2% that said their attitudes have become less accepting. 65.7% of voters said their attitudes have not

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 4

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 Voters were asked whether they supported or opposed twelve different rights issues as they pertain to gay, lesbian and
transgender citizens. There is broad and wide support for ten of the twelve right issues that were tested. The chart below
reviews all twelve issues ranked from the strongest support to the weakest support.


Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 88.0% 10.0%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 79.2% 18.0%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 75.4% 20.8%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 75.1% 20.4%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 69.7% 24.1%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 68.8% 24.0%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 67.3% 28.3%
Legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 65.4% 29.5%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 63.1% 30.3%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 62.3% 30.8%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 48.4% 46.0%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 42.7% 52.7%

 By an almost two to one margin, Texas voters now support civil unions for gays and lesbians providing them the same legal
rights as marriage without actually calling it marriage. But Texas voters oppose allowing gays and lesbians to get married
by a margin of 42.7%-52.7%.

 There is a strong majority desire among Texas voters to provide gays and lesbians with protections for their relationships as
long as those protections are not called marriage.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 5

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 Amongst all the demographic factors, there was no greater disparity in the support level for gay and lesbians rights issues than
by whether or not the individual said they knew someone that was gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. The chart below
compares support levels for the twelve rights issues we examined based on whether voters said they were „very close‟ or
„did not know‟ a person that was gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.


Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 91.5% 76.5% -15.0%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 85.0% 75.0% -10.0%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 86.8% 60.1% -26.7%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 84.5% 60.7% -23.8%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 81.2% 54.7% -26.5%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 83.5% 50.2% -33.3%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 74.2% 55.2% -19.0%
Partner‟s legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 78.7% 48.0% -30.7%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 72.1% 46.5% -25.6%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 76.1% 39.9% -36.2%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 65.9% 30.6% -35.3%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 61.0% 25.7% -35.3%

 When you compare the average support level for voters that are very close to a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person to
those who say they do not know anyone that is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, support levels fall by an average of
26.4% for GLBT rights issues. The closer a voter is to a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person, the stronger their
support for these twelve rights issues. With 78% of Texas voters saying they know someone that is GLBT, this
demographic is the driving determinant behind support of rights issues that do not include the word „marriage‟.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 6

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 It is no great surprise that Democratic voters overwhelmingly support all twelve rights issues by a margin above 65%.

 A majority of independent voters support eleven of the twelve rights issues. They support six of the rights issues by greater
than 65%. The only issue Independent voters do not support is the right to marry.

 What may be more surprising is that a majority of Republican voters support nine of the twelve rights issues – including five at
levels greater than 65%. It is simply not accurate to say that Republican voters do not support gay and lesbian rights
issues. They do not support marriage rights for same sex partners. But they do support legal protections for same sex

 Perhaps most surprising is that a majority of Republican voters – 57.6% -- support civil unions for gay and lesbian couples.

 The chart below looks at support levels for the twelve issues based on party affiliation. While Democrats show overwhelming
support on the twelve issues, Independent and Republican voters act similarly on most of the issues. There are several
significant differences between Republican and Independent voters:
 A 10.7% difference on the issue of adoption
 A 10.1% difference on the issue of inheritance rights
 A 12.9% difference on the issue of domestic partnership benefits for government/university employees
 A 21.4% difference on the issue of recognizing marriages from other states that allow same sex marriage
 While there is a difference on the issue of gay marriage, both Republicans and Independent voters‟ support for
the issue is at 40% or lower.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 7

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 94.1% 87.6% 85.4%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 89.6% 78.8% 72.4%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 82.2% 73.5% 73.1%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 88.8% 72.7% 68.9%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 78.9% 67.6% 68.0%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 85.2% 68.2% 57.5%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 79.3% 64.0% 62.2%
Partner‟s legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 83.7% 64.2% 54.3%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 76.8% 59.4% 57.6%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 79.6% 62.6% 49.7%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 72.2% 50.4% 29.0%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 65.2% 40.8% 27.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 8

Glengariff Group, Inc.

47.4% of respondents attend church weekly. A majority of this large block of respondents support nine of the twelve issues we tested
including 51.1% of weekly church goers who support civil unions rising to 83.6% of weekly church goers who support a guaranteed
right to visit a partner in the hospital. Support builds among individuals who attend religious services less frequently or not at all. The
chart below compares support levels on the twelve issues based on whether voters attended church weekly or several times per month.


Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 83.6% 90.7% -7.1%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 76.2% 80.4% -4.2%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 69.4% 75.2% -5.8%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 67.5% 82.5% -15.0%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 62.3% 68.0% -5.7%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 55.6% 80.4% -24.8%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 63.3% 58.8% +4.5%
Partner‟s legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 55.3% 70.1% -14.8%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 51.1% 71.1% -20.0%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 49.1% 68.0% -18.9%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 32.7% 56.7% -24.0%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 26.6% 49.5% -22.9%

 There is an average difference of 13.1% in support levels among people who attend church weekly and people who attend
church several times per month. Those numbers increase somewhat among people who rarely or never attend church
services. And while there are differences among these numbers based on religious frequency, it is important to note that
there is still strong support among weekly church attendees for nine of twelve issues that we tested.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 9

Glengariff Group, Inc.
 One clear difference in religious frequency occurs on the issue of marriage. Below are the support levels for marriage based
on religious frequency:

 Weekly 26.6%
 Several times per month 49.5%
 Once a month 44.6%
 Several times per year 51.3%
 Rarely 57.5%
 Don‟t attend services 67.3%

 When comparing the three largest religious affiliations in Texas – Baptist, Non-Denominational, and Catholic – Baptist and
Non-Denominational voters mirror each of in support levels on nearly all issues. But Catholic voters appear to be on
average 8-12% more supportive of the twelve issues. And on the issue of marriage, 58.9% of Catholic voters support
marriage rights compared to only 32.1% for Baptists and 29.9% for Non-Denominational voters.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 10

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 84.1% of voters aged 18-29 say they know someone that is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. 43.5% of this age groups
says they are VERY close to someone that is GLBT. Among 30-64 year olds, 80% of voters know someone that is GLBT.
But even among those over the age of 65, 68.2% say they know someone that is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

 The fact that 68% of voters over the age of 65 years old know an GLBT citizen is a primary reason that age is no longer an
overwhelming factor in support levels for the twelve rights issues – with one important exception: marriage.


Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 85.5% 85.1% -0.4%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 82.6% 76.7% -5.9%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 75.3% 71.1% -4.2%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 78.2% 66.5% -11.7%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 68.1% 65.1% -3.0%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 75.3% 58.0% -17.0%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 66.6% 63.3% -3.3%
Partner‟s legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 75.4% 58.9% -16.5%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 69.5% 58.5% -11.0%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 66.7% 56.7% -10.0%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 55.1% 39.9% -15.2%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 55.3% 30.5% -24.8%

 When you compare 18-30 year old support levels to 65 and older support levels for the first ten issues not related to marriage,
there is only an average 8.3% difference between the two age groups. But on the issue of marriage, there is an average
20% difference between the two age groups.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 11

Glengariff Group, Inc.
 On the issue of marriage, support level by age breaks out as follows:

 18-29 55.3%
 30-39 50.4%
 40-49 46.3%
 50-64 42.9%
 65+ 30.5%

 Civil unions has greater than 50% support among all age levels.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 12

Glengariff Group, Inc.

Women are significantly more supportive of the twelve issues than men. While 73.6% of men say they know a GLBT person, 81.0%
of women say they know a GLBT person.

The chart below examines the differences in support levels between men and women among the twelve issues. The average level of
support among women is 11.3% higher than the level of support from men.


Guaranteed right to visit their partners in a hospital 83.4% 92.6% -9.2%
Pass uniform anti-bullying legislation to prohibit harassment in schools 73.8% 84.8% -11.0%
Prohibit employment or housing discrimination based on sexual orientation 70.4% 80.4% -10.0%
Guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for a partner 60.2% 80.0% -19.8%
Prohibit employment/housing discrimination for transgender citizens 64.4% 75.0% -10.6%
Gays/ Lesbians have same legal rights with respect to their children 63.4% 74.2% -10.8%
Pass hate crime legislation for transgender citizens 61.4% 73.2% -11.8%
Partner‟s legal rights to inherit possessions if there is no will in place 59.2% 71.6% -12.4%
Allow gays and lesbians to get a civil union 60.2% 67.0% -6.8%
Extend domestic partnership benefits to government/public university employees 56.8% 67.8% -11.0%
Recognize same sex marriage if wed in another state that allows it 41.2% 55.6% -14.4%
Allow gays and lesbians to get married 38.6% 46.8% -8.2%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 13

Glengariff Group, Inc.

 While only 42.7% of voters supported marriage, 63.1% of voters supported civil unions. That means that there are 20.4% of
Texas voters who believe that same sex couples should have a legal protection for their partnerships – but they are not
willing to say it should be marriage yet. Given how the civil union and marriage policy arguments have evolved
throughout the nation over the past five to ten years -- with people who once were only supportive of civil unions now
becoming increasingly supportive of marriage – the difference between these numbers by demographic group can be a
strong indicator of where your greatest support will be evolve in the next five to ten years for the marriage issue. The chart
below looks at the difference between every demographic group in their support levels of same sex marriage as compared
to civil unions. We have listed every group whose difference was greater than the overall difference of 20.4%.

El Paso, San Angelo, Odessa-Midland 21.2%

Panhandle 29.5%
South Texas 21.0%
Dallas/ Fort Worth 21.6%
Houston 23.9%
Northeast 20.7%
Somewhat Close 25.4%
Acquaintance 27.3%
Don‟t Know Anyone 20.8%
Republican 29.7%
Votes Every Election 23.7%
Attends Church Weekly 24.5%
Attends Church Several Times Per Month 21.6%
Attends Church Monthly 34.9%
Caucasian 21.8%
College Graduate 25.5%
Suburban 23.3%
Small 23.1%
Rural 22.3%
Divorced 22.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 14

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Widowed 25.9%
50-64 years old 21.3%
65 and older 28.0%
$15,000-25,000 26.5%
$40,000-70,000 22.3%
$100,000 21.9%
Baptist 23.6%
Non-Denominational 22.5%

 This chart paints a picture of where new supporters for same sex marriage will evolve from their current support for civil
unions – and that picture shows the greatest growth will emerge from conservative, Republican, church attending, non-
urban voters over the age of 50 years old.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 15

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Hello, my name is ____. I‟m conducting a public survey on social issues in Texas. I‟m not selling anything. The survey will take
less than seven minutes.

For the purposes of balance, could I please speak with the youngest female over the age of 18 in the household? [IF NO FEMALE,

Are you registered to vote at the address I am calling?


1. Can you tell me the county you live in?

1. El Paso, San Angelo, Odessa-Midland 6.1%

2. Amarillo, Lubbock, Abilene, Witchita Falls, Sherman 6.8%
3. San Antonio 9.4%
4. Laredo, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Victoria 8.6%
5. Dallas, Fort Worth 27.8%
6. Houston 24.7%
7. Waco 3.9%
8. Austin 6.4%
9. Beaumont, Tyler, Shreveport 6.3%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 16

Glengariff Group, Inc.
2. There has been much debate across the nation about gays and lesbians. Do you believe that an individual is born gay, or do
you believe an individual makes a choice to be gay or lesbian? IF DON‟T KNOW, ASK: WHICH WAY DO YOU LEAN?

1. Born Gay 32.9%

2. Individual makes the choice 38.5%
3. Combination of both…DO NOT OFFER 12.5%
4. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 15.9%
5. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

3. Do you personally know anyone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? IF YES, ASK: AND HOW WOULD YOU

1. Very Close 27.2%

2. Somewhat Close 20.1%
3. Just an Acquaintance 30.1%
4. I am gay/lesbian/bisexual or transgender 0.8%
5. Don‟t Know anyone that is gay 18.3%
6. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 3.2%
7. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.4%

4. Currently in Texas, an individual can be fired from their job or refused housing solely because they are gay. Would you
support or oppose a law making it illegal to fire someone or deny housing in Texas to any person solely because he or she is

1. Strongly Support 64.4% SUPPORT: 75.4%

2. Somewhat Support 11.0%
3. Somewhat Oppose 4.4%
4. Strongly Oppose 16.4% OPPOSE: 20.8%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 3.4%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 17

Glengariff Group, Inc.
5. Would you support or oppose a law making it illegal to fire or deny housing in Texas to any person solely because they are

1. Strongly Support 57.0% SUPPORT: 69.7%

2. Somewhat Support 12.7%
3. Somewhat Oppose 6.4%
4. Strongly Oppose 17.7% OPPOSE: 24.1%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 5.7%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.5%

6. Many Texas businesses currently extend domestic partnership benefits to their gay and lesbian employees for things like health
care and life insurance to match the benefits offered to their heterosexual employees. Would you support or oppose extending
domestic partnership benefits for things like health benefits to gay and lesbian employees that work for the government and
public universities so that they match the same benefits offered to heterosexual employees? ASK: WOULD THAT BE

1. Strongly Support 49.8% SUPPORT: 62.3%

2. Somewhat Support 12.5%
3. Somewhat Oppose 6.6%
4. Strongly Oppose 24.2% OPPOSE: 30.8%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 6.5%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 18

Glengariff Group, Inc.
7. Currently in Texas, if a student in a school is bullied by other students physically, verbally or electronically, there are no
uniform statewide requirements in place for how teachers should deal with that situation. Would you support or oppose
legislation that would provide direction to Texas teachers on how to protect all children from bullying, harassment and
discrimination in school, including the children of gay and lesbian parents or teenagers who are gay? ASK: WOULD THAT

1. Strongly Support 68.1% SUPPORT: 79.2%

2. Somewhat Support 11.2%
3. Somewhat Oppose 4.1%
4. Strongly Oppose 13.9% OPPOSE: 18.0%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 2.5%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

8. Would you support or oppose legislation that would make committing a crime against someone specifically because they are

1. Strongly Support 56.5% SUPPORT: 67.3%

2. Somewhat Support 10.8%
3. Somewhat Oppose 5.8%
4. Strongly Oppose 22.5% OPPOSE: 28.3%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 4.2%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

I am going to read you a short list of rights that married couples currently receive in Texas and gay and lesbian couples do not receive.
For each, please tell me if you believe that gay and lesbian couples should or should not have that right also.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 19

Glengariff Group, Inc.
9. A guaranteed right to visit their partners in the hospital should he or she become ill? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

1. Strongly Support 78.8% SUPPORT: 88.0%

2. Somewhat Support 9.2%
3. Somewhat Oppose 1.7%
4. Strongly Oppose 8.3% OPPOSE: 10.0%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 1.6%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.4%

10. A guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for their partners? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

1. Strongly Support 63.4% SUPPORT: 75.1%

2. Somewhat Support 11.7%
3. Somewhat Oppose 5.0%
4. Strongly Oppose 15.4% OPPOSE: 20.4%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 4.3%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

11. In Texas, when a married man or woman dies, their spouse has the legal right to inherit their possessions if there is no will in
place. Should gay or lesbian couples have the same legal inheritance rights? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

1. Strongly Support 52.9% SUPPORT: 65.4%

2. Somewhat Support 12.5%
3. Somewhat Oppose 5.5%
4. Strongly Oppose 24.0% OPPOSE: 29.5%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 4.7%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 20

Glengariff Group, Inc.
12. In Texas, should gay and lesbian couples in committed relationships have the same legal rights with respect to their children as

1. Strongly Support 56.4% SUPPORT: 68.8%

2. Somewhat Support 12.4%
3. Somewhat Oppose 3.6%
4. Strongly Oppose 20.4% OPPOSE: 24.0%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 7.1%
6. Refused…DO NOT OFFER 0.1%

13. Do you support or oppose allowing gays and lesbians to get married? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

1. Strongly Support 33.5% SUPPORT: 42.7%

2. Somewhat Support 9.2%
3. Somewhat Oppose 6.9%
4. Strongly Oppose 45.8% OPPOSE: 52.7%
5. Don‟t Know….DO NOT OFFER 4.6%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 21

Glengariff Group, Inc.
14. Another option that has been discussed would be allowing gay men and women to get a civil union which would provide the
legal benefits of marriage while still preserving the word “marriage” as something between a man and a woman. Would you
say you support or oppose civil unions for gay men and women? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

1. Strongly Support 47.8% SUPPORT: 63.1%

2. Somewhat Support 15.3%
3. Somewhat Oppose 5.6%
4. Strongly Oppose 24.7% OPPOSE: 30.3%
5. Don‟t Know….DO NOT OFFER 6.4%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

15. Texas currently recognizes marriages between a man and a woman that take place in the other 49 states. Given that five states
now allow gays and lesbians to get married, do you support or oppose Texas recognizing those marriages if gay couples from a
state like Iowa – which allows gays and lesbians to get married -- were to move to Texas? ASK: WOULD THAT BE

1. Strongly Support 38.1% SUPPORT: 48.4%

2. Somewhat Support 10.3%
3. Somewhat Oppose 7.0%
4. Strongly Oppose 39.0% OPPOSE: 46.0%
5. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 5.5%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.1%

16. Do you believe that gays and lesbians are seeking equal rights or special rights?

1. Equal Rights 60.5%

2. Special Rights 32.1%
3. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 7.2%
4. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 0.2%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 22

Glengariff Group, Inc.
17. Over the past five to ten years, would you say your attitudes towards gay and lesbians has become much more accepting,
somewhat more accepting, somewhat less accepting, much less accepting…or would you say your attitudes have not changed
in the past five to ten years?

1. Much more accepting 13.3%

2. Somewhat more accepting 15.1%
3. Somewhat less accepting 2.2%
4. Much less accepting 3.0%
5. Attitudes have not changed 65.7%
6. Don‟t know/ Refused...DO NOT OFFER 0.7%

Now, just a few questions for statistical purposes.

18. Would you say you tend to vote more for Republicans, more for Democrats, or would you say you vote about equally for both

1. Republican 34.4%
2. Democratic 27.0%
3. Independent – equally for both parties 35.5%
4. Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 1.0%
5. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 2.1%

19. Thinking about the elections you typically vote in, would you say you tend to vote every four years during the Presidential
Elections, would you say you tend to vote every two years in Presidential and Gubernatorial elections, or would you say you
tend to vote in every election, including Presidential, Gubernatorial, AND local and city elections.

1. Presidential Election – Every four years 14.8%

2. Presidential & Gubernatorial – Every two years 18.0%
3. Every Election, including local and city elections 64.8%
4. Don‟t Know….DO NOT OFFER 0.9%
5. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 1.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 23

Glengariff Group, Inc.
20. Generally speaking, how often would you say you attend church or religious services?

1. Weekly 47.4%
2. Several times per month 9.7%
3. Once per month 5.6%
4. Several times per year 6.6%
5. Rarely 12.7%
6. Don‟t attend church services 16.0%
7. Don‟t Know/ Refused…DO NOT OFFER 2.0%

21. And what religion would you say you are?

1. Baptist 23.7%
2. Catholic 18.5%
3. Episcopal 2.5%
4. Jewish 1.2%
5. Lutheran 3.4%
6. Methodist 8.3%
7. Mormon 0.7%
8. Muslim 0.3%
9. Non-Denominational 21.4%
11. Pentecostal 1.8%
12. Presbyterian 3.1%
13. Agnostic 0.8%
14. Atheist 1.2%
15. None 7.4%
16. Other__________________________DO NOT OFFER 1.8%
17. Don‟t Know….DO NOT OFFER 0.4%
18. Refused…..DO NOT OFFER 3.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 24

Glengariff Group, Inc.
22. And would you say you are Caucasian, Hispanic, African American, Asian or something else?

1. Caucasian 62.5%
2. African American 12.1%
3. Hispanic 20.6%
4. Asian 1.3%
5. Native American 0.9%
6. Mixed Race….DO NOT OFFER 0.9%
7. Other____________DO NOT OFFER 0.0%
8. Don‟t Know/ Refused…DO NOT OFFER 1.7%

23. And what would be the last year of schooling you completed?

1. 1st -8th grade 0.7%

2. High School – Not a graduate 5.2%
3. High School Graduate 19.4%
4. Technical/ Vocational School 3.0%
5. Some College – Did not graduate 20.6%
6. College Graduate 32.8%
7. Advanced Degree – Masters/ PhD 17.2%
8. Don‟t Know….DO NOT OFFER 0.0%
9. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 1.1%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 25

Glengariff Group, Inc.
24. Would you say you live in an urban city, a suburb, a small town, or a rural area?

1. Urban City 34.8%

2. Suburb 28.8%
3. Small Town 21.6%
4. Rural Area 13.0%
5. Don‟t Know/ Refused….DO NOT OFFER 1.8%

25. And would you say your current family status is single, married, divorced, widowed, or with a partner?

1. Single 13.8%
2. Married 65.6%
3. Divorced 8.6%
4. Widowed 8.1%
5. With a partner 2.7%
6. Other _________________________DO NOT OFFER 0.0%
7. Refused/ Don‟t Know…DO NOT OFFER 1.2%

26. Could you please tell me in what year you were born?

1. 18-29 years old (1981-1992) 6.9%

2. 30-39 years old (1971-1980) 14.9%
3. 40-49 years old (1961-1969) 24.2%
4. 50-64 years old (1946-1960) 28.2%
5. 65 years and older (1945 and before) 23.6%
6. Refused….DO NOT OFFER 2.2%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 26

Glengariff Group, Inc.
27. I am going to read you several categories. Please tell me in which category your total household income before taxes would

1. Under $15,000 4.8%

2. $15,000-$25,000 8.3%
3. $25,000-$40,000 14.1%
4. $40,000-$70,000 18.8%
5. $70,000-$100,000 12.2%
6. More than $100,000 15.6%
7. Don‟t Know/ Refused….DO NOT OFFER 26.2%

28. Gender

1. Male 50.0%
2. Female 50.0%

Thank you. That completes our survey.

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 27

Glengariff Group, Inc.
2. There has been much debate across the nation about gays and lesbians. Do you believe that an individual is born gay, or do
you believe an individual makes a choice to be gay or lesbian? IF DON‟T KNOW, ASK: WHICH WAY DO YOU LEAN?

Born Choice Combination DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 31.1% 39.3% 9.8% 19.7%
Panhandle 29.4% 45.6% 7.4% 17.6%
San Antonio 40.4% 30.9% 12.8% 16.0%
South 36.0% 41.9% 5.8% 14.0%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 34.2% 38.1% 14.0% 13.7%
Houston 31.2% 35.6% 14.2% 19.0%
Waco 20.5% 51.3% 12.8% 15.4%
Austin 42.2% 34.3% 15.6% 7.8%
Northeast 22.2% 46.0% 12.7% 19.0%

Very Close 41.9% 30.1% 14.3% 13.6%

Somewhat Close 37.8% 37.3% 12.9% 11.9%
Acquaintance 30.7% 39.3% 13.7% 16.3%
Know Nobody 21.9% 43.8% 9.4% 25.0%

Republican 28.2% 42.7% 13.1% 15.7%

Democratic 44.4% 28.5% 12.6% 14.4%
Independent 29.6% 41.1% 11.8% 17.2%

Every Four 29.1% 39.2% 17.6% 14.2%

Every Two 36.1% 36.7% 13.3% 13.9%
Every Election 33.2% 39.0% 10.6% 16.8%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 28

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Born Choice Combination DK
Weekly/Church 23.2% 50.0% 11.6% 14.8%
Several/Month 29.9% 43.3% 10.3% 16.5%
Once/Month 33.9% 33.9% 17.9% 14.3%
Several/ Year 50.0% 9.1% 15.2% 25.8%
Rarely 45.7% 24.4% 14.2% 15.7%
Don‟t Attend 46.3% 28.7% 10.0% 15.0%

Caucasian 36.3% 36.2% 10.7% 16.5%

Af Amer 20.7% 50.4% 15.7% 13.2%
Hispanic 30.6% 38.3% 14.6% 16.5%

1-8 14.3% 28.6% 0.0% 57.1%

Not HS Grad 19.2% 48.1% 15.4% 17.3%
HS Grad 23.2% 49.0% 9.3% 18.6%
Tech/Voc 16.7% 53.3% 20.0% 10.0%
Some College 31.1% 37.4% 13.6% 18.0%
Coll Grad 38.7% 33.8% 12.8% 14.3%
Adv Degree 43.6% 32.0% 12.2% 11.6%

Urban 37.6% 37.9% 11.2% 13.2%

Suburb 37.5% 35.8% 14.6% 12.2%
Small 25.0% 39.4% 13.9% 20.8%
Rural 25.4% 44.6% 9.2% 20.8%

Single 34.1% 36.2% 13.8% 15.9%

Married 33.7% 40.1% 11.6% 14.5%
Divorced 38.4% 32.6% 16.3% 11.6%
Widowed 16.0% 42.0% 11.1% 30.9%
Partner 44.4% 29.6% 18.5% 7.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 29

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Born Choice Combination DK
18-29 30.4% 44.9% 14.5% 10.1%
30-39 31.5% 45.6% 11.4% 11.4%
40-49 34.7% 34.3% 15.3% 15.7%
50-64 34.8% 35.1% 13.5% 16.3%
65+ 30.9% 40.7% 8.5% 19.5%

Under 15 33.3% 39.6% 12.5% 14.6%

15-25000 25.3% 38.6% 10.8% 25.3%
25-40000 26.2% 51.1% 11.3% 11.3%
40-70000 34.0% 36.7% 17.0% 11.7%
70-100000 32.8% 39.3% 11.5% 15.6%
100000+ 51.3% 27.6% 10.3% 10.9%

Male 31.0% 40.0% 11.4% 17.6%

Female 34.8% 37.0% 13.6% 14.2%

Baptist 23.2% 47.3% 12.7% 16.5%

Catholic 37.3% 37.3% 12.4% 12.4%
Non-Denominational 25.7% 50.0% 10.3% 14.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 30

Glengariff Group, Inc.
3. Do you personally know anyone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? IF YES, ASK: AND HOW WOULD YOU

Very Somewhat Acquaintance Respondent Know No One DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 27.9% 18.0% 31.1% 0.0% 21.3% 1.6%
Panhandle 11.8% 23.5% 33.8% 0.0% 25.0% 4.4%
San Antonio 25.5% 27.7% 28.7% 0.0% 18.1% 0.0%
South 29.1% 10.5% 31.4% 0.0% 20.9% 7.0%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 31.3% 19.4% 28.4% 0.7% 16.5% 3.6%
Houston 25.1% 23.9% 29.1% 1.2% 16.2% 3.6%
Waco 20.5% 12.8% 41.0% 0.0% 25.6% 0.0%
Austin 40.6% 23.4% 20.3% 1.6% 10.9% 3.1%
Northeast 23.8% 9.5% 38.1% 3.2% 23.8% 1.6%

Very Close
Somewhat Close
Know Nobody

Republican 20.3% 19.8% 34.0% 0.6% 20.9% 3.5%

Democratic 34.4% 22.2% 23.3% 0.7% 18.1% 1.1%
Independent 28.2% 18.9% 31.0% 1.1% 16.3% 4.2%

Every Four 27.0% 16.9% 31.1% 0.7% 20.9% 2.7%

Every Two 29.4% 20.6% 29.4% 0.0% 15.0% 5.6%
Every Election 26.7% 21.0% 29.5% 1.1% 18.5% 2.8%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 31

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Very Somewhat Acquaintance Respondent Know No One DK
Weekly/Church 22.8% 17.1% 31.6% 0.2% 23.6% 4.0%
Several/Month 27.8% 30.9% 23.7% 0.0% 16.5% 1.0%
Once/Month 25.0% 19.6% 35.7% 0.0% 17.9% 1.8%
Several/ Year 42.4% 19.7% 24.2% 3.0% 10.6% 0.0%
Rarely 31.5% 19.7% 33.1% 0.8% 11.0% 3.9%
Don‟t Attend 30.0% 23.7% 28.7% 1.3% 12.5% 3.1%

Caucasian 25.1% 20.8% 31.8% 0.5% 17.3% 3.8%

Af Amer 30.6% 19.8% 24.0% 0.0% 23.1% 2.5%
Hispanic 31.6% 18.0% 28.6% 1.9% 18.4% 1.5%

1-8 14.3% 0.0% 28.6% 0.0% 28.6% 28.6%

Not HS Grad 21.2% 7.7% 30.8% 0.0% 30.8% 7.7%
HS Grad 20.1% 16.0% 30.4% 1.5% 25.8% 6.2%
Tech/Voc 23.3% 13.3% 36.7% 3.3% 16.7% 6.7%
Some College 31.6% 20.9% 33.0% 0.0% 11.7% 2.4%
Coll Grad 26.8% 22.9% 31.7% 0.9% 16.5% 0.9%
Adv Degree 34.3% 24.4% 21.5% 0.6% 16.3% 2.3%

Urban 29.3% 19.3% 31.9% 0.6% 16.1% 2.6%

Suburb 28.8% 24.3% 28.1% 1.0% 14.2% 3.1%
Small 24.5% 15.7% 29.2% 0.9% 24.1% 4.6%
Rural 23.8% 20.8% 30.8% 0.8% 21.5% 2.3%

Single 34.1% 16.7% 25.4% 0.7% 18.1% 4.3%

Married 27.4% 21.3% 31.6% 0.0% 16.2% 3.2%
Divorced 19.8% 30.2% 24.4% 0.0% 23.3% 1.2%
Widowed 18.5% 9.9% 35.8% 0.0% 30.9% 4.9%
Partner 44.4% 7.4% 14.8% 25.9% 7.4% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 32

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Very Somewhat Acquaintance Respondent Know No One DK

18-29 43.5% 14.5% 26.1% 0.0% 13.0% 1.4%

30-39 33.6% 20.1% 26.2% 3.4% 15.4% 1.3%
40-49 27.7% 21.9% 30.6% 0.8% 16.5% 2.5%
50-64 25.2% 24.8% 30.1% 0.4% 15.6% 3.9%
65+ 20.3% 14.8% 33.1% 0.0% 25.8% 4.7%

Under 15 22.9% 12.5% 25.0% 2.1% 33.3% 4.2%

15-25000 28.9% 18.1% 25.3% 0.0% 24.1% 3.6%
25-40000 25.5% 19.9% 30.5% 0.7% 19.9% 3.5%
40-70000 28.2% 18.1% 32.4% 1.1% 17.0% 2.1%
70-100000 23.0% 27.0% 34.4% 0.8% 12.3% 2.5%
100000+ 29.5% 25.0% 34.0% 1.9% 7.7% 1.9%

Male 22.2% 19.8% 31.6% 1.4% 21.0% 3.6%

Female 32.2% 20.4% 28.4% 0.2% 15.6% 2.8%

Baptist 20.7% 20.7% 32.5% 0.4% 21.1% 4.2%

Catholic 28.1% 21.6% 25.9% 0.0% 23.2% 0.5%
Non-Denominational 31.8% 18.2% 30.4% 0.5% 15.0% 3.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 33

Glengariff Group, Inc.
4. Currently in Texas, an individual can be fired from their job or refused housing solely because they are gay. Would you
support or oppose a law making it illegal to fire someone or deny housing in Texas to any person solely because he or she is

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 67.2% 6.6% 4.9% 14.8% 6.6%
Panhandle 52.9% 14.7% 1.5% 23.5% 5.9%
San Antonio 60.6% 16.0% 8.5% 11.7% 3.2%
South 61.6% 11.6% 8.1% 12.8% 5.8%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 65.1% 9.7% 2.9% 20.1% 1.8%
Houston 68.4% 10.1% 3.6% 14.6% 2.4%
Waco 79.5% 5.1% 5.1% 7.7% 2.6%
Austin 71.9% 10.9% 3.1% 7.8% 6.3%
Northeast 47.6% 15.9% 6.3% 27.0% 3.2%

Very Close 81.3% 5.5% 2.2% 9.9% 0.7%

Somewhat Close 65.7% 11.4% 3.0% 17.4% 2.5%
Acquaintance 59.0% 15.7% 6.3% 14.3% 4.0%
Know Nobody 48.6% 11.5% 6.6% 26.2% 6.6%

Republican 59.9% 13.4% 4.4% 18.3% 3.8%

Democratic 76.3% 5.9% 2.6% 13.0% 1.5%
Independent 60.8% 12.7% 5.6% 15.8% 4.8%

Every Four 62.8% 10.1% 2.7% 20.9% 2.7%

Every Two 69.4% 10.6% 3.9% 12.2% 3.9%
Every Election 63.6% 11.6% 4.6% 16.4% 3.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 34

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 54.4% 15.0% 5.3% 21.7% 3.2%
Several/Month 68.0% 7.2% 5.2% 13.4% 5.2%
Once/Month 67.9% 14.3% 5.4% 8.9% 3.6%
Several/ Year 78.8% 6.1% 1.5% 12.1% 1.5%
Rarely 71.7% 5.5% 3.9% 13.4% 4.7%
Don‟t Attend 77.5% 8.1% 2.5% 10.0% 1.9%

Caucasian 63.8% 11.4% 4.5% 15.8% 4.0%

Af Amer 66.9% 7.4% 1.7% 24.0% 0.0%
Hispanic 65.5% 10.7% 5.3% 14.6% 3.4%

1-8 42.9% 14.3% 0.0% 28.6% 14.3%

Not HS Grad 57.7% 17.3% 3.8% 19.2% 1.9%
HS Grad 56.7% 12.4% 7.7% 19.1% 4.1%
Tech/Voc 66.7% 3.3% 3.3% 23.3% 3.3%
Some College 67.5% 9.7% 4.9% 14.1% 3.4%
Coll Grad 66.8% 11.6% 3.4% 14.9% 2.7%
Adv Degree 69.2% 9.3% 2.3% 15.1% 3.5%

Urban 68.1% 8.3% 4.6% 15.5% 2.9%

Suburb 66.3% 10.8% 2.1% 18.1% 2.1%
Small 64.4% 11.6% 3.7% 15.3% 5.1%
Rural 53.8% 16.2% 10.0% 15.4% 4.6%

Single 68.1% 7.2% 1.4% 21.0% 2.2%

Married 62.8% 12.7% 4.9% 15.7% 3.5%
Divorced 74.4% 2.3% 4.7% 15.1% 2.3%
Widowed 63.0% 16.0% 3.7% 11.1% 6.2%
Partner 70.4% 3.7% 7.4% 18.5% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 35

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 68.1% 7.2% 1.4% 21.7% 1.4%
30-39 66.4% 10.1% 3.4% 15.4% 4.0%
40-49 62.8% 12.8% 5.0% 15.7% 2.9%
50-64 66.7% 12.4% 3.9% 14.2% 2.8%
65+ 62.3% 8.9% 5.1% 19.1% 4.2%

Under 15 68.8% 8.3% 4.2% 14.6% 4.2%

15-25000 63.9% 10.8% 6.0% 9.6% 8.4%
25-40000 62.4% 8.5% 5.7% 20.6% 2.1%
40-70000 66.0% 11.2% 5.3% 17.0% 0.5%
70-100000 67.2% 15.6% 1.6% 13.9% 1.6%
100000+ 69.2% 10.3% 3.2% 14.1% 2.6%

Male 58.0% 12.4% 5.2% 18.8% 4.8%

Female 70.8% 9.6% 3.6% 14.0% 2.0%

Baptist 56.1% 11.8% 4.2% 24.1% 3.4%

Catholic 69.7% 7.6% 5.9% 12.4% 4.3%
Non-Denominational 58.4% 15.9% 2.8% 17.8% 3.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 36

Glengariff Group, Inc.
5. Would you support or oppose a law making it illegal to fire or deny housing in Texas to any person solely because they are

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 60.7% 8.2% 8.2% 19.7% 3.3%
Panhandle 47.1% 13.2% 4.4% 22.1% 11.8%
San Antonio 50.0% 14.9% 13.8% 13.8% 7.4%
South 53.5% 11.6% 5.8% 18.6% 10.5%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 56.1% 15.1% 4.7% 19.4% 4.0%
Houston 62.8% 10.9% 6.1% 15.8% 3.6%
Waco 66.7% 7.7% 2.6% 15.4% 7.7%
Austin 65.6% 12.5% 4.7% 9.4% 7.8%
Northeast 46.0% 14.3% 9.5% 25.4% 4.8%

Very Close 73.5% 7.7% 3.3% 11.4% 3.3%

Somewhat Close 56.2% 13.9% 5.0% 19.4% 5.5%
Acquaintance 51.7% 17.7% 8.0% 16.3% 5.7%
Know Nobody 42.1% 12.6% 10.4% 25.7% 8.7%

Republican 50.3% 17.7% 6.4% 17.7% 7.6%

Democratic 71.1% 7.8% 4.1% 14.4% 1.5%
Independent 53.5% 12.1% 8.2% 18.6% 7.3%

Every Four 51.4% 15.5% 4.7% 23.6% 4.1%

Every Two 63.9% 12.8% 5.6% 11.7% 6.1%
Every Election 56.3% 12.3% 6.9% 17.9% 5.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 37

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 47.5% 14.8% 8.2% 22.2% 7.0%
Several/Month 59.8% 8.2% 5.2% 15.5% 9.3%
Once/Month 53.6% 21.4% 5.4% 14.3% 5.4%
Several/ Year 69.7% 10.6% 3.0% 10.6% 6.1%
Rarely 66.1% 10.2% 8.7% 11.8% 2.4%
Don‟t Attend 70.6% 10.0% 2.5% 14.4% 2.5%

Caucasian 56.2% 12.6% 6.9% 16.2% 7.5%

Af Amer 59.5% 11.6% 2.5% 25.6% 0.8%
Hispanic 58.3% 12.1% 6.8% 18.4% 3.9%

1-8 14.3% 28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 42.9%

Not HS Grad 50.0% 15.4% 7.7% 21.2% 5.8%
HS Grad 48.5% 13.4% 8.8% 24.2% 4.6%
Tech/Voc 60.0% 10.0% 3.3% 23.3% 3.3%
Some College 60.7% 9.2% 7.8% 15.0% 6.8%
Coll Grad 59.8% 14.6% 5.5% 15.2% 4.3%
Adv Degree 61.0% 12.2% 4.7% 14.5% 7.0%

Urban 60.3% 10.3% 6.3% 17.2% 4.9%

Suburb 60.1% 13.9% 4.9% 16.7% 3.8%
Small 54.6% 13.0% 6.5% 17.6% 8.3%
Rural 47.7% 15.4% 10.0% 19.2% 7.7%

Single 60.1% 10.9% 4.3% 21.0% 2.9%

Married 55.0% 12.8% 7.6% 17.7% 6.4%
Divorced 69.8% 9.3% 2.3% 11.6% 5.8%
Widowed 55.6% 19.8% 4.9% 13.6% 6.2%
Partner 63.0% 11.1% 7.4% 18.5% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 38

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 55.1% 13.0% 5.8% 24.6% 1.4%
30-39 61.7% 12.8% 3.4% 15.4% 6.0%
40-49 55.0% 14.9% 5.8% 16.1% 7.0%
50-64 60.6% 13.5% 7.1% 14.9% 3.9%
65+ 53.4% 9.7% 8.1% 22.0% 6.4%

Under 15 64.6% 8.3% 6.3% 12.5% 8.3%

15-25000 59.0% 15.7% 7.2% 13.3% 3.6%
25-40000 55.3% 9.2% 5.7% 24.1% 5.0%
40-70000 58.5% 12.8% 10.1% 16.0% 2.7%
70-100000 55.7% 15.6% 8.2% 16.4% 4.1%
100000+ 60.9% 16.7% 3.8% 13.5% 4.5%

Male 50.6% 13.8% 7.2% 20.4% 7.2%

Female 63.4% 11.6% 5.6% 15.0% 4.2%

Baptist 50.2% 15.6% 6.3% 21.5% 5.9%

Catholic 58.4% 10.8% 8.1% 18.4% 4.3%
Non-Denominational 52.3% 13.1% 6.1% 19.6% 7.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 39

Glengariff Group, Inc.
6. Many Texas businesses currently extend domestic partnership benefits to their gay and lesbian employees for things like health
care and life insurance to match the benefits offered to their heterosexual employees. Would you support or oppose extending
domestic partnership benefits for things like health benefits to gay and lesbian employees that work for the government and
public universities so that they match the same benefits offered to heterosexual employees? ASK: WOULD THAT BE

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 47.5% 4.9% 4.9% 29.5% 13.1%
Panhandle 27.9% 20.6% 7.4% 35.3% 5.9%
San Antonio 55.3% 13.8% 6.4% 19.1% 5.3%
South 45.3% 12.8% 7.0% 23.3% 11.6%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 53.2% 11.5% 7.6% 21.9% 5.8%
Houston 50.6% 15.4% 5.3% 21.9% 6.1%
Waco 43.6% 7.7% 2.6% 43.6% 2.6%
Austin 60.9% 4.7% 7.8% 18.8% 7.8%
Northeast 47.6% 12.7% 9.5% 28.6% 1.6%

Very Close 68.4% 7.7% 3.3% 14.7% 5.9%

Somewhat Close 55.2% 12.9% 6.0% 19.9% 6.0%
Acquaintance 42.7% 17.7% 7.7% 24.3% 7.3%
Know Nobody 30.6% 9.3% 9.3% 42.6% 7.1%

Republican 37.8% 11.9% 9.6% 33.1% 7.3%

Democratic 68.5% 11.1% 4.4% 10.4% 4.8%
Independent 48.2% 14.4% 5.4% 24.5% 7.3%

Every Four 56.1% 12.8% 6.1% 19.6% 5.4%

Every Two 56.7% 11.7% 5.6% 20.6% 5.6%
Every Election 46.5% 13.0% 6.9% 26.1% 6.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 40

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 35.4% 13.7% 8.6% 35.0% 6.3%
Several/Month 54.6% 13.4% 5.2% 19.6% 7.2%
Once/Month 57.1% 14.3% 7.1% 17.9% 3.6%
Several/ Year 69.7% 10.6% 4.5% 6.1% 9.1%
Rarely 63.0% 14.2% 3.1% 14.2% 5.5%
Don‟t Attend 66.9% 8.1% 5.0% 12.5% 7.5%

Caucasian 46.7% 13.8% 6.6% 25.6% 6.9%

Af Amer 53.7% 9.9% 5.8% 22.3% 8.3%
Hispanic 57.3% 9.7% 6.3% 21.4% 4.9%

1-8 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 28.6% 42.9%

Not HS Grad 46.2% 19.2% 7.7% 21.2% 1.9%
HS Grad 42.3% 13.9% 4.6% 30.4% 8.8%
Tech/Voc 50.0% 6.7% 6.7% 30.0% 6.7%
Some College 49.0% 14.1% 8.7% 21.8% 5.8%
Coll Grad 50.0% 13.1% 7.0% 22.9% 7.0%
Adv Degree 62.2% 7.0% 5.2% 21.5% 3.5%

Urban 56.9% 11.8% 4.0% 20.7% 6.6%

Suburb 51.4% 13.2% 8.0% 24.0% 3.1%
Small 43.5% 11.6% 11.1% 25.5% 7.4%
Rural 40.8% 16.2% 2.3% 30.8% 10.0%

Single 62.3% 10.9% 3.6% 16.7% 6.5%

Married 46.8% 13.0% 7.8% 26.7% 5.3%
Divorced 58.1% 14.0% 3.5% 15.1% 9.3%
Widowed 39.5% 14.8% 3.7% 28.4% 12.3%
Partner 70.4% 3.7% 7.4% 11.1% 7.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 41

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

18-29 58.0% 8.7% 4.3% 23.2% 5.8%

30-39 54.4% 14.8% 4.7% 22.8% 3.4%
40-49 49.6% 14.0% 7.9% 22.7% 5.4%
50-64 51.1% 11.0% 8.5% 21.6% 7.4%
65+ 43.6% 13.1% 4.7% 28.4% 9.3%

Under 15 62.5% 18.8% 0.0% 12.5% 6.3%

15-25000 63.9% 12.0% 4.8% 15.7% 3.6%
25-40000 49.6% 12.1% 5.0% 27.7% 5.7%
40-70000 50.5% 12.8% 8.0% 21.3% 6.9%
70-100000 45.1% 13.9% 7.4% 28.7% 4.9%
100000+ 54.5% 9.6% 9.0% 22.4% 4.5%

Male 44.2% 12.6% 7.6% 28.4% 6.6%

Female 55.4% 12.4% 5.6% 20.0% 6.4%

Baptist 40.1% 12.7% 7.2% 30.8% 8.4%

Catholic 58.9% 10.8% 4.9% 22.2% 3.2%
Non-Denominational 40.2% 14.0% 8.9% 27.6% 8.4%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 42

Glengariff Group, Inc.
7. Currently in Texas, if a student in a school is bullied by other students physically, verbally or electronically, there are no
uniform statewide requirements in place for how teachers should deal with that situation. Would you support or oppose
legislation that would provide direction to Texas teachers on how to protect all children from bullying, harassment and
discrimination in school, including the children of gay and lesbian parents or teenagers who are gay? ASK: WOULD THAT

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 78.7% 11.5% 4.9% 3.3% 1.6%

Panhandle 58.8% 17.6% 1.5% 19.1% 2.9%
San Antonio 63.8% 18.1% 4.3% 11.7% 2.1%
South 69.8% 7.0% 7.0% 12.8% 2.3%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 69.8% 9.4% 3.2% 15.5% 1.8%
Houston 64.8% 12.1% 5.7% 14.2% 3.2%
Waco 74.4% 2.6% 0.0% 20.5% 2.6%
Austin 68.8% 12.5% 3.1% 10.9% 4.7%
Northeast 73.0% 7.9% 3.2% 14.3% 1.6%

Very Close 76.5% 8.5% 3.3% 9.6% 1.8%

Somewhat Close 66.2% 12.4% 3.5% 12.4% 5.0%
Acquaintance 67.3% 11.0% 4.7% 14.3% 2.7%
Know Nobody 61.7% 13.7% 3.8% 20.8% 0.0%

Republican 60.5% 11.9% 6.4% 18.3% 2.6%

Democratic 80.0% 9.6% 1.5% 5.6% 3.3%
Independent 67.3% 11.5% 4.2% 15.2% 1.7%

Every Four 83.1% 8.1% 2.0% 4.7% 2.0%

Every Two 68.9% 10.0% 5.0% 13.3% 2.8%
Every Election 64.8% 12.0% 4.5% 15.7% 2.6%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 43

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

Weekly/Church 63.5% 12.7% 5.9% 15.6% 2.3%

Several/Month 73.2% 7.2% 0.0% 19.6% 0.0%
Once/Month 71.4% 12.5% 5.4% 8.9% 1.8%
Several/ Year 83.3% 7.6% 3.0% 4.5% 1.5%
Rarely 64.6% 11.8% 4.7% 15.7% 3.1%
Don‟t Attend 72.5% 10.6% 1.3% 9.4% 5.0%

Caucasian 62.7% 13.4% 5.0% 15.4% 3.2%

Af Amer 76.9% 9.1% 2.5% 10.7% 0.8%
Hispanic 80.1% 6.3% 2.4% 9.7% 1.5%

1-8 28.6% 28.6% 0.0% 42.9% 0.0%

Not HS Grad 67.3% 21.2% 0.0% 9.6% 1.9%
HS Grad 67.5% 12.9% 4.1% 12.9% 2.1%
Tech/Voc 70.0% 3.3% 0.0% 26.7% 0.0%
Some College 73.3% 9.7% 4.9% 10.2% 1.9%
Coll Grad 68.0% 12.5% 4.0% 12.8% 2.4%
Adv Degree 64.0% 7.0% 5.8% 18.6% 4.7%

Urban 72.7% 8.9% 3.4% 11.2% 3.4%

Suburb 67.0% 10.4% 4.5% 16.3% 1.7%
Small 62.5% 17.1% 4.6% 13.9% 1.9%
Rural 69.2% 10.0% 3.8% 14.6% 2.3%

Single 76.1% 8.7% 2.9% 10.1% 2.2%

Married 65.1% 12.2% 4.3% 15.9% 2.3%
Divorced 77.9% 7.0% 2.3% 7.0% 5.8%
Widowed 69.1% 12.3% 6.2% 9.9% 2.5%
Partner 70.4% 11.1% 7.4% 11.1% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 44

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 78.3% 4.3% 5.8% 11.6% 0.0%
30-39 72.5% 10.7% 3.4% 12.8% 0.7%
40-49 63.2% 11.6% 6.2% 14.0% 5.0%
50-64 72.3% 11.0% 2.5% 12.1% 1.8%
65+ 63.1% 13.6% 3.4% 16.5% 3.0%

Under 15 79.2% 10.4% 6.3% 2.1% 0.0%

15-25000 79.5% 9.6% 2.4% 7.2% 1.2%
25-40000 73.0% 12.1% 2.1% 10.6% 2.1%
40-70000 69.1% 11.2% 4.3% 12.2% 3.2%
70-100000 60.7% 12.3% 9.0% 16.4% 1.6%
100000+ 62.2% 12.8% 3.8% 18.6% 2.6%

Male 59.4% 14.4% 4.8% 17.8% 3.2%

Female 76.8% 8.0% 3.4% 10.0% 1.8%

Baptist 65.4% 10.5% 5.1% 16.5% 2.5%

Catholic 75.7% 7.0% 3.2% 10.8% 3.2%
Non-Denominational 65.4% 12.6% 4.7% 15.0% 1.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 45

Glengariff Group, Inc.
8. Would you support or oppose legislation that would make committing a crime against someone specifically because they are

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 42.6% 8.2% 18.0% 29.5% 1.6%
Panhandle 45.6% 11.8% 5.9% 25.0% 11.8%
San Antonio 57.4% 18.1% 5.3% 9.6% 9.6%
South 65.1% 4.7% 2.3% 25.6% 2.3%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 57.2% 11.5% 5.4% 24.5% 1.1%
Houston 59.9% 13.0% 4.0% 19.8% 2.8%
Waco 51.3% 2.6% 7.7% 25.6% 12.8%
Austin 64.1% 6.3% 4.7% 18.8% 6.3%
Northeast 47.6% 7.9% 7.9% 31.7% 4.8%

Very Close 69.1% 5.1% 4.0% 18.8% 2.6%

Somewhat Close 61.2% 10.4% 6.5% 18.9% 3.0%
Acquaintance 52.0% 13.7% 6.7% 23.7% 3.7%
Know Nobody 39.9% 15.3% 6.6% 29.5% 8.7%

Republican 49.1% 13.1% 6.4% 26.7% 4.7%

Democratic 70.0% 9.3% 5.6% 13.7% 1.1%
Independent 54.4% 9.6% 5.6% 24.5% 5.6%

Every Four 58.1% 11.5% 6.1% 21.6% 2.7%

Every Two 66.1% 6.1% 5.6% 19.4% 2.8%
Every Election 53.5% 11.9% 5.7% 23.6% 4.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 46

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 51.5% 11.8% 5.7% 25.9% 4.9%
Several/Month 52.6% 6.2% 5.2% 33.0% 3.1%
Once/Month 51.8% 12.5% 14.3% 17.9% 3.6%
Several/ Year 69.7% 7.6% 1.5% 12.1% 7.6%
Rarely 64.6% 11.8% 7.9% 12.6% 3.1%
Don‟t Attend 61.9% 11.9% 3.1% 21.3% 1.9%

Caucasian 55.4% 12.2% 5.4% 21.3% 5.4%

Af Amer 57.0% 9.1% 5.8% 26.4% 1.7%
Hispanic 60.7% 8.3% 6.8% 21.8% 2.4%

1-8 14.3% 14.3% 0.0% 71.4% 0.0%

Not HS Grad 61.5% 5.8% 5.8% 19.2% 7.7%
HS Grad 48.5% 9.3% 7.7% 29.4% 4.6%
Tech/Voc 63.3% 3.3% 3.3% 26.7% 3.3%
Some College 64.6% 11.7% 6.3% 14.1% 2.9%
Coll Grad 58.8% 10.7% 4.3% 22.6% 3.7%
Adv Degree 51.2% 15.1% 5.8% 22.7% 5.2%

Urban 59.8% 10.6% 6.9% 19.3% 3.2%

Suburb 56.6% 12.2% 6.3% 22.2% 2.4%
Small 53.7% 9.7% 3.2% 26.9% 6.5%
Rural 55.4% 11.5% 4.6% 23.1% 5.4%

Single 58.7% 12.3% 6.5% 21.7% 0.0%

Married 55.5% 11.1% 5.3% 22.9% 5.0%
Divorced 65.1% 10.5% 4.7% 16.3% 3.5%
Widowed 51.9% 8.6% 7.4% 27.2% 4.9%
Partner 66.7% 3.7% 7.4% 18.5% 3.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 47

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 56.5% 10.1% 10.1% 23.2% 0.0%
30-39 57.7% 8.7% 7.4% 22.8% 3.4%
40-49 56.6% 12.8% 5.0% 22.3% 2.9%
50-64 59.9% 9.6% 5.7% 20.6% 3.9%
65+ 51.7% 11.9% 4.7% 24.6% 7.2%

Under 15 66.7% 8.3% 4.2% 16.7% 4.2%

15-25000 65.1% 9.6% 8.4% 14.5% 2.4%
25-40000 58.2% 6.4% 6.4% 26.2% 2.8%
40-70000 60.1% 11.7% 5.9% 19.7% 2.1%
70-100000 59.0% 13.1% 3.3% 22.1% 2.5%
100000+ 55.1% 13.5% 4.5% 23.7% 3.2%

Male 47.6% 13.8% 4.8% 28.4% 5.0%

Female 65.4% 7.8% 6.8% 16.6% 3.4%

Baptist 51.9% 11.0% 5.5% 28.7% 3.0%

Catholic 61.6% 7.0% 7.0% 22.2% 2.2%
Non-Denominational 51.4% 12.1% 5.6% 22.9% 7.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 48

Glengariff Group, Inc.
9. A guaranteed right to visit their partners in the hospital should he or she become ill? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 85.2% 4.9% 0.0% 3.3% 6.6%
Panhandle 58.8% 19.1% 4.4% 14.7% 2.9%
San Antonio 76.6% 13.8% 2.1% 5.3% 1.1%
South 81.4% 5.8% 2.3% 9.3% 1.2%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 79.1% 7.6% 1.8% 9.7% 1.4%
Houston 80.2% 11.3% 0.4% 6.9% 1.2%
Waco 79.5% 2.6% 5.1% 12.8% 0.0%
Austin 87.5% 4.7% 3.1% 1.6% 0.0%
Northeast 77.8% 7.9% 0.0% 12.7% 1.6%

Very Close 88.2% 3.3% 1.5% 5.1% 1.5%

Somewhat Close 85.1% 8.0% 1.5% 3.5% 1.0%
Acquaintance 76.7% 12.0% 2.0% 8.0% 1.3%
Know Nobody 62.3% 14.2% 2.2% 18.0% 2.7%

Republican 74.1% 11.3% 2.9% 10.2% 1.5%

Democratic 88.9% 5.2% 0.0% 4.8% 0.4%
Independent 77.7% 9.9% 2.0% 7.3% 2.5%

Every Four 80.4% 11.5% 1.4% 6.8% 0.0%

Every Two 82.8% 6.7% 1.1% 8.3% 0.6%
Every Election 77.6% 9.3% 2.0% 8.5% 2.2%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 49

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 72.2% 11.4% 2.7% 11.2% 2.1%
Several/Month 81.4% 9.3% 0.0% 6.2% 1.0%
Once/Month 85.7% 3.6% 0.0% 7.1% 3.6%
Several/ Year 92.4% 4.5% 1.5% 0.0% 1.5%
Rarely 85.0% 7.9% 0.8% 5.5% 0.8%
Don‟t Attend

Caucasian 78.1% 9.4% 2.1% 8.2% 1.8%

Af Amer 76.9% 9.1% 1.7% 11.6% 0.8%
Hispanic 83.0% 8.3% 0.5% 6.8% 1.0%

1-8 57.1% 14.3% 14.3% 14.3% 0.0%

Not HS Grad 75.0% 21.2% 0.0% 3.8% 0.0%
HS Grad 71.1% 12.4% 0.5% 13.9% 2.1%
Tech/Voc 76.7% 0.0% 0.0% 20.0% 3.3%
Some College 81.1% 9.7% 1.9% 5.3% 1.9%
Coll Grad 81.4% 7.3% 2.7% 6.1% 1.8%
Adv Degree 82.6% 7.0% 1.2% 7.6% 0.6%

Urban 82.2% 8.9% 1.7% 5.7% 0.9%

Suburb 77.4% 10.8% 1.4% 8.3% 1.7%
Small 76.9% 8.8% 1.9% 11.1% 1.4%
Rural 76.9% 8.5% 2.3% 8.5% 3.1%

Single 82.6% 8.7% 0.0% 8.0% 0.7%

Married 77.7% 9.9% 1.8% 8.4% 1.5%
Divorced 79.1% 7.0% 2.3% 8.1% 3.5%
Widowed 79.0% 8.6% 2.5% 7.4% 2.5%
Partner 85.2% 7.4% 3.7% 3.7% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 50

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

18-29 79.7% 5.8% 0.0% 14.5% 0.0%

30-39 83.2% 9.4% 2.7% 3.4% 0.7%
40-49 81.0% 9.1% 0.8% 6.6% 1.7%
50-64 78.7% 7.8% 2.1% 8.9% 2.5%
65+ 73.7% 11.4% 2.1% 10.6% 1.7%

Under 15 77.1% 14.6% 2.1% 4.2% 2.1%

15-25000 84.3% 8.4% 0.0% 7.2% 0.0%
25-40000 81.6% 7.1% 0.7% 8.5% 0.7%
40-70000 79.8% 9.6% 1.6% 6.9% 2.1%
70-100000 83.6% 6.6% 3.3% 4.9% 0.8%
100000+ 80.1% 7.7% 1.3% 8.3% 1.9%

Male 72.8% 10.6% 1.8% 12.0% 2.0%

Female 84.8% 7.8% 1.6% 4.6% 1.2%

Baptist 76.8% 9.7% 1.3% 11.4% 0.8%

Catholic 82.7% 8.1% 0.5% 7.0% 0.5%
Non-Denominational 74.3% 12.1% 3.3% 7.0% 2.3%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 51

Glengariff Group, Inc.
10. A guaranteed right to make end of life medical decisions for their partners? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 70.5% 4.9% 4.9% 9.8% 9.8%
Panhandle 44.1% 16.2% 10.3% 25.0% 4.4%
San Antonio 52.1% 17.0% 8.5% 18.1% 3.2%
South 58.1% 14.0% 3.5% 20.9% 3.5%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 66.2% 10.4% 4.3% 15.1% 4.0%
Houston 68.0% 13.8% 2.8% 10.5% 4.8%
Waco 56.4% 7.7% 7.7% 20.5% 7.7%
Austin 76.6% 1.6% 7.8% 9.4% 3.1%
Northeast 61.9% 12.7% 3.2% 22.2% 0.0%

Very Close 77.9% 6.6% 2.2% 9.2% 4.0%

Somewhat Close 69.7% 12.4% 4.0% 10.0% 3.5%
Acquaintance 55.3% 17.3% 6.7% 16.7% 4.0%
Know Nobody 50.3% 10.4% 7.1% 26.2% 5.5%

Republican 57.3% 11.6% 6.7% 19.8% 4.7%

Democratic 78.1% 10.7% 1.1% 8.5% 1.1%
Independent 60.6% 12.1% 6.5% 14.6% 5.9%

Every Four 65.5% 12.2% 4.7% 14.9% 2.7%

Every Two 65.0% 9.4% 6.1% 16.1% 2.8%
Every Election 62.5% 12.3% 4.8% 15.3% 4.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 52

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

Weekly/Church 55.3% 12.2% 5.5% 21.3% 5.3%

Several/Month 66.0% 16.5% 2.1% 12.4% 3.1%
Once/Month 60.7% 12.5% 10.7% 8.9% 7.1%
Several/ Year 80.3% 7.6% 6.1% 4.5% 1.5%
Rarely 67.7% 13.4% 3.1% 12.6% 3.1%
Don‟t Attend

Caucasian 61.9% 13.1% 5.6% 14.4% 4.8%

Af Amer 64.5% 9.9% 3.3% 19.0% 3.3%
Hispanic 66.5% 10.2% 3.4% 16.0% 3.4%

1-8 28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 42.9% 14.3%

Not HS Grad 61.5% 13.5% 0.0% 15.4% 9.6%
HS Grad 59.3% 13.4% 6.2% 18.0% 3.1%
Tech/Voc 60.0% 3.3% 0.0% 26.7% 10.0%
Some College 62.1% 13.6% 4.4% 15.0% 4.9%
Coll Grad 63.7% 12.2% 6.4% 14.0% 3.0%
Adv Degree 71.5% 8.7% 4.1% 11.6% 4.1%

Urban 70.7% 9.2% 4.0% 11.8% 4.3%

Suburb 62.8% 12.2% 4.9% 15.3% 4.5%
Small 56.5% 14.8% 4.6% 20.4% 3.7%
Rural 59.2% 10.8% 8.5% 16.2% 4.6%

Single 71.7% 10.1% 2.2% 11.6% 4.3%

Married 60.7% 11.7% 6.1% 16.9% 4.3%
Divorced 69.8% 10.5% 4.7% 10.5% 4.7%
Widowed 63.0% 16.0% 2.5% 13.6% 4.9%
Partner 70.4% 11.1% 3.7% 14.8% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 53

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 71.0% 7.2% 1.4% 18.8% 1.4%
30-39 65.8% 14.1% 4.0% 11.4% 4.0%
40-49 68.6% 9.5% 4.1% 14.5% 2.9%
50-64 60.6% 15.2% 5.3% 14.2% 4.6%
65+ 57.6% 8.9% 7.2% 19.9% 6.4%

Under 15 77.1% 4.2% 4.2% 8.3% 6.3%

15-25000 72.3% 13.3% 4.8% 8.4% 1.2%
25-40000 63.1% 9.9% 5.0% 17.0% 4.3%
40-70000 68.1% 11.2% 1.6% 16.5% 2.7%
70-100000 66.4% 11.5% 5.7% 13.9% 2.5%
100000+ 64.7% 11.5% 5.8% 13.5% 3.8%

Male 48.4% 11.8% 5.0% 20.0% 4.4%

Female 68.4% 11.6% 5.0% 10.8% 4.2%

Baptist 60.3% 11.8% 6.3% 18.6% 3.0%

Catholic 68.6% 9.2% 2.7% 13.5% 4.9%
Non-Denominational 54.7% 15.0% 4.7% 18.7% 7.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 54

Glengariff Group, Inc.
11. In Texas, when a married man or woman dies, their spouse has the legal right to inherit their possessions if there is no will in
place. Should gay or lesbian couples have the same legal inheritance rights? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 57.4% 11.5% 4.9% 18.0% 8.2%
Panhandle 38.2% 8.8% 5.9% 41.2% 5.9%
San Antonio 50.0% 16.0% 6.4% 24.5% 2.1%
South 48.8% 10.5% 3.5% 26.7% 9.3%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 55.4% 13.7% 6.5% 22.3% 2.2%
Houston 54.7% 13.8% 5.3% 22.7% 3.2%
Waco 38.5% 10.3% 5.1% 33.3% 12.8%
Austin 62.5% 9.4% 6.3% 10.9% 9.4%
Northeast 55.6% 9.5% 3.2% 27.0% 4.8%

Very Close 69.9% 8.8% 3.7% 14.0% 3.3%

Somewhat Close 56.7% 15.4% 5.5% 17.9% 3.5%
Acquaintance 45.0% 16.3% 5.7% 26.7% 6.3%
Know Nobody 39.3% 8.7% 7.1% 39.3% 4.9%

Republican 40.1% 14.2% 8.1% 32.8% 4.4%

Democratic 74.8% 8.9% 2.6% 9.3% 4.1%
Independent 50.1% 14.1% 5.1% 25.1% 5.1%

Every Four 59.5% 11.5% 6.8% 16.9% 5.4%

Every Two 55.6% 13.3% 3.3% 22.2% 5.0%
Every Election 50.6% 12.5% 5.9% 26.1% 4.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 55

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 43.5% 11.8% 6.3% 32.1% 5.5%
Several/Month 54.6% 16.5% 3.1% 22.7% 3.1%
Once/Month 50.0% 12.5% 10.7% 23.2% 3.6%
Several/ Year 74.2% 12.1% 7.6% 3.0% 3.0%
Rarely 64.6% 12.6% 2.4% 18.1% 2.4%
Don‟t Attend 61.3% 13.1% 4.4% 15.6% 5.6%

Caucasian 49.3% 14.1% 5.9% 25.3% 5.0%

Af Amer 58.7% 9.1% 7.4% 19.0% 5.8%
Hispanic 61.2% 10.2% 3.4% 20.9% 3.9%

1-8 28.6% 28.6% 0.0% 28.6% 14.3%

Not HS Grad 67.3% 7.7% 3.8% 15.4% 5.8%
HS Grad 48.5% 14.9% 5.7% 27.3% 3.1%
Tech/Voc 50.0% 10.0% 3.3% 33.3% 3.3%
Some College 52.9% 13.6% 6.8% 23.3% 3.4%
Coll Grad 51.2% 11.6% 5.8% 23.8% 6.7%
Adv Degree 58.7% 12.2% 4.7% 21.5% 2.9%

Urban 60.1% 11.8% 4.6% 19.8% 3.7%

Suburb 49.3% 16.0% 5.6% 24.3% 4.5%
Small 50.5% 10.6% 5.6% 26.4% 6.0%
Rural 47.7% 9.2% 7.7% 30.0% 4.6%

Single 66.7% 13.8% 2.2% 12.3% 5.1%

Married 48.0% 12.5% 5.3% 28.8% 4.9%
Divorced 55.8% 16.3% 8.1% 16.3% 3.5%
Widowed 58.0% 8.6% 8.6% 19.8% 3.7%
Partner 77.8% 11.1% 7.4% 3.7% 0.0%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 56

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 63.8% 11.6% 2.9% 20.3% 1.4%
30-39 59.1% 12.8% 7.4% 18.1% 2.0%
40-49 51.7% 14.0% 5.4% 25.2% 3.3%
50-64 52.5% 12.8% 6.4% 22.7% 5.7%
65+ 47.5% 11.4% 3.8% 29.2% 7.2%

Under 15 72.9% 10.4% 4.2% 12.5% 0.0%

15-25000 72.3% 8.4% 3.6% 13.3% 2.4%
25-40000 51.1% 13.5% 6.4% 21.3% 6.4%
40-70000 54.8% 11.7% 3.2% 27.7% 2.7%
70-100000 50.0% 13.1% 7.4% 23.0% 6.6%
100000+ 50.6% 13.5% 7.1% 24.4% 3.8%

Male 45.6% 13.6% 5.0% 31.0% 4.2%

Female 60.2% 11.4% 6.0% 17.0% 5.2%

Baptist 51.5% 11.8% 4.6% 27.0% 5.1%

Catholic 56.8% 11.4% 5.9% 21.6% 3.2%
Non-Denominational 44.4% 13.6% 5.6% 29.4% 6.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 57

Glengariff Group, Inc.
12. In Texas, should gay and lesbian couples in committed relationships have the same legal rights with respect to their children as

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 59.0% 16.4% 3.3% 11.5% 9.8%

Panhandle 36.8% 14.7% 5.9% 36.8% 5.9%
San Antonio 58.5% 13.8% 3.2% 16.0% 7.4%
South 58.1% 12.8% 1.2% 20.9% 7.0%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 60.1% 12.2% 4.3% 19.8% 3.6%
Houston 55.5% 13.0% 3.6% 19.0% 8.9%
Waco 53.8% 7.7% 0.0% 30.8% 7.7%
Austin 65.6% 6.3% 3.1% 12.5% 12.5%
Northeast 49.2% 11.1% 4.8% 27.0% 7.9%

Very Close 76.5% 7.0% 2.2% 9.6% 4.8%

Somewhat Close 61.7% 14.4% 4.5% 13.9% 5.0%
Acquaintance 50.0% 14.0% 4.3% 23.7% 8.0%
Know Nobody 32.2% 18.0% 3.8% 35.5% 10.4%

Republican 45.9% 11.6% 5.5% 28.2% 8.7%

Democratic 74.1% 11.1% 2.2% 10.0% 2.2%
Independent 53.8% 14.4% 3.1% 19.4% 9.3%

Every Four 58.8% 15.5% 2.7% 16.9% 6.1%

Every Two 61.1% 7.8% 6.1% 18.9% 5.6%
Every Election 54.6% 13.0% 3.1% 21.8% 7.6%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 58

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 43.2% 12.4% 4.4% 30.6% 9.1%
Several/Month 63.9% 16.5% 2.1% 13.4% 4.1%
Once/Month 57.1% 17.9% 5.4% 12.5% 7.1%
Several/ Year 75.8% 10.6% 3.0% 7.6% 3.0%
Rarely 66.9% 10.2% 2.4% 14.2% 6.3%
Don‟t Attend 73.1% 10.6% 3.1% 8.1% 5.0%

Caucasian 53.8% 13.0% 3.8% 21.0% 8.5%

Af Amer 56.2% 11.6% 5.0% 24.0% 3.3%
Hispanic 66.5% 10.2% 2.4% 15.0% 5.3%

1-8 0.0% 14.3% 14.3% 42.9% 28.6%

Not HS Grad 55.8% 11.5% 1.9% 25.0% 5.8%
HS Grad 47.4% 14.4% 4.1% 27.8% 6.2%
Tech/Voc 60.0% 6.7% 3.3% 23.3% 6.7%
Some College 57.3% 12.1% 1.5% 20.4% 8.7%
Coll Grad 57.9% 13.4% 3.7% 16.8% 7.9%
Adv Degree 65.1% 9.3% 5.8% 15.7% 4.1%

Urban 61.5% 11.8% 4.6% 17.5% 4.6%

Suburb 55.9% 12.8% 3.5% 18.1% 9.4%
Small 53.7% 10.2% 2.8% 27.3% 6.0%
Rural 49.2% 15.4% 3.1% 21.5% 10.8%

Single 65.9% 13.8% 3.6% 12.3% 4.3%

Married 54.7% 12.3% 3.5% 22.0% 7.3%
Divorced 60.5% 9.3% 4.7% 16.3% 9.3%
Widowed 43.2% 11.1% 4.9% 30.9% 9.9%
Partner 77.8% 14.8% 0.0% 3.7% 3.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 59

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

18-29 68.1% 7.2% 2.9% 17.4% 4.3%

30-39 62.4% 12.8% 2.0% 18.1% 4.7%
40-49 59.1% 11.6% 3.7% 16.9% 8.3%
50-64 55.7% 15.2% 4.6% 18.4% 6.0%
65+ 47.0% 11.0% 3.8% 28.8% 9.3%

Under 15 62.5% 12.5% 4.2% 14.6% 6.3%

15-25000 54.2% 18.1% 2.4% 16.9% 8.4%
25-40000 56.7% 8.5% 4.3% 22.0% 8.5%
40-70000 57.4% 10.1% 5.3% 21.8% 5.3%
70-100000 56.6% 15.6% 1.6% 20.5% 5.7%
100000+ 62.2% 14.1% 3.8% 15.4% 3.8%

Male 49.2% 14.2% 4.0% 24.6% 7.8%

Female 63.6% 10.6% 3.2% 16.2% 6.4%

Baptist 50.2% 13.1% 2.5% 27.8% 6.3%

Catholic 62.2% 10.3% 3.2% 17.8% 5.9%
Non-Denominational 50.0% 14.0% 4.7% 23.4% 7.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 60

Glengariff Group, Inc.
13. Do you support or oppose allowing gays and lesbians to get married? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 37.7% 6.6% 4.9% 45.9% 4.9%

Panhandle 14.7% 8.8% 11.8% 61.8% 2.9%
San Antonio 38.3% 9.6% 7.4% 41.5% 3.2%
South 27.9% 9.3% 10.5% 45.3% 7.0%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 36.7% 9.0% 7.2% 42.4% 4.7%
Houston 32.8% 12.1% 6.1% 45.3% 3.6%
Waco 30.8% 2.6% 5.1% 51.3% 10.3%
Austin 48.4% 4.7% 4.7% 35.9% 6.3%
Northeast 25.4% 9.5% 3.2% 58.7% 3.2%

Very Close 53.3% 7.7% 3.7% 31.3% 4.0%

Somewhat Close 34.8% 12.4% 11.4% 37.3% 4.0%
Acquaintance 24.0% 10.3% 7.0% 52.7% 6.0%
Know Nobody 18.0% 7.7% 6.6% 65.0% 2.7%

Republican 19.2% 8.7% 5.8% 63.1% 3.2%

Democratic 54.8% 10.4% 5.2% 25.9% 3.7%
Independent 31.8% 9.0% 9.3% 43.7% 6.2%

Every Four 44.6% 12.2% 10.1% 29.1% 4.1%

Every Two 37.8% 7.2% 6.1% 45.0% 3.9%
Every Election 29.3% 9.3% 6.5% 50.2% 4.8%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 61

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 19.2% 7.4% 5.9% 63.7% 3.8%
Several/Month 37.1% 12.4% 10.3% 33.0% 7.2%
Once/Month 32.1% 12.5% 8.9% 44.6% 1.8%
Several/ Year 43.9% 7.6% 9.1% 30.3% 9.1%
Rarely 46.5% 11.0% 7.9% 29.9% 4.7%
Don‟t Attend 55.6% 11.9% 5.6% 23.7% 3.1%

Caucasian 30.2% 9.3% 6.9% 49.6% 4.0%

Af Amer 29.8% 9.9% 6.6% 47.9% 5.8%
Hispanic 45.6% 9.2% 6.3% 34.0% 4.9%

1-8 28.6% 0.0% 14.3% 57.1% 0.0%

Not HS Grad 38.5% 7.7% 3.8% 42.3% 7.7%
HS Grad 27.3% 11.3% 6.7% 50.5% 4.1%
Tech/Voc 33.3% 6.7% 0.0% 53.3% 6.7%
Some College 31.6% 8.7% 9.2% 45.6% 4.9%
Coll Grad 31.4% 10.4% 6.7% 46.6% 4.9%
Adv Degree 46.5% 6.4% 6.4% 38.4% 2.3%

Urban 39.1% 10.3% 4.9% 39.1% 6.6%

Suburb 33.7% 9.7% 10.1% 44.4% 2.1%
Small 26.4% 8.8% 5.6% 54.6% 4.6%
Rural 30.8% 6.9% 7.7% 51.5% 3.1%

Single 47.8% 9.4% 6.5% 31.2% 5.1%

Married 30.8% 9.1% 6.3% 49.8% 4.0%
Divorced 31.4% 14.0% 10.5% 38.4% 5.8%
Widowed 27.2% 8.6% 7.4% 53.1% 3.7%
Partner 51.9% 0.0% 11.1% 25.9% 11.1%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 62

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

18-29 44.9% 8.7% 5.8% 36.2% 4.3%

30-39 43.0% 7.4% 7.4% 37.6% 4.7%
40-49 36.4% 9.9% 6.6% 43.0% 4.1%
50-64 33.7% 9.2% 9.6% 44.3% 3.2%
65+ 20.8% 9.7% 3.4% 60.2% 5.9%

Under 15 50.0% 10.4% 8.3% 27.1% 4.2%

15-25000 33.7% 14.5% 6.0% 37.3% 8.4%
25-40000 31.2% 8.5% 5.7% 49.6% 5.0%
40-70000 31.9% 9.6% 6.4% 46.3% 5.9%
70-100000 31.1% 8.2% 4.9% 54.1% 1.6%
100000+ 39.1% 8.3% 7.1% 41.0% 4.5%

Male 31.2% 7.4% 7.2% 50.2% 4.0%

Female 35.8% 11.0% 6.6% 41.4% 5.2%

Baptist 23.2% 8.9% 6.8% 54.9% 6.3%

Catholic 45.9% 13.0% 5.4% 35.1% 0.5%
Non-Denominational 20.6% 9.3% 6.1% 58.9% 5.1%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 63

Glengariff Group, Inc.
14. Another option that has been discussed would be allowing gay men and women to get a civil union which would provide the
legal benefits of marriage while still preserving the word “marriage” as something between a man and a woman. Would you
say you support or oppose civil unions for gay men and women? ASK: WOULD THAT BE STRONGLY

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 47.5% 18.0% 1.6% 27.9% 4.9%
Panhandle 36.8% 16.2% 5.9% 38.2% 2.9%
San Antonio 42.6% 19.1% 6.4% 24.5% 7.4%
South 44.2% 14.0% 7.0% 26.7% 8.1%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 53.6% 13.7% 4.7% 22.3% 5.4%
Houston 53.0% 15.8% 5.7% 21.1% 4.0%
Waco 23.1% 15.4% 15.4% 25.6% 20.5%
Austin 46.9% 15.6% 6.3% 17.2% 14.1%
Northeast 42.9% 12.7% 3.2% 36.5% 4.8%

Very Close 61.4% 10.7% 3.3% 17.3% 7.0%

Somewhat Close 57.2% 15.4% 5.0% 16.4% 6.0%
Acquaintance 42.3% 17.3% 7.0% 26.0% 7.0%
Know Nobody 27.9% 18.6% 8.2% 39.3% 6.0%

Republican 41.9% 15.7% 6.4% 29.9% 6.1%

Democratic 61.5% 16.3% 3.0% 14.8% 3.7%
Independent 44.5% 14.9% 6.8% 25.4% 8.5%

Every Four 52.7% 12.8% 9.5% 20.9% 4.1%

Every Two 46.1% 18.9% 5.6% 23.3% 5.6%
Every Election 47.2% 15.1% 4.8% 25.8% 6.9%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 64

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 36.3% 14.8% 7.0% 36.5% 5.3%
Several/Month 54.6% 16.5% 5.2% 16.5% 7.2%
Once/Month 57.1% 21.4% 5.4% 14.3% 1.8%
Several/ Year 56.1% 10.6% 7.6% 16.7% 9.1%
Rarely 57.5% 16.5% 4.7% 11.8% 9.4%
Don‟t Attend 63.1% 15.6% 2.5% 11.9% 6.9%

Caucasian 45.0% 16.3% 5.0% 25.9% 7.5%

Af Amer 46.3% 14.0% 7.4% 26.4% 5.8%
Hispanic 54.9% 15.0% 6.8% 19.9% 3.4%

1-8 28.6% 14.3% 14.3% 28.6% 14.3%

Not HS Grad 40.4% 13.5% 5.8% 32.7% 7.7%
HS Grad 39.7% 16.0% 7.2% 32.0% 5.2%
Tech/Voc 39.7% 16.0% 7.2% 32.0% 5.2%
Some College 48.1% 11.7% 7.3% 24.8% 7.8%
Coll Grad 52.7% 14.9% 4.3% 21.6% 6.4%
Adv Degree 51.7% 19.2% 4.7% 18.0% 5.8%

Urban 51.1% 13.8% 4.3% 23.3% 7.5%

Suburb 48.3% 18.4% 8.0% 20.5% 4.2%
Small 44.9% 13.4% 4.2% 32.9% 4.6%
Rural 44.6% 15.4% 6.2% 23.8% 10.0%

Single 58.7% 15.9% 4.3% 16.7% 4.3%

Married 46.2% 14.2% 6.1% 26.5% 6.7%
Divorced 48.8% 18.6% 5.8% 18.6% 8.1%
Widowed 39.5% 22.2% 3.7% 30.9% 3.7%
Partner 55.6% 11.1% 7.4% 14.8% 11.1%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 65

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 56.5% 13.0% 7.2% 17.4% 5.8%
30-39 49.7% 15.4% 8.1% 23.5% 3.4%
40-49 49.2% 14.0% 6.2% 24.0% 6.2%
50-64 50.0% 14.2% 3.9% 25.2% 6.4%
65+ 39.0% 19.5% 5.5% 27.5% 8.5%

Under 15 60.4% 16.7% 4.2% 12.5% 6.3%

15-25000 48.2% 26.5% 2.4% 16.9% 6.0%
25-40000 46.1% 10.6% 7.8% 29.8% 5.7%
40-70000 48.4% 15.4% 4.3% 26.1% 5.9%
70-100000 39.3% 18.0% 8.2% 27.0% 6.6%
100000+ 59.0% 10.3% 5.8% 21.8% 3.2%

Male 43.4% 15.8% 6.2% 28.6% 5.6%

Female 52.2% 14.8% 5.0% 20.8% 7.2%

Baptist 40.5% 15.2% 7.6% 30.0% 6.8%

Catholic 51.9% 18.4% 3.2% 22.2% 4.3%
Non-Denominational 39.3% 13.1% 7.0% 32.7% 7.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 66

Glengariff Group, Inc.
15. Texas currently recognizes marriages between a man and a woman that take place in the other 49 states. Given that five states
now allow gays and lesbians to get married, do you support or oppose Texas recognizing those marriages if gay couples from a
state like Iowa – which allows gays and lesbians to get married -- were to move to Texas? ASK: WOULD THAT BE

St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 41.0% 8.2% 4.9% 42.6% 3.3%
Panhandle 27.9% 14.7% 4.4% 50.0% 2.9%
San Antonio 41.5% 11.7% 5.3% 36.2% 5.3%
South 36.0% 10.5% 3.5% 40.7% 8.1%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 38.5% 9.7% 9.0% 36.3% 6.5%
Houston 37.7% 13.0% 6.9% 38.9% 3.6%
Waco 38.5% 2.6% 5.1% 53.8% 0.0%
Austin 51.6% 4.7% 6.3% 26.6% 10.9%
Northeast 30.2% 7.9% 12.7% 41.3% 7.9%

Very Close 58.5% 7.4% 6.3% 25.7% 2.2%

Somewhat Close 40.8% 14.9% 7.5% 30.3% 6.5%
Acquaintance 29.3% 10.7% 8.0% 43.0% 9.0%
Know Nobody 20.2% 10.4% 6.6% 59.6% 3.3%

Republican 20.6% 8.4% 9.9% 54.9% 6.1%

Democratic 59.6% 12.6% 3.0% 19.3% 5.6%
Independent 39.7% 10.7% 7.3% 37.7% 4.5%

Every Four 45.9% 12.8% 7.4% 28.4% 4.7%

Every Two 44.4% 6.7% 7.8% 36.1% 5.0%
Every Election 34.6% 10.8% 6.8% 42.3% 5.6%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 67

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
Weekly/Church 23.4% 9.3% 9.1% 53.0% 5.3%
Several/Month 37.1% 19.6% 3.1% 32.0% 8.2%
Once/Month 37.5% 8.9% 5.4% 44.6% 3.6%
Several/ Year 59.1% 12.1% 6.1% 21.2% 1.5%
Rarely 53.5% 11.0% 8.7% 24.4% 2.4%
Don‟t Attend 58.7% 8.1% 3.1% 21.3% 8.7%

Caucasian 36.5% 10.2% 7.8% 40.6% 4.8%

Af Amer 32.2% 11.6% 6.6% 42.1% 7.4%
Hispanic 47.1% 10.7% 4.4% 31.1% 6.3%

1-8 0.0% 0.0% 14.3% 71.4% 0.0%

Not HS Grad 34.6% 11.5% 3.8% 38.5% 11.5%
HS Grad 32.0% 12.9% 8.2% 43.3% 3.6%
Tech/Voc 33.3% 6.7% 0.0% 50.0% 10.0%
Some College 36.9% 10.2% 4.9% 43.2% 4.9%
Coll Grad 38.4% 11.3% 7.6% 37.2% 5.5%
Adv Degree 50.0% 6.4% 8.7% 30.2% 4.7%

Urban 43.1% 9.8% 6.9% 33.0% 6.9%

Suburb 38.2% 10.1% 9.4% 38.2% 4.2%
Small 33.8% 11.1% 5.1% 45.4% 4.6%
Rural 32.3% 10.8% 5.4% 46.2% 5.4%

Single 47.1% 15.9% 6.5% 25.4% 5.1%

Married 35.7% 10.1% 7.0% 41.5% 5.8%
Divorced 43.0% 9.3% 8.1% 34.9% 4.7%
Widowed 30.9% 6.2% 7.4% 50.6% 3.7%
Partner 55.6% 7.4% 3.7% 29.6% 3.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 68

Glengariff Group, Inc.
St Support Some Support Some Oppose St Oppose DK
18-29 46.4% 8.7% 8.7% 33.3% 2.9%
30-39 42.3% 10.1% 7.4% 36.9% 3.4%
40-49 39.7% 9.5% 6.2% 37.6% 7.0%
50-64 40.1% 10.6% 7.1% 38.7% 3.2%
65+ 28.0% 11.9% 7.2% 44.5% 8.5%

Under 15 47.9% 20.8% 4.2% 22.9% 4.2%

15-25000 42.2% 15.7% 8.4% 26.5% 7.2%
25-40000 39.0% 7.8% 5.0% 42.6% 5.7%
40-70000 39.9% 9.0% 7.4% 38.8% 4.8%
70-100000 30.3% 13.1% 10.7% 40.2% 5.7%
100000+ 46.2% 5.1% 5.1% 37.8% 5.8%

Male 32.2% 9.0% 7.0% 45.6% 6.0%

Female 44.0% 11.6% 7.0% 32.4% 5.0%

Baptist 29.5% 10.5% 8.9% 47.7% 3.4%

Catholic 47.6% 11.9% 5.9% 31.4% 2.7%
Non-Denominational 26.2% 10.3% 9.3% 46.7% 7.5%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 69

Glengariff Group, Inc.
16. Do you believe that gays and lesbians are seeking equal rights or special rights?

Equal Special DK
EPaso, S Ang, O-M 63.9% 27.9% 8.2%
Panhandle 44.1% 45.6% 8.8%
San Antonio 69.1% 24.5% 6.4%
South 55.8% 26.7% 17.4%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 61.2% 32.7% 6.1%
Houston 63.2% 30.8% 5.7%
Waco 56.4% 30.8% 12.8%
Austin 67.2% 29.7% 3.1%
Northeast 50.8% 46.0% 3.2%

Very Close 78.7% 16.9% 4.4%

Somewhat Close 65.7% 27.4% 7.0%
Acquaintance 54.3% 38.7% 6.7%
Know Nobody 41.5% 45.9% 12.6%

Republican 46.8% 43.3% 9.6%

Democratic 78.9% 16.7% 4.4%
Independent 60.8% 31.8% 7.0%

Every Four 71.6% 23.0% 4.7%

Every Two 65.6% 26.1% 8.3%
Every Election 56.6% 35.6% 7.6%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 70

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Equal Special DK
Weekly/Church 48.1% 45.6% 6.3%
Several/Month 64.9% 25.8% 9.3%
Once/Month 62.5% 30.4% 7.1%
Several/ Year 77.3% 15.2% 7.6%
Rarely 74.8% 18.1% 6.3%
Don‟t Attend 73.1% 16.9% 9.4%

Caucasian 57.8% 34.2% 7.8%

Af Amer 59.5% 33.9% 6.6%
Hispanic 68.9% 24.3% 6.3%

1-8 42.9% 42.9% 14.3%

Not HS Grad 57.7% 36.5% 5.8%
HS Grad 55.7% 35.1% 9.3%
Tech/Voc 46.7% 50.0% 3.3%
Some College 61.7% 32.5% 5.8%
Coll Grad 62.2% 29.9% 7.6%
Adv Degree 66.3% 26.7% 6.4%

Urban 65.2% 29.0% 5.2%

Suburb 61.8% 32.3% 5.9%
Small 55.1% 34.3% 10.6%
Rural 56.2% 36.2% 7.7%

Single 70.3% 23.2% 6.5%

Married 59.5% 33.7% 6.7%
Divorced 58.1% 30.2% 10.5%
Widowed 53.1% 40.7% 6.2%
Partner 70.4% 14.8% 14.8%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 71

Glengariff Group, Inc.
Equal Special DK
18-29 68.1% 23.2% 8.7%
30-39 66.4% 28.2% 5.4%
40-49 61.6% 31.4% 6.6%
50-64 63.5% 30.9% 5.3%
65+ 50.4% 39.8% 9.7%

Under 15 58.3% 29.2% 12.5%

15-25000 66.3% 31.3% 1.2%
25-40000 61.0% 29.8% 9.2%
40-70000 57.4% 36.7% 5.9%
70-100000 60.7% 33.6% 5.7%
100000+ 70.5% 26.9% 2.6%

Male 54.2% 38.0% 7.6%

Female 66.8% 26.2% 6.8%

Baptist 52.7% 40.5% 6.3%

Catholic 68.1% 25.4% 6.5%
Non-Denominational 52.8% 37.9% 9.3%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 72

Glengariff Group, Inc.
17. Over the past five to ten years, would you say your attitudes towards gay and lesbians has become much more accepting,
somewhat more accepting, somewhat less accepting, much less accepting…or would you say your attitudes have not changed
in the past five to ten years?

MM Accept SM Accept SLess Accept ML Accept No Change

EPaso, S Ang, O-M 11.5% 24.6% 1.6% 0.0% 60.7%
Panhandle 7.4% 19.1% 1.5% 4.4% 67.6%
San Antonio 7.4% 18.1% 0.0% 2.1% 72.3%
South 11.6% 19.8% 2.3% 1.2% 64.0%
Dallas/ Ft Worth 16.9% 13.3% 2.5% 4.7% 62.2%
Houston 13.8% 14.6% 2.8% 2.8% 64.8%
Waco 15.4% 12.8% 0.0% 0.0% 71.8%
Austin 17.2% 7.8% 0.0% 3.1% 71.9%
Northeast 9.5% 9.5% 6.3% 3.2% 69.8%

Very Close 18.0% 12.1% 0.4% 0.7% 68.0%

Somewhat Close 13.4% 18.4% 2.0% 2.5% 63.2%
Acquaintance 9.7% 16.3% 3.3% 3.7% 66.3%
Know Nobody 9.3% 14.8% 3.3% 6.0% 66.1%

Republican 12.5% 19.5% 2.3% 2.3% 62.5%

Democratic 17.4% 9.6% 1.9% 2.6% 68.1%
Independent 11.0% 15.8% 2.5% 3.4% 66.5%

Every Four 15.5% 16.9% 1.4% 3.4% 62.8%

Every Two 18.9% 11.1% 1.7% 2.8% 65.0%
Every Election 11.0% 15.9% 2.6% 2.8% 66.8%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 73

Glengariff Group, Inc.
MM Accept SM Accept SLess Accept ML Accept No Change
Weekly/Church 11.6% 14.6% 3.6% 4.0% 65.2%
Several/Month 11.3% 15.5% 0.0% 4.1% 69.1%
Once/Month 14.3% 25.0% 3.6% 1.8% 53.6%
Several/ Year 22.7% 10.6% 1.5% 1.5% 63.6%
Rarely 16.5% 22.0% 0.0% 2.4% 58.3%
Don‟t Attend 11.2% 11.2% 1.3% 0.6% 75.6%

Caucasian 11.2% 15.8% 2.6% 3.0% 66.6%

Af Amer 14.0% 9.9% 1.7% 4.1% 70.2%
Hispanic 16.0% 16.5% 1.0% 1.9% 63.6%

1-8 0.0% 0.0% 14.3% 0.0% 85.7%

Not HS Grad 13.5% 17.3% 1.9% 1.9% 65.4%
HS Grad 12.4% 16.0% 4.1% 4.6% 61.3%
Tech/Voc 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 13.3% 53.3%
Some College 11.7% 18.4% 2.9% 1.5% 64.6%
Coll Grad 12.8% 14.0% 0.9% 3.0% 68.9%
Adv Degree 16.3% 13.4% 1.7% 1.2% 67.4%

Urban 16.1% 13.2% 2.6% 2.0% 65.8%

Suburb 13.9% 18.4% 1.7% 2.8% 62.8%
Small 9.3% 14.4% 2.3% 3.7% 69.4%
Rural 11.5% 13.8% 2.3% 4.6% 65.4%

Single 18.1% 19.6% 2.9% 4.3% 55.1%

Married 12.2% 15.7% 2.1% 2.7% 66.2%
Divorced 11.6% 11.6% 0.0% 1.2% 75.6%
Widowed 11.1% 9.9% 4.9% 4.9% 69.1%
Partner 25.9% 7.4% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 74

Glengariff Group, Inc.
MM Accept SM Accept SLess Accept ML Accept No Change
18-29 20.3% 27.5% 4.3% 2.9% 44.9%
30-39 16.8% 10.7% 1.3% 1.3% 67.8%
40-49 12.4% 13.6% 2.1% 2.9% 68.6%
50-64 11.7% 16.3% 2.5% 3.2% 66.0%
65+ 11.9% 14.8% 2.1% 3.8% 66.5%

Under 15 22.9% 10.4% 0.0% 6.3% 60.4%

15-25000 15.7% 12.0% 4.8% 2.4% 61.4%
25-40000 12.1% 17.0% 2.1% 2.8% 64.5%
40-70000 14.9% 15.4% 1.1% 3.7% 64.4%
70-100000 14.8% 15.6% 2.5% 1.6% 64.8%
100000+ 13.5% 16.0% 0.6% 1.3% 68.6%

Male 12.2% 14.8% 2.8% 4.0% 65.0%

Female 14.4% 15.4% 1.6% 2.0% 66.4%

Baptist 14.3% 15.6% 1.3% 3.8% 65.0%

Catholic 12.4% 17.3% 2.7% 4.3% 63.2%
Non-Denominational 9.8% 13.6% 2.3% 1.9% 70.6%

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 75

Glengariff Group, Inc.

Andrews, Brewster, Coke, Concho, Crane, Crockett, Culberson, Ector, El Paso, Irion, Glasscock, Howard, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis,
Kimble, Loving, Martin, McCulloch, Menard, Midland, Pecos, Presidio, Reagan, Reeves, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, Terrell, Tom
Green, Upton, Ward, Winkler


Archer, Armstrong, Bailey, Baylor, Borden, Briscoe, Brown, Callahan, Carson, Castro, Childress, Clay, Cochran, Coleman,
Collingsworth, Cottle, Crosby, Dallam, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Donley, Eastland, Fisher, Floyd, Foard, Gaines, Garza, Gray,
Grayson, Hale, Hall, Hansford, Hardeman, Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Hockley, Hutchinson, Jones, Kent, King, Knox, Lipscomb,
Lubbock, Lynn, Mitchell, Montague, Moore, Motley, Nolan, Ochiltree, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Runels, Scurry,
Shackelford, Sherman, Somervell, Stephens, Swisher, Taylor, Terry, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Yoakum, Young


Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Edwards, Frio, Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Kinney,
LaSalle, Lavaca, McMullen, Maverick, Medina, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, Wilson, Zavala


Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hidalgo, Jim Hogg, Jim Wells, Kenedy Kleberg, Live Oak, Nueces, Refugio San Patricio,
Starr, Webb, Willacy, Victoria, Zapata


Anderson, Bosque, Collin, Comanche, Cooke, Dallas, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Erath, Fannin, Freestone, Hamilton, Henderson, Hill,
Hood, Hopkins, Hunt, Jack, Johnson, Kaufman, Lamar, Navarro, Palo Pinto, Parker, Rains, Red River, Rockwall, Stonewall, Tarrant,
Van Zandt, Wise

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 76

Glengariff Group, Inc.

Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Grimes, Harris, Jackson, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery,
Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker, Waller, Washington Wharton


Bell, Brazos, Burleson, Coryell, Falls, Lampasas, Leon, Limestone, McLennan, Madison, Milam, Mills, Robertson, San Saba


Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Gillespie, Hays, Lee, Llano, Mason, Travis, Williamson


Angelina, Bowie, Camp, Cass, Cherokee, Franklin, Gregg, Hardin, Harrison, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Marion, Morris,
Nacogdoches, Newton, Orange, Panola, Rusk, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Tyler, Upshur, Wood

Equality Texas Statewide Survey 77

Glengariff Group, Inc.

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