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Anggota Kelompok :
Farji Octadiansyah Umar 1906433625
Kania Dyah Nastiti 1806244433
Ronald Akbar 1906324196
Wisnu Indrawan 190433745
Fadhillah Damazsyiano 190632406

Depok, 2020
Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Indonesia
A steel framework, as in Fig. 8-11, is to be contrasted at a minimum cost. The cost in dollars
of all the horizontal members in one orientation is 200x1 and in the other horizontal
orientation 300x2 . The cost in dollars of all vertical members is 500x3 . The frame must
enclose a total volume of 900m3.

a. Set up the objective function for total cost and the constraint (s) in term of x1, x2, and
b. Using the method of Lagrange multipliers for contrained optimization, determine the
optimal values of the dimensions and the minimum cost.

Diketahui :

Cost setiap frame :

 All horizontal 1 ( x 1) = 200x1
 All horizontal 2 ( x 2) = 300x2
Batasan :
Volume harus 900 m3

Ditanya :

 Tentukan dimensi x 1, x 2 dan x 3

 Tentukan minimum cost pembuatan frame
Objective function :
f( x 1 , x 2 , x 3) = 200 x 1+300 x 2+500 x 3
Constrain :
g( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 )=x 1 x 2 x 3 = 90
Penyelesaian menggunakan metode lagrange
Jawab :

Lagrange Multipliers
f( x 1 , x 2 , x 3) - λ g( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) = F( x 1 , x 2 , x 3, λ)
200 x 1+300 x 2+500 x 3 - λ x 1 x 2 x 3

200 – λ x 2 x 3 = 0 ……. (1)
300 – λ x 1 x 3 = 0 ……. (2)
500 – λ x 1 x 2 = 0 ……. (3)

Mencari λ dari persamaan 1

200=λ x 2 x 3
x 2 x3

Substitusi λ pada persamaan 2

300−λ x1 x 3=0
300=λ x1 x 3
300= ( )
x x
x2 x3 1 3
300 x 1 x3
200 x 2 x3
x 3
1.5= 1 =¿> x 1= x 2
x2 2

Mencari λ dari persamaan 2

300 – λ x 1 x 3
x 1 x3

Subtitusi λ pada persamaan 3

500− λ x1 x 2=0
500= λ x1 x 2
500= ( ) x x
x1 x3 1 2
500 x 1 x2
300 x 1 x 3
5 x2 3
= =¿> x 3= x 2
3 x3 5

Subtitusi x 1 dan x 3 ke persamaan constrain untuk mendapatkan x 2

x 1 . x 2 . x 3=900
( 32 x ) . ( x ).( 35 x )=900
2 2 2

9 3
x =900
10 2
x 2=10

Mencari x 1 dari persamaan sebelumnya

• x 1= x 2
• x 1= . 10
• x 1=15

Mencari x 3 dari persamaan sebelumnya

• x 3= x 2
• x 3= . 10
• x 3=6

200 x 1+300 x 2 +500 x 3

200(15)+300(10)+500(6) = 9000
Maka minimum cost pembuatan frame adalah $9000

The heat-rejection system for a condenser of a steam power plant (Fig. 11-5) is to be
designed for minimum first plus pumping cost. The heat-recection rate from the
condenser is 14 MW. The following costs in dollars must be included :
First cost of cooling tower, 800 A0.6 , where A = area, m 2

Lifetime pumping cost, 0.0005 w 3, where w = flow rate of water, kg/s

Lifetime penalty in power production due to elevation of temperature of cooling
water, 270t, where t = temperature of water entering the condenser, oC. The rate of
heat transfer from the cooling tower can be represented adequately by the expression
q, W= 3.7 (w 1.2 ¿ tA .
a. Set up an unconstrained objetive function in terms of the variales A and w.
b. Determine the minimum lifetime cost.
c. Calculate the optimal values of A and w.

Diketahui :

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