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Case – Strides at Levi Strauss

Source – Text-Book (Management – 6th Edition – James A F

Stoner, R Edward Freeman and Daniel R Gilbert) pp182
- 184

Case Highlights
1. Case starts with citing an incident where an employee named Bill
working at the San Francisco office of Levi Strauss is diagnosed with
a. The case captures how Bill first conceals and later discloses his
condition to his colleagues. This is followed by highlighting the
colleague’s reactions and mentioning the steps the organization
took to handle the situation
b. The organization addressed colleagues/members concerns and
extended support to Bill by load redistribution and arranging for
work from home. The members stuck around until his demise and
ensured their attendance on his funeral
2. Citing the above case, it is explicitly mentioned that Levi Strauss has a
culture of commitment to people and it treats its people as important
as its products.
3. The company balances its hard stuff with its soft stuff and realizes that
both are intertwined
a. Hard stuff – commitment to business goals & operations
b. Soft stuff – commitment to people
4. Levi Strauss culture however, recent is employee-centred
5. There was one deviation in 1984 from the organization’s culture when
due to business needs 21 plants were closed and 21000 employees
were laid off. This led to loss of trust that employees had in the
organization and left emotional scars on their minds.
6. The company was quick to realize this and hence issued a new mission
a. Highlights – company people are proud of & committed to;
employees have opportunities to grow and contribute, employee
related decisions are based on merit, people are treated fairly,
listened to and involved, work-life balance for employees.
7. The company shows its commitment to sticking to best traditions and
also adopting the relevant contemporary practices
8. Managers ‘walk the talk’ i.e., what is written and communicated is
actually practiced and supported
9. Culture of equality and non-discrimination. This extends beyond
employees and to community.
a. This is proved when in 1992 Levi Strauss withdrew its
sponsorship from Boy Scouts of America as the latter was
unwilling to allow male homosexuals in lead positions
10. Numerous programmes supporting workplace diversity are
supported at the organization. Hence, highlighting the culture as an
Inclusive one.
a. Flexible working hours, medical coverage to employee’s sexual
partners (regardless of gender), etc.
11. The organization focuses on narrowing the gap between articulated
values (those that are communicated, documented, propagated) and
working environment (the actual practice and conditions).

Case Questions
1. Committed to people (employees) – refer point 2 of highlights; equal
opportunity and non-discrimination – refer points 6 and 9 of highlights;
inclusive (and embracing workplace diversity) – refer point 10 of
2. Refer point 10 of case highlights plus, follow link -
inclusion/ (the link would take you to company website directly and
there you could read from the actual source)
3. By embracing diversity. Standing against stereotyping – example by
withdrawing sponsorship from Boy Scouts of America since the latter
engaged into gender stereotypes.
4. Some ways could be: -
a. Defining ‘valuing inclusive workplace’ of ‘embracing diversity &
appreciating differences’ as a core value at the organization
b. Hiring for diversity – filling key positions not just by men or
people belonging to specific ethnic groups or communities but by
hiring women, other country nationals, etc.
c. Hiring differently abled people and arranging for all kinds of
physical, technical and psychological support for them.
d. Training leaders and employees on value of diversity
e. Arranging for several team meets and offsites so that people get
many chances to meet and share experiences and hence develop
strong bonds
f. Equity and non-discrimination in company practices
g. Celebrating events and festivals of different cultures
h. Rewarding teams/leaders who best embrace diversity
i. Ensuring that those who stereotype or discriminate are punished
j. Connecting with employees and encouraging workforce

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