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Respecting deadlines

In some cultures, attitudes to time are different and it is not always considered essential
to respect a deadline. What is the case in your culture? Do people try to complete work on
time or do they consider it normal for deadlines to be extended?

Asking appropriate questions

In some cultures it is not considered polite to ask direct questions, which may cause
conflict or embarrassment. Instead, questions are phrased in an indirect manner and
allude to things rather than explicitly state them. What is the normal way of asking
questions in your culture? Are some types of questions avoided?

Assigning tasks
In some cultures, hierarchy is very clearly defined and respected. Senior staff members
make all the major decisions and initiative is neither expected nor rewarded. Briefing
sessions have a dictatorial style and orders are expected to be carried out to the letter. In
other cultures, briefing sessions can be more flexible, and working methods can vary as
long as objectives are achieved. Which corresponds best to your culture? Which of the
above culture types would you be most comfortable in, and why?

Interpersonal relationships
In some business cultures it is considered important to have close interpersonal and
relatively informal relationships with co-workers. Colleagues are encouraged to socialize
together, and all levels of the hierarchy can mix in a social environment outside office
hours. In other cultures, formal relationships are preferred and there is never a
hierarchical mix at social events. Which corresponds best to your culture? How could
different attitudes cause problems in a multicultural situation?

How much confrontation?

Some cultures consider conflict to be a normal part of working life and see it as a factor
that can enhance performance and generate creativity. Other cultures, on the contrary,
believe that interpersonal conflict should be avoided at all costs and that the interests of
the individual should be subservient to those of the group or the community. Which of the
two attitudes is closest to your culture?

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