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Feldenkrais Course ATM lessons Jakarta, March 2017

“Get rid of back pain!
The Feldenkrais®-Method
Interaction of both sides of the body
in 3D movements“

“Moving freely without pain: Bringing The Feldenkrais Method

the upper and lower parts of the
body together“
uses movement as a tool of
communication with the human nervous
Jakarta, Indonesia system
04. - 05. March 2017
11. - 12. March 2017 ►  to guide your learning,
Gerlinde Haase
►  to bring greater awareness,
Haan, Germany ►  better functioning and
Senior Bobath Instructor IBITA, ►  self perception to yourselves.
Dr.Moshe Feldenkrais The Feldenkrais Method ®
►  1904 -1984
- is a synthesis of its creators scientific studies in physics,
►  born in Russia mathematics and engineering,
►  lived mostly in Israel
- his martial arts achievements in Judo and Jui-Jitsu and
►  studies of physics,
- his detailed knowledge through personal studies of
mathematics and anatomy, biomechanics, physiology, neurology and
engineering psychological systems
►  worked with Joliot-Curie in
Paris (nuclear research)
- combined with his observations in developmentally based
►  Judo athlete (black belt
patterns of human movement and behaviour as
1936 in Europe) personified in the evolutionary history of our species
►  created the Feldenkrais-
- related to our innate capacity to learn and act easily and
Method 1949 efficiently
►  By expanding the self-image through „People are so different and
movement sequences that bring attention to therefore the education has to be so,
the parts of the self that are out of
that they can learn without
awareness, the Feldenkrais Method enables
you to include more of yourself in your imitation and instructions,
functioning movements. something which is integrated in their
►  Students become more aware of their own nature and belongs to their all over
habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities structure,
and expand options for new ways of moving. which is part of their previous
►  Byincreasing sensitivity this method assists development and life.“
you to live your life more fully, efficiently and Moshe Feldenkrais 1981
Gerlinde Haase Copyright 1
Feldenkrais Course ATM lessons Jakarta, March 2017
What happens in a Awareness Through Movement®
Feldenkrais Method ® Session? ►  Verbally-directed
movement exploration in
a group setting
The Feldenkrais work is done in two formats: ►  The student individually
explores and experiences
the enormous spectrum of
► Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) human movement and
functioning in one´s own
►  Moshe Feldenkrais
► Functional Integration® (FI)
developed 600 basic
ATM-lessons and perhaps
1000 variations


►  Lessons include developmental patterns as

manifested in babies and infants,
► Awareness is an open, honest and
►  ordinary functional activities (reaching,
realistic perception of our way to
standing, lying to sitting, looking behind
function. yourself etc.)
► Awareness means, that we can move ►  as well as movements involved in sports,
our body and emotions and dance and the martial arts (Judo, Jui-jitsu)
thoughts effortless in each direction. ►  some are based on more abstract exploration
Moshe Feldenkrais of joint, muscle and postural relationship
►  they are varying in difficulty, complexity for
all levels of movement ability


Learning strategies in an ATM lesson include:

The students are enabled to lead

the learning process by themselves. ►  Using slow, gentle movements and directing
It is an open process which brings a the students to move within their own limits
of safety by avoiding pain and strain
new organisation of behaviour patterns
►  orientating to learning and exploring rather
with higher complexity,
than working towards a goal
flexibility, spontaneity and efficiency.
►  directing awareness towards sensing
differences and perceiving whole connected
patterns in a movement sequence
Gerlinde Haase Copyright 2
Feldenkrais Course ATM lessons Jakarta, March 2017

It is often thought that students in a What is important.....

lesson can do what they want. ►  “is that you get the person to love himself, not just like
That is not true! ►  If you achieve that, you are worth your weight in
► There is a clear aim in a lesson: ►  If you take a person who hates himself, has no confidence,
► to discover a movement pattern which and make him feel that he can love himself.
►  He feels he can begin to rely on his own self and begins to
is effective and sufficient
have self-confidence enough to stand on his feet.
► therefore we have to learn to move our
►  Well, who can do that? No politician, no millionaire can.
structures in biomechanical regulations ►  You can’t buy that for money. Yet, you may be able to do
► the sequences in a lesson guarantee it and that means that you are richer than any of those.”
►  Moshe Feldenkrais, San Francisco Training 1977
Functional Integration®
►  Thisgentle non-invasive
touching and hands-on ►  Thisone-to-one exploration offers the same
communication and interaction
enormous range of learning possibilities as
between practitioner and
student offers an enormous found in ATM lessons
potential for personal learning
►  Functional Integration is ►  In essence the two are interchangeable, both
performed with the student being based on the kinaesthetic experiences
fully clothed, usually lying on a
table or with the student in of the individual
sitting or standing positions
►  At times, various props ►  Thiscombination gives a clear and efficient
(pillows, rollers etc.) are used
guidance to self directed ongoing learning
to support the persons body or
to facilitate certain movements

►  Thepractitioner takes over the task to move you as
a whole person, facilitating you to discover and
experience new options in movement ►  AFeldenkrais practitioner will not teach you a
way of being, that she/he thinks it is right
►  The practitioner develops a lesson for you, custom-
tailored to your unique configuration at that ►  but will enable you to access your own
particular moment, relating to your desire, intention
or need you have
internal knowledge about what is right for
►  The practitioner creates an environment in which you
can learn comfortably ►  no matterwhether you are an athlete, dancer
musician with highly integrated skills or a
►  Thisresults in a better awareness in the whole body severe disabled person
to feel pain free, light and more harmonious
Gerlinde Haase Copyright 3
Feldenkrais Course ATM lessons Jakarta, March 2017
Working with the whole person on Description of „faciliation“ with
different levels words of Moshe Feldenkrais
► Sensing = Proprioception
„Through touch two persons, the toucher and the
touched, can become a new ensemble:
► Feeling = Emotion two bodies when connected by two arms and
► Thinking = Cognition hands are a new entity.
These hands sense at the same time as they direct.
► Acting = Functioning
Both the touched and the toucher feel what they
sense through connecting hands, even if they do
not know what is being done.“
Efficiency and easiness

“ To make the impossible possible,

To make the possible easy,
To make the easy elegant.”
Moshe Feldenkrais

Efficiency and easyness ? Most Efficient Movements

► To include every bodypart in each
► musclebalance and tonus is equalised
throughout the whole body
► minimal use of energy
Gerlinde Haase Copyright 4
Feldenkrais Course ATM lessons Jakarta, March 2017
Criteria of efficient movement Awareness through movement
►  No effort
§  Patient describe:
§   Subjective feeling of wasted movement
► Summery:
§   Feeling of failing or failure
§   Bad performance , lack of mobility
►  No resistance = movement with ease ► It is not all and only the movement
§  Patient describe:
§  Contradictive activation of muscles (Cocontraktion) ► It is our mind set very often
§  Voluntary balance-behaviour
§   Fight and with cramps
► Emotions are influencing the mind and the
►  Reversal of movement
§  In each moment of time a movement can be stopped , altered,
reversed or kept going
§   „Placing“ ► You are adapting and learning as a whole
►  Free breathing
§   No holding breath person
No pressure in breathing out
► Take your time and attention for it
§   No pressure in larynx, voice is pressed
Gerlinde Haase Copyright 5

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