Lac Session Guide

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LAC Session No.

2: The K-3 Learner in the Context of K-12:

Session No. and Title:
Who Are We Teaching?

Duration: 2 hours
Target Participation: 9 Primary Teachers
Link to the Previous
Link to the Next

Contribution of the This LAC session provides different perspectives on the hows and
Session to Learning whys of child behavior. It helps teachers determine what children
Outcomes: can do and understand in specific grades in school.

Learning Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Identify developmental behaviors and literacy accomplishments

in a K-3 learner.

Key Understanding: Teachers who understand the learner’s behavior including their
strengths, weaknesses and interest would be better able to help
learners to be successful academically because teachers teach them
in a way that they will learn.

Reference: ELLN Courseware

Introduction: Good afternoon to each and every one! Welcome to the first lesson
of the course. Our topic is about “The K-3 Learner in the Context of
K-12: Who Are We Teaching? But before we go on, let us first
check the attendance and remind ourselves about the agreed ground
rules during our orientation.
As teachers of young children, we need to understand child
behavior and development to be able to help children learn
effectively. As we discuss the different literacy behavior of learners
from Kinder to Grade three this afternoon, it is expected from us

(Present the objective of the LAC Session)

Ask the teachers to answer the pre-lesson activity. After completing
lesson 1 you will need to review these statements again to find out if
there are changes in what you know and in your perceptions and

Let the teachers group themselves in pairs or triads, ask them to

share their assignment outputs. LAC facilitator will pose the guide
questions for the small group discussion.
 Report the total number of students observed
 Take note of the similarities and differences of your
assignment output
 Which behaviors do you think show the greatest evidence of
being literate?
 Do you provide time and activities to help your pupils
display or demonstrate these literacy behaviors?
 What are some class activities where you can observe these

Moving from Kindergarten to Grade 3, ask a representative of each

small group to share what they discussed. As each group reports,
take note of the most commonly observed and the least commonly
observed developmental behaviors, and the teachers’ answers to
which of these show the greatest evidence of being literate. Write
your notes in the matrix below and then put a check next to the
development behaviors that were identified as literacy behaviors.

Most Commonly Observed Least Commonly Observed

Developmental Behaviors Developmental Behaviors

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3

Lead a big group discussion focusing on the following questions:

 What can you say about the checklist? Are these the
behaviors that you expect to see in the pupils that you teach?
 Were there some behaviors that you were surprised to see in
the checklist for your grade level and/or observe among the
pupils in your grade level?

Abstraction: Watch the two video clips below showing Grade 1 children in
different situations. In the checklist for Grade 1, tick the
developmental behaviors that you observed among the children in
the two video clips.

(Reveal the answer key)

Discussion/Reflection: Ask the teachers to reflect in the following questions:

 Why pupils in the same grade with the same age display
different developmental behaviors?

 As a teacher of young children, is it helpful to know the

developmental behaviors of K-3 learners? Why?

Synthesis Our topic today gives us a general idea of who our pupils are and
what they can do. But this knowledge needs to be used with caution
because not all children develop in the same way at the same time.
We should recognize and respect the diversity that we find in our
classroom. And we, teachers of K-3 should plan activities and
manage outcomes that support all children’s development.

Closure: Congratulations! You have finished the first lesson of this module. It
is now time for you to apply what you have learned.

Give the assignment for the next session. Schedule the next meeting,
the venue and let the teachers accomplish the engagement report.

Prepared by:

Teacher III
LAC Facilitator


School Principal II
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Aurora
Schools District of Baler

Early Language Literacy and Numeracy (ELLN)

The K-3 Learner in the Context of K-12:

Who Are We Teaching?

Learning Action Cell Session Guide

Module 1 Session 2

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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