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UNIT 1 Question Bank:

1. Derive the expression for the time response of a second order system for the undamped
2. Derive the expression for the time response of a second order system for the under-damped
3. Define the terms: setup time, rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot and steady state
4. Discuss the response of three standard inputs.
5. Define the terms: setup time, rise time, peak time, maximum overshoot and steady state
6. Define type and order of a system.
7. Find the steady state error due to step, ramp and parabolic inputs.
8. Determine the step response of a control system shown in figure.


Find the steady error of the system shown in figure for the unit step input

Ans: 0.5

Find the steady state value and the time at which the response reached the steady state

Ans: ess =1 and ts = 2 sec

Ans: 2 roots

Ans: K=2 and a=0.75

Ans : number of poles on the right half of S-plane = 2

Determine the stability of a system whose characteristic equation is


Since there are two sign changes in the first

column, the characteristic equation has two roots
with negative real parts. Therefore, the system is
Find the range of K to keep the system shown below stable

Ans : -2/3<K<0

Find the stability of the control system having characteristic equation

Ans: There are two sign changes in the first column of Routh table. Hence, the

control system is unstable.

  Find the stability of the control system having characteristic equation

Ans: There are two sign changes in the first column of Routh table. Hence, the
control system is unstable.

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