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“Event Management”

1.Title:- “Event Management”

2. Introduction and Objectives of Event Management :-


 NC Techsoft is an Event Management agency established in 2000 to cater to

growing potential of events in brand-awareness building. huge universe of
Events falls under different categories. Large technology firms may hold
events, which are essentially seminars, and workshops that popularize or
spread awareness on their products. An automobile company may hold an
event to launch a new model of a car. A soft drink company may hold a series
of events across many cities to get attention on their specific brand of soft
drink and so on.

 NC Techsoft realized that one of key ingredients of success in this business

was the extent of networked contacts the company had at any point in time.
These contacts are essentially providers of specific services who can be
mobilized quickly to participate in any given event. For example, in a Rock
Show event to popularize a brand of soft drink, several key service providers
are required – Sound systems, Lighting providers, Canteen services, stage
construction and so on. And since NC Techsoft was interested in carrying out
operations in all metros in India, it was important to develop these contacts
across the country and make it all available for NC Techsoft agents on the
touch of a button.

 NC Techsoft saw itself as a company completely backed by Information

Technology. Although its main office was in Mumbai, its Account Managers
would travel to all the metro locations, interacting with clients and soliciting
their business. NC Techsoft decided to create an extremely efficient
Information System in the backend and make their Account Managers use
this system wherever they are through the Internet.
 An Event is characterized by several elements coordinated together for a
period of time. When NC Techsoft undertakes an event contract for a client, it
usually is characterized by following:
o Objective of the event

o Target audience who will visit the event.

o Period of the event.

o Manner of inviting the audience (Exclusive invitation, public advert

o Type of Event

o Date(s) of the event

o Venue(s) of the event. (May even be in multiple cities/towns).

o Hospitality

o Performances

 NC Techsoft sits with client to get details on all of the above parameters. NC
Techsoft maintains an exhaustive list of Service Providers (or Vendors) who
provide a specialized service, which forms part of the overall event. For
example, there are more than 5-6 service providers in the category of Audio
Systems providers, almost 3-4 entries each in every city for caterers, 10-12
entries for Disc Jockeys, 10 entries for stage lighting and so on. As you would
observe, there are several categories of services under which vendors are
classified. There are many vendors who may provide the same service and
selection would be based on appropriate criteria for the event.

 Another important entity in the Events business is Sponsors. Sponsors are

either companies or specific departments within companies who have specific
event budgets, which may be solicited for to host certain kinds of events. For
example, as part of a Rock Festival event, 3 to 4 sponsors may be involved to
cover specific areas of expenditure. A particular readymade Jeans brand
company may sponsor ticket printing and sales, another company may
sponsor lighting and so on. NC Techsoft is well networked with sponsors
across the country. By bringing appropriate sponsors to events, event gets
funded adequately and decisions are also taken in a speedy manner. Lack of
funds often delay events, which means revenue losses for NC Techsoft.

 After initial interactions happen with a client, the first thing to do is to create
an estimate for the event for which NC Techsoft is responsible. Based on the
requirements for the event, the various services needed are listed down and
based on the rates of a specific service provider, the rates are quoted.
Different services would have different specifications and units for quoting
rate. For example, in the case of Sound Systems, the exact type and power of
sound systems need to be specified and rates would be on a per-day basis.
Catering would be on number of people with rate quoted per person.

 The Estimate/proposal should also reflect the specific scheduling of tasks

within the event. The overall event would have specific dates with a
description of what would happen and when. The detailed proposal would
also outline when a specific service would be delivered and in place. For
example, in a Rock Show event slated for, say, November 10th, setting up the
multi-layer stage would finish by 8th November, Sound systems would be in
place by 9th November and so on. The proposal would schedule all required
services and elements for event. One of the items in the estimate would be
NC Techsoft Professional charges which would be a fixed amount depending
on the event and its complexity.

 After negotiations, a contract is signed after firming up the rates and the
schedules. NC Techsoft assigns an Event Coordinator for the event who
would have complete responsibility for the successful conduct of the event.
The primary responsibility of the Event Coordinator is to ensure that the
Service Providers are contacted, briefed and purchase orders generated for
availing their service. Thereafter, there should be a strict monitoring of dates
and the quality of service provided by the vendors. Delays should be trapped
in time so that there is scope for corrective action. With events, the final event
dates can never be changed and therefore Event Coordinators need
information of every specific detail all the time. That is the role of Information

 Currently, there is no formal system by which orders are generated to service

providers or for recording when such services were delivered and if the
services were of the right quality. So information is passed around verbally
and this has caused considerable problems. Events often relied on the
memory capacity of the Coordinators to remember every bit of what needs to
be done, based on notes made on diaries and notes. Moreover, if services for
an event were provided from a different city or if the event itself was
conducted in multiple cities, it was extremely difficult to coordinate various
activities and telephone calls were the only means of sharing information.

3. Category – RDBMS

This project can be purely considered for the RDBMS category. Why? Well there
are many reasons in support.
 This deals in keeping record of all the events organized.
 It deals with maintenance of the rights for each level of hierarchy of the
users in the company.
 Keeps track of all the sponsors and service providers.

Software Engineering Paradigm of Event management system

Spiral Model
This model has many cycles. The radial dimension represents the
cumulative cost incurred in accomplishing the steps done so far, and angular
dimension represents the progress made in completing each cycle of the spiral.

A spiral model is divided into a number of framework activities, also called task
regions. Typically, there are between three and six task regions.

 Customer communication – Tasks required to establish effective

communication between developer and customer.

 Planning – Tasks required to define resources, timelines and other

project related information.

 Risk analysis Of event management system – Tasks required to

assess both technical and management risks.

 Engineering – Tasks required to build one more representations of the


 Construction and release – Tasks required to construct. Test, install and

provide user support (e.g. documentation and training).

 Customer evaluation – Tasks required to obtain customer feedback

based on evaluation of software representations created during the
engineering stage and implemented during the installation stage.

The spiral model is a realistic approach to the development of large-scale systems and
software. Because software evolves as process progresses, the developer and customer
better understand and react to risks at each evolutionary level. The spiral model uses
prototyping as a risk reduction mechanism but more important enables the developer, to
apply the prototyping approach at any stage in the evolution of the product. It maintains the
systematic stepwise approach suggested by the classic lifecycle but incorporates it into an
iterative framework that more realistically reflects the real world. The spiral model demands
a direct consideration of technical risks at all stages of the project and, if properly applied,
should reduce risks before they become problematic.

4. Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement

Specification Of
Tools / Platform:-

Technology and Environment

 Servers – SQL Server 2008, Microsoft Windows 2000

 Clients – Microsoft Internet Explorer

 Tools – Visual Studio 2010

 Services – Payment Gateway Web Services from Bank

Hardware Interface of Event management systme:-

1. Processor: Core2 Duo.

2. Primary Memory: 1 GB or Higher RAM.

3. Secondary Memory: 50 GB of Hard Disk Space (including Oracle


4. Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Server 2003.

5. A Modem and Internet connection and LAN card.

Software Interface:-

Client End – Internet Explorer, Operating System(Any)

Development End – Visual Studio 2010, Operating System.

Servers - Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Services - ASP.NET XML Web Services

5. Problem Definition:-
 NC Techsoft needs an electronic system.

 system should be robust and supports multiple actions.

 It should be able take input from any user for any requirement respect of

 The estimation system should be able to prepare the estimates of the events.

Planning and Scheduling:- Gantt Chart

Which uses a calendar–oriented chart to represent the project schedule. Each
activity is represented as a bar in the calendar, starting from the starting date of
activity and ending at the ending date for that activity. The start and end of each
activity become milestones (or check points) for the project. Coloring each
milestone when completed can represent progress. The milestone or checkpoints
are usually at the completion of each task.
Let us draw the Gantt chart for each task identified in these project .the
horizontal bars indicates the duration of each task and all project tasks are listed
in the left handed column. We estimate the no. of days for each task as follows:
-Selection of Organization-10 days, Selection of problem-7days,Collection of
information –25 days ,Analysis of information –10 days ,Designing application –
40 days ,Coding for the application -45 days , Review the specification –7days,
Verification/Validation – 7 days, Testing -18 days , Dummy activity –5 days ,
Implementation and follow-up –10 days, user training –7 days.
Drawback of GANNT Chart: The main drawback of Gantt chart is that it
does not depict the dependency relationships among the different activity .
PERT chart of Event management system

The success of any large-scale project is very much dependent

upon the quality of planning, scheduling and controlling of the various
phase of the project. Unless some type of planning and coordinating
tool is used, number of phases does not to be very large before
management starts losing controls. One such OR tool used on large-
scale project to aid management in expanding and controlling the
utilization of personal, material, facilities, and time is program
evaluation and review technique (PERT). This technique is used to
pinpoint critical areas in a project necessary adjustments can be made
in order to meet the schedule completion date the project.

Project scheduling by PERT consist of four main steps:-

Allocating of resources
The Pert chart of the overall implementation is shown in
following figures:-


1 Selection of organization 10 Days

2 Selection of problem 7 Days

3 Collecting the information 25 Days

4 Analysis of information 10 Days

5 Designing of the Application 40 Days

6 Coding for Application 45 Days

7 Review the specification 7 Days

8 Validation / Verification 7 Days

9 Testing 18 Days

10 Dummy activity 5 Days

THE PERT Chart is representing the interdependencies among

tasks. The PERT provides quantitative tools that allow software
planner to determine the critical path. The PERT Chart use is justified
in large projects.

THE PERT Chart Diagram

3 4
1 2

7 1

Node 1 - Organization Selection

Node 2 - Proj / Prob Selection
Node 3 - Information collect Notations :
Node 4 – Analysis of Information Notations : =>Critical Path
Node 5 - Design of the application -> Activity
Node 6 - Review the Specification --- > Dummy Activity
Node 7 - Coding Node
Node 8 - Verification/Validation
Node 9 – Testing
Node 10 – Dummy Activity
6. Solution Scope:-
 The entire application needs to be a web-based application running on the
Internet with security-based access for NC Techsoft Coordinators and staff.

 Significant time was currently being spent in very first stages itself of client
interactions – namely Estimate preparation. Since a lot of the work that NC
Techsoft carries out is similar for a particular type of event, there was the
scope to create Event Templates based on the type of event. For example, if
an Educational Seminar Event were to be conducted for an IT Training
Institute, then the list of things to be done under such an event would be more
or less the same all the time. The dates may change and the specific service
provider may change. The content of what needs to be delivered will change.
But essentially, from an estimation perspective, the checklist remains the
same. Therefore, it should be possible to create Event Templates for different
kinds of events which will include all known important services under with a
default vendor (which can be changed from time to time) for each service.
Thus, selecting an Event Template and modifying its dates and service
selections can arrive at Estimation at almost immediately. These templates
are likely to be very detailed based on the extensive experience of handling
such events in the past.

 The Event Worksheet is a full statement of Costs and Revenues for the event.
One source of revenue for the event is through Sponsors. Such sponsor
funds may come in the form of cash or sometimes through a specific
deliverable. For example, a Garment company would sponsor all hoardings
for an event. The amount set aside for that would now be considered as a
revenue source and also as an expense under Advertising hoardings. Ticket
sales , for example, would figure as a Revenue source. While estimating an
Event, all sources of Revenues need to be identified and recorded indicating
either cash inflows or service-sponsorship. The Event Worksheet is approved
by client and signed when the contract is signed after making necessary

 It should be possible to generate an Estimate from an event template for a

specified Client. The Estimate, when approved, would become the contract.

 The system should enable generation of Purchase Order based on the

inclusions in the Contract for specific Service Providers. Each Purchase order
would have multiple service descriptions, dates for delivery, units, rates and
total amounts with provisions for taxes and other charges. The Purchase
Order would also have a section to include terms of purchase. Each term
specifies a condition under which service should be delivered and there can
be multiple terms in a Purchase Order. There should be a facility to store all
commonly used terms and conditions so that they can be quickly entered in
the PO.
 Whenever a Service is delivered, there should be a Service Delivery
transaction that should be entered with the authorization of the Coordinator
who would check for the quality of the service delivered. Service Acceptance
slips are generated and signed for by the Coordinator to indicate that the
delivery was according to the requirements. Payments are released only after
acceptance and according to payment terms agreed upon with the Service

 The Solution Provider is expected to make recommendations in designing

processes within NC Techsoft that can capture the necessary kinds of data so
that critical monitoring information would be made available.

7.Analysis(Data Models like 0, 1 and 2 level DFDs, Complete ER

Diagrams with cardinality, Class Diagrams etc. as per the

Data modeling:

Data modeling is a method used to define and analyze data

requirements needed to support the business processes of an
organization. The data requirements are recorded as a conceptual data
model with associated data definitions. Actual implementation of the
conceptual model is called a logical data model. To implement one
conceptual data model may require multiple logical data models. Data
modeling defines the relationships between data elements and
structures.[2] Data modeling techniques are used to model data in a
standard, consistent, predictable manner in order to manage it as a
resource. use of this standard is strongly recommended for all
projects requiring a standard means of defining and analyzing the data
resources within an organization.

Functional Model
The functional model shows how output values in an computation are
derived from input values, without regard for the order in which the values are
computed. The functional model consists of multiple data flow diagrams which
show the flow from external inputs, through operations and internal data stores,
to external outputs. The functional model also includes constraints among values
within an object model.

Data Dictionary

A data dictionary is a "centralized repository of information about

data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and
format." term may have one of several closely related meanings
pertaining to databases and database management systems (DBMS):

 a document describing a database or collection of databases

 an integral component of a DBMS that is required to determine
its structure

 a piece of middleware that extends or supplants the native data

dictionary of a DBMS

DFD (Data flow diagram) of event management

A DFD is a graphical representation that depicts information flow and the
transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The DFD may be
used to represent a system or software at any level of abstraction DFD’s may be
partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and functional
details. The DFD provides a mechanism for functional modeling as well as
information flow modeling.
A level “O” DFD, also called a fundamental system model or a context
model , represents the entire software element as single bubble with input and
output data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows respectively.
A level “1” DFD contain five or six bubbles with interconnecting arrows.
Each of the processes represented at level 1 is a sub function of the overall
Similarly DFD level 1 can be refined into next level 2 .The information flow
continuity has been maintained between each levels.

DFD ‘0’Level

Organization Event


‘1’ Level
Entry Event



‘2’ level

Register Client

Enter Service
Event Estimate Delivery
Event_Desc Order
Contact Provider
Possible Valid

Sponsor Provider
Enter Register

Staff Staff
Entity Relationship Diagram

Client Views


Checked Event Request





Generat Declare
e Sponsorshi
Estimate p Amount

Expenses Revenues

Class Diagram

ClientName Client
Date ClientName
Venue ClientDetails

AddEvent() Registration()
GetEvent() Login()

Password ServiceProvider
Login() Type

Sponsors AssignEvent()

8. A Complete Database and tables detail with Primary and Foreign
Keys, and proper Constraints in fields..
Database Design and RDBMS

The general theme behind database design is to handle information as

on integrated whole. There is none of the artificiality that is normally
embedded in separate files or applications. A database is a collection
of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many
users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make
information access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for the user.
In database design of this project several objectives were considered.

1. Controlled redundancy: Redundant data occupies space and

therefore is wasteful. If versions of the same data are in
different phase of updating, the system gives conflict
information. A unique aspect of database design is strong a data
only once, which control redundancy and improves system

2. Ease of learning and use: A major feature of user-friendly

database package is how easy it to learn and use. Related to this
point is that a database can be modified without interfering with
established way of using data.

3. Data independence: An important database objective is

changing hardware and store procedures or adding new data
without having to rewrite application programs.

4. Performance: This objective emphasizes response time to

inquiries suitable to use of the data. How satisfactory the
response time is depends on the nature of the user database
* The database tables that have been identified for storing data are:

1. Staff
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EmpId Varchar(50) Primary Key

Password Varchar(30)

Designation Varchar(30)

2. Client
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

ClientId Varchar(50) Primary Key

Password Varchar(30)

ContactPerson Varchar(50)

ContactNo Varchar(11)

Address Varchar(100)

CompanyName Varchar(80)

3. Expenditure
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

TransId Numeric(10) Primary Key

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

ProviderId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

EmpId Varchar(50) Foreign Key

Amount Numeric(10)

DateExp Datetime

4. EventDesc
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EventId Numeric(10) Primary Key

ClientId Varchar(50) Foreign Key

Objective Varchar(300)

Audience Varchar(50)

TimePeriod Varchar(10)

Invitation Varchar(50)

TypeEvent Varchar(30)

DateEvent DateTime

Venue Varchar(100)

Hospitality Varchar(100)

Performance Varchar(100)

5. Estimate
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

EmpId Varchar(50)

Rate Numeric(6)

ApproveStatus Boolean

6. ServiceProvider
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

ProviderId Numeric(10) Primary Key

CompanyName Varchar(100)

Contact Varchar(50)

ContactNo Varchar(11)

ServiceType Varchar(100)

ServiceRate Numeric(6)

ServiceUnit Varchar(20)
7. EventService
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

ProviderId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

Expenses Numeric(10)

8. Sponsors
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

SponsorId Numeric(10) Primary Key

SponsorName Varchar(100)

Product Varchar(100)

9. EventSponsor
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

SponsorId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

SponsorType Varchar(15)

SponsorService Varchar(50)

Revenue Numeric(10)

10. PurchaseOrder
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

ProviderId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

Description Varchar(300)

DateDelivery Datetime

Units Numeric(10)

Rate Numeric(10)

Taxes Numeric(10)

Others Varchar(20)

OtherRate Numeric(10)

11. DeliveryChallan
Attribute Name Datatype Feature

ChallanNo Numeric(10) Primary Key

EventId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

ProviderId Numeric(10) Foreign Key

EmpId Varchar(50) Foreign Key

ChallanDate Datetime

Quality Boolean

Amount Numeric(10)

AcceptStatus Boolean

9. Structure of Event management system

* Modular Structure
 Customer Module – It is customer who has to take initiative for inputting the
values for any event.

 Event management – The events needs to be entered for the company to


 Sponsors management – Some events cannot do without sponsors so their

arrangement and management has to be done.

 Service Providers management – These are care taker of the event so work has to
be allotted.
Process Logic of Module
Customer Module




Does Event
Entry Check

Event Module



Event Entry

Gets Service
Sponsors Providers
Sponsors Module






Get Method
Service Module




Rate per

No. of units
Get provided
* Implementation Methodology Of Event Management system
C# .Net
C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that
enables developers to build a wide range of secure and robust
applications that run on .NET Framework. You can use C# to create
traditional Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed
components, client-server applications, database applications, and
much, much more. Microsoft Visual C# 2005 provides an advanced
code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger,
and many other tools to facilitate rapid application development based
on version 2.0 of the C# language and the .NET Framework.

C# Language
C# syntax is highly expressive, yet with less than 90 keywords,
it is also simple and easy to learn. The curly-brace syntax of C# will be
instantly recognizable to anyone familiar with C, C++ or Java.
Developers who know any of these languages are typically able to
begin working productively in C# within a very short time. C# syntax
simplifies many of the complexities of C++ while providing powerful
features such as null able value types, enumerations, delegates,
anonymous methods and direct memory access, which are not found
in Java. C# also supports generic methods and types, which provide
increased type safety and performance, and iterations , which enable
implementers of collection classes to define custom iteration behaviors
that are simple to use by client code.

C# build process is simple compared to C and C++ and more

flexible than in Java. There are no separate header files, and no
requirement that methods and types be declared in a particular order.
A C# source file may define any number of classes, structs, interfaces,
and events.
. NET Framework Platform Architecture use in Event Management
C# programs run on the .NET Framework, an integral
component of Windows that includes a virtual execution system called
the common language runtime (CLR) and a unified set of class
libraries. The CLR is Microsoft's commercial implementation of the
common language infrastructure (CLI), an international standard that
is the basis for creating execution and development environments in
which languages and libraries work together seamlessly.
Source code written in C# is compiled into an intermediate language (IL)
that conforms to CLI specification. The IL code, along with resources such as
bitmaps and strings, is stored on disk in an executable file called an assembly,
typically with an extension of .exe or .dll. An assembly contains a manifest that
provides information on the assembly's types, version, culture, and security
SQL server
SQL Server is a client/server database system. The server runs
the SQL Server database software, which processes requests
submitted by the database client software and sends the results back
to the client. The SQL Executive and the SQL Server Database Engine
service are examples of database services performed by SQL Server.
The SQL Server software is arranged in multiple layers. The Net-
Library layer, which accepts connections from clients, hides the
network connectivity details when a client communicates with a server
running SQL Server. Net-Libraries use interprocess communication
(IPC) mechanisms such as named pipes, remote procedure calls
(RPCs), and Windows Sockets. Several Net-Libraries are included with
SQL Server for both the server and the client. Net-Libraries on server
listen for client connection attempts.

Reporting Structure of

 The System should answer the following questions in the form of reports or
o What are the pending activities in a specific Event, when are they
expected to be completed and by whom ?
o What is the comparison between the budget for a specific event
and actual amounts already spent ?
o What are the pending service deliverables from a specific Service
Provider across all events that purchased from that provider ?
o What is the Revenue Vs Expenditure summary of a specific event ?
To what extent has revenue sources supplemented total Event
expenditure ?
o Which Service Provider has been contracted the maximum number
of times previously for a particular kind of service? (Across all
locations and in a specific location)
o Which Service provider, under a given category of service, has
been always punctual with delivery and quality of delivery?
o Which service provider is consistently delaying delivery over the
specified period? (Eg. Upto 10% of the time, 20 – 30%, more than
40 % and so on).
o Summary and details of NC Techsoft earnings:

 Across all Events

 Across events of a specific Event type
 Across events for a specific Client
 Across events for a specific Location (where possible)
 Across events of a specific Event Coordinator

Implementation of Security Mechanism of

 Login Process has proper check for authentic user to login.

 No login process shall happen until unless username and password are provided.

 Users after login shall be able to view the proposal available for their events only.

 No staff member unless authenticate shall be able to login.

Future Scope and further enhancement

The future is quite bright for the system. It has to reach all of the people on
their mobile sets.
So the system will became more popular.

1. Holzuer Steven ASP.Net (Developer’s guide)

DreamTech Publication

2. Mc. Graw hill Software engineering and design


3. Galgotia Database system concept Korth Publication

1. and

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