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UNIT 4 Vocabulary practice

Society Phrasal verbs

1 Match 1–5 with A–F. 4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in
A citizen is a(n) A particular place. the box.
1 A civil servant is B member of a country. against off out (x2) over up (x2)
a(n) C country where the My daughter will move out when she starts
2 A monarchy is government is university next term.
a(n) responsible for its 1 They are setting ……………… a new political party
3 A welfare state is citizens’ healthcare, at the moment.
a(n) education and 2 The aid workers shared ……………… the food to
4 A neighbourhood employment. the hungry people.
is a(n) D person who works for the 3 We’ll set ……………… at 2 p.m., so we should be
5 The population is government of a country. there by 4 p.m.
the number of E country that has a royal 4 Did you come up ……………… any difficulties
people living in family. when you were working abroad?
a(n) F area where people live. 5 Hand ……………… the gun now! Then we’ll talk.
2 Complete the words with the suffixes in the box. 6 The new hospital was put ……………… in just
-ance -ation -dom -ism -ment -ry eight months.

tax taxation Crime & justice

1 employ …………………………
2 free ………………………… 5 Choose the correct options.
3 tolerate ………………………… Unusual laws around the world
4 slave ………………………… If you’re planning to visit another country, you should
5 social ………………………… find out about any unusual laws before you go or …
• you might have to reach a verdict / pay a fine if
3 Complete the sentences with the nouns from
exercise 2. you feed the birds in St Mark’s Square, Venice.
The government wants to increase taxation to pay • you could be stopped by a (1) police officer /
for new schools. judge if you drive wearing flip flops in Spain.
1 People are protesting against the government • you will be (2) committing a crime / shoplifting if
because they are not allowed you chew gum in Singapore, unless it’s for medical
………………………… of speech. reasons. You may have to pay a fine and, if it’s a
2 There’s a lot of ………………………… in this (3) mugging / repeat offence, you might have to
country. People respect each other’s differences. do (4) community service / jury service where
3 Young people are leaving the villages and moving you will be made to clean public spaces.
to the cities in search of ………………………… .
4 That political party believes in
………………………… . It wants to share wealth
equally in the country.
5 In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, William
Wilberforce campaigned to end
………………………… in British colonies.


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