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Wireless Door Bell Using Arduino and RF Module

Introduction- We will make an Arduino based Wireless Doorbell using simple hardware. This project is uses an
RF Module for wireless communication and also an Arduino UNO board to analyze the data.
Step1: Materials Required

A. For Transmitter

1) 434 MHz RF-Transmitter Module

2) HT–12E Encoder IC
3) 750 KΩ Resistor
4) Push Button
5) Power Supply
6) Connecting Wires
7) Prototyping Board (Breadboard)

B. For Receiver
1) Arduino UNO
2) 434 MHz RF Receiver Module
3) HT – 12D Decoder IC
4) 33 KΩ Resistor
5) Small Buzzer
6) Power Supply
7) Connecting Wires
8) Prototyping Board (Breadboard)

HT – 12E Encoder IC: HT – 12E Encoder IC is often used with the RF Transmitter
Module. The Encoder IC converts the parallel data from its input to serial data for the
RF Transmitter module to transmit.

HT – 12D Decoder IC: HT – 12D Decoder IC is the counter part of the Encoder IC. It
is often used with RF Receiver Module. The RF Receiver receives the serial data
from the RF Transmitter. The Decoder IC takes this serial data and converts it back
to the parallel data

A doorbell is a device used to signal something or the other. It is basically used to

inform the people inside the home that someone is at the door waiting for them.
Doorbells since the past few decades haven't seen a significant change. With the
RF-transmitter-receiver module in play, we can eliminate the complex connections of
wires and the static nature of the bells. The project how the radio frequencies can be
used to run it through the Arduino circuit and make the buzzer go off. Since the
project involves transmitting and receiving via the radio waves, and no direct
connections are made between the transmitter and receiver circuits, this doorbell can
be placed and replaced anywhere as per the requirements .

STEP-2 How to Made Circuit

For Transmitter Circuit

The Transmitter circuits consists of a 434 MHz RF Transmitter Module, HT -12 E Encoder
IC,750 K Resistor and a push button. The design of the transmitter circuit is very simple.
1)Pin 18 are connected to supply while Pin 9 are connected to ground terminals respectively.
2)The data out Pin (17) of HT-12 E is connected to data pin of the RF Transmitter Module.
3)A 750 K is connected between the oscillator pins (Pin 15 and Pin 16) of the HT-12 E.
4)The Transmission enable Pin(Pin 14) is connected to ground .
5)A push button is connected between AD8(Pin 10)and ground. Others connections are
shown is in the circuit diagram
For Receiver Circuit
The Receiver part of the project consists of 434 MHz RF Receiver Module, HT-12 D
Decoder IC,33 K Resistor, Arduino Uno and a small buzzer. The design of circuit is
very simple.
1)Pins 18 and 9 i.e. VDD and Vss pins are connected to supply and ground terminals
2)The data in pin (Pin 14) of the decoder IC is connected to the data pin pf the RF
Receiver Module.
3)A 33 K Resistor is connected between the oscillator pins (Pin 15 and 16) of the
decoder IC.
4)The D8 pin (Pin10) is connected to Pin 2 (Digital I\O) of Arduino Uno.
5)A small buzzer is connected between Pin 11 of Arduino and ground. So connect
everything according to the shown schematics
STEP-3 Code

You need to upload the following code to your Arduino Board :

int buz=11;
int sen=2;
void setup()
void loop()


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