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Stargrams, Elements

A method of Correspondences and Diagrams
providing tools to express and represent Elemental
Theory, Zodiacal Magick, Union of Microcosm and
Macrocosm, and the formula 5=6=12



I went about the task of resolving the elemental conception of the Eastern
Medicine Paradigm, with the elemental conception of Hermetic and
Qabalistic thought in terms of “The Tree of Life”. Once my understanding of
the elements had been retooled, I then turned my attention to working out a
satisfactory system of attributions, relating and assigning each of the 12 signs
of the zodiac to the 12 meridians of the human body. We will begin by
retooling our understanding of the pentagram.

What I feel is important is that the Eastern Medicine paradigm understands

the elements in terms of health and the human body. If we can somehow align
our conceptions of Hermetic and Qabalistic elemental theory with the
principles of energy circulation of the human body, we are working with a
much deeper and more true to life conception of the elements. The first thing
we will do is go over a brief understanding of how the Eastern Medicine
Paradigm, and the subsequent pentagram, represents a model of control
(called the constraining cycle), as well as a perfect representation of
Tetragrammaton (called the generative cycle). We will need to understand
Tetragrammaton as revolving, or self-generating, as Crowley conceived of it.

The Eastern Medicine Paradigm formulates 5 elements: Fire, Water, Earth,

Wood, and Metal. The following interaction of these elements describes the
generative cycle.

 Fire Generates Earth by Burning Wood. The ashes become

part of the soil.
 Earth Generates Metal. We find polished Metals deep
beneath the surface of the Earth.
 Metal Generates Water. The minerals inside of rocks
“sweat” to create Water. What is important here is the
idea of a Rock, or stone, being the union of Earth and
 Water Generates Wood and other things that burn,
making possible Fire.

Using the following conversion table, we will gain a basic understanding of

how the Generative Cycle of the Eastern Medicine Paradigm is analogous with
Eastern Medicine Hermetic Qabalistic
Fire Fire Father
Water Water Mother/Daughter (set upon)
Earth Air Son
Metal Earth Daughter
Wood Spirit “Awakening the Eld”

Table 1

The correspondences are not exact. We are dealing with two different
scales of measurement, as when we compare the temperature scales of Celsius
and Fahrenheit. Table 1 is used to provide a theoretical basis for comparison.

Using Table 1, begin with Hermetic Earth, and the Qabalistic Daughter, The
Heh Final of Tetragrammaton. The table reveals that these elemental
principles are similar to Eastern Medicine Paradigm Metal. If we refer to the
Eastern Medicine generative cycle, we see that Metal and Earth need to unite
to create Water. In Qabalistic Terms we say, “The Heh final Daughter
(Hermetic Earth), must unite with Vau the Son (Hermetic Air), so she can be
“set upon” the throne of the Mother (Hermetic Water). There is an
interesting Alchemical similarity in the phrase “Visita Interiora Terrae
Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem”. The “hidden” stone in the
“interior parts of the earth” is the same “sweating” stone in our Eastern
Medicine Paradigm. After creating Water in the Eastern Medicine system, the
Water generates Wood. In Qabalistic language: the daughter, having been set
upon the throne of the Mother, “Awakens the Eld” of the all father. Hence,
“Wood”. Fire then burns Wood as Passion burns up desire, giving birth to the
Eastern Medicine Earth, Hermetic Air, and the Qabalistic Vau/Son of
Tetragrammaton (see Table 1). The Son in turn creates the Heh final
Daughter, Hermetic Earth, and the Eastern Medicine Metal. Thus, the Eastern
Medicine generative cycle of the elements is Tetragrammaton

Next, we will look at the Eastern Medicine Constraining Cycle. We will

give the common Eastern Medicine axioms, as well as provide generic axioms
using our conversion table from above to gain once again a simple
understanding of the correlation. I will repeat that these correlations are
being used as a basis of understanding only, the eastern and western
conceptions express different aspects of a whole energy, just as Celsius and
Fahrenheit are different ways of expressing the one concept of temperature.
Eastern Medicine – Wood Controls Earth – Trees sustain themselves by
drawing nutrients from the soil.
Hermetic Science – Spirit Controls Air – As it is said “when the spirit
moves you”.

Eastern Medicine – Metal Controls Wood – As in taking an Axe, or

chainsaw, to a tree.
Hermetic Science – Earth Controls Spirit – Through the use of Free Will,
we cause spirit to indwell on (in) the earth.

Eastern Medicine/Hermetic Science – Water Controls Fire – The secret of

firefighting for centuries.

Eastern Medicine – Fire Controls Metal – As in forging a sword.

Hermetic Science – Fire Controls Earth – The popular system of warfare.

Eastern Medicine – Earth Controls Water – Earth absorbs Water.

Hermetic Science – Air Controls Water – Use the air to fill your sails, use
air pressure to pump water, use the air to fly over the

The hermetic pentagram formulated from the above principles is shown in

Figure 1:


Water Fire

Earth Air

Figure 1
Tetragrammaton flows in a clockwise direction around the outside, and the
constraining/controlling cycle forms the pentagram in the middle of the
circle. In ritual work, “Banishing” an element; for example Fire; is really a
matter of “invoking” Water to Control Fire. So, to banish Fire, start and end
the Pentagram with Water. When you want to invoke or evoke Fire, start and
end the pentagram with Fire, passing its controlling element just before you
complete the invocation. The emphasis is on invoking a controlled and
balanced (integrated) manifestation of the element by using its controlling
principle just before the element is called in or called forth.

Later, because the two elemental systems have a very different emphasis,
being two different systems of measurement, we will create a totally new scale
of measure and rename the elements themselves. For now, we will use our
new understanding to resolve the 12 meridians of the human energy body
with the 12 signs of the western zodiac.


When we use Eastern Medicine Elemental theory to understand the

meridians, a sixth element in the Eastern Medicine Paradigm is used. This
element is called “Supplemental Fire”. The 12 meridians of the human body
are each named by the internal organ that they govern. A Meridian is easily
thought about like a vein. Veins carry blood, and meridians carry energy.
The energy circulation through these 12 meridians flows in a definite
direction. The order is as follows: Lungs-Large Intestine- Stomach- Spleen-
Heart- Small Intestine- Urinary Bladder- Kidneys- Pericardium- Triple
Warmer- Gall Bladder- Liver- Lungs- etc. The 12 meridians are divided into 6
pairs, with each meridian of the pair representing the Yin and Yang aspect of
its element respectively. It is then necessary to divide the 12 signs of the
zodiac in the following way:
 Divide the signs into their Cardinal (beginning), Fixed
(maintain), and Mutable (change) Categories. (3
groups of 4 signs, each sign in the group representing
one of the 4 Hermetic elements of Fire, Water, Air, and
 The Cardinal signs become the “Yang” Meridians of
their respective element, using Table 1. (Aries becomes
Yang Fire, Cancer becomes Yang Water, Libra becomes
Yang Earth (as in Eastern Medicine Earth), and
Capricorn becomes Yang Metal)
 The fixed signs become the “Yin” Meridians of their
respective element, in the same manner as the Yang
Meridians were assigned their zodiac attributions.
 The Mutable signs are first divided into 2 pairs, 2 yang,
and 2 yin meridians. Fire and Air (Gemini and
Sagittarius), being the “male” elements (Qabalistic
Father and Son) are given to Yang. Water and Earth
(Pisces and Virgo) are given to the Yin Meridians.
 Pisces and Sagittarius are Supplemental Fire, Gemini
and Virgo are Wood.

This arrangement is summarized in Table 2. What is more important is the

diagram that results when you draw the energy flow of the meridians in its
proper order natural to the human body on the belt of the zodiac. Some
interesting and easily adaptable correspondences are derived when you look
at the sign of the zodiac and its organ attribution. For example, Taurus is
related to the Lung Meridian, the lungs being the physical organ surrounding
the 4th chakra, or Tiphareth in traditional Qabalah, and Taurus being the
Hebrew letter Vau of Tetragrammaton (Tiphareth). Taurus being the Bull,
which is sacred to Aleph, and the lungs being the organ of breathe etc. etc.
Leo is attributed to the Heart Meridian, “the heart of a lion”; this attribution
makes easy intuitive sense.

The more knowledge one has about the function of the internal organs in
terms of Eastern Medicine philosophy, the more light can actually be shown
onto the nature of the signs of the zodiac, and their corresponding Tarot
Trumps. One final interesting connection is Cancer as attributed to the
Urinary Bladder meridian. The Urinary Bladder Meridian is very long, and
hence, has exactly 69 acupressure points that lye along the meridian line.
Organ Eastern Medicine Hermetic Polarity Zodiac
Lungs Metal Earth Yin Taurus
Large Intestine Metal Earth Yang Capricorn
Stomach Earth Air Yang Libra
Spleen Earth Air Yin Aquarius
Heart Fire Fire Yin Leo
Small Intestine Fire Fire Yang Aries
Urinary Bladder Water Water Yang Cancer
Kidney Water Water Yin Scorpio
Pericardium Supp. Fire Water Yin Pisces
Triple Warmer Supp. Fire Fire Yang Sagittarius
Gall Bladder Wood Air Yang Gemini
Liver Wood Earth Yin Virgo
Table 2

Figure 2

This 12 point stargram and the pentagram given before represent an

investigated and verified reality of how energy is actually moving through
your body, the microcosm.

Now that we have a model for all the meridians in the human body, and
understand how energy flows in the body in terms of western style element
classifications, we can invent a more rational view of the elements by relating
them to the 4 fold classification that modern science uses today. This will
elevate our interpretation of the formula from the magic/mythic perspective,
to a more rational interpretation.

Table 3 relates the elements of the Eastern Medicine Paradigm, with the
Hermetic classification and the Qabalistic interpretation, and shows how
NOOS 31 classifies them. We can then use our stargram models to express the
principle of spirit in action (evolution by lover under will, transcend and
embrace, Eros and Agape).

Eastern Medicine Hermetic Qabalistic NOOS 31

Metal Earth Daughter (Heh Final) Matter
Earth Air Son (Vau) Space
Water Water Mother (Heh) Time
Fire Fire Father (Yod) Energy
Wood Spirit “awakened eld” Perception
Supp. Fire --- --- Union of Y od & Heh Light
Table 3

The principle 5=6=12 implies a connection and active communication with

the divine psychic being such that all works become a consecration in his
name for the will of the divine. How is this accomplished? Normally, our
minds perception of the world is our guide, but for this work, this perception
must be filled with the divine light. If we look at our pentagram when
formulated with the NOOS 31 scale of measurement (Figure 3), we see:

Time Energy

Matter Space

Figure 3

We must look beyond our own perception if we are to find issue from the
struggle of the ignorance of involution that we find ourselves in. The ultimate
purpose being the transmutation of our mind into Kosmic Konsciousness.
Before our mind can be thus transmuted, we must fully give over the control
of our lower faculties to this divine mind within us, this spark of the supreme.
We must become one with; awaken as; our holy guardian angel. To effect this
transformation we must turn our attention to the divine light, represented by
figure 4.



Time Energy

Matter Space
Figure 4
Time controls Energy (see Figure 3). Using this principle, we turn our
energy to the realization of the divine light. Energy over time empowers our
capacity to receive the divine light and flips our diagram over itself. This
contact with the divine light can then inform the lower nature (the world of
the 5 elements). This is the first essential step to removing the ego-sense from
the being through a transmutation into a higher and more divine existence,
represented by Figure 5.


Matter Space

Time Energy

Figure 5

We can now use the flow of the meridians using our 12 point stargram to
see how 6=12. If we refer to Table 4 showing us the flow of energy through
the meridians, we see that it proceeds from Matter, to Space, to Energy, to
Time, to Light and then Perception. This is the flow of energy in the
macrocosm (evolution) as opposed to the pentagram which represents the
flow of energy in the microcosm (involution). When we apply the flow of
energy of the zodiac macrocosm (as verified by Eastern Medicine as having a
definite flow) to our hexagram representing the ego informed by the divine
light, we see the harmony of a spiral flow of energy.
Organ Element Zodiac Polarity
Lungs Matter Taurus Sound
Large Intestine Matter Capricorn Vibration
Stomach Space Libra Vibration
Spleen Space Aquarius Sound
Heart Energy Leo Sound
Small Intestine Energy Aries Vibration
Urinary Bladder Time Cancer Vibration
Kidney Time Scorpio Sound
Pericardium Light Pisces Sound
Triple Warmer Light Sagittarius Vibration
Gall Bladder Perception Gemini Vibration
Liver Perception Virgo Sound
Table 4


Matter Space

Time Energy

Figure 6

When you denote a diagram as symbolic of something, you empower it as a

representation of a specific set of ideas in the brain, which are also translated
as experiences in the body. Our purpose in using Stargrams is to program the
brain to access certain sets of symbols in the neo-cortex, thereby producing
very specific types of neuro-peptides associated with the functions the
stargram is symbolic of. These neuro-peptides are the way the brain talks to
the rest of your body by its informational transmission to each cell in your
body, and can also be experienced as a psycho-somatic sensation of Ki energy.
By use of the stargram, we can conduct by conscious choice the orchestra of
energies flowing through our body. Because these energies have
correspondences in all 4 quadrants of Integral Post-metaphysics, these
stargrams may also be used mentally to stimulate the experience of certain
states of energy circulation in all quadrants.

These stargrams represent a formula of nature. This means an experience

of energy in nature. They are investigated truths, considered truth because
when the subtle body circulates energy based on these principles, we
experience physical health in the physical body. Hence, the mind must
operate by the same principles if we are to expect a full integration of mind
and body. The Noosphere must fully embrace the biosphere.

Practicing these stargrams through ritualized personal ceremony will

communicate to the mind the proper circulation of energy, thereby
circulating the mind in complete harmony with nature, of both the inner and
outer worlds, the macrocosm and the microcosm, involution and evolution,
the singular and the plural, emptiness and form, etc. It is when these
stargrams are so well known that they are ingrained into the subconscious
patterning, they will begin to influence the life of the practitioner and bring
about the necessary experiences and teachings which will assist the magician
in his/her mission of transmutation of the gross instruments into a divine
expression of a transcendent existence.
The hands are intimately connected to the brain because they are generally
called upon as a first resort (along with the feet) when confronted with a
command to act. By moving our hands and focusing on the patterns we
envision to have created with their movement, we can then experience in our
mental sphere and brain the energy flow of the imaginary model. This is
important. Sri Aurobindo defines “status of knowledge” as: A Supramental
Realization which is prepared by mental representatives through various
mental principles in us and once attained again reflects more perfectly in all
the members of our being.

Through use of these stargrams in a prayer, ritual, magickal, or other

practice setting, we affirm our understanding of the universe in a way that is
in harmonious principle with the healthy energy flow of our bodies.

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