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SEO Confidential
Victorious warriors
win first and then
go to war, while
defeated warriors
go to war first
and then seek to win

Sun Tzu,
The Art of War
Welcome to the Third Edition of the best selling
SEO Battleplan.
Within these pages you’ll find easy to follow processes that get results
in the search engines and with clients.

The Battleplan is based on a combined 30+ years of digital marketing and

SEO experience from the Semantic Mastery team.

I’ll bet you’re a bit like me, shiny objects are calling you left and
right, and you’re not always sure what to focus your time and energy on
to get the best results...the digital marketing world can be a confusing
and noisy place, right?

That’s why we decided to distill the knowledge of over 30 years of

experience combined in digital marketing, paid advertising, sales
funnels and SEO… and come up with this handy Battleplan.

A word of warning though: This is not a complicated, fluff-filled, or

cumbersome document. In fact, it’s far from it.

If you’re looking for a million complicated steps so that it “feels”

like you’re doing something instead of following simple, repeatable
process and looking at the results you should stop reading!

This document is intended to give you a process roadmap that follows

tried and tested methods combined with the best Done For You options and
ways to speed up results.

It’s “old school results” meets 21st century tools and methods.

A way of gaining clarity, speed and ease of use.

A Battleplan that will help you hit the ground running whenever you get
a new client or start with a new project.

Put the Battleplan to work and get results like the other 1200
entrepreneurs (and counting) before you have done.

We’ll see you at the top!

Bradley Benner & The Semantic Mastery Team

By Bradley Benner
Semantic Mastery Co-Founder and CEO

I got started in SEO and local lead generation in 2010 while learning how
to generate leads from the web for my own electrical contracting business.

I clearly saw that traditional marketing (newspaper ads, door-to-door

flyer distribution, direct mail, etc.) was becoming less effective as
the internet continued to receive more of our attention.

At that time, just turning a computer on was a feat! Seriously, I barely

knew how to type.

I also didn’t have the money to pay a digital marketing professional to

build my company’s presence online.

But I realized that I needed one if I wanted more leads for electrical
work. So I started learning about WordPress websites, SEO (Search Engine
Optimization), and how to generate leads from Google.

Truthfully, I also wanted another source of income. I was tired of

hardly making ends meet as a tradesman and knew that the internet could
not only be a great source of leads but it could also be used to make
money from home.

I began with building my electrical contracting presence online in

Culpeper, a rural town in Virginia, and was able to gain traction rather
quickly because the area wasn’t competitive at all.

Since I knew I still had a lot to learn about SEO and lead-gen, I also
setup two other sites during that same time just to see what I could
do: one site for carpet cleaning in Alexandria, Virginia and one for
locksmith services in Richmond, Virginia.

Let me tell you, my first few sites were terrible!

I was virtually computer illiterate and here I was attempting to build

WordPress websites and get them ranked in Google.

I spent months learning how to build simple websites and many more
months learning about SEO and how to apply it.

Google Maps was fairly new at that time, and a maps 7-pack would show
in Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for search queries with
local intent; like “carpet cleaning alexandria va” for example.

So I started testing and learning how to get listed in the maps-pack, too.

You know how long it took me to get to the top of the maps-pack? Six months
for the carpet cleaning site, and eight months for the locksmith site!

Once they ranked, however, they started generating phone calls immediately.

The carpet cleaning site was receiving 30+ calls per week!

I was super excited. After months of learning and testing, I now had
validation that this “SEO stuff” worked.

I wasn’t out of the woods yet, though. I still had to monetize the lead-gen assets.

I also didn’t have any processes developed so that I could duplicate

results with my next website, so I wasn’t sure if I would even be able
to get results again.

Fortunately, contacting business owners with an asset that is already

producing phone calls for the exact products and/or services that they
sell is a whole lot easier than just trying to sell marketing services.

I was able to show hard data that proved that my assets were producing leads.

I showed the assets ranked in Google search and shared the call reports;
which showed the number of calls, when they called, what number they
called from, and the length (duration) of the call.

With all this proof (data), it wasn’t difficult to get my first two
lead-gen sites rented.

But it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine from there…

I thought that since I was successful with the first two attempts at
selling SEO that it would be easy to repeat.

It wasn’t.


Because I made two assumptions that were very wrong (it turns out these
are common rookie mistakes).

The first bad assumption I had was that I thought it would be easy to
sell local businesses my SEO services.

I thought that since I was able to get my two lead-gen sites rented that
just offering my skills to other businesses would provide me with a
steady stream of clients.


I found that local business owners were extremely resistant to any type
of sales call.

I learned VERY quickly just how hard it is to sell marketing services to

local businesses and how nasty they can be to salespeople!

The second misguided assumption was that SEO was “needed” by all local
businesses and that I would provide SEO services to any type of business
that would talk with me.

Again, I was wrong.

While it is true that most all industries can benefit from SEO, thinking
that I could (or should) provide marketing services to any business that
would have me was naive and turned out to be a huge mistake.

Let me explain.

A lot of research & organization is required to prepare for an SEO and

digital marketing campaign.

There’s keyword research (which can take forever), learning the industry
vocabulary, discovering the pain points in the market, writing marketing
copy and sales messages, finding suitable photos and images, having
graphics designed, and on, and on, and on.

In addition to this massive amount of research, I would have to learn

how to talk to business owners in each industry;

✮ What motivated them to take action?

✮ What words should I use when speaking to them?
✮ What type of offer will they respond to?
✮ How much money are they willing to invest in marketing?
Each time I would talk with a business owner in a new (to me) industry,
I would have to start from the very beginning and complete hours upon
hours of research.

I was working hard, but I wasn’t working smart.

I’m telling you this not to discourage you from starting a local marketing
business, but to save you from making the same gut-wrenching mistakes.

You see, I’ve been in this “internet marketing” (IM) business long enough to
know that it “chews up and spits out” 95% of those who enter it.


Because we are “sold a dream”.

We’re lead to believe that all we need to do is learn one skill, like
how to rank a website in Google for example, and soon we’ll become
financially free.

I hate to tell you this, but…


The vast majority of IM product developers make money from selling
products, like training courses and software applications, and NOT from
actually doing what they teach.

And of the few developers out there that do make the bulk of their
income from actually applying the methods they teach in their training,
a high percentage of them will only tell you part of the whole story.

What I mean is, there is a lot more that goes into building a real,
profitable and sustainable digital marketing business than just learning
how to execute a specific function.

Knowing how to do SEO (or any one method for that matter) does not make
you a business owner.

Yet the IM world is full of training products that only teach how to do
one thing; SEO, or PPC, or video marketing, or something else.

But we’re told that all we have to do is learn that particular skill and
life will suddenly become easier.

There’s little-to-no training about all of the other stuff required to

run a profitable business.

Truly important areas like:

✮ Prospecting and sales

✮ Delegating and outsourcing
✮ Writing copy
✮ Client management
✮ Corporate entity structuring
✮ Cash-flow
✮ Management
✮ Scaling
✮ Etc.
So what typically happens?

We attempt to make money from the new method and discover that it isn’t
as easy as they said it would be. In fact, it’s not even close.

Guess what? It never is.

BUT WAIT! There is still hope.

To pick back up on my story, when I opened my local business marketing

agency I was working hard, but I wasn’t working smart.

I struggled to grow my client base because I didn’t have a clear
direction. I was trying to be everything to everybody or what I call a
me too agency”.

Instead of carrying on about it for the next 1000 words, let me tell you
what I have learned through much trial-and-error so that you can avoid
making the same mistakes.



Seriously, if you only take one thing away from this let it be this:
Specializing in one industry will help you to stand out among a market
saturated with “me too agencies”.

The Battleplan will give you the process you need to get results - and
do it again and again.

But, if you don’t focus, it won’t matter. That’s the bottom line.

Specializing will also reduce your workload to a fraction of what it would

be if you were to provide marketing services to just any type of business.

Think about why... It’s because you will only have to:

✮ learn the ins-and-outs of ONE industry

✮ do keyword research ONE time
✮ develop content ONE time
✮ Draft your sales copy and advertising campaigns ONE time
✮ Learn what makes that type of business owner take action ONE time

There’s also one more BIG advantage specializing provides.

It elevates your position in the market as a specialist or “boutique”agency.

And this means you can charge higher rates and have clients coming to
you instead of you chasing them down.

For example, would you want to go to a general family physician for

heart surgery? Of course not. You’d want to go to a cardiologist.

Well, a “me too agency” is like the general family physician of the
marketing world.




This is almost as critical as specializing in one vertical.

Building your own assets will enable you to maintain control of your cash flow
and keeps you in a position of power when negotiating deals with clients.

Again, think about why this is...

When you build your own assets, like lead-gen websites, Google Maps and Google
My Business profiles, etc., you can provide “instant results” for clients.

I’ll share a real example with you.

My favorite niche for lead generation is the tree service industry.

Tree care contractors provide a high-dollar service and qualified leads

can generate a lot of revenue for their businesses.

When I started trying to acquire tree service contractors as clients, I

found very quickly that they were just as difficult to sell marketing
services to as other industries.

And tree contractors tend to be rough-around-the-edges so they happened

to be particularly nasty to anyone they suspected were trying to sell
them something.

So I decided to apply the lead-gen model to this industry and reach

out to contractors only after I already had assets that were already
producing tree service leads.

I started with three Google Maps listings, each with their own Wordpress
website. It took me about three months of work to get all of them ranked
and starting to generate calls.

But once they started generating leads, I had actual data to show the
contractors that I reached out to.

All I did to find the contractors was go to Google and search for their
services in their area and then contact all the companies that didn’t
appear on the first page of the search results.

For example, I would search Google for something like “tree service warrenton
va” and then make a list of all of the companies starting on page 2.

Then I’d contact them via email with some info about the tree service
leads that I was receiving and offer to send them a few of the leads if
they’d reply to my email.

Guess what?

Some replied!

Let me be clear. Selling still sucked. But it was a whole lot easier
when I already had what they wanted.

In this case it was genuine tree service leads in the same area as the
tree contractors that I was speaking to.

So it gave me POWER when conversing with the business owner.

Instead of “selling” marketing services, which is essentially pleading

with a business owner to hire me because “I pinky swear” that I can help
their business, I had leads already!

I could CONFIDENTLY tell the business owner that I had what they wanted.

No need for promises or pinky swears.

I could deliver results. Today.

You know what that kind of confidence does to a negotiation?

It puts you in a position of POWER.

Approaching business owners with “instant results” made selling my

services exponentially easier.

I’ve been repeating this process in the tree service industry ever
since. And it produces very nicely for me :)

The other clear benefit of building your own portfolio of digital assets
is that it provides income security.

What happens to your income if you relied entirely on clients (from only
working on client’s assets) and they all decided to stop paying you?
What if you lost them as clients?

Your income would cease to exist. POOF. Just like that.

But if you had your own portfolio of assets, on the other hand, you
would maintain control of them so that in the event that a business
owner decided to stop paying you, you could easily find a replacement.

Here’s another example of why this is so beneficial:

Sometimes clients can be very difficult to work with. When your income
comes from client work, you are forced to maintain relationships with
people that you would otherwise avoid.

In other words, if you depend on the income from a client you will
likely tolerate more than you know you should.

But when you own/control the asset, you can choose who you work with. If
you don’t like the person that is renting (or buying the leads), then
just find another provider.

It’s that simple.

You still own and control the asset that is producing leads, so you get
to decide who you work with.

Those two things are what I believe to be the true keys to success in
the local digital marketing business. They are:

1. Specialize in one business vertical. Don’t be a “me-too” agency.

2. Build your own assets. Always negotiate from a position of power.

I learned these two lessons only after close to a decade of trial-and-error.

I found the winning recipe that I could repeat. I haven’t looked back.

So how can I help you?

Well, Semantic Mastery is here to provide you with training, tools, services,
motivation and support to build your own local marketing business.

My partners and I each have our own agencies outside of Semantic Mastery
so we know what works and how to operate as agencies.

We practice what we preach.

We don’t just teach marketing. As mentioned earlier, there’s more to

being a business owner than just knowing how to do marketing.

Because my partners and I each have our own agencies in the real
world in areas from local lead gen, to PPC, to sales funnel design &
optimization and more, we’re able to teach how to build a b3usiness in
a holistic way; combine all of the elements needed to build and scale a
local marketing and/or lead generation agency.

You will still have to work hard, but we’ll teach you how to work smart while doing it.

That’s my story of how I got started and how I ended up here and why I’m
qualified to provide you with advice.

Join me and my team along with all of our savvy members and build your
local marketing business the right way, right from the start.

You’ve made the right choice by investing in the Battleplan, so put it

to work and get started the right way.

If you have questions along your path, you can always join us at our
weekly Hump Day Hangouts and we look forward to eventually seeing you in
the MasterMIND!

Bradley Benner

At Semantic Mastery, we have one purpose: That our students reach their
desired “POFU”, also known as “Position Of Fuck You”.

You see, the POFU is a way of living. Is a way of going after all of the
challenges and issues that life will inevitably throw at you.

But once you reach your POFU, you don’t have to give explanations to anyone.

For each, their POFU is different. It might be working on projects that

you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want.

It can be having the freedom to live where you desire.

Or get those type of clients that you want to get.

It can be sending your kids to the best school in town, or the best
college in your country.

It can be treating your wife to a fancy trip or get that sports car that
you’ve always dreamed of.

What would it be for you?

Whatever that is, we want to help you achieve it.

The sole purpose of this Battleplan is to give you the tools to reach
your desired POFU. But you cannot reach a target that you don’t define!

Take 10 minutes to envision your next couple of months, and write down
the objectives you WANT.

What will give you total security and freedom? What will make you not
depend on any project or client to thrive?

Write that down. Pay close attention to what your POFU will be because
it can define the actions you’ll take for the next several months.

Alright, let’s move into “How To Use This Battleplan”.

The Battleplan is divided into major sections that have easy to follow

You might have a brand new website that you want to properly arm and
train so that it works in your favor during this battle, i.e. it gets
you traffic and conversions!

Maybe you are the owner of a veteran website, that’s already getting
traction, traffic and leads, but you want to make it unstoppable.

Maybe you want to rank those super effective YouTube videos. If that’s
your case, we have a whole section to cover YouTube.

Or maybe, you want to dominate a local market by optimizing Google My

Business (GMB) assets, so that nobody can take you off the local 3-pack.

In each section, we’ll give you detailed tools and tips you can use to
get better results. If you got Battleplan V1 and V2, you’ll notice that
some steps are still the same...

That’s because THEY STILL WORK!

Don’t let the apparent simplicity of this document fool you.

Those soldiers that make everything super complicated are the ones that
end up DEAD in war.

Don’t be one of them!

Remember to K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple, Stupid!

This battle plan will take you step-by-step and lay out exactly what you
need to do to get more traffic, better rankings, more sales, and more
money rolling into your accounts.

And even better, each section gives you video explanations and training
along with resources to get it done for you so that you can save time
and get results faster.

Let’s get to it.

DISCLAIMER: Our results are not typical. We have been working on SEO for
the past 10+ years and we are not claiming that you will have identical
results when using these strategies.

Bottom line: don’t be lazy and don’t be dumb. Use this guide with
caution and at your own risk.


Let’s start with the foundation. It is super important that you start off on
the right foot so you can get your websites ranking as fast as possible.

This is where your domains, your keyword research, and your content come to play.


NOTE: If you already have a website established and rocking, you might
want to skip this part and go to section number 2 where we lay out the
entire foundation and step by step link building for your site.

You might also want to review the PROPER ON-SITE SEO section to make
sure everything is in place before building backlinks.


If you’re going to dedicate time and money to a website, you might as

well create an asset that not only lasts for a long period of time, but
can also earn boatloads of monthly cash and can possibly be sold at some
point for a large lump-sum.

Many SEOs make the mistake of going for full keyword domains like” because they cannot find the .com.

We’re not saying that EMDs (Exact Match Domains) do not work, but just
think about this in terms of effort versus benefit.

A branded domain will not only be 10,000% more valuable (if you try
to sell it or turn it into a brand) than a dinky EMD with a weird
extension, but you can also optimize internal pages to actually RANK for
the keywords you’re aiming for.

Not to mention, if your project is successful, you can add sections and
categories without missing the topic of the site.

However, you can accelerate the process of ranking in Google if you buy
a clean aged domain.

If you build a brand around a domain that has already been around for a
while, you are basically “buying time”, that is, it’s like your website
is starting with years of history, links, and references already there.

You can go here and buy a domain around the specific niche that you want
to rank for.

Make sure you do your due diligence though. These domains are intended
to be PBNs (more on this later), so you need to do your due diligence.

Click here to watch how to do proper Keyword Research.

Click here to get all of your Keyword Research Done for You!

Now, on to keyword research. We could actually write an entire guide

about keyword research on its own, and it will still not be enough. But
let’s cover the basics here.

As obvious at it might seem, you need to be realistic.

There’s no way in hell you’re going to rank for something like “cheap
credit cards” initially unless you have deep pockets or you’re ready to
sweat your ass off for 18 months without seeing a dime.

Click here to understand how to use Google Trends and the template
explained below.

Instead, a much more intelligent and efficient approach would be to pick

low-mid competition long tail keywords that can solve a problem and
sell a product (buyer intent), and that will give you a real chance of
ranking your website.

Some examples of low-mid competition keywords that could solve a problem

and sell a product are:

✮ Best mindmapping tools for android

✮ Video sales letter example
✮ Time management for working moms
You’ll still be able to get your site to the top of Google for “cheap
credit cards” eventually, but in the meantime you’ll be generating
revenue & sales and reinvesting in your project.

The tools of the trade we use to find these long tails are:

✮ Power suggest pro: great and super simple to use tool that uncovers
niches based on Google suggestions (a.k.a. what people are actually
searching for). Click here to learn how to use Power Suggest pro.
✮ SEMrush: amazing industrial-quality tool for keyword and market
research that allows you to see what your competitors are ranking for
and snatch their long tail keywords under their nose. Click here to
learn how to use SEMrush.
✮ A simple Google Spreadsheet to organize it all together. Here’s
a template you can copy and use. Remember to make a copy of the
Spreadsheet or download to your hard drive.
✮ Don’t want to waste time doing this? Click here to get Done For You
Keyword Research!

Content will be the lifeblood of your website, because no matter what
you’re selling, you’re in the information business, and your main job is
to solve your visitor’s problems.

There are basically 2 types of content you can use for your website:

• Main money content

• Filler content
And yeah, you need them both. The good news is that 95% of this can be

The main money content is the content that you intend to rank. The best way
to tackle this is to make “The Ultimate Guide To [Something]”, and make it
valuable, rich and actually readable (I’m looking at you, lazy spinner).

This content should have AT LEAST 2000 words per article and you’ll
optimize this for your main money keywords.

We’re digital marketers, not novelists, so use some of these amazing

resources to dive deep into high quality content strategies.


A word of warning - creating content can take up a HUGE amount of time.

We HIGHLY recommend you create a process to either outsource content or
outsource as much as possible.

This is the content that you really want to work on.

And it doesn’t have to be 1 keyword per article either (that’s sooo 2005), but
you can actually optimize this content for many lesser long-tail keywords.

This is the content that will make you money, so treat it properly. Add
videos, outbound links, make the design pretty, and optimize for both
the search engines AND users.

Not only that, but this content will receive natural links as time goes
by, pretty awesome, right?

And if it turns out to be really badass, you can actually go out and ask
for links from interested parties (like other blogs, YouTube channels,
social media, etc).

The filler content can be curated (like we show in Content Kingpin).

This will allow you to:

a. Target additional long tail keywords.

b. Link back to your main money articles.
c. Trigger the syndication network (and I’ll tell you about this in a minute…)

These filler articles don’t need to be 2000 words, but they can be
rather 700-900 words with outbound authority links and internal links to
other articles (this is important).

The good news about curated content is that it’s easy, cheap and fast.

Not only that, but your website will gain authority from the outbound
links (more on this later).

Curated content is so important we’ve made an entire product on how to

create curated content, so you can get your VAs going through it and put
your content on autopilot.

Again, Content Kingpin is the name of this training, and you can get it

Click here to learn how to gather content for your website.

Now that you have some idea on how to prepare your website for battle,
let’s move into a super important part: On-Site SEO.

Click here to watch our explanation about Proper On Site SEO.

There will never be enough backlinks or methods for ranking your site
unless you do your due diligence with your On-Site SEO.

Use his is quick overview on how to produce clean On-Site SEO before
moving on to link building:

✮ Make sure you install WordPress latest version with these plugins:
✮ SEO Ultimate Plugin
✮ Semantic RSS Plugin
✮ W3 Total Cache
✮ Make sure your website loads FAST (use Cloudflare and configure W3
Total Cache).
✮ Make sure you are following this tutorial for the perfect silo
✮ Make sure you follow this tutorial for the perfect optimization of
your articles.
✮ Follow this tutorial to correctly markup your website with JSON-LD.
✮ Use this tool to generate the structured data code.
✮ Follow this tutorial to correctly optimize the images for your site.
✮ Follow this tutorial when optimizing a Local Website.
✮ Don’t want to waste time doing this? Order an in-depth report here!
Combining these On-Site SEO techniques with proper content and keyword
selection should perform 80% of the heavy lifting.

In fact, by the time you’re done with your initial content and your on-
site optimization, you SHOULD already be ranking (where exactly will
depend on competition).

If your site is still not ranking in the top 100 results, then there’s
something wrong with your domain, site structure, content, and/or optimization.

Go back and re-read this guide and implement. You can also get a CORA
report (in-depth SEO analysis) here!

Now it’s time for the fun part, let’s start talking about links.

If you’ve followed our advice regarding On-Site Optimization and keyword

research, paired with content creation and content curation then you
should be well on your way to building quality links.

Your primary focus when building links should be TRAFFIC and AUTHORITY.

Luckily for you, we’ll explain step-by-step how and when to build
links in a secure and powerful manner that can rank almost any website
(provided that you have followed the process that we’ve laid out thus far).

When hunting for links, you should be focusing on links that bring traffic.

This eliminates 95% of the bad links that provide absolutely no value to
your site and allows you to focus on the 5% that actually matter. Some
examples of these link types are:

✮ Press Releases
✮ Social Links
✮ Guests Posts or Editorial Links
✮ Comments on Highly Relevant Blogs
✮ Videos, PDFs and Document Links.
In the next few sections, we’ll go step-by-step through how to approach
the link building, whether you’re relatively new or a seasoned pro.
Let’s begin:

Click here to watch the explanation regarding New Sites

A New site is a site that has just been created, meaning that you JUST
registered a domain without any history at all.


Now it’s time to deploy the site, fill it with valuable and high-quality
content as we mentioned before, optimize the On-Page SEO and then move
on to building links.

Follow this STEP-BY-STEP plan for maximum rankings in minimum time:

✮ Start with a Press Release: using 100% URL and BRAND anchor texts -
This helps by giving the site a nice cushion of high authority backlinks
and normalize your link profile right off the bat.
✮ Order a Single Tier 1 Syndication Network: This secures the brand name
for your social networks, validates the entity, and creates critical
brand signals for Google.
✮ Order a SMALL Boosting package for your Tier 1 Branded Syndication
Network - We advise ordering a small boosting package because the
syndication network is still new and you don’t want to go overboard.
✮ Order an RYS Stack: If you want to dominate your market from the
start, while your website ages and the syndication network grows
stronger, you should absolutely order a Drive stack for your niche!
✮ Order a SMALL boosting package for your RYS Stack.
✮ Order 5 PBN Domains from the PBN service provider.
✮ Mount your PBN using and recover the files.
(You can also use Amazon S3 Bucket if you’re hosting HTML websites).
✮ Post at least 2 times a week on your money site blog to prime the
syndication network.
✮ Wait 60 days, check rankings using this tool, and also focus on
traffic and conversions!

Click here to see the part of the webinar where we talk about Aged Sites

If your website has been around for awhile (6 months to 1 year+) OR you
have a stubborn client website, then use the steps described below.

MAKE SURE your website is correctly optimized for SEO before doing this
(EG: if your site takes 60 minutes to load, the rest doesn’t matter. Fix
the broken leg before running again).

When it comes to CLIENT’S website you need to be extra careful.

You can use 301 domains in between (as we explain in this video) to make
sure you can “switch off” any nasty link juice to “cover your butt” in
the event that any link building causes a problem:

✮ If your website has been recently hit or you feel that you have over-
optimized your anchor text profile, start with a Press Release, using
100% URL and BRAND anchor texts.
✮ If you haven’t done so, order a Syndication Network - This secures the
brand name for your social networks, validates the entity, and creates
critical brand signals for Google.
✮ If your syndication network is new, then order a SMALL Boosting
package for your Syndication Network - We advise ordering a small
boosting package because the syndication network is still new and you
don’t want to go overboard.
✮ If your syndication network is aged (3+ months) you can order a MEDIUM
or LARGE package depending on your competition.
✮ Order a RYS Stack - If you want to dominate your market from the
start, while your website ages and the syndication network grows
stronger, you should absolutely order a Drive stack for your niche!
✮ Order a SMALL boosting package for your RYS Stack.
✮ Order 10-15 PBN Domains from this PBN service provider.
✮ Mount your PBN using and recover the files.
✮ Post at least 2 times a week on your blog to activate your syndication
✮ Wait 60 days, check rankings using this tool, but also focus on
conversions and traffic!

Click here to watch the webinar section where we talk about Local Sites.

The NEW and AGED guides also apply for local websites, but they do
require some extra work on your side.

Luckily, you have this guide that shows how to get results with local
sites too!

Basically, you want to add these extra steps to make sure you totally
dominate a market:

✮ Use the guide for NEW or AGED sites first (depending on the case).
✮ Create a My Maps using this tutorial.
✮ Order between 50 to 100 Map embeds from here.
✮ Order 2000 web 2.0 embeds from a web 2.0 embed service.
✮ Order an RYS Stack - If you want to dominate your market from the get
go, while your website ages and the syndication network grows stronger,
you need to get an RYS stack for your niche.
✮ Order a SMALL boosting package for your RYS Stack.
✮ Order a batch of citations.
✮ Order a boosting package (links) for the citations.
✮ Wait 60 days, check rankings using this tool.
Additionally, you can watch this video on how we’re using YouTube Ads to
rank Local Lead Gen Videos.

YouTube Videos are a big deal. Learn how to rank them here.

We love YouTube. It’s a traffic behemoth, and provides tons of

engagement and potential customers.

If you want to get an engaging message out, there’s no better way to do

it than through video.

Furthermore, videos CAN and WILL rank both in Google (#1 search engine
in the world) and YouTube (#2 search engine in the world).

Your YouTube channel needs to be optimized as well.

And the more time you spend on this, the easier your videos will rank.

Here’s a guide on how to optimize your YouTube channel like a boss. Once
you do, you can start building links:

✮ Order a Video Embed blast as follows:

✮ 50 Primary embeds
✮ 50 Secondary embeds
✮ 1000 Web 2.0 embeds
✮ Order a SMALL or MEDIUM link building package for the Playlist and Channel.
✮ Order 5-10 PBN Domains.
✮ Mount your PBN using and recover the files.
✮ Embed your video on your new PBNs and link back to the video/channel/

For even better results with your YouTube channel we highly recommend
the following:
✮ Syndication Network attached to the channel
And for even more power, you can use RYS Drive Stacks and “point” them
at your playlists. It’s like mirroring a website but you’re doing it
with playlists inside your channel!

If you bought the Battleplan Bundle you already have access to YouTube Silo
Academy - add that to your process for your channel, playlists, and videos.

If you don’t have access you can buy it separately here or purchase the
Battleplan Bundle for access to YouTube Silo Academy and more.

Click here to watch this part of the webinar.

Google My Business (GMB) is a way to get great organic results with more
traditional businesses.

Businesses that have customers coming to them, and businesses that

service an area (Service Area Business or SAB) can really benefit from
optimized GMB profiles.

What can an optimized and high performing GMB profile do? Well, for
starters, it can get into the Map Pack results so that you’re at the top
of the results for searches like “kitchen remodeling company in dallas:

The top results are paid ads, then comes the Map Pack. You have to
scroll down to even see the other results! So - how much do you think a
good Map Pack result is worth?

Did you guess “a lot”? If so, that’s correct!

This is a huge topic, but we want to get you started on the right path,
if you’re doing Google My Business full time for a business or lead
generation we highly recommend joining Local Lease Pro & Local GMB Pro, or
save time and effort by using the GMB Done For You services at

For others getting started or if you’re looking for a solid foundation, read on!

Completely fill out your Google My Business profile.

This means, adding services, hours, describing the services and your
business completely - help Google understand what your business does.
Make sure the Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP) information is
correct and consistent. Choose the correct category for your business.

You should do some keyword research if you’re not familiar with the
industry so that you can work in related terms into your content.

Speaking of content, make sure that you use the GMB website. Create
it when optimizing your GMB profile by going to the website section
and adding content as needed. Remember, be descriptive and add related
keywords that are used in your market.

Be sure to include geographical terms like the city name, county or

larger area, as well as any terms that might be helpful to a searcher
who may be looking for something like “kitchen remodeler near me”.

Images are helpful and help your GMB stand out. Wherever possible use
unique images and upload a good, eye-catching logo image that will show
in map results. Aim for 10+ images.

Ensure that reviews are added as regularly as possible to the GMB. Set
up a process to ask customers to leave you positive reviews for your
services - it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Build high quality backlinks to your GMB assets. Use best practices
to build backlinks from targeted, trustworthy sites and use a mix of
Brand (business name), raw URL, and keyword + geographical area for your
anchor text. Some great places to get backlinks for local websites and
GMB’s are press releases, social platforms, and niche + geographical
relevant websites.

Understand that geographical relevance is hugely important and Google

wants to show listings that are close in proximity to a searcher - if
you or your client’s business is far from the city then it is more
difficult to rank highly.

GMB Posting
Regular posting to GMB assets are a great way to get better results
and visibility. This can be done manually, but can quickly become

The best use of your time would be to create, or outsource, many posts
at once and then schedule them to “drip” out on the schedule you choose.
We recommend using the Autoposter found here.

Include industry relevant information as well as call to actions that

include the phone number and any important URLs.

GMB Verification
You can verify client locations by going through the process of claiming
and verifying via the approved methods:

For creating lead generation assets and for other uses, save time and
effort by using the Done For You verification service here.

Are you ready to get going? Here’s how...
Hopefully you read Bradley’s introduction and can recall what he said
was the single most important lesson about marketing: Specializing!

That’s another way of saying “Focus”.

And that’s how you’ll get the most from the Battleplan.

After reading through the Battleplan, you’ve probably got a lot of ideas
floating around, right?

And that’s a good thing!

Now what you need to do is write them down.

Go ahead, grab a pen and paper, or do it in a notepad file or Google

Doc. We’ll wait :)

Now that you have it all out of your head, rank them from most important
and most likely to give you a high return on investment (time & money)
down to the least important and least likely to give you a return on
your investment.

What you now have in from of you is your “marching orders”.

Start at the very top and focus fire on the single most important idea,
task, or project, and over time work your way down the list.

By the way - this is surefire way to be more effective every single

day...this type of planning works at both the high level (weekly or
monthly planning) as well as down in the trenches of daily work.

So - what’s your most important and highest likely ROI idea?

We hope you’ve enjoyed the guide that will show you the easiest and
fastest path to victory.

You have the weapons and the support that you need to move your business
forward in 2018 and finally get the breakthrough you’re looking for.

A word of caution, however…

As with anything, the difference between success and failure is in the


We have been doing this for the past 10 + years and have made a lot of
mistakes in the process.

We too have felt overwhelmed with information, and have wasted tons of
money on products (shiny objects) just to realize the results weren’t
even close to what we expected.

We started doing it all by ourselves, tired of the grunt work and the
daily grind…

Not only we had to work on our websites to rank the faster, build links
and follow the instructions above (when there wasn’t even 5% of the
tools that you have now).

But we ALSO had to go out and sell our stuff, talk to clients on the
phone, convince them that we were great and collect payments.

All while having families to attend to, and a business to grow.

However, you don’t need to go through all this frustration and anxiety.

You don’t need to be tossing and turning in the middle of the night
worrying about your business or your income.

You can learn from people who have already done what you’re attempting
to do and considerably reduce the learning curve and possibly even
eliminate it altogether.

What if you could learn all of this in 3 months, instead of 10 years?

What if you could save hundreds of thousands of dollars and work with
us and many other successful marketers and learn to build your business
from the ground up the right way and with less hassle?

What if you could finally learn the systems, the processes and the way
of hiring amazing work, I’m talking about A-players, for pennies on the
dollars and REMOVE yourself from the equation.

What if you went from earning just a couple thousands dollars per month…

To $10k, $20k, even $50k per month?

How would your life will be different?

How would your spouse look at you? What about your children? Your

It would be awesome, right?

If that’s something you’d be interested on, click here and apply to be

part of the Semantic Mastery Mastermind.

In it, you’ll get access to an exclusive group of high level

individuals, working every day to move their business forward.

You’ll also find our most coveted industry secrets, our tactics and
strategies that are working RIGHT NOW, so you can plug them in your

You’ll also get exclusive access to our upcoming launches, deep

discounts for our services and products and the support you need from a
growing community to finally get a breakthrough.

Stop struggling. Get mentored by proven individuals, make more money and
work less.

Join the Semantic Mastery MasterMind Now!


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