How The Heart Works

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Our heart is roughly the size of a clenched fist and is
located in the middle of your chest between tow lungs,
tilted more to the left. This small, fist-sized organ is one of
the most critical organs of the body, the centre of the
circulatory system and responsible for pumping blood and
oxygen throughout the body. It also removes carbon
dioxide and waste products. With every breath that you
take, you bring in fresh oxygen in the body through the
lungs, the lungs deliver this oxygen to the blood and then
the heart circulates the blood to the lungs and other body
Circulatory System of the Heart
The heart comprises of four chambers – two upper and
two lower chambers, known as the atrium and the
ventricles respectively. These chambers are divided by
a wall of muscle called the septum. The right atrium is
above the right ventricle and the left atrium is on top of
the left ventricle. The right chambers including the right
atrium and right ventricles are responsible for pumping
blood to the lungs and supplying oxygen from the
lungs to the left chambers of the heart consisting of the
left atrium and left ventricles. From the left chambers,
the oxygenated blood is then pumped to the other
parts of the body, enabling effective functioning. The
cells from the other parts of the body return the blood
(devoid of oxygen) to the right chambers of the heart,
and then the process begins again.
Valves of the Heart

❖ Aortic Valve located on the left side of the heart

❖ Mitral Valve located on the left side of the heart
❖ Pulmonary Valve located on the right side of the heart
❖ Tricuspid valve located on the right side of the heart
Blood Pressure of the Heart

The pressure of blood in the arteries lays the

foundation of how effectively blood is delivered
to all other organs of the body. The pressure of
the blood defines the flow of blood to the
blood vessels which in turn is also impacted by
three basic parameters:

❑ The pumping of blood in the heart

❑ The size and flexibility of the blood vessels
❑ The thickness of the blood
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