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Faradic Batteries and Coil. Faradic Batteries and Coils. Bros Furadle Battery. imi eal me os sn BO aroai Eatery its opie ease wah gle top. With @ boride pray ‘Ne 120) he ese a ie, hel faseoet ond eonpar vee 00 lt intron fer coking are wet ith oh Faradic_Batte: and Coils. fini, With 2 termina ary so seomndury cutouts With ssh plated deta torres Ian of eng. Taealing 2 git ch eendaeing coe «pl of polled 116 Same, thon and off” aie (ig) 06 sith any ipa wet al. Special Colt for Aydro-Elestle baits, i ‘ue 20. Tei tone 29 sve ole pare ea a foe of nan serene ew. It nouated ma ood sx tds fr brine lab lon: ure wel Sued wi Tate | Tale ar afiess Injrs of ae wi stieagh ar eesanle bones strc Unie, aad cach irs ned fas wea 6 arog Dy sic anesig im md ot the sd ith pla lack oils nd ef bat mus end his { it fied eh pct rraperemalins ey How ‘auraptions (0 be oltsied ‘when deed neal and diserid on nest page a 90 ‘his oll wots wich one oF $90 dey oe web el fom the min eiiy co . ! Faradic Batteries and Coils. Sledge Coils. i Sedge Goll by Dr. Hovent—Tais cal is Atel wth « syne In eablsg the 8 Whe tae nerpions to bw replated eas exteee ho (bm fo par ane to este fest (1.500 or nore pe ane) by stp tae ite piled laude to the dered ores, "No athe ads, bnltnce welts oF ances rates tae Ds rag the Toe coll povided sony cate The srl owe oe hep yaa ta aw hat | Tern pada egdaton of te tongt- Th ier ol ele ri Sar sng oer toms na em cele The tay exe SELES cet aloes ern sical sd lhc dies dae ' Sng ag sadn nm | oe oT 8 large dy ote s50 oi) woe kh 1, 2 of 8 aay Galvanic Batteries. or Gelvanieation, lonis Melleation and Eleteelysie. Galvenis Sattery, simple Type This in abe stopleae ype of Gals ‘editor, the fro af be box is protied wth sus nial le isto wich the ‘eametng corde re plays, thas Braging imo ose any wanler of els dose Henly sogl cond vas wad he eens wen be Helen every tne the aber of cals wer hanged, ‘ein tone, thos ning nos npn this peveoing the tet ‘Norte cont tpi the neater of oll tbo geadallyineensl (ce branch of te fk ployed ia, TE both ane 1 be pulled ou) bounty de oboe fe in fr some seconds ou ot more of we ells are on-site an moll Wie best quay dy cos, Polat oakweed ox wid nde ai sk fasinrs, Wel and srosly made Teteding ome pao ik eovrl cont, oe pat of pls wood bundles, ene facconened tree rl se cela pol eae wi Wid @ arg edts wo 2112 0 HHO WH dey cls. 8948 0 a 1S 100 20 ym sao mow 6 rio 2, seo a a | sa0 Galvanic Batteries. For Galvasiation, lonle Medleaton and Electrolyte, CGalvanls Batory. Best Types hese were ‘he Mghe dan of gsiunie batter, aothingsnperioe sieahator for esiaag the vet of ‘ees tha De cmb sare of Nese guaity: Tle tov it of rt. poll SS2E run tute of the very ben tuo sith asic of dk coved can, a ait of pobstel wd st shhelmis sad one ned deel sate to pad erodes one “Sad” Wah 20 der $45 0 BT win poterecener.. § 5 O hoo 2 s sie Lago a sine bao 30 oie fo BS 5 ccs yoo x0 i r40 6 Ie vinh es DAtra Jad ent movingco pe, milan 9 measure a» Hone ah Pada ee Onder Se 178462 0-3, 0-10; of Oner No Hod OMG, oven ara 82 90 ie autiauaieer with oly ene vending. 0-80, Onder No, 18038, ents 2 0 Sao tree wth double el elon, 1.8 0 ext for 29 ami Bk cy 20 40'0 exon orks, BF anti, Combined Batteries. Fer Gelvansation, lose Madicatfen, Bluctrolysis and Faradisiton potion ofa bres i vaya tei un page 3, Wl on wth « Paradle Gall by Dr. Spamee, Eas bse SRE Se Tropte for working teal bie ts of the gye of OS. 12. i sea Sconany eines Tee beries are inarible tcl wits & ph ith Wecwrile aris, ‘Thy forsee for reerang th diet 0 iter galvanic 3 att ‘or ing thers 1» fe "Theater efor de al for embin Tachaing Pole Reverses paurot em 0 igs Ddryeeds £6 8 0 awe ee) see fume Basteres with test Didraowral pe, deadbeat sori unvemaneer, eer “OS, HOA (0450-80) or OS. TTDI : 28 Oe (onus, 010) 1 Milhanimeter with ue reading ent. siz, O38 ith Wari nea, sb pcs inernte 10 0 1 wou: pole rrener the ples eae wo 4, wih doable ell eat for) and 24 el 1-10" Centr foe 2 en 93 ca The Ms ays mount ole Slide Rule for Calculating X-Ray Exposures. Priee = = = 2010 0 swbiey cello, wih eve black lettering, SDE RULE, FoR CALCULATING nay EXPOSURES, "Ths fn avery sonwenion ile fstrumeat lor ascertaining ths Une of expoenre, ‘on the lies id dora stove, The frst sale sgnites the Distance between Hale fand Anté-cathode, the range being from 12 t9 200 em. Tho scund sealoof Sigares ‘anal fr tho thickness of the objet, with a range of Between 24 up to 80 ca. The {Wiel scale represents she penetating powsr of the Foous Tuo in. Wobndt frou 2 up 0 18. ‘The fonreh ocele repress tho mullnamgerage wed and overs {toa 0.5 up wo 50 sall- angers ‘The two dides aie moved unc he Agures for the Disunce, thlekuess, penetntion and milkumperage ace opposite to one another, eben the index on the ‘steend side points to the number of second: requited for the exposure. These figures ore on the Ath cesle as chown in ilisratin, and cover a range of from jt 120 seconds Intensified Spark Coils. ‘TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION. In every decal onr ess are of the very Lighest elas On th very Dest satel sangre, The ee the eraestcave stem in every stage oftheir ntsc, oublo sil aselated and wound npon a prselain tao, seat lamlation. —Ostsde, the stcondaty cll fe anced Ds palit elenlecoweyanl the two shaped end-cieeks ofthe coil ae of masahve id ebonite. “The pinary ool ie wound with the teat Sueeaiad wir and is woud rou inom cre ofthe best alc. Tis covered onside wit fnsclaing tape aad then th snhole encovel fe a massive polished ebonite tube of moze thus fin thickn This primary tube is completely removable from the secondary. "Wi ceanile: he cil to be bandied some conveniend’y ant als) peraie a gritirs coi ‘woud for «diferent coltage 1 be need with the sane aseondtry, a0 that should the to nork an a diferem main at aay thne itis a very siuple ak oc, Xe Wl ths be underscod that between he Jrisaaty at re s « uassive ebeice tube,a porcelain tabe and other nstiaon. CCompate skees -taerents now with other colle—they ace made with tho primary ficed iste the sender, which mean cha any eps Asmestlics of the whole col Taso cil ber expensive ale case the scradary coli woud Sian on a betneen the two colle oer haa the sk— aad ofen ols cexon—eovering ofthe wires, Wher itis emaniered the enormous soliage shar cumes in euerionftwil ready be uadersiool hy ii these cil 50 ctv “spac sbroueh "betwoom prinagy and scordary. Wher this oaturs it fucarably wesns shot some seein of the meonday are eouplitdy bornt ont, 2 eapenive and difieak repair. We do uot kuaw of any oe ‘oll prowed with lite clgess to the aecoudary—hey are all of blak pellet ‘woo rome: ea the ebonite ie of advaniage, and ti equally ‘vious tha she wean checks aes a saving of sume three or for pasds pe coi ing cil of the very highest cars, ve natrally oti uy wig stenpt t0 mere eBermey for the sake ef fleeting a swing it cos Evea 10,048 ne ars no uote espenive than thote of other malar, and in mane carer me chnager, This not care, only ponte wea enelue lad lang espcinee, sng fn his Urea of Sag equines. sve rotnd on she atest appeased multiple aetion principle. 1 sign convraction aad Sniah no the Lest. ons ion tel poset se tal onacing snd aecemuended—ce nonatel pos wit fharotesriehooads orm anyother wag, they presenta rey haaiome appeoracs- the result of ms Toes np yr year? expvvaee inthe carection of arse syauk cote for Sxap work, and im conjenclen with oar ceabfagal motor merry ime coast the petit igh tension gemeratar. We dhull shwayt ls torr Heciei to phi oat coil and inreropter im comparison with tie c=! sol fnneeripsrof ae other mee, contiger that tho cambizaion cannot Ue eset 3 Cayendish Intensified Spark Coils. oar il Sil we pr ge el a et Lary Sac ee et sok a eeeaa ration aint at Siw alley ans Si eee ten eg eect, erent Fee grea ren nel bo bance robert Seamer noire aos se Te sbunatle, thatthe ddurge fom the ell oan be riguated down to. mederaie Se eter ne oe Cavendish Intensified Sperk Col Mounted on Sucly polshed oakwool base, with neesiary condenser iuite tas, Hor orhing wits oue Contes Moser Meteors Intermapter or ay other Age ef werury erupt. Wit ping and pate Wlecherge ry With goiat amt plata dicchame ros monucedon the lange chonite wvmioals —meountad om seperate gillart a ills Sih col S ‘oie ai8"0 0 8139 tore 10 Oo gar ton iz 08 hat 2008 1 HO 0 9030 sons 1 Hoe ass 10 20 @ 08 90 Sick atl te Era t 4 ration shove stove « concesient method of mounting the 21 Meer tou as Osiloceoye Tbe, ordered at tbo same cine ste Sniasimicer and. ostbocope wll be wounied fa this wagner wc Thich applet to cider one ee bake The wlljanmeter Hated ‘Qe90 tafteosts £3.50, The ouillosope take is Ghd Coe ust by on Order No, 0080-9010. lesred 4 le series Sandot ie coll Ty hs cane the tenon of tbe i fol of none lees wily « diding yoine ov rd ia made to” woik ilaonst tole the aud fing onthe huad of tke pine. Sach a sani afacs gap i+ ll ioe 2 acest for supgessing tn tle averse eareen jee somcinuee =e 3p sth yocteios of ecfnn fares tes, Extra 108, Od, Seepage 161 Cavendish Intensified Spark Calls. If th col cient to, werk wie am slstolyti fterrauer it 16 necersary to haves earable pears coi Three varus are suident, and Wey conus im eitguing the wanes of the puimary imo Serly” Buralle aut © Bolo Paraiel® “Eaese etireat deereet ef iC inustion are best comical Uys ean, Fu on te svittborrd, thie, Souter to br stenulactacl ascerdngly. TE Fouled aul Yor wertiog mth an slecuoluie Sntererpie Uhre i 10 coon oe Wioedeasth bee f theced be imrented oe aso with beth morenry ad eeetivsti Foteerupers, thea w condemns Uecomee mecstery. With Comtesse Withee Condenser. ‘060 22 a foa0. 32s. e250 0 Sco 1B boss 6 00 wos 2 |, so 2 Oo ovate on septrste pillars ay per yevions pase It wink diebargy ve Cah Series spurl sap at tefewed 20 above, 0 deta. iam fone BE AO 0, ale with opecialy hard was for top iu sere cise TE wl agnor he 0 but ite grate clleucy Is only posite where che el the condenser and otbeefeetors aren lnmony. As ve lave sieatined fa our for remarks regarting our iatensiel ark colle the intrrapter an eile ase spell eonatrcied to rait ene another hing every ew loco due sonseration, Tageter they corstiute the ileal com linitin, The atceracy wich wiih the col and interrupter ee sited to one anciler proved by the fact thas an oslloicoe take placed in sot wil betray reverse ens elstspever wih any ar gap exeeling an foeh. Sine x0 Xray tube has sueh alo resistance ast be equivalent to an inch airgap, it follows that the rorone current irrelaved toa neliitle quantity allogther, ‘This is pelaps ‘he mot imperanc conden of al, whieh wil be flly uadareoed after percstl of son reverueenrent which oveur in ihe deserition of fous tales 1 cis ne vonnetion we repredetion of Oxilegnans 9 pays 180 to 188. Censsitag Motor Meroary Interrapter. With moter wound foray soi ontloas curent fom 12 volts (Accum: Intos) so 250 vols. Complete wih the neserary small quantity of meres. ‘N00 "(Pease sate vltane for tae when ondring) 210 10 0 9110 Wat motor wos for alternating exren: main os 10g Pho sate tage and perioiy, Tn te omy cour the interrater priver ci a Wehnelt Electrolytic Interrupters, ioerrapier wih 4 plativoms point of 1 mm, dtameti, with stew adfatment to cdutl the Nessa of ant alle fr coon 8% 00 $130 Ste, bur with plaiom point 2 inn damier s00 ‘#117 Sawa, bu with 3 platinum penis one of 1 en danewy and vg independent seem edjestneat fod ena! 9100 ma point alot 29 mn. diameter Tis rtaptct nee for inatenanaous ralagiipog ad ee je hep worked io penal eee tery sit Hacteation ote patina martes Aa pater jac) tar on 1h pativan polets as ere thr cuoiinetinatthbe ant tice in Steer de Simon Interrapter Simon interupter single vibe. 2-5 0 Aoubie tebe 276 triple va ino provid with lege openingeat {be bation ofthe tay wih pen inh cue icy cam bo Single abe ani 6 9129 Doabie tale 510 6 9120. Triple tebe 166

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