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E9250 Gayle Dual carriageway Fig. 25 — Sign Separation Fig. 26 — Signs Not Requiring Full Vertical Clearance ‘The vertical clearance to the underside ofthe bottom sign must conform to the requirements of Section 232 except where (0) A regulatory sign is mounted on a trafic signal pole (i) Sign 909 is used with Sign 414, 415 oF 416 in advance of a roundabout. (i) Signs 208, 209, 211 or 212 are used at the leading edge of a trafic island In these cases the vertical clearance may be reduced to 0.9 metres, even though the signs may be sited where pedestrians are present. 2.4 DESIGN OF SIGN SUPPORTS “Tree different cross-sections of sign suppor are available, these being hollow circular posts, hollow rectangular posts and |-beam sections. Sign plates which are less than 3m in area may oniy be supported by hollow section posts. Signs larger than this may be supported by any of the permitted sections 24,1 THE SIGN SUPPORT NOMOGRAMS ‘The nomograms provided in this section are suitable for use in nearly all cases. However, where a sign would be subject to constant exposure to wind speeds exceeding 100kph a separate structural analysis should be carried out ‘The nomograms are used thus:— (i) The sign face area and the height of the centre of the sign above ground level are plotted Cn their respective scales. (i) These two points are joined by a straight line which is continued until itintersects the pivot line. (il) From this point a horizontal ine is drawn to intersect the post reference lines. 2.05 (v) The required number of supports for each size of support is alven at the foot of the columns) at which the intersections) occur. (¥) The preferred combination of support section and number of supports is then selected, subject to the folowing constraints: () The span betwoen adjacent supports may not exceed 3.6 metres. (0) The overhang from the outer support to the edge of the sign plate may not exceed 12 metres. (vi) Where two intersection points occur in the same column, the first point to be reached Indicates the correct combination, (vil) Sign supports should be positioned as shown in Fig. 27. Fig. 27 — Spacing of Sign Supports 206 ‘Area of Sign in square metres 0s 19 Pivot Line lExamote 2431 Height to centre of sign in metres Numberof posts Post ‘rar Fecingdar Section Fteronco Post Post Best a sxs sox SDxS = e yeix32 Be ax32 ° 8ox4, 00x 60x92 D Mss xedn36 e wo7xS 6D XEDXS aT TOR F Weesxs 150% 1006S 152 BF 8 1807 %54 — 200% 100x5 178 x 100" 4 21963 200 100x69 209% 130 1 2H5 x63 280K 50x63 245 x 140 4 2TV0x63 —_280x 150x638 245 x 146 ‘Note A = ASU (oled seal UE U5 (uiverea beam) Fig. 2.8a — Sign Support Nomogram 207 ‘rea of Sign in square metres Pivot Line y Is A 28 304 35: 40. 454 80] 5. 80. 65: 79 15 89. “ 854 st 8 ee] 8 106. 105, “ n104 118] x20] . 128 199. 135 ° 140. \ € 50 pe 2 \ - 2° € st " |e LJ — ___—_+——.} = z 3 Height to contre of sign in metros Number of posts Fos raver Fecengular Peston Peleence Post Post Poet a 3x8 Wxtoxs = 8 weixa2 = @xaxo2 lc sexe woxsos2 = D maxs xoxo — & 1987x510 80xS 127 7H F 1eBxS 15x 10069 152x560" 6 se7x54 © 20x 100%5 178x102" 21989 Ox 1COSS 708. 1950 ' 2ubx69 250% 160x69 245 x 1460 4 2130x632 16OxES AS x 148 ‘Noi’ A = FSU (oled ste! ow) = U8 drvereal beam! Fig. 2.88 — Sign Support Nomogram 2.08 ‘Area of Sign in square metres Phvot Line A 140. o 150. 1 8 17 eo} ° x90 200 “ aol 2204 23 ° 240 250. a 280. a8 210. 230. x at as 6 2 20 , | —] 4 | 1 fT —___ + | Se z 3 7 Height to centre of signin metes Number of posts Pos Gram ——~ecepan ‘Seaton Furence Post Pom Pom a woxs soxsoxs 8 Tins? Oxa0x92 c gaoxe 00x sx32 D y4ge5 1206x586 = e ores MOxBDxS 127 TE 16535 50x 1006S TEKH 6 or xs4 Ox 00S 170x100" W 29x68 Dx 1OOxOs AB 18 ' PUSHES — BDI XES BE 18 J 0x63 —_-2Ox150x63 248 x HY Tow f= AS oed gests OF UB (imeea bea! Fig. 2.8¢ — Sign Support Nomogram 2.08 ‘Area of Sign in square metres Pivot Line C— Et ‘ 2 3 Height to conte of sign in metres Number of posts Pos Crevar Fecangulay ——-Secton Pelernce Post Post Post a waxes xeKS 8 qeixa2 © @xaxoz c eeaxe © 100x80x92 ° msxs — 120x60x36 E wo7xs — 160x@dxS 127 7H e W659%S 15010069152 6 W87x54 2001005 1TB 02% H 29x63 200 10069 209 x 1900 i 25x69 250 150%63 245% 1460 4 20x63 50x 15DXES Sx 146? Note: f= ASU (led seal joisd = Us trmarea boa). - 2.8d — Sign Support Nomogram 210 2431 WORKED EXAMPLES ‘A Direction Sign, 0.55 m high by 1.85 m wide, isto be installed in an urban area, Determine the number ‘and size of the sign supports. Solution: (i) Determine the sign face area: 055 x 185m A= 102 me (i) Determine the height to the centre of the sign: Mounting height = 2.1m (Assuming that the sign is to be located in an area where pedestrians are present) Hal sign height = 0.275 ‘Therefore height lo the centre ofthe sign = 2375 m (i) Use Fig. 2880 determine the number and size of he sign supports From Fig. 28a, no. of supports = 2 (minimum requirement for direction signs) Therefore size of supports = Type B. Dye to the small width of the sign, no check need be made for compliance with support spaces: requirement. Therefore this solution should be adopted, 2432 An advance direction sign, 430 m high by 9.00 m wide, is to be installed on @ mejor rural route, Determine the number and size of the sign supports. Soiution: {) Determine the sign face area: Am 430 x 9.00 = 98:70 m? (i) Determine the height to the centre of the sign: ‘Mounting height = 1.5 m (maximum permitted in rural areas) Half sign height = 2.15 m ‘Therefore height lo the Centre of the sign = 3.65 m (ii) Use Fig. 2.84 to determine the number and size of the sign supports: From Fig. 2.84, 2 no. type J supports would be adequate ‘Check against section 2.4.1 (v) for compliance with support spacing requirement. Span = 60% x 900m = 54m) 36m maximum Overhang = 20% x 900m = 1.8m) 1.2m maximum Therefore this solution is not acceptable. From Fig. 2.8, 9 no. type | supports are an alternative Check against Section 2.4.1 (v) for compliance with support spacing requirement, Span = 35% x 9.00 m = 3.15 m 43.6 m maximum, Ovethang = 18% x 9.00 m = 1.35 m> 12m maximum ‘Therefore this solution is not acceptable. From Fig. 284, 4 no. type H posts are an alternative. ‘Check against Section 2.4.1 (¥) for compliance with support spacing requirement. Span = 25% x 9.00 = 225 (36m maximum Overhang = 125% x 900m = 1.13m¢ 12m maximum ‘Therefore this solution should be adopted, 212 28 DESIGN OF SIGN SUPPORT FOUNDATIONS ‘Two types of foundation are avaliable, as shown in Fig. 29. Type 1 is used: mainly with small sized < mn l aN a iwerer) ‘Type 2 Foundation . Fig. 2.9 — Sign Support Foundations 213 25.44 ‘The graphs provided in this section are suitable for determining the required length (L) ef foundation in ‘most cases. However, where poor ground conditions exist, or where the full depth of foundation cannot be, achieved due to obstructions such as service cables or pipes, individual calculations must be carried out. ‘THE FOUNDATION DESIGN GRAPHS: TYPE 1 FOUNDATION (i) Select the appropriate graph trom Fig. 2.10. (i) Plot the height ofthe sign plate (h,) and project this point horizontally (ii) Plot the breadth of sign plate (b) and project it vertically unt it intersects the projection of hy (iv) Read the required length of foundation (L) from the band in which the intersection fas (¥) Compare the value obtained with the minimum permitted value of L, given in Table 22, for the chosen si permitted minimum (vi) ithe calculated value of L exceeds 1.5m, a Type 2 foundation must be used, SUPPORT TYPE | MINIMUM L VALUE (m) AaB 06 cao ‘0 . Eto 13 Table 22 — Minimum Permitted Lengths of Foundation Loe? of sign support. f the calculated value is less, it must be increased to the eer? 24 hha (matres) 36: 20: 05 70 » (metres) MOUNTING HEIGHT = 21m 08 19 15 20 26 08 10 15 20 25 (metres) (motres) MOUNTING HEIGHT = 15m MOUNTING HEIGHT = 08m Fig. 2:10a — Type 1 Foundations Single Support Keyl of “in, NOTE Erampie 263.1 Sign See wn 9 ae, ‘mama ‘eng sitem epee MOUNTING HEIGHT = 21m 7046 bimetes) of Sign 20 25 90 95 40 45 60 MOUNTING HEIGHT = 1m oe MOUNTING HEIGHT = 09m rr a er) Fig. 2.10b — Type 1 Foundations (cont) Twit Supports 216 vO Due, pyre 25.12 TYPE 2 FOUNDATION () Using Fg. 21, select he column appropriate tothe mounting height (h,) being used. (Gj) Plot the height of sign face (hs) on the vertical axis and project it horizontally to intersect with the chosen column, (i) Read the required value of L from the band in which the intersection fails, (¥) Compare the value obtained with the minimum permitted value of L in Table 22 for the chosen size of sign support. I the calculated value is less, it must be increased to the i permitied minimum, (\) Ifthe intersection falls outside the range of the graph, a separate analysis must be carried out he es| (metres) ho(metres) Fig. 2.11 — Type 2 Foundations S 2n7 2531 2532 WORKED EXAMPLES ‘A Direction Sign, 0.55 m high by 1.85 m wide, is to be installed in an urban area. Determine the type and size of foundation. Solution: () Determine the mounting height and the number and size of the sign supports. ‘See Section 243.1 — Mounting height = 2,1 m No.of supports = 2 Size of supports = Type B i) Use Fig. 2.10b or Fig. 211 to determine the type and size of the foundation: From Fig. 2:10b, select the graph for twin supports and 2.1 m mounting hi Foundation is Type 1.0.6 m tong Check against Table 22 for compliance with minimum length of foundation requirement. For support Type B, minimum length = 0.6 m ‘Thetefore this solution should be adopted. ‘An Advance Direction Sign, 430 m high by 9.00 m wide, is to be installed on @ major rural route. Determine the type and size of foundation. Solution: () Determine the mounting height and the number and size of the sign supports: See Section 24.32 - Mounting height = 1.5m No. of supports = 4 Size of supports = Type H (ii) Use Fig. 2.10 oF Fig. 2:11 to determine the type and sizo of the foundation: From Section 25, where more than 2 No. supports are required, a Type 2 foundation must be used, so use Fig. 2.11 From Fig. 2.14, forh, = 430 and h, = 1.5, length of foundation = 1.7m Check against Teble 22 for compliance with minimum length of foundation requirement. For support Type H, minimum length = 1.3 m ‘Therefore this solution should be adopted. 218 26 SIGN REFLECTORISATION All road traffic signs must be relectorised by the application of reflective material to all paris of the sign face (except those letters or symbols coloured black). This material must, when illuminated by @ vehicle's headlights, reflect light back along as near as possible the seme path go that the driver sees the sign brightly iluninated, Reflective material Is graded in ‘classes of reflectivity’, namely Class 1 (or High Intensity Grade) and Class 2 (or Engineering Grade). The required coeficients of retro-rellection for each grade are specified in Table 23. (MINIMUM COEFFICIENT OF RETRO-REFLECTION (Candelas/ux/m?) ENTRANCE OBSERVATION iu ret oeRvAT ied_| Yellow | Green | Blue | white Class of Material Degrees? Minutes’ vfetite}rfe|sfe}rfe ~8° o> 12" 35 | 12 |170] 50 | 90 | 5 | 20 | 4 |250] 70 0° * 20 25 | 10 |120| 35 | 20} 5 | 14} 3 |180] 50 1° 9 2|15} 2] 3] 1] 1] 1 {oe} | 5 18° oO 12 30 | 10 ]120} 35 | 20 | 3 | 15} 3 |200] 55 0° 20 20] 8| e] 20/15] 3] 10} 2|150] 3 1 0 15| 1] 8] 2] 1] 1Jo7Jos|is| 3 40° oo 12 16} 3| a) 8} 9] 1] 9] 1/120] 15 0 20 13 }25| | 5] 7] 1] 7 Joa] 95] 10 19 oo 1 }o3| sos }os}oz}os}or| s}1s ‘Table 2:3 — Minimum Coefficients of Retro-Reflection Cass 1 reflective material must be used on all signs located in areas where street lighting is present or ‘where there is a high level of background lighting from some other source. Elsewhere, Class 2 material may be used, ‘The colour of the material must comply with Table 24 which, for ease of relerence has been plotted to show the chromaticity dlagram (Fig. 2.12). The luminance factors of the material must comply with Table 25.

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