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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Capiz
Municipality of Mambusao
Barangay Caidquid

Office of Punong Barangay

Executive No.
Series of 2020



WHEREAS, the 1987 constitution mandates the state to protect and promote the general welfare and
the rigth to health of the people and instill health conciousness among them;

WHEREAS, Section 16 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as; a Local Government Code of 1991
provides for every local government until to exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily
implied therefore, as well as powers necessary, appropriate or incidental for its efficient and effective
governance, and those which are essential for the general welfare;

WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular 2020-18 dated January 31, 2020 provides for the Guides to
Action Againts Corona Virus detaining roles to be performed by Local Chief Executives as well as
Barangay Health Emergency Response Team;

WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 003 seriea of 2020 was issued by Hon. Esteban Evan B. Contreras,
Governor, Province of Capiz, ordering roles to the intesification of the prevention and control
mechanisms in the Province against the threats of the 2019 Novel Corona Virus (nCOV);

NOW THEREFORE I, Hon. PEDRO B. DAVID, Punong Barangay of Barangay Caidquid, Mambusao, Capiz, by
virtue of the powers and authority vested in me by law, do hereby the creation of the Barangay Health
Emergency Response Team and detaining their roles and functions, to wit;

Section 1. Composition. The Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT) of Barangay Caidquid,
Mambusao, Capiz shall be composed of the following:

Team Leader:

Barangay Health Worker (President)


Barangay Health Worker

Mid-Wife Assigned to the Barangay

Chief Tanod

Barangay Service Point Officer

Barangay Nutrition Scholar

Barangay Tanod

Section 2. Roles and Functions. The following are the roles and functions of the Barangay Health
Emergengy Response Team (BHERT):

1. Conduct visits in the home of every arriving person from a corona virus-affected country;

2. Immediately list down the person(s) the arriving resident came in contact with prior to his arrival in his

3. Require the arriving resident to check and record temperature daily ( in the morning and in the
afternoon) for the duration of 14-day confinement period and advise the arriving resident to watch out
for any other symtoms of nCOV like caugh, difficulty in breathing or shortneaa of breath;

4. Check on the condition of the arriving resident daily from a distance of more than one (1) meter;

5. If symptoms are observed, immediately isolate and confine the arriving resident, now a corona virus
suspect and require him to wear N95 or surgical mask. Place the rest of the household also under the 14-
day confinement;

6. If no symptoms are observed atfer the 14-day confinement, report the matter to the Municipal Health
Officer for lifting of house confinement; and

7. Assist the Local Health officer and other partners and stakeholders to monitor the status of thosr
under home quarantine;

8. Report to the Punong Barangay on measures or actions taken per arriving resident.

Section 3. Effectivity. This order shall take effect immediately.

Done at Barangay Caidquid, Mambusao, Capiz this day of February 2020.


Punong Barangay

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