Chapter 4

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Chapter IV

In this chapter ,the result gathered from conducting an in depth interview with the participants are
prevented research question.From the results,several things and ideas are interpreted and discussed.

Table 1: Insights on Modern Technologies

Major themes Core ideas /Responses

•Positive and negative. •Student can easily do what they are

Effects to the students. Doing like homeworks and projects

•Students can communicate with their

Family easier.

•Human interaction would be lesson

•They might be lazier and always rely on


•Students can obtain all information. •We often got fake news

•We cam obtain all the information by


•Books are more accurate than social


•Significant impact in academic. •It makes our project easier using

Performance of students. Internets and mobile phones.

•It makes our research easier than usual

•It expandsour knowledge and it makes

More advanced to other lessons.

Effect of Modern Technologies

The first major theme indicates student in was based on Gadgets.They used it for school work
,research assignments, projects,and communication.This is manifested in the following statements of
the participants

Participants 5 mentioned that:

“Students can easily do what they are doing.Because of modern technology,we can make the
communication fasten even they are far from us.”

In addition,this can be also observed in the statement of participants 2 stating that:

“It has a positive and negative effects for the millennials.It has a big contribution in research
studies but human interaction would be lessened”

Further more,this is also evident in the response of participants 4 that:

“Foalites expand the knowledge of the learners directly into powerpoint and even enchances
the lessons”

“ According to Edward (2009).There are some advantages of modern technology.First,it promotes

independent learning for the students . Students can already learn on their own without assistance of
their parents and teachers .They can surf the internet in order to look for the lessons they need to
study.Quick accessibility and well-equipped with the skills and knowledge in operating a computer
would be very helpful for students .Second, technology allows for easier access to information”


Table 2 Students using technology

Major theme Core Ideas /Responses

Students study effectively. •They are more on books

Without using technology •Books are more accurate

. . •Books are more


Students prefer gadgets. •Students use Cellular phone

In studying. •Students use computer sets

•Students use TV in each rooms

Students study effectively without using technology.The first major theme for the second research
question indicates .The effect to the students without using technology.This is manifested in the
following statement of the participants.

Participants 1 mentioned that:

“ Sometimes technology interfere our study because we are charmed to use facebook , wattpad
etc.And other apps that make us out of focus”

In addition, Participants 7 also mention that:

“Yes because using technology makes us forget what should we do in our schools like assignments
, projects and we put more attention in using technology”

Further more, Participants 8 also mention that

“Yes because I always browse through the books and its not difficult without technology”

Students prefer in studying.This second major theme for the third research question indicates the
technology or gadgets prefer for studying of the students.This is monifated in the following statement of
the participants.

Participants 1 also mentioned that:

“Most of them are using cellphones because it is easy to bring anywhere then you will just load
and then you will have instant internet”

Additionally, Participants 9 mentioned that

“For the library, computer set then they provide free wifi here at school and CCTV to detect the
activities of the student who did not fit in with the school “

Further, Participants to mentioned that:

“Using TV in each rooms makes learning faster to learn the lessons.”

“According to Odoquas,(2011) claimed that President Benigno Aquino announced during the
launch of the country 12-12 curriculum that the government eyes the use of tablet computer in public
schools in lies of traditional textbooks.Maeasact says (2013) that the use of technology in education has
significantly aided students in performing their school related tasks with the utilization of mobile devices
such as laptops, computer, cellphones.The learning process for the students become” more fun and
conductive due to the user interactivity and appealing usuals present in these learning tools.

“According to Roekel (2015),Modern technology hs its as advantages.Students who relay heavily

on using technology can become lazy in there study habits.Computer make it easy to find answers that
students barely have to look for them.This many results in students having poor study habits and
developing lazy attitude towards their education.Students may also forget the basic way of
learning.Studying would no longer relay on the books for their courses since finding answers on the
internet is easier to do”

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