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Jonathan Gray

About the author

Jonathan Gray has travelled the world to gather data

on ancient mysteries. A serious student of origins
and pre-history, he has investigated numerous
archaeological sites, and has also penetrated some
largely un-explored areas, including parts of the
Amazon headwaters. Between lecturing worldwide
on archaeology, prehistory and related issues,
the author is a regular guest on international
radio shows. He has hosted newspaper columns,
contributed to various magazines, and authored
and produced more than 100 books and DVDs

First published 2012

Copyright © Jonathan Gray 2012

All rights reserved

Limited portions of this work may be copied

for study or review purposes without written
permission, provided that the source is duly


Dead Men’s Secrets
More Dead Men’s Secrets
Sting of the Scorpion
The Ark Conspiracy
Curse of the Hatana Gods
64 Secrets Ahead of Us
Bizarre Origin of Egypt’s Ancient Gods
The Lost World of Giants
Discoveries: Questions Answered
Sinai’s Exciting Secrets
Ark of the Covenant
The Killing of Paradise Planet
Surprise Witness
The Corpse Came Back
The Discovery That’s Toppling Evolution
UFO Aliens: The Deadly Secret
Stolen Identity: Jesus Christ – History or Hoax?
Who’s Playing Jesus Games?
The Da Vinci Code Hoax
The Sorcerers’ Secret
What Happened to the Tower of Babel?
The 2012 Prophecy
Welcome, Then Betrayal
How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?
The Big Dating Blunder
The Weapon the Globalists Fear
Modern Religious Myths About Genesis
Will You Survive?
Update International Volume 1
Update International Volume 2
Update International Volume 3
Update International Volume 4
Update International Volume 5
Update International Volume 6
In Search of Lost Cities
Into the Unknown
In a Coffin in Egypt
The Magic of the Golden Proportion
4 Major Discoveries
Curse of the Pharaohs


Preface……………………………………….…… 6
1 Shocks and Confessions……………………… 9
2 Libby’s Dating Disappointment…………………15
3 The Cover-up Cheats…………………………. 25
4 Dating Earth’s Natural Features – Pt. 1….… 31
5 Dating Earth’s Natural Features – Pt. 2…..… 40
6 Dating of Maya and Toltecs………………….. 55
7 Dating of China……………………………….. 65
8 Dating of European Genealogies……….......... 67
9 All Races Linked Back to Noah…………………74
10 History Artificially Lengthened……………….. 86
11 Dating of Egypt……………………………….. 89
12 Dating of Sphinx………………………………. 107
13 Dating of Great Pyramid…………………….. 118
14 Dating of Sumeria……………………………. 134
15 Dating of Tiahuanaco………………………….142
16 Aborigines and Cavemen 20,000 years?.......... 156
17 Dating of Atlantis…………………………….. 161
18 The Globalist Agenda…………………………..168
19 The Genesis Dates…………………………….. 173
20 A Document of Integrity……………………….180
21 Numerous Witnesses Agree…………………….185
22 Amazon Tribe’s 12,000 Year Genealogy?..........187
Appendix 1 – Dating of Ice Age……………………. 199
Appendix 2 – Ancient World Survey……………….. 215
Appendix 3 – The Ophir Voyages……………………223
Appendix 4 – How long to form our earth’s rocks?.....243
Appendix 5 – Dating the First Man and Woman….…264


Why am I writing this report?

Because of a message I received this week. An important one.

You see, an ancient document says the most opulent golden

structure in the world was erected in Jerusalem in Israel. The
walls of Solomon's Temple were lined with gold. There was not
enough gold in all of ancient Israel to accomplish that task.

So the builder — King Solomon — sent huge ships to the ends

of the earth in his quest for gold and silver. The voyages took
three years.

Well, my friend George brought me a paper “disproving” this.

“I don’t think Solomon was the great king the Hebrew

document says he was,” said George. “Look, at the time
Solomon is supposed to have reigned, there was poverty, a
depleted population, and a ridiculously tiny Jerusalem.

“Certainly no evidence of any world famous monarch like

Solomon. So?”

Well, I love a mystery. And, after a fascinating two months of

investigation, I handed George my 73 page report.

Almost as a footnote, I mentioned that other ancient nations

from Ethiopia to India, to Mexico, to South America, confirmed
the greatness of King Solomon (Samon).

Then I squeezed in some information about a remote Amazon


tribe, now primitive, who tell of an ancient city called Ofir

(Ophir) which once stood at the mouth of the Amazon River.

The Hebrew records say that Solomon’s ships went to Ophir to

obtain gold.

This primitive Amazon tribe (with no knowledge of the Hebrew

records) says that ships from the east, from Samon’s empire,
came to their ancient city of Ofir to trade for gold. Coincidence?

To me, the parallels seemed inescapable:


* Samon’s empire across * Solomon’s empire east of
the Atlantic the Atlantic
* Ships to South America * Ships to South America
* Destination: Ofir * Destination: Ophir
* Source of gold and silver * Source of gold and silver

But, as you will notice, there appears one difficulty – the vast
differences in dating.


* 3166- 2866 BC * 970-931 BC

Nevertheless, from my acquaintance with patterns in

archaeology, I considered that the 4-point convergence was so
strong – and the coincidence so unlikely - that it outweighed the
one discrepancy.

So I included this Amazon testimony in my report, despite the

dating discrepancy, because I believed both it and the Hebrew
account were speaking of the same event.

Of course, if the above four points indicated the same event,

then the dating needed a drastic adjustment. But dating problems
– and solutions - were not new to archaeology.

“Wow!” exclaimed George, after reading the full report.

“Amazing stuff! Why don’t you share this with your email list?”

So out it went.

Among my recipient friends was Jerry, a man for whom I hold a

deep respect. Some years ago, while prospecting with his crew
in the Amazon jungle, Jerry had been captured by members of
this very same tribe. He was their prisoner long enough to learn
much of their history, recorded in an ancient document which
Jerry termed the UM Chronicles.

After reading my 73 page report, Jerry wrote back. One thing,

he said, bothered him:
Samon built a new empire across the Atlantic Ocean, but the
UM Chronicles say it happened from circa 3,166 to 2, 866 BC,
after the Flood. This does not drive with your Flood dating
2,350 BC. Since you place Solomon to circa 1,000 BC it is
roughly 2,000 years apart so Samon and Solomon could not
have been same person.

I thank Jerry for his valued feedback – which prompts this

investigation into the dating of ancient civilizations.

Are you ready?...



“Come,” said Bruce, “I’ll show you something.”

We locked the car, and walked into the park.

“This is the Shrine of Remembrance,” explained Bruce, as we

approached the concrete structure beside St Kilda Road,
Melbourne, Australia. “It commemorates those who died in the

Below the shrine, we descended some steps, to a massive vault.

You might have gasped too, if you had seen it. Would you
believe, the vaults resembled the interior of limestone caves.
Yes, here were thousands of stalactites and stalagmites! Big
ones, too.

“B-but how come?” I stammered. “These shouldn’t be here.”

“Yet it’s true,” said Bruce. “You can see it yourself. These large
stalactites have grown in only 59 years.”

Then Bruce grinned cheekily. “I’ll let you in on a secret. One

stalactite was sent to Monash University and another to the
National University in Canberra. They came back with declared
ages of from 120,000 years minimum to 300,000 years
maximum. When this dating was challenged, a university
response was: ‘But they HAVE TO be that old!’”

Have you ever been into a tourist cave and heard the guide say,
“This stalactite took so many millions of years to form”?

Well, did you know that stalactites have been found growing
under many modern buildings?

So whenever you see one hanging from a building, just try to

figure out how many thousands of years old that building is!

Photo: Craig Borrow and the Herald and Weekly Times

Now please look at this “origins” list:

• Egypt 6000 BC?

• The Giza Sphinx 10,500 BC?
• The Great Pyramid up to 10,500 BC?
• Sumerian texts 6000 years old?
• Sumerian king lists 432,000 years long?
• Tiahuanaco 15,000 BC?
• Aborigines in Australia for 40,000 years?
• Cave bones in France 12,000 years old?

• Atlantis 9600 BC?

Well, what do you think? Would you call those dates realistic?

Apparently so, according to some incoming emails. I am often

told that my dates for ancient civilizations are wrong. Here is a
sampling of comments:

* I found a rock 10,000 year old rock with sophisticated inscriptions

on it, but archaeologists keep telling me that man was not so clever
at that time.

* Like you, I believe there were advanced civilizations prior to our

current one, but I tend to believe that there is a longer time frame
than you do as I don't subscribe to the notion that the Bible is an
accurate gauge. In fact, the Sumerians have a much older

Many who thus write are intelligent people, whose opinions on

particular matters one should respect.


However, with ancient civilizations (including the dating aspect)

being my specialty for 25 years, I feel a responsibility toward
those who trust me for the truth.

When certain information comes to light that could blow the

scientific world apart, does one continue to sit on this dynamite
of data, or is it time to light the fuse?

Well, I’ve decided to strike the match. It has to be truth before

popularity. So, are you ready? It’s coming to you today with no
holds barred.


We shall take a fresh, new look at all the above numbers, and

There’s a lot of date-guessing out there. Many of the guessers

are well intentioned - and some of their information is correct.
But, if you want to know, much is wrong.

When anyone tells you that something is 10,000 years old, be it

a civilization, an artefact, or whatever, would you please do
yourself a favour and ask him upon what does he base that age.

He may reply that it is confirmed by some radiometric dating

system such as carbon dating, or by the media, or by a “learned
scholar”. And that’s “the final word”!

But, since you value your integrity, then I ask you, please, to not
get too starry-eyed about such figures. Because things are not
always what they seem.

To lay the foundation for this topic, may I respectfully suggest

that you acquaint yourself with the information in my book The
Great Dating Blunder. It reveals some discoveries which
threaten to bring our precious dating systems crashing down
around us.

Not only that, but it lays bare the immensity of a multi-million

dollar cover-up. You’ll be staggered at the skeletons in locked
cupboards, bones in forbidden places and secrets hidden under
the carpet!

You’ll be shocked to discover that we have been placing our

trust in men who have cheated us. Our dating systems are a
virtual scam.

Just grasp that, and I guarantee you will never see today’s
popular dating systems the same way again.

To order the e-book version, please go to
and click on the button for Item No. 14.

For the physical copy, you can go to
and click on the button for Item No. 52.

Okay, I admit that sounds like a promotion for one of my books.

But, let me I assure you, this is not for the money. And to prove
it, here’s my guarantee. If you can’t afford this book (the
investigation for which cost thousands of dollars) then just email
me at, explain your situation,
and I shall be pleased for you to download the e-book version
free. I make this offer to you, because this information is too
important to miss.

Having said that, are you sitting down? Are you ready now for a
few shocks?


Shocks? They’ve been hitting me aplenty. Probably because, not

having infinite intelligence, I’ve been asking too many awkward

The first shock struck me like a thunderbolt – during the writing

of a history thesis.

It happened when I stumbled upon an ancient artefact that was

definitely out of place. According to popular history, it should
not exist!

Then I found another one.


At first, I just pushed these out of place artefacts aside.

But as investigations spilled over into more than 30 countries,

more of these started cropping up. In fact, so many anomalies
continued to surface that, in all honesty, these could no longer
be brushed aside. The reality was, there were thousands of them.

More startling still, these were forming into a global pattern.

Here was evidence of a former worldwide civilization of
astonishing proportions!

Now realising the importance of this, I knew that someone had

to speak up. So Dead Men’s Secrets came into being, a book
cataloguing more than a thousand secrets of the lost races and
challenging the established teachings. (<>)


But that was not all. Eventually I was impelled to apply the
same investigation strategy to our popular dating systems. And
what a shock that triggered!

Getting out my big legal pad, I started making a list of all the
questions that just didn’t add up. Questions like these:

* Why do archaeologists reject MOST carbon dating


* Why did Dr Libby, who won the Nobel Prize for his
research on carbon dating, say that modern dating
techniques cannot take us back further than about 3000

Did he really say that? Yes, he did…


Carbon dating. How does it work?

Cosmic rays from outer space continually bombard the earth.

These rays interacting with the nitrogen in the atmosphere cause
all living things, animal or vegetable, to absorb radioactive
carbon 14 (C14). This continues until the death of each living
thing. Then the radioactive carbon begins to break down, and
this occurs at an accurately known rate.

To discover how long it is since that living thing died, the

residual radiocarbon in the specimen is measured. If half of the
original C14 remains, then the age of the subject is very close to
5,568 years. The procedure was tested by using samples with
ages already established by other means. And it always checked
out. It was natural to assume, then, that it would be equally
reliable on samples for which there was no way of determining


When samples of coal (from ancient trees) were tested, there

was found to be no residual C14. So, assuming that there was
the usual amount of radiocarbon in the trees before they died, it
was then assumed that the trees must have been dead for a very
long time for the C14 to have completely disintegrated. So the

scientists dated the coal at many hundreds of thousands of years


So far so good.


But the validity of this method of dating depends upon four


1. That the amount of cosmic radiation in the atmosphere has

remained constant at all times in all places;

2. That the sample tested has not been contaminated by

recent microbes or bacteria;

3. That the sample is pure – preserved from leaching,

radiation, and so on.

4. That the rate of decay is constant.

ASSUMPTIONS? That’s right. Those ASSUMPTIONS have to

be made

When carbon dating was first announced by Dr. Libby in 1949,

it was thought to be the last word.

When C-14 dating is compared to firm historical dates, it is

generally accurate to within 150 years + or -, although some
comparisons show a 250-year difference.

4,000 TO 5,000 YEARS

However, even Libby, the developer of C-14 dating, later


admitted his great disappointment in finding that it was not

reliable beyond about 4,000-5,000 years, or about 2000-3000
BC. In any case, since about 2000 BC is the oldest firm
historical date available, before that year there is no independent
means of checking its accuracy.

Very few are admitting it publicly, but the early confidence is no

longer justified.

You see, it has been discovered that cosmic radiations vary

widely, due to many factors, natural and industrial. Most results
– that’s right, most results - are rendered invalid by absorption,
leaching, cosmic radiation, and a proven varied rate of decay.
(See The Great Dating Blunder, Chapters 1 and 2.)

Suppose you enter a sealed room which contains nothing but a

burning candle. You are asked to determine how long the
candle has been burning.

You soon realise how impossible this is. You could measure the
relative amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the room; or
you could try to figure out how long the melted wax took to

Picture: Dennis R. Petersen


But you cannot know whether someone had opened and re-shut
the window. Was it ever put out and re-lit? Could some
interruption have caused it to burn faster?

You see, there is room for enormous error.

Dating cannot deal with unique events. They’re gone. You

cannot re-run them. You cannot repeat a test on them. A cosmic
global disaster, say shortly before 2000 BC, cannot be repeated
in the lab. But it would play immeasurable havoc upon readings
prior to about 2,000 BC.

A series of measurements of samples of known age (from

historical records, for example), extending back about 3,800
years, has shown fairly good agreement. However, they become
inaccurate on materials which lived before that. And even in that
period, considerable correction is at times required.


The carbon 14 method has been widely accepted in a way that

the results do not seem to justify.

It has now been discovered that cosmic radiations vary widely,

due to many factors:

1. The magnetic field around the earth (which is now known

to be deteriorating rapidly)
2. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere
3. Solar and stellar activity (Nobody knows, for example,
what effect sunspot activity has had over the centuries.)
4. Volcanic addition of non-radioactive carbon dioxide into
the air
5. Industrial addition of carbon dioxide into the air
6. Electrical activity

All of these factors are subject to change and all give indications
of different conditions in the past.

James R. Arnold of the Institute of Nuclear Studies, University

of Chicago, gives a typical scientific assessment:

So far there is no proof independent of the method, that the

cosmic ray intensity has remained constant, and however
reasonable it may be, we must rank this as a pure assumption.
(James R. Arnold, Nuclear Geology, 1954, p. 350)

The so-called “constants” originally accepted can be no longer

regarded as “constants”. The consequence is that dating systems
are now most suspect.

One problem centres around the constancy of ozone in the upper

atmosphere. Other scholars are declaring that great changes,
even in radiation, have taken place in relatively recent times.

French scientists Drs. E. and O. Thellier investigated Roman

bricks of 200 AD. From the degree of magnetization of amounts
of iron in the dried clay compared with such materials today,
they estimated that the earth’s magnetic field may have
weakened by as much as 65 per cent in the past 2,000 years.
(Scientific American, vol. 196, No. 2, February, 1957, p.64)

The weakening of this force field cushion around the earth

indicates an increase in both cosmic ray intensity in our
atmosphere and in radiocarbon in recent times. So declare Dr.
Elsasser of the University of Utah and Drs. Ney and Winckler of
the University of Minnesota.

If such a phenomenon is general around the earth, it would mean

that all radiocarbon datings, especially of more ancient
materials, are suspect.

With less radiocarbon in ancient times, organic materials (which


would thus show less radioactivity residue) would now give a

false appearance of being much older than they really are.

Clifford Wilson notes:

It appears that dramatic changes occurred in the earth’s

atmosphere a few thousand years ago. Beyond that time –
roughly one half-life of Carbon-14 – radiometric dating is
not reliable. (Clifford Wilson, The Chariots Still Crash. Old Tappan,
N.J.: Fleming H. Revel and Co., 1976, p.p. 70)

Gilbert N. Plass, writing in American Scientist, concurs that “all

radiocarbon dates for events before the recession of the glaciers
are in question.” (Gilbert N. Plass, “Carbon Dioxide and the Climate”, American
Scientist, vol. 44, July, 1956, p. 314)


We come now to the most astounding unpublicised fact

concerning the Carbon-14 system. This technique has, during its
development, uncovered some startling, though publicly
undisclosed, evidence of an earth with an atmosphere less than
10,000 years old.

Here it is.

Through the action of solar rays, radioactive carbon is being

formed in the atmosphere at a constant rate. This Carbon-14
ultimately enters all living tissues; and much more is absorbed
into the ocean. From the time of its formation, it begins a slow

Theoretically, the amount decaying per day SHOULD BE

EQUAL TO the amount being produced by cosmic rays in the
upper atmosphere. THE SUCCESS OF CARBON-14 DATING

So here is the crucial question: How long would it take for the
Carbon-14 on earth to build up from almost zero to equilibrium?

Scientists have calculated that from the time the build-up

BEGAN (in the atmosphere, seas and living tissue), it would
take about 30,000 years to reach the volume where daily decay
equalled the amount being produced.


Not at all!!!

Balloon soundings show that much more C-14 is still being

formed than is decaying. Nobel Prize Medallist Dr. Melvin
Cook, using data from several tests, has determined that the
Carbon-14 content of our atmosphere IS STILL BUILDING
UP. This could be so only if the process had BEGUN
RECENTLY. The production-decay rates are OUT OF
EQUILIBRIUM by as much as 38 percent! (Melvin A. Cook, “Do
Radiological Clocks Need Repair?” CRS. Quarterly, vol. 5, October, 1968, p. 70)

Dr. Cook calculates that such discrepancy between formation

and decay indicates an age for our atmosphere of no more than
10,000 years. The likelihood that C-14 was produced at a rate up
to three times greater in the past (as evidenced by luxuriant flora
and fauna in the worldwide fossil record), would reduce this
figure to a mere 7,000 years.

Thus all Carbon-14 dates, when corrected for the known non-
equilibrium conditions, would show less than 7,000 years.

W.F. Libby, the discoverer of the C-14 technique, chose to

ignore the discrepancy, attributing it to some error of
measurement, since he “knew” the earth to be much older than
30,000 years.

But subsequent and better tests have confirmed this lack of


However, this data is routinely rejected. The evolutionary

theory, which has permeated the thinking of most scientists,
demands vast ages.

This is why such data is not discussed in public literature. This

is what those with an evolution agenda don’t want you or your
children to know.



I am going to suggest to you that a great cosmic disaster

occurred in 2345 BC, which re-set the dating clocks. We shall
examine this disaster in a subsequent chapter.

Had the mainstream scientific establishment understood that the

earth was originally mantled by a protective water vapour above
the atmosphere, they would have known that before the Great
Disaster cosmic rays could never have penetrated into our
atmosphere as they do today.

Plants and animals did not absorb any radiocarbon 14 before the
Disaster. Why? Because the band of moisture filtered the rays
out before they ever reached the nitrogen in the earth’s

That’s why scientists found no C14 in the coal – not because it

had all disintegrated, but because it was never there originally.


Had conditions been the same before the Great Disaster as they
are now, with no better protection from cosmic ray penetration,
then the trees would have absorbed it then, just as they do today.

And when they were buried by the Disaster, the breakdown of

C14 would have proceeded – and the measuring instruments
today would have shown the coal to be less than 5,000 years old.

In fact, we now know that the Great Flood occurred in 2345 BC.
And I shall prove this to you shortly.

If scientists would allow for the great changes that took place at
that time, they would also make allowances in their dating and
reach a more correct result.



Although some scientists using carbon-14 dating will propose

dates extending back 50,000 years and even further, Dr George
Howe acknowledges that “the men who know the limits of the
method, the men who run the tests, would report that they
cannot date with accuracy beyond 3,000 years.” (George Howe,
Carbon 14 and Other Radio-Active Dating Methods, p.11)

He reveals that Geochron Laboratories will return samples to

clients if they give a date above 3,000 years, with comments that
they are above the age that can be accurately dated.

Dates are assigned by archaeologists more correctly on pottery

styles. I do not know of any reputable archaeologist who has
ever altered his dates after the results of carbon 14 testing.
Samples of organic material may be sent for testing but the
results will not influence the conclusions already reached.

Are you still with me?

Do these confessions bother you?

Well, I have my own confession to make. As I pushed open


doors sealed to the public, more hidden facts came tumbling out
– embarrassing facts about:
• dinosaurs,
• trees,
• ice,
• magnetic reversals,
• petrified men,
• oil and gas,
• coal,
• fossils,
• lakes,
• deltas,
• waterfalls,
• coral reefs,
• deserts,
• the tipping of the earth’s axis, and
• the real age of earth’s civilizations

Embarrassing? You’re so right. Because a lot more awkward

questions emerged:

* Why do only a few dating methods suggest an “old”


* Why are these comparatively few “old earth” dating

systems widely publicised - while the majority of dating
systems, which suggest a “young” age for our earth,

* Why is vital information being COVERED UP?

* Have we been “conned” by men in high places?



Wake up, Jack! These men are using you like a sucker. They’ve
got you mouthing all their myths while they blindfold you and

You may already be aware of the massive scams going on in

medicine, the drug industry, politics, religion, and the economy?

But in science?

Well, to put it mildly, I was stunned! Here, by simply following

the same worldwide investigative strategy as for Dead Men’s
Secrets, I had innocently stumbled upon a bombshell!

Now, if you discovered a major cover-up affecting your

childrens’ education system, what would you do? Well, The
Great Dating Blunder had to come out. I was angry at being
cheated. And I wanted you to know what was happening.


Wake up to this. It’s an embarrassing fact. Our popular

radiometric dating systems – uranium into lead, potassium into
argon, rubidium into strontium, carbon dating - name whichever
you like - are all in serious trouble.

We can be thankful that some honest men, like Henry Faul, are
not afraid to speak the truth. He admits:

MOST of the ages obtained by the lead: thorium method

DISAGREE with the ages of the same minerals computed
by other lead methods. (Henry Faul, Nuclear Geology. New York:
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., p. 295. Emphasis mine)

Did you catch that word “most”? Comparing other dating

methods, it’s the same result: there is NO large body of
CONCORDANT data, but there is a MASSIVE body of

Another authority admits that no reliable dating system exists:

Age estimates on a given geological stratum by different

radiometric methods are often quite different (sometimes
by hundreds of millions of years). There is no absolutely
reliable long-term radiological ‘clock’. The uncertainties
inherent in radiometric dating are disturbing to geologists
and evolutionists. (W.D. Stansfield (Instructor of Biology, California
Polytech State University), The Science of Evolution. New York:
Macmillan and Co., 1977, pp.82,84)

Now, may I ask you this? If you lay in a hospital bed and you
overheard two surgeons disagreeing about which of your organs
they needed to cut out, would you want to stay there and let
them “practise” on you?

Here’s what bothers me. Supposedly careful scientists caught up

in this dubious dating dilemma, simply shrug it off.

And here’s one who brags about that:

If a C14 date supports our theories, we put it in the main text.

If it does not entirely contradict them, we put it in a footnote.
And if it is completely ‘out of date’, we just drop it. (T. Save-
Soderbergh and I.U. Olsson - Institute of Egyptology and Institute of Physics
respectively, University of Uppsala, Sweden, “C14 Dating and Egyptian
Chronology,” in Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology, Proceed-
ings of the Twelfth Nobel Symposium, Ingrid U. Olsson – ed,, Almqvist and
Wiksell, Stockholm, and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1970, p.35)

I would like you to see a few examples of what’s been going on,
so you can better understand the problem.

70,000 OR 9,000 OR 3,500 YEARS OLD?

A skeleton from California was estimated at 70,000 years old

(by a technique called a partic acid racemization). (World Archaeology,
vol.7, 1975, p.160) In 1981 this age was revised to 8,300 to 9,000
years (by uranium dating). (Science, vol.213, 28 August, 1981, p.1003) In
1983 samples of the same skeleton were dated at 3,500 to 5,000
years (by radiocarbon dating). (Science, vol.220, 17 June, 1983, p.1271)


In eight separate tests, scientists dated samples of rock – and

arrived at ages of 160 million to 3 billion years. These
specimens, from Kaupelehu, Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii, were
later found to have formed in a lava flow only 168 years earlier,
in 1801. (Science, vol.162, p.265. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol.73, p.4601.
American Journal of Science, vol.262, p.154)


16,800 YEARS TO DIE?

Carbon dating is supposed to tell you how long ago the

specimen died. With that in mind, consider this:

Muscle tissue from beneath the scalp of a mummified musk ox

in Fairbanks Creek, Alaska, was dated at 24,000 years; hair
from a hind limb of the same animal was dated at 7,200 years.

Poor creature. What a long, slow death it must have suffered!

My files are crammed with such examples.

Just think about this. Suppose you hired a construction engineer

and he came up with contradictory calculations like that, tell me,
wouldn’t you dismiss him from the construction job? Well?


Are discordant results the exception? Quite the opposite. They

are the rule.


Professor Andrews of the University of London has blown the

whistle. He informs us that whatever the figures arrived at by
the dating tests, they are weeded out before publication in
scientific journals, if they do not accord with the pre-conceived
dates assigned to the evolutionary geological column. (E.H.
Andrews, Professor of Materials, University of London, and Head of the Department of
Materials at Queen Mary College, in his book, God, Science and Evolution”)

Here’s another honest evolutionist letting us in on their dirty

little secret:

… the accepted dates are actually selected dates. This whole

blessed thing is nothing but 13th-century alchemy, and it all
depends upon which funny paper you read. (Robert E. Lee, “Radio-
carbon: Ages in Error”, Anthropological Journal of Canada, vol.19-3, 1981, pp.


Combing through the literature, I found that these facts came as

a surprise to most scientists. Many of them were totally sincere.
But it’s all they’d been taught. They believed they had found the
answer, and they didn’t want someone to come along and tell
them it’s all made up. But they were still hiding the facts from
their students – and the public. Turn a blind eye.

Something didn’t smell right. And so I began asking, What is

going on here?

The game, I discovered, was reputations… credentials… and

financial research grants… It’s big business. That’s what is at

I found that many knew, but were playing dumb – fearful of

bucking the establishment. Scoundrels – all of them!

And why are we not being told? Because they couldn’t care less
about you. It’s about protecting their “sacred” cow.

So it’s whoppers on top of whoppers. So many whoppers… it

could make a person sick. The truth? That is decidedly not open
to public inspection.

The bottom line is this: Our popular dating systems are based
upon a shabby pseudoscience which has acquired a blind
popularity. It’s only a theory, but it says that life on earth is an
accident, that we have evolved upward by mutations from mud
to man.

Of course, we can’t demonstrate this in the short term. But give

it say 4½ billion years and maybe a miracle will happen?

Likewise, it is assumed that all natural processes have proceeded

without interruption for millions of years… and nothing has
ever happened to make these date readings mean something

And don’t earth’s physical features look rather old?

However, if you didn’t know, thousands of scientists – including

leading atheists - are abandoning this theory. You might want to
get yourself up to date on this. (For evidence, see my book The Discovery
That’s Toppling Evolution – <> )



Still, taking on board the popular view that we’ve ascended

from a state of savagery to our present civilized state by a slow,
uninterrupted development over tens of thousands of years, then
there is nothing unreasonable about dates of 10,500 BC for the
Great Pyramid, or 20- to 40,000 years for the Australian
Aborigines. And dates for:

• Egypt 6000 BC
• The Giza Sphinx 10,500 BC
• Sumerian texts 6000 years old
• Tiahuanaco 15,000 BC
• Cave bones in France 12,000 years old
• Atlantis 9600 BC, and so on.

All very possible if we did not now have access to some pivotal

-Part 1

Eight natural features on our planet tell us that natural processes

have NOT continued for aeons without interruption – but that
history was dramatically interrupted by a worldwide cataclysm
between four and five thousand years ago.

This cosmic disaster was so mighty that no civilization could

have survived that event. And therefore no civilization can be
dated older than that event.

That event made a clean break in world history. And all the
dating clocks were reset at that time.

We shall look at these natural features one at a time:

• Ice and glaciers

• Trapped inland lakes
• River deltas
• Waterfalls
• Coral reefs
• The oldest trees
• Deserts
• Earth’s tilted axis

Then we shall determine more successfully the ages of:

• China
• Britain
• Ireland
• Denmark
• Norway
• Iceland
• Egypt
• The Giza Sphinx
• The Great Pyramid
• Sumeria
• Sumerian pre-Flood king list
• Australian aborigines
• Maya
• Atlantis

…and other civilizations.

First, let me share with you an experience that a friend of mine

had in Colorado, USA…


“You’re kidding!” laughed the lab worker. “You’re trying to tell
me it happened only 4,400 years ago!”

“Yes,” repeated Kent. “The surface of this whole planet was

remodelled by the Great Global Flood only 4,400 years ago.”

“No way! In case you don’t know, Dr. Hovind, I work at the
Denver National Ice Core Laboratory here in Colorado. And
we’ve been taking cores of ice from Greenland and Antarctica.
It’s dry… very cold…the glaciers are MILES THICK… but
their annual growth rings are very THIN.”

He paused to observe Kent’s reaction. Then he thrust home.

“We’ve measured the ice… and I tell you, man, it’s 135,000
years old! Your 4,000 years is a joke.”

“I’d like to see your lab,” said Kent, calmly.

The next day my friend Dr. Kent Hovind met the worker at the

The employee ushered him into the giant freezer which stored
the long cores from ice drilling.

“See this core from Greenland?” said the worker. “We drilled
down and brought it up from 10,000 feet. See the rings? This
core takes us back 135,000 years. You’ll notice the rings along
its length… dark – light – dark – light.

“Well, these represent annual rings, because in summer the top

layer of snow melts and then re-freezes as clear ice, which
shows up dark here. In winter, the snow doesn’t get a chance to
melt, so it packs – and shows up as a white layer. These layers
of dark – light – dark – light, indicate 135,000 summers and

Hovind looked him in the eye. “Aren’t you assuming those are
annual rings?”

Let’s step back a few years… to the famous lost squadron.


In 1942, during World War II, some war planes landed in
Greenland. When the war ended, those planes were left there
and forgotten.

In 1990, an aircraft enthusiast came up with the bright idea to

find them and fly them off again.

He organised a group and they went searching. As it turned out,

they had to use radar, because the planes were under the ice… in
fact, so deep under the ice, the men had a hard job finding them.
Do you know, that lost squadron had got covered by 263 feet of
ice in 48 years!

Let’s do some arithmetic.

• 263 feet divided by 48 years… that’s an ice growth
of about 5.5 feet per year.
• Now divide 10,000 feet by 5.5. And you get 1,824
years for ALL of the ice to build up.

We should allow longer for the fact that the deeper ice is pressed
into finer layers.

So 4,400 years is no problem!

Note: those planes did not sink into the ice, due to pressure on
the ice. The ice had grown OVER them.

In April, 1999, Kent visited Bob Cardin at his museum in

Middleboro, Kentucky. ( Phone 606 248 1149)
Cardin had dug out and was restoring the P-38.

You may be wondering, how did they get that plane out?
Ingenious. They had melted a hole down to the airplane, broken
it apart and brought up the pieces through the hole.

“When you dug it out,” asked Kent, “did you see any layers of
ice… dark – light – dark – light, above the airplane?”

“Yeah, I did, as a matter of fact.”

“How many layers of ice were there?”

“Many hundreds of them.”




“How could there be many hundreds of annual rings in only 49


“THOSE ARE NOT ANNUAL RINGS. That’s not summer and

winter,” replied Cardin. “ It’s warm – cold – warm – cold –
warm –cold. You can get ten of those in one day.”

And that’s a fact!

Yet, the scientific elite was still calling them annual rings in
1998. (See Scientific American, February 1998, p.82)

I can’t stop laughing whenever I think about it.

I’m worried. The textbooks you read today are textbooks not
only about science, but about evolution. They’re trying to sneak
evolution in with the science.

Sneaking beer ads in with football matches doesn’t mean beer is

football. Sneaking evolution in with the science, doesn’t make it

So let’s take a fresh look at the facts.

Is it possible that a great physical disaster completely re-

fashioned the surface of our planet only 4,355 years ago…


Field work in the European Alps on the speed of glacier growth

and retreat has revealed the fact (surprising to evolutionists) that

numerous glaciers there are no older than 4,000 years. (R.F. Flint,
Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch, p.491)

The eminent French geologist A. Cochen de Lapparent noted

the expansion rate of today’s larger glaciers. For example, Mer
de Glace, on Mont Blanc, moves 50 centimetres a day. The
Rhone Glacier would at this rate have taken 2,475 years to
expand to its maximum from Valais to Lyons.

De Lapparent then compared the terminal moraines (debris) of

several modern glaciers with those left by the Rhone Glacier
when it retreated from its maximum expansion. The Rhone
Glacier had taken 2,400 years to retreat.

Thus the total period of advance and retreat was 4,875


Now, just suppose there was a global disaster just over 4,000
years ago – something like the Great Flood, which is recorded in
the racial memory of most ancient peoples? When we
understand the cosmic scale of a worldwide event of this kind,
and its repercussions, it becomes evident that conditions soon
after the Flood would hasten the ice build-up and thus reduce
the above time span.

In the aftermath of such a Great Disaster,

1. Large areas of the oceans and seas would have boiled and

2. Large quantities of stranded water filled all low

continental areas.

3. Volcanic activity evaporated enormous quantities of

water into steam clouds. This inevitably resulted in
the formation of thickening cloud cover.

4. The general release of heat, smoke and dust initiated


atmospheric pollution that would last for decades. And the

sheer weight of this polluted atmosphere would have
forced the cloud base down to unprecedented low

5. The dust reduced solar-radiation and lowered

temperatures. Much of the high latitudes of Earth were
enveloped in a gloomy shroud.

6. The cold air and warm oceans caused heavy precipitation

of snow.

7. Falling again and again in a sunless world, the snow

finally cooled the ground to the point where it could turn
to ice.

Based on evidence alone, it is beyond reasonable doubt that this

one and only Ice Age was short-lived. (Concerning the cause,
timing and duration, of the Ice Age, you are invited to study
carefully Appendix 1.)

Assumptions of long periods of glaciation are not provable by

dating methods, states Frederick Johnson, writing with Willard
Libby, the most recognised authority on carbon dating.. (Willard F.
Libby, Radiocarbon Dating. 1955, p.148)

De Lapparent likewise “concluded that the entire Ice Age was of

very short duration.” (Immanual Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval. London: Sphere
Books, Ltd., 1978, p.143)

Researchers Suess and Rubin were driven to a similar

conclusion that in the mountains of the western United
States ice advanced only 3,000 years ago.

According to the latest evidence, glaciers may NOT even

need thousands of years to build up, nor to disintegrate.

New Zealand’s Tasman Glacier, for example, is dying

within our life time.

Brent Shears runs his Glacier Explorers cruise on a lake

which didn’t even exist when he was born. Lake Tasman,
the result of the melting of the Tasman Glacier, is not much
more than 20 years old. As the glacier recedes, at an ever-
increasing rate, it is leaving in its wake the body of water
now known as Lake Tasman.

Visiting the site, Stephen Lacey writes of

…the creaks and groans of melting and movement. It strikes

me that what I can hear is the death throes of the glacier as it
drags its body back up the valley…its long claws ripping and
tearing at the ground like a great wounded beast. Suddenly I
hear a sound like an express train, roaring through a tunnel.

All heads turn towards the direction of the noise, just in time
to see a huge chunk of ice break away from the glacial wall
and plunge 10 metres into the lake. The splash sends a shock
wave through the water and the boat rocks steadily. I realise
that the crippled glacier is a whole lot more dynamic than the
cold white photos in our high school geography books.
‘That was a serac fall,’ Brent says. ‘It was only a small one…
I’ve seen them the size of houses.’ (“The Big Thaw”, Panorama
Inflight Magazine)

The Tasman Glacier is retreating at an estimated 80 metres

every year. Lake Tasman is already six kilometres long and

Over the years, on the glaciers around Mount Cook

(including Tasman), one hundred people have vanished into
crevasses and other spots. Now, as the glaciers retreat,
bodies are appearing in the terminals.

In 1998, research by a team at the University of Colorado, in

Boulder, revealed that mountain glaciers all over the world
are in retreat.

The European Alps have lost about 50 percent of their ice in

the past century, while 14 of 27 glaciers that existed in Spain
in 1980 have disappeared. In Africa, the largest glacier on
Mount Kenya has shrunk by 8 percent in the past 100 years,
while those on Mount Kilimanjaro are only 25 percent as
big. (Charles Arthur, in an article in The Independent, U.K., June 8, 1999)

Growth and retreat of glaciers is a rapid thing. It does not

take vast ages.

But the bottom line is this. Numerous glaciers are no older

than 4,000 years. Why is this? What happened around 2000
BC to spawn the world’s glaciers? That’s what we need to

-Part 2


Present desert areas around the world show evidence of recent

water bodies (Jonathan Gray, The Corpse Came Back, chapter 20).

Studies of salt and mineral deposits in numerous glacial lakes

that have no outlet to the ocean suggest that none of them is
older than 4,000 years. This is based on concentration, area,
water composition and evaporation rate. (Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval,

These lakes formed as the result of melting ice.

A study by Claude Jones of the lakes of the Great Basin (from

larger glacial lakes) showed that these lakes have existed only
about 3,500 years. Van Winkle obtained the same result on
Albert and Summer lakes in Oregon, and also Gales on Owen
Lake in California.

The end of the Ice Age, therefore, as well as the remains of

prehistoric animals found in the lake deposits, apparently goes
back no more than 40 centuries ago.

Lake Agassiz, the largest glacial lake in North America, was

formed when the ice of North America melted. Study of its
sediments shows that its total life span was only a few hundred

The American glaciologist Warren Upham expressed surprise at

the “geological suddenness of the final melting of the ice-sheet,
proved by the brevity of existence of its attendant glacial lakes.”
(Warren Upham, The Glacial Lake Agassiz. 1895, p.240)

Erosion on the shores of Lake Agassiz and the condition of

residue indicate that this great change took place no longer than
“a few thousand years at the most.” (Ibid., p.239)

Inland lakes and seas - none of them is older than 4,000 years.

My question is: Why do they go back no earlier than about 2000

BC? What happened around 4,000 years ago to start them off?

RIVER DELTAS - 3,600 to 5,000 YEARS

The deltas of the Nile, the Volga and the Mississippi are all
essentially alike and could be of about the same age.

The beginnings of these deltas were made by the enormous

rivers whose old high terraces we see far above the present

The Mississippi River brings down mud at the rate of 80,000

tons an hour. From an evaluation of the debris borne to the
Mississippi delta as sediment, two scientists, Humphries and
Abbot, in 1861, calculated the delta to be 5,000 years old.

Of course, excessive water flow during the early post-Flood

centuries would reduce this time span.

On the Alaska -British Columbia border is the Bear River, a

stream still fed by a melting glacier that enters the Portland

Concerning the Bear River delta, Immanuel Velikovsky notes:

“On the basis of three earlier accurate surveys made between the
years 1909 and 1927, G. Hanson in 1934 calculated with great
exactness the annual growth of the delta through deposited
sediment. At the present rate of sedimentation the delta is
estimated to be ‘only 3600 years old.’” (Velikovsky, p.145)

Once again, we have same approximate time frame as for the

glaciers and the inland seas. None of them is older than 3,600 to
5,000 years. And, as noted above, excessive water flow in the
past would reduce the higher time span.

My question is: Why do they go back no earlier than about 2000

BC? What happened around 4,000 years ago to start them off?


Rarely has a waterfall either deepened its bed at the top of the
falls or shown more than slight erosion into the cliffs. This is
evidence of “newness”.

We stand in awe before the mighty Niagara, deafened by the

roar of its spectacular plunge. And we say, “What power!”

The rate at which the Niagara Falls are moving upstream

indicates that they are no more than a few thousand years old.
The rim of the falls has been wearing back from its original
precipice to form a gorge.

Examination of records shows that since 1764, the falls cut the
gorge from Lake Ontario toward Lake Erie at the rate of 5 feet

per year. If this wearing down of the rock has continued always
at the same rate, 7,000 years would have been sufficient to do
the work.

However, closer to the Flood, erosion was much more rapid.

Therefore the age of the gorge must be considerably younger.

G.F. Flint of Yale, noting “the present rate of recession of the

Horseshoe Falls to be, not five feet, but rather 3.8 feet, per
year,” calculated the age of the Upper Great Gorge, the
uppermost segment of the whole gorge, to be “somewhat more
than four thousand years.” (Flint, p.382)

Careful investigation by another scientist, W.A. Johnston, of the

Niagara River bed, disclosed that the present channel was cut
by the falls less than 4,000 years ago. (Velikovsky, p.176)

Do you see? There’s that figure again. Once again, we have

same approximate time frame for the glaciers, inland seas, river
deltas, and waterfalls. None of them is older than about 4,000

My question is: Why do they go back no earlier than about 2000

BC? What happened around 4,000 years ago to start them off?


Drill samples have confirmed coral reefs to be growing like tree


The Great Barrier Reef in Queensland, Australia, is the world's

largest reef system. It comprises over 2,900 individual reefs and
900 islands, stretching for over 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometres)
over an area of about 133,000 square miles (344,400 square

The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from outer space. In fact, it
is the world's biggest single structure made by living organisms.

To study it, let’s zero in on one section - the Pandora Reef.

Scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science at
Cape Ferguson, south of Townsville discovered that it had
grown 15.3 mm (c. ½ inch) per year in 118 years. (Peter Isdale,
scientist of A.I.M.S., reported his findings in Nature, vol.310, 16 August, 1984, pp.578-579)

On this basis the whole 10 metre (32½ foot) thickness of coral

that makes up this reef would have taken only about 660 years
to grow!

Previously measured growth rates for massive coral colonies

elsewhere on the Great Barrier Reef are from 5 mm to 25 mm
per year. At their thickest part (at the edge of the continental
shelf), the outer ‘barrier’ reefs are about 55 metres (180 feet)

On the basis of an average growth rate of ½ inch per year, the

Great Barrier Reef can be no older than 4,340 years. (At 15 mm
per year it would be less than 3,700 years old.

Uncanny, isn’t it? Once again, we have same approximate time

frame for the glaciers, inland seas, river deltas, waterfalls and
coral reefs. No confirmed age is older than about 4,000 years.

My question is: Why do they go back no earlier than about 2000

BC? What happened around 4,000 years ago to start them off?

TREES - c.4,000 YEARS

Today’s oldest living things date to the same general time


Sequoia: Some believe that these monsters may enjoy perpetual

life, since they seem to be immune to disease and pest attack.
Many are over 3,000 years old.

A remarkable fact is that these still-living trees seem to be the

original trees in their present stands. There is no evidence of
older generations of trees growing before them.

Edmund Schulmann, writing in Science, asks:

“Does this mean that shortly preceding 3275 years ago (or 4000
years ago, if John Muir's somewhat doubtful count was correct)
all the then living giant sequoias were wiped out by some
catastrophe?” (Edmund Schulmann, “Longevity Under Adversity in Conifers”, Science,
vol.119, March 26, 1934, p.399)

Kauri: Late in the 19th century, on New Zealand’s Coromandel

Peninsula, a giant kauri was felled. This lordly tree, measuring
76 feet (23.4 metres) in girth and 80 feet (24.6 metres) to the
first limb, was discovered in the Mill Creek area, north-east of
Thames. It was thousands of years old and still alive - when
ruthlessly felled. Legend is that the stump thereafter supported
a dance band and a goodly group of dancers.

How old was such a giant tree? Although estimates varied, the
maximum age of this “oldest of all living kauris”, was declared
to be “over 4,000 years.” (A.H. Reed, The New Story of the Kauri. Wellington,
NZ.: A.H. & A.W. Reed, 1964, p.44)

Bristlecone pine: The oldest bristlecone pine “began growing

more than 4,600 years ago,” according to Schulmann. (Schulmann,
“Bristlecone Pine, Oldest Living Thing”, National Geographic, vol.113, March, 1958, p.355)

Whitcomb and Morris comment:

Since these, as well as the sequoias and other ancient trees, are
still living, it is pertinent to ask why these oldest living things
apparently have had time to develop only one generation since
they acquired their present stands at some time after the Deluge.

There is no record of a tree, or any other living thing, being

older than any reasonable date for the Deluge.” (John C. Whitcomb
and Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyter-
ian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1986, p.393)

In regard to the 4,600 year figure for the oldest bristlecone pine,
it should be stated that tree-ring measurement is not entirely
satisfactory. In irregular years there can be two rainy seasons,
and this would produce two rings instead of one.

Dr. Clifford Wilson summarises the position rather well:

In fact, under certain conditions a tree may demonstrate more

than two rings in a year. Three is not uncommon, as with a
tree that grows on a slope. If the water supply runs off rapidly
it sometimes gives an artificial w et and dry period three or
more times in a year. There are even cases where the opposite
sides of a tree have exhibited different numbers of rings.
(Clifford Wilson, The Chariots Still Crash. Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H.
Revell and Co., 1976, pp.53,54)

Once again, we have same approximate time frame as for the

glaciers, inland seas, river deltas, waterfalls and coral reefs. No
confirmed age is older than about 4,000 years.

Trees on both sides of the world are up to about the same age.
My question is: Why do they go back no earlier than about 2000
BC? What happened around 4,000 years ago to start them off?

Taking this into account, the oldest bristlecone pines reflect

fairly closely the date of the Great Flood, after which trees
began once more to take root around the planet.


The Sahara Desert has what’s called a prevailing wind pattern

(meaning, the wind usually blows the same way). And this
creates a problem. The hot air blowing off the desert “cooks”

the trees at the edge and they die. Then that area also becomes
desert. (The process is called desertification.)
In 1999 it was announced that the Sahara Desert is about 4,000
years old. This figure was based on desert growth patterns, rate
of growth, and so on. (Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, in Germany, July 15,
1999. Geophysical Research Letters)

Now, this does raise a question. If the earth is billions of years

old, shouldn’t there be a bigger desert some place? Why is the
biggest desert on earth only 4,000 years old?

Once again, we have same approximate time frame for the

glaciers, inland seas, river deltas, waterfalls, coral reefs and the
oldest trees on earth. No confirmed age of the deserts is older
than about 4,000 years.

We ask again: What do they go back no earlier than about 2000

BC? What happened around 4000 years ago to start them off?

Just suppose that there was a cosmic cataclysm such as a

worldwide Flood some 4,355 years ago? It’s pretty hard to have
a desert under a flood, right? In any case, the biggest desert
should be – and is – less than 4,355 years old!


You may be wondering, What about magnetic reversals, and the

time it must take to produce varves, coal, canyons, dense
jungles, and rock strata and fossils, and so on? Though these
could be dealt with here, I shall resist the temptation to do so,
since these are already covered in my book The Great Dating
Blunder. (<>)


We have been hinting at a worldwide disaster that interrupted


A sudden displacement of the earth’s axis would cause the

destruction of the entire surface of the planet.

This sudden change in position would leave the earth wobbling

like a disturbed top – and the earth is indeed WOBBLING on its
axis today.

South Australian government astronomer George F. Dodwell

made an interesting discovery in relation to the earth’s wobble.

Dodwell served in the South Australian Observatory for 53½

years and was South Australian Government Astronomer for 43
years. His work, which gained worldwide recognition, is
commemorated by a plaque on the site of the old observatory on
West Terrace, Adelaide. (<>)

Dodwell investigated what astronomers call “the secular

variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic”. He did an
investigation of summer solstice studies at ancient sites, such as
Stonehenge, Amen Ra, Eodoxus, and so on. Put simply, he
studied measurements of the sun’s shadow-length by ancient
astronomers from five continents. Available records of the
position of the sun at observed solstices showed that an
exponential curve of recovery had taken place in relation to the
earth’s axis.

In late 1960, he wrote to Dr. Arthur J. Brandenberger, professor

of photogrammetry at Ohio State University. Dodwell stated:

I have been making during the last 26 years an extensive

investigation of what we know in astronomy as the secular
variation of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and from a study
of the available ancient observations of the position of the

sun at the solstices during the last three thousand years, I

find a curve which, after allowing for al l known changes,
[shows] a typical exponential curve of recovery of the
earth’s axis after a sudden change from a former nearly
vertical position to an inclination of 26½ degrees, from
which it was returned to an equilibrium at the present
inclination of 23½ degrees during the interval of the
succeeding 3,194 years to A.D. 1850.

That is to say, the earth’s axis had once been almost upright, but
it had suddenly changed to a 26½ degrees tilt, from which it had
been wobbling back to its present mean tilt of 23½ degrees.

Dodwell’s research was confirmed by Dr. Rhodes W. Fairbridge

of Columbia University, in Science Magazine, May 15, 1970.

Dodwell concluded that something “struck’ the earth at that

time. He realised that this would result in massive, worldwide
flooding and catastrophic geological effects. The date of this
event, from his curve of observations, is 2345 BC - about 4,355
years ago.

If you’ve heard anyone say that the earth has tipped over several
times since then, don’t believe it. The evidence does not
support such a claim. Furthermore, they haven’t heard of
Dodwell’s findings.

The evidence shows a tipping of the axis in 2345 BC, followed

by a measurable corrective wobble. There is a clear a pattern of
recovery since 2345 BC that has not been disrupted.

This points to a disaster of devastating worldwide proportions in

2345 BC, from which all the processes of nature have since
been recovering.


According to these eight independent physical witnesses,

something significant did occur to the natural features of our
planet, which brought a clean break, then set everything going
again, around 4,000 years ago.

Here is an amazing synchronisation of natural time clocks!

The inference from all of these is that every natural process had
a new beginning after a massive worldwide cataclysm.

We have the same approximate dating from all parts of the

planet. More importantly, it comes from all types of clocks,
calculations and approaches.


Very well, then, is there solid evidence of such a world-shaking
event? And I mean direct evidence?

Indeed there is. It is an event that cultures worldwide called the

Great Flood, or the Deluge. If you didn’t know, it is the most
widespread racial memory of mankind. The knowledge of it
was handed down among all nations.

But, more importantly, there is an embarrassing wealth of

physical evidence for a worldwide Flood.

The word “flood” does not convey to the modern mind what
really happened on this occasion. This was not your ordinary
type of flood.

It was an event which involved up to 30,000 volcanoes,

earthquakes that ripped the crust of the earth apart on a world
scale, then the whole continental land mass being worked and
reworked, layer upon layer for over a year under water – in
some localities with sediment being deposited up to 60,000 feet
deep. In other words, not one square centimetre of the planet’s
surface was left unchanged.

There are many good books available on the Great Flood. But I
felt there was a need for a simply-written digest of the major
evidence. Hence Surprise Witness. (<>)

In our present discussion you may occasionally see references

to these two books, The Great Dating Blunder and Surprise
Witness, which directly impact on our topic. In dealing with
certain aspects of our topic, if copious evidence is not provided
here, it is because it is adequately dealt with in these books.
It must be stressed that one cannot under-estimate the cosmic
scale of the Great Flood event. It totally destroyed every vestige
of civilization, reshaping the land mass of the whole planet.

In Surprise Witness, the following aspects of this event are


• Fossil evidence of men, women, children and animals
• Animals and birds racing to thousands of hills all over the
world. Why?
• What drove strange mixtures of animals that don’t
normally live together – into caves and crevices all over
the world? And buried them together?
• What brought arctic and tropical animals to the same
mountain top? Why are deep sea creatures found high up
in the Himalayan mountains?

A GLOBAL FLOOD –one of the pivot events of history.

• 2 billion people, with their astonishing technology, vanish.
A crack rips around the earth at 2 ½ miles a second. Jets
of water shoot 70 miles high… a thermonuclear
meltdown… 30,000 volcanoes erupt… the planet’s
thermal canopy collapses.
• Waves 700 feet higher than New York’s Empire State
Building sweep the globe.
• The earth’s surface is churned up thousands of feet deep.
Floods of lava.
• Where did all the water come from? Where did it go? How
did it cover the mountains?


• What find has scared paleontologists out of their wits?
• Lies, cover-ups and deceit in the scientific world …
evidence destroyed. Why?

• The great interpretative blunder regarding the earth’s


The above aspects are listed here simply to stimulate your

thinking. I shall say this again. The Great Flood was not some
puny local event, but an earth-restructuring cataclysm in which
seas and continents were churned up together. It lasted more
than a year. It entirely destroyed one world and began another.
It brought a total break in world history.


1. Today’s deserts, ice, and other topographic features,

came into being as a consequence of the Great Flood.

2. There is NO evidence for an earlier date for the Flood.

There is NO evidence for a global disaster in 5000 BC,
10,000 BC or any earlier date. None at all!

3. No civilization that existed before the Great Flood –

before 2345 BC - has survived to continue its history.

There can be no question that the Great Flood reset our dating
processes. It marked a clear break in history.

Do I hear an objector? My response is this: If you haven’t

bothered to study Surprise Witness and The Great Dating
Blunder, then don’t waste my time talking about things of which
you know virtually nothing. Come back to me when you know
the facts.


The question may arise, Could today’s earth’s features be the

result of numerous smaller floods rather than one great event?

Not really. You see, a series of local floods could not have
produced the enormous size of some features seen today in the
earth’s crust. Only a global involving water can adequately
explain all the geological phenomena. (I deal with this question in more
detail, with examples, in Surprise Witness, chapter 10.)
To explain the evidence of enormous worldwide devastation and
earth changes, one major cataclysm is quite adequate. We do not
need to speculate more than one. What we see here is evidence
of one Global Flood, but with many smaller, but significant,
upheavals in the centuries since.

It is not our purpose to go into detailed evidence for that here.

Sufficient to state that the Great Flood is supported by evidence
more abundant than that for any other event in history.

Before dismissing this, the skeptic is challenged to thoughtfully

examine the evidence presented in Surprise Witness, which was
published especially to provide an easy digest of the massive
body of global Flood evidence. (<>)

May I suggest to you that when all evidence is in, the intelligent,
unbiased researcher should have little trouble in seeing that the
legendary Flood survivor Noah is no myth, but a real historical

And the dating probability inferred from the natural processes

covered in this chapter is reduced to a matter of certainty by
Dodwell’s discovery.

Well, I suppose such a conclusion puts me in the ranks of the


Are you ready for what’s next? Here it comes…



Recently an email came in, asking if the Maya civilization

began in 3114. After all, that was the date their calendar began.

A reasonable question.


According to the Mayan Long Count calendar, our solar system

is nearing the end of the 5,125 year “Great Cycle”, extending
from 3114 BC to 2012 AD.

There is no evidence that the Maya started recording time in

3114 BC. That is the date when their calendar is supposed to
have begun, but the first confirmed calendric inscriptions do not
appear much before 500 BC.

It appears that from studying the movements of heavenly bodies,

the Maya calculated that there would occur a conjunction of the
sun, the ecliptic and the Milky Way in 2012. Such a milestone
would appropriately end a natural astronomical cycle. From this
calculated future event, they then extrapolated back to 3114 BC
as the starting point of a calendric cycle.

Although many interpretations of the “end date” of the Mayan

13-stage Long Count calendar exist (partly due to abbreviations

made by the Maya when referring to the date), some researchers

use the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice date in 2012. This
is a common interpretation of the calendar among New Age

This solstice date is December 21, 2012. Then the Long Count
calendar resets at year zero.


You may wonder, why would the Maya choose that date for the
ending of their Long Count calendar? What is so special about
December 21, in 2012?

Put simply, at that time there is a galactic eclipse in which the

sun appears to be in the centre of the Milky Way. And the entire
Milky Way is spread out over the sky with every part of it

To understand what is so special (astronomically) about

December 21, in 2012, five things should be noted:

1. Our solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy. The

Milky Way band cuts across our star charts. The exact centre of
this Milky Way band is known as the “Galactic Equator” (not to
be confused with the Galactic Centre).

2. If the stars could be seen in daytime, the sun, moon and

planets in the course of one year would appear to move through
a belt of constellations about 16 degrees wide, encircling the
earth. This apparent path of the sun is called the ecliptic.

3. In the chart below, both the Milky Way (crossing at an angle

from top to bottom) and the ecliptic (the dotted line crossing
from right to left) are seen. Descending within the Milky Way is
another dotted line. This is the Galactic Equator.

4. The precise point where the ecliptic crosses the Galactic

Equator was known to the ancient Maya as “Crossroads”.

5. The chart below is a full view of the sky at noon on

December 21, 2012. The sun traces a roughly horizontal path
through the chart (the ecliptic). At noon on December 21, 2012,
the sun, quite strikingly, is dead centre, sitting on the

This is the time when there will occur an extremely close

conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of
Galactic Equator (equator of the Milky Way) and the ecliptic
(apparent path of the sun).


S UN D e
c. 21 20

12 >>>




Understand this, that the winter solstice sun rarely conjuncts the
Crossroads. In fact, this is an event that has been approaching
very slowly over thousands and thousands of years.

For Mayan sky watchers, this long, slow approach of the winter
solstice sun to the Crossroads could well have been seen as a
critical process, the culmination of which was surely worthy of
being called the end of a World Age.

From a simple observation of two successive worlds that they

knew had already occurred in history (pre-Flood and post-
Flood), something that was a FACT, they began to speculate
beyond what they saw, until they had developed a theory of an
unlimited succession of new worlds and their destructions.

Maya calendars reflected the Maya assumption that important

events transpire at the end of a time cycle. One might use the
analogy of the human gestation period, in which birth occurs at
the end of that time period.

Similarly, it appears, the Maya incorporated ‘end-naming’ into

their calendars. They named time-periods by their last day rather
than their first day.

Thus the Maya fixed the Long Count calendar in real time by
something they believed would happen on the end-date rather
than the beginning date. This was an astronomical alignment.
And so compelling and rare was the alignment that the ancient
Maya astronomers believed it to signal the commencement of
the next World Age.


You may ask, what about 3114 BC, the beginning of the Long

On that occasion, the sun did align with the Crossroads, but not
on the winter solstice (actually on Oct 10th, which is 72 degrees,
or 1/5th of the ecliptic from the winter solstice).

It may be argued out that to predict an end-of-cycle destruction

in 2012 is erroneous, since the previous cycle ending in 3114
BC did not bring world-wide destruction. Humans existed in
3000 BC.

However, modern defenders of the cyclic destruction theory will

respond that the 5,125 year cycle is only part of a greater cycle.
The full ecliptic is about five times longer. Known as the Great
Year, Platonic year, or Equinoctial cycle, it corresponds to a
complete revolution of the equinoxes around the ecliptic. Its
length is about 25,625 years. Thus some postulate that a world-
wide destruction occurred in the year 23,612 BC.

However, this remains no more than a philosophical speculation.

It lacks evidence.


Our solar system is located within a huge disc-shaped collection
of stars and planets called the Milky Way. We're actually
located close to the edge, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But
very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. It is
claimed that this change, from top to bottom, begins on
December 21, 2012.

By coincidence, that is the same day that our Sun is at its solar
maximum. And at that time the ecliptic of our solar system will
intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator"
of the Milky Way!

Try to imagine the Milky Way as a pizza as large as a city – and

our solar system as a bunch of peas on a plate, with a huge
meatball in the centre.

Up till now, we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never
really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not
parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been

drifting down, down, down... and on December 21, 2012, we

will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the
Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest. After
2012, we will be passing through the bottom zone, viewing the
Milky Way pizza from the South.

Such an alignment is very rare, occurring only once in the

Earth’s precession cycle of 25.920 years.

Although the exact date is hard to determine, somewhere around

the ending of the Maya calendar, the Earth, the Winter Solstice
Sun and the galactic equator will align. As the alignment occurs
the Sun will enter the Dark Rift of the Milky Way near the
centre of our galaxy.

But, as pointed out earlier, there is no evidence that the Maya

civilization began at the calculated start of this astronomical
cycle of the solar system. We are speaking of two different
things here:

1. The start of a natural cycle related to our solar system

(which the Maya understood)
2. The origin of the Maya culture itself.

There is no link between the two. In other words, the Maya

culture did not commence in 3114 BC. Not at all.

We shall have a clearer idea of the time that the Maya culture
began, later in this chapter.



The Toltecs of Mexico believed that the Flood came “after the
world had existed for 1,716 years.” (Francis Hitching, World Atlas of
Mysteries. London: Pan Books, Ltd., 1978, p.165)

In the sixteenth century, the native Mexican chronicler,

Ixtilxochitl in his Relaciones penned a history based on all
available pre-Conquest records and legends, aided by his ability
to understand the native tongue and decipher the hieroglyphics.

The history began with the creation of the world by the supreme
god Tloque Nahuaque. This first era lasted 1,716 years, until
floods swept over the earth. This is only a 60 year variation
from the figure given in the King James Bible. (Genesis chapter 5)


Ixtlilxochitl records another ancient Toltec tradition that the

descendants of the Flood survivors built a “zacuali” (tower) of
great height. Everyone spoke the same language.

After this, their tongues became confused and, no longer able to

understand one another, they went to different parts of the
world. After some time, the seven families who spoke the
Toltec language set out for the New World. They wandered 104
years over large extents of land and water. Finally they arrived
at Huehue Tlapallan in the year One Flint, 520 years after the

Latest research places the date of the Flood at 2345-2344 BC,

followed several generations later by a sudden breakup into
many new languages, which resulted in the physical dispersion
of the post-Flood population from a central point in the Middle
East, at about 2244 BC.

And you may be assured, the facts of archaeology do not

demand those dates to be earlier. Donovan Courville has shown
this clearly. (Donovan Courville, The Exodus Problem. Loma Linda, Ca.: Challenge
Books, 1971)

By the way, in case you imagine that the original one world
language, the Babel tower incident and the sudden confusion of
languages is just a myth, then you’d be well advised to think
again. Archaeology has proven this to be another of the
persistent racial memories of early mankind. It was indeed a real
event. In fact, there is reason to believe that the remnants of the
original tower of Babel still exist. (See my book, What Happened to the Tower
of Babel?. Also The Weapon the Globalists Fear, chapter 7)

The word “confound” in the biblical account means to

“mingle” or to “mix” – suggesting that man’s language was
contaminated in a manner of speaking. In computer lingo we
could say that a virus was introduced to make the software far
less productive than it was originally designed to have been.


The Popul Vuh, a book of the Central American Maya likewise

refers to the original one language. It states that “those who
gazed at the rising of the sun [the ancestors who formerly lived
eastward of the Americas]… had but one language… before
going west.”

In his book on the origin of the Maya, Votan declares himself a

descendant of Imos, of the land of Chan, of the race of Chivim.
Research shows that present-day Tripoli in Syria was anciently
known as Chivim.

This was only 150 miles (240 kilometres) from the site of the
Babel tower where the one language was suddenly split up into
a confused mixture, generating a dispersion of the people.

A copy of Votan’s book, written in the Quiche language, existed

until 1691, when it was very likely burned, along with other
native relics, by the Spaniards at Huehuetan, but not before
extracts had been copied from it. (H.H. Bancroft,.Works of Bancroft. San
Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Company, 1883, Vol.111, p.457)


Independent calculations by the noted anthropologist linguist,
Terrence Kaufmann, support this general period of time relating
to languages in a remarkable manner. A study was undertaken
in the language of the Maya of Central America. Norman
Hammond reports:

It is accepted that all Maya languages derive from a single

extinct ancestor, known as proto-Mayan, and the antiquity of
this ancestor has been estimated by a technique known as
glottochronology or lexicostatistics, developed and applied to
Mesoamerican languages by the late Morris Swadesh. The
basic assumption (not universally accepted by linguists) is that
over a given period, say 1,000 years, all languages will change
to approximately the same extent, in this case 14%: two
languages of common parentage, separated for 1,000 years,
will each have changed 14% of their vocabulary, and since the
same words need not have been changed in each language, they
will in fact share 74% of cognate, related words (74% being
86% of the 86% remaining unchanged in each language),
according to the calculations of Terrence Kaufmann. Thus the
Mayan language family began to break up from the common
proto-Mayan before 2000 BC, and retains a common 26% - 35%
of cognate words: the linguistic reconstruction suggests that the
Maya came into existence as a separate entity more than four
thousand years ago, and recent archaeological work not only
confirms this, but indicates an even greater antiquity for the
Maya as a cultural entity. (Norman Hammond, Ancient Maya Civilization.
Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1982, pp.92,93)

You will note that Kaufmann’s calculations took the language

divergence back to “before 2000 BC”.

Quite independently, the noted archaeologist, Professor W.F.

Albright, suggested that the Tower of Babel incident and the
dispersion of the races (a story which he took seriously) should
be dated to the 22nd century BC.

Interestingly, a surprising number of “new” civilisations that

suddenly appear are dated to approximately 2000 BC!

As far as we know, there is no sign that any language spoken

today has had a shorter history or a slower development than
any other.

Again, the evidence shows the origin of the Mayan language as

occurring not long before 2000 BC.


The credible, self-consistent history of ancient China dates from

no earlier than 781 BC.

The period prior to that is unverifiable. Chinese literary records

do, however, give dynastic epochs that are identical with
dynastic epochs of the book of Genesis.

For example, it is told that a tremendous flood of devastating

force occurred in approximately 2300 BC. The Chinese sacred
book of the Shu-king tells of Fu-hi, who was “born of a
rainbow” and bred and saved 7 kinds of animals to be used as a

The Epoch of Fu-hi began in 2944 BC (600 years before 2344

BC). From these details this is unmistakably speaking of Noah –
even to the precise dates which we derive from the book of
Genesis (2344 BC for the end of the global Flood). (Book of Shu-
king, translated by W. Gorn Old; also Genesis 7:2; 8:20; 7:6; D. Davidson and H.
Aldersmith, The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message. London: Williams and
Norgate, Ltd., vol. I, 1936, pp. 438,439)

Notice the similarities to the Genesis record:

The Bible Book of Shu-king

When Noah emerged from the Fu-hi was “born of a rainbow.”
Ark, God used a rainbow as a
sign of his new covenant with
the human race. (Genesis 9:13-17)

Noah saved 7 of each type of Fu-hi bred and saved 7 kinds of

clean animal: from these he animals to be used as a
offered a sacrifice after the sacrifice.
Flood. (Genesis 7:2; 8:20)

Noah was born 600 years The Epoch of Fu-hi began in

before the Flood. (Genesis 7:6) 2944 B.C. (600 years before
2344 B.C.)

The establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Xia dynasty in

2205 BC, marks the historical beginning of China’s 4,000 years
of unbroken dynastic culture and civilization.

There is nothing in the high antiquity of China to conflict

with the conclusion that some 200 years after the Deluge,
Noah's descendants arrived in northwest China. (Martin Anstey,
The Romance of Bible Chronology. London: Marshall Brothers Ltd., 1913, p.103)

In harmony with the histories of other nations, Chinese history

pivots around a starting date of 2205 BC.

Are you following this? Before your head spins completely off
your neck, let’s turn to some royal blood lines to clear it all up
for us…


Did you know that a 710 year old copy of the Magna Carta was
recently sold to a Washington businessman for 21.3 million
dollars? According to Wikipedia, this is the most expensive
document in the world.

What do you think is the value of five ancient, independently

preserved royal family trees, each of which individually traces
its origins, generation by generation, all the way back to Noah
himself? What price would one of these fetch on the world

These are genealogies which survive from pagan, pre-Christian

Iceland, Denmark, Ireland, Norway and Britain.

You see, certain people who migrated into Europe thousands of

years ago kept an accurate record of their beginnings. They
wrote down the names of their founding fathers and continually
brought their genealogies up to date with each new generation.

And these preserved lists, annals and chronicles give us a

surprising link between the early post-Flood era and more
modern times.

During more than 25 years, British researcher Bill Cooper

amassed copious evidence that the earliest Europeans recorded
their descent from Noah through his son Japheth. They did this

in meticulously kept records. He investigated in detail these

various records and was able to establish their antiquity and
authenticity. (Bill Cooper, After the Flood. Chichester: New Wine Press, 1995)

Independent of any records kept in the Middle East, these pagan

records originated in Europe. It is significant that they pre-date
the arrival of Christianity in Europe. This nullifies any argument
that they may have been medieval forgeries.

These records contain the early post-Flood history of Europe.

They bear unsuspected and striking marks of authenticity – and
contain certain material that can be dated to at least the 12th
century BC – with important details of which no later forger
would have been aware.

We have, for example, the genealogies and king lists of ancient

Britain. These commence before the migration of their ancestors
into Europe. These ancestors of the early British kings were
counted generation by generation, back all the way to Japheth,
one of the sons of Noah.

Cooper researched the lists of six separate Anglo-Saxon royal

families whose kingdoms were hundreds of miles apart, who
spoke different dialects and whose people rarely wandered
beyond their own borders unless it was to fight. He discovered
that each had a list of ancestral names that just happens to
coincide in its first five names with that of every other.

And each goes back to Japheth, the ancestor of the Indo

European races. For example, “This Sceaf [Japheth] was Noah’s
son, and he was born in the Ark.” (Reliq. Antiq., p.173)

These pre-migration ancestral lists of the Anglo-Saxon kings

would be astonishing records even if they were the only ones
that existed. But, in addition, separate genealogies were kept by
the pre-Christian Danes, Norwegians and Icelanders. And the
genealogies of these diverse nations, in their earlier portions,
though strictly individual, are practically identical.



Now, here’s the interesting part. When we compare the

genealogies of these diverse nations, the early Irish, the Anglo-
Saxons, Norwegians, Danes and Icelanders, we discover that up
to the FIFTH generation they share the same ancestral names.

That is, the genealogies show a unity as a single people, up to

the FIFTH generation. But from generation FIVE the pedigrees
diverge. And this is remarkable!

Why? Because what we discover in these isolated pagan

European histories is precisely the history we also find in the
book of Genesis from the Middle East – that the people were
one, until the Babel event. And that this occurred during the
FIFTH generation after the Flood.

From that moment in time – the FIFTH generation after the

Flood – the pedigrees of these five nations branched away from
each other in an emphatic way.

It astonished me to discover that the diverse genealogies of these

five separate nations are exactly in accordance with the post-
Babel dispersion of nations as depicted in Genesis.

Shem [son of Noah]… begat Arphaxad two years after the

flood…. And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber.
And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was
Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided. (Genesis11:10 ;

Here we see the five generations:

Shem > Arphaxad > Salah > Eber > Peleg

1 2 3 4 5



Something else of interest. Early in the Genesis Table of

Nations we read:

The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai,

and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. (Genesis 10:2)

Quite independently, we find the genealogy of the Irish

Celtic kings tracing back to Japheth’s son Magog.

This descent through Magog in the early Irish chronicles is in

direct contrast to the claims of the Saxons and other European
nations, whose genealogies were traced back to Javan, another
son of Japheth.

Modern archaeology has confirmed that the early Irish, the early
British and some other Europeans were Celts.

But the Saxons were not Celts. These two groups were each
from a different line – confirming what their genealogies show.

Quite independently of each other, the pagan Celts, the pagan

Saxons and the Genesis record each separately supply cross-
confirmation of each others’ history.


Someone may ask, were these ancient races really serious

enough to keep accurate records over long periods of time? Let
the historian and scholar M. F. Cusack answer:

The Books of Genealogies and Pedigrees form a most

important element in Irish pagan history. For social and

political reasons, the Irish Celt preserved his genealogical

tree with scrupulous precision. The rights of property and
the governing power were transmitted with patriarchal
exactitude on strict claims of primogeniture, which claims
could only be refused under certain conditions defined by
law… and in obedience to an ancient law, established long
before the introduction of Christianity, all the provincial
records, as well as those of the various chieftains, were
required to be furnished every third year to the convocat-
ion at Tara, where they were compared and corrected. (M.
F. Cusack, The Illustrated History of Ireland. 1868. Published in facsimile
by Bracken Books, London, 1987)

It is impossible to see how anyone could have contrived even a

minor alteration to their pedigree without every one else
becoming immediately aware of the fact.

These records may be relied upon, therefore, to be as accurate as

any record can be.

The skeptic is faced with this astonishing dilemma: that so many
peoples from diverse cultures actually recorded their descent
from post-Flood characters named in the biblical book of
Genesis – and long before they could have heard of the Bible or
have been taught its contents!

Here is a question for the skeptic who asserts that the biblical
characters are fictitious. What knowledge could pagan Saxons
(and all the other races) have had of supposedly non-existent
biblical characters?

All of these sources differ from one another in many and various
points – which rules out inter-dependency or copying. But they
also agree on many independent points – which demonstrates
the historicity of the records concerning the Genesis patriarchs
who are listed.

To discover these biblical patriarchs listed amongst such diverse

and independent sources – in all honesty, what should this tell

The historicity of many other characters from the ancient world

is accepted on much less evidence than this – often merely upon
the single appearance of a name.

It has been fashionable to fall for the evolutionists’ lie that you
cannot take the Genesis account of our origins literally.
However, these discoveries lay bare the great distortion. The
truth is just now being glimpsed by a handful of specialists – it
is still almost completely unsuspected by the average civilized

On the basis of the number of generations listed in the

preserved genealogies, each genealogy – the Icelandic,
Norwegian, Danish, Irish and British - would go back a little
more than 4,000 years – within the same general time frame as
the Great Flood.

Thus, these genealogies converge back to a point not long

before 2000 BC, just as do the Egyptians, Sumerians, Maya and

Here is an inescapable convergence of timing.

Denmark: 2000+ BC
Ireland: 2000+ BC
Britain: 2000+ BC
Norway: 2000+ BC
Iceland: 2000+ BC


(Bill Cooper)



If we are to believe the book of Genesis, those who emerged

from the survival vessel at the end of the Great Flood to
repopulate the earth, were eight in number – a man named Noah
and his wife, and their three sons Japheth, Shem and Ham, with
their wives.

Interestingly, in places as wide apart as South America,

Europe, Africa and Asia, recorders preserved the names of
their ancestors who survived the Flood. And, would you believe,
these include names virtually identical to those in the Genesis
account: Noah’s three sons Ham, Shem and Japheth.


Many traditions of the ancient world state that sometime after
the great World Flood, the earth was divided by lot among the
three sons of Noah. Eusebius tells us that this solemn division
took place about 20 years before Noah’s death. (George Stanley Faber,
Origin of Pagan Idolatry. London: F. and C. Rivingtons, 1816, Vol. 3, pp. 467,468)

Each of the three groups had its own portion assigned to it for
the future. Japheth and his descendants were to occupy initially
Europe and northern Asia; Shem southern Asia intermingled

with Ham’s offspring, while Ham was to settle Africa and

southern Asia.

Moses refers to this event in his writings. He says:

When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance,

when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of
the people. (Deuteronomy 32:8)

Among the nations, the remembrance of this triple division

remained. Out of it, a certain territory, well-known to all the rest
of mankind, was reserved as the lot of the future race through
whom the promised world Deliverer would later come.

INDIA: There is an Indian account of the Great Flood. It says

Noah (called Satyaurata) had three sons – Iyapeti (Japheth?),
Sharma (Shem?) and C’harma (Ham?). To Iyapeti he allotted
the regions north of the Himalayas and to Sharma the country
of the south.

The father cursed C’harma, who had laughed at him when he

was accidentally inebriated with strong liquor made from
fermented rice. (Institutes of Menu, 1280 BC; J.H. Titcomb, “Ethnic Testimonies to the
Pentateuch”, Trans. Victorian Institute, 6, 1872:249-253)

How strikingly close to the Genesis account of the cursing of


GREECE: Homer, in his Iliad, shows us that the Greeks

likewise recollected three brothers. To each was given a
domain when the world was divided. The Greeks trace
themselves back to Japetos. (Aristophanes, The Clouds. Roger’s Trans., line
998); John Skinner, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis. Edinburgh: T. and T.
Clark, 1930, p.196)

The Hindu Iyapeti and the Greek Japetos are recognisable as the
biblical Japheth, son of Noah.

CHINA: The Chinese ancestor Nu-Wah (Noah) survived the

destruction of the world by a flood and accomplished the
reconstruction. There followed legendary heroes sometimes
referred to as the Three Sovereigns (Noah’s three sons?). After
these came the Three Dynasties, Hsia, Shang and Chou (held by
scholars to initiate the historical period).

The Miautso people of China (who first settled in what is now

Kiangsi province, until driven out by the Chinese) are another
early people who regard themselves as being descended from
Noah’s son Japheth. They also remember some of the other
early patriarchs whose names appear in the biblical record.

When first contacted by the outside world, they were in

possession of surprisingly accurate recollections of the Creation
and the Great Flood. And some of the minute detail of their
early world history matches almost hand in glove with the
Genesis record.

The accuracy of their oral history owes its purity to the fact that
it has been recited in full at weddings, funerals and other public
occasions, since the earliest times.

Their names for Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah’s three sons, are
Lo Shen, Lo Han and Jah-phu. (Transl. by Edgar Truax of the oral traditions
of the Miautso. Bill Cooper, After the Flood. Chichester, UK.: New Wine Press, 1995,

Thus, in regions as far distant from each other as Greece, India,

China, Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, the
name of Japheth the son of Noah has been preserved, in
agreement with the Hebrew book of Genesis.

This speaks loudly of an historical common point of origin after

the Great Flood.

ARMENIA: Until early in the 20th century, when driven out by

the Turks, the Armenians dwelt in the Ararat area of eastern

Turkey. The Armenians trace their ancestry to Hiak, the “Son of

Targom [Togarmah], a grandson of Noah” (Moses Chorenensis, 1.4,
sec.9-11) who is also named in Genesis 10:2,3. They claimed to
have inhabited the Ararat region, the landing place of Noah’s
survival vessel, since that time.

AFRICA: It is possible that all of Africa, despite the different

shades of colour of its native populations, was initially settled
by various members of the one Hamitic family. We find the
Yoruba, who are black-skinned, claiming to be descendants of
Nimrod, grandson of Noah. (K.C. Murray, “Nigerian Bronzes: Work from Ife,”
Antiquity, England, March, 1941, p. 76; compare Genesis 10:8)

The Libyans, who are white-skinned, are usually traced back to

Lehabim, a son of Mizraim, son of Ham, son of Noah.
(Compare with Genesis 10:13)

The Egyptians also were direct descendants of Mizraim. And

the Arabs still call Egypt Mizr.

The Hottentots likewise speak of Noah, remembering him as

Noh and Hiagnoh. The natives of the Sudan called him Nuh.

SOUTH AMERICA: In the Amazon region he was known as


PACIFIC OCEAN: In Hawaii he was remembered as Nu-u.


Pulling back the curtain to see the bigger picture, the indications
are that the descendants of Japheth divided into two major
bodies. One of these comprised the ancestors of the Indians and
Persians, whereas from the second there issued eventually the
nations of Europe. Thus the word “Indo-European” sums up the
group as a whole.

The descendants of Noah’s second son Shem comprised the

Arabs, the Hebrews and the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians.

And from Noah’s third son Ham descended ultimately the

Negroid and Mongoloid races, the so-called coloured races.

This dividing of the whole human race into three families in a

way that does not concord with modern concepts of racial
groupings, is not thereby discredited, but shown to be based
upon a much clearer insight into the framework of history.



It may be asked, If the world was wiped out, except for a single
group of survivors, then however could all of today’s variations
in the human race have occurred in just a few thousand years
since that time?

What about the Australian Aborigines, for example, and the

Chinese, and so on?

To be frank with you, I must confess that for ages I found this to
be a tremendous problem for scientific acceptance of a Great
Flood total wipe-out only 4- 5,000 years ago.

That’s because I did not know enough about genetics.

Take skin colour, for example. Would it surprise you to learn

that mankind has only one skin colour? That colour shows up as
different shades in proportion to the amount of melanin in the
skin. (Melanin is a colouring compound.)

Melanin protects our bodies by absorbing ultra-violet (UV)

radiation from sunlight which falls on the skin.

Darker-skinned people have more melanin, which renders their

skin more sunlight resistant. Thus they are better suited to
hotter climates. Lighter-skinned people are better suited to a
cooler environment.

John Mckay B.Sc. writes that “if a person from a pure white
European background marries a person from a pure black Negro
background, their children will be an intermediate brown colour.
This brownish colour is called ‘mulatto’. If two MULATTOS
marry, unlike their parents they DO NOT produce children
which have the same colour. The offspring can be ANY OF
NINE COLOURS, from pure white through to pure black.”

Thus “if we started today with one pair of middle-brown

coloured people (similar to the mulattos), we could produce all
the racial colours in the world, NOT IN MILLIONS OF
ONE GENERATION.” (John Mackay, Ex Nihilo, vol.6, no.4, May, 1984.
Emphasis added)

Time factor? No problem. Not at all.


A child receives half its genes from each parent. Let’s call these
genes A and B. The genes have partners, a and b.

Genes A and B are good at producing melanin (which darkens

the skin). Result: A person with two pairs of genes AA and BB
will have darker skin.

Genes a and b both produce less melanin. Result: A person

with two pairs of genes aa and bb will have very light skin.

A person with gene pairs Aa and Bb (let’s write it as AaBb) will

have medium-coloured skin. And so on.

Now, suppose both parents are AaBb (medium-brown).

The mother gives the child two genes for skin colour – one from
type A or a, the other from B or b. The father likewise gives
two genes for skin colour – one from type A or a, the other from
B or b.

So each of these middle-brown parents with AaBb can give

his/her children any one of the following pairs of gene
combinations: AB, Ab, aB or ab.

For example, suppose each parent passes on the AB

combination to the new child. The mother gives the child AB.
The father gives the child AB. Result: The child will be born
with AABB – and thus will be PURE BLACK.

But if both parents pass on the ab combination (the mother

giving the child ab; the father giving the child ab), then what?
Result: The child will be born with aabb – and will be PURE




Notice that the PURE BLACK child is born AABB – that is, he
has no genes for lightness. If a group of pure black persons is
isolated, their offspring will be only black. These children will
have lost the ability to be “white”.

Likewise, when aabb children marry their own type (pure white)

and move away to interbreed only among themselves, they will

produce from now on only white offspring. They have lost their
ability to be black. They no longer have genes to produce a
great deal of melanin.

If we started today with just two MIDDLE-BROWN parents,

they could produce extreme racial colours (BLACK and
WHITE), in a way that races would have PERMANENTLY
DIFFERENT colours.

A fixed middle-brown colour could also be produced. If the

original middle-brown parents produce children of either AAbb
or aaBB and these offspring move away and interact only with
their kind, their descendants will be a fixed middle-brown


Despite marked differences, the races would disappear if total

inter-marriage were practised today. There would reappear a
brown coloured majority, with a sprinkling of every other shade
permitted within the genetic pool.

The genes for Chinese almond eyes, black skin or white, etcetra,
would still exist, but the combinations would be different.

Interestingly, you can find the characteristics of ANY race in

EVERY race. For example, some Europeans have broad, flat
noses, and others have short, frizzy hair, but on average
Europeans do not have these features. The same sort of genetic
recombinations that have produced skin colour variations have
produced other body variations – straight hair, wavy hair, eye
shape, eye colour, body height, and so on.

It may be of interest to note a comment by William C. Boyd,


Professor of Immunochemistry at the Boston University School

of Medicine:

We should not be surprised if identical genes crop up in all

corners of the earth, or if the over-all racial differences we
detect prove to be small. We do not know the total number
of gene differences which mark off a Negro of the Alur tribe
in the Belgian Congo from a white native of Haderslev,
Denmark. Glass has suggested that the number of gene
differences even in such acase is probably small. Besides a
few genes for skin colour, he thinks that there may be a
dominant gene for kinky hair and a pair or two of genes for
facial features. He considers it unlikely that there are more
than six pairs of genes in which the white race differs
characteristically from the black. This estimate errs somewhat
on the small side, in the opinion of the present writer.
Probably, however, it is of the right order of magnitude, and
any outraged conviction that the difference between the two
races must be much greater than this, which some persons
might feel, is likely to be based on emotional, rather than
rational, factors. (William C. Boyd (Professor of Immunochemistry at
Boston School of Medicine), Genetic s and the Races of Men. Blackwell’s
Scientific Publications, p.200 ff)



The first man was designed with the best possible combination
of skin-colour genes for his perfect created environment.

The Great Disaster radically altered that environment.

Evidently, Noah’s family possessed genes for both light and

dark skin, dark enough to protect them, yet light enough to
ensure sufficient Vitamin D.



From the above data it can be seen that all the known varieties
of skin colour could come from one pair of mid-brown parents

In general, racial characteristics are recombinations of pre-

existing, created hereditary (genetic) information. They have
not evolved and they do not require a long time to become

You can be clear on this. There has been no evolution of genes

that did not previously exist. All that has occurred is the
recombination and degeneration of created genetic information.

And the differences did not take countless ages to produce.


It is now known from observation that

(a) a small population tend rapidly to vary to the utmost

extent of their possible limits and then to remain
stationary for an indefinite time.
(b) When a few members of it shift to a new
environment, wide varieties again appear, which
become stable only with time.

The splitting up of a large group into many smaller groups who

became isolated from each other would provide the ideal
condition for the RAPID APPEARANCE of many different
racial groups with distinct characteristics.

This is doubtless what occurred. There is overwhelming


archaeological evidence for a common origin for all races on

this planet. (Jonathan Gray, Dead Men’s Secrets, pp.16-19.

The scattering of mankind shortly after the Great Flood, when

their language was suddenly confused, was the catalyst that
produced the variations now seen.

Each of these groups migrated into areas which offered them

new and different climates, as well as different diets from those
they had been used to. As we noted, the global environment had
drastically changed. From now on, it was unlikely that any two
groups would find identical areas to move into.

So would such a change in climate, environment and diet have

any effect on skin colours? Very little, actually. But there
would be some effect.
Studies have been made on the relationship between skin colour
and health or diet in a given environment. So we can postulate
the following influences.

Those who, after the separation, moved to colder regions but

had darker skin, could suffer from vitamin D deficiency, such as
rickets. The Neanderthals are a classic example of this.

By the way, Neanderthals were not emerging primitives. That’s

fiction. They had a skull capacity (with its inferred brain size)
larger than that of modern man. Classic descriptions of so-
called Neanderthal man were based in large part on the skeletal
remains of a man suffering from severe osteoarthritis. He had
degenerated. In fact, there are folk who would pass for
Neanderthals, alive today. It has nothing to do with history or
intelligence, but rather, health!

But back to our subject.

The skin, as you know, produces vitamin D from sunlight. So

any person with a darker skin is worse off in a cold region,

because there is less sunlight. Because a dark skin is more

sunlight resistant, it can produce less vitamin D.

So a colder environment, with less available sunlight (and not

forgetting the available diet), would tend to favour those who
inherited fairer skins.

Dark-skinned people in such an area would therefore tend to be

less healthy and would have fewer children. This means that
gradually the number of black people in any group going to a
cold region would be outnumbered by the white.

Similarly, people with darker skins who went to sunnier or

hotter regions would survive better – for one thing, getting less
skin cancer. Gradually, the fairer persons would dwindle from
the population and a black race would result.

I am aware that for racial, philosophical or emotional reasons,

some person will disagree with what I have just revealed. But, if
you put aside all prejudice and just investigate the scientific
facts, you will discover that what you have just read is scientific
reality. There is no avoiding it.

The bottom line is, today’s racial differences did not take
countless ages to produce.


The evidence points to ALL races on the earth having
descended from a common ancestor family group not much
longer than 4,000 years ago. ALL races? yes, ALL races.

Of course, this will raise other questions. For example, why do

people such as the Maya, the Egyptians and Sumerians speak of
longer past ages?

And while we’re at it, what about the 9600 BC date for the
destruction of Atlantis?

Yes, at first glance this dating question does appear a little



From the devastation of the Great Flood in 2345 to 2344 BC,

let’s move forward a few centuries.

The new population multiplied fast and spread rapidly across the

Within just two centuries after the Deluge, they had resettled in
lands from northern Europe and Spain to Ethiopia and Iran.

However, those on the furthest fringes of the great migration

found themselves, in their new environments, struggling to

Post Flood pioneers continued to blaze trails and open up

territories in every habitable part of the earth. At a basic level
they made maximum use of the raw materials and resources of
each locality.

This seems to have been done under pressure, since in a

remarkably short time their descendants had established
beachheads of settlement in every part of the world.

Wherever they went, they seem to have had a remarkable skill in

adapting local raw materials for survival.


Among the tribes descended from Ham were the Sumerians, the
Egyptians and the American tribes, such as the Maya.

The Sumerians were an entirely practical people, with no urge

to search for truth for its own sake. They sought for no
underlying principles, and undertook no experiments for
verification. (Samuel M. Kramer, From the Tablets of Sumer. Indian Hills: Falcon’s
Wing Press, 1956, pp. xviii, 6, 32, 58, 59) Their mathematics arose out of a
practical need, that is, business records and transactions.

Likewise, in Egypt, geometry was developed to satisfy entirely

practical needs – being required originally to measure the land
in order to re-establish property boundaries obscured each year
by the flooding Nile. (Philip E.B. Jourdain, “The Nature of Mathematics,” in The
World of Mathematics, Vol. 1, ed. By James R. Newman. New York: Simon & Schuster,
1965, pp. 10-13)

All the evidence goes to show that the Egyptians were severely
practical. They sought to learn, not from any joy in the

attainment of truth for its own sake, but simply for solving
everyday problems. (James Baikie, The Story of the Pharaohs. London: Black, 1908,
p. 59) As practical men, they were not given to abstract enquiries.

The truth for its own sake, as an intellectual treasure, was not of
greatest priority. It is important to understand this, when
considering the length of history that each claimed.

For the Egyptians and Sumerians (both Hamitic nations),

keeping a strict record of their beginnings was not a practical

And this can be said of the Hamitic nations in general, whether

they be Oriental, American, or African.


Although they retained their national or tribal identities, even so,

they soon lost all trace and memory of their own beginnings –
and went on to invent fantastic accounts of how they came to

It’s amazing, but true. This mythological invention emerged

early and grew rapidly in many cultures.

On the other hand, it should also be borne in mind that all the
ancient kingdoms were fond of exaggerating their antiquity in
competition with each other.

The Egyptians, to cite one example, extended their genealogies

to absolutely incredible lengths. National pride led them to
belittle their enemies and to magnify their own age upon earth.

Francis Hitching notes that

The Egyptian method was by adding up the number

of years in the reigns of all their kings, as preserved
in the king-lists; as several kings had reigned simul-
taneously in various parts of Egypt on many occas-
ions, this totting-up led to wildly inaccurate figures;
the Greek historian Herodotus, visiting Egypt a
mere 150 years after Solon, was given by this method
an authoritative date of 12,040 BC for the founding
of Egyptian civilization.” (Francis Hitching, The World Atlas
of Mysteries. London: Pan Books, Ltd., 1978, pp. 138-139)

Perhaps you weren’t aware of this before. It is a fact that their

true histories were obscured beyond all recognition.

We find Josephus complaining that this had happened even to

the Greeks of his day. And he lamented that by obscuring their
own history, they had obscured the histories of other nations
also. (Flavius Josephus, Against Apion. From Josephus’s Complete Works. Tr.
William Whiston. Pickering and Inglis, 1981, pp.607-636)


The origin of the Maya theory of long cycles and the ‘circle of
the Destroyer’ concept can be traced back to Mesopotamia
around 2000 BC. (See my book Stolen Identity, chapter 14.) This was the
centre from which the Maya and others later migrated.

From a simple observation of two successive worlds (pre-Flood

and post-Flood), something that was a FACT, they began to
speculate beyond what they saw, until they had developed a
theory of an unlimited succession of new worlds and their


These people inherited, along with all early civilizations, a

scientific and technological culture, which included an accurate
knowledge of astronomy.

As they later migrated into Asia, the Americas and elsewhere,

they blended their scientific prowess with their philosophies - to
juggle and refine their theories. One such theory that developed
was the idea of cyclical destructions.

With their astronomical calendar, the Maya refined this idea to

fit into their calendar. But, unlike their calendar, which was
based on FACT and observation, ‘the circle of the Destroyer’
theory was based not upon observation nor from any evidence.
It was no more than a philosophical theory.

Here was an imagined cosmic history, which was based not on

evidence but on philosophy. We should be alert, and not allow
ourselves to be taken in by something that is no more than a
philosophical idea.

If you ever hear someone claiming that there has been a

succession of total worldwide destructions, one after another,
please do yourself a favour. Ask for the evidence. You will
discover it does not exist. Nowhere will you ever find an atom
of evidence for it. That idea is based on nothing more than some
person’s philosophical mindset.

By contrast, the absolutely overwhelming physical evidence for

the Great Flood overshadows all theories. It must take top
precedence. Not only did the Great Flood reset our dating
processes. It marked the only clear break in world history.





It is universally agreed amongst reputable historians of

antiquity, that Egyptian chronology is the yardstick by which the
histories of the other nations are largely measured and brought
into alignment with one another.

This being so, it is natural to ask, are the foundations of

conventional Egyptian history able to sustain the elaborate
structure being raised upon them?

The answer is a resounding NO!


Now brace yourself for a shock. Our current conjectured history

of Egypt is probably 600 to 800 years too long!

Some six to eight supposed “dynasties” never existed!

In case you didn’t know, inscriptions we dig up don’t carry a

date, nor a ruler’s sequence number. It means we can easily get
our dates wrong, even by hundreds of years.

The problem began in the early days of Egyptology. Modern

archaeologists were giving highly exaggerated datings for the
Egyptian dynasties. Dates like 6000 BC… 4000 BC.

So why were such older dates for Egypt accepted?

Simply because all the listed kings were placed one after
another, in succession. This added thousands of extra years to
Egyptian history. And at the time it seemed quite logical.

These lists of pharaohs had been provided by 3rd century BC

Egyptian priest Manetho in his Aegyptica.


Herodotus vouches for the fact that at one time there were no
fewer than 12 kings of Egypt reigning at the same time.
However, Manetho made no allusion to this (Wilkinson, Egyptians, vol. I,
p. 148), but rather made his Thinite, Memphite and Diospolitan
dynasties of kings, and a long list of other dynasties, all

The duration of all these dynasties, commencing with Menes, is

so long, it passes all rational belief.

Virtually all of the ancient kingdoms were fond of exaggerating

their antiquity in competition with each other. It has been
suggested that Manetho, who recorded Egyptian king-lists, was
probably in competition with the contemporary Babylonian
historian Berosus to exaggerate the antiquity of their respective

In Egypt the method was to add up the number of years in the

reigns of all the kings on their lists (even though several kings
had reigned simultaneously in different parts of Egypt) and tot
them all up to wildly inaccurate figures.

So when the Greek historian Herodotus visited Egypt around

450 BC, he was given by this method an authoritative date of
12,040 BC for the founding of Egyptian civilization.


Fast forward to the early 20th century. Eduard Meyer of the

Berlin School of Egyptology realised that the lists of pharaohs
provided by the ancient chronologer Manetho were greatly
exaggerated. It certainly did not correlate with the more precise
information of the monuments. (E. Meyer, Aegyptische Chronologie,
Philosophische und historische Abhandlungen der Koeniglich preussischen Akad. Der Wiss.
Berlin, 1904)

The Egyptians did not keep clear records of eclipses and other
astronomical events that could help in establishing a precise

But Meyer read that the Roman author, Censorinus (3rd century
AD) had recorded that a Great Sothic Year had concluded in
140 AD. (Censorinus, De die Natali Liber ad Q. Caerellium, trans. D. Nisard. Paris:
Hildesheim, 1965)

The Sothic Cycle was the number of years it took the star Sirius
to pass from one heliacal rising (that is, first visible rising of the
star before dawn) on New Year’s Day to another such rising.
This cycle took 1460 years.

So with 140 AD as a starting point, Meyer calculated backwards

(using multiples of 1460), and concluded that Sothic cycles must
have commenced in 1320 BC, in 2780 BC and in 4240 BC.
This latter date of 4240 BC, Meyer called the first fixed date in
history of which one could be absolutely certain... based upon
the notion (presumed from some Egyptian texts) that the ancient
Egyptians counted time by the heliacal rising of the star Sirius.


However, the most reliable archaeoastronomers today (for example,

B. Schaeffer, “Predicting Heliacal risings and Settings”, Sky and Telescope, September, 1985,
pp. 53-55; R. Purrington, “Heliacal Rising and Setting: Quantitative Aspects”,
have abandoned this theory,
Archaeoastronomy No 12, JHA, xix, 1988, S72-75)
and the Egyptologists have abandoned Meyer’s date of 4240 BC
in favour of another date, 3100 BC.

Despite this, it is Meyer’s Sothic chronology of Egypt, basically,

that is still the one found in the text books of colleges and

Meyer rearranged Manetho’s lists of Pharaohs according to the

Sothic rule. It was thought that he had thereby created so
mathematically precise a history of Egypt that Egyptologists still
claim to be able to pinpoint the very day certain events occurred,
back as far as the 15th century BC. They believe these events to
be “astronomically fixed”.

The problem is that, whilst various Classical texts do make

allusion to the Great Sothic Year, the Egyptian documents that
refer to Sirius never do. The truth of the matter is that there is
not the tiniest shred of evidence from Egypt to suggest that the
Egyptians ever computed calendrically according to the Great
Year of Sothis.


Here are some facts of which early Egyptologists were not


Problem 1:
Rulers were known by a title, as well as by a personal
name. For example, it has now been discovered that
Rameses II was not Rameses II, at all! He was most

probably Rameses XLII – that is, the 42nd ruler called

Rameses, which was rather a title, like Pharaoh. (Charles V.
Taylor, Creation Ex Nihilo, September-November, 1987, p.9)

So where a ruler’s title and name both appeared,

Egyptologists had listed them separately, as though they
were different pharaohs. Correcting this would shorten the

Problem 2:
Then it was discovered that pharaohs regularly had as
many as five, and even more, names. The Egyptologists
had taken these and listed them one after another.
So, again, the chronology had to be shortened.

Problem 3:
It was also discovered that other listed pharaohs ruled at
the same time over different parts of Egypt. (Ibid.) Rulers
sometimes appointed others as co-regent during their
lifetime. This means that two “names” ruled concurrently.
Egyptologists have been adding many of these names on to
a long list of what they thought were “consecutive” reigns.

What a mix-up! The dating was thrown into chaos. More


With such discoveries, the span of Egyptian history had to

be progressively reduced. So that today it is commonly
believed that Egyptian civilization began about 3000 BC.

Now take a deep breath. It turns out that even this is too

Problem 4:
To add fuel to the fire, linguistic expert and university
lecturer Edo Nyland of Canada has recently decoded
and translated some 120 of the pharaohs’ names. These
appear in his book Linguistic Archaeology. In a personal

communication to the author, Ed reported:

“In doing my research I came upon some disturbing mis-

translations by the ‘specialists’. I found two early
pharaohs whose names could not possibly be correct,
because instead of names, they were curses aimed at
intruders to the tomb.

“When I pointed this out to an archaeologist, I was

brushed off with: ‘All pharaohs' names have been properly
translated, the book is closed on that subject’”.

Do you see? If some pharaohs were not really pharaohs at

all, but merely curses…

More shortening of the chronology? Oh, boy! But that’s

not all!

Problem 5:
Comparing documents on a generation-by-generation basis,
Immanuel Velikovsky matched the history of Egypt with
those of Babylon, Assyria, Israel, Greece and Persia, from
roughly 1400 BC to about 330 BC.

His conclusion was startling: events of Egyptian history are

described twice - and 600 years later they are repeated
exactly, to the detail.


Velikovsky’s findings evoked an uproar.

His original publisher was threatened by astronomers and

professors. They warned that if his books were published, there
would be a boycott of the publisher's standard textbooks!


The mistake lies not with history, but with the historians. This
has led to a mistaken increase in the total year count.

For example, the Great Pyramid construction is usually put at

2650 BC.


At this point the Turin Papyrus enters the picture. This ancient
document was prepared during the late 18th Dynasty of the
Pharaohs and included lists of all the kings of every dynasty of
ancient Egypt through to the 18th Dynasty.

This papyrus was found during a temple excavation in the 19th

century. The King of Sardinia carefully preserved it and
entrusted it to some “scholars” at Turin for translation.

It arrived in perfect condition, but then something went wrong.

The “scholars” destroyed or hid most of it. Why would scholars
do that? Horror of horrors, it proved the “LONG dynastic”
history of Egypt to be UNTRUE! So to “explain” the “changed
condition” of the papyrus, they accused the King of Sardinia of
sending it “unwrapped”.

The Palermo Stone contained a similar list. And while many

“scholars” quote from “missing parts” of the stone, “unapproved
researchers” can have access to only a few fragments. It is
obvious that the stone was broken recently, since all inner edges
of the fragments show recent fracture conditions.



W.B. Emery is one of the rare few who admit how limited our
knowledge of ancient Egypt really is. He informs us that:

Unfortunately, our knowledge of the archaic hieroglyphs is so

limited that reliable translation of these invaluable texts is at
present beyond our power and we can only pick out odd words
and groups which give us only the vaguest interpretations.” (W.
B. Emery, Archaic Egypt. Penguin Books Reprint, 1984, p.59)

Yet, in most books we read, translations and conclusions are

never stated as being theory; they are stated as firm fact.



The truth is, Egyptologists have been contracting the Egyptian

chronology for decades.

For instance, down Bobbin Head Road in Turramurra, Sydney,

Australia, stands a memorial in the bush. It is close to the gates
of the park leading down to Bobbin Head – and within walking
distance of the Lady Davidson Hospital, where after World War
I wounded or gassed soldiers could recuperate.

One such soldier, Private Shirley, used to walk to this spot from
the hospital. Out of a rock in the bush he carved a pyramid,
sphinx and other objects, as a memorial to his friends who had
served with him in Egypt - but never returned!

According to a plaque fixed at the spot, he completed his work

in 1926, featuring “the Great Pyramid and Sphinx dating back
to the 4th Dynasty in 4700 BC”. (A colleague of mine, Bruce
Price of Sydney, has photos showing this date on the original

plaque.) However, by the time Bruce visited the park in 1996 -

seventy years later - the date given for the 4th Dynasty was 2600
BC! The Egyptologists had themselves in seven decades
contracted it by 2,100 years!

Okay, here is confession time. Until recently, the “experts” had

me assuming that Egypt sprang up around 3000 BC (and
likewise all the other civilizations of great antiquity).

And since these all emerged after the global Flood, then the
dating for the Flood just had to be earlier.

How embarrassing! It now turns out that the scientific structure

of Egyptian history is built on the framework of a mistaken
chronology. The result of the artificial Sothic scheme is a vastly
over-extended chronology of Egypt.

Such an Egyptian chronology, far from serving as a suitable

gauge for the histories of other nations, only manages to throw
one nation out of alignment with another. Due to this mis-
alignment (especially for the period prior to the 9th century BC),
archaeology is seldom able to bring face to face contemporaries
from one nation to another right across the board.

This impediment of mis-alignment that the conventionally

trained scholars have inherited has led them into trying all sorts
of clumsy techniques to make their data fit.

Consider early Greek history, for example. In order to make the

shorter Greek history align with the Sothic chronology of Egypt,
archaeologists have found it necessary to insert into Greek
history a so-called “Dark Age” of about 300 years (c. 1200 to
900 BC). And have inserted Dark Ages in many other places as

The painful fact is, there is absolutely no archaeological

evidence for the existence of these Dark Ages. (Peter James, Centuries

of Darkness. London: Jonathan Cape, 1991. This book comes with a high recommendation, in
the Foreward, from Colin Renfrew, Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge University.)

And since Egyptian chronology is the rule and the standard for
the entire world history, the history of the entire ancient world
is consequently now in a most chaotic state.

Adjustments and revisions of Egyptian history will tend to

considerably shorten human history in general.


But, I hear someone ask, isn’t it possible to establish vast ages
for some civilizations on the basis of astronomical data?
Unfortunately, no - due to the disruptions to the earth’s axis in
2345 BC.

Any effort to construct a chronology earlier than that date on the

basis of new moon, eclipse, or star observations, cannot be
correct, because the order of nature was changed at that time.

Attempts to date the Sphinx and pyramids of Giza by

astronomical alignments to, say 10,500 BC, are futile for the
same reason.

This may come as a surprise, but neither are Egypt’s monuments

much help in solving our dating dilemma.

This is because the monuments themselves do not begin their

records before the 19th dynasty. As Anstey notes:

There was an older Egyptian Empire which may have come

to an end about 1750 BC, and to it the pyramids belonged.
But its duration can only be guessed. Canon Rawlinson
thinks it may have lasted 500 years or so. This would bring
us to 2250 BC, as the date of the establishment of civilizat-
ion in the form of a settled government in Egypt. (Martin

Anstey, The Romance of Bible Chronology. London:Marshall Brothers Ltd.,

1913, p.95)

The Byzantine chronicler Constantinus Manasses wrote that the

State of Egypt, as he knew it, had already lasted 1663 years.
Counting backward from his day in 526 BC, which was the time
when Cambyses, king of Persia, conquered Egypt, the Egyptian
culture, according to Constantinus, was founded in 2188 BC, or
about 56 years after the birth of Peleg.

About this time Menes led his colony into Egypt.

All authorities are agreed on this: however far we go back in the

history of Egypt, there is no indication of any early period of
savagery or barbarism there. Menes (the biblical Mizraim)
came, dammed the waters and started building.

Yet some writers still play the old record – against mounting
evidence – that Egypt is much older.


It may surprise you to learn that information concerning the

founding of Egypt, as well as the approximate time frame for
this event, can be known with some certainty.

Three key names upon which early Egyptian history pivots, are
Khem, Menes and Hermes.

These are not fictitious characters, even though they were later
deified by the superstitious Egyptians. They were real people
who actually lived. And their names offer us clues to the
founding of Egypt.


Egypt was anciently known as the land of Khem. Khem (i.e.

Ham), means “the burnt one” as in relation to the sun. Ham was
reputed to be dark-skinned.

Some of Ham’s descendants peopled the continent of Africa.

There are African tribes that still trace themselves back
traditionally to Ham. For example, the Yoruba claim to be
descendants of Nimrod, grandson of Ham. The Libyans are
usually traced back to Lehabim, a son of Mizraim, son of Ham.
And the Egyptians were direct descendants of that same

It appears that all of Africa, despite different shades of colour

among its native populations, was initially settled by various
members of this one Hamitic family.

Egypt was not only named for a member of Ham’s family, but,
in fact, Khem (Ham) was in later ages openly worshipped in
Egypt, in connection with the sun. (Bunsen, Egypt, vol. i. p.373)

The other two persons mentioned earlier - Menes and Hermes –

were two of Ham’s sons.


Diodorus informs us that in earliest times “Egypt was said to

have been not a country, but one universal sea.” (Diodorus Siculus, lib.
iii. P.106) Plutarch also says that Egypt was sea. (De Iside, vol. ii. P.367)

Herodotus records that in the reign of the first king, “the whole
of Egypt (except the province of Thebes) was an extended
marsh. No part of that which is now situated beyond the lake

Moeris was to be seen, the distance between which lake and the
sea is a journey of seven days.” (Herodotus, lib. Ii. Cap.4)

Thus all of Lower Egypt was under water.

This prevalence of “water puddles” left behind on all the

continents, as well as excessive rainfall in areas that are now
desert, was an aftermath of the Great Flood that persisted for
centuries. The China also recorded that when they first arrived,
the land, largely soaked in water, had to be drained. Just as did
Egypt. (A comprehensive report appears in my book The Corpse Came Back, chapter 20.)

In Egypt’s case there was an unrestrained flowing of the Nile,

which “formerly washed the foot of the sandy mountains of the
Libian chain.” (Wilkinson, Egyptians, vol. i. P.89) In fact, the Nile was
called Ocean, or Sea. (Diodorus, lib. i. P.8)

Before Egypt could be fit for human abode it was indispensable

to set bounds for the overflowing of this Sea (the River Nile).


When Menes led a colony into Lower Egypt and settled it there,
he raised great embankments to enclose or confine its waters.

Hence this name was given him: Metzr-im (Mizraim) – which,

among other things, signifies “The encloser or embanker of the

This is still the name which the Arabs (Egypt’s modern

inhabitants) give to all of Egypt - Musr or Misr.

Names always tend to become abbreviated in the mouths of a

people. Thus “the land of Misr” is simply “the land of the

The “embanking of the sea (the enclosing of the Nile within

certain bounds) was the making of it as a river, so far as Lower
Egypt was concerned.

Thus a later king of Egypt (as the representative of Mizraim)

was able to proudly boast, “My river is mine own, I have made
it for myself.” (Ezekiel 29:3)

When we examine the doings of Menes (the first historical king

of Egypt, according to Herodotus, Manetho and Diodorus), and
compare what is said of him with this simple explanation of the
name Mizraim, the result is illuminating.

Wilkinson describes the work which brought fame to that first


Having diverted the course of the Nile, which formerly

washed the foot of the sandy mountains of the Lybian chain,
he obliged it to run in the centre of the valley, nearly at an
equal distance between the two parallel ridges of mountains
which border it on the east and west; and built the city of
Memphis in the bed of the ancient channel. This change
was effected by constructing a dyke about a hundred stadia
above the site of the projected city, whose lofty mounds
and strong EMBANKMENTS turned the water to the east-
ward, and effectually CONFINED the river to its new bed.
The dyke was carefully kept in repair by succeeding kings;
and, even as late as the Persian invasion, a guard was
always maintained there, to overlook the necessary repairs,
and to watch over the state of the embankments. (Egyptians,
vol. i. P.89)

Thus we see that Menes, the first acknowledged historical king

of Egypt, accomplished the very achievement indicated by the
name Mizraim. This strongly implies that Menes and Mizraim
were simply names for the same person.



We are talking here about a powerful family in the early history

of Egypt. While the royal dynasties commenced with Menes,
one of his brothers set up the Egyptian religious system. (For more
detailed information, see my book The Bizarre Origin of Egypt’s Ancient Gods.)

Evidence from the El Amarna tablets indicates that the Chaldean

tongue was a diplomatic language in Egypt. “Her”, in Chaldee,
is synonymous with “Ham”, or “Khem”, “the burnt one”.

It might be noted that the well-known Egyptian god HOR-us

(identified with the sun) is the same as “Her” (“the hot or
burning one”).

“Mes” is from “Mesheh” or “Mesh”, meaning “to draw forth”,

or “to bring forth” (Bunsen, vol. i. Hieroglyphic Signs. Append., b.43. p.540), as
applied to birth (Hislop, The Two Babylons, p.25)

Hence the familiar pharaonic name Ramesses means “the son of

Ra” (or the sun); and Thoth-mes means “the son of Thoth”.

The point is that Her-mes simply means “the son of Her (Ham),
“the burnt one”.


So here we have two brothers – sons of Ham – as prime movers
in the establishment of the Egyptian nation.

If this conclusion is correct, then what becomes of the theory

that Egypt was ruled by dynasties thousands of years before the
reign of Menes?

It turns out that Menes, the first king, was none other than
Mizraim, the grandson of Noah himself, who resettled the earth
after the World Deluge.

And Hermes, the originator of Egyptian state worship, was none

other than Cush, the father of the infamous Nimrod, ruler of
Babel – and likewise a grandson of Noah!

For an understanding of the bizarre series of events that

triggered Egypt’s rapid religious decline, see these two

The Bizarre Origin of Egypt’s Ancient Gods

Stolen Identity

Prior to its settlement, Egypt was uninhabitable. The waters of

the Great Flood were still upon it.

The chronology of the book of Genesis sheds surprising light on

this dark part of the history of the world. It informs us:

And the sons of Noah, that went forth out of the ark, were Shem,
and Ham [“the burnt one”], and Japheth… And the sons of Ham;
Cush, and Mizraim [“the encloser or embanker of the sea”], and
Phut, and Canaan…. And Cush begat Nimrod.” (Genesis 9:18; 10:6,8)

Egypt 6000, 4700, or 3100 BC? The evidence says about 2200
BC. So much for the long chronology myth.



We have noted the origin of Egypt at around 2200 to 2100 BC,

so it is appropriate that we address this question of the age of the

On the plateau of Giza west of Cairo, Egypt, sits the Great

Sphinx of Giza, a statue 240 feet long, with a lion's body and a
human head wearing the headdress of the Pharaohs.


It is surrounded by desert sand. But it bears evidence of erosion.

Erosion by wind-borne sand? No. By WATER!


You ask, could the erosion have been caused by the Nile
flooding and washing around the Sphinx at some remote time?
The answer is that to erode the monument up to its neck would
have required floods of twenty metres or more over the Nile
Valley. No, if this was erosion by water, then it had to be

The edges of the rock are rounded. And there are apparently
deep fissures in the rock. The impressions on the stones are not
horizontal, as would be caused by sand and wind (like the
pyramids in the area); instead, they are vertical. This suggests
that the Sphinx has been subjected to heavy rainfall.

The erosion is stronger on the upper parts of the Sphinx and its
enclosure walls than around the base. This erosion of these
“upper” surfaces exhibits a pattern of weathering commonly
associated with exposure to rainwater run-off. There is a rolling
and undulating vertical profile, with many vertical and sloping
channels where joints in the bedrock have been opened up.

French scholar R. A. Schwaller, independent Egyptologist John

West, and geologist Robert Schoch examined it.

Schoch contrasted this situation at the Sphinx with the state of

weathering seen at other rock-cut features of the Giza Plateau.
For example, in various Old Kingdom tombs, erosion by
windblown sand has picked out areas of poorer quality rock, but
has left the anciently cut facades and doorways not markedly

damaged. But the highly rounded weathering on the Sphinx and

its enclosure indicates the action of rainwater over a long period.


And do you know, there is good evidence that Egypt

experienced very heavy rainfall in the earliest period. It is
popularly assumed that there was a transition from ice age to the
present desert environment between 10,000 and 3000 BC. And
that rainfall then tapered off by about 2200 BC to its current
level of about 20 cm per year.


Two writers, West and Schoch, theorised that if we must go

back as far as this popular view suggests, for sufficient rainfall
to produce this erosion pattern on limestone, then the Sphinx
must have been constructed either during or before this time.
Say, perhaps, 7000 BC. If so, the Sphinx could be twice as old
as “officially” claimed.

OR 10,500 BC?

Enter Robert Bauval and Graham Hancock. These two amateur

archaeologists speculate an even earlier date. They suggest that
the Sphinx was built not around 2500 BC... nor in 7000 BC...
but in 10,500 BC.

According to their theory, star positions of the Belt of Orion and

Leo the Lion, as arranged in the sky, are similar to the positions
of the pyramids of Giza. And they believe that the time when
the pyramids were in perfect alignment with the Belt of Orion
was when it was at its lowest point, in 10,450 BC.

They believe the Sphinx was probably built during this time.

An attractive theory. But unfortunately, it is based upon certain

assumptions which cannot be proved. The bottom line is that
there is no unchallengeable evidence to support this date, 10,500

The problem is this. Calculation of former star alignments from

a given location on earth depends on us knowing beyond doubt
that either
(a) earth changes have not upset these alignments, or
(b) the precise extent of the earth changes and
(c) exactly when these changes took place.

As much as we might wish it to be otherwise, attempts to

establish vast ages for civilizations on the basis of astronomical
data, must fail - for the simple reason that the earth was
violently tipped off its axis in 2345 BC. (See chapter 5 of this present
work.) The locations of the stars as seen from every fixed point on
earth were radically altered.

Sorry to be a spoil sport, but this tilting of the earth’s axis in

2345 BC plays havoc with the calculations that some people
have made. Their mistake was to have not taken this event into

It is true that the calculation of the solar system’s progress

through the heavens over thousands of years was not affected by
the tilting of the earth’s axis. But the astronomical dating of
earth features (by aligning a specific earth location with the
stars) is quite a different matter.

In other words, you cannot count back using earth's present

stability as a reference point. To claim so is wishful thinking.
Unless you are Alice in Wonderland.


In rejecting both of the above theories (for 10,500 BC and 7000

BC), other scientists point out that:

1. There is no evidence of an Egyptian civilization so old.

2. Architectural evidence dates the Sphinx to around the same

time as the nearby Pyramid of Khafra. And that pyramid
may now be dated to 2144 BC. (See the next chapter.)

(a) Khafra had four 26 foot long sphinxes constructed.

Two were in front of each entrance to his Valley
Temple. A drainage channel from the causeway to
Khafra's pyramid empties into the Sphinx enclosure,
which presumably would have desecrated the
enclosure if it had already existed.

(b) The centre court of the Sphinx Temple is identical to

the centre court in Khafra's Mortuary Temple
adjacent to his pyramid.

(c) The core blocks of the Sphinx Temple match some

of the strata of bedrock in the Sphinx enclosure and
show that the temple was built as the enclosure was
being excavated. It may be inferred that if other
Khafra structures and the Sphinx Temple dated to the
same time, then the excavation of the Sphinx itself
dated to that time as well.

3. The Sphinx, a rapidly weathering structure, appears older

than it is.

4. Subsurface water drainage (periodic wetting of the

limestone by water-saturated sand) or Nile flooding could
have produced the pattern of erosion. The water in the
surrounding sand would have been drawn up to elevations

higher than flood levels due to capillary action. (The Sphinx

and Valley Temples have been covered by sand for most of
the time of their existence.)

5. There are thought to be two reasons why the erosion of the

higher elevated Giza Pyramids is different from the erosion
of the lower altitude Sphinx:

(a) The Nile floods were partly the source of the flood
water filling the Sphinx enclosure (which is lower
than the pyramids).

(b) If the Sphinx erosion was caused by rainfall 7000 BC

and if the other structures in the Giza Plateau (built
4000 years ago) show normal wind based erosion,
why didn't this later wind erosion destroy the
sphinx’s “older” water-based weathering?
(admittedly good logic!)

6. The Sphinx is believed by some to resemble Khafre, the

pharaoh who built one of the nearby pyramids of Giza. He
lived not very long before 2000 BC.

It has also been suggested that weathering on the Sphinx

depends not so much on a great age, but rather on the properties
of the rock itself. The middle layer of the Sphinx shows the
most erosion because it is made of more porous limestone.

The pores of the rock being larger, they invite a process called
“salt crystallization”. This occurs when morning moisture
condenses on and in the rock, dissolving the natural salt present
in the rock. During the day, this moisture evaporates. The salt
crystallizes then presses against the pore walls. This process
generally weakens the rock and enlarges pre-existing fissures.

When I first wrote about this, a reader asked, “But if it has all
been buried under sand for most of its history, how much

morning dew could condense on the buried rock to allow the

process to occur?”

A good question. Well, from my own observations underground

at Sakkara, it appears that salt crystallization does not depend
only on falling dew. It is coming through very fast now, all the
way underground from the Nile River, particularly since the
Aswan Dam was built. In fact, it is a growing danger to many of
the old monuments.


Another question that arises is this: If Sphinx and pyramids are

the same age, then why is the visible erosion of the pyramids
different from the erosion of the Sphinx?

The truth probably lies in these factors:

1. The result of the excessive rain around 2000 BC is that

the then soft rock of BOTH the pyramids and the
Sphinx suffered from rain erosion.

2. However, as the climate dried out and sandy desert took

over, the lower-lying sphinx was soon largely buried in
sand. This protected it from further sand blasting. Thus
subsequent centuries of sand storms were unable to
erode away the evidence of the original rain erosion.

3. By contrast, the pyramids, due to their elevation, were

not covered and protected. So, openly exposed
to centuries of wind-blown sand storms, the original
rain erosion was scoured away.

This is why today's visible erosion of the pyramids is different

from the erosion of the Sphinx.


We now know that the climate of Egypt right up to 2000 BC

was WET... WET... WET!

Yes, there is good evidence that the immediate post-Flood

centuries shortly before 2000 BC, and for some time after, were
characterised by heavy rainfall and flooding in Egypt. So it is
not necessary to go back to 7000 BC to find Egypt's wet period.

1. The date of the Great Flood is now fixed at 2345 BC.

(See Chapter 5.)

2. In 1999, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, in

Germany announced the result of research that indicated
the Sahara Desert to be only about 4,000 years old
(originating around 2000 BC). This figure was based on
desert growth patterns, rate of growth, and so on. (July 15,
1999. Geophysical Research Letters)

3. Plant and animal species depicted in the early tomb

paintings show that the weather of Egypt was then
wetter than it is now. It certainly did rain in the Old
Kingdom, more than today.

4. Evidence of snails or worm action around the pyramids

indicates a more temperate Mediterranean type climate
in the not too distant past. Ross, a correspond from
Yokohama, Japan, e-mailed me to report that “in many
small crevices in the rocks all around the Giza area I
found hundreds of ancient snail shells - whereby the
creatures would have been seeking more and more
sheltered places in an environment that was
becoming hotter and drier - before they completely died
out in that latitude.” He continues:

The shells were between 4000 to 2000 years old,

so it's obvious that the desertification of the area

happened quite recently. I also found evidence of

worm-casts in rock crevices which again indicates
that these creatures were seeking cooler, damper
places for the same reason. There are no earth-
worms in the soil around Giza now, but in the not
too remote past they existed in quite considerable
numbers so much so that you can still find evidence
of their existence in the worm casts they left behind.
Not as easy to find as the numerous snail shells, but
they are there nevertheless.

My conclusion is that the area around the pyramids

was a lot cooler and wetter 4,000 years ago!

5. The record of Joseph in the book of Genesis tells us that

Egypt had a climate which enabled it to be the grain
basket of the world as late as 1700 BC, whilst the Dead
Sea region was described as like the Garden of Eden
around 1970 BC. These were not descriptions of the
weathered desert they are today!

It is naïve to imagine that the climate of the Middle East has
remained unchanged over thousands of years. There is much
evidence that prior to 1000 BC, large forest trees covered
especially the higher elevations. This would have resulted in a
much greater rainfall than exists today.

Grasslands would have supported a wide range of domesticated

animals. There is also much evidence that the land occupied
today by Israel and Jordan supported a wild animal population
that is not unlike that of North Africa. Elephant herds even
roamed Northern Syria. The demand for tusks was so great that
they became extinct by the 8th century BC.

As a result of deforestation, by 1000 BC the climate had

changed dramatically.

Evidence of the lushness of the region can be seen from the

cemetery at the ruins of Bab edh Dhra and neighbouring sites to
the southeast of the present Dead Sea. They all had very large
cemeteries, containing tens of thousands of burials. These
people all depended on the fertility of the surrounding
countryside. Examination of skeletal remains indicates that they
were robust, healthy people.

From study of remains at Bab edh Dhra, we know that the

people were growing and harvesting wheat, barley, grapes,
olives, figs, lentils, chickpeas, flax, pistachio, almond and
assorted wild plants. There is strong evidence that irrigated
agriculture was practised.

In analysing the sediment core from the Sea of Galilee,

researchers have “found that the 018 isotope was depleted in the
deposits… [from] around 2000 years BCE. Such a depletion
reflects colder, therefore wetter, climate conditions.” (A.S.Issar and
D. Yakir, “The Roman Period’s Colder Climate”, Biblical Archaeologist, Vol.60. No.2, June
1997, p.104. Also: M. Stiller, “The Late Holocene Sediments of Lake Kinneret (Israel):
Multidisciplinary Study of a 5m Core”, Geological Survey of Israel, Ministry of Energy,
Jerusalem, 1984)

Similar evidence exists for North and South America, Asia and
Australia. (Jonathan Gray, The Corpse Came Back, chapter 20)


As we noted in Chapter 11, there is startling new evidence that

Egypt did NOT spring up UNTIL AFTER the 2345 BC Great
Flood – specifically during the period 2250 to 2188 BC.

Yes, there’s been a massive dating mistake!


And the transition from ice age to the present desert

environment did NOT take place between 10,000 and 3000 BC,
but as recently as 2250 to 2000 BC. (See Chapters 4 and 5; also Appendix
1.) Menes (Mizraim) and his followers arrived, embanked the
Nile and established the Egyptian civilization.

That’s when the pyramids and the Sphinx were built!


It may be asked, But is it possible that the Sphinx was a pre-

Flood artefact that the Egyptians simply embellished when they
stumbled upon it?

From information now available on the Great Flood, it is evident

that this was a mightier event than we have imagined. During
this cataclysm, continent and ocean were churned up together
and the earth’s crust was disrupted thousands of feet deep.
Valleys got filled with silt up to a depth of 60,000 feet in some
places. (See the evidence of unprecedented earth changes that occurred at this time, in the
book Surprise Witness )

In this re-structuring event every square foot of the planet’s

surface was altered. Neither the pre-Flood surface level of Egypt
nor any man-made structure had a donkey’s hope of surviving
without being buried.

Does the Sphinx date back to 10,500 BC? No, not before 2200
BC. Another myth comes crashing down.



Some scientists contend that the Great Pyramid itself tells the
date of its construction (foundation). Its tubular entrance
passage pointed to the north polar star in 2144 BC at the same
time that the pyramid apex pointed to Alcyone, the “pivot of the
solar system”, known anciently as the “Foundation star”. (See N.D.
Davidson and H. Aldersmith, The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message. London: Williams
and Norgate, Ltd., vol. I, 1936, p.215. Joseph H. Seiss, The Great Pyramid: A Miracle in
Stone. New York: Harper and Row, 1973, pp. 83-85. Seiss gives the year 2170 B.C.)


In the 19th century, the Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Professor
Piazzi Smyth, spent 6 months camped near the Great Pyramid.
He went to work with the mind of a Master Astronomer to solve
some of the pyramid’s mysteries. Smyth explored the
Descending Passage which pointed upward to the sky on the
pyramid’s northern face. He found that it was set at an angle of
26 deg. 18 min. 10 sec.

The eminent Sir John Herschel had discovered that this

Descending Passage pointed to a Constellation of stars known as
Draconis (“The Dragon”). With careful astronomical
calculation, Smyth now confirmed this.

While in the Descending Passage, Smyth was excited to find

two “Scored Lines”, which pointed upwards at right angles.
These indicated to an astronomer to examine their direction in
the sky.

These “Scored Lines” were about 4 feet long. Smyth was

amazed at their precision. Having long been an astronomical
transit observer, he felt that he was in the familiar surroundings
of an observatory! Calculating carefully, he found that these
“Scored Lines” pointed upwards, through the Pyramid, to the
star Alcyone in the constellation known as “The Pleiades”.

Alcyone was regarded as the PIVOT of the solar system, around

which all other “fixed stars” appear to revolve. It was called
“The Central One”.

Professor Smyth made an exciting discovery. At the SAME

TIME that the Descending Passage was pointing to the POLE
Star (Alpha Draconis), these “Scored Lines” were pointing to
Alcyone, the “PIVOT” star. That conjunction took place on
September 22nd, 2144 B.C.

September 22, 2144 BC marks the date of the intersection of the “Scored Lines” pointing to
Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation, and the Descending Passage pointing to the North Pole
Star Alpha Draconis, in the Dragon constellation. Chart by Professor Piazzi Smyth,
Astronomer Royal of Scotland


Here, fixed into the pyramid’s construction, was a definite date -

2144 BC.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we may now ask,

could the “scored line” indicate 2144 BC as defining the

And now a remarkable fact comes into play. Tradition from the
Euphrates region (Mesopotamia) seems to identify Alcyone with
the ceremony of FOUNDATION-LAYING. This is significant
when you discover that the Pyramid builders have been traced to
a Euphratean origin. (D. Davidson and H. Aldersmith, The Great Pyramid: Its
Divine Message, p. 215) There is clear evidence that Egypt owed its
impulses to Mesopotamia. (Jonathan Gray, The Weapon the Globalists Fear,
Chapter 16)

Furthermore, a researcher into ancient astronomy informs us

that “Alaparos (the second of the ten antediluvian kings of
Euphratean legend) is equated with Alcyone (Tauri). The
Euphratean astronomical abbreviation of the Sign is Te or Te-te,
the highly abraded form of the Akkadian dimmena
(‘foundation-stone’) = Assyrian, timmena-timmen-timme-
tim-tem-te (‘foundation’). The ‘Foundation’-star (Temennu) is
the Pleiad, or particularly Alcyone.” (Brown, Primitive Constellations, vol.
1, p.57)

Was the pointer to Alcyone the “FOUNDATION Star” fixed in

stone to record the date of the “FOUNDATION” of the
Pyramid? A strong probability.

The “scored line” defines actual observations at midnight of two

successive Autumn Equinoxes, that of 2145 BC. and that of
2144 BC. These observations fix the astronomical zero for
reckoning of days, as associated with midnight. They likewise
define the commencement of the Pyramid's solar year at the
Autumnal Equinox.


Before we proceed further, it is well for us to understand that in

ancient buildings, two standards of measurement attract our
attention – the cubit and the inch. In Egypt, the royal cubit of
20.6 inches is well known. Less known is the inch. So from time
to time I am asked, “Why quote inches, an English measure that
was not then invented?”

The answer is, the inch was known. Measurements of ancient

buildings show that the “inch” (by whatever name) was from
very early times a standard measurement.

The British inch is derived from the pyramid inch. The famous
astronomer Sir J. Herschel established that one pyramid inch
equalled 1.0011 British inches. This inch is one 500-millionth
part of the earth’s polar axis.

When used together, the royal Egyptian cubit and the inch have
a relationship which we call the Golden Ratio. You see, the
cubit of 20.6 inches multiplied by 3 is 61.8 inches.

Now, 61.8 percent is a ratio found right through nature. It is also

known as the Fibonacci ratio, or phi.

Whether in galaxies or seashells, an inner curve of a spiral is

61.8 percent of the diameter of the next spiral, and so on. The
human body is likewise designed on combinations of this ratio
of 61.8 percent. (See my e-book, The Golden Proportion)

The survival vessel for the Great Flood, according to Genesis,

utilised the 61.8 factor. Its length was 300 cubits. And its height
was 30 cubits = 618 inches. (Genesis 6:15).

300 cubits (at 20.6 inches to the cubit) = 6180 inches.

30 cubits (at 20.6 inches to the cubit) = 618 inches.

Surveyors of a wreck in Turkey, believed to be the remains of

the Ark, have found seven examples of this .618 ratio embedded
within the structure. (See Jonathan Gray, The Ark Conspiracy, Chapter 8.)

The 20.6 inch pre-Flood cubit used in the Ark was later taken to
Egypt to become the royal Egyptian cubit. Remember, it was
Mizraim, Noah’s grandson, who founded Egypt. (See Chapter 11 of
this present work.)

It is when both the cubit and the inch are interlocked in usage
that we get the Golden Ratio – phi.

The oldest structures of antiquity, including the Great Pyramid,

display this feature of phi.

Piazzi Smyth, in measuring the pyramid, found the number of

inches in the perimeter of the base equalled one thousand times
the number of days in a year. He also discovered a numeric
relationship between the height of the pyramid in inches to the
distance from earth to the sun, measured in statute miles.

Yes, the ancient inch is a significant factor in the construction of

the Great Pyramid.


We have already established that a clean break in world history

occurred in 2345 BC – namely, the Great Flood. (See Chs. 4 and 5.)
The Flood ended in 2344 BC.

A discovery within the Great Pyramid independently confirms

this date.

According to researcher Basil Stewart, the Egyptian Book of the

Dead suggested that the Ascending Passages would represent
“years for inches" in the Pyramid. (Stewart, The Mystery of the Great
Pyramid, pp 17-19)

From the “Scored Lines” of 2144 BC, the passage was

measured - until at 200 inches a dark granite plug was reached.
Calculating on the “inch to the year” scale, this brought
interesting results.

If these 200 inches truly represented 200 years, then the

conclusion was astonishing. Why? Because 200 years would
pinpoint the precise date of the ending of the Great Flood in
2344 BC!

Had this dark plug been set in place to symbolize the darkness
which came over the earth at that time?

Let it be understood that I am not endorsing such things as

predictions of the future in pyramid measurements, as some do.
We are simply attesting to some known facts of history.

Then emerged something almost as startling.

The star group Aquarius (“the Waterman”) was also found to be

featuring in the astronomy of the Pyramid. Ancient peoples
associated AQUARIUS with the waters of the GREAT
FLOOD. The accepted date for the ending of the Great Flood is
2344 BC. And would you believe, the SAME “Scored Lines”
that pointed to Alcyone the Foundation Star in 2144 BC, also
pointed to the precise spot in the sky where AQUARIUS would
have been directly overhead in 2344 BC!

Just think about that.


I am NOT saying that the Great Pyramid was already built

before the Flood, with its “scored lines” standing there pointing
to Aquarius while the Flood was on.

No, the pyramid was built AFTER the Great Flood. (Its
measurements incorporate the length of the new, post-Flood
365¼ day year, and NOT the pre-Flood 360 day year.) And the
“scored lines” were positioned to commemorate an event that
had already occurred.



Just as the Great Pyramid recorded the Great Flood, so in a

sense, the Great Pyramid encapsulates the struggle between
Good and Evil.

The ancient races believed that the devil (represented by a

serpent, or dragon) had hijacked Planet Earth and entrapped
mankind into rebellion against the Creator. They also recorded
this understanding in the pictures of the constellations on their
star maps.

In 2144 BC, Thuban-Alpha of the DRACONIS Constellation

(representing the DRAGON, SATAN) shone down the
Descending Passage towards the so-called “Bottomless Pit” at
the bottom. In the ancient world, Satan (Lucifer) was
understood to have caused man’s descent to darkness, desolation
and death.

That star of the Dragon constellation, shining over the

Descending Passage, symbolised SATANIC INFLUENCE.

By contrast the “Scored Lines” pointed to the PLEIADES which

symbolised a sweetening influence. Hence in the old book of
Job we read:

Can you bind the SWEET INFLUENCES of Pleiades? (Job


In ancient traditions, the Pleiades star group was associated with

benign influence and blessedness.

So in this sense, the Great Pyramid encapsulates the struggle

between Good and Evil. Did they see the uplifting influence of
the Pleiades as a symbol of the Creator’s intervention to save
man from the results of his own folly? Was this a message that
man need not be always on a slippery downward path but can
look upward?

This much is certain. The ancient world was very conscious of

the two opposing forces behind world events.

The influence of Evil, well illustrated by the Descending

Passage with the Dragon Constellation shining down it, was
depicted by writers such as Isaiah:

How you are fallen,.. O Lucifer [The Dragon]. For you

have said in your heart, ‘I will exalt my throne above the
stars of God: I will sit . . . in the sides of the NORTH.’
(Isaiah 14: 12-15)

Appropriately, the Descending Passage with the Dragon

Constellation Pole Star, Thuban-Alpha, shining over it, is
situated on the NORTH face of the Great Pyramid!

Modern Astronomy has confirmed that midnight, September

22nd, 2144 BC, was the date when Alcyone of the “sweet”
Pleiades was in position over the “Scored Lines”, just at the
same time when Thuban-Alpha of the “evil” Draconis was
shining down the Descending Passage to the “Pit”.

Thus Astronomy gives a date which may have great significance

for the Great Pyramid.



The ancient calendars had a 360 day year. In harmony with this,
the earth was divided into 360 degrees. The ancient Chinese
calendar was 360 days long. So was the Babylonian. And the
Roman. And the Mayan. And the Indian. And the Egyptian.

But later, every nation changed its calendar.

This rearrangement of the calendars in antiquity has long been a
puzzle to scholars. Why did ALL those ancient nations change
their calendars from years of 360 days to 365 ¼ days?

Because they later got clever – or is there another reason?

My neighbour Rob Payne thought he had come up with the

answer. “Oh, I can explain that,” he said. “The ancients first
proposed a rough system of yearly count, and later, when their
mathematical knowledge increased, they refined it.”

Nice try, Rob. Except we’ve now discovered that those ancient
peoples were already excellent astronomers and mathematicians
- yes, even when they created the 360 day calendar.

For example, the Maya have left us some of their calculations.

They computed the synodal period of the moon as 29.5209 days,
as accurately as we can calculate today with our sophisticated
equipment. Their degree of accuracy would surely not have been
less for the year.

Now let me ask you: Why would so many cultures in such

widely scattered regions of the world all have made the very
same mistake for the length of the year, and then all rectify it in
the same way?

I know some folk like to think the Great Pyramid of Egypt is

much older. But there is good reason to believe that it was built

within a few hundred years after the Flood. The Great Pyramid
accurately stands in the centre of the land surface of the earth as
it NOW exists and must have existed at the time the pyramid
was built.

It could be called a huge planet marker, a giant survey post. It

marks both the longitude and latitude at which there is more
land and less sea than at any other meridian on earth.

Evidently the builders were well acquainted with the exact

amount of land on the surface of the earth as it existed AFTER
the Flood (not before), as well as its geographical distribution..
This suggests that results of the post-Flood global survey were
already in.

It would also explain why the NEW LENGTH OF THE YEAR

was also incorporated into the measurements of the Great

The external features, dimensions and units of this pyramid

together give precisely and accurately every essential value of
the earth’s PRESENT motions and orbit – not the PREVIOUS
one that existed before 2345 BC.

This identifies the Great Pyramid as a post-Flood structure.

Definitely not pre-Flood.

For example, intentionally or by accident, the circuit distance

around its base, measured direct from corner to corner, is
36,524.22 primitive inches. This is exactly 100 times 365.2422 -
the value in days of our solar year.

Even though the calendar was still 360 days long.

This is so astonishing, we must take off our hats to those early

post-Flood scientists. They were ahead of us in many ways.

There was no rough count; it was precise to the ten thousandth

of a decimal point.


A tablet discovered at Tanus in the Nile Delta in 1866 reveals

that in the ninth year of Ptolemy Euergetes (c. 237 BC), the
priests at Canopus decreed that it was “necessary to harmonise
the calendar according to the present arrangement of the world.”

The reason the ancients gave for the re-calculated calendars was
not that they were in error, nor that they had improved on more
primitive techniques. It was that there was a “changed order of

And with each passing century, the calendar misalignment had

become more pronounced.

The nations that sprang up after the Flood with a ready-made

culture, inherited their knowledge basically from the world that
was wiped out at the Deluge. They continued where Noah left
off. They inherited, along with everything else, the antedeluvian
(pre-Flood) calendar of 360 days.

Was there, at the time of the Deluge, a change not only in the
planet’s axis, but a change in its orbit, which in turn caused the
lengthened year?

It does bring to mind that curious biblical reference to the

Creator, who was believed to “move the earth out of her place.”
(Isaiah 13:13)



The fact that the later Egyptians were ignorant or vague

concerning the origin of the Great pyramid is often used as a
reason to speculate that it must have been built before Egyptian
history began.

For example, it is said that when Herodotus and other historians

travelled to Egypt, during the 5th or 6th century BC, the priests at
that time were unaware of how the Pyramid was build or by
whom. Herodotus does mention about Khufu being the builder,
but his views often contradicted the writings of travellers who
visited after him. So it is clear that the Egyptians of that time
were not sure about the age of the Great Pyramid or its
builder. They didn’t have any proper documentation.

The question naturally arises that if it was really a part of

Egyptian history, then why didn’t they know about its origin?


According to some ancient reports, the construction of the Great

Pyramid was not an Egyptian initiative, but during the reign of
Cheops (Khufu) outsiders were responsible for its construction.

From what we have learned more recently, this is very likely

correct. There is good reason to believe that its construction was
not Egyptian, but resulted from the worldwide geographical
survey undertaken within centuries of the Flood, in which Giza
was found to be in the precise centre of the earth’s land mass.
(See the map on page 121.) In fact, at least two old maps linked with the
ancient past (the Piri Reis and Reinal) were based on a circular
projection with the focal point in Egypt. (Concerning the global mapping
expeditions, see Appendix 2)

And why forget this origin? The truth is that Pharaohs were fond
of commemorating their own victories and achievements, but
neither their defeats nor the triumphs of foreigners. Since the
Great Pyramid was not an Egyptian achievement, it is
understandable that the Egyptians of later centuries could not, or
were unwilling to, state who built it.


All the evidence goes to show that the Egyptians were severely
practical. They sought to learn, not from any joy in the
attainment of truth for its own sake, but simply for solving
everyday problems. (James Baikie, The Story of the Pharaohs. London: Black, 1908,
p. 59) As practical men, they were not given to abstract study and

The truth for its own sake, as an intellectual treasure, was not of
greatest priority. So inscriptions we dig up don’t carry a date,
nor a ruler’s sequence number. Keeping a strict record of their
history was not a practical need.



The turbulent climatic and tectonic changes in the post-Flood

centuries exacted a traumatic degenerative effect upon the
populations. During this period there was also a sudden,
dramatic, and frightening drop in the human life span, as well.
This is recorded by both the ancient Chinese and the Hebrews.
(See my book The Corpse Came Back, chapter 18.) Much earlier knowledge
was quickly lost. This included loss of superior technology and
a rapid deterioration culturally from the high level at which the
early post-Flood nations, including Egypt, had begun. (For a more
detailed explanation of this decline, see my book Dead Men’s Secrets, chapters 5, 6 and 9.)

Considering these three factors, it should not surprise us that in

later centuries various conflicting legends arose concerning the
origin of the Great Pyramid.


1. The Great Pyramid, at 30 degrees 00 minutes north and

31 degrees 14 minutes east marks both the longitude and
latitude at which there is more land and less sea than at
any other meridian on earth. That is, it marks the precise
centre of the land mass of the post-Flood world.

2. The Great Pyramid’s latitude (30 degrees 00 minutes

north) is precisely an “ark’s length and height” south of
the remains of Noah’s Ark (39 degrees 26 minutes north)
in Turkey. That is what you discover when you transpose
the Ark’s dimensions onto a world map, so that its length
and height (515 + 51 feet = 566) become minutes of an
arc. (This is the same as the latitude difference between the
two objects: 9 degrees 26 minutes, or 566 minutes of an
arc.) (See my DVD, The Persian Triangle Mystery.)

These post-Flood measurements concur with the earlier

evidence that the Great Pyramid was post-Flood in origin.


Still, there are some who will continue to object that the Great
Pyramid has to be pre-Flood because, firstly, the Egyptians did
not have the technology, and secondly some medieval writer
said it was built by a pre-Flood civilization to preserve ancient
knowledge. These claims ought to be addressed.


Question 1: If the Flood survivors handed down their

knowledge of a ready-made, high pre-Flood culture, so that it
was possible to build the Great Pyramid in 2144 BC, just 200
years after the Flood, then what happened to that knowledge
during the intermediate two centuries? And, really, was there
even enough time?

Answer: The few Flood survivors, although bringing with them

knowledge from the pre-Flood world, were too few in number to
put most of it to practical use immediately. It was only when the
population had reached a critical mass that something could be
done with this knowledge. Nevertheless, population growth was
rapid, as we shall discover in the next chapter.

The antediluvian knowledge passed down was sufficient to give

a rapid start to the new cultures that sprang up “out of nowhere”
soon after. And the timing. Two hundred years was all it needed.
The oldest civilizations appear just long enough after the Deluge
for a population density to support a culture.


Question 2: But might not the Great Pyramid have been built
before the Flood? Because, in his Khitat, the 14th century Arab
writer and preacher Al-Maqrizi says that in the pre-Flood era,
Sourid built the pyramid to guard ancient knowledge.

Answer: It is true that the pyramid does guard ancient

knowledge, but not as secret tablets hidden within the structure.
The ancient knowledge which the Great Pyramid guards is
incorporated into its dimensions and positioning. But these bear
the features of a structure erected AFTER the Flood, not before.

So what about that 14th century legend? Sorry, but as with

Herodotus, Strabo and others, so with Al-Maqrizi. All these men
lived so far after the events that the best they were able to do
was to pick up speculative legends that were available to them.
If you want to know the truth you can never safely rely on such
late legends.

Again, we must not forget that the Great Flood of 2345 BC was
so total in its effects that it marked a clear break in history.
During this cataclysm, continent and ocean were churned up
together and the earth’s crust was disrupted thousands of feet
deep. The result? No structure on the surface of the planet could
have survived.

Back, then, to our very first question: Constructed in 10,500

BC? Definitely not before 2144 BC. Kiss another myth



A popular writer says that “the biblical tales of Creation, of

Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Deluge, the Tower of
Babel, were based on texts written down millennia earlier in
Mesopotamia, especially by the Sumerians.”

So, he says, the Sumerian texts are thousands of years older than
‘the biblical tales’ – 6,000 years old, we are told.

Are they?


The same popular writer quotes a Babylonian history of the ten
pre-Flood kings which covers “432,000 years’ total reign”. One
who reads his work gets the impression that he believes it to be
literally true. (Zecharia Sitchin, The Earth Chronicles)

Now this calls for a little sensible thought. Did you know that in
this king list to which this dear man refers, one king is said to
have reigned for 64,800 years! The obviously overstated “reign”
of each king raises immediate doubts. It seems dubious that the
highly civilised and intelligent Babylonians could believe such a

Yet, our friend has attributed such nonsense to them… even, it


seems, to believing it himself. I say this with respect. But it

appears he does not understand the ancient text that he is

The solution to this absurdity is simple. The Babylonian unit of

measurement, the sarus, had two different values - (1) the
astrological (corresponding to a time period of 3,600 years) and
(2) the civil (corresponding to 18½ years).

When this is understood, the problem evaporates.

You need only divide the reign of each Chaldean pre-Flood king
by 3,600 to arrive at the basic number, then multiply it by 18½
to obtain the writer’s intended meaning.

The changes brought about through this method are so startling

that in some cases the so-called reigns of the legendary
Chaldean kings become almost identical with the important
highlights in the lives of the biblical patriarchs; that is, the birth
of their eldest sons.

“432,000 years’ total reign” becomes “2221 years”!

And this brings the new Chaldean figures of pre-Flood years

believably close to the approximate number of years the Bible
ascribes to the time that expired between Creation and the

Compare the Septuagint total with the Chaldean account of

2,221 years, and we arrive at a difference of 21 years - a breath
of years that is almost negligible.

Interestingly, the book of Genesis states that mankind polarised

into two basic groups before and until the time of the Flood.
The first group (Adam to Noah) continued for ten generations.
The second group (the line of Adam’s son Cain) occupied eight

Sumerian tradition likewise preserved two lists of “kings” who

reigned before the Flood. One of them contained eight names
(as does the family tree of Cain), the other ten names (as does
the family tree of Genesis 5.)

At last the Sumerian document makes sense!



Now, about the age of these Sumerian texts. Are they 6,000
years old, as claimed?

No verifiable dates for written records go back earlier than

about 4,000 years, approaching our date for the Great Flood.
Any earlier dates are based on questionable assumptions and are
highly speculative. If one is determined to push everything back
further, one has to speculate, without evidence. Keep in mind
that our goal is to discover the FACTS. We want verified

Historians and other scholars almost universally recognise that

recorded human history began in Sumer, in the Middle East.

The dates given for Sumer's origin vary widely among scholars,
although the recent trend has been toward later, rather than
earlier, dates - typically ranging from about 3500 BC to about
2900 BC, with some scholars setting dates both earlier and later
than these. At least one reputable source, Encyclopedia
Britannica, Book of Knowledge, under “History”, dates it as late
as about 2350 BC.

Some scholars have assumed that the list of 10 kings (which we

have discussed above) is a reference to the earliest origins of
Sumer. Because of this assumption, taking 50-60 years per life
of each king, these scholars would be adding about 500-600
years onto the history of the Mesopotamian peoples.

However, as we have seen, the evidence strongly suggests that

the list of 10 kings is not part of the history of Babylonia or
Sumer at all, but rather of the ten patriarchs before the Flood.
So how old is Sumeria?

A firm historical date is one in which there are sufficient links

with other historically known dates that it is accurate to a
scientific certainty (or at least within a handful of years, as
opposed to decades, centuries, and millennia).

The oldest such firm historical date is of the Egyptian Pharaoh

Sesostris III (about 1878 BC).

Earlier than about 2000 BC, then, archaeologists must make an

inordinate number of assumptions (which are largely subjective
in nature). Therefore, historical dates older than 2000 B.C.
cannot be as trustworthy as later dates.

We must face this truth: There are not sufficient links with
historically known dates to be able to assign a reasonably certain
date to the origin of the Sumerian civilization. However, there
are enough links to know to a degree of scientific certainty that

it was the very first human civilization in recorded history - that

is, with writing and a known culture.

This much is certain:

1. There are no firm historical dates before about 2000 BC.

2. Carbon-14 is known to be unreliable in dating the
Sumerian-Babylonian civilization, so we are left to
3. The Sumerian civilization was the first known in history.
This is agreed by all.

After Alexander the Great had defeated Darius in 331 BC at

Gaugmela near Arbela, he journeyed to Babylon. While there he
and his scholars learned about the 1903 years of astronomical
observations from the Chaldeans of Babylon.

That placed the founding of Babylon at 2234 BC, or about ten

years after the birth of Peleg. This matter was recorded in the
sixth book of De Caelo (‘About the Heavens’) by Simplicius, a
Latin writer in the 6th century AD. Porphyry (an anti-Christian
Greek philosopher, 234–305 AD) stated the same thing. Anstey
points out, regarding the Mesopotamian region:

The Era of the Chaldean dynasty of Berosus, the earliest which

has any claim to be regarded as historical, is placed somewhere
about the year B.C. 2234. (Martin Anstey, The Romance of Bible Chron-
ology. London: Marshall Brothers Ltd., 1913, p.92)

This is uncannily close to the biblical date for the Tower of

Babel (c. 2244 BC) five generations after the Great Flood, from
which sprouted the Sumerian culture and Babylon.

The fact is that history, in the sense of written records,

harmonises fairly well with the Bible chronology.

Sumerian documents 6,000 years old? And a dynasty of kings

reigning 432,000 years?

The truth is that no Sumerian document dates earlier than about

2000 BC. These Sumerian texts are not 6,000 years old, as
claimed, after all!


It may be asked, was there enough time after the global Flood of
2345 BC, for Sumer to develop before 2000 BC?

I am going to ask you to take the ancient documents seriously,

for a moment. (And I’m speaking of the book of Genesis in
particular.) Now I know that it is a popular pastime for some to
label it a myth. But just humour me, if you will, and we’ll deal
with that “myth” idea later. For now, let’s just take the old
account at face value.

Place yourself in their shoes. After the Flood, Noah and his
family are the total world population. Those eight people must
feel a deep sense of being alone. Surely they have a great
longing for children.

And that they started to fulfil that longing right away is

indicated by the fact that the first recorded post-Flood birth was
in the year after they came out of the survival vessel. (two years
inclusive – Genesis 11:10)

Several factors would have favoured a rapid population growth:

1. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10 suggests that large

families must have been normal. Sixteen sons are listed
for Noah’s 3 sons. Since each boy had a wife, Noah’s 3
sons must also have had about an equal number of
daughters for a total of, say, 32 children, or just under 11
per couple. Eleven sons are listed for Canaan and 13 for
Joktan. How many daughters they had, is of course,

unknown. From these examples it seems reasonable to

suggest that the average family had at least 10 children.
2. Longevity also favoured rapid population increase. (Jonathan
Gray, The Killing of Paradise Planet, pp. 33,55-56) Given the facts of the
book of Genesis, it would not be unreasonable to suggest a
low mortality for at least the first 200 years after the
Flood. These factors would favour rapid population
growth. Also, according to Genesis 10, the time span
from the birth of one generation to the next (not the length
of life) averaged 30 or so years, or about three generations
per hundred years.

At ten children per family per generation, what would have been
the population in 100 years after the Flood? In 200 years after
the Flood?

With three couples to start (Noah’s three sons Ham, Shem and
Japheth, with their wives), each couple having ten children, and
having their first child at 30, the following would have been the

Generation Yrs after Flood Population

3 begins 60 800
4 begins 90 4,000
5 begins 120 20,000
8 begins 210 2,500,000

On this result, the yearly average population growth would have

been a little over 5.5 percent.


An example of rapid population growth (mainly from births)

from Canadian history, may be of some interest.

In the conquered province of Quebec, the people multiplied

with astonishing celerity. In 1760, their numbers were
approximately 60,000, and in 1790, 160,000, an increase in
one generation of about 166 percent, about 5 percent annually.
The birth rate after the conquest seems to have been higher
than before it; in 1770 it had reached the astronomical figure
of 65 per 100. After all, there was land and food for all. (A.R.M.
Lower, Canadians in the Making, 1958, p. 113)

The conquest spoken of was the British conquest of Canada in

1759 and 1760.

The increase mentioned was wholly or mostly due to births.

After 1759 there was very little immigration for quite a few

So, to answer the question, was there enough time after the
global Flood of 2345 BC, for Sumer to develop before 2000
BC? Indeed there was.

An interesting outcome of all this is that biblical chronology and

secular history are found to be consistent with each other.



Titicaca. At 12,000 feet altitude, it is the highest navigable lake

in the world.

But did you know that 4,000 years ago Titicaca was on sea
level? We’ll discover, in this chapter, what happened.

It can be demonstrated that the mountain chains of the

Caucasus, China, Tibet, the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes all
rose to their present heights in historical times. We have the
same “late” dating from all parts of the earth.

Certainly the Andes mountain range must have risen abruptly in

comparatively “recent” times.

At 11,500 feet, a curious whitish streak runs along the side of

the mountain range for over 300 miles. It is composed of the
calcified remains of marine plants. This shows that these slopes
were once part of the seashore.

In fact, many lakes up in the Andes region are completely salt.

One such lake is Titicaca. At 12,500 feet altitude, it stretches

138 miles in length and is in places 70 miles wide.

A watermark of salt along the lake shore now runs at an angle to


the water level. Originally it must have been horizontal. Clearly

the land was not only thrust up to its present altitude, but was
tilted in the process.

Not only is the water saline. On the beach of this lake high in
the mountains, there are seashells as well as traces of seaweed.
The lake must have been a bay or inlet of the sea.

Even today, various sea creatures (including sea horses) survive

in the lake.

Today this lofty, almost sterile region is capable of sustaining

only a scant population.

Yet here we are confronted with a colossal mystery. Traces of a

sizeable city lie at the southern side of the lake.

In the 15th century, Spanish conquistador Cieca de Leon

reported his astonishment at seeing ancient gateways hewn from
solid stone 30 feet long and 15 feet high and pivoting.

As recently as the 16th century there still stood immense walls

with massive rivets of silver in the stonework as well as lifelike
statues of men and women in a thousand animated poses.

Even until last century, travellers could admire and sketch

imposing colonnades. Of these there is no trace today. The
Spaniards and more recently the Bolivian government plundered
them for building materials.

Of 400 acres of ruins, only about ten percent have been

excavated. And although most above-ground stonework has
been carted away in modern times, it is still obvious that a great
city once existed here.

But here is the mystery. At an altitude of 13,000 feet, maize will

not bear fruit. Yet endless agricultural terraces, now abandoned,
rise as high as 18,400 feet above sea level, and continue up
under the snow to some unidentified altitude.

Such an abundance of cornfields must have supported a huge

population. The region is too high and too barren to do this
now. Could the site once have been lower? You see, if the
Andes were 2- to 3,000 feet lower than now, maize would ripen
around Lake Titicaca and the city of Tiahuanaco could support
the large population for which it was evidently built.


But are you ready for this? Here comes an even greater
surprise… the remains of an ocean quay. That’s right, an ocean
quay. It suggests that the city, when built, was at sea level -
12,500 feet lower!

The structure known as the Puma Punka, near the stadium of

Tiahuanaco, startles the imagination. It appears to be the

remains of a great wharf and a massive, four-part building, now


One of the construction blocks from which the pier was

fashioned weighs an estimated 440 tons (equal to nearly 600
full-size cars) and several other blocks are between 100 and 150
tons. The quarry for these giant blocks was some ten miles

The remains show five distinct landing places, harbours with

moles and a canal which heads inland. The docks are vast - and
one wharf is big enough to take hundreds of ships.

So we’re faced now with a sea harbour at 12,500 feet altitude

and 200 miles inland! Staggering, isn’t it?

Well, someone says, perhaps these gigantic docks were intended

for ships on Lake Titicaca. Good try. But I’ll tell you why not.
You see, they face in the opposite direction from the lake. Not
only that, the mooring rings on the stone piers were so large that
they could only have been used by ocean-liner sized vessels.

This place - I tell you - was a seaport on the Pacific coast. AND
SKY! Now, how about that?

You’ve probably heard it said that mountain making took “long

ages”… that in the case of the Andes (the second highest
mountain range on earth), it occurred more than a million years
ago. Well, I’m sorry to be a spoil sport. But the change in
altitude occurred AFTER the city was built.

And since only a few intermediate surf lines can be detected, the
elevation could not have proceeded little by little.

The explorer Colonel H.P. Fawcett, who travelled this region

early last century, was persuaded by the evidence that
Tiahuanaco had been destroyed by the terrible seismic

upheavals which accompanied the raising of the Andes to their

present height. (Fawcett, Exploration Fawcett: The Travel Diaries and Notes of Colonel H.P.
Fawcett. Edited by B. Fawcett, London, 1953) And I believe he got that right.

There is some evidence that the monoliths of the city were not
entirely finished when the catastrophe struck and suddenly
raised the whole city and lake 12,500 feet. What a staggering

Cast-down builders’ tools were found in the ruins when the

Spaniards came upon the place in the 16th century. The heaps of
blocks of mason-cut stone bear evidence of sudden
abandonment… men fleeing for their lives, taken by surprise.

After the disaster, the populace lay buried in gullies that had
become mass graves, covered by silt.

Fragments of skeletons, both of animals and men, lay scattered

among the ruins. Jewels, pottery and tools were found mixed in
utmost confusion.

Can you imagine hundreds, if not thousands, of cubic miles of

our planet almost instantly heaved upward? From such an
event, violent earthquakes must have spread throughout the
entire globe.

This massive uplifting exposed a continental shelf which is now

the desert lowlands of Peru and northern Chile.

AGE: 15,000 BC?

Tiahuanaco has four surviving primary structures. These are
named the Akapana pyramid, the Kalasasaya platform, the
Subterranean Temple, and the Puma Punku.

The Subterranean Temple, the Kalasasaya, the Akapana are

precisely oriented to the cardinal directions. North and south
point toward the geographical poles defined by the axis of

The Kalasasaya structure, a rectangular enclosure measuring

about 450 feet by 400 feet, is delineated by a series of vertical
stone pillars and has an east-west orientation.

One who studied these remains was Arturo Posnansky. He

measured the lines of sight along these stone pillars, as well as
the orientation of the Kalasasaya, and what appeared to be
purposely-intended deviations from the cardinal points. From
these, Posnansky believed that the alignment of the structure
was based upon an astronomical principle called the obliquity of
the ecliptic.

In astronomy, obliquity, (also called axial tilt) is the angle

between an object's rotational axis, and a line perpendicular to
its orbital plane.

Do not confuse this with inclination.The earth's orbital plane is

known as the ecliptic, and the tilt of the earth's axis is called the
obliquity of the ecliptic.
The Earth is tilted on its axis 23 ½ degrees in respect to the
plane of the solar system.

Posnansky theorised a gradual variation in the tilt of the earth’s

axis over time, and thought that the astronomical alignments of
those structures might indicate that the initial construction of the
Kalasasaya and Tiahuanaco was around 15,000 BC.

Some others checked Posnansky’s measurements and declared

them to be accurate. And today, his early date for Tiahuanaco is
accepted unquestioningly by a number of writers.

One thing we should bear in mind is that at Tiahuanaco there are

no inscriptions to help us with dating.


But there is a problem which these men have overlooked. It is


Any theory concerning the earth’s past axis depends upon us

knowing beyond doubt that
1. either no sudden earth change has intervened to
upset such theorised alignments,
2. OR if such a change did intervene, then how extensive
was the earth change and exactly when did it

Despite all our wishing, attempts to establish a 15,000 BC date

from astronomical data, must fail - for the simple reason that a

dramatic and disruptive earth change HAS occurred. This was

when the earth was violently tipped off its axis in 2345 BC. (See
chapter 5 of this present work.)

Therefore the precise orientation of the Tiahuanaco buildings to

the new PRESENT DAY directions of north, south, east and
west, must have occurred since this event.

Put simply, this tilting of the earth’s axis in 2345 BC from

perpendicular to 23½ degrees plays havoc with Posnansky’s
15,000 BC calculations.

You cannot count back using earth's present relative stability as

a reference point.


Conventional theory holds that the civilization which spawned
Tiahuanaco rose around 200 BC and fell into decline sometime
soon after 1000 AD.

This started with Wendell Bennett's excavations, which turned

up numerous examples of pottery, small statues and other

However, many of these appear to have been left behind by later


As we know from archaeological discoveries, later arrivals were

often awed by massive ruins (sometimes attributing their origin
to supernatural beings, thus replicating the "sacred" images on
their own pottery and textiles).

So, bearing this in mind, it is a mistake to fuse the two cultures

(an original and a later) into one, implying that the later arrivals
were the same people who built the original ruins.

I believe Bennett and his successors have made such an error.

2200 to 2000 BC
There is only one solution that can satisfy all of the mysteries
regarding the ruins of Tiahuanaco.

And what is this solution? It is simply to be aware of the

geological upheavals which affected the entire globe
geologically and climatically, in the centuries following the
Global Flood.



As the Flood survivors stepped down from their survival vessel,

they gazed upon a world totally foreign to them. Gone was the
enchanting, subtropic environment they knew. All the familiar
landmarks had been swept away.

Instead, barren wastes, bleak and sterile hills and unbearable

extremes of cold and heat confronted them. Great mountain
ranges—high, forbidding, rocky walls—had been thrust up,
destined to isolate areas into harsh climatic pockets.

The first generations were born and grew up in the foothills of

Ararat. But in time their curiosity was to draw them out to stake
new territories and to search for valuable resources.

They soon found a world reduced considerably in land area. The

fertility of the soil and the natural resources necessary to human
progress were now unequally distributed.

Within centuries the rapidly increasing population sent out

exploratory expeditions. Soon almost every corner of the world

was visited by a group of men who came with a particular task

to accomplish. Their mission was to relocate resources, map and
Surviving today are portions of ancient world maps whose
origins stem from this early period. These maps were drawn by
surveying parties before, during and after the Ice Age. (See
Appendix 2.)

They are so accurate, only one thing could explain them - a

worldwide survey. It is evident that over 4,000 years ago
somebody undertook a survey of the whole planet. The
technology at their disposal was very sophisticated.

How do we know it was around that time? At least two of these

old maps linked with the ancient past (the Piri Reis and Reinal)
were based on a circular projection with the focal point in
Egypt. And we know when Egypt got started – during the period
2250 to 2188 (See Chapter 11).

We also know that the results of such a survey were preserved

within the measurements of the Great Pyramid (2144 BC).

It can be no accident that the Great Pyramid records in its

dimensions the measurement of the earth on the scale of

When the Great Pyramid was constructed, both the earth’s

circumference (including the equatorial bulge) and polar radius
(with the flattening at the poles) were known with an accuracy
comparable to that recorded by today’s satellite surveys from
space.(See my book Dead Men’s Secrets, chapters 3 and 16.)
The dating of
(a) the Great Flood (2345 to 2344 BC – see Chapter 5),
(b) the founding of Egypt (2250 to 2188 BC – see Chapter 11) and
(c) the Great Pyramid (2144 BC - see Chapter 13)
enables us with a fair degree of certainty to date the world
survey somewhere within that time period of 200 years – a little

over 4,000 years ago. And, since maps drawn by the surveying
parties recorded conditions before, during and after the Ice Age
(see Appendix 2), that places the Ice Age around that same general
time frame.

Apart from the above, there is also a mass of physical evidence

that the Ice Age occurred only about 4,000 years ago. (See Chapter 4,
and Appendix 1. Also, Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval. Chapter entitled “Thirty-five
Centuries Ago)

The establishment of Tiahuanaco as a seaport within a few

centuries after the Great Flood, during the period 2200 to 1500
BC, fits comfortably with the fact that the extremities of the
earth, including South America, were mapped and colonised
during this period.



Tiahuanaco’s sudden elevation from sea level to 12,000 feet,

makes sense when we realise that the early post-Flood centuries
were marked by violent tectonic adjustments, as the earth’s
crust readjusted to the new stresses placed upon it.

Various tribes of the Americas witnessed, and some of them

recall in their oral history, the memory of new mountains being
raised and others flattened. (Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision. London: Sphere
Books, Ltd., 1978, p.102. Karl Brugger, The Chronicle of Akakor. NYC: Delacourte Press,

There is no need to invoke long evolutionary periods. The

earth’s surface can alter rapidly. Even in modern times, the
ocean has been known to raise or lower its islands or its depths,
as much as thousands of feet.
A recent example was during an earthquake off the northern tip
of Sumatra on December 26, 2004, the sea bottom in the Straits
of Malacca uplifted almost 4,000 in only about 3 minutes.

The US-based National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which

analyses spy satellite imagery and produces maps and charts for
the Defence Department, was reported to have received
information that one area of the Straits of Malacca, which
separates Malaysia from the Indonesian island of Sumatra had
its depth cut from 4,060 feet to 105 feet.

In another affected area, a merchant marine ship logged that the

depth was cut from 3,855 feet to just 92 feet. (Star newspaper, Kuala
Lumpur, January. 13, 2005, quoting a report in the shipping journal Portsworld)

The US Navy reportedly sent two ships to re-chart the waters.

Sonar images from British navy ship HMS Scott showed the
massive uplift of a large area 10 kilometres wide and up to 1.5
kilometres high (4,800 feet plus).

Of course, compared to the widespread crustal adjustments in

the early post-Flood centuries, the effects felt today are
relatively few in frequency. I mention this recent event only to
illustrate that substantial up or down land movements did not
require vast periods of time.

The fact that

(a) land can move vertically up or down a great distance in
a brief period of time;
(b) tectonic adjustments were especially violent and
widespread in the early post-Flood centuries;
(c) Tiahuanaco shows evidence of being violently raised
from sea level to 12,000 feet, with the sudden elevation
of the Andes;
Tiahuanaco does fit comfortably with the tectonic events of this
2000 BC to 1500 BC period.


Today’s earth axis, with its north and south poles, is tilted 23½

degrees from the vertical axis that existed before the Great

However, Tiahuanaco’s buildings are not oriented to the pre-

Flood axis, but are exactly oriented to the compass points of
today’s post-2345 BC world, with its new axial tilt.


The harsh cold and wet climatic conditions which persisted for
several hundred years after the Flood also led to the extinction
of numerous animals that were struggling to gain a foothold in
new areas still sparsely vegetated, during that difficult climatic

The citizens of Tiahuanaco were evidently familiar with these

animals, many of which became extinct soon after.

When this is understood, then the depictions among the ruins of

Tiahuanaco of numerous now extinct animals are readily


Finally, there are a number of striking parallels between the

cultures of ancient Egypt and of the Tiahuanaco region.

There is evidence which strongly suggests there was contact

between ancient Egypt and Tiahuanaco.

1. The construction and use of reed boats on Lake Titicaca,

in the vicinity of Tiahuanaco, follows a custom whose
origins are lost in the mists of time. However, the reed

boats of Lake Titicaca are identical to the reed boats of

ancient Egypt.

2. Many of the building blocks in Tiahuanaco are held

together by large copper clamps shaped like an I. Others
(now dismantled) were held together by silver rivets.
The system used here reminds one of that used in the
Egyptian ruins on Elephantine Island on the Nile.

3. Copper trepanning instruments of Tiahuanaco (for

opening the cranium) were identical to those used by the
Egyptians – as were the methods used!

It is very unlikely that these fineries of detail could have arisen

independently. They point rather to direct contact between
Tiahuanaco and ancient Egypt, as contemporary civilizations.

Interestingly, in the Brazilian province of Amazonas, the French

engineer Apollinaire Frot came upon an ancient carved rock
hidden by dense jungle close to a river, which recorded the
journey of an early Egyptian priest to what is now Bolivia (the
land of Tiahuanaco). The inscription gave directions to silver
and gold mines.

Since we know that ancient Egypt was founded around 2200

BC, this enables us to date Tiahuanaco with some certainty.

All of the known facts place Tiahuanaco perfectly within an

early post-Flood 2000 BC context but imperfectly with any
other time frame.




We are so used to hearing it, that I shall go over this just once

Have you heard it said that "Stone Age" Aborigines have been
in Australia for 20,000 years, or that primitive tribes were in the
Americas 15,000 years ago?

So ask yourself this question: HOW FAR BACK CAN WE GO


As far as dates are concerned, where does fact end and

speculation begin?

The answer is, only a few centuries before 2,000 BC. And the
reasons for stating this are compelling.

Yes, it’s true that much older dates have been suggested by
historians. For example we’re told that man already had a brain
larger than ours 60,000 years ago and left drawings in 30,000
BC that would do justice to a modern painter.

But think about it. If this is so, then why would man have waited
so long to develop cities and the type of agriculture associated
with them? We should expect that those isolated civilizations

which developed independently would be somewhat spread out

over this period.

Even one civilization from 20,000 BC would be strong proof

against our account of the worldwide Flood. But, I repeat, the
oldest confirmable dates for cultures on earth all go back to
about the same time — a little before 2000 BC.


Even modern dating techniques cannot take us back further than
about 2,000 BC. Dr. W.F. Libby, a foremost authority on
modern dating methods, who won the Nobel Prize for his
research on carbon- dating, was shocked to discover this
limitation. He reported:

You read statements in books that such and such society or

archaeological site is 20,000 years old. We learned rather
abruptly that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not
known accurately; in fact, it is at about the time of the First
Dynasty of Egypt that the first historical date of any real
certainty has been established. (A.J.White, Radio Carbon Dating,

As noted in my book The Great Dating Blunder, under normal

conditions, radiocarbon dating is fairly reliable to about 4,000
years ago. Then the disparity runs wild. You see, this dating
method depends on the assumption that atmospheric radiation
has remained constant.

The trouble is that any traumatic environmental change

occurring in the past would have accelerated the decay rate,
adding to "apparent age," if calculated on the assumption of

Thus an upheaval like the Great Flood disaster of 2345 BC

would play immeasurable havoc upon readings prior to about

2,000 BC. It’s as simple as that.

Let’s not underestimate the impact of the Deluge. The thing to

remember is that this event was a universal catastrophe. It
encompassed epic changes: mountains rising and falling, tidal
waves rushing faster than the speed of sound, as well as
thousands of Krakatoas belching out dust to darken the
atmosphere for centuries. Anything that could happen did
happen. Seismic and atmospheric distortions persisted for
hundreds of years.

You can be sure of this. The earliest civilized cultures that can
be dated go back no further than the post-Deluge period.

And the same can be said for primitive men. Here are some
bones found in caves near Rochebertier, in France. How old are
they? "Twelve thousand years," we’re told. But notice these
script characters on them. What nags at me is this. They
resemble and in some cases are identical to the script of
Tartessus (of the period 2200 to 2000 BC).

So I ask you. Are we to believe that a script, once developed,

would remain relatively unchanged for 10,000 years? It does not
happen. So what do the two scripts really demonstrate? Just
this— that the cultures must have been of the same period. Do
you see?

The same is true of Paleolithic antler bones found at Le Mas

d’Azil and La Madelaine. These are inscribed with signs
identical to Phoenician script from about 2000 BC.

And painted pebbles from Le Mas d’Azil are marked with signs
and symbols that were once predominant throughout the
Mediterranean — again around 2000 BC.

What does this all mean? Simply that "Stone Age" and
"civilized" cultures existed at the same time! And, by the way,
not 12,000 years ago.

Yet we are still asked to believe in a long progression, first from

caveman to Stone Age, thence to wandering hunters, to settled
farmers, and later to cities and civilization.

I feel sorry for the evolutionist, but that will not do.

There is enough evidence now to show that these groups existed

simultaneously, each aware of the other. On this point, ancient
literature agrees with the latest archaeological findings.

Just as even in today’s "Space Age", there live "Stone Age"

tribes on all continents except Europe.

Concerning primitive people, Thor Heyerdahl, the "Kon-Tiki"

explorer, observed correctly that their intelligence is "exactly
like our own " (In the film, The Case of the Ancient Astronauts, cited by Clifford
Wilson in The War of the Chariots, pp.148-149)

In other words, ‘stone culture" implies neither "dim-witted" nor

"prehistoric." There’s no 20,000 BC here.


What about it?

Not infrequently one comes across the date 10,500 BC being

quoted for some great disaster that befell the planet, wiping out
a civilization. It all started with one writer. And since then, you

will notice others glibly follow one another, parrot fashion.

And so it is assumed that human history has gone on virtually

uninterrupted since perhaps 10,000 BC. And that no worldwide
catastrophe such as the Great Flood has intervened since that
time. And most certainly, it is asserted, human history is older
than the biblical book of Genesis states.

Writers speak of this matter-of-factly, unemotionally, as if this

presented no problem. Dates and data are bandied about as if
everything were cut and dried.

Well, the “experts” putting out this tale have been snookered!
And they don’t even know it yet.

I will go along with the fact of a past worldwide disaster. But

for this we already have good evidence of a date. It is not 10,500



Well, what about the dating of Atlantis? The truth is, all we have
is a legend. Yet, where is smoke, there is fire. Legends are
usually based on a core of truth, even if the final story becomes
garbled or embellished.

So two possibilities are worth noting, in regard to Atlantis.

Firstly, there are some similarities between the story of Atlantis

and what we know concerning the pre-Flood world. It is
possible that this story is a recollection of the highly
technological world that was destroyed during the Great Flood.

Secondly, since the tectonic upheavals of the Flood there have

been some violent readjustments as the earth's crust settles back
to equilibrium. Such releases of stress have included some
significant vertical droppings or raisings of land. (See The Corpse
Came Back, chapter 19.<>) It is quite
reasonable, therefore, to presume Atlantis to have been a real
location which suffered submersion since the Flood.

The following discussion was published many years ago in a

book titled The Atlantis Hypothesis, pp. 124-125:

“… the location most often theorized [for Atlantis] was the Azores,
which fit most closely with Plato’s description. The Pillars of Hercules
to which he referred may be a reference to Gibraltar. Furthermore, the
Azores, of volcanic origin, consist of the same geological formations

mentioned by Plato, namely red, white, and black rock, and contain
hot and cold springs.

“Although small volcanic islands may have risen and sunk within
recent times, however, it has never been proved that a large island
mass has existed in recent geological times in the vicinity of the
Azores. Cores from the bottom of the Atlantic near the Azores show
evidence of vulcanism of a pattern characterized only by land
volcanoes. This may more reasonably suggest small volcanic islands
than a large land mass that sank.

“The main problems in solving the Atlantis riddle are the time factor
and the size of the island described by Plato.

“First, the time factor: Plato dates the disaster that destroyed Atlantis
9,000 years before Solon's time, or 12,000 B.C… but Plato’s dates do
not conform to other evidence.

“The Atlantis Plato described is very similar to a Mediterranean type

of culture not noticeably different from that readily understood by
Solon and Plato. There is also a mention of a war between Atlantis and
the Greeks, and the descriptions of chariots and galleys. The 9,000
years is perhaps not an exaggeration but an error in dating.

“Second, if we are considering an island-based empire in the

Mediterranean, the size of the island or islands constitutes a further

“Many authorities have reasoned that if Plato's Atlantis was based on

historical fact, it referred to the island-based Minoan sea-trading
empire of Crete. The difficulty in this thesis was in reconciling the
statistics given by Plato with the geography of Crete and its associated

“The size of the plain, as given by Plato, was three thousand by two
thousand stadia, or roughly 340 by 230 miles. This plain is much
larger than the plain of Messara in Crete, or of any plain on mainland

“The ditch was stated to have been 10,000 stadia or 1,100 miles long,
and was divided into 60,000 lots of land, each one square mile in area.
The leader of each lot was required to furnish for the war between
Greece and Atlantis one sixth of a war chariot, two horses and riders,

one light chariot, a foot soldier with shield, a charioteer, two heavily
armed men, two archers, two slingers, three stone shooters, three men,
and four sailors to man the ships, of which there were 1,200.

“According to this formula, the military forces of Atlantis would have

comprised 1.2 million men, an army far larger than any Bronze Age
civilization could have possibly mustered.

“But what if Solon had erroneously translated the symbol for 100 as
1,000? The two symbols in Cretan script are almost identical. (Dr.
Angelos Galanopolous, a Greek seismologist, first suggested this error
in translation as a means to resolve the problem of dates.) Instead of
9,000 years, we would have 900 years before Solon. The disaster
would have occurred about 1500 B.C. If the size of the plain were
reduced by a factor of ten, to 34 by 23 miles, it would approximate
closely the size of the plain of Messara on Crete.

“It has been reckoned that the Royal State of Atlantis, and the Citadel,
or Capital, refer actually to two islands; the larger would be Crete and
the Island of the City would be Thera. Again, reduced by a factor of
ten, the dimensions given by Plato fit Thera almost exactly.

“Reduced by ten, the 60,000 lots become 6,000; 1,200 ships become
120 ships, and the size of the army is reduced to 120,000 men, which
would conform with the kind of military power exercised in the
Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C.

“These figures would seem to make sense in connection with the

Minoan sea empire of Crete, with its capital city on Thera. Further, it
has recently been found that around 1500 B.C., a colossal volcanic
eruption occurred on the island of Thera, which completely destroyed
the center of the island. The ensuing tidal waves, earthquakes, and
deposits of volcanic ash wrought havoc throughout the entire
Mediterranean basin, Egypt, the Palestine coast, Turkey, and mainland
Greece, and virtually destroyed the civilization of Crete.”


From our distance in time it is impossible to be certain as to the

authenticity of the Atlantis legend or the precise time of the
destruction of this legendary kingdom. However, there are

reasonable grounds for placing the event (assuming it occurred)

within the post-Flood era.

Plato told the story of Atlantis, an island “beyond the Pillars of

Hercules” (Gibraltar), which sank suddenly below the sea about
9,000 years earlier.

Plato wrote his story around 360 BC. He received the story
fourth-hand, before writing it down. Plato’s version is the sole
source of the account.

About 600 BC, an Egyptian priest told it to the Greek Solon

(638-559 BC). Solon told it to young Critias (his grandson)
when he was a ten-year-old boy. Young Critias eventually retold
it to his friend Plato.


If there was a tenfold discrepancy in the translation of the

Egyptian scripts by Solon, then the symbol representing 100 was
rendered as 1000. The same sort of confusion in modern times is
seen in the contrast between the American billion (a thousand
million) and the English billion (a million million).

This cutting of all figures used in Atlantis to 1/10 of their value,

would enable Atlantis to fit into the Mediterranean. (Plato,
confused by the exaggerated figures of Atlantis, was forced to
place Atlantis outside the Pillars of Hercules because it would
not fit into the Mediterranean.)

Immanuel Velikovsky makes this pertinent observation:

Critias the younger remembered having been told that the

catastrophe which befell Atlantis happened 9,000 years
before. There is one zero too many here…. Numbers we
hear in childhood easily grow in our memory, as do dimen-

sions. When revisiting our childhood home, we are surprised

at the smallness of the rooms – we had remembered them as
much larger. Whatever the sources of the error, the most
probable date of the sinking of Atlantis would be in the
middle of the second millennium, 900 years before Solon,
when the earth twice suffered great catastrophes… (Immanuel
Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision. London: Sphere Books, Ltd., 1978,
p. 152)

Whether or not Velikovsky’s final conclusion is correct, his

reasoning is plausible.

Yet, even if we dismiss the possible tenfold exaggeration of the

Atlantis figures, I believe there is an even more plausible cause
for the dating error.

Just bear in mind that

(a) the Egyptian priest gave his usual exaggerated date of

12,040 BC for the founding of Egyptian civilization, and
(b) the same priest claimed that Atlantis existed (and
perished) before the beginning of Egyptian civilization.

Would this not then adequately explain the excessively early

date given for Atlantis’ destruction?

If so, there is no need to move Atlantis away from the Atlantic

and “misplace” it into the Mediterranean, just to fit into our
picture. Twisting evidence to fit any theory is not acceptable.
Wherever the evidence will lead, the theory must concede.

And so, our “big picture” now available concerning Egyptian

chronology suggests this better, second reason for the confusion
among researchers – that the Egyptian priest’s exaggeration of
Egyptian chronology was to blame for the exaggerated dating of

But when the Egyptian dating is corrected, the Atlantis dating

falls naturally into line also.

Interestingly, an ancient history book, the Oera Linda Boek,

dating primarily from AD 803, but added to for 500 years, bears
this postscript: “written in Liuwert (Ljuwert) in the 3,499th year
after Atland (Atlantis) sank, or 1256, the year of the Christian
reckoning.” This historian placed the sinking of Atlantis in 2244
BC. (Alec Maclellan, The Lost World of Agharti. London: Souvenir Press, 1982, p. 186)

In the Melpomene of Herodotus, it was stated that someone just

a few centuries before 2000 BC visited both the mainland of
Atlantis and a maritime Atlantis.

In Chapter 11, we discovered Egypt’s founding to be as recent

as 2188 BC, a date which is fairly soon after that given in the
Oera Linda Boek (above) for the destruction of Atlantis.


ALTERNATIVE 1: Cutting of all figures used in Atlantis,

including the dating, to 1/10 of their value, would enable
Atlantis to fit into the Mediterranean.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Firstly, the Egyptian priest gave an

exaggerated date of 12,040 BC for the founding of Egypt.
Secondly, he claimed Atlantis existed (and perished) before the
beginning of Egyptian civilization. This suggests that the
Egyptian priest’s exaggeration of Egyptian chronology is the
real reason for the exaggerated dating of Atlantis.

Thus, when the Egyptian dating is corrected, the Atlantis dating

falls naturally into line also.

And an Atlantic location would not be preposterous after all.

Atlantis 9600 BC? Not at all.


The evidence suggests the more reasonable date of 2200 to 1500

BC. Goodbye to another time myth.



As you know, our attitudes are influenced by parents and
environment. And later we may find we’ve picked up some
wrong ideas. That’s often hard to face.

You may be surprised to learn that many leading scientists are

now questioning the validity of evolution. But the damage has
been done. It has had a free hand and little or no opposition in
the universities and colleges, and through the press and
television, all these years.

To systematically dull down the minds of the masses, a well-

heeled elite have been shrewdly preparing and using a compliant
servant team of “nice guy” educators whose doctorates, salaries
and grants depend on toeing the line – who will parrot the
ideology that “we’re here by accident - humans are not children
of the Creator, but ‘useless eaters’ that are expendable to
evolutionary progress.”

Evolution makes a hero out of death and completely negates all

morality and humane compassion. When you tell people that
they are evolved animals that are floating on a lawless and
indifferent planet in outer space they begin to act as just that -
lawless animals with no morality or accountability for

Welcome to the genocide plans of the New World Order crazies.



In fairness, it must be stated that the front men - the educators -

are the fall guys. They sincerely believe in what they are doing.
That’s all they’ve been taught. Most of them are so lacking in
understanding of what they are part of, that they, like most of
the population, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not
even know exists.

Prodded on by those unseen ones who pay their salary, they call
on flimsy archaeological data to convince themselves that what
they are told to teach is right. Their mentors hover in the
background, out of harm’s way.

It’s a scam that goes on every day… in the controlled

universities, the media and in religious seminaries. But let’s tell
nobody… what a lovely idea.


And, to perpetuate it - well, first, are you sitting down? – here is

a headline released on June 4, 2009, in Times Online:
“One in seven scientists say colleagues fake data”
News reporter Hannah Devlin opens with this shocking
revelation: “Faking scientific data and failing to report
commercial conflicts of interest are far more prevalent than
previously thought, a study suggests.”
The simple fact is that the ideological battle is bigger than most
of us realise. The New World Order gang, swilling in their
trillions of dollars, have a pretty tight grip on the propaganda
machine. This includes the media, the film industry and
education. It is crucial to their plan of mass mind control.


They consider the Bible – and in particular, the book of Genesis

- to be “dangerous”. It is subversive to their plans. It is a
document whose power they fear. They know that once it
captivates the minds o the masses it has power to undermine the
Globalists’ plans to rule and suppress.
For several hundred years now, the Globalist plan has been in
motion. And they are almost there.

They’ve created a well-oiled anti-Bible propaganda offensive

that is almost impossible to avoid. And it has rubbed off on us,
until we find ourselves gobbling it up. Thankyou Madhatter.

They cannot stop Bibles being printed, so they’ve turned to

perpetrating one of the biggest lies of all time, first by peddling
the evolution theory and its bogus dating, then by conning us
that the Bible has been altered so much you can’t believe it
anyway. All made wonderfully possible by our gullibility.

At the same time, these nice people are involved in a massive

cover-up of real evidence. They talk about cover-ups of the
truth. The only cover-up seems to be by these “professionals”.

Kenneth Kitchen, Professor of Egyptology in the School of

Archaeology and Oriental studies, University of Liverpool, hits
it on the head. He laments that “scientific and archaeological
research is not getting through to young people in schools and
colleges – particularly all the evidence supporting the reliability
of the Bible.

In some circles there even seems to be a deliberate

withholding of such information, yet it is the fruit
of leading scholars… known for their restrained,
moderate, factual presentation of their researches.”
(Forward to Victor Pearce’s book Evidence For Truth:Archaeol-
ogy, 2nd edition)

Ignoring this research, the critics persist in trying to make us

believe that Genesis is a patchwork of myths tossed together as
late largely from Sumerian and Babylonian legends as the 6th
century BC. You’ve got to laugh, really.

This claim arose 150 years ago before archaeology began

making its Middle East discoveries. But no informed scholar
believes that any more. It was a claim founded upon ignorance.
Nobody had enough knowledge on the subject, let alone to
refute it.

Today there is no excuse. And many critics have admitted their


Yet others persist, always doubting, the one mechanically

repeating the other – simply because they have not kept up with
the discoveries.
Kenneth Kitchen of the University of Liverpool, compares the
various ancient accounts with the Genesis account:

The common assumption that the Hebrew account is simply a

purged and simplified version of the Babylonian legend is
fallacious on methodological grounds. In the Ancient Near
East, the rule is that simple accounts or traditions may give
rise (by accretion and embellishment) to elaborate legends,
but not vice versa. In the Ancient Orient, legends were not
simplified or turned into pseudo-history (historicized) as has
been assumed for early Genesis. (Kenneth A. Kitchen, Ancient Orient
and the Old Testament, p.89)

Millar Burrows of Yale University, points to the fact that “Mere

legend or fiction would inevitably betray itself by anachronisms
and incongruities.” (M. Burrows, What Mean These Stones? New York: Meridian
Books, 1956, p. 278) But this is not the case with the biblical records.

A scrutiny of the Babylonian texts reveals that they represent

not an original source, but a hopeless corruption of an original

source. They do demonstrate at an early period the introduction

of dozens of contemporary gods into the Creation tablets.

On the other hand, the records preserved to us in Genesis are

pure and free from all these corruptions which penetrated into
the Babylonian copies.

The Trustees of the British Museum, in The Babylonian Legends

of the Creation and the Fight Between Bel and the Dragon,
declare that “the fundamental conceptions of the Babylonian and
Hebrew accounts are essentially different.”

From his direct research, archaeologist Sir Ernest Budge agrees:

“It must be pointed out that there is no evidence at all that the
two accounts of the creation which are given in the early
chapters of Genesis, are derived from the seven tablets.”
(Babylonian Life and History)

Oriental scholar Alfred Jeremias, in his work, The Old

Testament in the Light of the Ancient East, concurs: “The
prevailing assumption of a literary dependence of the
Biblical records of creation upon Babylonian texts is very

To an impartial reader, the book of Genesis bears the hallmarks

of an authentic, original and superior document.

But to mouth the old claim that the Sumerian texts are the
original, false though it be, is all part of our new age of freedom.
(Not to mention freedom from facts.)
And a large segment of the gullible public has swallowed this
hook, line and sinker.
But the lies are starting to unravel. Aren’t you glad?



We have discovered the same approximate dating from a variety

of natural clocks and ancient human records in all parts of the
planet. According to these witnesses, a Great Flood interrupted
world history 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Astronomical evidence
even gives us a precise date – 2345 BC. (See Chapter 5.)

Someone will be asking, What about the Bible version of

events? In particular, the book of Genesis. How valid is it?


During a recent radio interview in the USA, a talk-back listener

told me he thought Genesis as a book of “myths”.

Well, perhaps he’s right. Is it? And what are these so-called
“myths”? Well, here are a few of them:

• Firstly, mankind is an artefact of creation by the same

Celestial God that created the universe.
• Secondly, a global wipe-out occurred about 4,400 years
ago, which remodelled the earth’s surface and shaped most
of the natural features we see on earth today.
• Thirdly, the historical civilizations of Egypt, Sumeria, the
Maya, and so on, emerged after this.

And may I add a fourth:


• That this global cataclysm re-set the natural timing clocks.

The Genesis “myth”, if you want to call it that, also states that
mankind is a special creation of the same Supreme Being who
created the whole universe and everything in it. This entity is a
loving God, who initially gave us a perfect world, governed by
physical and spiritual laws for our protection and happiness. He
also granted us freedom of choice and a responsibility to care
for each other.

But we have turned our backs on our Creator, chosen to go our

own way, and become alienated against Him – and this has
brought us to the misery in which the world now finds itself.

That is the basic theme of the book of Genesis – apart from the
history it contains.



Anyway, getting back to the dating question. You might well

ask, How does the biblical book of Genesis (and the Bible as a
whole) stack up, compared to the various natural clocks and
ancient records we have discovered in all parts of the planet?

Does the Bible itself pinpoint any date for the Flood?

The answer is yes. The biblical writings supply us with a series

of chronologies which, linked together, pinpoint the time of the

Would you like to check this for yourself? Here goes…


Please follow this carefully. (Remember that as you calculate

backwards through the BC era, numbers increase. That is,
instead of subtracting, you add the numbers together.)

We start by calculating back from a known, fixed date in

history. This is the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian
king Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC. This event brought an end to
the kingdom of Judah. The accuracy of this date can be
astronomically verified by Babylonian records. (Edwin R. Thiele, The
Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings)

Now take this date – 586 BC - and add to it the years of the
kings of Judah after Solomon. The chronology of these kings
was very carefully preserved and documented in Jewish history.
According to the Old Testament records, these years of reign
totalled 345.

So add these - 586 + 345 = 931 BC – to get the last year of

Solomon’s reign. Since we know that Solomon reigned for 40
years, then his first year would have been 970 BC. We must be
sure and count the first year. This gives us 970 BC.

The next time marker is Solomon’s fourth year. Reckoning

inclusively, this would be 967 BC. And why do we need to
include this in our calculations? Because this is a time peg for
another event:

And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year

after the children of Israel were come out of the land of
Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in
the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to
build the house of the Lord. (1 Kings 6:1)

According to that historical passage, Solomon’s fourth year, 967

BC, was the 480th year from the Exodus of the Hebrews from
Egypt. 967 + 480 = 1446 (counting inclusively).

The Scripture states also that from Abraham’s call to sacrifice

Isaac (according to the sacrificial “law”), until the Exodus, was

430 years. This is when the covenant with Abraham was

confirmed.- “because thou hast obeyed my voice.” (Compare
Galations 3:17,18 ; Genesis 22:16-18 ; Genesis 15:13 ; Exodus 12:40-41)

Note that the Scripture does not say Abraham’s offspring would
be in bondage for 430 years, but that their “sojourning” was for
430 years. The portion of this sojourning spent in Egypt was
only 260 years, from 1706 to 1446 BC.

To arrive at the date of the Great Flood, you then add the
chronological information supplied in the book of Genesis.
(Genesis 21:5; 17:21-25; 16:16; 12:4; 11:10-32)

This brings you to the beginning and ending dates of the Great
Flood - around 2345 to 2344 BC.

2345 1446 970 931 586

Great Exodus Solomon’s Kings of
Flood reign Judah
480 years

Please keep in mind that this, as all dates, is approximate, due to

the various kings of Judah not necessarily fulfilling the full 12
months of their first or last years of reign. However, we believe
that the above dates fall within a 3 or 4 year margin of accuracy.

From this exercise we discover that the Genesis date for the
Flood is in remarkable harmony with the timing given by each
of the eight natural “clocks” that we noted earlier, as well as
genealogical records of various ancient nations.

According to these witnesses, the Genesis timing for the Great

Flood is correct.

Here is one more witness to consider – population increase.


- c.4,000+ YEARS

We might also cite world population growth statistics. These

likewise converge on the date of the Great Flood.

It can be demonstrated, by taking the rate of population increase,

per century, and working back from our present world
population (6,800,000,000), that mankind could have started
with 8 people not very long ago.

Statisticians agree that 150 years is a reasonable average to

assume for population to double itself, having made allowance
for wars, famines, etcetra. Today’s global population, if counted
back to an original 8 persons, would require slightly less than 30
doublings. By a doubling process every 150 years, this would
require about 4,400 years.

Or to calculate by a different method, world population

increases at about 2 percent per year. Let’s be conservative and
halve it to an increase of 1 percent per year.

On average, every 82 years (through wars, diseases and natural

disasters), half the population is wiped out.

Using this formula, over 4,350 years, how many people should
we have now? - 7.3 billion. How many people do we have? -
6.4 billion.

Using the same formula, the population after 41,000 years

would be 2 x 1089 (That’s two times ten with 89 zeroes after it!)

It can be argued that exceptional events, such as Hitler’s

massacres, plagues and natural disasters could have decimated
populations. But even if HALF THE TOTAL WORLD
POPULATION were wiped out, it would extend the historical
span by only 150 years.

There have been periods of slow down and of rapid growth, but
a continuous increase is evident throughout history.

If mankind has been around for as much as one million years,

the population would have doubled only once in every 32,258
years, which is absurd.

All considered, the evidence is a pointer toward recentness of

the type the Bible suggests. It is entirely reasonable and
scientific to trace the entire human race back to eight people
some 4,350 years ago.

The data is consistent with the proposition that Noah and his
family were the only humans alive after a general wipe-out of
the human race.

If man was not virtually wiped out, there should be a very much
greater population across the earth’s surface.



Professor W. F. Albright, one of the leading authorities on

archaeology, called the ancient “Table of Nations” in the book
of Genesis “an astonishingly accurate document.” (W.F.Albright,
Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands, p.4)

In fact, Genesis explains where all the time is, in ancient history.
It gives mathematical documentation. And if, as is now evident
from archaeological research, it is a valid historical document,
then it is truly the yardstick by which the time framework of all
ancient world history can be measured.


After testing the evidence, many an honest skeptic has

unashamedly admitted his mistake. There comes to mind David
Davidson, who for many years was Consultant Engineer for the
City of Leeds, England. At first, Davidson was an agnostic.

After fourteen years of chronological research, Davidson

reached [to him] the astonishing conclusion that Biblical
dates were historically accurate, that the independently
formed ‘Babylonian and Egyptian chronological datings…
confirm the chronological statements of the Hebrew books.
(D. Davidson and H. Aldersmith, The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message,
Vol. 1. London: Williams and Norgate, Ltd., 1936, p.303)

Noted archaeologist Siegfried Horn found that discoveries in the

ruins of Hazor, Shechem and other cities likewise confirmed
biblical dates. (Siegfried H. Horn, Records of the Past Illuminate the Bible.
Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1975, pp.19,20)

Nelson Glueck, one of the greatest of all Middle East

archaeologists, concurs:

It may be stated categorically that no archaeological

discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. (Nelson
Glueck, Rivers in the Desert: History of Negev. Philadelphia: Jewish
Publications Society of America, 1969, p.31)

The trend of new evidence is leading many archaeologists to

align their dates increasingly closer to those given in the book of

So where does this leave all that claptrap about Genesis being
just a myth?

It appears that Genesis is better informed than its critics.




Recently, unbiased scientists have been testing a number of

scientific statements in the book of Genesis with actually
observed data – and it has passed the test.

We shall not go into those here. However, if you would like

compelling scientific evidence that Genesis contains absolute,
physical, factual truth – and not myth, I invite you to scrutinise
the evidence in my book The Weapon the Globalists Fear,
particularly chapters 2 to 4.

Likewise, front line archaeological research has established

beyond reasonable doubt the integrity of its history. No living
person is in a position to disprove the history it contains.


Placing the book of Genesis side by side with the records of
each of the ancient nations, there is one thing in particular we’ve
discovered. Genesis tells a simpler, more coherent story.

It does not bear the marks of the superstitious, the magical or the
grotesque, which occur in other ancient texts. Its record is
straightforward, connected and concise. We have discovered it
to be infinitely superior.

Five examples of its superiority stand out. For substantiation of

each, I refer you to my book The Weapon the Globalists Fear,
chapter 9.






Portions of Genesis are demonstrably older than any other

document. (See The Weapon the Globalists Fear chapters 18,19.)

Eminent archaeologist William F. Albright points out that the

archaic features contained in the Genesis record date it, for
example, BEFORE any Mesopotamian version that is
“preserved in cuneiform sources” (such as the Babylonian Epic
of Gilgamesh and the Assyrian Epic of Atrahasis). (W.F. Albright,
Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan. London: Athlone Press, 1968, p.86)

Startling archaeological evidence shows that Genesis was not

only compiled by the Hebrew leader Moses, but also that he had
access to a series of original volumes, going back to the first
centuries of mankind. (The Weapon the Globalists Fear Chapters 11, 17 to 19)

These included a record physically possessed by Noah (Gen.6:9),

and records possessed even earlier by Adam, the very first man!
(Gen.2:4; 5:1) Both Adam and Noah – real historical personages -
were living eyewitnesses of events they recorded!

You do not need to speculate on this. The archaeological

evidence that has now been unearthed and documented is

According to the evidence, these particular passages in the book

of Genesis must constitute the oldest documents in the world!
Can there be anything older than the first man?

It is true that no verifiable dates for written records go back

earlier than about 4,000 years, approaching our date for the
Great Flood. But the earlier chapters of the book of Genesis
bear within themselves evidence of pre-Flood origin. There is
good archaeological evidence that Moses, in his day, had before
him tablets from before the Flood. (This is fully covered in The Weapon the
Globalists Fear, chapters 17 to 19.)


Archaeology has clothed in measurable fact many a “legend”

(and its biblically claimed date) that long had passed for fable.
…new discoveries continue to confirm the historical
accuracy or the literary antiquity of detail after detail
in it… It is, accordingly, sheer hypercriticism to deny
the substantially Mosaic character of the Pentateuchal
tradition. (C.H. Dodd, More New Testament Studies. Manchester:
University Press, 1968, p. 224)

I am compelled by the evidence, which is confirmed by upwards

of 25 expeditions of my own in the Middle East, to agree with
Sir Isaac Newton that it bears “more sure marks of authenticity
than any [secular] history.”

In the above five respects, Genesis is UNLIKE any ancient

document we possess.

However bold such a statement may seem, I assure you that the
book of Genesis towers head and shoulders above every known
document of the ancient world. It stands in a class by itself, for
meaningful transmission of information. It bears the stamp of a
sophisticated and accurate document!


Contrary to the claims of some critics, the evidence strongly

suggests that what you read today in the book of Genesis is
uncorrupted, unchanged, and pure, as reliable as the
autographed original. (The Weapon the Globalists Fear, chapter 20)

It was not long ago that critical scholars thought that any who
believed in Genesis were beneath notice, from a scholarly
standpoint, because they refused to accept the impressive
findings of the critics! They loved to ridicule the biblical dates.

These critics assumed they knew better 4,000 years after the
event than writers who lived in the times immediately after the

In response, the most eminent of all Middle East archaeologists

Professor William Albright, after examining the critics’ dating
philosophy and the flawed reasoning that prompted it, observed,
“This is typical of the utter absurdity of much so-called
‘critical’ work in the Biblical field.”

One should question the reliability of some other oft-quoted

secular records instead of always doubting the Bible’s
statements. When the truth is known, it will be seen that the
Bible is the standard by which all else can be safely judged.

Supposed flaws raised by critics against the Genesis record have

simply been caused by our ignorance. Nobody had enough
knowledge on the subject, let alone to refute it.

Today there is no excuse. And many critics have admitted their


Yet others persist, always doubting, the one mechanically

repeating the other – simply because they have not kept up with
the discoveries. One suspects that many are too apathetic,
bigoted and lazy to make the attempt, while others are tools of a
well-oiled anti-Bible propaganda machine, that knows it can
fool most of the people most of the time.

To anyone who repeats that old, tired, worn-out objection that

the biblical books have been so changed over the centuries that
we can’t know their original contents, my challenge now is:

Prove it.

My research on this matter is summarised in

these four books:

The Da Vinci Code Hoax, chapters 14,20-21

Who’s Playing Jesus Games?, chapters 10-15

The Sorcerers’ Secret, chapters 2-7

The Weapon the Globalists Fear, chapters 20-21



• Earth’s tilted axis – 2345 BC - brought global devastation,

followed by a new start with:
• Ice and glaciers – c. 2000 BC
• Trapped inland lakes – c. 2000 BC
• River deltas – c. 1600 to 3000 BC
• Waterfalls – c. 2000 BC
• Coral reefs – c. 1700 to 2330 BC
• The oldest trees – c. 2000 BC
• Deserts – c. 2000 BC
• China – 2205 BC
• Britain – 2000 to 3000 BC
• Ireland – 2000 to 3000 BC
• Denmark – 2000 to 3000 BC
• Norway – 2000 to 3000 BC
• Iceland – 2000 to 3000 Bc
• Egypt – c. 2200 BC
• The Giza Sphinx – 2000 to 2200 BC
• The Great Pyramid – 2144 BC
• Sumeria – c. 2200 BC
• Tiahuanaco – c. 2000 BC
• Australian Aborigines – c. 2000 BC
• Maya language – c. 2000 BC
• Atlantis – c. 2200 BC?

• Finally, the Book of Genesis dates the Great Flood at 2345

BC and the establishment of the earliest post-Flood nations
at 2244 to 2000 BC.


Any critic who has not examined this information in depth is

unqualified to pose as an authority on global dating. I now
challenge every critic on earth to try and refute this evidence.

CHOICE 1: All these witnesses converge to about the same

period. And beyond this, nothing can be honestly dated.

CHOICE 2: Against these, some person or other will tell us –

without sustainable evidence – that he has just found something
that dates back to 100,000 years or whatever.

If you had these two choices, and if your life depended on it,
which would you choose?


Deep in the jungles of northwest Brazil, the mysterious Ugha
Mongulala tribe hide away from the intrusions of prospectors
and explorers. According to their chief, Tatunca, in a valley high
in the eastern Andes there sit the overgrown ruins of a white
stone city, the ancient capital of their once vast jungle empire,
from which subterranean passages radiate.

In recent decades, Westerners lusting for wealth and supported

by strong, highly superior arms, have advanced ever further into
the Amazon: poisoning whole tribes by smallpox carried in
pieces of candy; dynamiting jungle natives from the air, then
mowing down the survivors with machine guns; and mixing the
food of the Indians with arsenic and typhus virus. (Jonathan Gray,
Dead Men’s Secrets, chapter 19)

After five centuries, from a former forest population numbering

many millions, only a few thousand are left.

As the European penetrates ever deeper into their territory and

they are forced to withdraw from their last fertile lands, many
Indians have been reduced to feeding on caterpillars, tree bark
and the lichen growing on rocks.

Frightened and confused by this incomprehensible event, tribes

have grown increasingly hostile. Thus we hear of savages

manned with blowpipes, poison darts and spears, who kill on

sight every intruder.

Their hearts are heavy. Angrily they retreat further and further
into the jungle; and they know that time will soon run out.

It was in 1968 that the Ugha Mongulala made an historic

decision. To prevent the discovery of their ancestral white stone
city of Akakor by airplanes, the chief's high council gave orders
to camouflage all temples, palaces and houses. This once mighty
people had lapsed into a state of dismay and despair.

Rather than fight, they now withdrew within shrunken borders.

Only small scouting bands were left behind in the abandoned
regions to observe the movements of the hostile whites and to
forewarn Akakor of an attack.

The situation became still more critical. By 1971, his surviving

subjects dejected and discouraged, the prince advised a slow
withdrawal into the underground dwellings. The people gave up
their houses and destroyed the buildings of their last remaining
settlements, so that white hunters and prospectors would find
nothing but abandoned ruins, overgrown by the forests. They
left no sign, no trace that might have pointed the way to the city
of their ancestors.


According to Karl Brugger, investigator and writer on South

American Indians, and also according to a prospector friend of
mine who was captured by the tribe and spent several months
learning their ways, the Ugha Mongulala have inherited a
unique written history, containing a carefully preserved and
detailed genealogy which goes back more than 12,000 years.
(Karl Brugger, The Chronicle of Akakor. New York: Delacorte Press, 1977)


My interest took a sharp upward curve when I discovered

possible points of contact between this Ugha Mongulala
Chronicle and the Israelite record of King Solomon’s voyages.

We already knew that

1. King Solomon (970-931 BC) and his neighbours, the
Phoenicians, had an alliance.
2. Phoenician ships of Solomon’s time were visiting
South America. (See Appendix 3.)

I want you to notice these similarities:


Lhasa... commanded the construction And they [the ships of Solomon

of OFIR, a powerful harbor city at the & Hiram] came to OPHIR and
mouth of the Great River [Amazon]. fetched from thence gold. Once
Ships from Samon’s empire docked every three years came the navy
there with their valuable cargoes. In … bringing gold and silver…
exchange for gold and silver…(Karl [so that Solomon] made silver to
Brugger, The Chronicle of Akakor. New York: be in Jerusalem as stones. (1 Kings
Delacorte Press, 1977, p.58) 9:28; 10:11,22,27)

1. Ships came from the east across 1. Solomon’s ships sailed west
the ocean to the mouth of the from Tyre, and across the
Amazon in South America. Atlantic to South America.

2. These ships came from Samon’s 2. These ships were sent by

empire. King Solomon.

3. These ships came to Ofir. 3. These ships went to Ophir.

4. Gold and silver left Ofir. 4. Gold and silver left Ophir.

5. This happened about 3,166 BC 5. This happened during 970

to 2,866 BC. to 931 BC.

Let’s repeat the main ingredients of these two accounts:


1. Ships to South America 1. Ships to South America

2. Samon’s eastern empire 2. Solomon’s eastern empire
3. Destination: Ofir 3. Destination: Ophir
4. Obtained gold & silver 4. Obtained gold & silver
5. 3166- 2866 BC 5. 970-931 BC

It stretches credibility to imagine that both the Hebrews far

away in the Middle East, and this remote Amazon tribe, could
each independently make up such matching details.

Obviously they are speaking of the same event. The strongest

matching link is the name Ofir (Ophir). There can be no doubt
that these are one and the same. Scholars have sought in vain for
a confirmed geographical location for Ophir in the time of
Solomon. At best, they have come up only with speculated
locations. But speculation is not evidence. In no physical place
on earth has this name cropped up except here – in South
America. (See Appendix 3.)

The strength of the name is one thing. But take the first four
details together and you have not a single thread, but several
factors which, entwined together, form a rope. The laws of
probably are highly against the two reports describing a
separate event. (With all the possible differences of names and
circumstances, the chances of those four particular details
matching are calculated at 16 billion to one)



The only factor that needs to be aligned is the dating. However,

this should not be difficult.

Firstly, we have already established that for the general date for
the Great Flood and the subsequent rise of civilizations, at least

16 witnesses around the world (plus the biblical dating) are in

That is a formidable parade of witnesses. And the biblical dating
is secure. You don’t have to be an archaeologist to see it.

Yes, I know. There will be some shouts of protest. My challenge

is this: Produce a better array of witnesses than these – or keep

Secondly, the UM Chronicle dating is disparate. However, it can

no longer stand in isolation, but must be assessed within the
framework of these 17 other witnesses.

The weight of evidence suggests that the time frame for Samon
and Ofir needs to be corrected to the period 970 to 931 BC.



Unexpected confirmation of the correct time period for the

South American Ofir (Ophir) comes from Gene Savoy, who
achieved international fame with the discovery of the lost city of
Vilcabamba, one of the most dramatic and important
archaeological finds of the 20th century.

In the winter of 1966, Savoy found in Amazonas, Peru, a series

of figures inscribed on the wall of an ancient tomb. High up in
the Andes, in the region of the legendary Chachapoyas, the
largest and most imposing of the glyphs resembled a figure that
Savoy knew to be of Middle Eastern origin. He translated the
glyph as saying “Ophir”.

After Savoy had discovered that enigmatic glyph in the Andes,

another inscription appeared, but this time in Israel, at Tel

Qasile, an ancient site near Tel Aviv that dates from King
Solomon's time. The inscription, on a potsherd unearthed by
archaeologists, bears this message in Phoenician-Hebrew:
Gold of Ophir, the possession
of Beth-Horon, thirty shekels.

The inscription once marked a pot of gold stored in the hold of

an ancient Phoenician merchant ship.

At its centre was the same symbol Savoy had found cut into the
cliff face of the mountain in South America.

Do you see the significance of these two finds – the first in

South America and the second in Israel?

1. The source of the gold sold at the seaport of Ofir was the
mines of the Andes region.

2. This same Andes region is where the “Ophir” glyph was


3. This links the Andes Ophir with the Ofir seaport at the
mouth of the Amazon.

4. The Andes Ophir glyph and the Israel “Ophir”

inscription are a precise match.

5. The Israel Ophir belongs to the time of Solomon, 971 to

930 BC.

6. Therefore, the Andes Ophir and the Ofir seaport may be

reasonably dated to the same period, 971 to 930 BC.

This is the most likely scenario.

But that now prompts us to look at another aspect of the

Amazon tribe’s chronology.


With the insights we now possess concerning the records of

Egypt, Sumeria and other ancient cultures, we might ask, how
should one regard the Ugha Mongulala tribe’s reported
chronology of 12,000 plus years?

The answer, of course, is that we should approach it with a

cautious scientific mind. It is well to remember that, due to the
major difficulties in physically reaching this tribe, no scientific
examination of the Ugha Mongulala chronology has ever been


From the errors we have made with other “stretched” histories,

there have emerged at least 16 guidelines to bear in mind,
should we ever be able to test the “12,000 year” claim.

1. It is vital to be aware that many ancient scribes deliberately

exaggerated their nations’ ages. (See Chapter 10.)

2. Over time, certain crucial words within the same language

can change their meanings, so that later descendants
misunderstand certain words that they are reading. One could
cite many examples of this from English documents no older
than a few hundred years. Example: In past generations, the
word “gay” was commonly used to mean happy, but today it
more often means homosexual.

3. When a person’s name and title both appear in the record,

they can be inadvertently listed separately as though they were
different persons. We have already seen how this one factor
misled historians into thinking Egypt had a longer history.

4. Several names belonging to the same person can be

mistakenly listed one after another. Again, the Egypt dating
blunder is a good example.

5. Two men ruling at the same time over different parts of the
kingdom can be wrongly listed as following one another. Once,
more the Egypt dating mistake comes to mind.

6. An extra zero mistakenly added to a number can multiply it

ten-fold. Example: See our discussion in Chapter 17 regarding
the Atlantis controversy.

7. One letter added to or subtracted from a single word can

change the meaning of a sentence. Scribal mistakes of this kind
are common in ancient manuscripts. To give an example in our
English language: The word “amoral” means NOT based on
moral standards. But without the “a” you have “moral” which
means “based on moral standards” – quite an opposite meaning.
“He loved the dessert” (sweet dish) is very different from “he
loved the desert” (arid wasteland).

8. An incorrect letter in a word – for example, shade instead of

spade. In our computer age we call this a typing mistake. In
earlier days it was simply a scribal error.

9. A correct letter in the wrong place in a word – for example,

arm for ram.

10. A single punctuation mark in the wrong place can alter the
meaning of a sentence. Example: “I tell you today, you will
become manager here” (I’m telling you now) is so different
from “I tell you, today you will become manager here.” (It will
happen today)

11. An accidental space between two letters can drastically

change the meaning. For example, “a verse” can mean a poem,
while “averse” means unwilling. An atheist will say “God is

nowhere”, while a believer will say “God is now here”. Do you

see the difference? Amazing how just one tiny empty space can
give a sentence such an opposite meaning!

12. A word spelled wrongly, because it was confused with

another word having the same sound. Example, spelling it as
there when their is intended.

13. Two words in the wrong order (or a word misplaced) in a

sentence can give the whole sentence an entirely different
meaning. Example: “With his helper Jack found the lost dog”
can be read differently from “Jack found the lost dog with his
helper.” A writer may be trying to say that Jack and his helper
found the dog, while the reader thinks that Jack found both the
dog and his helper together. Such misunderstandings in human
communication are commonplace.

14. The same word can have two different meanings. Example:
“hold the mouse” (belonging to the computer), or “hold the
mouse” (the animal) – Centuries later, this distinction between
two uses of the same word will very likely be misunderstood.

We saw earlier, in the Sumerian king list, just how one word
with two different values can be misread by scholars who are
sure they have it right – where 2,221 years got stretched to
432,000 years!

In our day, the very same word “billion” has two different
meanings. In the USA billion means one thousand times a
million – 1,000,000,000, But in Britain “billion” means one
million times a million – 1,000,000,000,000. Mistakes with
numbers are not something new to investigators.

15. An idiom is a phrase that means something other than the

words imply (for example, the English idiom “step on it” means
“hurry”). Later translators and even contemporary foreigners
will almost always get such a phrase wrong. Other examples are

“we must bite the bullet”, “she’s a square”, “he kicked the
bucket” and so on.

16. Ambiguous sentence construction. For example, would you

please answer this correctly?: If you have three apples and you
take away two, how many do you have? Of course, the answer
depends on how you understand the sentence construction. If
you have three apples and you take away (mathematically
subtract) two, there is just one apple left. On the other hand, if
you start with three apples but as you physically depart you take
two of them with you, then you have in your possession two


If old documents in one’s own language can be misunderstood,

then we should not be surprised that top scholars have misread
some ancient documents for decades before glaring mistakes
were noticed – the result being a dramatically reduced timeline
of history.

Remember Egypt’s chronology. Even though hundreds of

scholars have been on the case, yet they still haven’t got Egypt’s
dating right. (See Chapter 11.) And then there is the Sumerian king
list, where 432,000 years became only 2221 years. (See Chapter 14)

As for this remote Amazon tribe, no scholar on earth has yet had
opportunity to access its records. At this early stage, a court of
law would classify them as hearsay. And, ultimately, the finding
of just one human error could bring their supposed “12,000
year” history crashing down.

I predict that when a thorough and honest scrutiny of that tribe’s

history is completed, we shall find it to be in harmony with the
other nations of the world, whose recorded time-lines are in
close parity with the Genesis time-line.


Here are three vital factors that no honest scholar should

dare dismiss:

1. On this whole planet, there is not one atom of established

evidence for any worldwide cataclysm as early as 10,000
or 12,000 BC. Not anywhere. All the speculating, wishing
and theorising to the contrary is not evidence.

2. At least 17 witnesses around the planet harmoniously

testify that a new beginning for both natural processes and
human activity occurred close to 2000 BC.

3. The Great Flood of 2345 BC was so total in its effects that

it marked a clear break in history. During this cataclysm,
continent and ocean were churned up together and the
earth’s crust was disrupted thousands of feet deep. The
result? No civilization, even in an underground tunnel
system, would have survived.

Seventeen physical, testable witnesses.

The Japanese say, “Like cords in a rope, each is individually

strong, but when interwoven and used in a rope, the cords
become stronger and even more powerful.”

Against this we have one alleged discordant, but unconfirmed

tribal record.

Again, the Japanese would say, “A cloth is not woven from a

single thread.”

Seventeen witnesses in agreement. And one in apparent

disagreement. By the weight of evidence, which of these two
alternatives is more likely to need correction? What do you


I predict that, as with the Egyptian, and as with the Sumerian, so

with this reported chronicle in the Amazon jungle – if it can ever
be studied with true scientific rigour, its dating will be found to
harmonise with the evidence from the rest of the world.



(From Jonathan Gray, The Corpse Came Back, chapter 17)

No bikini-clad beauties soaked up the sun on Tiahuanaco’s

beaches. This Pacific seaport was as dreary as every other city
on earth... at that time.

Don’t get me wrong. This was a city of startling dimensions.

Giant buildings, imposing colonnades and lifelike statues of
men and women in a thousand poses. There was partying, action
and excitement.

But just go outside... How tiresome it must have been, seeing in

the sky nothing but clouds - night and day! Generations of
children grew up to endless heavy clouds, hanging low
overhead. Dark nights. Dismal summers. And very stormy - all
through the year.

The racial memory of the Cashinaua Indians of Brazil recalls the

deafening thunder, the lightning and a “collapsed sky”. (R.W.
Williamson, Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia, 1933, Vol.1, p.41)

And the African Ovaherero tribe says the sky “fell down”. In
fact, myths of this falling sky are found amongst the Celts, the
Eskimos of Greenland, the Lapps of Finland, ancient peoples of
Tibet, China and Mexico, as well as tribes of Samoa and
western and eastern Africa.

In the aftermath of the Deluge, large areas of the oceans and

seas would have boiled and steamed.

Massive evaporation of the waters inevitably resulted in the

formation of thickening cloud cover.

The general release of heat, smoke and dust initiated

atmospheric pollution that would last for decades.

And the sheer weight of this polluted atmosphere would have

forced the cloud base down to unprecedented low levels.

Much of the high latitudes of Earth were enveloped in a gloomy


An Australian Aboriginal legend tells how “in those days the

sky was close to the ground and everything, both man and beast,
crept and crawled on the earth; and only stunted shrubs covered
the land” - until Yondi the warrior “raised the sky”. (Roman Black,
“The Story of the Boomerang,” Old and New Australian Aboriginal Art)

The clouds were so thick that when they were dispersed one
day, men discovered the stars - the stars that they had never seen

A South American tradition recalls that Tiahuanaco existed

before the stars. Before the stars? Absurd, of course. That is,
if we take it literally. But not so absurd if we imagine that in the
not too distant past men had seen the cloud cover dissolve and a
star-strewn sky sparkling above them for the first time.

And so the stars became visible again!

According to the Aztecs, “There had been no sun in existence

for many years… [The Chiefs] began to peer through the gloom
in all directions for the expected sight, and to make bets as to
what part of heaven [the sun] should first appear… but when the
sun rose, they were all proved wrong, for not one of them had
fixed upon the east.” (Immanuael Velikovsky, Worlds in Collision, p.131)

Why no sun and no stars? Actually, it was the same thing that
caused the Ice Age… and why did the sun rise in a new
direction? That will follow.


A glacial period came on suddenly.

The origin of glaciation (contributing to an ice age or ages) has

been explained by changes in temperature in the past.

But what on earth caused it? There is plenty of speculation.

Sixty different theories, in fact. But to the uniformitarian
(evolutionist) the cause of the Ice Age remains a “mystery”. As
Reginald Daly puts it:

At present the cause of excessive ice making on the lands

remains a baffling mystery, a major question for the future
reader of earth's riddles. (R.A. Daly, The Changing world of the Ice Age,

Charles H. Hapgood admits:

We do not have an integrated, effective theory of the earth

we live on… [in the last 100 years] at least fifty theories
have been produced to explain the ‘ice ages’ but none of
them has been satisfactory. (Charles H. Hapgood. “The Earth’s
Shifting Crust”, Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 10, 1959)

No theory has been able to explain why an Ice Age failed to

occur in the coldest place on earth (northeastern Siberia), yet
laid areas of ice over parts of warmer latitudes.


The truth is, there is no cause that could sufficiently lower the
temperature to produce an Ice Age - apart from thick clouds of

dust enveloping the earth to keep out the sun’s rays. And that
calls for global catastrophe (which is against uniformism, the
basis of evolution).

To complicate the problem, adherents of the Ice Age theory

have been forced to suggest several Ice Ages, in an effort to
account for various “mystery” phenomena.

However, such mysteries vanish when we realize this: Marks

which are supposed to be evidence of ice are explained more
easily as evidence of flood water.

If we consider all the evidence, the most reasonable view is that

there was one Ice Age, which followed the Great Flood.

But unfortunately, evolutionary geologists resist the Great Flood

concept. You ask, why? Because a Flood-based geology
destroys the essential uniformitarianism basis of the theory of
evolution. One cannot logically believe in the global Flood and
also believe in evolution.


One vital ingredient needed for an Ice Age would be heat. John
Tyndall, a nineteenth century British physicist, understood this:

The enormous extension of glaciers in bygone ages demonstrates,

just as rigidly, the operation of heat as well as the action of cold.
Cold [alone] will not produce glaciers. (John Tyndall, Heat Considered
as a Mode of Motion. 1883, pp.191-192)

The thickness of ice which formed on the land is estimated at

6,000 to 12,000 feet! The amount of water contained in so
much ice is enough to have required the ocean level to be 300
feet lower than now.

To originally evaporate so much water (which was redeposited

as ice) an enormous amount of HEAT was necessary.

Tyndall demonstrated that the same amount of heat necessary to

melt 5 pounds of cast iron is required to produce one pound of
vapour. Thus to evaporate water into clouds that would fall as
snow and ice, there was needed a quantity of heat sufficient to
melt a mass of 5 of iron times greater than the mass of ice.

Without such enormous heat, said Tyndall, there could have

been no Ice Age. Even if the sun disappeared and the earth lost
its heat to outer space, the oceans and water bodies would
freeze, but there could have been no ice formation on LAND.

Astronomer D. Manzel of the Harvard Observatory, referring to

the so-called “ice ages”, preferred to think that “increased
warmth brought them on, whereas a diminution caused them to
stop.” (D. Manzel, Our Sun. 1950, p.248)


The bottom line is this: Large stretches of the earth and its
oceans must have been heated as a furnace; vast “areas” of
ocean bottom must have bubbled with lava - both during the
Flood and for some time later.

It was these post-Flood warm oceans that initiated the Ice Age.


But heat evaporation was not enough. Copious and rapid

condensation of the vapours had to follow.

Tyndall explains:

We need a condenser so powerful that this vapour, instead

of falling in liquid showers to the earth, shall be so far
reduced in temperature as to descend as snow. (Tyndall, pp.

Immanuel Velikovsky pinpoints the only conditions under

which an Ice Age could have taken place:

An unusual sequence of events was necessary; the oceans

must have steamed and the vaporised water must have fallen
as snow in latitudes of temperate climates, This sequence of
heat and cold must have taken place in quick succession.
(Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1978, p.121)


Let us, then, observe what occurred as the Great Flood was

As intimated earlier, the Great Flood was a cosmic catastrophe,

involving an estimated 30,000 volcanoes, which shook and tore
at the foundation of the earth, roaring with incessant thunder,
belching forth dust, steam, boulders and lava - and lighting up
the darkened sky with their terrifying and lurid flames.

This is not imagination. The rocks of our earth show that it


And even after the Flood, volcanic activity persisted. This

intense volcanism produced dust, which effectively reduced the
sun’s radiation.

Day and night, the whole planet was enveloped in a cloud

covering as thick as that of Venus. The dense cloud of steam
and dust deflected the sun’s heat away from the earth.
Atmospheric temperature dropped.

Interestingly, volcanic dust is said to be 30 times more effective

in shutting out solar radiation than in keeping terrestrial heat in.
A mean temperature drop today of 5 degrees Fahrenheit (if
moisture conditions were favourable) would cause great areas of
ice to form on mountains and tablelands of the earth's temperate


After studying the records of three centuries, Dr. W.J.

Humphrey of the U.S. Weather Bureau compiled a report
showing that, virtually without exception, periods of volcanic
activity were followed by cool and rainy summers .

 Volcanic activity from 1500 to 1912 is believed to have

lowered the earth’s temperature 2 or 3 degrees. Polar Sea
ice grew sufficiently to block off Greenland; European
glaciers overran small villages. Since then, with fewer
major eruptions, the climate has warmed up.

 In April, 1815, Tambora Volcano in Indonesia exploded, in

one of history’s most violent eruptions.
A year later (the usual time lag) record low temperatures
were felt in various places. That was a year without

 After the 1883 Krakatoa eruption, dust particles suspended

in the atmosphere almost worldwide reduced the normal
amount of solar radiation for THREE YEARS or more, by
15 percent.

 When Mount Katmai in Alaska erupted on June 8, 1912, the

thermometer fell 10-12 degreees Celcius as far away as
Algeria. According to meteorologist W. Humphrey, the
effect was to diminish by 20 percent the amount of heat
received by the earth from the sun. In some parts of

America, they did not see the sun for 40 days. L. Don Leet,
in Encyclopedia Americana, referring to this event, says: “If
it were effective for a long enough period of time such a fall
(of temperature) would bring a large section of the present
temperate zones within a region of year-round ice.” (L. Don
Leet, Encyclopedia Americana, vol.28, art. “Volcano”, 1983 ed).

Adelaide Advertiser, Australia, news report


At the close of the Deluge:

1. Large quantities of stranded water filled all low

continental areas.
2. Volcanic activity evaporated enormous quantities of water
into steam clouds.
3. It also produced dust, which reduced solar-radiation and
lowered temperatures.
4. The cold air and warm oceans caused heavy precipitation
of snow and ice.


Falling again and again in a sunless world, the snow finally

cooled the ground to the point where it could turn to ice.

As a result, snow rapidly piled up in the mountains and formed

glaciers. And millions of square miles of ice formed over areas
of land. Earth experienced a “volcanic winter”.

It was freezing and wet. Snowfall continued through winter and

summer alike, uninterrupted for years.

Glaciers pushed down into the valleys and scoured the

landscape. Glaciers ground rocks into powder which was spread
over the landscape by melt water.

When it dried, winds lifted the powder and dropped it to form

loess deposits, such as are found, for example, in Mississippi.

This Ice Age, as it is called, set in before the break-up into

continents. (See The Corpse Came Back, Chapter 2.)


In the counter-action between heat and cold, snow would fall in

some areas of the earth and torrential rain elsewhere. And this
is just what scientists have found from their field studies.

This Ice Age, as we term it, set in before the break-up of the
super-continent, and spread into Antarctica after that region was
wrenched southward.

Historical and archaeological evidence shows that Antarctica

escaped a continental freeze-over for some centuries, during
which period human colonies, apparently, were established.
(Jonathan Gray, Dead Men’s Secrets, pp.24-27)

The peopling of the Americas as well as Antarctica took place

amazingly soon after the Flood.

According to Polynesian traditions, there was a time when

Antarctica was not covered with ice, and several nations
inhabited it. (Francis Maziere, Mysteries of Easter Island. New York: Tower
Publications, Inc., 1965)

Antarctica was settled before the continents became separated.

But with the wrenching apart of the continental mass, the
upthrusting of mountain ranges and the rifting, severe climatic
changes came to Antarctica. The location of the poles had
altered. And both Arctic and Antarctic regions, cut off from the
heat of the sun, were plunged into a prolonged night of
devastating cold.

Although it took some time for ice cover to advance, the

Antarctica civilisation was destroyed by the expanding walls of


Here’s another puzzle that has uniformitarian geologists

scratching their heads:

A worldwide warm climate seems to be indicated in practically

every so-called “age” in the geological fossil column. Yet there
is the “Ice Age” in the most RECENT portion of that column,
the Pleistocene epoch.

“But,” I hear someone say, “there’s evidence of earlier ice ages -

the Permian ice age and the ones in the pre-Cambrian.”

Well, that statement deserves our attention. So let’s see.

Okay, first of all, we should note that striated bedrock and

conglomerates are often quoted as being indicators of glaciation.

But these may be produced by causes other than glaciers - for

example, FLOODS. For instance, 55 thousand million cubic
metres of coarse sedimentary rock in Australia was formerly
interpreted as a ‘tillite’ originally deposited in an ancient glacial
period. However, these have now been shown to have been
formed by underwater mud flows. (J.F. Lindsay, “Carboniferous Subaqueous
Mass-movement in the Manning-Macleay Basin, Kempsey, New South Wales”, Journal of
Sedimentary Petrology, vol.36, pp.719-732, 1966)

But, despite this, some academics will dig in their heels and
insist on several Ice Ages. Why? Because they don’t want to
face the implications of a global Flood. Honestly, you have
only that choice - several Ice Ages, or a worldwide Flood. (The
Global Flood, you see, pulls away the mat from under the
evolution theory. I explain how in Surprise Witness.)

When you consider the requirements we have just discovered

which are necessary to produce just one Ice Age, it becomes
obvious: Surely, several periods of worldwide glaciation would
require a miracle (or series of miracles) greater than that needed
to bring on the global Flood.

To accomplish some of the feats demanded of ice by those who

insist on these Ice Ages, ice would not only have had to climb
high mountains 3,000 to 4,000 feet higher than itself against
gravity, but it would need to act contrary to all laws of nature
seen in action today.

Be sure of this. Uniformitarian causes are totally inadequate.

The result is an almost INSOLUBLE problem.

On the other hand, there is good scientific basis for suggesting

that the supposed evidence for these presumed “Ice Ages”
(especially the “earlier” ones) could be better explained by
water action. (John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood.
Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1961, pp.247-249,292-

However, I shall grant this: the glacial till from the “last” ice
sheet is of a different type from the others. This one probably
does indicate true ice conditions.

During this one Ice Age, volcanic dust was also blowing in from
time to time to interbed with the ice. From one direction a
shower of snow might blow in, followed by a layer of volcanic
ash from another direction. One might also expect oxygen
levels, like other factors during those centuries, to be unstable
and variable.


But evidence strongly suggests that this one and only Ice Age
was short-lived. Assumptions of long periods of glaciation are
not provable by dating methods, states Frederick Johnson,
writing with Willard Libby, the most recognised authority on
carbon dating. (Willard F. Libby, Radiocarbon Dating. 1955, p.148)

Evidence from a number of authorities suggests that the glacial

period ended “abruptly”. Wallace S. Broeker, Maurice Ewing
and Bruce C. Heezen speak of the “rapid ice retreat” and “the
warming which occurred at the close of Wisconsin glacial
times” as “extremely abrupt”. (“Evidence for an Abrupt Change in Climate
Close to 11,000 Years Ago”, American Journal of Science, vol.258, June 1960, pp.441,429)



The French scholar Francois Forel thought that the ice sheet of
the last glacial period began to melt 12,000 years ago. This was
estimated from the deposits of detritus carried by glacial rivers
and deposits in lakes.

But Velikovsky notes that “the mud must have assembled on the

bottom of a lake at a faster rate in the beginning when the

glaciers were larger, and if the Ice Age terminated suddenly, the
deposition of detritus would have been much heavier at first,
and there would be little analogy to the accumulation of detritus
from the seasonal melting of snow in the Alps. Therefore the
time that has elapsed since the end of the last glacial period
must have been even shorter than reckoned.” (Velikovsky, Worlds
in Collision. London: Sphere Books Ltd., 1978, pp.40-41 Emphasis added)

Let’s digress for a moment concerning Antarctica. I saw in an

encyclopaedia published in 1976, the confident and absolute
claim that ANTARCTICA had been under ice for 50 to 60
million years!

But in 1990 two geologists made a discovery that completely

reopened the question of the age of the ice-sheet. Working just
250 miles from the South Pole, the geologists discovered the
frozen remains of forest that was later dated to be between 2 and
3 million years old.

That encyclopaedia was wrong by as much as 58 million years!

The absolute, ancient age of the Antarctic ice-cap wasn’t so
absolute after all.

In fact, C.H. Hopgood had already announced that Iconium

dating of cores taken from the bottom of the Ross Sea showed
that the “most recent” Ice Age in Antarctica began no more than
6,000 years ago. (C.H. Hapsgood, in an article in Saturday Evening Post, 1959. Cited
by Richard Mooney, Colony: Earth. London: Souvenir Press Ltd., 1974, p.91)

With what we now know, even 6,000 years ago is too far
back. But, at least Hapgood was much closer to the truth
than the “millions of years” merchants.

No, it doesn’t take long for ice to build up.

A pole erected early last century in the Australian Antarctic

Territory is reported to be now covered in ice over 100 feet deep.

Similarly, not much time would be required for an Ice Age to



In this connection, I shall mention again some very ancient

maps. In Dead Men's Secrets, we noted that these maps were
drawn by surveying parties who used longitude, latitude and a
spherical earth map projection system. The maps indicate that
those early explorers possessed a knowledge of cartography
comparable to our own; they knew the correct shape and size of
the earth; and they must have had at their disposal advanced
geodetic instruments. In short, they were sophisticated.

According to the maps, survey expeditions that roamed the

planet began to record ominous changes in both of the polar

These maps, the origins of which are thousands of years old,

show Antarctica firstly free of ice, secondly, the centre of
Antarctica beginning to fill with ice (rivers and fjords being
shown where today mile-thick glaciers flow) and thirdly,
Antarctica after it had become mostly covered in ice. The U.S.
Hydrographic Office declared one of these maps to be over
5,000 years old. (Gray, Dead Men’s Secrets, pp.24-30) Not quite correct,
but they were close.

Similar ancient maps show Greenland before it was covered in

ice; glacial actions in the Baltic countries; and northern Europe
being covered by the Ice Age glaciation’s furthest advance. They
were recording it as it occurred! Undoubtedly with
sophisticated mapping instruments!

Physical evidence documented by Velikovsky suggests the Ice

Age occurred only 4- to 5,000 years ago. (Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval.
Chapter entitled “Thirty-five Centuries Ago”) This overlaps the date of the

Great Flood (4,355 years ago), which was the catalyst for the Ice

The unshaded and encircled area represents regions of South America, Africa,
Antarctica and Australia thought to have been once covered by a common ice sheet.
Map: after David W. Unfred

The above map illustrates this interesting fact: Before the final
tearing apart of the continents, the Ice Age had begun.

Temperatures were dropping.

The book of Job, so far as we can ascertain, is the oldest

surviving book in the world. From the various astronomical
references in the book, different astronomers claim to be able to
calculate the time in which Job lived, which they give as from
2200-2100 BC. (Miracle in Stone, pp.203-206)

In his Ice Age book, Job recorded that “the waters [of the sea]
harden like stone, and the surface of the deep [ocean] is frozen.”
(Job 38:29,30)

As immense ice sheets came to cover Europe, at the same time

in the Middle East, hail, snow and storms would be frequent.
And the sea froze over in winter.

The later receding of the ice sheets over northern Europe seems
to have been witnessed by some of its earliest colonists, who
have left intriguing records for us to discover.

One example that can be dated with fair precision relates to

Partholan’s coming to Ireland (15th century BC). He counted
“but three laughs [lochs, or lakes] and nyne Rivers in the
Kingdom.” But then, during the later second colonisation of
Ireland, we are told that “Many Laughs and Rivers broke out in
their time.” (The Irish Annals of Clonmacnoise, tr. into English in 1627 by Connell
Mageoghagan. Dublin: University Press, 1896, Murphy ed., pp.13,15)

Let’s face it. Lakes and rivers don’t just suddenly ‘break out’ in
a short period of time without a source of water that is truly vast.
So it would seem, therefore, that we are given in the early Irish
records an intriguing glimpse into the melting of the north
European ice-sheets which occurred some short time after the
15th century BC.

The Britons did not settle under Brutus in those islands until
some three hundred years later (c.1104 BC), which is doubtless
why their records contain no allusions to ice or a sudden
burgeoning of rivers and lakes as do the earlier Irish



I would like to introduce to you more than a dozen amazing

maps, all from the Medieval and Renaissance period.

The first is the Zeno map, drawn in 1380. It outlines the coasts
of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Scotland, as well as
the exact latitude and longitude of a certain number of islands.

Someone may object, But wasn’t the chronometer, necessary to

determine longitude, not invented until 1765?

That’s right, and that is why the readings of Columbus were all

Nevertheless, the Zeno map is most accurate, And it will be

noticed that on this map the topography of Greenland is shown
free of glaciers as it was prior to the Ice Age. Unknown rivers
and mountains shown on this Zeno map have since been located
in probes of the French Polar Expedition of 1947-1949.

And there is the Camerio map of 1502, formed on a spherical


Now, someone will remind me, in the Middle Ages they thought
the earth was flat. Are we certain these are not modern fakes?

No chance of a mistake, I assure you. But have you heard of the

Zauche map of 1737? It shows Antarctica free of ice.

Impossible, you may think. Antarctica’s existence was not

verified until 1819!

Nevertheless, this map does show that continent—and

completely free of ice to boot. Surprisingly, it is shown not as
one continent but two islands separated by a strait from the Ross
to the Weddell Seas (a fact which was not established until the
Geophysical Year, 1968). Also shown are islands of the Mid-
Atlantic Ridge, now known to lie on the bottom of the ocean.

There exists another map drawn in 1531 by Orontius Fineus, in

which the dimensions of the Antarctic land mass correspond
very closely to those on the best modern maps. The map
indicates that the centre of Antarctica was beginning to fill with
ice when its source maps were drawn. It shows rivers and fjords
in Antarctica where today mile-thick glaciers flow.

Next is the Mercator chart of 1569; it depicts only the Antarctic

coast left uncovered by glaciers.

These are Renaissance maps. But these particular maps are

infinitely superior to the regular maps made at that time. Now
I’ll share a secret. You see, many of the Medieval and
Renaissance mapmakers admitted they were copying from
sources whose origins were unknown.

These maps are a scientific achievement far surpassing the

abilities of the navigators and mapmakers of the Renaissance,
Middle Ages, the Arab world, or any ancient geographers. They
are the product of an unknown people antedating recognized

Another very exciting map, copied in 1559, is the The Hadji

Ahmed map. It shows Antarctica and the Pacific coast of the
United States of America with extreme accuracy. It also depicts
the land bridge that once existed between Siberia and Alaska.

The Andrea Benincasa map (1508) indicates that Northern

Europe was being covered by the Ice Age glaciation’s furthest

Next, there is the Iehudi Ibn ben Zara map of 1487. It shows
remnants of glaciers in Britain. And also the detailed profiles of
islands in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Those islands are
still there—but now under water.

The Hamy King chart (1502) indicates northern Siberian rivers

emptying into the Arctic Ocean (but which are now all under
ice). It also shows glacial actions in the Baltic countries. What
are today huge islands in Southeast Asia are shown on this map
joined to land (which they once were). And you know what?
The map even shows an ancient Suez Canal!

Ptolemy’s map of the North depicts a glacial sheet advancing

across south-central Greenland; and at the same time it shows
glaciers retreating from northern Germany and southern

The Orontius Fineus map. Its greatest error is that Antarctica is drawn too large,
possibly a copyist's mistake, although mountains and other details, not rediscovered
until 1958, are accurately presented.

Antarctica on the Orontius Fineus map of 1531 (left) reduced to the same scale and
grid as modern map of Antarctica.

Do you see? This all could only have come from the findings `of
surveying parties that tracked the areas before, during and after
the Ice Age.

During the Ice Age, according to the evolutionary theory,

humans were grunting savages.

The Gloreanus map (1510) shows not only the exact line of the
Atlantic coast of America from Canada to Tierra del Fuego, but
also the whole length of the Pacific coast.

The King Jaime World Chart (1502) shows the Sahara Desert as
a fertile land with large lakes, rivers and cities (which, at a
remote period, it was).

Then there’s the Dulcert map of 1339, tracing from Ireland to

the Don River of Eastern Europe; I tell you, this map shows
precision beyond understanding.

But there’s one more. Its a beauty. This is the Piri Reis chart of
1513. After its discovery, Captain Arlington H. Mallery, an
American authority on cartography, asked the U.S.
Hydrographic Office to examine it. The U.S. Navy, through
Commander Larsen, subsequently issued this statement:

The Hydrographic Office of the Navy has verified an ancient

chart— it’s called the Piri Reis map, that goes back more than
5,000 years. It’s so accurate, only one thing could explain it—
a worldwide survey. The Hydrographic Office couldn’t believe
it, either, at first. But they not only proved the map genuine,
it’s been used to correct errors in some present-day maps.

If ever there were a treasure map, this is it. Just crammed with
priceless gems. It tells the story of ancient coastlines, as well as
the surprising exploits of our ancestors five thousand years ago.

Piri Reis stated that his copy was a composite from twenty
ancient maps. It contains the following features:

1. South America and Africa in correct relative longitude and

latitude. Not only were the Caribbean, Spanish, African
and South American coasts in correct positions relative to
each other, but even isolated land areas, like Cape Verde
Island, the Azores, the Canary Islands, as well as
topographies of the interiors—mountain ranges, peaks,
rivers, plateaus. All were accurately positioned by
longitude and latitude.

2. The coastline of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica. The

islands and bays of the depicted coastline are the same as
they appear below the Antarctic ice sheet (as recently
revealed by seismic echo soundings). Pictured in great
detail are regions scarcely explored today, including a
mountain range that remained undiscovered until 1952.
Interestingly, the map shows two bays where the modern
seismic map showed lands. However, when the experts
were asked to check their measurements, they found that
the ancient map was correct, after all. One thing was
crystal clear. Either somebody had mapped Antarctica
before the ice cap covered the continent, or else the ice-
covered continent was mapped with very sophisticated

3. The Isle of Pines, Andros Island, San Salvador, Jamaica,

the mouth of the Amazon and the island of Morajo are all
correctly shaped and perfectly located in latitude and

4. A major error appeared to be Greenland, shown as three

islands. But during the International Geophysical Year it
was proved that this correctly represented the state of
affairs about 3000 BC.

5. Every mountain range in northern Canada and Alaska was

recorded on this ancient map—including some ranges
which the U.S. Army Map Services did not have on their
maps. But the U.S. Army has since found them!

6. The ancient source-maps were drawn using a circular grid

based on spherical trigonometry, with the focal point
situated in Egypt. The copiest Piri Reis (unfamiliar with
circular projection) shifted and spliced the original grid to
compensate for the curvature. Any modern spheroid
projection on a flat surface would cause the same

Clearly it came from an advanced ancient technology and its

grid system is similar to air navigation maps.

Even so, we cannot know how many times it was imperfectly


The Piri Reis map projection was based on an overestimate of

4½ degrees in the circumference of the earth. Only one
geographer in the ancient world had made that overestimation:
the Greek Eratosthenes.

When the Piri Reis map is redrawn to correct the Eratosthenes

error, all existing longitude errors on the map are thereby
reduced to almost zero.

This can mean only one thing. The Greeks who mapped
according to Eratosthenes’ circumference had before them
source maps which had been drawn without that error. Thus, the
geographical knowledge on which the Piri Reis map is based
ultimately originated not with the Greeks but with an earlier
people who possessed a more advanced science of mapmaking
than even the Greeks!

While Greece and Rome were developing new civilizations, the

vestiges of an older one, seemingly worldwide in scope, was
vanishing. It left these maps, which were partly
incomprehensible. So later cartographers altered them.

There’s just one more thing. The evidence indicates that what
we have here is only part of an original world map.

Here, then, is evidence of science in an early epoch, which is

considered to have had none. Here were physical fragments of
the amazing knowledge of a super culture long vanished.

Here are six facts which are now apparent concerning those
early explorers:

1. They possessed a knowledge of cartography comparable to

our own.
2. They knew the correct shape and size of the earth.
3. They used spherical trigonometry in their mathematical
4. They utilized ultramodern methods of projection (exact
5. They must have had at their disposal advanced geodetic
instruments (and trained specialists to use them) to
measure longitude and latitude (totally lost and not
developed in the modern world until the end of the 18th
6. They must have been organized and directed on a global

The Piri Reis map, dated 1513 but compiled from world maps of ancient times.

For comparison a global projection based on Cairo, complied from NASA sources.
Copy of the Hadji Ahmed globe.



Around the 15th century BC, two powers were taking possession
of the land on the eastern Mediterranean coast. About the same
time as the Hebrew (Israelite) nation was coming into Palestine,
another power was being established on the sea coast adjacent to
the north, a people whose career was definitely marked out for

It was the destiny of Phoenicia that she should become to the

ancient world in material things, what the Hebrew had become
in spiritual things.

Phoenicia was the great manufacturing nation of the ancient

world. Her dyed textiles, glass technology, superb stonework,
ceramics and gem engraving were unsurpassed.

Indeed, L.A. Waddell (citing Sir Flinders Petrie) asserts that the
Phoenicians “had a civilization equal or superior to that of
Egypt, in taste and skill.., luxury far beyond that of the
Egyptians, and technical work which could teach them rather
than be taught.” (L.A.Waddell, Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-S
axons. London:Williams and Norgate, Ltd 1924, p.220. P.H.E. 2.146)

The city of Tyre was the London of antiquity, the centre of a

vast global trading network.


Phoenicia, mistress of the seas, sent ships to all ports and
traversed all oceans. From the thirteenth century BC she was the
dominant naval and commercial power. Her mercantile
operations were enormous. This great naval power had the trade
of the planet in her hands. She was a great distributing nation;
her people were the carriers of the world.

The famous Indian epic, the Mahabharata, states that:

The able Panch (Phoenicians) setting out to invade the
Earth, brought the whole world under their sway. (Maha-
Barata, Indian epic of the Great Barats. Book 1, ch.94, sloka 3738)

They were termed "leaders of the Earth". (Waddell, p.1, quoting, Rig
Veda Hymn)

And Phoenicia was, in the 10th to 11th centuries BC as great as

Babylon or Egypt.

The coasts and islands of the Mediterranean were rapidly

covered with colonies. Today’s "Venice" preserves the ethnic
title of "Phoenicia".

The Straits of Gibraltar were passed and cities built on the

shores of the Atlantic. They founded Gades (Cadiz) on Spain’s
west coast, 2,500 miles from Tyre, as the starting point for the
Atlantic trade.

In the expanding range of their voyages, Phoenician ships out of

Spain were battling the wild Atlantic en route to the tin of
Cornwall and even to Norway (2,000 miles beyond Gades).

Eastward, there is evidence that Phoenicia built factories on the

Persian Gulf and traded as far as Ceylon.


Phoenician ships probed ever further. Navigation across open

ocean was no problem to these explorers.

Due to the insufficient attention paid to this aspect of the

subject, we have tended to belittle the size and sophistication of
Phoenician shipping.

If we conceive of it as represented by types of marine craft as

outlined on Phoenician coins and tombs, we shall not be able to
suppose that the nation was ever employed on such voyages as
those that shall shortly engage our attention.

There is evidence that they had the benefit of sophisticated

instruments and large, fast, modern vessels carrying over 500
people. (Thomas Crawford Johnston, Did the Phoenicians Discover America? London:
James Nisbet and Co., Ltd, l9l3,pp.70-1O4,289. Compare with Jonathan Gray’s Dead Men’s
Secrets, 1996, pp.77-81)

This will be a surprise to many readers.

The type of vessel built especially for ocean travel was
designated "ship of Tarshish" to distinguish it from the smaller
craft which merely plied the eastern Mediterranean.

The name of the original Tarshish (in Spain) became displaced

as the horizon of the Phoenician navigators moved westward.

Herodotus records a Phoenician clockwise circumnavigation of

Africa about 600 BC, on behalf of Pharaoh Necho — a distance
of 13,000 miles. Herodotus sniffed at their report that the sun
was on their right, that is, to their north. (Herodotus History of Herodotus.
iv:42. Edited by George Rawlinson. London: Murray, 1875)

This establishes the fact that Phoenician nautical prowess and

daring was at a level not to be seen in modern times until the
century of Columbus.

It is only due to the proud announcement of the Pharaoh who

sponsored the trip that we know of this voyage. The Phoenicians
were not publicists.

So what other trips were being made — from perhaps as early as

1200 BC?

At La Venta, Mexico, was found a sculpture with distinctly
Phoenician characteristics: bearded faces, upturned shoes,
twisted rope borders and other details. It has been dated to
around 850 BC. From Nicaragua to Mexico, on jade figurines,
the backs of slate mirrors, funeral urns and other objects, appear
bearded men who bear little resemblance to American Indians.

A well-known colony of Phoenicia was Carthage. An ancient

historical work records the voyage of a convoy of as many as 60
ships, each carrying 550 people. This was around 500 BC.
(Constance Irwin, Fair Gods and Stone Faces. London: W.H. Allen, 1964, pp.228,229,235)

Strabo writes that Phoenician colonies (300 colonies, he

estimates) were planted prolifically well down the Atlantic coast
of Africa. (Strabo, H.L. Jones transi. i.3.2)

From West Africa, it would be a simple matter to follow the

trade winds to - you guessed it - South America.

To some, the idea that ancient mariners would have known the
Americas may appear too ridiculous to consider, and it will be
cast aside. But before such actions are taken, surely the evidence
for this position should be carefully considered.

As Michael G. Bradley aptly put it, "The truth is just now being
glimpsed by a handful of specialists - it is still almost

completely unsuspected by the average civilized citizen." (Michael

Bradley, The Black Discovery of America. Toronto:Personal Library Publishers, 1981)

Voyages to the New World at around the time of King Solomon

of Israel now seem more likely than not.

Some twelve years’ research for the book Dead Men’s Secrets
finally convinced me that these colonists of a forgotten age were
indeed part of a great network of ancient civilizations that once
maintained a flourishing trade between Europe, Asia, and the
Americas, some 3,000 years ago.

I should not have been surprised to discover that Harvard

professor Dr Barry Fell, from his own research, had reached the
same conclusion. He considered the ancient visitors to North
America were probably not explorers, but rather merchants,
trading with well-established fur trappers and very likely also
mining precious metals on those sites where ancient workings
have been discovered. (Barry Fell, America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New
World. London: Wildwood House Ltd., 1978)

Fell states:
Because of the depth of ignorance into which Europe fell
during the Dark Ages, at times we are apt to forget how
advanced were the ideas of the ancients, and how much
they knew about the earth and about astronomy and

Fell is also convinced that “America shares a history with the

Old World, and ancient Americans must have been well
acquainted with much of that history as it took place.”

Dr Fell is now recognised as one of the world’s foremost


In 1780, on a rock on the shores of Mount Hope Bay in Bristol,
Rhode Island, there was discovered an inscription, which Fell
deciphered in 1975 to read:

This suggests strongly that here on the eastern seaboard of North

America there was once a port for "ships of Tarshish".

On the island of Hispaniola, Columbus discovered immense

ancient mines. In Haiti, he thought he could trace furnaces in
which gold had been refined. (Bancroft, H.H. Works of Bancroft. San Francisco:
A.L. Bancroft & Company, 1883, Vol. V, pp.64-65)

Between 1850 and 1910, travellers in the Amazon region and

other parts of Brazil were reporting the finding of old
inscriptions on rock faces.

Former rubber tapper Bernardo da Silva Ramos, in a now rare

book in Portuguese, has published 1,500 reproductions from
such rock carvings. They are all covered over with the letters of
the Phoenician alphabet.

Investigator Pierre Honore discussing the finds of other

Brazilian travellers and explorers of last century, states:
Today there is a whole library full of their reports; and they too
were firmly convinced that the inscriptions were Phoenician
texts. They were sure that King Solomon (975-935 BC) had
once come to the Amazon with his ships; that the gold countries
of Ophir, Tarshish and Parvaim were not to be looked for in the
Old World at all, but here in the Amazon region on the Rio
Solimoes, Solomon’s River. (Honore Pierre In Quest of the White God.
London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd 1963. Transl. from the German by Oliver Coburn
and Ursula Lehrburger, p.207. A more accurately fixed date for Solomon’s reign
is 970 to 931BC)

It is reported that in Havea near Rio de Janeiro are letters several

feet high inscribed upon a sheer cliff face in cuneiform. The
inscription reads:
(L. Taylor Hansen, He Walked the Americas. Amherst,
Wisconsin: Amherst Press, 1963, p.209)

(Jethbaal ruled Tyre from 887 to 856 BC.)

In 1872, on the coast of Brazil near Paraiba, Joaquim Alves da

Costa found on his property a stone that bore numerous
characters which no one understood. He copied them and sent
them to the President of the Instituto Historico. A translation is
as follows:
We are Sidonian Canaanites from the city of the Merchant
King. We were cast up on this distant island, a land of
mountains. We sacrificed a youth to the celestial gods and
goddesses in the nineteenth year of our mighty King Hiram
and embarked from Ezion-geber into the Red Sea. We
voyaged with ten ships and were at sea together for two years
around Africa. Then we were separated by the hand of Baal
and were no longer with our companions. So we have come
here, twelve men and three women, into "Island of Iron". Am
I, the Admiral, a man who would flee? Nay! May the celestial
gods and goddesses favor us well.

This eight-line inscription proved to be in Phoenician characters.

There are reasons to believe that the king referred to was Hiram
III (553-533 BC). Brazil was known, anciently, as Hy Brasil.
The incorporation of ‘I’ or ‘Hy’ is typically Phoenician.

According to Cyrus Gordon, Head of the Department of

Mediterranean studies at Brandeis University, Massachusetts,
the Phoenicians certainly knew Brazil, which they called "Island
of Iron". Hy Brasil means "Island of Iron". Iron is still the
country’s main resource.

When I first learned of this inscription, I was skeptical. Mention

of it was omitted from my book Dead Men’s Secrets, since I
preferred to publish only discoveries which could be confirmed
beyond doubt as genuine. Others also considered it to be a fraud.

As we noted, at the time the alleged inscription was found, the

script was not known. No one other than the original translator
could read it. That has now changed.

Significantly, it contains Phoenician idiosyncrasies that were

unknown in 1872 but which are now authenticated by other
inscriptions found since.

Concerning many such initially rejected finds, Barry Fell says:

One by one competent scholars who hold responsible positions
in universities and museums are now coming forward with
confirmations of the decipherments. (Cited by Violet Cummings in
Has Anybody Really Seen Noah’s Ark? San Diego Ca.:Creation-Life Publishers,
1982, p.264)


The trend of Phoenician colonial development prior to 1000 BC

was mainly in a westerly direction.

However, it is quite certain that they did not long rest satisfied
with that.

With their overland routes to the east at risk from unrest in

Babylonia, the Phoenicians gave careful attention to an
alternative eastern route.

We know that Hiram I, king of Tyre, shared a friendship with

Israel’s King David, and with his son Solomon.

As a result of a commercial treaty, Hiram assisted in the erection

of Solomon’s Temple and Israel granted Phoenicia the two ports

of Eilat and Ezion-geber on the Gulf of Aqaba. (2 Chronicles ch.2; 1

Kings 9:26,27)

Like Gades in the west, the Persian Gulf colonies must now be
viewed not as an end of Phoenician navigation in the east, but as
the starting point for more distant navigation.

Fortunately, a mass of undigested historic data leaves no doubt

concerning this fact.


We find that the ships employed in the prosecution of the silver

trade in both easterly and westerly directions were now "ships of

Suddenly we find gold and silver in such abundance in

Jerusalem that Solomon “made silver to be in Jerusalem as
stones… for abundance”. (1 Kings 10:27)

And how? “... for the king had at sea a navy of Tarshish with
the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of
Tarshish, bringing gold and silver, ivory, and apes, and
peacocks.” (v.22 See also Ezekiel 27:12, which mentions tin)

There can be no question that the peacocks came from South-

East Asia. But whence the abundance of silver?

Says the historian Heeren:

Silver is also found in Siberia and in China or South Asia,
but the large annual importation of the metal from Europe
In consequence of the high price it bore in the East
sufficiently prove that it was found there in small quantities.
We may therefore conclude with certainty that the greater
portion of the silver possessed of old by the Asiatic nations
was imported, and there can be no question that the
Phoenicians were the channel of importation.(Heeren, Historical
Research. Quoted by Johnston, pp.127,128)


The ultimate destination of the ships of Hiram and Solomon was

a place or region called Ophir.

“And they came to Ophir,” says the Scripture, "and fetched from
thence gold.” “And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold
from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees,
and precious stones.” (1 Kings 9:28; 10:11)

From the books of Genesis (Genesis 10:29,30) and Josephus (Josephus,

Flavius Antiquities of the Jews vi.4), it can be found that Ophir was the
general name for the rich southern countries lying on the
African, Arabian and Indian coasts.

But when we ask, Where was that Ophir which could be reached
from Ezion-geber that provided silver in such abundance, we are
faced with a problem.

It can be shown that the source was not Asia, the greater portion
of whose silver was imported.

Silver was so scarce in Arabia, that it was assessed at ten times

the value of gold. (Johnston, p.131)

Yet in Solomon’s Jerusalem it became as common as stones.

I am aware of the nineteenth century explorers’ tales that

supposedly identified the mines of Ophir with central Africa.
There are people who refuse to accept that the massive stone
fortress known as the ruins of Zimbabwe (and situated in that
country) could have been built by native Africans.

Such identification with King Solomon must be regarded as

romantic fiction.

Zimbabwe is AD not BC and almost certainly it is the work of a

powerful indigenous African empire.


That the expeditions pushed into regions much more distant than
the Indian Ocean is apparent from the "three years" required for
the double voyage, only nine months being required for a return
journey to the extremities of Arabia. (Ibid., p.l30)

Thomas Johnston suggests that Ophir “must be looked for in the

farther East, and in a territory that was not only capable of
supplying silver in practically unlimited quantities, but of
affording conclusive evidence of occupancy by the Jews and
Phoenicians.” (Ibid., p.132)

Johnston argues persuasively that the route of the expeditions

can be traced beyond the peacock lands, through Indonesia, the
Torres Strait (at the north of Australia), and via Samoa and
Tahiti to Mexico and Peru. It appears that they founded colonies
along the route.

An American destination accords well with the fact that the

world’s largest silver deposits are in the Americas — in the
United States, Mexico, Canada and Peru.


The Bible says that the distant land of Tarshish was rich in
silver, iron, tin and lead. (Ezekiel 27:12) It could be reached from the
Mediterranean port of Joppa, also known as Jaffa (Jonah 1:3), or the
Red Sea port of Ezion-geber (2 Chronicles 20:36).

A glance at the map tells us that the only part of the world that
one would reach by ship from either the Mediterranean or Red
Sea ports is the Atlantic seaboard.

Cyrus Gordon of Brandeis University, Massachusetts, says that

a text mentioning "gold of Ophir" found at Tell Qasile on the
Mediterranean coast of Israel, suggests that Ophir could be

reached via Gibraltar. I am aware that many places have been

suggested as the location of Solomon’s fabled mines. New
respect for the seagoing capabilities of early navigators makes
the Americas a strong possibility.

The Ugha Mongulala tribe of north-west Brazil preserve written
records of an ancient city called Ofir (Ophir) which once stood
at the mouth of the Amazon River.

This is the ONLY independent mention of a specific locality

called Ophir, outside of the Bible. Could this be significant?

Their tradition states that:

Lhasa, the prince of Akakor... commanded the construction
of Ofir, a powerful harbor city at the mouth of the Great
River [the Amazon]. Ships from Samon’s [Solomon’s?]
empire docked there with their valuable cargoes. In exchange
for gold and silver…(Karl Brugger, The Chronicle of Akakor. New York:
Delacorte Press, 1977, p.58)

Perhaps, like that of Tarshish, the name Ophir became

displaced, and as the trade of the Phoenicians moved further
eastward and westward, it moved with the trade, until in course
of time it came to be applied to a more distant region controlled
by the Phoenicians.

Corroborating this, the Phoenician Ophir or Ofor means, in their

ancient language, the Western Country. (Fontaine How the World Was
Peopled. Cited by Bancroft, Works of Bancroft: Vol v, p.65)

And what land lay to the west? The Americas, no less.


While the expeditions were under Jewish and Phoenician
direction, they undoubtedly carried crews and marine force of
composite nationality, In the next chapter we shall touch on
evidence suggesting that considerable numbers of Scythians and
Thracians were employed on the Phoenician fleets. At this time
in history Hebrew, Phoenician, Scythian and Thracian were the
dominant factors in the national life of the eastern
Mediterranean. The Thracians and Scythians were then the two
great nations of south-eastern Europe. (Johnston, p.248)


There must have been, from Ezion-geber, a general push of the

giant "ships of Tarshish" toward the east.

To control the South Arabian markets could not have been the
sole purpose of Solomon building his great ships. If these ships
had been merely constructed to trade with Yemen, and back, and
if, as the Scripture says, the journey had taken three years, then
Solomon and Hiram were inept investors. The cost of the ships,
the expense of working them, the interest on capital for such a
long interval, as well as the deterioration of cargo in such a
climate, would have outweighed any advantage of using sea
transport, as against an overland route.

Furthermore, it seems most unlikely that expeditions to a place

as close as Yemen could have wakened such enthusiasm, as to
have brought Solomon and his court from their safe capital into
the heart of a discontented country to witness the departure of
the ships and their crews, as 2 Chronicles 8:17 records.

If we continue the line to Java and Sumatra, we will have

reached the native home of the peacock, which was collected on
the return journey of Solomon’s and Hiram’s expeditions.

Penetrating beyond Indonesia, we shall discover some facts of a

rather startling nature.

The "ships of Tarshish" encountered unknown perils as they

ventured into new regions. One particularly dangerous passage
was along the north-western coast of Australia.

Any mariner approaching the north-west coast of Australia

could find the West Kimberley area near Derby one of the most
dangerous on the coast. A violent rip runs up to ten knots and
creates whirlpools. To come in at the entrance to King Sound,
ships must run through this riptide. There are many reefs and
shoals. Navigation is hazardous.

Around the entrance to King Sound lie the islands of the

Buccaneer Archipelago. King Sound itself is about 90 miles
long and at its widest about 35 miles across.

A feature of this area is the extreme rise and fall of tides: up to

35 feet, which leaves ships high and dry.

Here salvage diver Allan Robinson found what he believed to be

the wreck of an ancient Phoenician ship.

He noticed that in the mud of the swamp off the mainland, there
was a strange shape. Small pips of mud seemed to project above
the surroundings to form a shape more like a banana than a ship.

The contour was quite plain. A bronze plate was retrieved and
declared by a university official to be of Phoenician origin.

The Phoenician wreck was near an overgrown mine of galena.

And galena is an ore of silver, lead and zinc.

It is not surprising that, if the ships of Solomon and Hiram came

as far as Java and Sumatra (which, as we said, was the native
home of the peacock — one item of Solomon’s cargo), that they
would have found the nearby coast of Australia.

Their route would have taken them through Torres Strait. And,
conceivably, they could have sailed down the eastern coast of

Should it surprise us, then, that Phoenician-style engravings

have been found on a marble slab in North Queensland? Or that
further south along the coast, in New South Wales, many
strange symbols, ships, and figures of Egyptian, Phoenician and
Syrian style have been discovered carved on rocks along the
Hawkesbury River?

Ancient Aboriginal legends tell how people in large ships like

birds (the bird-headed prows of the old Phoenician triremes?)
sailed into Gympie (now 34 miles inland), dug holes in the hills,
erected the "sacred mountain" found nearby and interbred with
local inhabitants. Interestingly, evidence of ancient mining and
smelting was recently found here, as well as traces of a
causeway or stone quay.

Near Toowoomba in Queensland, recently, a group of seventeen

granite stones was discovered, bearing ancient inscriptions.
These were identified as Phoenician. One of them has been
translated to read "guard the shrine of Yahweh’s message".
Another says, "God of gods".

Some years ago, a farmer in the Rockhampton area plowed up a

large ironstone slab. Today the slab sits in the museum of Rex
Gilroy near Tamworth, New South Wales. It bears another
Phoenician inscription that reads, "Ships sail from this land
under the protection of Yahweh to Dan."

Dan was an ancient trade centre in north-west Israel just south

of Tyre, a Phoenician port. These discoveries were reported in
an issue of the Ravenshoe Northern Star dated July-August-
September, 1996.

As I commented in the book, Dead Men’s Secrets, fiction

couldn’t challenge your imagination more. And yet here it all is,

fact after fact, story after story, about the lives and discoveries
of a people thousands of years ago.

Now naturally these exhibits will not be popular with some

people. The majority of the scientific community has greeted
them with deathly silence because of early indoctrination in the
theory of evolution. It tries to ignore them for the sole reason
that it cannot explain them.

I ask, was it simply to control the nearby Arabian trade that

Solomon and Hiram created the costly fleet of large armed ships
of Tarshish? Or were these large, sophisticated vessels fitted out
to travel the earth’s surface?

The biblical account suggests the latter. And the implications are


As an eastern port on the Red Sea became a reality, the

Phoenicians, with Solomon of Israel, now pursued with
eagerness a further expansion eastward, to parallel that in the

And beyond Australia, they left a trail right across the Pacific.
Samoa rises up dramatically from the sea. But its native
population has traditionally not pronounced it as Samoa, but as
Samo. And this was also the name of a Phoenician colony
(pronounced the same way) on the coasts of Asia Minor —
Samos. (Pliny, v.37)

The name Samo means, according to Pliny, "a mountain height

by the sea". Both locations have a similar appearance, rising up
from the sea. In fact, modern navigators term the Pacific Samoa
"high islands", in contrast to the low coral atolls that surround it
for hundreds of miles in all directions.

The principal island of Samoa is named Upola - the equivalent

of the Scythian deity Apollo. And the main town of Western
Samoa is Apia - which is the name of the Scythian deity, the
Earth, (Herodotus, iv.59) as well as the name of the Peloponnesus
(Strabo, 1.49337. Johnston, p.151) - a Phoenician locality.

Next, travelling east, the ships of Solomon and Hiram would

have reached the Society Islands. Here is Tahiti, with a silent
"h". This is identical to Tabiti (probably also with a silent "b").
Tabiti was the Scythian Vista. Both names would be pronounced

The name of Tahiti’s chief settlement, Papeete, is only a slightly

modified form of the name of the Scythian Jupiter, or father,

Morea, the name of an island separated from Papeete by a

narrow strait, is the same as Morea, a principal district of the
Hellenic Peninsula in the Mediterranean, colonized by the
Scythians shortly before the period of Solomon’s expeditions.
Morea was given that name because the contour of the shoreline
resembled a mulberry leaf. This explanation is also applicable to
Morea of the Pacific.

It would seem that in the Pacific the Phoenicians followed the

same policy as in the Mediterranean. They established stations
for the ships to call at on these long voyages. It appears that
these colonies were placed under the care of responsible
governors, drawn from the Scythians of the marine corps, since
most of the names we have referred to were clearly drawn from
this source.

There is no other explanation for the presence of Scythians in

the heart of the Pacific.

Enormous stone remains in many of the Pacific Islands can be

linked with local traditions.

Strong’s Island is one example. An ancient tradition says that

"an ancient city once stood round this harbor which was
occupied by a powerful people called Anut, who had large
vessels in which they made long voyages, many moons being
required in their prosecution. (Johnston, Ibid).

Early European missionaries to the Pacific found in these

islands evidence of numeric skill, cosmogony, astronomical
knowledge and religious system which was plainly Phoenician.

For example, the Phoenician skill in the use of numbers and

astronomy is reflected in the same extraordinary skill of the
Society Islanders. And their names of stars and constellations
and the use to which they applied their knowledge of the
heavenly bodies was the same as that of the Phoenicians.

Their sacred groves, open-air temples or marais, their human

sacrifices, and their methods of initiation and practice, were
identical to those of the priests of Astarte on the eastern

It should be noted that, throughout the period of the Solomon-

Hiram voyages, both Israel and Phoenicia were monotheistic,
worshipping the one true Creator. But later, both nations
descended into the worship of Baal the sun-god and Astarte
(Ashtaroth) the "queen of heaven". The expeditions were,
however, continuing during this period. Thus, although
monotheism had been planted first throughout the world
wherever the expeditions went, this was eventually corrupted as
new generations of sailors brought their practices with them.

The Phoenician alphabet of 16 letters was the same as the

Samoan. The natives of Samos (Samo) in the Mediterranean
were famous as seamen; likewise the Pacific Samoans were
famed for their nautical skill.

The gymnastic systems used in the Mediterranean, as a means of

training for war, as well as the implements used (including
spear, javelin, bow and arrow, dart, sword, falchion, and sling

and boomerang) are found over the entire route of the ships
across the Pacific to the Americas.

The historical traditions, practices, circumcision and some other

customs such as test of virginity were clearly Jewish.

Further customs (tattooing, spear and javelin throwing) were

clearly Thracian.

Their worship of the skulls of ancestors, cannibalism, and use of

bow and arrow as a test of strength were peculiarly Scythian.

Research has established that the implements of war and the

festivals and games among these Polynesians were the same as
those found in the ancient Mediterranean. And the foregoing is
just a small sampling of the many parallels.

Here are startling facts, pointing to the presence together of four

races — Hebrew, Phoenician, Scythian and Thracian — in the
mid-Pacific in the remote past.

How can this be explained, if not through the instrumentality of

the historic expeditions of Hiram and Solomon?

The Encyclopaedia Brittanica notes concerning the Polynesians

that, while their facial features sometimes suggest Mongoloid
affinities, their light skin, wavy hair and full beards, as well as
their blood types, suggest European ties. (Encyclopaedia Brittanica, 1985,
art. "Polynesians")

This is certainly consistent with the planting of outposts in the

Pacific by European members of Solomon’s and Hiram’s crews,
such as Scythians and Thracians.


The Maya population already inhabited central portions of the
American continent.

Votan, the first historian of the Maya (c.1000 BC), actually

reported the arrival around that time, on the Pacific coasts of
Central America, of seven large ships.

Fray Lizana set down in his Historia de Yucatan the tradition

that from the west (that is, from the direction of the Pacific)
"many" people had come. (Johnston, p.69)
Indeed, there is abundant evidence in Central America which
appears to indicate Phoenician and Hebrew penetration of these
remote regions. Evidence of occupancy, linguistic features,
physical characteristics, intricacies of customs, as well as
traditions and place names. (Adair, History of the American Nations, pp. 15-212.
Brasseur de Bourbourg History of Native Civilisations. Vol. I, p.17. Morley, Sylvanus
Griswold The Ancient Maya Rev, by George W. Bramerd Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University
Press, 3rd ed,1956, pp.77,78. Bancroft, Vol. V, p.91 note. Rivero and Tschudi Peruvian
Antiquities. New York: George P. Putman & Co., 1857, pp.9,10)





One spring day in 1965, a young American scientist was peering

through his microscope at some thin, translucent sections of
granite type rocks.

Suddenly it struck him. Here was something that – dare he even

think it? – had the potential to turn an established theory upside

And, as it turned out, that was precisely what happened. His

discoveries raised an uproar in the scientific world! And he lost

Is this new to you?:

* Did you know that PHYSICAL scientific evidence

definitely supports the Genesis account of Creation?

* Were you aware that reports outlining this evidence

passed peer review, and were published in the open scientific

* Have you heard that, decades later, this evidence still

stands unrefuted by the scientific community?

Now comes the big question:

Genesis: scientific validation

QUESTION: Is there any scientific
“proof” validating the book of Genesis?
(The definition of "scientific" means that the
evidence can be reproduced under laboratory

ANSWER: Yes, here is evidence that can be tested under

laboratory conditions. It is the kind of evidence which will
qualify as “scientific” in the sense that it can be repeated. It
invites close scrutiny.

An amazing secret in granite rocks

The evidence is embedded in the granite rocks of our planet.

What are granite rocks? They are coarsely crystalline rocks

composed primarily of the light-coloured minerals quartz and
feldspar, and smaller amounts of biotite and homblende. We
should be careful when referring to granites because geologists
often use this term to cover a variety of rocks, some of which
are not at all similar to the “Precambrian” granite of which we
are speaking.

These granite rocks are the original Genesis rocks, because:

* they are the foundation rocks of the continents
* they contain no fossils (as do sedimentary rocks)
* they contain polonium halos.

And that’s where the story gets interesting.

A Precambrian granite

How long did it take

to form the solid rock?
Suppose you drop an Alka-Seltzer into a glass of water, what
happens? Lots of tiny bubbles are released. How long does each
bubble last? Just an instant, right?

Did you know that in the granite rocks of the earth “bubbles”” of
polonium have been found? A speck of polonium in molten
rock is like an Alka-Seltzer dropped into a glass of water. It has

a very short life. The beginning of effervescence may be

equated to the instant the polonium atoms began to decay and
emit radioactive particles.

If the rock remained molten very long (as evolutionary geology

theory says) the traces of those radioactive particles of polonium
would disappear as quickly as the Alka-Seltzer bubbles in water.

But suppose that after you dropped your Alka-Seltzer into the
water, then the water was instantly frozen. What would happen
to the bubbles? The bubbles would be preserved.

Likewise, polonium halos could be formed only if the

"effervescing" specks of polonium had been instantly trapped in
solid rock. That is, we could find polonium halos in rock,
ONLY IF the molten rock had become suddenly solid.

Now, as we are told by the evolutionary theory, the earth’s

foundation granite rocks formed as hot magma slowly cooled
from liquid to solid over millions of years.

A rude shock
I was taught this at school. Very likely, you were, too. But now
there comes an unsettling discovery. And you can blame it on
world renowned nuclear physicist, Dr Robert Gentry. He has
found something that has shaken the scientific world.

Dr Gentry was teaching and working toward a doctorate in

physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He
was using a microscope on some thin, translucent sections of
granite-type rocks.

That spring day in 1965, as he looked closely, he noticed that

there were beautiful microspheres of colouration etched within

the rocks - halos. These tiny halos were series of concentric

rings around a radioactive centre.

A halo is created when a grain of radioactive material in the

centre decays. As it decays, it throws off alpha particles.

A polonium halo could be produced from two sources:

(a) from the radioactive decay of uranium as a parent
element, or
(b) from the decay of original polonium (that is, with no
uranium involved)

What Robert Gentry was looking at in these rocks were special

types of halos. They had been produced by the radioactive decay
of original polonium, which is known to have only a fleeting

More exhaustive experimentation failed to reveal a secondary

origin of these halos. This confirmed that the polonium that
produced these halos was an original, natural element. It was
present since the beginning.

This Polonium-218 is so short lived, its half-life is a mere 3


This means that at the beginning of the world it had to appear in

the granite while the granite was in a liquid state. Then it had
to be “frozen” into solidified granite within a matter of
minutes in order to produce a halo – before it totally

And now it turns out that an exceedingly large number of

polonium halos are embedded in granite rock all around the

Just as frozen Alka-Seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of

the quick-freezing of the water, so are these many polonium

halos undeniable evidence that a sea of original matter quickly

"froze" into solid granite.

Please understand that this is a physical fact that can be tested.

Evidence of instant creation?

As a result of Dr Gentry’s experiments the question now arose,
could it be that the basement rocks of the earth were actually
created within the few minutes it takes for polonium to decay?
Could the polonium halos actually be evidence of an
instantaneous creation?

You see, if the earth’s crust was created suddenly, then the rock
would immediately be solid enough to hold the tracks produced
by decaying polonium.

Dr Gentry submitted to the scientific establishment that these

halos, then, provided unambiguous evidence of both an almost
instantaneous creation of granites, and the young age of the

To put this another way, the existence of these polonium halos

distinctly implied that our earth was formed in a very short
time, and which we discover Genesis has been telling us all
along :

* “And God said, Let there be… and there was.” (Gen.1:3)
* “And God said, Let there be… and it was so.” (vv.6-8)
* “And God said, Let the……… and it was so.” (v.9)
* “And God said, Let the……... and it was so.” (v.11)
* “And God said, Let there be… and it was so.” (vv.14,15)
* “And God said, Let the……… and it was so.” (v.24)

These halos from original polonium invalidated the assumption

of uniform decay over endless time. This pulled the rug from
under the radiometrically derived 4.5 billion-year age of the

It could now be asked: Were these the rocks that the Mighty
One created when He spoke this planet into existence? Were
these “instant” halos the Creator’s fingerprints in earth’s
original rocks?

Challenge to the National

Academy of Sciences
Over 20 years, Dr Gentry tried to wake up the scientific diehards
concerning the implications of this discovery. He published
unrefuted scientific evidence for an instant creation in premier
scientific journals, including Nature, Science. Applied Physics
Letters, and others. The evolutionist controlled National
Academy of Sciences vehemently opposed the horrifying idea of
creation, even claiming that the evidence for creation had been
scientifically invalidated.

Dr Gentry repeatedly challenged the Academy to “publicly

explain where the polonium-halo evidence for creation has ever
been scientifically invalidated.”

It was embarrassing. They were unable to prove their claim. On

his website Dr Gentry has since posted
letters and other documents pertaining to his challenge to the
National Academy of Science.

Every question regarding the validity or implications of the

polonium-halo evidence for creation was systematically dealt
with in his published reports. The result was that every proposal
for an evolutionary origin of polonium radio-halos has been
systematically and experimentally falsified. And since then, no
hypothetical, naturalistic scenario has yet been suggested that
can account for the mystery of the polonium halo.

Of course, you can find claims to the contrary on the Internet

and elsewhere. But if these claims had any real substance, they
would have passed peer review and been published in the open

scientific literature. The fact that they have not been, or have
themselves been experimentally falsified, demonstrates the fact
that this unique evidence for Creation still stands unrefuted.
The trillions of tiny polonium halos embedded in basement
rocks all over this planet, together form a Gibraltar of evidence
that Creation does, after all, have a scientific basis. At the
same time it calls into question the entire radiometric dating

Original polonium, or from a

later slow decay of uranium?
Radioactive atoms can spontaneously change, or decay, to atoms
of a different type. Uranium can change into lead, or for that
matter, into polonium, over a period of time. So the following
question has been raised:

QUESTION: How do you know that these

polonium halos in granite rock are primordial
(original) polonium – and were not produced
from the later slow decay of uranium?

ANSWER: Why does this question arise? Because if the

polonium halos in the granites were primordial (existing from
the beginning), it logically follows that the granites must also be
primordial - they must be earth’s original Genesis rocks. And
they solidified almost instantly – fast enough to preserve the
short-lived polonium bubbles. But evolution theory cannot allow
that possibility.

Well, can we know for sure? Indeed, we can.

It is true that secondary polonium halos, derived from the

decay of uranium, have been discovered (for example, in
coalified wood). However, these are found to be intrinsically
different from the polonium halos in granite. (For a thorough
presentation of such evidence, see Robert Gentry’s book, Creation’s Tiny Mystery.)

There is now much published evidence showing that polonium

halos in granite have originated independently of uranium.
More exhaustive experimentation has failed to reveal any
secondary origin of the halos in granite. This means that these
halos have to be original, Genesis halos in original, primary
Genesis granite rocks.

In brief, the laboratory of nature has provided:

1. positive, unambiguous evidence for a primordial origin

of polonium halos in granites, as well as
2. decisive, independent evidence against their secondary

The challenge
If evolutionary theory were correct, it should be possible to
reproduce both granite and polonium halos in granite, since this
process is supposed to have happened countless times over
millions of years.

But, on the other hand, if the granites and the enclosed polonium
halos are the Creator’s handwriting, then it is impossible for
man to reproduce them.

And what is the reality? It is a fact that no one has produced

granite, much less granite with polonium halos.

Their collective failure to do this – coupled with the fact that

granite melted in the earth cools to form rhyolite, not granite –
signifies that the Creator left unambiguous evidence of His
creative power when He called the earth into existence

Until the discovery of polonium halos, anyone ignorant of the

Creator’s astonishing power might be excused for thinking
instantaneous creation to be a myth. But not now.

The Supreme Creator’s power

does not need millions of years
An ancient record states that “By the word of the Lord were the
heavens made: and all the host of them by the breath of his
mouth…For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it
stood fast.” (Psa.33:6,9)

This was an instantaneous event. Just as a nuclear explosion

instantly turns matter into energy, so at Creation God spoke,
turning energy into matter. As you probably know, matter is
energy vibrating at a different speed. Physical matter that we
see today is the result of sound resonating energy into form.

No matter what half-informed people may say, the book of

Genesis has turned out to be very scientific.

It tells us: “And God said, Let there be… and there was.”

The time issue is very important. Only an infinitely powerful,

supremely intelligent God can create in a very short time. The
more power and intelligence operating in creation, the less
time was necessary.

He did not need to sit back for billions of years and let death and
accident, suffering, brutality and randomness do His creative

He did not need to produce mankind from part-animals, brutally

clubbing each other in a bleeding, dying world that took aeons
to emerge painfully from some primordial slime.

Created by words
Genesis informs us that God created by His words. He “spoke
and it was done.” We now know from scientific discovery that
every living thing is created and recreated by a language called

the DNA code.

The Creator has recorded His message upon a tape in your body
cells. This DNA tape consists of two ribbons of instructions
which twist around each other in helical fashion like a spiral
staircase. (See Jonathan Gray, The Weapon the Globalists Fear, pages 48 to 50.)

When God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb
yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind,”
God put his instructions in the form of DNA codes into all plant

If you speak into a microphone, your thoughts and instructions

can be recorded on a cassette tape. You can play it back time
and again.

This sparks meaning into the phrase “God said”. What God said
is recorded on nucleic acid tapes, becoming the DNA code of
the cell of each plant, animal and human. Yes, it contains the
instructions to create every part of every organ of your very own
body. As King David recognised 3,000 years ago: “In your book
all my parts were written, every one of them.”

God’s book is now called “Book of Man” (human genome).

There are instructions in your cells on how to manufacture and

reproduce every different part of your body. The words are set
out in sentences, and paragraphs and chapters.

The genes are like sentences. Several genes together make a

paragraph. Many paragraphs of gene clusters make a chapter.
Many chapters make a book, which we call a chromosome.
There are 23 chromosome books to make the whole
encyclopedia of instructions. An encyclopedia comprises a
complete person. This is duplicated to make an identical copy,
so that your body has two encyclopedias – that is, 46 books
(chromosomes) in each human cell.

These books contain so many words that the human

encyclopedia is more than ten times as long as Encyclopedia
Brittanica. To put this another way, over a million pages are
needed for all human instructions.

And this DNA message is played back every time a new life is
created, because its instructions are obeyed to the last letter.

This one million page DNA message book gives complicated

technical instructions to make a plant or an animal or a man.
They are more technical than any man-made computerised code
for making a passenger airliner, for example. They are more
technical than any of the computers on our planet.

Think about this. Could a series of faults in instructions

(mutations) make, by accident, such a technical code?

This code, like a Morse code of dots and dashes, needs to be

translated before it can be used. The truth is, this DNA code
needed someone who knew the translation and then made a
machine to translate it. That translation machine is included into
every cell of your body, as well.

Think about this. Someone was needed to (a) know the code
secret and (b) make the code breaker.

Very complicated machinery is needed by your body, like the

non-stop blood-pump (your heart) and the circulatory system of
pipes to and from every organ.

To produce these requires technically complex and compatible

interlocking machinery to read off instructions and to
manufacture correctly.

Think about this. Who provided the blueprint for correct


Also, there are over 15,000 different machines in the simplest

cell of your body – as well as thousands of machine tools and
thousands of workers (enzymes) at the assembly lines.

Each worker has his own special key to start up his machine. No
one else has a copy of that particular key. They work at furious
speed, handling thousands of molecules a minute and following

Proteins are also workers inside the cell. Each little protein
molecule does the most fabulous things. It carries out
complicated tasks which require great intelligence. The problem
is there is not a nerve cell anywhere in its body. No brains.

Armies of proteins carry out complicated series of actions.

Every step is complex, yet the finished result is always perfect.

All need to exist together, instantly!

These workers are all made, separately inside each cell, but here
is the catch: the cell cannot make them until they are made,
because they are part of the cell. In other words, they cannot be
made without the cell doing it. But the cell cannot exist unless
they are already there to form the cell.

DNA only works because it has enzymes to help it;

enzymes only work because there are protein chains;
protein only works because of DNA; DNA only works
because it is formed of protein chains. They all have to
be there together, immediately, at the same time.

But the enzymes only work because the protein chains

are coded in a special sequence by DNA. DNA can
only replicate with the help of protein enzymes. We are
really in a chicken and egg situation.” (E. Ambrose,
The Nature and Origin of the Biological World, p. 135)

Here’s a puzzle for you. DNA cannot form without pre-existing

protein. But proteins cannot form without pre-existing DNA!

So, please answer me: From where and how did the first protein
originate, to facilitate the DNA code structure in each species?

Mathematical probability alone has shown that even if our earth

and our universe were billions times trillions of years old, it
would not even begin to scratch the odds of the simplest protein
molecule forming by chance, much less an entire cell.

This requires intelligent, outside input.

Yes, genetics is God’s speech in creation.

Outmoded theory
You and I need to stop believing the errors of those armchair
experts who peddle evolution. They are stuck with an outmoded
mid-19th century theory that was devised when almost nothing
was known about proteins, genetics, or microbiology. And they
are ashamed to admit that modern research has shown their
theory to be a hoax. Although they choose to defend an error,
you do not have to be part of it.

Voice pictures
Let’s consider this from another angle.

We noted the statement that “By the word of the Lord were the
heavens made: and all the host of them by the breath of his
mouth…For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it
stood fast.” (Psalm 33:6,9) Here’s another: “…the worlds were
framed by the word of God.” (Hebrews 11:3)

Does this mean that He could stand back and say, “Come on
light… you exist”, and it would exist – just like that?

That’s exactly it. We can’t do it, but, according to the Scripture,

the supreme Creator can. Often through the Genesis creation
account (as recorded in Genesis 1), we find, “God said… and it
was so.” As He named a thing, it immediately existed. As He
called it, it appeared. As He spoke, it came into existence.

I have in my possession some amazing pictures. They were

photographed by a Mrs Watts-Hughes, a voice teacher.

This lady decided one day to experiment. She would try to

record in some way the intensity of her voice as she sang. So
she placed an elastic membrane over the large opening of some
sort of receiver. Then she ran a large tube to her mouth.

On the elastic membrane she placed some sand, or powder,

slightly moistened. As she sang, the vibrations of her voice were
transmitted to the membrane.

In each instance, the agitation of the sand produced the shape of

some flower, or plant, or tree, or some form of simple animal
life. (The Century Magazine, in the US Library of Congress)

Among the forms she photographed was a daisy. She sang into
the tube, and around a raised centre, petals sprang out. There
were from six to thirty, or even more, of these petals on a
bloom. Sometimes they would appear singly, and at other times
there would be two, three, or even four layers of petals, partially
overlapping each other, showing the same difference we see
between the double and treble garden flowers and wild flowers
we see in nature.

Just think about this. If a human being can sing into a tube,
causing sand, or powder, to agitate and form shapes of plants,
trees, and so on, then what about our Maker? If a man’s breath
can produce the forms, or shapes, of plant life, don’t you think

that the Supreme Creator could, by the breath of His mouth, do

exactly what Genesis says He did?

When the Creator spoke, whatever He named immediately

existed – not merely in shape, but in living form.

Again, the Scripture says, “Through faith we understand that

the worlds were framed by the word of God.” (Heb.11:3)

It doesn’t really sound so absurd any more, does it?

Daisy form

Speaking further of her experiments, Mrs Watts-Hughes wrote:

I regret particularly that I have not found it possible to

preserve perfectly the most delicate of these floral forms,
as they in part collapse when the moist paste dries.

Voice pictures

Further, I may mention that I have also obtained another

description of voice-flowers, distinct from the above
mentioned daisy class both in form and in the manner of
its production, which may be called a pansy class, with
varieties more like the violet, primrose, or geranium.

To obtain these pansy forms, about the same quantity

of color-paste as for daisy forms must be placed upon
the disk, but with considerably more water, sufficient
water being required to allow the paste to move freely on

Tree form

it when disturbed by the vibrations of the elastic disk, the

petals seeming to shoot out from the centers of motion
and then to spread themselves in the water. This class of
lower forms usually has its petals in threes, whether one,
two, or more sets.

In leaving the floral forms, I may mention that great care

and delicacy in singing are demanded for their production,

which will afford ample training for any vocalist in regard

to the steady sustaining of notes in intensities from the
softest pianissimo to a very loud forte, as every grade of
intensity is required in its turn in order to evoke these
forms in their various sizes, ranging from that of a
pinhead to that of a large-sized daisy.

A voice experiment for you

• Several bowls or containers
• Plastic cling wrap
• Sand or fine “sediment” type material, such as polenta or
• Water in a spray canister
• A long tube
• A good singing voice

• Stretch the cling wrap over the bowls or containers to
make a taut covering.
• Lightly dampen the cling wrap.
• Sprinkle sand, polenta, or talc over the cling wrap.
• Place one end of the tube on the cling wrap.
• Place the mouth of the singer over the other end of the
• Sing.

As the voice causes the cling wrap to vibrate, the sand begins
to move into groups in various different shapes, creating
pictures. The longer the singing continues, the sharper the
pictures become. (In experiments, whole landscapes have been
created, also animals.)

With the right formula, the superior knowledge of the
Creator, and His wondrous voice, the world was created.

This Appendix has been taken from Jonathan Gray’s book The Weapon
the Globalists Fear, chapter 2.


rs of Faith 2002
The following study on genetic mutations of the mitochondrial
DNA is not presented as proof of the age of mankind, but rather
to illustrate that when scientific research replaces theoretical
data with actually observed data, the results align ever closer to
the biblical data.

But something that we shall all need to address head-on is this.

It may now be stated categorically that not one confirmed
scientific discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.

This may be new to you, but scientific research has established

the accuracy of the biblical data in all instances in which it can
be tested. And this amounts to many hundreds of cases. Such a
perfect track record is unknown for any other document on
earth. (See my book The Weapon the Globalists Fear for examples of such evidence.)

It is not surprising that Donald J. Wiseman, Professor Emeritus

of Assyriology, University of London, felt a need to testify:

It has been my long experience that when the Bible is rightly

understood and interpreted it is never contradicted by
archaeological and historical evidence when that too has been
subjected to strict scrutiny.” (Forward to Victor Pearce’s book Evidence
For Truth: Archaeology, 2nd edition, 1998)

You almost feel sorry for the critic. Nowadays, it seems that in
every attack on the Bible, the critic ends up losing. The poor guy
is a sucker for punishment, if you ask me.

What fascinates me is that when mainstream science applies its
own criteria to actually observed data, it finds itself more or less
agreeing with the biblical record. Mitochondrial research is no

But first, I’d like you to notice something in the biblical book of
Genesis. It says that all mankind is descended from the same
original woman:
And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she
was the mother of all living. (Gen.3:20)

For some time, scientists have been using the DNA found in
small organelles in our cells called mitochondria. Through
studying mitochondrial DNA it is possible to trace one’s
ancestry. Mitochondrial DNA is passed on to us by our mothers

Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA led to a very important

discovery. The evidence indicated that all human beings alive on
earth today are descended from the same original woman. This
woman they call the “mitochondrial Eve”.
Trained in molecular biology, they [the scientists] looked
at an international assortment of genes and picked up a
trail of DNA that led them to a single woman from whom
we are all descended. (John Tierney, Lynda Wright, and Karen
Springen, “The Search for Adam and Eve,” Newsweek, January 11, 1988,

While the location of this first woman is debated, some saying

Africa, others claiming Asia or the Middle East, the fact of one
original woman apparently is not. (Ann Gibbons, “Mitochondrial Eve:
Wounded, But Not Dead Yet”, Science, August 14, 1992, pp. 873-875)

The point is that all human beings on earth are descended from
the same original mother.

The reason for the use of mitochondrial DNA in this search,

rather than the DNA in the nucleus of our cells, is that
mitochondrial DNA is passed on to us, by our mothers alone. In
this it is unique.


The next question was, how long ago did this first woman live?

In order to find the approximate date of the original mother,

scientists examined the rate of mutations (that is, alterations) in
the Mitochondrial Organels.
They looked at the most distant branches of the family
tree – the DNA types most different from one another
– and worked backward to figure out how many steps it
would have taken for Eve’s original DNA to mutate into
these different types. They assumed that these mutations
occurred at a regular rate – a controversial assumption
that might be wrong. (Tierney, Wright, and Springen, p. 50)

Using this complicated technique it was postulated that the first

mother of the human race appeared on earth 100,000 to 200,000
years ago.

Even by using their very slow-gradual-change idea of

evolutionism, the result yielded a date for the first woman that
was uncomfortably less than the million or more years of
evolutionary belief.

More recent research, however, changed the mutation rate

dating. For the first time, actually observed data was used. The
result was troubling for the evolutionists. It showed that the rate
of mutation is far more rapid than previously calculated.

In an article published in Science magazine of January 2, 1998,

published by the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, researchers announced:

Mitochondrial DNA appears to mutate much faster than

expected, prompting new DNA forensics procedures and
raising troublesome questions about the dating of evolution-
ary events. In 1991, Russians exhumed a Siberian grave
containing nine skeletons thought to be the remains of the
last Russian tsar, Nicholas II, and his family and retinue,
who were shot by firing squad in 1918. But two bodies
were missing, so no one could be absolutely certain of the
identity of the remains. And DNA testing done in 1992 –
expected to settle the issue quickly – instead raised a new
mystery. (Ann Gibbons, “Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock”, Science,
January 2, 1998, p. 28)

The mystery concerned dates relating to the clock rate. It

appears that mutations occur at a much faster rate than assumed.
Independent investigations have verified the faster rate.

Based upon evidence first presented at the First International

Workshop on Human Mitochondrial DNA held in Washington
DC during October 25-28, 1997, the prestigious weekly Science
magazine of January 2, 1998, stated that:
Regardless of the cause, evolutionists are most concerned
about the effect of a faster mutation rate. For example,
researchers have calculated that ‘mitochondrial Eve’ – the
woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living
people – lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa.
Using the new clock [based on the latest scientific
evidence], she would be a mere 6000 years old. (Ibid., p. 29)

What a shock! Only 6,000 years? But, checking and rechecking,

that was the figure!

However, did you know this? The scientists who arrived at this
mtDNA 6,000-years-ago dating for our first common mother,
were not really the first to do so.

If you didn’t know, that very same claim was already written
down in ancient documents. Indeed, the scientists’ mtDNA
6,000-years-ago dating for the first woman turned out to be the

same as the dating given in Genesis and its related books of the

Naturally, such dating could never be accepted by dyed-in-the-

wool evolutionists.

So, although not hiding the evidence, they have denied it…. as
you see from the article, which goes on to say, “No one thinks
that's the case [that Eve is 6,000 years old], but at what point
should models switch from one mtDNA time zone to the other?”

“No one thinks that…?” Perhaps Ann Gibbons should have

written, “No evolutionist thinks that’s the case.”

Instead of accepting the implications of their findings,

evolutionary scientists are trying to get around this evidence.

So much for scientific objectivity!


This report is presented not to endorse mitochondrial research,

but simply to illustrate that when science replaces theoretical
data with actually observed data, the results align ever closer to
the biblical data.

In this case, mainstream science, by applying its own criteria to

physically observed data, arrives at a date of 6,000 years ago for
the mother of all the human race.

The credibility at stake is not mine. One will need to argue with
the scientists claiming the discovery. Since it touches on our
topic, I’m just passing it on to you.

The fact that the evolution-biased participants disliked the

outcome of their own study is noteworthy. It indicates that the

study was not rigged. It was a top calibre scientific research

project, with a surprise ending.

The study can be falsified only by proving it was based on

faulty criteria.


To recall some information we noted in Chapter 6 of this present

work, the Toltecs believed that the Flood came “after the world
had existed for 1,716 years.” (Francis Hitching, World Atlas of Mysteries.
London: Pan Books, Ltd., 1978, p.165)

In the sixteenth century, the native Mexican chronicler,

Ixtilxochitl in his Relaciones penned a history based on all
available pre-Conquest records and legends, aided by his ability
to understand the native tongue and decipher the hieroglyphics.
The history began with the creation of the world by the supreme
god Tloque Nahuaque. This first era lasted 1,716 years, until
floods swept over the earth. This is only a 60 year variation
from the figure given in the King James Bible. (Genesis chapter 5)
Is it possible that the Genesis book is more scientific than we

So, to recap:
The first woman The Great Flood

Toltecs say - > +1716 yrs

Genesis says c. 4000 BC > +1656 yrs

Science says c. 4000 BC -

(mitochondrial DNA)


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