Investment Vs Savings

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Technology Savvy ue of all future wages.

The younger generation is the ability to earn wages is
a technologically savvy one, fundamental to saving and in-
able to study, research and ap- vesting for retirement, invest-
ply online investing tools and ing in oneself - by earning a
techniques. Online information degree, receiving on-the-job
platforms provide countless training or learning advanced
opportunities for both funda- skills - is a valuable investment
mental and technical analysis,
as do financial and educational
and the potential for greater
return from investing in differ-
web sites. Technology, includ-
ing online opportunities, social
media and applications, can all
ent types of assets.
As one embarks on the jour-
contribute to a young inves- ney of building their wealth for
tor’s knowledge base, experi- the future, it is important to
ence, confidence and expertise. have a good mixture of saving
and investment depending on
Human Capital your short and long term goals.
Human capital, from an indi- However, starting early makes
vidual’s perspective, can be it easier to achieve all your fi- What is an Investment? How is Investment
thought of as the present val- nancial goals. Investing is when you use your different from Saving?
money (or capital) to buy an Saving involves simply set-
asset that you expect to gener- ting money aside for future
ate an acceptable return, mak- spending. It is usually put in
ing you richer over time. People a safe place, whether it is un-
Investments Savings who own businesses, put their der your mattress or in a sav-
personal money into these ings account at a commercial
businesses to increase their bank, which you can get ac-
wealth. This is investment. cess to easily. Savings typical-
However for most of us this ly are low risk for the return of
involves using part of our in- the amount that one has set
come to buy investments such aside. But savings can also at-
as shares in companies, units tract low interest rates—some-
in unit trusts, bonds or prop- times the rates that one earns
erty. We are putting our hard- on savings can be less than the
earned money to work for us to rate of inflation, demonstrat-
earn even more money. These ing that there is a risk to sim-
investments can be attractive ply saving money for a long
because they can produce two term goal.
forms of returns - income in
DISCLAIMER the form of dividends, inter- Why hedge against
The contents of this leaflet are believed to be correct at the date of issue. They are est or rent and a capital gain.
intended for general purposes only and are not to be considered as providing securi- Capital gain is the rise in value
ties recommendations or advice. The SPSE does not give any warranty or accept any A very basic definition of infla-
of your investment over time
liability (whether arising from negligence or otherwise) for any error or omission, or tion is the increase in general
so that when you sell them in
for any loss arising from acting on the information in this publication, except where prices of goods and services
law liability cannot be excluded. the future you can get more for
over time. We all feel how ex-
them than you paid. Before you
All investments are subject to some degree of risk, including possible delays in re- pensive things are every time
payments and loss of income and principal invested. The SPSE does not guarantee start investing, it is very impor-
we do our grocery shopping or
investment performance or return of capital invested. tant for one to distinguish be-
pay our bills. So why is it im-
tween investing and merely
portant that we invest money
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in something that ensures that Time Value of Money have a short term investment even with college debt and low
we are able to make a return When one is investing, time is timeframe, timing the mar- salaries.
that is higher than inflation? often the most important as- ket does become important as
If you had saved one month’s set. If one starts investing ear- short term volatility may pre- Time
rent ten years ago, it will far ly , the power of compounding sent trading opportunities. You While money may be tight,
from cover the rent today. Sim- is more evident. To illustrate can learn about the share mar- young adults have a time ad-
ilarly, a savings account is good this wonderful concept, let’s ket by observing it and keeping vantage. The magic of com-
for short term savings and use an example: Say a person an eye on how your shares per- pounding allows investors to
emergency funds but chanc- wanted to set aside funds for form under different market generate wealth over time, and
es are that it may not gener- a future $24,500 payment on conditions. requires only two things: the
ate enough interest to cover a house. If the person saved People often think they should reinvestment of earnings and
the rise in prices. Therefore, it $200 per month and earned put off the idea of investing un- time. The longer money is put
is important for you to ensure 8% rate of return per annum, til they get certain other things to work, the more wealth it can
that your investment gener- he/she could accumulate the out of the way – finish their generate in the future.
ates returns higher than infla- $24,500 in about seven-and-a- degree, get the kids in a good
tion, especially for long-term half years. If the person waited school or pay off the mortgage. Take on more risk
goals such as retirement or ed- to start two years later, he/she An investor’s age influences
If this sounds like you, remem-
ucation fund for children. would have to save $300 per the amount of risk he or she
ber that no matter how small
month at the same 8% rate of your investment portfolio is can withstand. Young people,
What is Compounding? return. An early start to invest- at the start, it could be grow- with years of earning ahead
By investing your money, you ing or saving can build up funds of them, can afford to take on
ing while you do all that. Find-
can earn more income and that also earn a return for the more risk in their investment
ing the sources of investment
build wealth faster. The secret future. In addition to the ef- activities. While individuals
funds now will mean that your
to this wealth building lie in fects of compounding, a secu- reaching retirement years may
investment will be significantly
the “power of compounding”. rity holder also benefits from gravitate towards low-risk or
larger in the future than if you
Compounding refers to how capital gains. The larger the risk-free investments, young
waited to start.
your money can grow faster initial investment, the rate of adults can build more aggres-
over time. This is what hap- return and length of time you sive portfolios that are sub-
pens when you reinvest in- Advantages of starting
invest, the more powerful the ject to more volatility and that
come earned from your initial early and young
effect of compounding. stand to produce larger gains.
investment rather than spend- Young adults often face fi-
ing it. This reinvested income nancial challenges due to bur-
When should I start densome student loans, rela- Learn by doing
will earn an additional income,
which you reinvest as well. If investing? tively low-paying junior-level Young investors have the flex-
Many people who decide they positions and a lack of budg- ibility and time to study in-
this cycle is allowed to contin-
need shares as part of their in- eting experience. While peo- vesting and to learn from both
ue, it eventually has a “snow-
vestment portfolio often hesi- ple in their twenties know successes and failures. Since
ball” effect. This is because
with each cycle your total in- tate when it comes to actually they are supposed to be sav- investing has a fairly lengthy
vestment grows larger and buying the shares; usually be- ing for retirement, the gold- learning curve, young adults
therefore earns even more in- cause they’re not sure if it is en years seem unimportant are at an advantage because
come in the next cycle. For ex- the best time to buy or they and a long way off compared they have years to study the
ample, if you invest $1,000 at feel they still have a lot to learn to the consumer purchases markets, and to refine their
5% p.a rate of return, you will about the share market. that could be made now. For investing strategies. With the
earn $50 at the end of the first How you approach the share many young adults, it seems increased risk that can be ab-
year. Instead of spending this market may depend on your easier to put off any invest- sorbed by younger investors,
$50, if you add it to the prin- investment horizon. When ing decisions until their finan- so too can they overcome in-
cipal amount of $1,000, the taking a long-term view, the cial situation becomes, at least vesting mistakes, because they
following year you will earn a best time to buy shares is not theoretically, more stable. have the time needed to recov-
return of $52.50 on an invest- about timing the market but Twenty-something’s, however, er from losses.
ment amount of $1,050 and a rather about time in the mar- are actually in a prime position
return of $55.13 the year after. ket. For those investors who to enter the investing world,

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