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Examples of Inductive

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The term "inductive reasoning" refers to reasoning that takes specific
information and makes a broader generalization that's considered probable,
while still remaining open to the fact that the conclusion may not be 100%
In other words, you're making an educated or informed guess based on the
information or data that you have. It might sound right, but that doesn't
mean it is right. Together, let's explore some examples of inductive
reasoning. You'll quickly see what it's all about.

Understanding Inductive Reasoning

There are varying degrees of strength and weakness in inductive reasoning.
There are also various types including statistical syllogism, arguments from
example, causal inference, simple inductions, and inductive generalizations.
They can have part to whole relations, extrapolations, or predictions.
Some examples of inductive reasoning include:
 Jennifer always leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. Jennifer is always on
time. Jennifer assumes, then, that she if she leaves at 7:00 a.m. for school
today, she will be on time.
 The cost of goods was $1.00. The cost of labor to manufacture the item
was $0.50. The sales price of the item was $5.00. So, the item always
provides a good profit for the stores selling it.
 Every windstorm in this area comes from the north. I can see a big
cloud of dust in the distance. A new windstorm is coming from the north.
 Bob is showing a big diamond ring to his friend Larry. Bob has told
Larry that he is planning to marry Joan. Bob must be surprising Joan with
the diamond ring tonight.
 The chair in the living room is red. The chair in the dining room is red.
The chair in the bedroom is red. All the chairs in the house are red.
 Every time you eat peanuts, you start to cough. You are allergic to
 Every cat that you've observed purrs. Therefore, all cats must purr.
 Michael just moved here from Chicago. Michael has red hair. Therefore,
all people from Chicago have red hair.
 The children in that house yell loudly when they play in their bedroom.
I can hear children yelling in that house. Therefore, the children must be
playing in their bedroom.
 Every chicken we've seen has been brown. All chickens in this area
must be brown.
 John is an excellent swimmer. His family has a swimming pool. John's
sister Mary must also be an excellent swimmer.
 All brown dogs in the park today are small dogs. Therefore, all small
dogs must be brown.
 All the children in this daycare center like to play with Legos. All
children must like to play with Legos.
 Ray is a football player. All the other football players on the high school
team weigh more than 170 pounds. Therefore, Ray must weigh more than
170 pounds.
 Practically every house on South Street is falling apart. Sherry lives on
South Street. Her house is probably falling apart.

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Reserve Your Reasoning

As you can see, inductive reasoning borders on high probability. But, that
doesn't make it necessarily factual. While you're at it, consider the sister to
inductive reasoning: deductive reasoning. It's another form of logic that will
help you draw valid conclusions.
To really test your facts, you might want to consider formulating your own
hypothesis. Then, you can test it by following these easy steps.

See similar articles 

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Deductive Reasoning vs. Inductive

By Alina Bradford July 25, 2017 Human Nature 






During the scientific process, deductive reasoning is used to reach a
logical true conclusion. Another type of reasoning, inductive, is also used.
Often, people confuse deductive reasoning with inductive reasoning, and
vice versa. It is important to learn the meaning of each type of reasoning
so that proper logic can be identified.

Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning is a basic form of valid reasoning. Deductive
reasoning, or deduction, starts out with a general statement, or
hypothesis, and examines the possibilities to reach a specific, logical
conclusion, according to California State University. The scientific method
uses deduction to test hypotheses and theories. "In deductive inference,
we hold a theory and based on it we make a prediction of its
consequences. That is, we predict what the observations should be if the
theory were correct. We go from the general — the theory — to the
specific — the observations," said Dr. Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, a
researcher and professor emerita at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Deductive reasoning usually follows steps. First, there is a premise, then a
second premise, and finally an inference. A common form of deductive
reasoning is the syllogism, in which two statements — a major premise
and a minor premise — reach a logical conclusion. For example, the
premise "Every A is B" could be followed by another premise, "This C is A."
Those statements would lead to the conclusion "This C is B." Syllogisms
are considered a good way to test deductive reasoning to make sure the
argument is valid.

For example, "All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore, Harold is
mortal." For deductive reasoning to be sound, the hypothesis must be
correct. It is assumed that the premises, "All men are mortal" and "Harold
is a man" are true. Therefore, the conclusion is logical and true. In
deductive reasoning, if something is true of a class of things in general, it
is also true for all members of that class. 

According to California State University, deductive inference conclusions

are certain provided the premises are true. It's possible to come to a
logical conclusion even if the generalization is not true. If the
generalization is wrong, the conclusion may be logical, but it may also be
untrue. For example, the argument, "All bald men are grandfathers.
Harold is bald. Therefore, Harold is a grandfather," is valid logically but it
is untrue because the original statement is false.

Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive
reasoning makes broad generalizations from specific observations.
Basically, there is data, then conclusions are drawn from the data. This is
called inductive logic, according to Utah State University. 
"In inductive inference, we go from the specific to the general. We make
many observations, discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an
explanation or a theory," Wassertheil-Smoller told Live Science. "In
science, there is a constant interplay between inductive inference (based
on observations) and deductive inference (based on theory), until we get
closer and closer to the 'truth,' which we can only approach but not
ascertain with complete certainty." 

An example of inductive logic is, "The coin I pulled from the bag is a
penny. That coin is a penny. A third coin from the bag is a penny.
Therefore, all the coins in the bag are pennies."

Even if all of the premises are true in a statement, inductive reasoning

allows for the conclusion to be false. Here's an example: "Harold is a
grandfather. Harold is bald. Therefore, all grandfathers are bald." The
conclusion does not follow logically from the statements.

Inductive reasoning has its place in the scientific method. Scientists use it

to form hypotheses and theories. Deductive reasoning allows them to
apply the theories to specific situations.
Abductive reasoning
Another form of scientific reasoning that doesn't fit in with inductive or
deductive reasoning is abductive. Abductive reasoning usually starts with
an incomplete set of observations and proceeds to the likeliest possible
explanation for the group of observations, according to Butte College. It is
based on making and testing hypotheses using the best information
available. It often entails making an educated guess after observing a
phenomenon for which there is no clear explanation. 

For example, a person walks into their living room and finds torn up
papers all over the floor. The person's dog has been alone in the room all
day. The person concludes that the dog tore up the papers because it is
the most likely scenario. Now, the person's sister may have brought by his
niece and she may have torn up the papers, or it may have been done by
the landlord, but the dog theory is the more likely conclusion.

Abductive reasoning is useful for forming hypotheses to be tested.

Abductive reasoning is often used by doctors who make a diagnosis based
on test results and by jurors who make decisions based on the evidence
presented to them.

Additional resources

 Stony Brook University: Scientific Reasoning

 Butte College: Deductive, Inductive and Abductive Reasoning
 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Abduction
 Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology
 Scientific American: Your Scientific Reas
Inductive Reasoning Definition and Examples
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Updated August 04, 2019

What is inductive reasoning, and why is it important? Inductive reasoning is a type

of logical thinking that involves forming generalizations based on specific incidents
you've experienced, observations you've made, or facts you know to be true or false.

What is Inductive Reasoning?

Inductive reasoning is an approach to logical thinking that involves making

generalizations based on specific details. Inductive reasoning is an important critical
thinking skill that many employers look for in their employees.

Inductive reasoning is an example of an analytical soft skill. Unlike hard skills - which

are job-specific and generally require technical training - soft skills relate to how you
interact with people, social situations, and ideas.

Employers value workers who can think logically as they solve problems and carry
out tasks.

For jobs that require inductive reasoning, employers need individuals that can
discern patterns and develop strategies, policies, or proposals based on those
tendencies. That makes it a useful skill to highlight in your job applications and job
Inductive Reasoning vs. Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is different from deductive reasoning, where you start with a

generalization or theory, and then test it by applying it to specific incidents. For
example, in grade school, our teachers may have taught the difference to us as
"going from big to small" when using deductive reasoning and "going from small to
big" when using inductive reasoning.

Scientists may use deductive reasoning to test a hypothesis in a lab, whereas many

law enforcement, military, or corporate leaders must be able to use inductive
reasoning by taking quick sweep of a situation and making a vital, but time-sensitive
decision. Inductive reasoning allows individuals to accurately “see the signs” of
something bigger at play.

Examples of Inductive Reasoning

In practice, inductive reasoning often appears invisible. You might not be aware that
you’re taking in information, recognizing a potential pattern, and then acting on your
hypothesis. But, if you’re a good problem solver, chances are that these examples
will feel familiar:

1. A teacher notices that his students learned more when hands-on activities were
incorporated into lessons, and then decides to regularly include a hands-on
component in his future lessons.
2. An architect discerns a pattern of cost overages for plumbing materials in jobs and
opts to increase the estimate for plumbing costs in subsequent proposals.
3. A stockbroker observes that Intuit stock increased in value four years in a row during
tax season and recommends clients buy it in March.
4. A recruiter conducts a study of recent hires who have achieved success and stayed
on with the organization. She finds that they graduated from three local colleges, so
she decides to focus recruiting efforts on those schools.

1. A salesperson presents testimonials of current customers to suggest to prospective

clients that her products are high quality and worth the purchase.
2. A defense attorney reviews the strategy employed by lawyers in similar cases and
finds an approach that has consistently led to acquittals. She then applies this
approach to her own case.
3. A production manager examines cases of injuries on the line and discerns that many
injuries occurred towards the end of long shifts. The manager proposes moving from
10-hour to 8-hour shifts based on this observation.

1. A bartender becomes aware that customers give her higher tips when she shares
personal information, so she intentionally starts to divulge personal information when
it feels appropriate to do so.
2. An activities leader at an assisted living facility notices that residents light up when
young people visit. She decides to develop a volunteer initiative with a local high
school, connecting students with residents who need cheering up.
3. A market researcher designs a focus group to assess consumer responses to new
packaging for a snack product. She discovers that participants repeatedly gravitate
towards a label stating “15 grams of protein." The researcher recommends
increasing the size and differentiating the color of that wording.

Types of Inductive Reasoning Skills

The following are some of the skills that individuals with strong inductive reasoning
abilities have.

Attention to Detail

No one can draw conclusions on details without first noticing them. That’s why
paying attention is crucial to inductive reasoning. If you are trying to develop better
inductive reasoning, begin by first noticing more about the things around you. Be
mindful of your five primary senses: the things that you hear, feel, smell, taste, and

 Observation
 Active Listening
 Note-taking
 Critical Thinking
 Asking Questions
 Mindfulness

Recognizing Patterns

Those that have strong inductive reasoning quickly notice patterns. They can see
how certain objects or events lining up in a certain way can result in a common
outcome. Teachers working with students with different personalities and intellectual
abilities must practice inductive reasoning when figuring out which approach best
helps each student. Financial analysts use inductive reasoning to examine data and
draw conclusions.

 Data Analysis
 Mathematics
 Observation
 Adaptability
 Language Skills
 Troubleshooting

Making Projections

Closely related to recognizing patterns is then being able to predict (or intuit) what
the near future will hold by taking certain steps now. Leaders must be able to know
that certain decisions will lead to more group cooperation and greater success.
Among the most common demands for inductive reasoning is being able to build
financial projections for a startup, insurance company, investing, accounting firm, or
for an executive of a medium-to-large firm.

 Leadership
 DecisionMaking
 Integration
 Creating Pro Forma Statements
 Risk Management

Often, you will notice a few details and then recognize them again months or years
later. Your inductive reasoning is often directly connected to your ability to recall past
events and the details leading up to those events. For those that worry that their
memory might fail them, they may learn to take notes (by hand, smartphone, or
audio recording device) so that they can reference them later on.

 Organization
 Curiosity
 Mnemonic Skills
 Research
 Reflection Tactics

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Different than raw intellect (known as IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to

perceive emotions motivating social moments that otherwise might be mysterious to
those lacking EQ. People with high levels of EQ are frequently more understanding
of others and better able to “get to the heart” of issues between two or more people.

 Communication Skills
 Collaboration Skills
 Empathy
 Mentoring
 Reading Body Language

Showing Your Inductive Reasoning Skills at an Interview

Job interviews provide an ideal opportunity to show employers that you have
inductive reasoning skills.

Before the interview, review your past roles and identify situations in which you have
applied inductive reasoning. Specifically, think of times when inductive reasoning
resulted in positive outcomes, where you independently applied knowledge learned
on the job in order to adapt quickly to your role.
When highlighting your inductive reasoning during an interview, use the STAR
interview response technique. This is an acronym that stands for:

 Situation
 Task
 Action
 Result

First, describe the situation: Where you were working? What project were you
working on?

Then describe the task: What was your responsibility? What problem did you have
to solve? What observations did you make?

Next, explain the action you took: What solution did you implement? How did you
translate your observations into a solution or action?

Finally, explain the result: How did your action help the problem, or help the
company more broadly?. This technique will clearly show the interviewer that you
have inductive reasoning skills that can add value to the company.


 What is Inductive Reasoning?

 Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
 Examples of Inductive Reasoning
 Types of Inductive Reasoning Skills

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