Stover Projectplan2final

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Meghan Stover


Project Plan 2


MS-ETS1-4 Engineering Design

Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of proposed object, tool, or
process such that optimal design can be achieved.

MS-PS1-6 Matter and its Interactions

Undertake a design project to construct, test, and modify a device that either releases or absorbs
thermal energy by chemical processes.

B2 Skills and Traits of Technological Design

Students use a systematic process, tools, equipment, and a variety of materials to design and produce a solution
or product to meet a specified need, using established criteria.
a. Identify appropriate problems for technological design.
b. Design a solution or product.
e. Evaluate a completed design or product.
f. Suggest improvements for their own and others’ designs and try out proposed modifications.

Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through
the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

B1. Creation, Performance, and Expression; Media Skills 6-8

Students choose suitable media, tools, techniques, and processes to create original art works.

Learning Targets:
1. SWBAT: recognize basic elements of the sun
2. SWBAT: identify how the solar system is related to the sun
3. SWBAT: apply knowledge of the sun and solar system to project of solar oven
4. SWBAT: evaluate knowledge of the sun and solar system that will be incorporated in model
designs of the oven
5. SWBAT: sketch design prior to online tech creation of solar system model
6. SWBAT: illustrate model design on tech application of student’s choice
7. SWBAT: create such design via. technology to design basic outline model of solar oven project
8. SWBAT: develop a solar oven model which follows guidelines and instructions given
9. SWBAT: critique groups models for potential improvements on designs
10. SWBAT: modify groups models for any improvements
11. SWBAT: review design model before creating physical object
12. SWBAT: choose appropriate materials for decoration of final solar oven models
13. SWBAT: distinguish tools for design creation (ex. paint, markers, stickers).
14. SWBAT: use chosen materials to design model of solar oven
15. SWBAT: plan construction of physical solar oven model
16. SWBAT: reproduce online design of solar oven into a psychical object
17. SWBAT: design solar oven model
18. SWBAT: predict an outcome of success of the solar oven model
19. SWBAT: justify why model will come out the way it was predicted to
20. SWBAT: show and briefly present final product model when put to the test
21. SWBAT: assess successfulness of project (How well did it work?)
22. SWBAT: combine STEAM essentials throughout project
23. SWBAT: collect research to create claims through written arguments in the sun journals
24. SWBAT: summarize research through text evidence found
25. SWBAT: support texts and information with references
26. SWBAT: analyze content of topic in readings and research
27. SWBAT: set up daily journals or blogs for recording daily progress and thoughts
28. SWBAT: compose written responses of daily progress in journals or blogs
29. SWBAT: defend claims based on research and article review
30. SWBAT: relate readings and research found to final project

Integration and Elegant Fit: For this project plan, I have decided to integrate science, literacy, technology,
arts and engineering. Science is the main focus of this topic, while the other three subjects also play a role in
this project. The science includes the lessons which involve the sun, and any research they are conducting. For
literacy, I have the students keeping a “Sun Journal”, which will be in a “Dear Diary” form which they will use
to record what they have learned for the day. They will reflect on what they enjoyed, found interesting or wish
to know more about. By the end of the project, they will have a journal which contains all their daily thoughts
throughout. Technology comes in when they design their project on a program called SketchUp, where are
they will be able to create a 3D model of what they hope the final project will look like after it’s created. This
could also include the arts aspect, but I picture this coming more into play when the project is fully created and
the students are designing a creative, eye catching design. Whether it be with picture, markers, or paint, their
groups project will be unique to them. They are able to choose their own media which is going to work best for
them and what they will find fun to use. Last but not least, they will become engineers when building and
constructing the final product of this project. All of this together will incorporate a model of STEAM using
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and also some Literacy.
The integration of these content areas creates a STEAM essential project where each piece of content
is being used to its fullest potential. For the literacy piece, the students will be keeping what we will call “sun
journal”, which they will write reflections of the day. This journal ties together the science portion of the
lesson, with the ELA portion. Technology and science also go together hand-in-hand for this project. The
model the students will be creating, they will learn how to create through science, then design a model through
technology. Next, science, technology, and engineering are all tied in together. As I mentioned in the previous
elegant fit, science and technology fit together. Now, we can add the engineering with that which is the real-
life creations of the model’s students are creating. While all of these content areas have their own side projects,
doing them at the same time, in the same project creates a better understanding of STEAM and the essentials
for students. All in all, the content integration comes full circle and ends up helping one another with to make
this STEAM model work.

Authentic Challenge: I see this project as being a fun authentic challenge. Throughout this unit, the student
will be working to create a solar oven which would be able appropriately melt the chocolate and marshmallow
for a s’more. Once each of the groups have designed, created, and produced the product, students will be able
to test them as a whole class. At this point, students will be able to eat the s’mores that they made (or weren’t
able to make), because who doesn’t want to eat a s’more in school? If a group of student’s ovens didn’t work,
they will get the credit of trying/ creating and following directions of the project. But, they will come up with
an explanation for their design, and why they believe it didn’t work like it was supposed to. I am expecting
them to use their research as part of their answers. For those students who successfully created the oven, will
have their project used in the end of the school year celebration for the whole 6 th grade. The whole grade will
get the chance to see other 6th graders make s’more out of a homemade solar oven for everyone to eat.

Driving Question: How can we as a group of young scientist engineers, design and create a solar oven, to
make s’mores to enjoy for our end of the year celebration?

Final Product: For the finial project, I picture the students creating solar ovens in small groups that will cook
s’mores out in the sun. I see groups of 3-4 collaboratively working throughout this project to design, build and
present together. Students will be provided with a list of materials, but it is up to them to figure out how to
successfully build their oven. By the end of the project, groups should have a finished solar oven that is ready
to test out. As well as the model being the final project, I am expecting there to be a well-done justification of
why their model was made the way it was. This can in be in a form of their choice. Whether it be a written
paper or a PowerPoint, as long as the model has been explained and research evidence is included, the
justification is up to them. They will also need to include a copy of the online design they made online to
attach to the justification. Students should have the motivation to create their best project, as the successful
ones will be used at the end of the year celebration to make s’mores for the 6 th grade.

Assessment: I want to be able to assess the students throughout the unit, to make sure they are learning to their
best potential. The biggest part of assessing the progress will be through the Sun Journals (Appendix C). I am
expecting them to be honest and thorough throughout the writing process. This will give me the chance to
make sure they are writing to the best of their abilities, as well putting in the effort needed to make this
possible. This is also helpful for me to get a better idea of where the students are, who may be struggling, or
who may need another challenge. Towards the beginning on the project, I will be giving exit tickets as a short
answer/ multiple choice quiz to assess on what was learned for the day. I would also like to add in something
for students to give feedback on the group contracts throughout the unit- I would like to know if students are
following the contracts, as I am not able to be at each group all the time. They can do this by writing an entry
in their journals or I will create an exit ticket for students to give feedback (Appendix D & E). As for their 21 st
century skills, I will use the contracts they all signed to overlook and assess from a far that they are following
the cooperation/ respect/ hard work rules they agreed to. Their main assessment will be at the end with the
creation of the solar ovens at the end of the project plan.
Curriculum Map:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

 Introduction  Sun lesson-  Sun lesson  Research  Research

 Start- Up lesson- heat, energy on temp- on what techniques
brainstorming from the sun how heat is has been and uses for
what they already and the layers transferred learned materials in
know about the  Pick Groups to energy, and how building of
sun  Group convention it can be solar oven
 Heat Energy Contract  Journal used for models
Video (Link (Appendix A) response their  Journal
below)  Journal  Exit Ticket oven Response
 Overview of models
project plan  Journal
 Group discussion Response
 Entry Event-
KWL Chart
(Appendix B)

 Technology design  Technology design  PROJECT  PROJECT  PROJECT

using SketchUp using SketchUp CREATION CREATION CREATION
 Exit Ticket  Exit Ticket  Journal  Journal  Journal
 Journal response  Journal response Response Response Response
on progress on progress

 Outside  Option to fix  6th Grade

 PROJECT  Art creation of presentations solar ovens Celebration
CREATION solar oven model of solar ovens for day  Presentation of
 Journal Response using media of  S’mores!! celebration solar ovens
choice- creative day  S’more for all
and relevant  Journal
 Journal Response reflections
on previous
day for
Appendix A:
Heat Energy Video:

Group Contract

Group Name:

Group Members:

Our Agreement;

 We all agree to listen to each other’s ideas with respect.

 We all agree to do our work as best as we can.

 We all agree to do our work on time.

 We all agree to ask for help if we need it.

 We all agree to;

Group Member Signatures:

Appendix B:

Name: Date:
KWL Chart
Know Want to Know Learned

Appendix C


MajorityD of Sun
Journal 1
Sun is Sun
Journal. 2
All pages
Hardly any About
filledon the
no entries. Please answer these questions in a couple of sentences.
Made is for
any missed
-No appropriate
responses/ On
-Not mostly
at all. Off
topic, not self,
-Used journal
for and
for topic
or teacher. Partially
responses self,
-No thorough of
-Thorough are
poorlywell and
well written
-Most aspects
for student and
are beneficial
learning well for
written learning
-Hardly readable
-No use of for
examples/use of
experiences in
responses use ofin
- Partially
readable. Poor

-Incomplete use

1. Are you group members following the group contracts?

2. Have there been any issues with group members I should know about?
3. Have you been putting in your best effort to the group work?

Please answer these questions on today’s lesson to the best of your ability.

The surface of the sun is about what temperature?

a. 1,000,000 degrees
b. 10,000 degrees
c. 1,000 degrees
d. 100 degrees
e. None of the above

What are the 3 ways energy from the sun is transferred into heat energy?




Appendix E

3 2 1
 Provided  Response  Response was
evidence of demonstrates either
understanding student may incomplete or
need more lacked any
 Fully help specific detail
exit ticket  Partially  Did not
completed demonstrate
 Effort is exit ticket understanding of
shown in exit today’s writing
ticket  Average to lesson.
little effort
shown in exit  Little effort
ticket shown in exit

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