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With heart felt and sincere appreciation is hereby expressed out

of the author’s debt of gratitude for the generous and valuable

assistance afforded by the following persons:

To our parents, Thank you for the guidance, financial support,

and most of all their encouragement on pursuing the course.

To all our instructors for their instructions, Thank you for

teaching us well as their encouragement that make us able to finish

our course.

To all college students, thank you and to the faculty staff of

Arellano University Jose Rizal Campus, thank you once again for their


To the Local Government Officials in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan,

Caloocan City for giving us assistance in getting some information and

data regarding our topic.

Title Page i

Acknowledgement ii


Background of the Study 1

Review of Related Literature 2-4

Significance of the Study 5

Theoretical Framework/Background 6

Conceptual Framework 7

Statement of the Problem 8

Scope and Delimitation 8


Research Design 9

Sampling Technique 9

Respondents of the Study 10

Research Instrument 10

Data Gathering Procedure 11

Statistical Treatment 11


Result 12

Discussion 16

Conclusion 17

Recommendation 18-19

References 20


MANILA-Pres. Duterte, who has overseen a deadly campaign to

eradicate drug use in the Philippines, has now ordered a strict public

ban on smoking and called on citizens to help the local authorities

apprehend smokers by Felipe Villamor on May 18, 2017.

As a researcher, students who had participated in interscholastic

sports were less likely to be regular and heavy smokers. But, do you

really understand just how dangerous smoking is? Nowadays, the

teenagers or tambay person are really prone of using cigarettes.

Mostly, of the youth here in Caloocan especially in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan

had the addiction of being uncontrollable dependence on cigarettes to

the point where stopping smoking would cause severe emotional,

mental, or physical reactions and appearance.

According to World Health Organization Global tobacco Epidemic

report (2015), that 11.8 percent of Filipinos ages 13 to 15 used

tobacco. In its report, the W.H.O said higher taxes on tobacco

products should accompany anti-smoking laws. Everyone knows that

smoking is harmful and addictive, but few people realized just how

risky and addictive it is.


According to Everett (2004), in this book that every year

hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases

caused by smoking cigarettes.

In addition study of Koop (2006), there are three (3) major

conclusions about the Health consequences of involuntary smoking: 1)

voluntary smoking is a cause of disease, including Lung Cancer in

healthy non-smokers; 2) the children of parents who smoke have

more respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, than

the children of non-smokers; 3) the separation of smokers and non-

smokers may reduce, but does not eliminate the exposure of non-

smokers to environmental tobacco smoke.

Relatively, when non-smokers are exposed to Secondhand

Smoke (SHS) it is called involuntary smoking or passive smoking.

Non-smokers who breathe in SHS take in nicotine and other toxic

chemicals just like smokers do. The more SHS you are exposed to the

higher the level of these harmful chemicals in your body as cited by

America Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2012.

According to Charles (2008) that the Second hand Smoke

inhaled by non-smokers from their surroundings cause nearly 40 000

deaths from lung cancer to coronary heart disease.

Republic Act no. 9211 or Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is an Act

regulating the packaging use, sale distribution and advertisement of

Tobacco products and for other purposes. Also states that is promoted

the general welfare, to safeguard the interests of the workers and

other stakeholder in the tobacco industry.

Furthermore, Drew Hendricks (2008) also said that no matter

how much it is romanticized on television or through media (for good

or for bad), the truth falls out in the statistics: tobacco kills 20 times

more people than murder does; cigarettes contain almost 5000

different chemicals, some of which come out of vehicle exhaust pipes;

1 in every 5 pregnant woman smokes.

Thus, Adams-Campbell, Boffetta, Buring (2008) added to these

theory that the risk of dying from Lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1%

for a male smoker and 11.9% for a female current smoker, in the

absence of competing cause of death. The corresponding estimates for

lifelong non-smokers are 1.1% probability of dying from lung cancer

before age 85 for a man and 0.80% probability of a woman.

According to Kefalides and Charles (2008) that the main health

threats from smoking are cardiovascular diseases, lung disease and

cancer. Many smokers may develop difficult-to-treat breathing

disorders, such as emphysema.

Smoking-Medical evidence has established that cigar and pipe

smoking van cause cancer of the mouth and that cigarette smoking is

linked directly with lung cancer. Smoking increases the risk of the

disease of the other disease of the heart and lungs. One of the

greatest dangers of smoking is the increased risk of cancer, and

esophageal cancer (Encyclopedia Britannica 2008).

According to Weggard (2006) that the Chronic Obstructive

Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is also one of the health threats from

smoking, COPD is a collective term for a group of conditions that block

airflow and make breathing more difficult such as: chronic means long-

term. This COPD has two causes; a) emphysema-breathless caused by

damage to the air sacs (alveoli) and; b) chronic bronchitis-coughing

with a lot of mucus that continues for three months. Its estimated that

94% of 20-a-day smokers have some emphysema when the lungs are

examine after death, while more than 90% of non-smokers have little

or none. COPD typically starts between the ages of 35 and 45 when

lung function starts to decline.


This study is a significant endeavor in promoting public health

and proper law implementation of RA 9211. Hence, the knowledge of

the respondents about the dangers of smoking and the smoking law is

determined in this study. It is known that cigarettes can be purchased

in tingi-tingi or by piece. In order to have a more comprehensive view

of the extent of exposure and recall of the respondents to smoking

cessation programs, the study uses the Health Belief Model that looks

on the respondents perception, knowledge and practice toward

smoking. The HBM ( Health Belief Model) provides a framework that

relates the specific objectives of this study to each other; it provide a

possible explanation on the respondents smoking behavior.

Moreover, 10 years old and above are tobacco smokers on

smoking daily. This is a senior issue that must be given attention.

Survey results show that most are likely to start smoking during their

Elementary and High School days. Thus, this was the study of 10 years

old standby or tambay smokers. The smokers extend of exposure to

smoking cessation program and recall are the factors that can affect

the respondents behavior on smoking

Furthermore by Manongdo (2012) mentioned that Filipinos are

among the top smokers in the world occupying the ninth spot following

India and China among others, data from America cancer society and

world lung foundation revealed on Tuesday of June 28, 2012.\


This study was anchored on the theories of Encyclopedia

Britannica (2008), Kefalides and Charles (2008), and Koop (2006).

Moreover, in the addition of this study was also supported with legal

bases such as Republic Act No. 9211, City Ordinance No. 2009-042,

and Presidential Decree No. 856.

According to City Ordinance No. 2009-042 “ Maasin Anti-

Smoking Advocacy movement healthy Cities Initiates Program” states

that a smoke-free are required only prohibition of smoking, especially

in stipulated public places, no need for physical contact or body

searchers, as would be the case when a certain location is declared

tobacco-free. There should be 100% no smoking for a successful

tobacco-free area, since the cigarettes or tobacco will be taken away

prior to entry, while in a smoke-free one may still be able to smoke,

under pain of being issued a citation ticket when caught doing so.

In addition study of Presidential Decree No. 856 also known as

Code of Sanitation which states that the health of people, being of

paramount importance, all efforts of public services should be directed

towards the protection and promotion of health and there should need

for upgrading and codifying the scattered sanitary laws to ensure in

keeping modern standards of sanitation.



 Profile of the  Survey  Effect of

respondents Questionnaire Cigarette
in terms of: Smoking
1. Age
among the
2. Gender  Gathering the Tambay
Data then person.
Interpret the
 The study Gathered Data
aims to know
the Possible
Issues of a
person if they
use/ take it.


The study aims to determine the Effect of Cigarette Smoking

among the Tambay person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City.

Especially, this study aims to answer the following questions;

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the tambay person in

Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What are the possible effects of cigarette smoking among the

tambay person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City.

3. What are the Factors in terms of taking a cigarette smoking

among the tambay’s in Caloocan City


This study covered the thirty selected person in Sitio Dagat-

Dagatan, Caloocan City for having their own perception about the

Effect of Cigarette Smoking among the Stanby or tambay person. This

researcher consumed two months to complete and it started from

June-October 2019.

This study was conducted in Caloocan City. This research

question was answered by the selected person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan,

Caloocan City.



This study will use the descriptive-survey research design.

Relevant data will be gathered and analyzed. Facts will investigated

that scientific judge may be acquired and thus will provide essential

knowledge about the respondents, generally. A questionnaire and

informal interview will be administered to the respondents gathered

relevant data.


The researcher used a simple random technique which the

respondents are to chosen randomly from the areas in Sitio Dagat-

Dagatan, Caloocan City where the study located and conducted.

In this study, the researcher used a sample sampling random

technique, random questionnaire to the respondents as a proof that

the study was conducted are real through given a checklist and

observing the people answered by the following given information..


The study was conducted through research survey questionnaire

that affect the Tambay person in smoking cigarette. The research

respondents in this study are the Thirty (30) selected smokers living in

Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City.


The research will utilize a self-made questionnaire to collect data

for this study. The questionnaire will be design by the researcher and

included items from modules, unpublished research papers, thesis and

dissertations. Results of the informal survey, observation of the

researchers will be incorporated in the formulation of the


The questionnaire will consist of three parts: Part l will gather

information’s pertaining to name, age and gender. Part ll will be an

assessment, checklist that consisted of the effect of smoking cigarettes

among the tambay person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City. Part

lll will gather suggestions, recommendations and conclusion from the

smokers as the respondents regarding the effectiveness of smoking

cigarette among the tambay person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan



In Gathering Data, the research will conduct a survey to every

tambay person regarding the Effectiveness of taking cigarette in Sitio

Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City.

The researchers will personally distribute the questionnaire to

the selected person/respondents and collect it after the question has

already answered. The research will also conduct a survey to the

respondents of that area or location in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan



To determine if the question were helpful for the students,

parents, and future researcher, the researcher will use the the

percentage formula to get if the questions were really helpful through

the formula given below:

P = f/nx100


f = frequency of the response

n = number of selected respondents

p = percent (%)



The table below shows the gender and age of the respondents.

Table 1.1 Aged of the Respondents

Age Male Female Total Percentage (%)

10-17 4 0 4 13%

years old
18-25 1 3 4 13%

years old
26 years old 10 12 22 73%

and above
TOTAL 15 15 30 100%

The table above represents the age of the respondents. Based

on the table, 73% of the respondents are 26 years old and above,

then 13% of the respondents are 18 to 25 years old, and same with

the respondents 10 to 17 years old is 13%


Table 1.2 Genders of the Respondents

Sex Frequency(f) Percentage (%)

Male 15 50%

Female 15 50%

Total 30 100%

The table above represents the gender of the respondents.

Based on the table above as you shown, 15% are male, and same as

50% for female. So both male and female are equals with the choosen


Table 2.1 The Possible Effects of the Respondents when they used


Choices Counts Percentage (%)

Mood Stimulation 1 3%
Poor Vision 8 27%
Smelly Hair 0 0%
Unhealthy Teeth 5 17%
Wrinkly Skin 3 10%
Yellow Fingers 3 10%
Loss of Appetite 10 33%
Total 30 100%

As you shown the table above, it represents the percentage (%)

of the respondents that what could be the possible effects when the

used cigarettes. Based on the choices above, 33% of the respondents

answered Loss of Appetite, 27% of the respondents for Poor Vision,

then 17% for Unhealty Skin, and the remaining without of the

respondents answered wrinkly skin, same as Yellow Fingers has 10%

also, and 3% of the respondent]s for the Mood Stimulation, and no

respondents answered/checked for Smelly Hair.


Table 3.1 The Factors that Causes people use Cigarette

Choices Counts Percentage (%)

Family Problem 15 50%

Influence by Friend 8 27%

Love ones Problem 1 3%

Influence by other 6 20%


Total 30 100%

The table above represents the percentage of the Tambay

person among the Factors that causes of using cigarettes to all the

tambay. The highest frequency of the respondents has answered for

Family Problem is 50%, 27% for Influence by Friend, then 20% of the

respondents answered to Influence by other People, and 3% of the

respondents answered Love ones Problem.



The research was focused on finding what should be the best

way to the effect of the tambay person smoking cigarette, not only for

all tambay’s, but also to the smokers using cigarettes in every placed

hours and daily.

The researcher analyzed and successfully gathered data for

the following objectives;

 Smokers knowing yet about the possible effect of cigarettes

when they use it.

 Tambay person knows the factor if they continue smoking


 They know how to balance their time to smoke and to tambay

everywhere and managing their time to spend it with their


 They realized too that how much they spend money to buy

cigarette per hour a day, than to care and have more time to

their love-ones, friends, and family.

The researcher carefully analyze gather and interpret the

data gathered through observation and informal survey for the

Effectiveness of Cigarette Smoking among the Standby or Tambay

person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan, Calocan City.



Although the prevalence of regular smokers among health

professions for the selected tambay person in Sitio Dagat-Dagatan,

Caloocan City was lower than general populations, but this level is still

alarming and points at the quickly development of cigarette user, both

male and female tambay person where the study located. Programs

should aim at helping the tambay’s gain emotional control so that they

give into pressures from peers. Since adolescents learn by imitation,

older siblings and family members should be educated on the dangers

of smoking in the presence of adolescents and also about leaving

cigarettes at the disposal of adolescents.

Adolescents should be supported on ways of dealing with

stress so that they don’t turn to cigarettes. An important preventive

strategy is promoting ego development. Ego development is vital in

building self-determined health behavior.



Base on the result and findings of the research the following are


 Colleges and Universities should ban smoking in indoor locations,

including dormitories, and should consider a setting smoke-free

campus as a goal.

 Further, colleges and universities should ban the promotion of

tobacco products on campus and at all campus-sponsored events

such as policies should be monitored and evaluated by oversight

committees, such those associated with the Amerian College

Health Association.


 State health agencies, health care professionals, and other

interested organizations should undertake strong efforts to

encourage parents to make their homes and vehicles smoke




 The Pharmacological interventions to treatment of tobacco

dependence a supportive environment is needed to encourage

tobacco consumers in their attempts to quit.

 Treatment of tobacco dependence should be part of

comprehensive tobacco control policy along with measures such

as taxation and price policies, advertising restrictions,

dissemination of information and establishment of smoke-free

public places.

Future Researcher

 A national, youth-oriented media campaign should be a founded

on an ongoing basis as a permanent component of the nation’s

strategy to reduce tobacco use.

 State and community tobacco control programs should

supplement the national media campaign with coordinated

youth-prevention activities.

 The campaign should be implemented by an established public

health organization with funds provided by the tobacco industry

(voluntarily or under litigation settlement agreements or court

orders) for media development, testing, and purchases of

advertising time and space.



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Prevalence of cigarette smoking Iran, Psychol rep.2001; 89(2):339-
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Comptonsby Britannica Volume 21.copyright2008 by Encyclopedia

Britannica, Inc

ElectronicJournalpuvlishin:A reader(version 2.0, 2001),ed. By Janet

Hussein (HTML and eklsewhere)

Heuse and abuse of Tobacco, by John Lizars (HTML with commentary




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