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16 December 2016
Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer. Use the answer sheet to mark your answers.

c. Get a license to practice architecture in the Philippines as a foreign partner

1. Situation: During the summer holidays, a couple decided to have their at PRC
house repaired. They acquired the services of Architect “A” for this project. d. Get a license to practice architecture in the Philippines as a foreign partner
However, they specifically asked Architect “A” to give the Roofing Repairs to at UAP
their father who happens to be a roofing contractor. Everything went well
until the rains came. Now, the house is flooding and leaks coming 10 If Juan and his boss were to be partners in a firm in the Philippines, where
everywhere. They asked Architect “A” to make good the defects but the should their company be registered?
Architect refused. Who is liable for the damage? a. DTI only c. DTI, SEC and PRCS only
b. SEC only d. DTI and SEC only
a. Architect “A”, he should have checked the work of the Roofing contractor
b. The Roofing Contractor, he was the one who repaired the roof Situation: Juan has been working at Saudi Arabia for almost 15 years but he
c. The Couple, they were the ones who asked that their father do it feels incomplete since he was not able to take the licensure examination
d. Everybody is liable, since all of them are involved. when he was still in the Philippines. He heard that the PRBoA is going to
conduct FLEA at Jeddah. He asks his family to send his Transcript of
Situation: An Architect drew up plans for the family of Mr. Dela Cruz, the Record, Birth Certificate and Diploma.
owners went abroad, after a year, the owners returned but instructed the
architect to help them find a new lot. The task would entail the architects 11 What else does he need to be able to take the FLEA?
personal time. a. Diversified Training Logbook signed and sealed by a Filipino RLA
b. Certificate of Employment from his company showing his tenure and
2 What stage in the Architect’s service will the Architect perform? position
a. Pre-design Services c. Comprehensive Architectural Services c. Recommendation Letter form the consulate
b. Regular Design Services d. Specialized Allied Services d. Certification of Barangay

3 What will be the ideal method of compensation that the Architect should 12 After passing the FLEA, his company had a big project. He was the one
use if he is to find a new site for the project/ who made all the drawings. To whom is he liable to?
a. Percentage of Construction Cost a. to the Company c. To the Saudi Government
b. Per diem plus reimbursable expenses b. To the Philippine Government d. None
c. MDPE (Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
d. Professional Fee + Expenses reimbursable 13 After passing the FLEA, who can administer his Professional Oath?
a. Any Registered and Licensed Architect working abroad
4. what can the Architect suggest to the owners to minimize spending/ b. The Ambassador of the Philippines Embassy
a. Buy house and lot c. Wait for the time he have enough money c. The PRBoA will hold a special Oath taking Ceremony
b. Don’t dream for a house d. Go for financing c/ UAP National President

5. How much is the Architect compensated after he completed all plans and Situation: Architect A is the Principal Architect of an architectural firm.
documents for construction/ Architects B & C are Junior Partners and they are charge of the Design
a.65% c. 85% Team. However, it is still Architect A who signs and seals all the deawing.
b.75% d. 80% Recently, they hired Architects D & E, both RLA’s, to be in-charge of the
Production Team.
6 Situation: Big scale projects sometimes have a lot of phases and areas that
may require help form numerous architects and consultants per phase. A 14 What is the position of Architects D & E
concept architect does the overall concept of the project. What is his liability a. Draftsman c. Junior Partnet
on the project/ b. Junior Architect d. Architect-of-Record
a. same as the architect-on-record
b. He has no liability 15 Who is liable for the drawings under the kaw?
c. He has civil and administrative liability a. Arch. A only c. Arch. A, B & C
d. They all share the same amount of liability b. Arch. B & C d. The Company

Situation: After graduating for BS Architecture course in the Philippines, Juan 16 Who owns majority of the shares in the company?
decided to work in Singapore. He worked there for 2 years and decided to go a. Arch. A c. The Investors
back to the Philippines to take the Architecture Licensure Exam. b. Arch. B & C d. Arch. B

7 What should he do to file his requirements? Situation: Owner A hired Architect B to design his condominium located in a
a. Fill out the DTE and let his Singaporean mentor sign it for him commercial area. After Several meetins, Architect B. was able to produce a
b. His mentor should be a Filipino RLA if working abroad to qualify Schematic Design which Owner A subsequently approved. However, Owner
c. He should just take the ALE in Singapore if it was offered there A had a change of heart and decided that he doesn’t want Architect B for the
d. Have his DTE signed by another Filipino Architect in the Philippines project anymore.

Situation: Juan passed the ALE with flying color and came back to his job in 17 How much compensation is Architect B entitled?
Singapore. His boss was so impressed that he wanted to put up an a.15% of the contract Price plus 5% for Breach of Contract
architectural firm here in the Philippines. b.15% of the construction Cost
c. 5% of contract Price / 15% of Schematic Design
8 What should Juan’s boss do to practice architecture in the Philippines/ d. 10% of Construction cost
a. He should collaborate with a Filipino Firm/ Architect and be partners, to be
able to practice architecture in the Philippines 18 For helping his friend market the project, what type of compensation
b. He should register his firm and begin practicing architecture in the should Arch. Casia received?
Philippines a. Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses
c. He is not allowed to put up an architectural firm in the Philippines b. Professional Fee + Expense reimbursable
d. He could practice architecture in the Philippines anytime he wants c. Professional Fee + Expense reimbursable
d. Percentage of Construction cost
9 If Juan”s boss could put up an architectural firm in the Philippines, what
should his first move to register his business?
a. Register his company at DTI
b. Register his company at SEC
16 December 2016
Situation: A lot has a depth of 30m and a frontage of 15m facing north east. 30 What is the best way to provide for the convenience of both people in
It has a 20m RROW with 1.5m sidewalk a t both sides. The left side of the lot wheelchair and blind persons?
is a school building while at the right is an office midrise building. Located in a. Railings
the middle part of the intended façade of your project is a post. The site is till b. Tactile surfaces/blocks in the immediate vicinity of crossings
vacant and there is no water connection yet c. Brightly painted Zebra crossing
d. Light controlled corssing with pedestrian phases and audible signals
19 Where do you apply for a temporary/permanent water connection?
a. Barangay Chairman C. DPWH 31 in order to aid visually impaired persons to readily identify the men’s
b. MWSS D. OBO washroom this signage’s is use.
a. An equilateral Triangle with vertex pointing upward
b. An equilateral Triangle with vertex pointing downward
20 Who do you approach to have the post removed? c. A Circle whose diameter is 030m long
a. Meralco c. OBO d. An Oblong that is 7.5mm thick with a stick figure
b. DPWH d. NBI
32. According to BP 344, what is the comfortable clearance for knee and leg
21 What is the AMBF percentage of the site? space under tables for wheelchair users?
a. 60% c. 75% a. 060m c. 0.65m
b. 50% d. 80% b. 0.70m d. 0.75m

Situation: As per Clients request, the Architect made some revisions. Since 33. As per BP 344, what is the minimum width for a Corridor?
time is of the essence, he decided not to coordinate with the Engineering a. 1.10m c. 1.40m
consultants. After concrete pouring, he discovered that a beam is set lower b. 1. 20m d. 0.90m
than the required headroom clearance.
34 As per NBC, what is the minimum width for a Corridor?
22. What is the lesson learned? A 1.10m c. 1.40m
a. Always coordinate with consultants and project engineers b. 1.20m d. 0.90m
b. Being the Boss other Allied practitioners should adjust their design to
conform with yours 35 As per FCP, what is the minimum width of a Corridor for Apartments with
c. Make immediate adjustments on site a required capacity of MORE than 50 persons?
d. (Note: sometimes the answer is already in the situation given and you just A 0.91m c. 1.10m
need your common snese) b. 1.00m d. 1.12m

Situation: Arch. X is celebrating the 25th year anniversary of his office. He 36 What is the distance of the Building Main Entrance to the Elevator?
wants to be featured on a magazine. To lessen the amount that will be spent a. 40m c. 20m
on being published, with his consent, he allowed his friend who is a writer to b. 30m d. 50m
solicit from advertiser under his name
37 What is the minimum dimension of an elevator door width?
24 Is there anything wrong here? Is there is, what/who is wrong in this a. 0.70m c. 0.80m,
situation? b. 0.75m d. 0.85m
a. Nothing is wrong. This was done with everybody’s consent and nobody
was coerced into doing anything 38 As per BP 344, what is the minimum size of an elevator car?
b. Architect is liable a. 1.10 x 1.40m c. 1.40m x 180m
c. The Writer friend of Architect X b. 1.20m x 1.50 m d. 0.90 x 1.20m
d. The advertisers
39 What is the minimum size of an elevator shaft, considering BP 344?
25. After the magazine was issued, another Architect Y noticed that some of a. 1.10 x 1.40m c. 1.30 x 160m
his works were being claimed by Architect X in the magazine articles. b. 1.20 x 1.50m d. 1.70 x 2.00m
Architect X said that he only did it because he wanted his writer friend to get
more advertisers. Is there something wrong with this? If there is, who is NOTE: It’s NOT aong the choices bust as per OTIS specs, a 1.10m x 1.40m
liable? elevator should have a 1.74m x 1.94 m elevator shaft. For KONE elevators,
a. Nothing since Architect X is willing to settle with Architect Y the elevators shaft is 1.65m x 1.80m. Other brands recommend a larger
b Architect X is liable of fraud for claiming Architect Y’s works elevator shaft.
c both Architect X (fro fraud) and the Writer ( for not checking his source)
d. The Publisher for not checking the veracity of Architect X’s claim 40 As per BP 344, what is the minimum door opening for elevators (single
26. Where should Architect Y file a complaint a. 0.70 m c. 0.80 m
a. RTC c. Mayo’s Office b. 0.75 m d. 0.85 m
b. PRC d. NBI
41 What is the maximum distance of Elevators considering the
27 What will happen to Architect X. if found guilty? handicapped?
a. Suspension of Registry and License a. 30 m c. 40 m
b. Suspension of License b. 35 m d. 45 m
c. His name will be deleted for the list of Registered Architect
d. Revocation of his Certificate of Registration 42 What is the minimum clear width of a Door under BP 344?
a. 0.80 m c. 1.00 m
Situation: Bats Pambansa Bilang 344,etc b. 0.60 m d. 0.90 m

28 What is the least dimension of a parking slot for the disabled? 43 Distance of parking for the disabled from building entrance
a. 2.70m c. 3.70m 6.00max a. 50 m c. 80 m
b. 3.00m d. 3.85m b. 60 m d. 30 m

29 What is the minimum dimension of a WPD toilet? 45 Under BP 344, the maximum slope/gradient is
a. 1.70m c. 1.50m a.1:10 c. 1:14
b. 1.80m d. 1.60m b.1.12 d. 1:16
16 December 2016
46 As per BP 344, a ramp that leads down towards a sidewalk should be a Situation: Other Topics you should know
provided by railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than 1.80m
from the foot of the ramp. 62. Design builds by maximum cost, how much is the architect remunerated?
a.Provided by railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than a. Built in the max cost exclusive of architect’s regular fee
1.80m from the foot of the ramp. b.10% inclusive of architect’s fee
b.Equipped with curbs on one side only with a minimum height of 0.20m c.7% inclusive of architect’s fee
c.Provided by handrails on one side d. Lump sum inclusive of architect’s fee
d.Provided a 90 degree turn
63. If an Architect is hired to design a Supermarket with construction cost of
47. Preferable height of Doorknobs less than 50M pesos, how much should he/she charge as minimum basic
a. 0.82 m c. 1.00 m fee?
b. 0.90 m d. 1.06 m a.7% c. 9%
b.8% d. 10%
48 Which is NOT a recommended Doorknob height?
a. 1.06 m c. 0.90 m 64.The Architect’s fee for repetitive housing (3rd unit)
b .0.82 m d. 1.06 m a.60% c. 30%
b.40% d. 10%
49 A circle of ____ in diameter is a suitable guide in the planning of
wheelchair turning spaces. 65. When is the First Payment for an Architect?
A 1.10 m c. 1.75 m a. Upon signing of proposal
b 1.50 m d. 2.00 m b. First meeting with the client
c. After the construction
50 Under the Accessibility Code, what is the maximum height of handrail? d. After finishing all the working drawings
a. 1.06 m c. 0.90 m
b. 0.82 m d. 1.06 m 66.Given the cost of the project, how much is the VAT?
a.32% c. 12%
51 What is the preferred design for a stair considering users of crutches? b.22% d. 8%
a. Slanted Nosing c. Open Riser Stairs
b. Projected Nosing d. Right Angle Stairs 67. If the Owner wants to build a house after 1 year, how much is the fee?
a. The same 10% professional fee
52 Maximum height for a stair riser b. Additional 10% for waiting
a. 150 mm c. 250 mm c. 5% discount from the minimum
b. 200 mm d. 300 mm d. Additional 15% for patiently waiting

53 What is the minimum clear width of a hallway under BP 344? 68. What should the Architect do if the Owner makes Change Orders?
a. 0.90 m c. 1.10 m a. Check with Contractor c. Neglect Owner
b. 1.00 m d. 1.20 m b. Follow the Owner d. Shout the client

54 What general conditions of design are important for the aged? 69. If the Owner continuously make changes, what methods of compensation
a. Size, location, design c. Grab Bar should the Architect employ?
b. Height of lavatory is from the waist d. All of the above
a. Cost Method
55 What is the minimum floor area of the water closet stalls for the b. Lump Sum
handicapped? c. Percentage of Construction Cost
a. 1.70 x 1.80 m c. 1.50 x 2.25 m d. Reimbursement
b. 1.50 x 1.70 m d. 1.70 x 1.90 m
70. Percentage fee if Owner gets all Contract Documents
56 What is the height of lighting switches? a.75% c. 100%
a. 1.50 m c. 1.20 to 1.30 m b.85% d. 90%
b. 0.90 to 1.20 m d. 1.30 to 1.40
71.Who can order changes in the construction any time?
57 What is the minimum width of a door considering BP 344 only. a. Architect c. Project Manager
a. 0.80 m c. 0.70 m b. Construction Manager d. Owner
b. 0.90 m d. 1.00 m
72. How much is the Architect’s minimum basic fee for a Residential project?
58 What is Central Refuge? a. 15% c. 12%
a. It is a mid-crossing shelter c. 10% d. 20%
b .It is a place for the PWD to stay in time of calamity
c. It is a used by the PWD to rest when they are tire beside the sidewalk. 73. Mr. Juan Zubiri commissioned you for a restaurant project last year. Due
d. It a place designed for the PWD in the plaza. to the success of the restaurant, he wants you to do a 2nd restaurant using
the same design, what would be your fee?
59 When is a Central Refuge required? a.60% of basic fee c. 30% of basic fee
a. When width carriageway exceeds 10m. b.80% of basic fee d. 40% of basic fee
b. When width carriageway exceeds 15m.
c. When width carriageway exceeds 20m. 74. What among the following should the Architect’s fee NOT be based?
d. When width carriageway exceeds 25m. a. Project Construction Cost c. Client’s Profile Directory
b. Contractor’s Fee d. Market Value
60 What is the minimum depth of a Central Refuge?
a.1.0 m c. 2.0 m 75.How many % of tax should the Architect pay?
b.1.5 m d. 2.2 m a. 15% c. 12%
d.10% d. 20%
61 From BP 344, what is the maximum width of a carriageway where a
central refuge is not required? 76.An Architect makes a miniature model of the project for his own design
a.6 m c. 10 m study. Who should pay for it?
b.8 m d. 12 m a. Architect c. Contractor
b. Project Manager d. Owner
16 December 2016
77.It is the most common method of compensation which is also fair to both As a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA), you made a very good
the client and architect working Contractor ABC (the client) wanted your services as the Architect for
a. Percentage based on Project Cost c. Lump Sum their new building. All things went smoothly until the Client wanted you to
b. Professional Fee plus Expenses d. MDPE alter your plans to accommodate their additional requirements. You
implemented their revisions but the Client was not satisfied with the result.
78.After all the Contract Documents have been given to the Owner, how They requested for another set of changes to the plans but you disagreed
much is the liability from the remaining professional fee? with the proposed changes since the alterations being requested will result to
a.15% c. 5% violations with the local zoning regulations and the building code. The conflict
b.10% d. 20% eventually leads to a dispute between you and the Client.

79. What is the standard progress of payment for an Architect’s fee based on 89.1Based on the Architect’s Code of Ethical Conduct, you have a
project phase? responsibility to whom in this kind of situation?
a. 5%-10%-35%-85%-95%-100% a.Public c. Contractor
b. 5%-15%-35%-85%-95%-100% b.Owner d. Sub-contractor
c. 5%-15%-35%-90%-100%
d. 5%-15%-35%-85%-100% 90 Where should the Client go if they wanted to file a complaint against you?
a.DTI c. NBI
80. If the Owner requests for a model of the project, who pays for it? b.OBO d. PRC
a. Architect c. Contractor
b. Project Manager d. Owner 91 Who should initiate the first move to settle this dispute?
a. Engineer c. Contractor
81 Who is responsible for the compensation of a Specialized Allied b. Owner d. Architect
a. Architect c. Contractor 92 .Who is liable for a project if there is a Foreign Concept Architect hired by
b Owner d. Sub-Contractor the Owner with a Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) as an architect-
Situation. A client wanted your services for his new house with a Total a. The RLA c. The Foreign Concept Architect
Project Cost of Three Million (3,000,000.00) pesos b.The Owner d. The Contractor

82.1What is the percentage of your professional fee? 93.Is it ethical and legal, for an architect to hire employees on a per project
a.15% c. 5% basis since SSS and Medicare is not required but only group insurance and
b.10% d. 8% employees can be terminated even after 6 months?
a.Yes, because this is the way it is to earn
83 Will the percentage of your fee change if the Client decides to postpone b.No, contractual arrangement is not allowed anymore
the project for the following year? c.Yes, because contractual arrangement is allowed
a.No, the same Professional fee will be charge c. Negotiable d.No, because contractual arrangement are used in the country
b.Yes, additional waiting fee will be charge d. Free of charge
94.What shall the architect not ask from sources such as material suppliers
84 How much will you get if the Client decides to defer the start of given the fact that he already receives a professional fee from the client?
construction for a year? a. Commissions c. Brochures
a.The same b. Samples/Swatches d. Presentation of company profile
b.There will be additional charge for waiting
c. Negotiable Situation.A newspaper editor approaches an architect for an interview:
d. Free of charge
95 Is it okay to ask to be paid for the interview?
85.A Client hires an Architect to prepare the Plans and corresponding a.Yes, because it uses part of his time
Documents for his project. However, after the completion of all Plans and b.Yes, because all the people that are featured in the newspaper are paid
Documents, the Client changes his mind and decided not to implement the c.No, it is unethical to accept any amount from other means more than the
Plans for construction. How much is the Architect compensated? professional fee
a.85% c. 75% d.No, because architects are rich, and they don’t need any payment from
b.60% d. 90% them
86.A Client is very happy with the Plans his Architect made for his house. He 96. Is it ethical to endorse construction products?
decided that he will use the same Design/Plans for his son’s house. How a.Yes, because architects are using construction products
much will the Client pay the Architect for this 2nd house. b.Yes, because endorsing is not part of the regular service of an architect
a.90% c. 70% c.No, according to the code of ethics, architects cannot endorse any product.
b.80% d. 60% d.No, because architects are rich, and they don’t need any payment from
87.Who is responsible for the fee of an additional Full-time Supervisor at the
Project? 97. A client wants you to be his Architect but you found out that there is
a. Architect c. Contractor another Architect involved. What would you do?
b. Owner d. Sub-contractor a.Proceed with the deal
b.Use the design of the other architect
88 .How is the Architect compensated if the clients asked for a Feasibility c. Seek out for the first architect and ask for the permission to proceed
Study? d.Criticize the design of the first architect.
a. Percentage of Construction Cost
b. Per diem plus reimbursable expenses 98. What must the client do if he wants to build another building of the same
c. MDPE (Multiple of Direct Personnel Expenses) type?
d. Professional Fee + Expense reimbursable a. Hire the same architect
b. Use the design of the architect of the building without the knowledge of the
first architect
c. Hire a student to copy the plan and have it sign by another architect
d. Hire an engineer and use the design of the architect
16 December 2016
111 .An architect needs to show his client the entirely of the project in full 3D
and realistic form, what is the best way to do this?
99.A client wants your design to be the same with another Architect. What a.Animation c. Perspective
should you do? b.Scale Model d. Manual Drawing
a. Do not do it
b. Do what the client wants 112.In the development of new technology, 3D and computer graphics had
c. Criticize the work of the architect and persuade the client to change the been widely used. What is the benefit?
design a.More efficient and realistic c. Exciting
d. Stay calm and be happy, thank the Lord you don’t need to design just b.Cheaper d. Beautiful
113.If the Project’s budget is constrained, what means should be used to
100.You had a project for a client, a residential building. After the achieve 3D understanding of the project?
construction, you found out that the client used your design for another a.Manual Sketch c. Animation
project without your consent. What will you do? b.Scale Model d. Photographs
a. Forgive and Forget c. File a case with the PRC
b. Inform the Mayor d. File a case in Court 114.What stage of the architect’s services are site utilization and feasibility
studies? (Predesign)
A 5th year Architecture student is asked and contracted by his aunt to a.Proposal Phase c. Predesign Phase
design a 2 storey residence for her. After the student finished preparing all b.Schematic Design Phase d. Contract Document Phase
the Architectural plans, he asks his professor to sign and seal it. The
professor agrees to do it for a sum of Php 6,000. 115.When must the Architect properly locate/site a building with respect to
the Road Right-of-Way (RROW), legal easement and the like>
101 Is there anything wrong with this practice? a.Answer not among the choices
a.Yes, It is unethical b.At the Predesign and Schematic Design Phases of the work
b. It is not wrong, it is an easy money c.During Contract Documentation
c. It is not wrong; the professor is helping the student to look for a client. d.Sometime during Design Development
d. Yes, because the payment is only Php 6,000, and not professional fee.
116.When must the Architect apply the pertinent principles and techniques of
102. If yes, who is liable? orienting a building in the Philippine setting?
a. The student c. The Professor Architect a. During Contract Documentation
b. The Owner (aunt of the student) d. Nobody, because they are all b.Sometime during Design Development
right. c. At the Predesign and Schematic Design Phase of the work
d. Answer not among the choices
103 What is meant by Fabricate and Delivered to Jobsite?
a. Install c. Provide 117. When must the Architect properly locate/site a building with respect to
b. Furnish d. Attach natural and man-made hazards that may be found or proximate to the site
and like consideration?
104 .How do you Specify Pipes? a. Answer not among the choices
a. Inside diameter c. Gauge b. During Contract Documentation
b. Outside diameter d. Thickness c. Sometime during Design Development
d. At the Predesign and Schematic Design Phase of the work
105 . Which is not a qualification of a specification writer?
a. Degree and experience in construction management 118.When must the Architect properly apply the pertinent principles and
b. Contract with suppliers techniques of Tropical Design to match the hot-humid tropical environment in
c. Library or references the Philippines?
d. Degree and experience in latest construction trends and materials a. Sometime during Design Development
b. During Contract Documentation
106 It is the stage when the construction manager informs qualified bidders c. At the Predesign and Schematic Design phases of the work
of supplementary info prior to bidding. d. Answer not among the choices
a. Bid Conference
b. Contract signing 119 When must the Architect properly locate/site a building with respect to
c. Selection of Bidders the topography of a site, natural drainage characteristics of a site and the
d. Meeting with the owner. like?
a.Answer not among the choices
107 What is signed immediately when the contractor is awarded to contract? b.During Contract Documentation
a. Bank Check for payment c.At the Predesign and Schematic phase of the work
b. Service Contract d.Sometime during Design Development
c .Working Drawings
d. Specification 120. At what stage does the provisions for the Fire Code Requirement
108 The first phase for architect’s regular services a.Schematic c. Design Development
a. Proposal Phase c. Predesign Phase b.Preliminary d. Initial Conceptualization
b. Schematic Design Phase d. Contract Document Phase
121. During what stage are the provisions of BP 344 adopted?
109 Before submitting sketches to a client, what must the architect first do? a.Schematic c. Design Development
a. Sign a service agreement b.Preliminary d. Initial Conceptualization
b. Discuss about image board for presentation
c. Call for a celebration 122 During which stage are the provisions of the National Building Code
d. Call for an immediate meeting incorporated into the design?
a.Schematic c. Design Development
110.The third phase of the architect’s services b.Preliminary d. Initial Conceptualization
a.Proposal Phase c. Construction Phase
b.Schematic Design Phase d. Contract Document Phase 123.Where does Planning Services fall?
a.Regular Services c. Design and Planning Services
b.Special (Allied) Services d. Construction Services
16 December 2016
124.What Architectural Service/Phase is the part where the Architect and
Client are choosing the Contractor?
a.Contract Document Phase c. Design Development Phase
b.Construction Phase d. Bidding Phase

125.If an Architect assumes the function of going to the project site for
monitoring and supervision, what services is being provided?
a.Full-time project supervision c. Construction Management
b.Project supervision d. Project Management

126.At what stage are specifications done?

a.Proposal Phase c. Predesign Phase
b.Schematic Design Phase d. Contract Document Phase

127.After completion of contract drawings, specifications and other document

upon submission to a client, what stage is this?
a. Contract Documents Phase c. Schematic Design Phase
b. Construction Phase d. Schematic Design Phase

128.What service is performed by an architect if activities such as physical,

economical, social and infrastructure are accomplished?
a.Site Planning c. Comprehensive Planning
b.Land Use Planning d. Physical Planning

129.Where does Contract Document fall in the Architect’s Services?

a. Pre-design Services
b. Regular Design Services
c. Specialized Architectural Services
d. Post- Construction Services

130.Where does assessing the Needs of the Client fall?

a. Specialized Architectural Services c. Regular Design Services
b. Pre-design Services d. Construction Services

131. Where do Planning services fall in the Architect’s Services?

a. Pre-design Services c. Specialized Architectural Services
b. Regular Services d. Construction Services

132. For specialized allied services, what is the aesthetic designing of the
space inside the structure?
a.Construction c. Landscape Design
b.Interior Design d. Comprehensive Planning

133. For specialized allied services, what is the activity of total planning that
emcompasses social, physical and environmental factor?
a.Construction c. Landscape Design
b.Interior Design d. Comprehensive Planning

134.Under what type of service is “sound insulation treatment?”

a.Pre-design Services c. Specialized Architectural Services
b.Regular Services d. Construction Services

135.In Bidding, what is the Role of the Architect?

a.Organize the Bidding
b.Award the Project to the Contractor
c. Choose the Construction Manager
d. Chairman of PBAC (Pre-Bidding Award Committee)

136.What should be considered in the selection of the winning bid?

a.The highest commission c. The most gifts given
b.The best bid d. The lowest

137. The Architect has chosen a bidder but the Owner doesn’t approve.
What can be done?
a. Rebid c. Declare failure of bid
b.A sk the Bidder to adjust the Bid d. Offer a special discount

138.If the Owner wants to change the estimated cost after awarding to a
winning bidder due to economic basis, what should he do?
a.Change Order c. Change Architect
b.Revise scope of contract d. Change contractor

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