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5083 Marion St.

Fargo, ND 58104
December 11th, 2010

Department of English
North Dakota State University
NDSU, Dept. 2320
P.O. Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050

Dear Portfolio Assessment Readers,

My name is Chelsea Case; I am a junior at North Dakota State University. I am currently enrolled
in a Business Professional Writing course. This course has provided me with practice of
different types of business writing that I could potentially need in a professional atmosphere.
Within this course we have completed many genres. These genres include: letters, reports,
proposals, emails, and resumes. I have created an e-portfolio to display all of my work within
each of these genres. The documents displaying the different types of genres are categorized
into 4 unit sections: Unit 1- Job Applications, Unit 2- Recommendation Report, Unit 3-
Instructions, and Unit 4- Individual Project.

The Unit 1- Job Applications section contains 3 documents titled Cover Letter, Designer
Resume, and Scannable Resume. The Unit 2- Recommendation Report section contains 2
documents titled Transmittal Letter and Recommendation Report. The Unit 3- Instructions
section contains 2 documents titled Turkey and Gravy Instructions and Usability Test Report.
The Unit 4- Individual Project section contains 3 documents titled Proposal, Progress Report,
and PowerPoint.

I feel that Unit 3- Instructions section and the Unit 4- Individual Project section display my best
work. The genres were more flexible and I was able to show my personality more. I was
creative and added personal touches to the documents to enhance their quality. I enjoyed
doing both of these units and I feel that is reflected through my work. Although the Unit 1- Job
Applications section and the Unit 2- Recommendation Report show decent work, there still
could be improvements to the documents. In these 2 units I could have explained myself more,
provided more reasoning, and worked on my interpretations. To enhance my documents, I
could make these types of revisions in my Cover Letter, Turkey and Gravy Instructions, and
Recommendation Report. I could also improve on organization and sentence structure. To
improve my documents, I could make these types of revisions in my PowerPoint, Designer
Resume, and Scannable Resume.
The course objectives were to work alone, with students, address target audiences and specific
purposes, and use a variety of research tools. Each of my documents within the different units
shows that I have met at least one or more objectives. I worked alone for Unit 1 and Unit 4. I
worked with other students for Unit 2 and Unit 3. I addressed target audiences, focused on
specific purposes, and used multiple research tools for all 4 units.

The course has taught me how to effectively and efficiently communicate in a variety of
different genres. I have done this through writing documents to different target audiences for
different purposed. I have been able to put together knowledge, ideas, and research in all of my
documents. I learned about project management and the planning, implementing, unexpected
problems, and time constraints that come along with it while constructing the Instructions and
Individual Project units. I care about presenting my projects and documents in to their fullest
potential. I have gained professionalism, group work skills, patience, cooperation, leadership
skills, and dedication from this course. I enjoyed my time spent writing these documents. I
hope you will enjoy reading them.

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