Mover 2

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Name : __________________________

Level : Mover 2

Reading and Vocabulary

For number 1 to 7, read the passage below !

Two Sisters And The Cat

Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mrs. Wilson lives in a house in Duncan and
Mrs. Smith lives in a condominium in Victoria. One day Mrs. Wilson visited her sister.
When her sister answered the door, Mrs. Wilson saw tears in her eyes. "What's the
matter?" she asked. Mrs. Smith said "My cat Sammy died last night and I have no
place to bury him".

She began to cry again. Mrs. Wilson was very sad because she knew her sister loved
the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said "I can bury your cat in my garden in
Duncan and you can come and visit him sometimes." Mrs. Smith stopped crying and
the two sisters had tea together and a nice visit.

It was now five o'clock and Mrs Wilson said it was time for her to go home. She put
on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag.
Mrs Wilson took the shopping bag and walked to the bus stop. She waited a long
time for the bus so she bought a newspaper. When the bus arrived, she got on the
bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then
began to read the newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus stop, she got off the
bus and walked for about two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she had left the
shopping bag on the bus.

Glossary :
Bury = mengubur

[Story by Laurie Buchanan]

1 Where does Mrs Smith live?

a.  in a condominium in Duncan b. in a condominium in Victoria
 c. in a house in Duncan

2 Why is Mrs Smith upset?

a. because her sister came to see her cat   b. because Mrs Wilson was sad

1 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

c. because her cat died

3 What did Mrs Wilson do?

 a. take the cat with her on the bus b.  prepare dinner for her sister
 c.  put her gloves in the shopping bag
Who did Sammy the cat live with?
a. Mrs Wilson   b Mrs Smith   c. Mrs Wilson and Mrs Smith

4 What time did Mrs Wilson go home?

a. when the bus arrived   b. at 5 p.m.   c. after she walked for two minutes

5 How did Mrs Wilson go home?

a. walked for two minutes before she caught the bus   b. took a bus
c. read a newspaper on the bus

6 What did Mrs Wilson forget?

a. the newspaper   b. her handbag   c. the shopping bag

7 What did she read on the bus ?

a. a handbag b. under her feet c. a newspaper

For number 8 to 15 , cross (X) on the right answer !

8 Larry went to ____________ last year

a. take a tour b. an amusement park

c. watch musical d. visit a museum

He has ______________ he must eat something bad

a. fever b. stomach-ache

c. sore eye d. cold

10 I ________________ last holiday

a. took a horse b. Fed a horse

c. rode a horse d. bought a horse

2 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

11 Andy : "Dad , this bag is too __________ I can't carry it
Dad : "OK , let me help you. You carry this small bag "
The correct word to fill the blank is ……….
a. light b. heavy c. small c. tiny

12 What's wrong with Brian ? He has a …………

a. Fever b. Runny nose c. Cough

13 The train _______________ at 9.30

a. Opens b. closes c. arrives

14 What time does the café………?

a. leave c. close

b. arrives d. 09ens

15 How long does it take to get there ?

a. it opens at 9 a.m. b. it takes about two hours c. It leaves at 8 a.m.

For number 16 to 20, fill the blank with your own word !

I don't like being sick. When I am sick , I have to _________________(16) at home I can't __________

(17) outside and _______________ (18) with my friends. When I have a cold, my mom says I should

get some __________ (19). So I have to stay in bed. She also says I should ______________ (20)

lots of liquids.

For number 21 to 25, cross on the right answer

21 You travel on water when you do this. You do it in the sea or the ocean
a. swimming b. fishing c. sail in a boat

22 You do this on the beach with a lot of sand and use hand
a. explore the cave b. build a sandcastle c. feed the animal

3 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

23 You often stay in bed when you have it. Your head feel hot, but sometimes feel cold
a. stomach-ache b. earache c. fever

24 This animal is very beautiful. It's hairy and it has orange and black stripes . It's bigger and heavier
than a cat.
a. Tiger b. giraffe c. cheetah
25 You can do this when you feel sick and want some medicine.
a. go to the pharmacy b. go to the doctor c. go to the beach

Fill in the blank with the words below !

sheep lunch bought close hid look for zoo surprised


Last weekend was my birthday. My parents took my sister and me to the forest farm.

Forest farm is a kind of (26) _____________ where you can see and play with a lot of animals

You can watch dogs that work with animal like (27)___ ____________and goats. I helped the

grown up to give the chicken their breakfast. My sister took a lot of photos of all the animals

We had (28)________________ in the farm. I ate my favourite cheese and tomato sandwiches

and my sister was happy because Mum(29) _______________ her sausages and fries. That

afternoon my dad told me to (30) _________________ my eyes. He took me downstairs to

the cafe basement. "Open your eyes," he said. I opened them and saw all my friends.

I was very (31) _____________________. We had a birthday party at the farm. It was a very

exciting day.

Choose the answer from the words below

soup whale elephant bat a shoulder a stomach milk coffee summer

32 You can eat this from a bowl. Sometime there are vegetable in it

33 This is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the sea

34 This is a part of your body. All your food and drink goes here first

35 This big animal lives in hot countries and eats leaves and grass

36 This is between your neck and your arm

4 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

38 Mothers gives this white drink to their babies

39 This animal lives in a cave , they fly at night and eat fruit

40 It's hot and sunny from June until August

5 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

an't __________

m says I should

6 Reading Tesst final exam 2019

and heavier

a lot of animals

ts. I helped the

all the animals

mato sandwiches

nd fries. That

downstairs to

. It was a very

7 Reading Tesst final exam 2019


Name : __________________________________
Level : Mover 2

Witing Test
For number 1 to 10 Cross (X) on the right answer

1 What time does the ferry …………………..?

a. leaves b. arrives c. leave

2 it _______________ at 9 a.m.
a. leave b. leaves c. left

3 Where did you______________ last weekend ?

a. goes b. go c. went

4 I ________________ at home last weekend

a. stay b. stayed c. stays

5 How _____________ the cave ?

a. are b. were c. was

6 It __________ scarry
a. are b. were c. was

7 How was your last trip there ?

a. It was exciting b. It is hot c. we made a campfire

8 What did you do ?

a. we watch a musical b. we visited a museum c. We are explore the cave

9 Will you go swimming?

a. No, the pool closes at 10 p.m. b. No, I didn't. I saw some animals
c. No, I won't. I will go to the aquarium

10 What time does the train arrive ?

a. it arrives at 7 p.m. b. it leaves at 10.45 p.m. c. It takes about 30 minutes

Writing test final exam 2019


Answer the question below with good sentences !

11 What day do you go to English Course ?

12 Where did you spend your holiday ?

13 What time did you go to bed last night ?

14 How do you usually go to to school ?

15 Why were you absent yesterday ?

16 Jane : Would you like to come to my house ?

Peter: A. Yes, I want home quickly B. No, thanks I want to go home
C. Well, I like my house a lot

17 Jane : Have you got a coat ?

Peter: A. Yes, it does B. Ok, he's here C. No, I haven't

18 Jane : Do you want a drink of water ?

Peter: A. Yes, please B. Yes, it is C. Yes, I had

19 Jane : Should I walk home with you ?

Peter: A. He can walk here B. I'd like that, thanks
C. I can go with her this evening

20 Jane : Is your mum at home ?

Peter: A. It's his new home B. Next to the bus station

Writing test final exam 2019


C. Only my dad's there today

21 The family had a holiday by _____________________________

22 It ________________________ all day on Wednesday and the family went to the cinema.

23 Paul didn't enjoy seeing _____________________________ in the film

Writing test final exam 2019


24 Sam and Vicky _______________________in the sea

25 Paul didn't want the ice cream that his _________________________gave him

26 Dad wanted to go for __________________________ with Paul

Make the story from the picture

1 2 3 4





Writing test final exam 2019



Writing test final exam 2019


Name : ___________________________
Level : Mover 2

Listening Test
Recording 3

1. Where does the announcement take place?

A. at a baseball stadium
B. at a department store
C. at an amusement park

2. What is the boy's name?

A. Marshall
B. Matthew
C. Michael

3. How old is the boy?

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6

4. What is the boy wearing?

A. a solid white baseball cap
B. black and white pants
C. a blue and white sweat shirt

5. Where is the boy now?

A. He is at the information desk waiting for his mom.
B. He is waiting in the sporting goods section.
C. He is at the cashier where you pay for goods

Recording 4

6. When is the picnic?

A. on Thursday
B. on Friday
C. on Saturday
D. on Sunday

Listening test final exam 2019


7. Where is the picnic being held?

A. at a park
B. at the beach
C. at Dave's house
D. by a river

8. How many packages of hot dogs do they decide to buy?

A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine

9. Why has Kathy been so busy lately?

A. She has been working a lot recently.
B. She has been taking care of her sick mother.
C. She has been taking two night classes.
D. She has been looking for a new job.

10. What does Dave suggest Scott make for the picnic dessert?
A. cherry pie
B. chocolate cake
C. oatmeal cookies
D. fudge brownies

Recording 5

11. What is the boy's name?

A. Matthew
B. Michael
C. Mitchell

12. How old is the boy turning in the conversation?

A. seven
B. eight
C. nine

13. What does he want to do first?

A. play outdoor games
B. open presents
C. eat cake and ice cream

14. Which statement is true about the game at the party?

A. You have to catch a large ball without dropping it.
B. You need to chase children around and touch them.
C. You need to hide somewhere so no one can find you.

Listening test final exam 2019


15. Who is coming to the party?

A. aunts, grandparents, and cousins
B. grandparents, cousins, and uncles
C. friends, cousins, and grandparents

Listening test final exam 2019



Listening test final exam 2019

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