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ONE Bank Ltd.
Corporate Head Quarter
ill(u llllaUAll,
' :-r- 46 Kawran Bazar Cotntne rcial Area,Dhaka 1215,

,, @
Ea ng la deslt

_-'' Tclr 880 78122046, Fax: 880 29134'194

S.,vi lt/ bic: ON 0B BDDI-1
Bank Code: 6200000, 620000 I

Ashuganj Power Statiorr Company l-irnited,

B rahmanbaria,

Dalc: May 16. 20 I2.

I)crfornri;nce Cuarantce No. 0462012 datcd I6.05.2012 for IURO15,925,000/-

(Fiftccn Million Ninc Lltrntlrc4 and Trvenfv-Five Thousrnd EURO)

Wc havc been inforrned that lhc Consorliutn of lnelect:a Intemational AB and TSK Electronica y
Electrioidad S.A. (hereinafter called, the 'contractor') has entered into notification ol Award No.
APSCL/MD/Project-450 MW (South)/20121619, Dated 25,/03/20 l2 with .you, lor the execution of
"Construction of Ashuganj 450 MW Cornbined Cycle Pcwer Plant (south) on turnkey basis, tender
invitation no. APSCL/MD/Project-450tnw(soLith)/201i,808, Dated 25l03DA12 (hereinafter called, the
'cortl rac t').

,, li} liurtitcrnlore, rve undcrstand that, according to titc conditicls of tlre contract, a perforrnarrce guarantee is
t- rcqu ired.

At tlre Lequest of the contractor, we ONE Bank Ltd,, Kawran Bazal Branch, HRC Bhaban, 46 Karvran
Bazar C/A, Dhaka, hcreby irrevocably un(lertake, as 0f the effective date as defined under the contract, to
pay yOU itny surn or srlns not cxceeding in to{al an arroLlnt of 8URO15,925,000/- (Fiftcen Million Ninc
t'lunrllcrl flnd Ttventy-five'l-ltorrsand EURO) stich stttn being payable in the types and proporlions of
currencics in which the conliact. pricc is payable upon receipt iry us ol your tlrst denrand'in writing
accomparriccl by a written sratelrlent staling that the contractor
contracl, rvithoul your needing topr'rve or to sllow grounds for your

Contd. to Page No. 02

nici. nriir.'' rlahnl1 NBff"l0rxF'fi,sfl3

BTii[:?,{lll,i aNE
E thk

xawren 8olCi Brroch. Ohaka'

?i- 152
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D,.= - -

PrrtrbrnaneeC:sarenteeN*. *4640!l dai:d l5.l5 l.ll i- - !','P.C15,935,030,/-

(Filteen lVlillion Nine Hundredand Twentv-Fire Thous.:cJ EURO)
'l-his guarantee
shall not be rvithdrawn by the ccirr' :::: - - : : -e effective date as defini:d ilt the cont!"act

This guarantee shall expire no later tlran the earli:i- ci'

(a) Twenty Four (24) months alter our rcceipt oi:

(i) A copy of the completion certificate. or

(ii) Aregisteredletterfrornlheconlract0r,ai:l:''::,:::l, of thenoticetotheprojectdirectorthalhe

lacilities are ready forcomrnissioning, ard s:::::: :::i iourteen days have elapsed lrorn receipt of
lras failed to issue a cornpletion iertifica:e :r ::i:::: il:s contractor in writing ofany defccts or
drrfiaioncies or

(iii) A registered letter frornthe contractor staii:3 :::: :c completion cettificate has been issued bgt the
crnployer is rnaking use olthe lacilities. or

(b)Tlre 30'h Day of January,20t?, this guarantee inal ce ertc;ded from tirne to time to such cjate or dates
as nray be necessary to ensure arrd complcte perfonr:n:es of thc contract.
w Conseqtre-ntly, any dcurand for payrnent under ihis guan:ree must be receivcd by us at
bclorc tlral date.

1-his guarantec is srrbject lo thc unilornr rules lor denranJ -{lrranrees, ICC PLrbiication No. 758, except.that
subparagraph (ii) oisub-article 20(a) is hereby excluCec,

FoTONE Bank Ltd. Kawran Bazar Branch, Dhaka

Arth{rizpd Sign{turc AflForized Signatu're

li1cl. Arrf trr [i''hman Noor Mol'rarnrned
d: :,,:rjrr.t Vi. ,r l 'r(.-.'rl{lnt
'1,. Senior Vice President &
s p:.7 1-1 11,,t ,
' t". ".-t_l{ Manao€r
'rlif ii -_*-*-T'i7i?E6
OFIE? Aank
.:, I .'-.1
Kalvra,! Bazar Branch. Ohaka.
?d- t62

nn?] t)
0NE Barrk Lrd.
Corporate l-lead Quarter
!-lQn U.r(rUsll,
46 Karvran Bazar Corrrmercial Area,Dlraka I 2 i _(,
@/ Bangladcsh
'lcl:880 28 1122046, Fax: 880 Zq n4794
SrvilV bic: ONEBBDDH
Bank Code: 6200000, 620000t

Ashuganj Power Station Company Limited,

A shrrganj,

Datc: May 16,20lr2.

Pcrforma ncc C ua rantce No. 04g/20 I 2 dated I 6. 05,2 0 I 2 for USD7,g94,000/-

wc havc bcen irrlornrcd thal lhe consortiL;r.'r of lnele;u-a lnlernational

lilcctricitlad s'A. (hcrcinaflcr callcd, tlre'co.l;ac:c:) iras AB and rsK Electronica v
entercd into notii.irio;';i;i,u-,.jllJ
AI'SCl'/MD/ProJcct-450 MW (SoLIth)/2012i619. D:rcj
25;0il2ijii ,''rii, ,",,. -,. rlre execurion of
,.::l:lill:,:"1 :r-l:f,lglpJ50 MW Combin.a cyl:, i,o,,;;'pr;;,
rnvrlalr0n no' APSCLIMD/Project-450rnw(south)i2C i I ir",],,,i,1" rurnkcy basis. tender
SCB, Dated zs)Oztzoii (hereinafter
'conlrac:l'). called, the
Funhcnnorc, we understand that' according to the corci:ions
olrhe contract, a perforrnancc gLrarantee is

At lhelequesl of the contractor, we. oNE Bank Lrd., Karvran Bazar Branch, HRC
Bazar clh, Dhaka, hcrebv irrevocably undedake, as Bhaban,46 Kawran
ot rhe elflective
pay y'u any sunl 0r surlrs not exceedirlg in rotar an
;.r;;;;;;;; under rhe conrract, ro
Hundrcd Ninerv Four Thousanr, USb) sucir t,,*
or usoz,ala,oooi_ rs.r.n Miilion Eight

cttrrcncics in which tlle contract price is piryrblc upor'r ii,'i,-"ilp., uno proporrions of
receipl by us ol yorrr first rjemand
accornpanied by a written state'ncnt stating trrat rhe
in writirru
is in urcactr'or its obrigation(s)
collll'cl' witlrout your nccdilrgto prove or to shorv grounds
rr:y"i,r a.,ro,,,l'o"r',t,jr,,,, specified under thI

Contd. to page No. 02

N4cJ. Arifrlr tlahman

n 1jrsl.1nl Vir:p irrosidonl NE3J.l{E}a,fi.*r;i
l.Ir,1il [t)
FA.1 B3
5eP/' I

nnl t)
<I<ETICEAI r{-s<rr<


Plge 1c.02
w l)erforrnance G uara ntcc No. 01gD 0 r 2 da tcd l 6.05. r rr I 2 ro r USD7,g94,000/-

rhis guarantee shall not be withdrawn by the cc::.::::i-

-i;il the eflecrivc datc as defined in rhe con{ract
'l'his guarantce shall
cxpire no latcr than the ca:i:: ;.:
(a)'fwenry Four (24) months aller our
receipt or.:

(i) A copy of the completion cerliflcare, cr-

(ii) Aregisteredlefterfrorntheconlractor,alti'-'rinaacopyolthenoticetotheprojectdirectorthatthe
laciriries arc ready for corrrrnissio,irig. *:,.i s:ar;'ng
rirat'tburi;;, ;;;;;;;;"etupr.6 rrom
such notice (or seven days rrave erapied reccipl of
ii rirc rc.i.-e ,,.., ;;;;r,;'dlriirri^r.t
{he proje* direcror
a cornplction cerlirlcate oi. ,;-:'cr:r
rhe conrracror i; ;;iri.s orany
i$.i:lf[f ;:suc defecb or

(rt,)*;::;::1:'jJ:HJTI rh* ro comprerion cerrincate

*:::l::tf:;ra:ing has bcen iss,ed but rhe

(b) Tlrc 30'r'Day of January, 2017.

this guararltcc rr-ra,r,gg s11311d_sd fi.onr
tirne to Iirne [o suc, datc or
r(, a.s nray be necgssary to cnsllre
and complere perfor,*n..s oIthe

denrand hr pavrnenr under this

suar-aniee nrusr be receivcd by us at rrris
fJ,iilrlililill;.1nv office on or

liil;flt',ii:il;:'i?,T]#,li:;iiflT;:l:;j"l:il:::s,,ara,rees, rcc prbricarion

No.758, excepr rhat

FoTONE Bank Ltd. Kawran Bazar

Branch, Dhaka

I u tblo riirp( S ig n
rld. AiifUr tt:rhrniln
ai u re @).|,r^t
Auurorizcd Signaturc
l I


l,r- nfi') B L")

Page No. 02
Pcrforms nce C rantec No. 04712012 dated I 6.05.2
t8*' ua
0 t.2 B D.1., I 97,057,800/- (Ba
; .for
fhotrsanrl 0ioht Hrrrrrlrod nn"rr
: slrarr ilor be v;irricraivn by rl:; :.:: r,:- : .:;iij ihe eiiedive
lH::l:rrm crate as defined in rhe

This'guarantee shall expire no later than

the earliei ::: i
(a) -lwcnty Four (24) months
al"ter our rcceipr oi:
(i) A copy of rhc cornplctiorr ccr.{illc;r:c. or i
(ii) A regisrercd letter rrom rhe contracror, ::1:-::r;:,3 a.copy
ofthe notice to the project director
g rn'1 r"''rl" dov, hav.
u'. a
[T,'J[.fi$:,il: ft". [: ::,lx] I ;:1,:= srat i n
aps ed e r

na rrre rJleci J il;::',;:'ff, ;?

a p
il ff i: :::::J:;:i fJ,lifif: ff ]J#fi :,:#.*:]
in rvriting of any delects or deficiencies,
(iii) A registered letter lrom the contracror
srar;ng rhat no compreliorr
but the enrployer is making use of the certificate has been issued
(b) Tlrc 30'r'Day olJanuarv' 2017'
\rril this guarantee may bc extended
(ratcs ils rnay bc necessary rrorn tirne to tinle to sucrr
to enstrre and.o,rpi.i3 p-.rrbr,ron.., date or
of rhe contracr,
dcnrancr ror pavmenr Lrndcr rhis
f.T::iil:llliJnv siraranree musr be received bv us
ar this otlrce on or

I:,,,,fi1:ruffii:ifi;1,',",,'l;iJlfffi;il;3;lTi,ijutXi*,,.*, rcc pubricarion

No,758, excepr

For ONE Bank Ltd. Kawran Bazar

Branch, Dhaka

Author.izcd Slgrrttr*
hlgor Mohamrnod
SOnlor VICO Progld6nt &
-- -:g::=I:Muntgtt
Kswron Aazar B(!nch. Dh.k.-

Pn- t 5&

nn, ll (t)
ONE, Bank Ltd.
Clorporate I-lead Quarter
liRC Bhaban,
46 Karvran Bazar Cotnrnercial Area,Dhaka
\r*, Barrgladcsh
Tcl: 880 28172046, Fax: 880 29lr34794
Srvili/ bic: ONEBBDDiI
Ilank Codc: 6200000, 620000 I

Aslruganj Power Sta(ion Cornpany t,irnitcd,

lJang lad csh

Datc: May 16,20 12.

Pcrformancc Guarantce No.04712012 dated 16.05.20r2 for 8DT.197,057,g00/- (Bangladcsh

Tnka One Huntlrcd Ninetv Sevon Million Fifrw Thn,,"^-,.1 Di^L. u..-r..^r nn6\

Wc ltave been irtlorrned that the Consortiurn oi'Ir:electra lnternational AB

and TSK Eleetronica y
Elcctricidad S.A. (hereinalter called, the 'coniractor) has entered into notification
ol Award No.
APSCL/MD/Project-450 MW (South)/20121619, Daiec 25/03/zol2 wirh you,
"Corrslruction of Ashuganj 450 MW Cornbined Cycle-p-o-wer plant
for rhc cxecution of
(sourh) * iurnf..y basis, render
irtvitation no' APSCUMDiProject-zl50rrrw(south)/2'cl),r808, Datcd 25/03/2012
(hereinafier called, the
'co n lracl').
we unde|stand that, according ro ihe condirions of rhe conrracr,
a pcrrrormance guaranree

At the reqrrest olthe colilmcror, we oNE Bank Ltd,, Ka.wrarr Bazar Branch,
HRC Bhaban,46 Karvran
flazar clA, Dhaka, hereby irrevocabry underrake, as orrhe erfecrive
d.r; il;;;;irrJ., ir,l- ;rur"i,
to pay yoLr ally sum or surTls not exceeding in tota! an amount
of BDT.l97,0ar,gool- 1on. Hunrtred
Ninety Seven Million Fifty Scvcn Thousand Eight Hundrecl
BDT) sLrcrisurn" payable in rhc
rypes and proportious ofcurrencies in which the conrract pri..
i, pafaLtc rion'r...ip, by trs ofyour
lirst dcrnand in writing accompanied by a wriften slatenrent
stating that the contractor is in breach
its obligation(s) under the contlact, witlrout your needing of
to prove or to show grounds for your
or thc sLrnt spccified therein. demancl

Contd. to Page No. 02

l,1rl. Ari ir rr'Rnhrnnn /r]

/\,,: I llri \.'r, r-f'Iflrdtjnl Noor Moharnrnod&
Senior Vico Prosldont
> nl f;, l:.1:;> | | l' Managor
l.lIlllll) J'

PA- 831

.Pr- 157

.ir+ nRr) (J

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