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Symptoms Cold (viral) < 1 week Flu (viral) >week gradually improve over

two to five days

If > week Sinusitis or
Begin with a sore throat, Flu symptoms are usually more severe than
which usually goes away cold symptoms and come on quickly: sore
after a day or two. throat, fever, headache, muscle aches and
soreness, congestion, and cough
First 3 days that you have
cold symptoms, you are common complication of the flu is pneumonia,
shortness of breath\
Nasal symptoms, runny
Sign of pneumonia is fever that comes back
nose, and congestion
after having been gone for a day or two
follow, along with a cough
by the fourth and fifth days Body and muscle aches are also more
common with the flu
Watery nasal secretions
become thicker and darker Flu symptoms often mimic cold symptoms with
Dark mucus is natural does nasal congestion, cough, aches, and malaise.
NOT mean bacterial But a common cold rarely has symptoms of
infection, such as a sinus fever above 101 degrees

Fever Sometimes, usually mild Usual; higher (100-102 F; occasionally

higher, especially in young children); lasts
3 to 4 days

Headache Occasionally Common

General Aches, Slight Usual; often severe


Fatigue, Sometimes Usual; can last 2 to 3 weeks


Extreme Never Usual; at the beginning of the illness


Stuffy Nose Common Sometimes

Sneezing Usual Sometimes

Sore Throat Common Sometimes

Chest Mild to moderate; Common; can become severe
Discomfort, hacking cough

Complications Sinus congestion; Sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infection,

middle ear infection pneumonia; can be life-threatening

Prevention Wash hands often; avoid Wash hands often; avoid close contact with
close contact with anyone who has flu symptoms; get the
anyone with a cold annual flu vaccine

Treatment Decongestants; pain Decongestants, pain relievers, or fever

reliever/fever reducer reducers are available over the counter;
medicines over-the-counter cough and cold medicines
should not be given to young children;
prescription antiviral drugs for flu may be
given in some cases; call your doctor for
more information about treatment.

0 degrees Celsius is equal to 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit:

0 °C = 32 °F
The temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C)
times 9/5 plus 32:

T(°F) = T(°C) × 9/5 + 32
Convert 20 degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit:

T(°F) = 20°C × 9/5 + 32 = 68 °F

Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table
Celsius (°C) Description

-273.15 °C -459.67 °F absolute zero temperature

-50 °C -58.0 °F  

-40 °C -40.0 °F  

-30 °C -22.0 °F  

-20 °C -4.0 °F  

-10 °C 14.0 °F  

Celsius (°C) Description

-9 °C 15.8 °F  

-8 °C 17.6 °F  

-7 °C 19.4 °F  

-6 °C 21.2 °F  

-5 °C 23.0 °F  

-4 °C 24.8 °F  

-3 °C 26.6 °F  

-2 °C 28.4 °F  

-1 °C 30.2 °F  

0 °C 32.0 °F freezing/melting point of water

1 °C 33.8 °F  

2 °C 35.6 °F  

3 °C 37.4 °F  

4 °C 39.2 °F   800 °C 1472.0 °F  

5 °C 41.0 °F   900 °C 1652.0 °F  

6 °C 42.8 °F   1000 °C 1832.0 °F  

7 °C 44.6 °F  

8 °C 46.4 °F  

9 °C 48.2 °F  

10 °C 50.0 °F  

20 °C 68.0 °F  

21 °C 69.8 °F room temperature

30 °C 86.0 °F  

37 °C 98.6 °F average body temperature

40 °C 104.0 °F  

Celsius (°C) Description

50 °C 122.0 °F  

60 °C 140.0 °F  

70 °C 158.0 °F  

80 °C 176.0 °F  

90 °C 194.0 °F  

100 °C 212.0 °F boiling point of water

200 °C 392.0 °F  

300 °C 572.0 °F  

400 °C 752.0 °F  

500 °C 932.0 °F  

600 °C 1112.0 °F  

700 °C 1292.0 °F  

0 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to -17.77778 degrees Celsius:

0 °F = -17.77778 °C
The temperature T in degrees Celsius (°C) is equal to the temperature T in degrees Fahrenheit
(°F) minus 32, times 5/9:
T(°C) = (T(°F) - 32) × 5/9
Convert 68 degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius:
T(°C) = (68°F - 32) × 5/9 = 20 °C
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion table
Celsius (°C) Description

-459.67 °F -273.15 °C absolute zero temperature

-50 °F -45.56 °C  

-40 °F -40.00 °C  

-30 °F -34.44 °C  

Celsius (°C) Description

-20 °F -28.89 °C  

-10 °F -23.33 °C  

0 °F -17.78 °C  

10 °F -12.22 °C  

20 °F -6.67 °C  

30 °F -1.11 °C  

32 °F 0 °C freezing/melting point of water

40 °F 4.44 °C  

50 °F 10.00 °C  

60 °F 15.56 °C  

70 °F 21.11 °C room temperature

80 °F 26.67 °C  

90 °F 32.22 °C  

98.6 °F 37 °C average body temperature

100 °F 37.78 °C  

110 °F 43.33 °C  

120 °F 48.89 °C  

130 °F 54.44 °C  

140 °F 60.00 °C  

150 °F 65.56 °C  

160 °F 71.11 °C  

170 °F 76.67 °C  

Celsius (°C) Description

180 °F 82.22 °C  

190 °F 87.78 °C  

200 °F 93.33 °C  

212 °F 100 °C boiling point of water

300 °F 148.89 °C  

400 °F 204.44 °C  

500 °F 260.00 °C  

600 °F 315.56 °C  

700 °F 371.11 °C  

800 °F 426.67 °C  

900 °F 482.22 °C  

537.78 °C
1000 °F

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