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Division Memo No.2 Hes. of 2020 To : OIC-Office of the Assistant Schools Di Chief-Curriculum Implementation Division Chief-Schools Governance and Operations Division Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads SUBJECT _ : Revised Unified Calendar of Activities for the First Semester of CY 2020 DATE : January 9, 2020 1. This has reference to Unnumbered Regional Memorandum dated December 27, 2019 signed by Evelyn R. Fetalvero, CESO V, Assistant Regional Director, OIC - Office of the Regional Director, Regional Office XI, which enjoins all personnel from the Schools Division Offices and schools both public and private to observe the herein Revised Unified Calendar of Activities for the First Semester of CY 2020. 2. It is reiterated that scheduling of all Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) and curricular and extra-curricular activities be aligned with the above schedule to ensure participation of all concerned personnel and attendees in the said events. 3. For your information, guidance and compliance. REYNANTE A. SOLIPARIO, Ed.D, CESO VI Assistant Schools Djvision Superintendent OIC — Schools DWision Superintendent Dring JAH 10 2029 1)| Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION XI Davao City Aidees: Torres. Baro City (4000) Email region! 1p ga ph Canoe Teer bere (2) 291 SS1O82) 216187 bie daa MEMORANDUM To 2 OIC - Assistant Regional Director Schools Division Superintendents School Heads, Public and Private Chiefs, Functional Divisions Re 2 REVISED UNIFIED CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER OF CY 2020 Date December 27, 2019 In pursuance to ensuring synchronization of the conduct of programs, projects and activities (PPAs) and forestalling overlapping of activities, this Office enjoins all personnel from the Regional Office, Schools Division Offices (SDOs) and schools both public and private to observe the herein Revised Unified Calendar of Activities for the First Semester of Calendar Year 2020 It is reiterated that scheduling of all Regional and Division PPAs and curricular and extra-curricular activities be aligned with the above schedule for efficient, effective and timely implementation and active participation of concerned attendees, Immediate dissemination and compliance with this Memorandum is earnestly desired, EVELYN R. FETALVERO, CESO IV Assistant Regional Director Officer—In-Charge 4 Office of the Regional Director ot hee oe yh IW_ Nie a Ey. HOF Empowerment Adaptability Goal-ortented Leadership Excellence Beeeetniy sens (@) rare” oS) : > mie AB Daf penty ay 15, 2019 REVISED UNIFIED CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FIRST SEMESTER OF CY 2020 Mouth Activity Concerned Offices November as 7 30___| Bonifacio Day (regular holiday) All December _ 6 | NEDA XI— Presentation of the Last Mite School and RO O12 RO. _ 12-14 | Capacity Building of Regional and Division Personnel and | RO and SDO | ICT Experts on Internal Audit, Complete Staff Work and | Open Educational Resources| 15 | Start of Christmas Break Schools 16. RO & S00 — Panabe City 16-20 | Training of Tournament Managers, Technical Officials, | RO and SD0s Coaches and Division Sports Officers at the Davao del Norte Sports Academy and Davao del Norte Sports and Tourism Center 17 | 4® Quarter Conference of SGOD’ CID Chiefs and Privaie | RO-GAD Schoo! Coordinators at the Waling-Waling Hall, DepED ROXI os __18__ | Year End Conference of DACS 8-19 | School Based Management Validation p 18-20 RO and $00 19-20 RO and SOO 24 25 23 RO. 27 RO and 800 Fi 30__| Rizal Day (regular holiday) - Flag Raising Ceremony RO and $00 31__| Last Day of the Year (Special non-working holiday) Al January 1 All © 3 ‘Tumover DavOr to DavOec at Division Office at | pm Resumption of Classes “Tumover Tagum City to DavSur within Digos C Leadership Training on PPSH and PPS ‘3’ Quarter Examinations Pakighinabi — Coraval C Pakighinabi- Davao Oriental RO and SDO — Davao Oriental RPMS-PPST Training on 12 Modules HRDD i ‘SBM Validation Training Pakighinabi Davao del Norte RO and 500 ~ Davao del Norte 16 RO and $00. | 7 [RO and sbo- IGaCoS I Distribution of Cards (2 Parent-Teacher Conference) | Schools Pakighinabi ~ Davao Occidental RO and SOO ~ Davao _ Occidental __| Pakighinabi ~ Digos City - = RO and SDO — Digos City Pakighinabi ~ Davao del Sur = RO and SO — Davao de! Sur ‘Chinese Lunar New Year's Day (Special Non-working All | Holiday) - Z oe | ‘National ManCom at Region | _ Page regis Ci _ Je SBM Summit Deworming of School Children - Schools SPGISSG Election (i*to 2 Week) NSPCNFOT ~ RO, S00 Qualifiers 'EDSA People Power Anniversary (Observance upon all proclamation from Malacanang) nal be Davao Regional Athietic Association Meet in Montevista, | RO, 00, Schools Comval | 4 Quarter Examinations (Final Examinations for Grade 6 | Schools and 12) - ath ae 4® Quarter Examinations (Final Examinations for Grade 1- | Schools 587-11) _— — "End ofthe School Year Schools Last Day of Classes _ aie ‘Schools 1 Distribution of Cards (Parent- Teacher Conference) ‘Schools ing Kagitingan (regular holiday) i All - _| Maundy-Thursday (regular holiday) a . ‘Good Friday : fal [Star of Summer Classes Tabor Day Gegutar bald ~ ai Brigada Eskwela - ‘RO, DO, Schools aL) Oplan Balik Skwela 7 RO, 00, Schools - End of Summer Classes Recommending Approval : MARIA INES C. ASUNCION, CESO V OIC~ Assistant Regional Director APPROVED 'YN R. FETALVERO, CESO IV OIC ~ Regional Dicector VE!

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