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8&E PHILOSOPHY HSSC-II SECTION — A (Marks 20) Time allowed: 25 Minutes [Wersion Number [43 [4 [4 Note: Section - A Is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the separately provided OMR Answer Sheet which should be completed In the first 25 minutes and handed over to the Centre Superintendent. Deletingloverwriting is not allowed. Do not use lead pencil. Q.1 Choose the correct answer A/B/C /D by filling the relevant bubble for each question on the OMR. Answer Sheet according to the instructions given there, Each part carries one mark. 1) Which subject deals with the art of reasoning? A Bthics B. Aesthetics =. Logic D. Epistemology 2) Who wrote “Arganon"? A Plato B. Aristotle Kant D. Descartes 3) Who sald “Logic is a key to Metaphysics’? A. Liebnitze = B.C escartes «© C. = Zeno. D. —-Hegal 4) Who wrote “Principia Mathematica"? A Zeno and Parmanides B. Russel and Whitehead ©. Plato and Aristotle D. Descartes and Spinoza 5) The word "Logic" is derived from: A Greek language B. Latin Language ©. Arabic language D. Persian language 6) Universal affirmative proposition is represented by: AA BOE Gea Daten. 7) Particular negative proposition is represented by: AA BOE HaeeeaI DO 8) Which terms are distributed in “E” proposition? A Subject only B. Predicate only ©. Subject and predicate D. _Nelther subject nor predicate 9) Which terms are distributed in “” proposition? A. Subject only B. Predicate only ©. Subject and predicate D. Neither subject nor predicate 10) IFAT is true, “E" Is: A Tue B False Unknown =—«D.sNone of these 11) IFAT is false, “E* Is: A The 8. False ©. Unknown =—D.sNone of these 12) ATs true, is: A Tre B. False ©. Unknown =—sD.None of these 43) "Eis false, A Tue B. False C.—-Unknown —s«@D.sNone of these 14) fT is false, "A" Is: A Tue B False ©. Unknown =—s«D.None of these 18) _IF*A"is false, A The False Unknown =D. -—sNon of these 16) IFE* is true, “Mis Tru B. False ©. Unknown =—«D.sNone of these. ™m true, “A is: True 8. False ©. Unknown =—iD.—sNone of these. 18) IFT is tue, “O's: A Tne B False ©. Unknown —D,—_sNone of these. 19) Which fallacy is committed, if minor term is distributed in conclusion but undistributed in minor premise? A. Fallacy of Undistributed middle term 8. Fallacy of ilicit minor term C. Fallacy of illicit major term: D. Existential fallacy 20) Which fallacy is committed if middle term is undistributed in both premises? A Existential fallacy B. Fallacy of illicit minor term C. Fallacy of ilcit major term D. Fallacy of undistributed middle term 2H 1934 — Neco Umal owl Gal Abld [Version No. | 4}3]4 | 4 20: AP Sito 28 wp hese ekg LVL Tol Kor Ble {ty gigr our Meni Sire Sie uelyi ge Siiie wel ebm RY AL p Le (Bubble) A 3OLLF ABICD trea ire HL oun bagGhia(OMR) AES Sie oat iene ou be euten Be cutee Sletten Ai evtin Mie Ltbo Mette o ° ae D x ° Pncihi . “ > 1 > 1 > tit o tates ° ee > ee D road ° me > of » ee D oe D pm D oad > Aapae Sethe te rLuirigy Mel c aue iB IN ST c wo we eSSa et He IE ° ° ev Logie ss c oy 8 oe A tebe are) Latter c e 8 AA sem Lattin c e 8 AOA Cpt PE c dar B bra A NaC ymeseheer c dtr 8 teri A © a 8 c A 8 c A 8 c Ae bo: fear c v B & A c wa ° 3 ie ieiA teow fot c at B & A eeonsrs c 8 goa eae LEH wlitnislirst c Bo Lalptiy dae A bed helivisbopslirt c 8 weber Ok HA 194 « 6 6 @ e (wo m a2 (3 (4 (ss us 7 8 «9 @0 PHILOSOPHY HSSC-II BF e allowed: 2:35 Hours: Total Marks Sections B and C: 80 ‘Answer any fifteen parts from Section ‘B(a)’, one part from Section ‘B(by’ and any three questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet Le. Sheet-B if required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. Attempt any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. :CTION = B (Marks 5 Answer any FIFTEEN parts. Be brief and to the point ‘What is the difference between truth and validity? your answer. (15x 3=45) ‘What is format truth? ‘What do you now about the fallacy of appeal to emotions? ‘What is the fallacy of complex questions? Describe the fallacy of equivocation. What do you know about the fallacy of accent? What are particular propositions? Describe the negative propositions, ‘What is law of non-contradiction? What do you know about the first figure af syllogism? ‘What do you know about the fourth figure of syllogism? Draw the venn diagram of "E* proposition Draw the venn diagram of "” proposition. Describe variables. ‘What do you know about the truth table of conjunctive propositions? ‘White the truth table of implicative propositions. ‘What is scientific generalization? Describe enumeration ‘What do you know about minor term? White a short note on major premise. ‘What do you know about the conclusion of syllogism? Attempt any ONE part. Which fallacies are committed in the following syllogism? Ill > IL Which fallacies are committed in the following syllogism? AAO > IIT ‘SECTION ~ C (Marks 30) ‘Write a detailed note on the importance of logic. What are the important uses of language. Write a detailed note on Analogy. NOTE: a2 a @ Gil) i » w) « (vii) (wif) (ix) ) (xi) ei) Gall) «vy (xv) xi) (vil) xi) (xix) (ox) (xe) b. 0) @ Note: a3 as as a6 What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis? 2H 1934— We coco al gal Adal 80 =¢r asl pont 22:35 1h SE pm ARI (18) ee Sh ts edna ud etieLeily Lev al py io ed) SESE AY (Shoot BeAr (2) Fe St prio sz (tell (604) poo (15x3=45) Fpl nd brtl crn Mela eel (18) wge tiation le tebe 0 Se retire iv) ii) (vi) W) wi wip &) (oe) ox) o ow) i) Ww) ELL HE beuis ow) bevy teyast —owin SL (md) SEER AL ole? (xin) We nLEL TF oot) (1x5=5) LAR 2% (1) fiattiow ie Mo Sudeci tee wltitiae AAO oi) (3049) prio (3x10=30) Core AL ui tr Fad) Aye I Ay WAVE db ig? addy We pei ae —2HA 1904

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