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Habib University Mr.


Calculus I
Test 3


Read before proceeding! You must attempt all questions below and please refrain from using “guess and
check” methods to attempt any of these questions. You may come see me for help with understanding a
concept or question. However, you are not allowed to use any other resources, such as your textbook, or
the internet, or each other, in attempting this test. Each question must be accompanied by appropriate
explanations. Assume I know algebra, just do not assume I know calculus. So, you don’t have to put
algebraic steps in words, but rather explain WHY you are doing what you’re doing in the working. You
may use your calculators, but you may NOT use any software or program that finds derivatives or integrals
for you. Do not turn in the question sheet; work must be done on separate sheets of paper. You will be
evaluated on each question according to the attached rubric.

1. A company graphs !C '(t) , the derivative of the number of pints of ice cream sold over the past 20

At what year was

(a) ! C(t) greatest?

(b) ! C(t) least?

(c) ! C '(t) greatest?

(d) ! C ''(t) greatest?

(You must provide an explanation for each answer above.)

Habib University Mr. Kerai

2. When hyperventilating, a person breathes in and out extremely rapidly. A spirogram is a machine
that draws a graph of the volume of air in a person’s lungs as a function of time. During
hyperventilation, the spirogram trace might be represented by

! V = 3 − 0.05 cos(200π t)

where ! V is the volume of the lungs in liters and t is the time in minutes.

(a) What is the period of this function?

(b) Sketch a presentable graph of one period of this function, starting at ! t = 0 .

(c) What are the maximum and minimum volumes of air in the lungs?

(d) Find the maximum rate (in liters/minute) of flow of air during inspiration (i.e. breathing in). This
is called the peak inspiratory flow.

(e) Find the average rate of flow of air during inspiration. This is called the mean inspiratory flow.

3. A cell in a bee’s honeycomb looks like the picture at

right. The surface area of this cell is equal to

3 2⎛ 3 cos(θ ) ⎞
! A = 6hs + s ⎜ − .
2 ⎝ sin(θ ) sin(θ ) ⎟⎠

(a) Assuming that h and s are constants, determine the value of θ that minimizes the surface area of
the cell.

(b) It’s interesting to note, by comparison, that bees usually use an angle of 55° for their cells.
Compare this value to your answer in (a).
Habib University Mr. Kerai

4. In Lake Wobegon, Minnesota, every winter the men park a car on the ice of the lake on March 1st,
and take bets on the day that the car will fall through the ice during the spring melt. Suppose the ice
dT 1 2
is 30 cm thick on March 1st, and that the rate at which the ice is melting is =− t cm/day.
dt 1000

(a) Find an equation for ! T (t) , the thickness of the ice as a function of time.

(b) Supposing that the car will crash through the ice when it is 10 cm thick, on what day should you
bet your money?

5. A rectangular swimming pool is 10 meters long and 6 meters wide. It has a depth of 1 meter at the
shallow end, then slopes to a depth of 1.5 meters at the deep end, as shown in the following cross
section (not to scale). It is being filled with a hose at a rate of 50,000 cubic centimeters per minute.
At what rate is the height of the water rising 200 minutes after the hose is turned on.



6. (a) Using the technique of splitting the middle term, factorize the expression ! x 4 − 3x 2 + 2 into four
distinct linear factors.

(b) Now, using the strategy of partial fractions shown below, find ! ∫ ⋅ dx .
x − 3x 2 + 2

If the denominator is the product of distinct linear factors, use partial
fractions of the form:

+ + ...
! ( x − a ) ( x − b )

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