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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume XX | Issue XX | Month XXXX (Year)


Parkinson Disease Classification Using Neural

First Author Second Author
Designation of First Author Designation of Second Author
(E. g.: PG Student, UG Student, Asst. Professor, Research Scholar, (E. g.: PG Student, UG Student, Asst. Professor, Research
Associate Professor, Lecturer, etc.) Scholar, Associate Professor, Lecturer, etc.)
Affiliated Department / Stream of study (Mechanical, Civil, Affiliated Department / Stream of study (Mechanical, Civil,
Automobile, Electrical, Computer etc.) Automobile, Electrical, Computer etc.)
Institute / Industry Name Institute / Industry Name

Third Author Fourth Author

Designation of Third Author Designation of Fourth Author
(E. g.: PG Student, UG Student, Asst. Professor, Research Scholar, (E. g.: PG Student, UG Student, Asst. Professor, Research
Associate Professor, Lecturer, etc.) Scholar, Associate Professor, Lecturer, etc.)
Affiliated Department / Stream of study (Mechanical, Civil, Affiliated Department / Stream of study (Mechanical, Civil,
Automobile, Electrical, Computer etc.) Automobile, Electrical, Computer etc.)
Institute / Industry Name Institute / Industry Name

Fifth Author
Designation of Fifth Author (E. g. : PG Student, UG Student, Asst. Professor, Research Scholar, Associate Professor, Lecturer, etc.)
Affiliated Department / Stream of study (Mechanical, Civil, Automobile, Electrical, Computer etc.)
Institute / Industry Name


Parkinson disease is a progressive nervous system disorder which affects movement. Symptoms of Parkinson disease are tremor,
rigidity, postural, instability (impaired balance) and bradykinesia (slowing down and loss of spontaneous movement). It also affects
speech in many ways. The voice may sometimes get softer, hoarse and breathy. Sometimes speech may be slurred or mumbled or
expressed rapidly. The tone of the voice may become monotone which means lacking the normal ups and downs. There are several
medical tools to identify this disease but it may take time and laborious to identify the disease. Patients are supposed to undergo
number of tests for diagnosis. In many cases, not all the tests contribute towards effective diagnosis of the disease. We can diagnose
this disease by using voice recordings data set to identify Parkinson disease which is collected from different people who were
suffering and not suffering from the disease. There are several classification algorithms in machine learning like support vector
machine algorithm, naive bayes algorithm, decision trees, neural networks etc. In this paper we used neural networks to classify the
disease. Our proposed model turned out as one of the best model with significant number of hidden layers and nodes as it resulted in
high accuracy and low error rate.

Keywords: Machine learning, Parkinson disease, Neural networks, Classification Accuracy.

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Parkinson disease (PD) is a chronicle and progressive movement disorder, it means that the symptoms continues and become worse
over time. About one million individuals in the US are suffering with Parkinson disease. There‘s been a lot of research into it, but so
far, doctors aren’t sure of exact cause of Parkinson disease. They do know that if you have the illness, the trouble starts in some of
the brain cells. In an area of the brain called the substantial nigra, cells that make the chemical dopamine start to die. Dopamine has
an important job. It acts as a messenger that tells another area of the brain when you want to move a part of the body. When the cells
that make dopamine start dying, the dopamine level drops. When it gets too low then the person cannot control movements as well as
the person will start to get Parkinson symptoms. No one knows reason what triggers the death of dopamine cells. Mostly it is because
of genes and environment working. There are several genetic mutations that can raise the risk for Parkinson disease, each by a little
bit. They have a part in about 1 in 10 cases. It mostly affect people 60 and older, the risk goes up as the years go by.

Neural Networks:
Machine Learning consists of several classes of models where neural networks are one of them. Machine Learning has been
revolutionized by the specific set of algorithms like neural networks. They are inspired by the biological neural networks and deep
neural networks which have proven to work well. Neural Networks are general function approximations where this algorithm can be
applied to solve many machine learning algorithms even when there are complex mappings.
Input Layer: In the neural networks the first layer is input layer which consists of artificial input neurons and
brings the input data into the system for processing into the next layers of artificial neurons. The input layer is the starting layer of the
workflow for the artificial neural network.
Hidden Layer:In the neural networks the layers after the input layer is hidden layer and before output layer is hidden layer where the
weighted inputs are taken and processed through activation function. By using these hidden layers we can solve complex problems
and can get accurate results. Hidden layer is a part of neural network where engineers simulate the different activities going on in
human brain.
Activation Function:Activation function decides whether a neuron should be activated or not by calculating weighted sum and
further adding bias with it. The motivation behind the enactment work is to bring non-linearity into the output of neuron. A neural
network without an activation function is basically only linear regression model. The activation function makes the non-linear
transformation to make the input capable to learn more complex tasks.
Output Layer:The last layer in neural networks is the output layer that gives the outputs for the given model. The output layer is
also known as the last ‘actor’ nodes in the artificial neural networks. These output layer nodes are built in a different ways. This layer
is where we mainly classify results.


Different researches had used various features and data in order to predict the Parkinson Disease:

The authors Zahari Abu Bakar, Nooritawati Md Tahir and Ihsan M Yassin presented “The Classification of Parkinson disease
based on Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network” , In this paper the algorithms that were used are Levenberg Marquardt and Scaled
Conjugate Gradient. The advantage of this model is the LM algorithm showed accuracy of “97%” for training data and “92%”
accuracy of “79%” and “78%” respectively. The disadvantage is that the above-mentioned accuracy was obtained only for certain
number of hidden units’ i.e; in LM algorithm where the number of hidden layers was 25 the accuracy was obtained and for SCG the
count of hidden layers was 10 for the accuracy obtained[1].

The authors Sonu S.R, Ravi Ranjan, Vivek Prakash, Saritha.K, in their paper Prediction of Parkinson Disease using Data Mining
have used the decision tress and logistic regression for the data which is obtained from voice recordings of the patients. This model
gives “100%” accuracy in decision tree and “90%” accuracy in logistic regression when no feature was selected, the prediction
provided was only varying accuracy.
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The authors Aarushi Agarwal, Spriha Chandrayan and Sitanshu S Sahu present their paper “Prediction of Parkinson Disease using
Speech Signal with Extreme Machine Learning”. In this paper the analysis is performed on the voice sample of the patients. The data
set used is taken from UCI repository and the model yielded 81.55% and this system proved more accuracy than neural network and
support vector machine.

The authors Oana Geman and Luliana Chiuchisan, present the Deep Brain Stimulation efficiency and Parkinson disease stage
prediction using Markov’s Models and Algorithms. This model was helped in the stage prediction of Parkinson using Deep Brain
Simulation procedure that part of the brain which is responsible for the tremors is electrically simulated which relieves it. But, this
method is minimally invasive and expensive therefore it was not suitable for all population groups and these symptoms come back
with time as there is no permanent solution.

The authors Mrugali Bhat, Sharvari Inamdar, Devyani Kulkarni, Gauri Kulkarni and Revati Shriram, present the paper “Parkinson
disease based on Hand Tremor Analysis”. In this paper the analysis is measured using accelerometer as a sensor for measuring the
frequency of tremors caused. The proposed system is non-invasive and is reliable for the prediction of Parkinson disease. But the
prognosis was only based on the tremors that were caused as a symptom of Parkinson disease. So these predictions can be accurate
for those patients who experience these tremors in later stages of the disease. Two of the main works that broke down the
conceivable outcomes of Machine Learning algorithms with DaTSCAN were Palumbo et al. (2010) and Towey et al.(2011) the
previous thought about the probabilistic neural system and a classification tree (CIT) to separate among PD and tremor.

The last utilized Naive-Bayes Algorithm with PCA disintegration of the voxels that are in the striatal area. These were pursued for
a progression of words where SVM Algorithm was utilized as the fundamental classifier device, with straight or RBF part and
distinctive image features, Illan et (2012) and later Oliveira and Castelo-Branco (2015) utilized vowel-as-features i.e., picture vowel
powers which are removed from voice are utilized straightforwardly as features.

Segovia et al. (2012) utilized a Partial Least Square (PLS) Algorithm to disintegrate DaT pictures into scores and stacking. At that
point, the scores with the most elevated Fisher Discriminate Ratios were utilized as features for the SVM algorithm.

Khedher et al. (2015) likewise utilized PLS Algorithm. Rojas et al. (2013) proposed the utilization of 2D empical mode
deterioration to part DaTSCAN pictures into various characteristics mode capacities and representing different frequency subbands.
The components are utilized to choose features identified with PD tat unmistakably separate them from NC and permitting a simple
visual inspection.

Martinez-Murcia et al. (2014a) disintegrated the DaTSCAN pictures into measurably free parts which uncovered designes related
to Parkinson Disease. Also, in this methodology, picture voxels were positioned by methods for their measurable noteworthiness in
separation of class.

Martinez-Murcia, Francisco J., et al. "Convolutional neural networks for neuroimaging in Parkinson’s disease: is preprocessing
needed?." International journal of neural systems 28.10 (2018): 1850035. A later approach is additionally founded on multivariable
disintegration systems is proposed in Ortiz et al. (2018), where the utilization of fundamental component analysis on 3D pictures is
proposed. This is finished by testing the 3D pictures utilizing fractal bends so as to change the 3D DaTSCAN pictures into 1D
signals, preserving the local relationship among voxels.

Striatal restricting proportions for the two caudate and putamins were utilized in Prashanth et al. (2014), Palumbo et al. (2014), and
Bhalchandraa et al. (2015). Martinez-Murcia et al.(2014b) proposed the extraction of 3D textural-based features for the portraying
the dopamine transporters focus in the picture and completing with those dependent on SVM algorithm.

Later strategies depend on neural systems, particularly deep learning-based techniques, have made ready to find complex examples
and subsequently to beat the determination precision acquired by old style measurable techniques (Ortiz et al., 2016; Martinez-
Murcia et al,. 2017). The utilization of the models contains stack of layers made out of countless units that exclusively performs
straightforward tasks that permits to figure models containing an enormous number of parameters. In addition, these enormously
parallelized models are likewise ready to find complex examples in the information by a learning procedure figured as an
advancement issue.

Zhang and Kagen (2017) proposed a classifier dependent on a solitary layer neural system and voxel-as-highlighted from various
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The main aim of this methodology is divided into two phases, phase-I is to identify the most relevant feature to solve the problem.
And we used PCA for doing the same. Once the data is pre-processed the dataset must be used in-order to apply on any machine
learning algorithms. At present there are many software’s to pre-process the data. We can also choose WEKA(2009) software for
solving this problem.

Phase-II applies ML algorithms. The main outcome of this phase is to find out the effectiveness as well as output prediction ,
accuracy and to classify instances. Examples of evaluation measures are accuracy values, kappa values, error rate, processing time,
true negative rate, true positive rate, false positive rate and false negative rate. These evaluation measures are some of the machine
learning software packages which are used in predicting and the working of the model.

Dataset Description:

Data Set Characteristics: Multivariable

Number of Instances: 197

Area: Life

Attribute Characteristics: Real

Number of Attributes: 23

Date of Donated: 2008-06-26

Associated Tasks: Classification

Missing Values? N/A


The data set used in this paper was made by Max Little of the Oxford University, as a team with the National Centre for Voice
and speech, Denver, Colorado, who recorded the speech signals and from which the information is formed. The first investigation
distributed the feature extraction processes and various algorithms for general voice issue.

Data Set Information:

The data set which was used in this paper is collected from 31 people in which 23 people suffering from Parkinson disease and
having different voice measurements. The data set also consists of 195 recordings from these 31 individuals where in the dataset the
columns consist of different voice measures. The main aim of this data set is to predict the people suffering from Parkinson diseased.

The data which we are considering must have proper attributes for the prediction purpose.

The attributes by which we can predict are required to be considered and we have to correct the outcome for those considered

Data Pre-Processing:Data pre-processing is making data into quality data which can be used in different machine learning
algorithms to solve real time problems. There are many factors comprising data quality: accuracy, completeness, consistency,
timeliness, speed, believability and interpretability.

Exploratory analysis: To analyze and understand the data it is visualized using plots.
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Fig 1. Exploratory analysis- Histogram of the dataset.

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Fig 2. Exploratory analysis- Quantile Quantile plot of the dataset


The dataset is divided into training and testing sets and Neural network algorithm is applied by considering different activation
functions and accuracy and error is calculated.


Comparison of neural network with different values

Model No. of Attributes No. of Hidden layers No. of Activation Trainin Testing Accuracy
No. Nodes function
1 8 3 7,5,3 Logistic 50 50 0.000854 0.8052

2 8 3 8,4,3 Logistic 60 40 0.003004 0.7903

3 7 4 5,4,3,2 Tanh 50 50 0.000713 0.7662

4 6 3 5,4,2 Tanh 70 30 1.96543 0.5642

5 6 3 5,4,2 Tanh 60 40 0.000104 0.7581

6 7 3 5,6,4 Logistic 60 40 0.009679 0.7419

7 7 3 8,9,2 Tanh 60 40 0.004331 0.8065

8 6 3 7,8,5 Tanh 60 40 0.009821 0.8387

9 8 3 9,8,3 Logistic 50 50 0.002718 0.8462

10 6 4 5,7,8,9 Tanh 70 30 0.003412 0.7632

11 7 3 6,7,8 Tanh 60 40 0.009428 0.7854

12 8 3 5,6,7 Logistic 60 40 0.001251 0.8979

13 8 3 6,7,8 Logistic 50 50 0.004522 0.8253

14 7 4 6,7,8 Tanh 50 50 0.001456 0.7258

15 7 3 7,8,9 Logistic 60 40 0.003421 0.8254

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16 8 2 7,8 Tanh 70 30 0.192356 0.6789

17 8 3 7,8,9 Logistic 60 40 0.004532 0.7498

18 8 4 5,6,7,8 Tanh 60 40 0.005648 0.7432

19 9 3 7,8,9 Logistic 50 50 0.003902 0.7123

20 10 4 5,6,7,8 Tanh 60 40 0.001783 0.8428

21 8 4 6,7,8,9 Logistic 50 50 0.007492 0.8294

22 9 4 5,6,7,8 Tanh 60 40 0.003710 0.8421

23 9 3 6,7,8 Logistic 50 50 0.002917 0.8077

24 10 3 7,8,9 Tanh 60 40 0.000125 0.8956

Fig 3. Neural network for model 1

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Fig 4. Neural network for model 2

Fig 5. Neural network for model 3

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Fig 6. Neural network for model 4


We have done data preprocessing. We observed that we obtained higher accuracy with the algorithm that we have applied with the
summarized dataset as presented in the original paper.The process of classification in machine learning is automated and ‘on the fly’,
where it is not a standalone problem with only training data as we have even testing data to classify and to check how it works. Or
maybe, it is a dynamic complex procedure coordinated with a screening tools within the presence of proper medical staff inside a
clinical domain so machine learning algorithms work much better and give more exactness. Unfortunately, more studies at present in
machine learning focuses on diagnosis which classifies easily by machine learning compared to diagnostic tools where these
classifications are applied on historical data sets which are collected from different repositories which are already collected by
different scientists. In this project, we concentrated on present machine learning problems that accepting Parkinson Disease as a
classification issue and dissected their points of interest and drawbacks. In this project the necessary steps are showed how the
machine learning tools replaced the place of intelligent diagnostic tools to predict a model. The conclusions of our results are

• When we run the model for next line the measured or errors and accuracy might show a change.

• This is due to the model enhancements

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• In this project we have compared different results of neural network with different values and algorithms and we got model
12 with more accuracy and less error

Future work can be extended by classifying the Parkinson telemonitoring dataset.

Accurate Classification may ease the drug discovery process.


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