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1 In using a measuring cylinder to measure volume of a liquid, which of "thl

following is an unnecess8/y precaution? "

A The cylinder is not tilted .

B The reading 'is taken at the bottom of the meniscus.

C The liquid s!Jrface is h?rizontaL

D -rhe bench surlace is horizontal.

2 When comparing systematic and random errors. the following pairs of

properties of errors in an experimental measurement may be contrasted

Pl : error can possibfy be eHmrnated

P2 : error cannot possibfy be eliminated-
0 1 : errOf"is"of constant sign and magnitude
O 2 : error is of varying sign and magnitude ..!

Rl : error wiU be reduced by averaging repeated measurements ../

R2 : error wjJl not be reduced by averaging repeated measurements

Which properties apply to random errors?

A 'P, . Q 1 ) R2
_."_, "B ·Pl .. 02 f'R2
C P:: t 02. R1 I

D P2 t 0, ~ Rl

3 The acceleration of free fall is determined by timing the fall of a steel ba

photo-electricaltY. -The ball passes X and Y at tirt:1es tx and ty , after releas t
from PA

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poinl0f' ,. -,

Ji.hl beam

~round Q

'\Nhich of the following expression gives the correct' computation of

acceleration? -
A 2h/(tx - ty)
B hJ( ty2 ... tx2)
C h2/( tx - ty)
0 2h/(ty2 _ t x2)

4 A wooden block of mass 2.0 kg .is dragged on the floor by a constant force of
6.. 0 N and it moves with a constant velocity of 0.10. m/s as ~hown below. VVhat
is the frictional force acting on the box?

I ::.:::: 1--- --......:


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A ON B 0.20 N
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5 The diagram below shows four spring ·balances connected 10 a knot X. The
strings attached to the balance are all at 90° with one another.

If knot X ~ stationary, which set of readings (in Newtons) for K, L, M and N are

K L M N·
A 70 70 40 40
B 70 40 70 40
C 70 40 40 70
o 40 55 55 70

6 A cube, p. with sides 1.0 em

long bas a mass of 8. 0 g . Another cube, Q, wifr
sides 2.0 em long is made of a materia] of density twice that of cupe P. VVh~1
is the mass of cube Q1 .... -

B 329 C 64g 0' 128g

7 A cube of side 8.0 em has weight 1.00 N . A force. acting at one {:orner of
'the. cube as shown. What is the minimum value of F in order to tilt the cube?

... i ..
A 50N
B- 100N
C material150N
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8 In one minute•. a dive~ breathes 1 Jitre of air at an atmospheric pressure of

100 kPa. To breathe in the same mass of air in one minute. how much air, in
litre. would be needed to breathe when the total pressure on him under water
is 400 kPa? .

A 0.25 C 1 o 4

9 The diagram shows a manometer connected'to 'a gas cynnder~ The

atmospheric pressure is 76cmHg . What are the pressures at,P'andQ?

Pressure at P Pressure at Q

A o 30

B 46 106
C .76 106
D 76 46

10- The ·flgure below shows the various positions•.at equal time intervals, C!f a
marble rolling from A through B to C on a smooth surface that is uneven.
(Assume that acceleration due to gravity = 10 '!l/s2).

' ..
A: 2.0m
What is the velocity, in mIs, of the marble at C?

A. 6.3 B. 7.0

C .. 8.1 D. ,9.9
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11 A meteorite of mass 10 kg' enters the Earthfs atmosph.ere and its velocity is
reduced· from 99 m/s to 1 m/s by air resistance. The .work done, in JouJes
against resistance is. . -
A 980 B 9900 C 49000 O· 490000

12 I.n a Brownian motion experiment involving smoke particles- in the air, heavy.
particles settle quickly but very small particles rer:nain s\Jspended for a long
,petiods of time . This is because . ' .

A' air pressure has a greater effect on smaner particles ..

B the small smoke particles have the same density as 'air.

'. C the Earth's gravftational field does not act on very smaU particte. .

o random molecular bombardment by air- molecules·· keeps the particles

suspended ..

13 A· smooth piston and cylinder combination is placed horizontally as shown

\JVhat will decrease when the piston is pul1ed to the right?

(i) temperature of trapped

(ii) pressure of trapped air
(iii) volume of trapped air


. piston

A (i) only
B (i) and (ii) only

C . (i) and (iii) _only

D (i)1{ii) and (iii)

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14 Two copper cans were filled with boiling water as shown. One can was
insulated with wool. The temperature of the water in each can was taken
every minute. \J\Ihich graph shows the resufts obtained?

. thermometer

Can 1 Can 2

VVhich grap~ shows the results obtained?

A Temperature/·C B

o~--------------- lme-/ainute&
time I tninutes
c Perab.1rel-C D. TieJ'l1l;»enlllmr!JI ·C

' .....
..... -

---_ ...... can 1.

can 2

15 Which one of the fol1.owing is true? ..' /",

A Sea breeze happens during- night time when-the sea is cooler t~an.-the··-.
,. • r-
land." .~..' c.

B Sea breeze happens durin~tfay time when the land· is cooler than tJ:re
sea. .
C Land breeze happens. during night lime when the I~hd is cooler than the
D All theLand breeze
material provided happens
are collected from theduring day time when the .sea is cooler than th&-.." -
public domains.
land. . .
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16 An ice cube at a temperature of O°Cis· put into a drink at a temperature 01

10~C .. After a short time during cooling, some of the ice has melted and the
drink has cooled to a temperature of 8a C .. \Nhat is the temperature of the
remaining ice?

B 2-tlC o SoC
17 Alex was .aoing an experiment and found that the' thennometer was not
suitabfe~He· replaced itwith another thermometer with a .longer capillary tube.
VVhat are the changes he would get in .terms of response. sensitivity and

Response SensitMty Range

A Decrease Increase No ~hange

B No change Increase Decrease
C No change No change fncrease
D Decrease Decrease tncrease

18 Two blocks, X and Y. are made of the same metal and are heated ,by heater~
wit" the same power rating. The graph below shows~ the variation :01
. temperature with time.

Temoorature :X
°c 80



- - -
The ratio of the mass of X to that of Y is
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A ·...3:1 B C 1:3':
help students to improve their school grades. D 1:4
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19 ~A beaker containing 0.100 kg of water is kept bolJing by a 1.0 kW hot plate.

E~imate the time required to boil off the water completely if 20% of the
thermal energy is lost to th~ surroundings. (Take the specific latent heat of
vaporization afwater to <be 2.3 )(-10 JJkg). .

o ~.
o hotplate

A 2305 B 2885 C 1150 s o 23005

20 Data transmitted along glass-fibre is in the form of pulses of monochromatic

red light each of duration 2.5 ns.-Which of the following i~ the best estimate of
the number of wavelengths in ea~Q pulse? -

21 As water waves travel from deep into shallow regions. its _______
remains constant
A period- C wavelength

B wavefronts D' velocity

22 A girl of height 1.6 m stands 0.5 m in front of a vertical- plane mirror. V\lhat is -
the mi~imum length of the mirror which will anow- the girl to see the whole of
~~~ -

A O.5m- B O.8m C 1.3 m D 1.6m

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23 Marcus arranges an Hluminated objectt a lens and a screen s.uch 1hat the size .
of the image obtained is twice that of the object. Keeping the distance
between the sc~een and the illuminated object fixed, he exchanges the
po~itions of the screen and the illuminated object. What would be observed on
the screen?
A A blurred. magnified image.

B A 'blurred t diminished ·image.

C A sharp image that is twice the size .of the,:object.·

o A sharp image that is half the size of the object.

24. The ray diagram. below shows the- refraction of a light ray at three parallel
interfac~s among four media. VVhich of the following statements must be true
ifonly rays QR and ST are paralJel?
(i) The refractive index of medium 1 is the Jarg~t among the four media.
. (ii) Medium 2 and medium 3 are of the same thickness.

(iii) Medium 2 and medium 4 have equal refractive jndices.

Medium 1

- Medium3

Medium 4

A (0 only C (i) and (ii) only


B (iii) only D (ii) and (iii) only

25 Jhe diagram shows .~he ~elatlonship. between the energy' of electromagnetic'

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- radiation and the wavelength of the VVhich of the following has the
lowest energy? .' .
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A Infra-red
B Microwaves
C Ultra":'vioJet

0, ,X-rays

26 Which of the following waves can be used in physiotherapy?

A Gamma rays
B Infra-red rays
C Microwaves
o Ultra-violet rays

27 '. Ultrasonics (sound of high frequencies) is not use<f in the air force radar
defence system. Which of the following is the main reason?

A It is a longitudinal wave.
B It cannot pass through a vacuum.
C rt cannot be'reflected by metanlc bodies of aircraft.
o Its speed' in air, which 1s 330 mis, Is too slow.

28 Amanda standing at X. between, tWo paraJle-1 walls fires a pistol. She hears
two loudest echoes 1.0 s and 1.5 s later after firing. VVhat is the distance
between the two walls? (Take speed of sound in air to be 340 mls).


A 340m B 425m
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C 595m·. D 8s<tm
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29 Two identical neutral light conducting balls are suspended by insulating threac
and touching each other as shown in the figure beJow. VVhich of the forJowing

shows the position of the bans after a heavy positively-charged sphere is

placed near them?

A c

B o

30 Wire X and wire Y has 1he following ratios for their physical properties:
lenithL ' 2 diameter Dx . 1 resistivity Px' 3
----:-'.x--- = -
_____________ :::::r --
---------.-..;;;;.;;;.... ICI -

length!". 3 dzlrme~er Dy 2 resistivity Pr 4

If the resistance of wire Y is 6 n, the resistance of wire X is 0 .
.'" '
A 0.75 B 1.5
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31 XY is a 2 m long resistance wire. When XZ =1. 6 m, the voltmeter indicates a

zero reading .

. .
VVhat is the resistance. in ohms, of 'unknown resistor R?

A 1 B 4 C 8 o 16

32 Point P is a junction jn a. circuit. What is the unknown current I?


A OA C 5A D 10A

33 Hair dryers used at home generally do not have an earth wire. The 'reason is

. A The plug is alrea~y installed with a fuse.

S The heating element does not draw too great a current..

C The casing of the hair-dryer is made o~ plastic material.

o The built-in fan prevents the heating coil from becoming too hol

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34 Which of the following electrical components win produce results as shown in

the V-I graph below?
A A switch

B A thermistor
C. A fun~ve rectifier
o. A semicQoductor diode

35 Three lamps A. B•. and C_ are connected to a 220 V sourc~ as shown in the
diagram below.. What is the cost per unit of electrical energy if the cost of
operating lamp B for 50 mins' is $0.551

- 110.n
A $0.11

B $0.42

. 0 $0.61

36 Two plotting compasses are placed on a flat table top with a current carrying
straight wire alongside them, as shown in the diagram below.. ·

Top View

Plotting compass

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In which directions will the compass needles point?

e ,. current
8 ~ current

A ([) C

CD ~
(3 ~ current
CD D (3
37 A very large current is passed through the wire in the direction as shown in the
diagram'below. VVhich two lengths of wire would attract each other?

A YandW c ZandY

B "YandX o XandZ

38 Which one of the- following would be the -correct observation when a simple
d~c. motor is connected to a_ pair of slip rings rather than a" pair of split rings?

A The coil will rotate to and fro after every 9O~

B· The coil will rotate to and fro after every 180·

C The coil will rotate continuously, but at a slower rate.

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D The coil Will rotate to a particular position, and stop moving afterw~rds."
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39 The diagram below shows a circuit with resistor R and a 12 V d.c" power

supply connected to a transformer" The primary coil has 30 turns whereas the

secondary coil has 180 turns.

30 180
Turns R

VVhat is the potential difference across resistor R?

A OV B 2V C 12V D 72V

40 The waveform shown below is seen on the screen of the Cathode Ray

OscifJoscope. The time base is set at 12 ms/cm and the V-gain is set at 4.0

VJcm~ Each division on the eRO screen 'is 1 em.

/ '\,
\ J

~- V.
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VVhiCh of the folJowing correctly represents the peak voH:age and the
~equency of the signal?" .

A 8 V; 13.9 Hz C . 16 V; 13.9 Hz

B 8 V; 27.8 Hz D 16 V; 27. 8 Hz

End ofP~per

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. -" .. Section A

Answer all the questions on this section.

1 A weight W is suspended by two - Newto~ meters X and Y as shown in the [5]

.figure. The readings of.X and Yare 6 Nand· 5 N respectively.. By drawing a
scale vector diag~am. determine the weightW and the angle Bas shown in-the

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2 )n a performance test, a car of mass 800 kg is first accelerated to a velocity ·of

25 m/.s on a dry straight road. After travelling for a while, the brakes are
applied .. The figure shows the "results.
speed I m/s
. -
30 .- -"

(f, ~)
I .. ~ . .
20 . . '
II \
.f ..
- . .
10 /'

" " :
.. 4_w ~.'\

/' '" !\

(Olf 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 t6 1JJ. 20 22

(a) What is the resultant force acting on tile car during the time" (2)
(I) t 0 s to 6 ,s and J
(ii) t= 6 s to 1851

(b) If the car is Joaded so-that its total mass is doubled and is accelerated to [3]
25 mis from rest and the total resistive forces acting on the car remains
the same. find the time-taken for it to accelerate to 25 mls.

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3 The figure below shows a foot pump~ ·which may be used to pump air into car
tyres. The figure shows the internal detail~tof the pump . As the -pedal is
pressed down; the cylinder is pushed and tne moves down the outside of the
pistor:t (This is equivalent to pushing the piston into the cylinder). This causes
air to be forced along the connecting tube to the tyre.

. . ....*-.:--;-

(a) If the area of the piston is 25 cm2 and the force -applied to the cylinder is ' [",
800 N. calculate the pressure exerted on" the air by-the -piston

(b) Why is it important that the area of the piston (and cylinder) is not to~· [2

(c) Describe the main energy changes that take place in the use of this [2
pump' as the foot depress the pedal..

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4 The diagram below illustrates the idea of pressure due to a gas .

.... .
wall Of ccntaIr1er

(a) Explain h kin~tic t.heory of matte"tod Newton's ideas on forces' are [2]
used to defin~ gas~L' Lll. : Ii ., _

(b) Jacques Charles (see him-, berow) investigated the relationShip [3]
~een the volume of a gas and how it changed with temperature. He
noted that the volume of a gas Increased with the temperature ..
. Charles then stated that the volume of a given amount of dry ideal gas
. is _d.irectry p'roportig~~I. to the. ~etvin T ~mperature ~cale. provided the
· amount of g~ ~nd the pressure remain f~~d.

Exp'ain how Charles's .statement and Newton's

Laws are applied to lift hot air balloon -through
the air.

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5. (a) The table shows three methods of heat transfer that is allowed through [2]
the different media. Complete the table to show the method of heat flow
that is allowed through the-different media. Show whether he-at flow is
possible or not by drawing a -tick (possible) or a .cross (not possjble)~
. -

Medium Conduction Convection Rad1ation


Uquid .

Vacuum . '

. (b) iLRadiatian is the transfer of heat energy by e1e.ctromagnetic wave [3]

How does the above statement explain global wanning on Earth?

6 (a) Several devices have been designed to harness energy from the waves..
. The 'Salter Duck' is an example. The duck Ibobs· up and down on
waves arid a special- turbine - inside converts this movement into
electricity. The Salter Duck is as large as a Douple Decker bus.. They
are arranged in set patterns in the sea. to take advantage of wave

Rocking movement

Oncoming waves

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If you watched a duck in ope~ation, how could you ten that it was good at [2]
!3xtr~cting energy fr~!!l th~ waves?

(b) A range of hills Jies: between_ a radio and television transmitting station (3] -
and .a house.. The house lies well within the normal reception range- of
both ~ t~e -rCJdi~ al1d, television transmissions from _this station. Bcp',ain - .
why a -television set in the house cannot receive -television transmissions
from the station while a radio set can obtain good reception .

7 Read the following passage carefully before answering the questions.

Spraying crops with chemical fertilise(S or ins~c~cides has be~ome more efficient ..
-A portable hig~ voltag~ generator. gives the drops of liquid insecticide a small
positive charge.. This causes the liquid to break up into smaller droplets. This
-helps the spray_ to become finer and spread out more.
The plants. which are all r~asonable :conductors are in contact with the earth. As

the droplets of spray get near to the plants, the plants themselves become slightly
charged and attract the droplets.. 1:'

(iI) ~~ain why the droplets spread"out. [2] .-

.. A'" ..

(b) Explain why the drop1ets are attracted to the plants. [2]

(e) ~uggest now It IS -an -advantage to both tile tanner and the environment 12]
to use very small charged droplets during the insecticide spraying.

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8 (a) The figure below shows a circuit containIng A and B which are ,I~ngths
of different resistance wire while P and Q are two identical resistors. The
material of wire A has a resistivity of 4.0 x 10-7 ' Qm and the diameter of
A is 1.6 times' that of B. In order for the galvanometer to show zero
. deflection. the length of A is three'times that of B:

A x


(i) What
- -is the resistivity
- of the material of wire B?


(b) Modify the circuit to achieve a. ful( wave· rectification when the power
supply is changed to· .
Draw the modified circuit diagram and- sketch the"waveform of the ,full [21
wave rectifi~tion ..

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Modified circuit diagram:


(c) The figure below' shows the Centre Tap Fun-Wave Rectifier which is
another circuit arrangement to achieve a full wave rectification,.

Source: http://sub,,al1aboUtcircuits.comJimagesI03260.png

State one advantage that the modified circuit in (b)(i) has' over the circuit [1]
above, which js the Centre Tap Full-Wave Rectifier.

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9 "'Cafs eyes" are prisms set in rubber mould mounted in a boX. They are used
on roads to mark out ranes by reflecting light from the headlamps at night (see

- ; ....
-..,.I:-=- ..:. ..

.. .. -,-
~ .....
_ .....

--! .. _."

Figure 9.1

(a) . Complete the path of light rays in Figure 9:.2 below. [~J

Light from

. -pri$in -
light -

(b) Given that the refracflVe index of the material of the prism is 2.2, [2J
calculate the critical angle of the material.

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(c) A car is at a distance away from the reflector so that the light fram its [3]
headtamps makes an angle of incidence i =15 • Explain whether light is
reflected to the car. .

Section B
Answer all the questions ffOm this section4

Question 12 has a choice of parts to answer.

10 (a) Maria, a geophysicist, searches for oil by setting off an expJosion [4)
charge. It takes 0.4s for her detector to.. receiva an echo from' a rock
band in the Earth's crust (i) If the speec;l, of the sound waves through
the surface layer is 4000 mJs~ how deep is the top of the rock hand? -(ii)
A second reflected pulse is picked~ up 0.1 slater stin., ,\Nhere has ,this

·If come from? How thick is the rock band?

(b) Alfred, a sound engineer, used a noise Jeve) meter to measure the
noise levelfrom a pneumatic'drift He recorded the resutts\ follows:
, " <..y .....--'4 c_ . .. t' ) ~
.,...- ...
- • : "
." " -"" ., ~.

Distance from drilUm 5 10 20 40' 80

Noise leveVdB 90 70 50 30 10

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Paul, Alfred's cousin, .commented that a noise level of BOd B and above would be - [6]
detrimental to human s hearing. Using the results from the table, estimate the
minimum ·safe distance from the drill. Explain why the method -you used to arrive at

an estimation that is scientifically


11 (a) Alvin sets up an experiment to. ca-Iculate the specific latent heat of [6]
fusion of ice. It -was observed that beaker B was needed in the


Lab pack

t2 V

Water Wat6r

::-:--:;--~'ll---re__ taken to determine 1he specificlatent heat of
xpla-in clearly the use· of beaker B in your

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(b) Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice from these [4]

mass of water in beaker A 0.1 kg =

mass of water in beaker B 0.02 kg =
final reading on joulemeter :: 71500 J
initial reading on joulemeter = 43 500 J

-1200 the lined p~ge at the end of this. Question Paper

A thin. horizontal steel wire is fixed at one end, A and is kept under
tension by means of weight. W sus~nded over a pulley. Magnets are
placed near to the centre Qf the horizontal section of the wire in order
produce a magnetic field at right angles to the wire as shown in Fig.
Horizontal steel wire

""-----'A \ ~-s-- ---r

F--/_ _N_~--r/

A 5 V battery is connected to the wire betvveen A and the puUey such

t~at ~ current"flows from A to the pulley.. The horizontal steel wire bends
as shown in Fig. 12. 2•.

_ _-</

o..-..-_ _ _ _ v
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(a) (i) Explain the.obselVation. [2]

(il) (ii) 'J\Iith an observer positioned at Z, Copy Fig 12~ 1 and Fig 12.2 and [2]
draw the magnetic field ~ttems as seen from Z in (a) Fig_12.1 and (b)

Fig 12.1

(b) From a popular culture standpoint, the electric guitar is one of the most·
. important inventions of the 20th century. The electric guitar looks like a
normal guitar except that it has no hoJlow cavity to amplify sounds made
by the strings. Instead, it senses t~e vibrations in the steel st~ngs using
electric ·"pickups". Then the- "pickups" sen~ electrical signals which are
produced from the vibrations to the amplifiers and. speakers. The diagram
below shows the schematic side view of an electric guitar.

Steel guitar string

Coil ---'1----'---

To amplifier

Permanent magnet
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(i) State the principle used in the design of electric "pickups·. [1]

Oi) Explain how an electrical signal is produced from the vibration of the [4]

(iii) Suggest a way to increase the strength of the electrical signal produced [1]
wjthout change the strength of the permanent magnet

. (a) .Diabetics 'have to be very careful about ,the amount they eat of 'certain
kinds of food. Some use a simple balance at the table to check the
amounts they are about to eat. In one such balance, the pan· is
connected to a counterbalance by a scale, which is· calibrated to show
the weights directly. To use it. you',slide the scale through the pivot until
iJ balances then read the weight off the scale.

(i) . Explain how the balance works,. [2]

(ii) At which end of the scale (A or 8) are theJar~er weight ~adings? [2]
~ - . .
(iii) Th~ scale markings on a balance I;ke ~is are not equally spaced. Can [2]'
you explain why this is s01

(b) In a children's game, small balls are thrown at wood blocks in order to'turn . [11
them over... One such block, of mass 150' 9 with each side of length '10 em' is
shown in Fig. I beJow.. In order to tum the block over. the <;entre 01 gravitY C of
the block must be raised ·so that C is. vertically above the comer A For the
block as shown on Fig. 11, .

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... 10cm
-'• "-
I .. 'I>

.. "
10cm , "':......C

, I
~ ...
'A 'A

Fig. I Fig. II

(il) Calculate- the vertical height through which the centre of gravity has
been raised. .

(iii) Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the block.

(c) A ball of mass 11 ,g. traveling horizontally towards C. struck the block. The [3]
brock and' the ball are in contact for 0.15s.. .and thereafter the block tums about
com~r A to attain the posiOon in Fig. II. Given that 25% of the kinetic energy
of the ball is transfe~ed to the block, calculate

OOU'b_ .. - ------- C

(i) The .kinetic energy of the ball just before it strikes the block.

(ii) The speed with which the ball strikes the block ..

(nil The speed with which the ball rebounds from ~e block ..

flV) The average forc.e on the block..

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Maris Stella High School

Preliminary Examination 2008
Secondary 4 Express
_Pure Physics

Section A



Q30._ D
Q31. A
Q32. A
Q33. C
Q34. C
Q35 .. C
Q36. No Answer
Q37. C

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Section B



I! Ii Ii
Heat from the sun travels through space in the form of electromagnetic wave
motion. This heat is trapped within the earth~ s ozone layer and very little is_
released back into space~ thus giving rise to global warming.

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Q6a The cam-shaped Structure will be pushed along by the rocking movements of the
waves to tum the turbine which in tum will-extIact kinetic energy and- convert to


Q7c. Also,




Q8c Full wave rectification allows for both positive and negative portions of the wave
to be rectified, while half wave rectification oQly 're~ects' the negative portion to
become positive as seen in the Centre Tap Full·Wave Rectifier.


Q9b 27.0°

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Bi Any movement of the steel strings will result in a change in magnetic flux. This
change will be amplified.

Bii Any movement of the steel strings will result in a change in magnetic flux. This
change will be amplified. A larger movement ViiU result in a greater change" thus
a different note.

Biii Increase the number ofcoils.


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Ai Using principle of moments -where clockwise moment of the counterbalance will

DPosed to the


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