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Name: ________________________________ Course, Year & Section: _________

I. Direction: Upon the directive of NDRMMC on the implementation of online

class to augment the number of days will be missing, the following will be
the last discussion and materials which must be submitted to pass the
class. These will be submitted on March 20, 2020, Friday 12:00noon….
Late submission will not be entertained. Please submit to this e-mail

1. Read the copy of the Annotation of Antonio De Morga’s Sucesos De Las Islas
Activity: Make a matrix comparing and contrasting Morga’s and Rizal views on
Filipino culture.

Rizal’s Prophecy Evidences

 What are the salient goals of Rizal in writing the annotations of Antonio
Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas?
 What is the meaning of Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas?
 What is the significance of Antonio de Morga Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas?
 What is Rizal's Morga?
 When did Rizal annotated Morga's Sucesos?
 Why did Rizal annotate the book of Morga?
 Write an essay on the importance of strengthening history class in basic
education. Provide an accurate program to this effect.

2. The Philippines: A Century Hence

Activity: Using the T-Chart, provide point to point arguments raised by Rizal
through prophecy.

Rizal’s Prophecy Evidences

 What is the Philippines a century hence?
 Where did Rizal wrote the Philippines a century hence?
 When was the essay The Philippines A Century Hence written?
 How Rizal was able to provide futuristic details in regard to the Philippines
and Spain?
 What particular role will America play according to Rizal?

3. Letter to the Women of Malolos

 What did the women of Malolos do?
 Why did Rizal wrote a letter to the women of Malolos?
 What significance does the letter of Rizal have in the struggle of the women of
Malolos for their education?

Provide explanation in the following excerpts from the Letters to the Women of
Excerpt Explanation
1. Napagkilala din ninyo na ang utos ñg Dios
ay iba sa utos ñg Parí, na ang kabanalan
ay hindi ang matagal na luhod, mahabang
dasal, malalaking kuentas, libaguing
kalmin, kundí ang mabuting asal, malinis
na loob at matuid na isip. Napagkilala din
ninyo na dí kabaitan ang pagkamasunurin
sa ano mang pita at hiling ñg
nagdidiosdiosan, kundi ang pagsunod sa
katampata’t matuid, sapagka’t ang bulag
na pagsunod ay siyang pinagmumulan ñg
likong paguutos, at sa bagay na ito’y
pawang nagkakasala. (Rizal [1889] in
Reyes 1950.
2. Lalong palalo ang nagdidiosdiosan, ang
ibig tumarok ng balang kilos ng isip ng
Dios; at sakdal kapalaluan o kataksilan
ang walang gawa kundi pagbintangan
ang Dios ng balang bukang-bibig, at ilapat
sa kanya ang bala niyang nasa, at ang
sariling kaaway ay gawing kaaway ng
Dios. Dí dapat naman tayong umasa sa
sarili lamang; kundí magtanong, makinig
sa iba, at saka gawin ang inaakalang
lalong matuid; ang habito ó sutana’y
walang naidaragdag sa dunong ng tao;
magsapinsapin man ang habito ng huli sa
bundok, ay bulubundukin din at walang
nadadayá kungdí ang mangmang at
mahinang loob. (Rizal [1889] in Reyes
3 Ang unang kabanalan ay ang pagsunod sa
matuid7, anoman ang mangyari. “Gawa at
hindi salita ang hiling ko sa inyo,” ani Cristo;
“hindi anak ni ama ang nag sasabing ulitulit
ama ko, ama ko, kundi ang nabubuhay
alinsunod sa hiling ng aking ama.” Ang
kabanala’y wala sa pulpul na ilong, at ang
kahalili ni Cristo’y di kilala sa halikang
kamay. (Rizal [1889] in Reyes [1950])
4 Dí ko inaasahang paniwalaan ako
alangalang lamang sa aking sabi: maraming
taong dí natingin sa katuiran at tunay, kundí
sa habito, sa putí ñg buhok ó kakulangan
kayá ng ngipin. … Malayó ako sa,
pagpapasampalataya, pag didiosdiosan,
paghalili kayá sa Dios, paghahangad na
paniwalaa’t pakingang pikit-mata, yukó ang
ulo at halukipkip ang kamay; ñguni’t ang
hiling ko’y magisip, mag mulaymulay ang
lahat, usigin at salain kung sakalí sa ngalan
ng katuiran itong pinaninindigang mga sabi:
(Rizal [1889] in Reyes [1950])
5 Ang tao’y inianak na paris-paris hubad at
walang talí. Dí nilalang ñg Dios upang
maalipin, dí binigyan ñg isip para pabulag, at
dí hiniyasan ñg katuiran at ñg maulol ñg iba.
Hindí kapalaluan ang dí pagsamba sa kapuá
tao, ang pagpapaliwanag ñg isip at paggamit
ñg matuid sa anomang bagay. Ang palalo’y
ang napasasamba, ang bumubulag sa iba, at
ang ibig paniigin ang kanyang ibig sa matuid
at katampatan. (Rizal [1889] in Reyes

4. The Indolence of the Filipinos

 What is the main point of the indolence of the Filipino?
 What are the causes of the indolence of the Filipino?
 Why did Rizal wrote the indolence of the Filipino?
 Do you believe that indolence is an inherent trait among the Filipino?

Activity: Using the T-Chart, provide the different perspective that Rizal pointed out
in the essay.

Indolence Rizal’s stand

5. Movie Activity Review
Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon?
Provide a Reflection Paper About the Film and answer the following:
Guide Questions
 Describe the nineteenth century Philippines as presented in the film.
 Based on your reading, what can you say about the film’s representation of
the nineteenth century?
 What was the main question that the film seeks to answer?
 What is your reflection based on the film and your understanding?
 Describe the characters in the film and their corresponding representation in
the old and current society.

6. Biographical Sketch
Using the Bubble Map, construct a biographical sketch of at least 10 characters in
the novel, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Provide details to this characters
and their actions.

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