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Topic: 13-15 Architecture

Done by :Maria al hijazeen 10b

Architecture Creators

What is Architecture ? Architecture is

everything that includes art around you
from the room that you are sitting in to
the mall that you go to it .it is included in
complex or a carefully designed
structure for example, your house every
single cm is measured correctly so it can
be as this way .it’s scientific meaning is
the art of designing and constructing
buildings .do you that the Arabic
numbers is also included as an architecture for example the number
of angles in number one are only one and angles are subject that an
architect needs to study in order to make a house for example .
Architecture started since long time ago and it is still developing till
now. The most prominent civilizations that have had an influence in
the world are the Nabataeans, the ancient Egyptians and the
Unions .The Nabataeans, were nomadic tribes and made Petra in
Jordan and is a unique example of the most ancient architecture
where the Nabataean Arabs carved it from the rock more than 2000
years ago, and is a witness to the most ancient and rich civilizations .
An another example of architecture in these days is Eiffel tower that
is located in France.
Egypt is located in the northeastern part of Africa it connects Asia
and Africa,that makes it a strategic location for this reason Many
ancient civilizations passed by it and the most important civilization
was civilization Pharaonic Egypt . Ancient Egyptians left a lot of
monuments, like pyramids, temples and the sphinx that is Statue of a
legendary creature with a lion's body and human head also the
rosetta stone that is a stone in which the ancient Egyptians recorded
their historical codes They really innovated in engineering designs

For me the most influential piece of architecture in the world are the
pyramids Specifically Khufu pyramid because nobody till now even
best architects found out how they built these huge and impressive
structures, which took from ancient Egypt a place of origin and
required lot of human capacity estimated at 100,000 people and what
distinguishes it its consistency, robustness and ability to withstand the
difficult environmental and climatic conditions it has experienced
throughout the ages. They are in the west of the desert of the Nile.
khufu is the largest of the major pyramids in Giza .It took ten to
twenty years to build .It was built t to be as a tomb for the pharaoh
Khufu. The axis of the pyramid consists of blocks of yellow limestone.
The outer corridor, while the inner corridors were built of lime-colored
limestone, and the inner tomb chamber was built of huge blocks of
To sum up the most influential piece in the world for me is the Egypt
pyramids (khufu) the biggest one .although it has been 4,000 years
since they built it but Even the progress of our time couldn’t reveal
the secret of building the pyramids this shows the greatness of the
ancient Egyptians so this why I believe they are architecture creators.


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